Future directions in political geography

Musing on myths

Performing provocation: Katy Deepwell interviews Karen Finley

Towards content-based retrieval for wallpaper images

Farewell to brass tacks

Measuring progress in clinical governance: Assessing the reliability and validity of the Clinical Governance Climate Questionnaire

Strategic and policy development in haemoglobinopathies

User involvement in the planning and delivery of mental health services: a cross-sectional survey of service users and providers

Assessing the value of assertive outreach: Qualitative study of process and outcome generation in the UK700 trial

Children and computers: the development of graphical user interfaces to improve the quality of interaction

The importance of impulse purchasing behaviour in the international airport environment

Tracing architecture: the aesthetics of antiquarianism

Art and thought

An audit of friends' schemes at UK heritage sites

Users or supporters? Understanding motivations and behaviors of museum members

What can evolutionary psychology tell us about cognitive architecture?

General Symbol Machines: The first stage in the evolution of symbolic communication

Fear and change in the city

Electronic job marketplaces: a newly established manifestation of e-business

Link layer-based TCP optimisation for disconnecting networks.

Punishment of non-state actors in non-international armed conflict

International criminal law developments in the case law of the ICTY.

The relationship between Truth Commissions and International Courts: the case of Sierra Leone

National Courts finally begin to prosecute genocide, the ‘crime of crimes’

The barbaric punishment: abolishing the death penalty

Repressive coping style and positive self-presentation

Japanese LMEs and internationalisation: a study of the internationalisation behaviour of Japanese leading medium-sized enterprises in the context of globalisation.

Some practical and ethical issues encountered while conducting tracking research with young people leaving the 'care' system

Guidance manual for constructed wetlands

Constructed wetlands and links with sustainable drainage systems

Overcoming the dark side: issues and protocols for urban stormwater wetland operation and maintenance

Practical experiences of the use of vegetated ponds for the treatment of highway runoff

Early daze: an outline of drug treatment and testing orders in practice.

A qualitative systems dynamic model of human monitoring of automated systems

Systematic errors in active 3-D vision sensors

A parallel fuzzy-controlled flexible manipulator using optical tip feedback

Minimum requirements for reporting analytical data for environmental samples.(IUPAC Technical Report).

Markets, ethnicity and environment in a vulnerable landscape: the case of small-scale vegetable production on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria, 1991-2001.

Community groups and livelihoods in remote rural areas of Ghana: how small-scale farmers sustain collective action

The relations of co-operation in group enterprises and associations in Ghana: exploration of issues of trust and power

Suffering, transience and immortal longings: Salomé between Nietzsche and Freud

Developmental dyslexia: evidence from brain research

Hydrocarbon removal in an experimental gravel bed constructed wetland

Field research in HCI: a case study

Proceedings of CHINZ'03, the 4th annual conference of the ACM special interest group on computer human interaction

Mixed methods requirement capture in older drivers' use of complex driving information systems

E-marketing action: an action learning approach to teaching e-marketing

Reinforcing territorial regimes: Uti possidetis and the right to self-determination in modern international law

Signs of change in Turkey's working-class: worker's age-related perceptions in the modern manufacturing sector

An essay on the agricultural production organization in former communist countries

Business and politics in São Tomé e Príncipe: from cocoa monoculture to petro-state

Sharing the process: a consideration of interauthorship in the performing arts

Killing Time

Reshaping London's economic governance: the role of the London Development Agency

Trader associations and urban food systems in Ghana: institutionalist approaches to understanding urban collective action

Civil society responses to poverty reduction strategies in Nicaragua

Drugs, prisons and policy-making

Market segmentation and product differentiation in political campaigns: a technical feature perspective

Treatment of agricultural wastewater in two experimental combined constructed wetland systems in a tropical climate

Negative attitudes towards people with co-morbid mental health and substance misuse problems: An investigation of mental health professionals

Knowledge in co-action: social intelligence in collaborative design activity.

Beyond normal failures: dynamic management of software projects

A commentary on 'An integrated care pathway for the last two days of life'

Erosion risk associated with rapid and extensive clearances on dispersive materials near Sorbas, S.E. Spain

Spatial knowledge of a real school environment acquired from virtual or physical models by able-bodied children and children with physical disabilities

Role perception in a climate of change: the role of the anaesthetic nurse

Safeguarding SCADA systems with anomaly detection

Electrical impedance tomography of human brain function using reconstruction algorithms based on the finite element method

The problems of interprofessional healthcare practice in hospitals

Employment protection for whistleblowers: some implications.

The use of entropy for analysis and control of cognitive models

Conflict resolution by random estimated costs

The use of design for all to support elderly blind and partially sighted users to retain their independence.

COCOMO-based effort estimation for iterative and incremental software development.

Classification of images on the basis of the properties of informative regions.

GEQUAMO—a generic, multilayered, customisable, software quality model

A client-based handoff mechanism for mobile IPv6 wireless networks.

Integration of biological data resources using image object keying.

A new approach to detect similar proteins from 2D Gel Electrophoresis Images.

Critical Decision Method data analysis

Naltrexone implants five effective blood levels and can completely prevent early (one month) relapse after opiate detoxification: a report on two cohorts totalling 101 patients with a note on naltrexone blood levels.

Sequential studies of sleep disturbance and quality of life in abstaining alcoholics

The impact of methadone substitution therapy (MST) on illicit drug use and drug abuse-related quality of life: A European Study

Why the European broadcasting quota should be abolished?

Access to finance by ethnic minority businesses in the UK

Disclosure of social information by small/medium-sized companies.

Risk management disclosure practices of UK non-financial firms after FRS13.

A cognitive approach to three trainee translators' overnight revision processes.

What is cultural criticism?

The social organisation of communication in the home of the twenty-first century: an analysis of the future of paper-mail and implications for the design of electronic alternatives

Loss of protein kinase calpha expression may enhance the tumorigenic potential of Gli1 in basal cell carcinoma

Ectopic human chorionic gonadotropin beta secretion by epithelial tumors and human chorionic gonadotropin beta-induced apoptosis in Kaposi's sarcoma: is there a connection?

Tonal motion and attractions: a thread in music theory.

The mote in God's eye: 9/11, then and now

Going back: Heidegger, East Asia and The West

Axiomatic heresy: the non-philosophy of François Laruelle

The handbook of water economics: principles and practice

Expression of MMP-2 and -9 in short-term cultures of meningioma: influence of histological subtype

Lessons from community based management of floodplain fisheries in Bangladesh

Dyadic adaptation in business-to-business markets

Terrorism: cloning the enemy

Albanian immigrants in Thessaloniki, Greece: processes of social and economic incorporation

Challenging women's poverty: perspectives on gender and poverty reduction strategies from Nicaragua and Honduras.

Pan-African history: political figures from Africa and the diaspora from 1787

Moving spaces and changing places: Irish women's memories of emigration to Britain in the 1930s

Institutional racism in policing: the Macpherson Report and its consequences

Fields away

What happened to God and the angels: an exercise in translational studies

W. H. Davies

Modernising Scottish witchcraft texts

Not losing the plot: Ken MacLeod and Iain M. Banks.

Badiou: a subject to truth

A left-handed blow: writing the history of animals.

Comprehension and problem-solving in the literature classroom.

Vampire in the text: narratives of contemporary art.

The one or the other: French philosophy today.

Staccato Death/Life.

The relocation of concrete music in the environment.

Editorial. Special edition of the ADCHE Journal, on best practice in the PhD in Design

Libidinal temporalities.


The VERTEX Project: designing and populating shared 3D virtual worlds in the primary (elementary) classroom

Smooth muscle cholinergic denervation hypersensitivity in diverticular disease.

Human chorionic gonadotropin isoforms in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

Pricing the cost of expropriation risk

Enhancing silver tarnish resistance.


The integration of paid work and the rest of life. Is post-industrial work the new leisure?

Sand in the wheels or spanner in the works? The Tobin Tax and global finance

Dynamic advertising under vertical product differentiation.

Innovation and the use of technology in manufacturing plants and SMEs: an interregional study

Promoting family friendly policies: is the basis of the Government's ethical standpoint viable?

On the accuracy of multivariate compound Poisson approximation

Investment and financial constraints in transition economies: micro evidence from Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania

Eyes wide shut

Privet: a theology of suburban privacy

From the letter to the matheme: Lacan's scientific methods

Translator's Notes (text)/Notes On Return (video installation)

Otherworlds: Nancy Spero and Kiki Smith.

Coy Teloi: Baroque dissonance in Pevsner's suburbs

At home in the world? Bharata Natyam as transnational interpreter.

Art Work/Work art.



Vanishing point

Lonesome Way.

Linked: M11 Link Road, London.

Branded spaces: the scope of "New Marketing"

Broadhead, Caroline, Ha Gamle Prestegard, Ha Kommune, Norway (2003)


Art on the borders of Art.


Towards a metaethic of shit.

Artists' lecture.


Are you looking at me: group exhibition

54 Degree North: group exhibition.

Synthèse 2003.

Pulse Field.

Uncaged: a telesymbiotic system.

Performance without performer.

Naturalistic inquiry as (meta-) audience feedback.


Political risks as firm-specific (dis)advantages: evidence on transnational oil firms in Nigeria

Global monitor: Royal Dutch/Shell

Making history: a general introduction

Destabilising the discipline: critical debates about history and their impact on the study of dance

Motives for foreign direct investment in Oman

An exploratory study into the applicability of western HRM practices in developing countries: the case of Algeria

Transnational corporations and human rights.

Sound, installations and music.

Introduction and Afterword to Sound - Time - Space - Movement by Sabine Schäfer/Joachim Krebs

Ear-training using the computer and PROGREMU Recueil des actes.

Writing aloud: the sonics of language

Review of "Sisters of Salome by Toni Bentley"

Aesthetics of musical performance.

The 'series' in Music and Art.

Chronology of Stravinsky's life and career

The body behind music.

Robin Holloway's 'Showpiece'

EU accession and the Bulgarian real-estate market

Endogenous production organization during market liberalization: farm level evidence from Romania

Derivative securities for country risk coverage: implied volatility swaps.

Review of 'Environmental Law' by David Hughes, Tim Jewell, Jason Lowther, and Neil Parpworth

Grossbrittanien und der MenschenRechts Charta.

The Freedom Of Information Act and whistleblowing in the UK: some reflections.

Towards an African national system of innovation.

Erratum: an introduction to water management

War and emerging market default risk: the case of India and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

Country risk assessment: a guide to global investment strategy

Strategic capital budgeting: the abandonment option with political risk.

Contemporary China: the reunification effect on political risk in Hong Kong.

Research in action: the Dudhsagar dairy cooperative in Gujarat

Quantification of political risk with multiple dependent sources

Water management in France: delegation and market based auto-regulation

From the "high ground" of policy to "the swamp" of professional practice: the challenge of diversity in teaching labour studies

From rhetoric to reality: into the swamp of ethical practice: implementing work-life balance

The growth of individual farming in Romania.

Finanzintegration und europäische Gesellschaft.

Farm survival and growth in transition economies: theory and empirical evidence from Hungary

The Eurozone and financial integration: the industrial relations issues

Europäische Finanzmärkte: Struktur, Entwicklung, Politik, Probleme und Alternativen.

EuroMemo 2002 : bessere Institutionen, Regeln und Instrumente fur Vollbeschaftigung und sozialen Wohlstand in Europa.

Flexible working arrangements: implementation, outcomes and management

Leading healthcare organisations.

Reflections on the integration of work and personal life

Measurement and Reporting: the fundamental requirement for data

Human capital.

Modelling demand: a rejoinder.

How has NHS Direct changed primary care provision.

The challenges of business partnership for HR.

New unions, new workplaces: a study of union resilience in the restructured workplace

The "country-of-origin effect" in the cross national management of human resources : results and case study evidence of research on American multinational companies in Germany.

Unternehmenserfolg und Personalmanagement: eine international vergleichende empirische analyse.

Measuring human capital

Muhacir Bulgarian workers in Turkey: their relation to management and fellow workers in the formal employment sector

The issue of legal aid: a regime comparison.

Self-determination, indigenous peoples and minorities

Health and safety

Is a safe organisation a more profitable organisation?

Health and safety at work: whose responsibility?

Title to territory in International Law: a temporal analysis

Productivity performance at the company level.

Sweet & Maxwell's environmental law statutes

Die Menschenrechtscharta Grossbritanniens

Whistleblowing in schools: the results of a survey of confidential reporting procedures in maintained schools in England


Protecting employees with insolvent employers

CIPD: employment law for people managers

The role of institutional shareholders in corporate governance: recent developments in the UK.

Recent developments in Japanese corporate governance

Company stakeholders: their position under the new framework

The law at work: a practical guide to key issues in employment law

Employment issues.

Market entry methods for Western firms in China

Strategic management of marketing and human resources in further education colleges

“Market” Classification and Political Campaigning: some strategic implications.

Back to the future: divergence in relationship marketing research

Spectral approximants concerning convex and balanced sets.

Extraction of physiological information from 3D PET brain images.

Application of the behavioural model of vision for invariant recognition of facial and traffic sign images.

Image classification based on the informative regions properties.

Combining KADS with Zeus to develop a multi-agent e-commerce application.

Computing migration through context awareness and context transmission.

A phase-shift technique for intermodulation cancellation.

Vision based mobility system for object identification.

Footpath edge extraction for vision based mobility aid.

Integrating molecular biology databases using image object keying.

Why do we write?

Wavelet based image compression on synthetic images.

The implications of image statistics and image features on coding performance of synthetic images

Quintana Roo.

Marking: a health warning

The murder of poetry.

Learning to laugh: children and being human in early modern thought

How a man differs from a dog.

On a pseudo-subversive use of corpora in translator training

Looking forward to the translation: on a dynamic reflection of human activities.

Et lingvistisk perspektiv på litterær oversettelse. [linguistic perspective on literary translation]

The Cambridge companion to science fiction

The true knowledge of Ken MacLeod.

From beautification to sustainability: the inner city as political landscape

Henri Lefebvre: key writings

The need for an interface accessibility initiative

Cognitive capability scales for design for participation

Universal access to assistive technology through client-centred cognitive assessment

Universal access heuristics for blind and visually impaired people who use ICT

Accessibility for all and tacit knowledge requirements of systems at work.

Principles and concepts for information and communication technology design

SIMPLEX: a simple user check-model for inclusive design

Process metamodelling and method engineering as tools for improved software quality management: a chronological review and evaluation critique considering the need for a new scientific discipline.

Stressed or stress-free mobile privacy: detecting mobile stress: ethical issues in voice analysis.

Software process and product improvement: a historical perspective.

Towards a generic, multilayered, customisable, software quality model.

LEARN: an alternative formal semantics definition.

Technology-based learning: cultural dimensions and considerations.

Quality improvement through the identification of controllable and uncontrollable factors in software development

Artefacts and the psychological probing of users

Learning in a changing society and the importance of cultural awareness.

The role of commitment for successful software process improvement and software quality management.

CODE for SQM: a model for cultural and organisational diversity evaluation.

Developing independence: the potential of information and communication technologies (ICT) to assist elderly and disabled people.

Standardising access to information and electronic services for all in Europe.

State of the art: HCI in New Zealand.

Technology affordances of the ActualDepth multi-layered display

Hydro scheme control in a deregulated environment: cognitive work models and design implications.

Contingencies: an introduction to the exhibition.

Constructing a feminist cinematic genealogy: the gothic woman's film beyond psychoanalysis

Everything is real: Gilles Deleuze and creative univocity

How to theorise the cinematic bitches from hell: the genealogy from abjection to resistance.

Introductions to Christian Jambet, Guy Lardreau, Jacques Rancière, Alain Badiou, Monique David-Menard, Daniel Bensaïd

Interviews with Alain Badiou, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Rancière, Michel Serres, and Bernard Stiegler

Addressing learner diversity by promoting flexibility in e-learning environments.

Specification and modelling of distributed systems.

The business of politics in Mozambique: the 1999 elections and beyond.

Learning behaviour patterns of classroom and distance students using flexible learning resources.

Evolving e-learning environments

Communication protocols for online learning: groupwork and dialogues in discussion forums.

Blended learning for computer science education: a conceptual framework and a case study.

Reduction of bladder cancer cell growth in response to hCGb CTP37 vaccinated mouse serum.

Identification of post-translational modifications resulting from LH beta polymorphisms by matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis of pituitary LH beta core fragment

The role of glycoprotein hormones in endometrial cancer. (in Part 7: Hormones & hormone receptor)

The potential for strategies using micronutrients and heterocyclic drugs to treat invasive gliomas.

A comparison of headnet electrode arrays for electrical impedance tomography of the human head

Electrical impedance tomography spectroscopy (EITS) for human head imaging

The application of the generalized vector sample pattern matching method for EIT image reconstruction

Work based learning opportunities for lifelong earning (21-22 November; Intercollege, Cyprus): conference proceedings.

Research approaches selected by practitioner researchers on a professional doctorate

Is learning gained at work academic?

Progesterone represses interleukin-8 and cyclo-oxygenase-2 in human lower segment fibroblast cells and amnion epithelial cells

The relationship between insulin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 is modified by pre-eclampsia.

Expression of keratin K2e in cutaneous and oral lesions: association with keratinocyte activation, proliferation, and keratinization

Satisfaction with internet banking in the crowded Cypriot market: one bank’s experience.

Can clusters theory help realize Cyprus’s desire to develop centers of educational excellence?

The interplay of environment and culture in small firm marketing: a comparative study of the marketing practices of Chinese small firms marketing in Hong Kong and UK

Colonising the heart: shame and the regulatory project.

C.G. Jung and Thomas Merton: apophatic and kataphatic traditions in the 20th century.

Managing safety at sea

Ethnicity, health and health care utilization in a British study

Studying the interactions of IT/IS and human resource management in multicultural societies.

Developing novel iTV applications: a user centric analysis.

Drugs: the great Cannabis debate

Don’t panic: crack cocaine, guns and ethnic minorities

Negotiations between British and Dutch managers: cultural values, approaches to conflict management, and perceived negotiation.

Lost for words or loss of memories? Autobiographical memory in semantic dementia

Ease of predication does not account for imageability effects in performance: a reply to [Jones, 2002]

Effects of modelling layers and realistic geometry in reconstruction algorithms for EIT of brain function.

Ethics, occupational therapy and discharge planning: four broken principles

Active and passive spatial learning from a desk-top virtual environment in male and female participants: a comparison with guessing controls

Profiting from consensus methods in occupational therapy: using a Delphi study to achieve consensus on multiprofessional discharge planning.

Workplace diversity training

Navigating memories

Improving spatial functioning in children with cerebral palsy using computerized and traditional game tasks.

Human shortcut performance in a computer-simulated maze: a comparative study

Psychology in Finland.

Exploring the world of psychology.

The eventful articulation of singularities - or, "Chasing angels".

Little palaces: house and home in the inter-war suburbs

Risk management in occupational health and safety

Genetic and gestational surrogate mothers' experience of surrogacy

Showing stitches: making and home-making

Differentiation-dependent up-regulation of p47(phox) gene transcription is associated with changes in PU.1 phosphorylation and increased binding affinity

A functional ISRE is required for myeloid transcription of the p47(phox) gene

Incomplete figure perception - the problem of invisible masking

Zanamivir: a significant reduction in viral load during treatment in military conscripts with influenza.

Research round up

Research round up

Research round up

Adolescent cancer - the need to evaluate current service provision in the UK

Suctioning techniques for the removal of respiratory secretions

Effect of the introduction of an orthopaedic trauma scheme on the lengths of stay after fracture neck of femur

An investigation into the impact of religion on health among Iranian community residents in the UK.

Leaving home: Irish press debates on female employment, domesticity, and emigration to Britain in the 1930s

Experimental studies of sewer exfiltration

Low temperature biodegradation of airport de-icing fluids.

Poisons in the system: the global regulation of hazardous pesticides

Socio-demographic factors associated with maternal deaths in Matlab, Bangladesh

Migration and the "Asian" family in a globalising world: a selective review

Factors responsible for woman's participation in the family planning program in Bangladesh

A comparative analysis of the accuracy of the United Nations population projections for six Southeast Asian countries

Interpreting the world - September 11, cultural criticism and the intellectual Left.

Bridging the gap in support for ethnic minority owned business: the case of Devon and Cornwall

The role and characteristics of SMEs.

Handbook for estimating the socio-economic and environmental effects of disasters.

Policy support for small firms in rural areas: the English experience

Business-led regeneration of deprived areas: a review of the evidence base. [Research report 5]

Provide advice on methods to improve promotion and facilitation of Rural Enterprise Scheme - RE0114

The contribution of social enterprises to rural economies.

Innate immunity and pathogen-host interaction.

Teenage angst: psychological distress in 15-year-old Scottish girls is on the increase. (Research in brief).

SMEs and the innovative capability of regions: London’s Lee Valley region in a European context

Cultural influences on health and safety attitudes and behaviour in small firms.

Low dose total body irradiation augments the therapeutic effect of interleukin-2 in a mouse model for metastatic malignant melanoma.

Resource monitoring with globus toolkit 4.

An assessment of nuclear and missile developments in South Asia.

The treatment of territory of indigenous peoples under international law.

Welfare reforms local government and the politics of social inclusion: lessons from Denmark's labour market and area regeneration programmes.

White past, multicultural present: heritage and national stories

India and Pakistan: danger of nuclear and missile arms race?

Environmental degradation as a threat to life: a question of justice?

Herbal treatment for osteoarthritis: a pilot study investigating outcomes.

Investigation of the safety and efficacy of Chinese herbs traditionally used to treat inflammatory diseases

Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of selected non-food plants traditionally used in the treatment of arthritis.

Les incohérences de l'arrêt Öcalan contre Turquie de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme dans ses aspects concernant la peine de mort

Political geography and globalization as we enter the twenty-first century.

Professional female immigration in post-war Europe: counteracting an historical amnesia.

Cross hedging jet fuel on the Singapore spot market.

Photography in an expanding field: distributive unity and dominant form.

Women migrants and refugees in the EU.

A study to improve the efficiency of a discourse parsing system

Using cohesive devices to recognize rhetorical relations in text.

Managing the labour collective: wage systems in the Russian industrial enterprise

Perceptual differences regarding health and environmental problems and their remedies in two states of the former Czechoslovakia

Labour and technological discipline: chaos and order in a Russian textile company.

The force of representation.

Time to train, time to care? Reflections on aspects of time and training in health and social care agencies.

The prevention of torture: complaints mechanism, investigation and prosecution of alleged perpetrators.

Why European institutions should take part in international activities.

Global neo-liberalism, the deformation of education and resistance

The limits of cinema: corporeal spectatorship and the desire for sensation.

Scenarios for the future of teacher education in Europe

Using scenarios as a learning and teaching strategy with students.

Listening to the boys: English boys' views on the desirable characteristics of teachers of sex education.

O neoliberalismo global, a resistência e a deformação da educação.

Diagnosis and development of pipes and gullies in dispersive materials in SE Spain.

Key nursing skills.

Methodologies in practice based projects as used by work based learning students in the former School of health, biological and environmental sciences

Process or behaviour: which is the risk and which is to be managed?

Changing risk patterns and behaviour: regulator and market failure in the provision of pensions

Work based learning support: a shift to a web based model using the VLE Denouement toolkit.

Work based learning support: a shift to a web based model.

Innovating profiling as a research technique to promote autonomous work based learning.

The new paradigms of e-learning: a total perspective.


International capital flows in calm and turbulent times: the need for new international architecture.

International lenders’ and investors’ behaviour: what the markets tell us we didn’t know.

Testing for breaks in inertia: an alternative approach.

Why it can be economically and morally rewarding to invest in developing countries.

The financial crisis of the late 1990s: summary and policy lessons.

The OECD experience with capital account liberalisation.

Awareness, analysis, activism: what can we do about it? Brief autobiography of a socialist activist educator.

Books, banks and bullets: controlling our minds - the global project of imperialistic and militaristic neo-liberalism and its effect on education policy.

Probation into the millennium: the punishing service?

Issues surrounding model consistency and QVT.

A model driven approach to model transformations.

Essential biological psychology.

Picture imperfect. (Research in brief).

Detecting the liars. (Research in brief)

Protection of the water environment using balancing facilities.

Are women in Turkey more likely to become added or discouraged workers?

Model-driven development: guest editors' introduction. IEEE Software, 20 (5) . pp. 14-18. ISSN 0740-7459

Understanding the war on terrorism.

Representing trauma: the image of atrocity in the cultural discourse of European modernity

A pattern based model driven approach to model transformations.

A model driven approach to building implementable model transformations.

Model transformations in converge.

Revised submission for MOF 2.0 query / views / transformations RFP.

The impact of migration on health beliefs and behaviours: the case of Ethiopian refugees in the UK.

Aspect-oriented metamodelling.

Using icon-derived technologies to drive model transformations.

The impact of migration on health beliefs and behaviours: the case of Ethiopian refugees in the UK.

The role of the ethnic minority voluntary sector in promoting social capital: a case study of the London Borough of Enfield.

Challenges to cultural competence training with health care workers.

Belief and experiences in relation to cancer of the Chinese living in Soho, London.

La presenza islamica in Europa: cicli migratori e impatto sulla società. [Islamic presence in Europe: migration history and social impact (tr.)]

Building a cooperative academic library network in Serbia: progress on an EU TEMPUS project

Meanings and constraints: processes shaping vulnerability reduction in Philippine National Red Cross disaster preparedness initiatives.

Modeling language transformations.

The influence of translation on Shakespeare's reception in Iran: three Farsi Hamlets and suggestions for a fourth.

A study of an integrated approach for strategy formulation and performance measurement in manufacturing enterprises

One problem among many: drug use among care leavers in transition to independent living

Tracking care leavers as they move to independence.

A critical inquiry concerning the justification of programmes of Work Based Learning in the Chester College of Higher Education curriculum.

An investigation into marketing relationships in a London Borough.

Adaptation to labour market change in France and the UK: convergent or parallel tracks?

Parallel literacy classes and multilingual flexibility: learning to read in English, Urdu and classical Arabic in England

Problem based learning for continuing professional education: an exploration of the method and its effectiveness.

A study of the health of Irish born people in London: the relevance of social and economic factors, health beliefs and behaviour.

Women in civil engineering: continuity and change.

Models and image: reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography of human brain function

Quality and employability in higher education: the case of Saudi Arabia.

Screen theory and film culture, 1977-1987.

Regulating systematic occupational health and safety management: comparing the Norwegian and Australian experience

Project management for computing students.

Designing organizational memory in knowledge intensive companies: a case study.

Intellectual capital factors that impact on value creation.

That's just typical.

Deep dysphasia in Turkish.

Age-of-Acquisition (AoA) effects in word and object naming in Turkish, using Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures.

Lexicality effects in single-word naming in alphabetic Turkish orthography.

Students’ knowledge of abnormal psychology

Everyday learning at work: communities of practice in TAFE.

Uncovering learning at work.

An exploration of teleworker-manager work relationships in telework settings.

What is impossible? Cultural studies in the knowledge economy

Digital futures: e-commerce and sustainable development.

The social implications of artificial intelligence.

Social exclusion, transport decision-making and the role of Local Government: what happens when the 'socially excluded' request changes to bus services?

First-line management: the critical link between goal perception and performance. A multicultural study of Canadian and Japanese first-line managers.

The development of a new school as an inclusive school: a case study of one North London primary school from the planning stage to the implementation stage/s.

The management of trust-based working time in Germany

Seductive texts: communities of practice ‘at work’

Co-producing knowledge: negotiating the political.

Facts and meanings in British Cultural Studies.

Why do people hate America?

Crime in literature: sociology of deviance and fiction

Can alternative tourism be the way forward for the development of tourism in Northern Greece?

Young consumers' perception of food quality: an illustration from Greece

Global markets and crime

Recognition of facial expressions in presence of partial occlusion

A generalized locomotion CPG architecture based on oscillatory building blocks

The Georgian country house: architecture, landscape and society

Design and teamwork: a contested alliance

Meanings and metaphors: activities to practise figurative language

Some first steps towards training teachers to use literature

A second chamber for a modern democracy: a comparative study

Towards an understanding of spirituality in theory and practice: the case of Holton Lee

Improving quality of life, emotional states and medical compliance in recipients of kidney transplants

Distorting mirrors: the Phoenix Park, Dublin (1832-49) and the ambiguities of empire

School based police officers. A comparative evaluation of a partnership approach to tackling juvenile delinquency

Strategies for change: the Tobin Tax

Information seeking and use by newspaper journalists

Information seeking in the context of writing: a design psychology interpretation of the ‘problematic situation’

Becoming women: Irigaray, Ireland and visual representation

Diffuse endothelial dysfunction is common to ANCA associated systemic vasculitis and polyarteritis nodosa.

Arabic Ismaili manuscripts: the Zahid Ali Collection in the Institute of Ismaili Studies

An experimental analysis of local minima to improve neighbourhood search

An Epicurean learning approach to gene-expression data classification

The ageing Scottish population

The Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire (VASQ): an interview-based measure of attachment styles that predict depressive disorder

Motherhood as a vulnerability factor in major depression: the role of negative pregnancy experiences

Urban residents' attitudes toward tourism development: the case of Crete

Global corporate brand building: guidelines and case studies

Determinants of the corporate identity construct: a review of the literature

The Internet revolution: some global marketing implications

Is the French model of capitalism becoming more like the Anglo-Saxon model?

Can Swiss multinational corporations be considered truly global firms?

Liberalism, nationalism and anti-semitism in the 'Berlin anti-semitism dispute' of 1879/1880

Emotional functioning of patients before during and after radiotherapy treatment for cancer

An investigation, evaluation and development of techniques to enable the spread and adoption of innovative practices, based on the Trent region older people services project (TROPSP)

Meeting the needs of adult mentally disordered offenders

Strategic development of the Greek centre for work based learning partnerships (GCWBLP)

Remote sensing of bathing water quality

A study of the education welfare officer working to improve school attendance

The disciplines of vocal pedagogy: towards a holistic approach

Geographies of the body and the histories of photography

Emotional perception as a component of emotional intelligence: its role in academic achievement, social interaction, and focus of attention

Dreams, disability, psychotherapy and supervision: "we are such stuff as dreams are made on"

The development of intelligent hypermedia courseware, for design and technology in the English National Curriculum at Key Stage 3, by the sequential combination of cognition clusters, supported by system intelligence, derived from a dynamic user model

Breaking the macho mould: meeting boys' needs in sex and relationships education

Sustainable development of international watercourses in international law: a case study of the Mekong river basin

Sexuality, sexual and reproductive health: an exploration of the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of Greek-Cypriot adolescents

Psychoanalytic aesthetics: the case of Miró and the 'child-like'

Attitudes towards and effectiveness of work-related learning in the Bangladeshi community

Rethinking literacy: communication, representation and text

Molecular recognition of barbiturate artificial receptor covalently bound to an amphiphilic copolymer

Molecular recognition of barbiturate artificial receptor covalently bound to an amphiphilic copolymer

E-services in the Internet job market

Designing online communities: community-centered development for intensively focused user groups

Judith Cowan Melancholia Exists, new foragers installation, Collyer Bristow Gallery, 2012

La Liberté d’expression et sa limitation. Les enseignements de l’expérience américaine au regard d’expériences européeenes

Evaluación del avance y la implementación de la ERCERP en Nicaragua a dos años de su aprobación

Las mujeres en Nicaragua, la pobreza y como se pretende reducirla

Desafiando la pobreza: perspectivas de genero y estrategias para la reduccion de la pobreza en Nicaragua y Honduras

Economy, marketing and the workplace in education

Articulating resources: the impact of electronic health records on cross-professional healthcare work

Contesting AIDS/HIV: the lay reception of biomedical knowledge

Sexual health services in West Lancashire Primary Care Trust. A report prepared for West Lancashire Primary Care Trust

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) insights into how fat emulsion stability alters gastric emptying

Solubilisation of carotenoids from carrot juice and spinach in lipid phases 2: modelling the duodenal environment

Solubilisation of carotenoids from carrot juice and spinach in lipid phases 1: modelling the gastric environment

The role of screening and men’s sexual health (invited plenary)

The emerging role of primary care trusts and the development of integrated sexual health services

Developing academic partnerships

ONE evaluation: summary of service delivery findings. Research report no.108

Developing the business skills of childcare professionals: an evaluation of business support programmes

Sure Start Euston: an evaluation of the home visiting service

The effect of New Labour's managerialist policies on the professional status and identity of the early years workforce

The experiences affecting sub-Saharan African patients' engagement in antiretroviral clinical trials: an exploratory participative action research study

Applying elite research to the general population

Natural dyes

Commissioned by TOPMAN to handknit a canary yellow aran, hooded, kangaroo-pouch top designed by designer Kim Jones for them for the Kim Jones capsule collection sold exclusively in The Void, flagshipe TOPMAN store, Oxford St. London

The international festival of graphic art Cluj-Napoca Romania 2003

Medicine, digital print [in National Print exhibition 2003 Mall Gallery London]

Is CPGB history important? A reply to Harriet Jones

Rethinking the historiography of United States Communism: a comment

Sara, Henry Thomas William (1886-1953), industrial unionist, anarchist, communist, trotskyist

Reade, Arthur Essex Edgeworth (1902-71), communist, trotskyist, labour party candidate, national labour activist

Editorial: New directions in international Communist historiography

Histories of the British Communist Party: a user's guide

Forging the faithful: the British at the International Lenin School

A very different historian: Royden Harrison, radical academics and suppressed alternatives

Beyond Betteshanger: order 1305 in the Scottish coalfields during the Second World War, part 2: the Cardowan story

Beyond Betteshanger: order 1305 in the Scottish coalfields during the Second World War. part 1: politics prosecutions and protest

Glowyr cymru yn mosgo: welsh communists at the Lenin school between the wars

What makes small firms grow?: finance, human capital, technical assistance, and the business environment in Romania

Selective antagonism at dopamine D3 receptors enhances monoaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmission in the rat anterior cingulate cortex

GEQUAMO-a generic, multilayered, customisable, software quality model

Communication skills training for health care professionals working with cancer patients, their families and/or carers. A Cochrane database systematic review

Can intensive three-day programmes improve nurses' communication skills in cancer care?