An introduction from the Guest Editors
Mapping gender, making politics: toward feminist political geographies
Dialogues: Women Artists from Ireland
Best practice in South African loyalty-based management : an exploratory study : research article
From components to web based services
An introduction to the International Criminal Court
International law and the death penalty: reflecting or promoting change?
Public opinion and the death penalty
The volatility of the output gap in the G7
Prevalence of personality disorder in alcohol and drug services and associated comorbidity
Critical reflections on recent British Communist Party history
South West London Practice Nursing Project: interim report
Artificial receptor-attached amphiphilic copolymer for barbiturate binding in aqueous media
Cultural identities and the aesthetics of Britishness
Architecture as experience: radical change in spatial practice
Content based retrieval of PET neurological images
Social constructionism as cognitive science
Amnesty, the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Truth Commissions and Courts: the tension between criminal justice and the search for truth
United States hostility to the International Criminal Court: it's all about the Security Council
Capital punishment: strategies for abolition
Reduced-rank adaptive time-domain channel estimation for OFDM systems
On the control of visual word recognition: changing routes versus changing deadlines
An "everything but" framework for modeling emotion
Mapping women, making politics: feminist perspectives on political geography
Observations on modelling strategies for vendor managed inventory
Critically feminist geopolitics
Quantitative validation techniques, a database. (1) Simple examples
Determinants of manufacturing strategy formulation: a longitudinal study in Hong Kong
HCG urinary metabolites in breast milk
Critical analysis of high speed wireless standards for transferring telementoring information
Assessment, insight and awareness in design for users with special needs
She's short, hairy and over 12,000 years old
Colour management in telemedicine
Employer's liability for stress at the workplace: neither tort nor breach of contract
Subjectivity in innovation management
Connection between market and fundamental value on the Budapest Stock Exchange
Action research in policy making: a case in the dairy industry in Gujarat, India
Science: a controversial commodity?
The oil boom in Equatorial Guinea
Family-related migration: a critical review of European studies
The EU race directive: its symbolic value - its only value?
Application of vision models to traffic sign recognition
Topology control of ad hoc wireless networks for energy efficiency
Overlapping cell assemblies from correlators
Macroeconomic policy in Europe: Experiments with monetary responses and fiscal impulses
In proportion: race and police stop and search
Managing modern perioperative education
On relation between emotion and entropy
OPTIMIST: A new conflict resolution algorithm for ACT-R.
Student support: Internet training from the perspective of the e-learning professional
Promoting cultural competence in health care through a research based intervention in the UK.
Universal access through client-centred cognitive assessment and personality profiling.
Situation awareness in emergency medical dispatch
Remove key escrow from the identity-based encryption system.
Comparison of software development life cycles: a multiproject experiment.
Models of interactive systems: a case study on programmable user modelling
Strategies for finding government information by older people
MaRMI-III: a methodology for component-based development
Managing the evolution of .NET programs.
A framework for molecular biology databases integration using context graph keying.
Male sexuality: in theory and practice
'Being in the same boat': ethnographic insights into an adolescent cancer unit
Assertive outreach: a strengths approach to policy and practice
Bureaucracy, national security and access to justice. New light on Duncan v Cammell Laird
Can a joint tenant remain in possession after the other joint tenant has given notice to quit?
Whistleblowing: Australian, UK and US approaches to disclosure in the public interest
The use of external sources of health and safety information and advice: the case of small firms
Pulled apart, pushed together: diversity and unity within the Congress of South African Trade Unions
Social and environmental litigation against transnational firms in Africa
Welfare through work and the re-regulation of labour markets in Denmark
A differential game with investment in transport and communication Research and Development.
Hitting criminals where it hurts: organised crime and the erosion of due process
The crystal ball: from stage to page
Deleuze, Kant and the question of Metacritique.
Fixing Meaning: Intertextuality, Inference and the Horizon of the Publishable
Flood insurance and government: 'parasitic'and 'symbiotic' relations.
The evaluation of vulnerability to flooding
Bacterial sources, pathways and management strategies for urban runoff
A Lagrangian model of the evolution of the particulate size distribution of vehicular emissions
Children's perceptions of river landscapes and play: what children's photographs reveal
Global agendas for political reform: the case of Africa.
Policy transfer in local crime control: beyond naïve emulation
From Brixton to Bradford: official discourse on race and urban violence in the United Kingdom.
Is there any such thing as children's SF: a position piece.
Renaissance beasts: of animals, humans and other strange creatures.
Art beyond aesthetics: philosophical criticism, art history and contemporary art.
Walter Benjamin: critical evaluations in cultural theory.
Alain Badiou: theoretical writings
"Open" forms and the computer.
Flexible working and the gender pay gap in the accountancy profession
The impact of trade union education; a study of three countries in Eastern Europe
Partnership at work and worker participation: an NHS case study
Unions in the 21st Century: an international perspective
Human capital, market imperfections and labor reallocation in transition
Curating Derry: monuments in the present tense
Languages of loss: languages of connectedness.
"Augustus's sister": Gwen John: wholeness, harmony and radiance
Interacting with history: reflections on philosophy and the pedagogy of dance history
Love of the Soldier: citizenship, belonging and exclusion in 'Beau Travail'
A disappearing Act: Francesca Woodman's portrait of a reputation
Rethinking dance history: a reader
Songs of a wayfarer and two footnotes to Ashton
Transnationale Gewerkschaftskooperationen-Erfahrung und Forschungsfragen.
Introduction and essay in "Electronic Shadows: The Art of Tina Keane"
Tales From the Dark Side: Double Agency
Introduction to "Vampire in the Text"
Literature Review: Social Capital and SMEs
Electroacoustic music: analytical perspectives
The artist-couple (Sabine Schäfer and Joachim Krebs).
The art and science of musical performance: nineteenth-century roots.
Themes in the philosophy of music
Return and risk interactions in Chinese stock markets
The price of EU accession: an insight into the Bulgarian real estate market
Rural development and welfare implications of CAP reforms
Firm investment in transition: evidence from Romanian manufacturing
Credit constraints and profitability: evidence from a transition economy
Sovereign debt default risk: quantifying the (un)willingness to pay.
Measuring country risk as implied volatility.
Five years of the Public Interest Disclosure Act in the UK: are whistleblowers adequately protected?
The role of offsets in Indian defense procurement policy
Sovereign debt and the cost of migration: India 1990-1992
Country default risk and the determinants of sovereign debt discounts.
Arbitrage, hedging, and speculation : the foreign exchange market
Political risk in Taiwan: valuing the doubly stochastic China factor
Analyzing the Asian crisis: was it really a surprise?
Country financial risk and stock market performance: the case of Latin America
Value-based performance measures.
Investor valuation of the abandonment option: empirical evidence from UK divestitures 1985-1991
Business ethics in the curriculum: integrating ethics through work experience
Gauche britannique et l'intgration Europeenne.
Integrating work and personal life: leadership past, present and future.
Management and change in Africa: a cross-cultural perspective
Global management competences in developing countries.
The European Union and American power
The Barker review and the construction industry.
Measuring return on investment
Creating a learning and development strategy: the HR business partner's guide to developing people
Herkunftsland USA: prägung der personalpolitik durch das amerikanische.
One-stop guide to understanding HR return on investment.
Employee experience of workplace partnership: pain or gain?
Amerikanische Multinationale Unternehmen in Deutschland.
Human Resource Management of US multinationals in Germany and the UK.
Globalisation and corporate turbulence: trade union response in UK manufacturing.
High performance work systems and workplace partnership: a case study of aerospace workers
International Law and indigenous peoples
In support of affirmative action measures.
Determining the relationship between UK and European safety legislation
The future of merger control in the EC.
Whistleblowing statutes in Australia: is it time for a new agenda?
Trade unions and discrimination
Mandatory retirement and age discrimination
Age discrimination in FE and HE
Employment law statutes 2004/05.
Recent developments in corporate governance in New Zealand
The German takeover code: what implications?
Waking up after the 1997 financial crisis: corporate governance in Malaysia.
Out of the frying pan into the viva
International law and discrimination
E- learning and ideology-a post modern paradigm or liberal education reborn?
In search of relevance: is there an academic-practitioner divide in business-to-business marketing?
Should we worry about an academic-practitioner divide in marketing?
Public relations: contemporary issues and techniques
On Gebelein's correlation coefficient
Mathematics and music: some educational considerations.
Towards archiving wallpaper images
A new performance model for web servers.
Trinity protocol for authentication of binding updates in mobile IPv6.
Level dependent band QBD processes: Steady state solution and applications.
Poster on domotic applications using PDA technologies as actors
Handheld devices as actors in domotic monitoring system.
Interoperability and navigation between medical databases using context graph.
Preparing primary trainees for Ofsted.
Naked pigs: motifs & motives in Velthuijs's picturebooks
Distant harmonies: article on Sylvia Townsend Warner.
Crowning the King: Harry Potter and the construction of authority
Translation in undergraduate degree programmes.
Norms and nature in translation studies.
Censorship or error: Mary Howitt and a problem in descriptive TS.
Play time and the image: Massimo Vitali's scene's of leisure.
Terry Pratchett: guilty of literature
Designing computers for special people.
Unscrambling Hans Haacke's "mixed messages"
Building the information society: IFIP 18th world computer congress.
Unsolicited commercial communication: the integrated scenario.
Ethics: the missing element in an intelligent world.
Service provider responsibility for unsolicited commercial communication (spam).
Student self and peer assessment: a question of professionalism.
Computer-vision-based navigation system for the visually impaired.
Investigating the usability of large passenger ships by older and disabled people.
Information seeking strategies used by older people.
Agent design method for enhancing accessibility.
Towards the integration of user experience factors into error classification for evaluation.
Integrated power scheme simulator for human-system integration studies.
Ambulance dispatch complexity and dispatcher decision strategies: implications for interface design.
Computer support for a person's cognitive map in a navigational domain.
A fide-mediation framework for virtual objects
Situation awareness in an emergency medical dispatch centre.
Information handling in dynamic decision making environments.
Analysing cognitive work of hydroelectricity generation in a dynamic deregulated market.
Digitising desire: sustaining the throb and pulsation of desire in film theory.
Haitian inspiration: notes on the bicentenary of independence
Racism, nationalism and biopolitics.
Think again: Alain Badiou and the future of philosophy
Requirement specification for distributed applications using diagrammatic notations.
Trade unions and the crisis of democracy
Towards the revitalisation of the public?
Public sector management and the neo-liberal hegemony: a critical and international perspective
Managing quality in public services: some distinct implications for the re-organisation of work
Contesting public sector reforms: critical perspectives, international debates
Involving the socially excluded in transport decision making
Compulsory or not compulsory: the use of competition in British local government.
Keeping control of reusable components.
The spatial resolution improvement of EIT images by GVSPM-FOCUSS algorithm
The effect of layers in imaging brain function using electrical impedance tomograghy
Bridging rhetoric and reality: accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) in the UK.
The insulin-like growth factor system in mammalian pregnancy: a workshop report
Monocyte Fc gamma receptor expression in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
Analyzing practice for improving schools: the study of vignettes
Accreditation of knowledge as being-in-the-world
Halloumi: exporting to retain traditional food products
Higher education teachers and emotional labour
Marketing and the notion of well-being
The exploitive nature of work based studies: a sketch of an idea
Preliminary thoughts on a praxis of higher education teaching
Embedding creativity in teaching and learning
Nietzsche’s life: tragedy and art.
In defense of observational practice in art and design education
International standards for global information.
The evolution and implementation of an integrated model of human resource strategy.
Closed-loop preaching: enhancing preaching using lay feedback.
Work-based learning. A new imperative: developing reflective practice in professional life
Do they look after their own? Informal support for South Asian carers
The meaning of cancer: illness, biography and social identity
Pre-emptive criminalisation: risk control and alternative futures.
The socio-cultural characteristics and needs of a Portuguese community in South London
Theoretical and ethical issues in conducting research at a women’s health centre.
Robustness of linear and nonlinear reconstruction algorithms for brain EITS.
Beyond the linear domain: the way forward in MFEIT reconstruction of the human head.
Pornography, women and feminism: between pleasure and politics
Integrated Automated Library System: Request for Proposals: Sample Model Document
Woven splendour: Italian textiles from the Medici to the modern age.
Psychology of innovation: classical perspectives.
Theoretical and ethical issues in conducting research at a women’s centre.
Targeted retroviral transduction of c-kit+ hematopoietic cells using novel ligand display technology
The recognition of incomplete contour and half-tone figures
Examining the validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment scales: a replication study
Training needs analysis. A literature review and reappraisal
Diabetic emergencies in adults
Estimates of emotional and psychometric intelligence
Seconding health care assistants to a pre-registration nursing course: evaluation of a novel scheme
The experience of physiotherapy extended scope practitioners in orthopaedic outpatient clinics
The press, police and prosecution: perspectives on infanticide in the 1920s
Irish women and nationalism: soldiers, new women, and wicked hags
A qualitative evaluation of an adolescent cancer unit.
Family Matters: (e)migration, familial networks and Irish women in Britain
Sustainable urban development and drainage.
Nonparametric bootstrapping for multiple logistic regression model using R
Contraceptive practice behaviour among married adolescent women in Bangladesh
Making fame ordinary: intimacy, reflexivity, and ‘keeping it real'.
The major hormone-specific epitopes on human chorionic gonadotropin
Whatever happened to local government? Labour market policy in the UK and Denmark
Establishing an e-print repository: economic issues and practicalities.
On the margins and the mainstream: engendering the disasters agenda.
Gender analysis in assessing the economic impacts of natural disasters.
Socio-economic impacts of natural disasters: a gender analysis.
Policies to foster enterprise in rural peripheral areas.
Entrepreneurship in Devon and Cornwall: policy perspectives.
Edge detection at low resolution using Padé approximants.
DNA immunisation with plasmids expressing hCGβ-chimeras.
Welfare, gender and political agency: comparing strategies in the UK and Denmark
Public service sectors in rural England.
Genetic regulation of mouse glycosylphosphatidylinositol-phospholipase D
Believing is seeing: Silas Tomkyn Comberbache and Terry Pratchett.
Volatility transmission and changes in stock market interdependence in the European Community
The treatment of a single case of abscess with Chinese herbal medicine.
Offsets and Indian defence procurement.
Dilemmas of care and control: the work of an asylum team in a London borough.
Genre et migration internationale: critique du réductionnisme théorique.
Out of Asia: skilling, re-skilling and deskilling of female migrants.
Distracted reception: time, art, and technology.
Perspectives on entrepreneurial activities of UK based second-generation South Asians
Working with vulnerable young people - keeping it in the family.
Automated discourse segmentation by syntactic information and cue phrases.
Generating discourse structures for written texts
Policy issues and risk–benefit trade-offs of ‘safer surfacing’ for children’s playgrounds.
Parenting projects, justice and welfare
Polymorphic nature of knowledge: towards a knowledge creation model.
On the illusion of character in Iago.
Saying nothing concerning the same: on dominion, purity and meat in early modern England.
The Tourism Industry life cycle: initial evidence from the Swiss Hotel Industry.
Religious education and citizenship education.
Whose agenda: involving service users or patients in health or social care research.
Educational perversion and global neo-liberalism: a Marxist critique.
Global conflict resolution: a critical approach to multicultural education
Diagnostic criteria for learning patterns in VLEs and MLEs.
Working with young people in the community.
Tourism clusters and the geographical distribution of hotels in Switzerland.
State theory and the neo-liberal reconstruction of schooling and teacher education.
The macroeconomic policy content of the PRSPs: how much pro- growth, how much pro-poor?
Sequencing trade and capital account liberalization: the experience of Brazil in the 1990s.
Paths of dissent: understanding Peter McLaren - critical education for economic and social justice.
Beliefs about aromatherapy II: a comparison between first and final year herbal medicine students.
L'immigrazione latinoamericana in Europa e in Italia. Spunti di analisi statistico-demografica.
Compile-time meta-programming in converge.
The influence of sewage solids and sewer sediments on rates of exfiltration from defects in sewers
Leaky sewers: assessing the hydrology and impact of exfiltration in urban sewers
Urban stormwater source control in European countries: DayWater project.
Water pollution impacts of transport.
The effect of export-oriented growth on female labor market outcomes in Turkey
Accumulation, distribution and employment: a structural VAR approach to a Kaleckian macro model.
Improving provision for disabled psychology students.
The Art academy without walls: photography in context.
Mental health of children in public care: European perspectives (II): editor's note.
Transformation language design: a metamodelling foundation.
MDA-driven development of standard-compliant OSS components: the OSS/J inventory case-study.
An eXecutable metamodelling facility for domain specific language design.
Evidence based health promotion for refugees and gypsy/travellers.
Language driven development and MDA.
Sexual addiction: a psychotherapeutic approach.
The survival of the object: does Winnicott's work constitute a paradigm shift in psychoanalysis?
A cooperative framework for molecular biology database integration using image object selection.
Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school.
Religious marketing: reflections from the other side of politics
Opening doors to community language schools: towards a new European research agenda.
Gender relations in a dementia care setting.
Music and time: tempomorphism: nested temporalities in perceived experience of music.
Working hours, work-life conflict and health in precarious and “permanent” employment.
Measuring the extent of impact from occupational violence and bullying on traumatised workers.
Process tracing of complex cognitive work tasks.
Passing in the Soccer World Cup 2002.
Behavioural comparisons of positional demands in professional soccer.
Team performance indicators as a function of winning and losing in rugby union.
Possession as a performance indicator in soccer.
French multinationals and human resource management in Jordan
Repetition disorder in Turkish.
Age-of-acquisition effects in picture naming in Turkish using Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures.
The role of age of acquisition in picture naming in Turkish.
Is there a future for social democracy?
Empowering the individual within a productive franchise relationship.
Automatic discourse structure generation using rhetorical structure theory
Co-determination and working time accounts in the German finance industry
American dream, global nightmare.
How academic knowledge can support practice learning: a case study of learning styles
Effects of warping finite element meshes for the forward model of the head in EIT
Poised in the infinite ocean and Tahtakale
An ant colony optimization algorithm based on mutation and dynamic pheromone updating
Switching on kinases: oncogenic activation of BRAF and the PDGFR family
Vision coincidence detection with STDP adaptation for Object recognition and depth analysis
A biologically plausible neuromorphic system for object recognition and depth analysis
Art History: a very short introduction
Mercosur: between integration and democracy
Democracy and economic integration: the continental context
Revisiting membership scheme typologies in museums and galleries
Identifikimi i Personit ne baze te ADN (Forensic identification through DNA profiling)
Interactive public broadcasting: reflecting and improving practice
But the real work is being done down here! Developing managers in post Soviet Kazakhstan
Food for thought: metaphors in the EFL classroom
Image classification based on textural features using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Task embedded visualisation: the design for an Interactive IR results display for journalists
Have digital resources taken a wrong turn on the health ‘information journey’?
Classification improvement by an extended depth LSA machine
On the evaluation of dividing samples for training an extended depth LSA machine
History of childhood abuse in Portuguese parents
The South African constitution and electronic commerce
The importance of brand power: a review of the European car market
International advertising strategy: a review, reassessment and recommendation
The influence of culture on brand building in the Chinese market: a brief insight
Initiating change: best value in the police service
"Bringing me to where I am”: jazz autobiography in context
Leading change in a clinical practice empowering front line staff to lead change
A cooperative framework for molecular biology database integration using image object selection
Evaluating the flexibility of a pedagogical framework for e-learning
A global perspective on developing training for e-learning academics
Projection of learning objects in cultural awareness training
Police perceptions of their encounters with the mentally ill in the community
An organising framework for personal psychotherapy integration
The American labor movement (1948-1981)
Gli immigrati del fordismo. Torino e Detroit: due distretti operai a confronto
Evaluation of online assessment: the role of feedback in learner-centered e-learning
E-learning in developing countries: suggesting a methodology for enabling computer-aided assessment
Enhancing development of online communities through a multi-methodological approach
The investment decision-making in small manufacturing firms: a learning approach
Urban drainage: a multilingual glossary
Evaluation of the development and implementation of the poverty reduction strategy in Nicaragua
Gender mainstreaming in poverty reduction strategies
Work-based learning. A new imperative: developing reflective practice in professional life
Listening perspectives: the composition & assessment of electroacoustic music
Information technology in organisations
Monitoring of gall bladder and gastric coordination by EPI
'Dangerous and severe personality disorder': an illustration of the risk society within psychiatry
Why should I care? One educarer's personal narrative in a climate of political spin
Gendered identities and work experience
Deconstructing professionalism in the early years
A concept for control of indoor-operated autonomous wheelchair
Moving the Greeks to London: Tony Harrison’s classical theatre of the 1980s
Preserved on film: The Mummy, silent cinema and Egyptomania
Student nurse handbook. Important information for pre registration nursing students
Developing academic partnerships overseas
The Art to the Temple-Art Museum of Donetsk Ukraine 2004
The international Lenin school: a response to Cohen and Morgan
Look back in anger: mining communities, the mining novel and the great miners' strike
Healy, Thomas Gerard (1913-1989)
Moffat, Abraham (1896-1975) Scottish miners leader and Communist
Healy, Thomas Gerard, 'Gerry' (1913-89) Trotskyist leader
Haston, James Ritchie, 'Jock' (1912-86) Trotskyist leader and workers' educator
The historiography of British Communism: an alternative reading
Controversies in values research: methodological implications
Finance, human capital, technical assistance, and the business environment in Romania
Learning from preschool magazines
An investigation into the emergence of the anarcho-punk scene of the 1980s