Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism

TitleMarketing, Enterprise & Tourism
AlternativeBUS - Mkg Entrp & Tour
FacultyFaculty of Business and Law

Latest research outputs

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New-normal market entry mode for pharmaceuticals: an Internet of Things (IoT) market entry framework stemming from COVID-19
Priporas, C. and Vellore-Nagarajan, D. 2022. New-normal market entry mode for pharmaceuticals: an Internet of Things (IoT) market entry framework stemming from COVID-19. International Marketing Review.


Negotiating cultural trauma in tourism
Su, R. and Park, H. 2023. Negotiating cultural trauma in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. 26 (10), pp. 1652-1668.


Intellectual capital in nonprofit organizations: a focus on social capital as a marketing enabler
Civitillo, R., Festa, G., Priporas, C. and Rossi,, M. 2022. Intellectual capital in nonprofit organizations: a focus on social capital as a marketing enabler. International Marketing Review.


Stressful eating indulgence by Generation Z: a cognitive conceptual framework of new age consumers’ obesity
Priporas, C., Vellore-Nagarajan, D. and Kamenidou, I. 2022. Stressful eating indulgence by Generation Z: a cognitive conceptual framework of new age consumers’ obesity. European Journal of Marketing.


Typology of art produced by travelling artists: art-led regeneration of a historic urban environment
Andriotis, K. 2022. Typology of art produced by travelling artists: art-led regeneration of a historic urban environment. Tourism Culture & Communication. 22 (4), pp. 305-319.


Enhancing value co-creation behaviour in digital peer-to-peer platforms: an integrated approach
Alqayed, Y., Foroudi, P., Kaouther, K., Foroudi, M. and Dennis, C. 2022. Enhancing value co-creation behaviour in digital peer-to-peer platforms: an integrated approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 102, pp. 1-19.


Experiencing the sense of the brand: the mining, processing and application of brand data through sensory brand experiences
Zha, D., Foroudi, P., Melewar, T. and Jin, Z. 2022. Experiencing the sense of the brand: the mining, processing and application of brand data through sensory brand experiences. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 25 (2), pp. 205-232.


Do top management teams’ expectations and support drive management innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises?
Yu, C., Wang, Y., Li, T. and Lin, C. 2022. Do top management teams’ expectations and support drive management innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises? Journal of Business Research. 142, pp. 88-99.


Understanding the effect of place image and knowledge of tourism on residents' attitudes towards tourism and their word-of-mouth intentions: evidence from Seville, Spain
Stylidis, D. and Dominguez Quintero, A. 2022. Understanding the effect of place image and knowledge of tourism on residents' attitudes towards tourism and their word-of-mouth intentions: evidence from Seville, Spain. Tourism Planning and Development. 19 (5), pp. 433-450.


Digital poverty in the UK: analysis of secondary data
Dafoulas, G., Ueno, A. and Dennis, C. 2022. Digital poverty in the UK: analysis of secondary data. London, UK British Academy.

Project report

Methodological alignment in qualitative research of organisational culture
Javanmardi Kashan, A. and Wiewiora, A. 2022. Methodological alignment in qualitative research of organisational culture. in: Newton, C. and Knight, R. (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods for Organisational Culture Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 108-125

Book chapter

National character and tourism
Park, H. 2022. National character and tourism. in: Jafari, J. and Xiao, H. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Tourism Cham Springer. pp. 1-2

Book chapter

Critical approaches to tourism, heritage and culture
Park, H. 2022. Critical approaches to tourism, heritage and culture. Tourism Planning and Development. 19 (1), pp. 37-49.


A mixed-methods investigation of work identity in waiting staff, and its impact on turnover intention
Jerez-Jerez, M., Foroudi, P. and Melewar, T. 2022. A mixed-methods investigation of work identity in waiting staff, and its impact on turnover intention. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. 25 (3), pp. 570-595.


Paper 45: Exploring student perceptions of existing learning communities of practice within a Degree Apprenticeship to enable the greater adoption of inclusivity principles for work-integrated studies
Nottingham, P. and Mao, Y. 2022. Paper 45: Exploring student perceptions of existing learning communities of practice within a Degree Apprenticeship to enable the greater adoption of inclusivity principles for work-integrated studies. Sawchuk, P. and Mirchandani,, K. (ed.) RWL12 : Researching Work and Learning. Toronto, Canada 13 - 15 Jul 2022 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Conference paper

Consumer perceptions of Sustainable Development Goals: conceptualisation, measurement, and contingent effects
Foroudi, P., Marvi, R., Cuomo, M., Bagozzi, R., Dennis, C. and Jannelli, R. 2022. Consumer perceptions of Sustainable Development Goals: conceptualisation, measurement, and contingent effects. British Journal of Management. 34 (3), pp. 1157-1183.


Negative Airbnb reviews: an aspect based sentiment analysis approach
Vassilikopoulou, A., Kamenidou, I. and Priporas, C. 2022. Negative Airbnb reviews: an aspect based sentiment analysis approach. EuroMed Journal of Business.


Luxury brand value co-creation with online brand communities in the service encounter
Chapman, A. and Dilmperi, A. 2022. Luxury brand value co-creation with online brand communities in the service encounter. Journal of Business Research. 144, pp. 902-921.


Cultural differences in deliberate counterfeit purchase behavior
Sharma, P., Chan, R., Davcik, N. and Ueno, A. 2022. Cultural differences in deliberate counterfeit purchase behavior. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 40 (1), pp. 121-137.


Perceptions of attractions, residents as "more knowledgeable others" and destination image: Evidence from two destinations
Stylidis, D., Woosnam, K. and Kim, S. 2022. Perceptions of attractions, residents as "more knowledgeable others" and destination image: Evidence from two destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research. 24 (3), pp. 472-486.


The innovation process in mining: integrating insights from innovation and change management
Javanmardi Kashan, A., Lay, J., Wiewiora, A. and Bradley, L. 2022. The innovation process in mining: integrating insights from innovation and change management. Resources Policy. 76.


Shall we dance? Recreational dance, well-being and productivity performance during COVID-19: a three-country study
Vecchi, M., Elf, P., Ueno, A., Dilmperi, A., Dennis, C. and Devereux, L. 2022. Shall we dance? Recreational dance, well-being and productivity performance during COVID-19: a three-country study. Journal of International Marketing. 30 (2), pp. 56-72.


Relational key account management: insights from the Middle Eastern context
Badawi, N., Battor, M. and Badghish, S. 2022. Relational key account management: insights from the Middle Eastern context. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 37 (2), pp. 353-365.


Defining family business efficacy: An exploratory study
AL Kayid, W., Jin, Z., Priporas, C. and Ramakrishnan, S. 2022. Defining family business efficacy: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Research. 141, pp. 713-725.


A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles
McLeay, F., Olya, H., Liu, H., Jayawardhena, C. and Dennis, C. 2022. A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 174.


The effect of resident-tourist interaction quality on destination image and loyalty
Stylidis, D., Woosnam, K. and Tasci, A. 2022. The effect of resident-tourist interaction quality on destination image and loyalty. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30 (6), pp. 1219-1239.


Place-oriented or people-oriented concepts for destination loyalty: destination image and place attachment versus perceived distances and emotional solidarity
Tasci, A., Uslu, A., Stylidis, D. and Woosnam, K. 2022. Place-oriented or people-oriented concepts for destination loyalty: destination image and place attachment versus perceived distances and emotional solidarity. Journal of Travel Research. 61 (2), pp. 430-453.


On theorizing and methodological fetishism
Poulis, K. and Kastanakis, M. 2020. On theorizing and methodological fetishism. European Management Journal. 38 (5), pp. 676-683.


Complexity as an empirical tendency: promoting non-measurement as a means to enhanced understanding
Poulis, K. 2021. Complexity as an empirical tendency: promoting non-measurement as a means to enhanced understanding. European Management Journal. 39 (4), pp. 487-496.


Retail managers’ preparedness to capture customers’ emotions: a new synergistic framework to exploit unstructured data with new analytics
Pantano, E., Dennis, C. and Alamanos, E. 2022. Retail managers’ preparedness to capture customers’ emotions: a new synergistic framework to exploit unstructured data with new analytics. British Journal of Management. 33 (3), pp. 1179-1199.


Making sense of sensory brand experience: constructing an integrative framework for future research
Zha, D., Foroudi, P., Jin, Z. and Melewar, T. 2022. Making sense of sensory brand experience: constructing an integrative framework for future research. International Journal of Management Reviews. 24 (1), pp. 130-167.


Unpacking organisational culture for innovation in Australian mining industry
Javanmardi Kashan, A., Wiewiora, A. and Mohannak, K. 2021. Unpacking organisational culture for innovation in Australian mining industry. Resources Policy. 73, pp. 1-13.


Tweets to escape: intercultural differences in consumer expectations and risk behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown in three European countries
Pantano, E., Priporas, C., Devereux, L. and Pizzi, G. 2021. Tweets to escape: intercultural differences in consumer expectations and risk behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown in three European countries. Journal of Business Research. 130, pp. 59-69.


Exploring waiters' occupational identity and turnover intention: a qualitative study focusing on Michelin-starred restaurants in London
Jerez-Jerez, M., Melewar, T. and Foroudi, P. 2021. Exploring waiters' occupational identity and turnover intention: a qualitative study focusing on Michelin-starred restaurants in London. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 47, pp. 22-34.


Conservatives deploy Brexit to score electoral victory in the UK
Dominguez, F. 2020. Conservatives deploy Brexit to score electoral victory in the UK. Jornalismo e Cidadania.


The Bolivian coup: what the mainstream media don't tell you
Dominguez, F. 2019. The Bolivian coup: what the mainstream media don't tell you. Jornalismo e Cidadania.


Return the gold to Venezuela
Dominguez, F. 2020. Return the gold to Venezuela. Jornalismo e Cidadania.


Consumers’ perceptions on complexity and prospects of ethical luxury: qualitative insights from Taiwan
Karatzas, S., Kapoulas, A. and Priporas, C. 2019. Consumers’ perceptions on complexity and prospects of ethical luxury: qualitative insights from Taiwan. Australasian Marketing Journal. 27 (4), pp. 224-232.


Perspectivas de reforma y revolución en américa latina
Dominguez, F. 2018. Perspectivas de reforma y revolución en américa latina. Revista de Politicas Publicas. 22 (2018), pp. 49-86.


La nueva America Latina: logros, potencialidades, complejidades y desafíos
Dominguez, F. 2014. La nueva America Latina: logros, potencialidades, complejidades y desafíos. Revista de Politicas Publicas. 18 (2014), pp. 103-113.
