Human geography of the UK: an introduction
On The Tent and working in dialogue: an interview with Lea Kantonen
Cross Female: metaphors of the female in art in the 1990s
Mea Culpa: interview with Mary Kelly
Supporting virtual enterprise design by a web-based information model
An introduction to the International Criminal Court
The external review of quality improvement in health care organizations: A qualitative study
Quality training: needs and evaluation-findings from a European survey
The nature of NPD and role flexibility of R&D/marketing in a fast growing high-tech setting
Solo exhibition, 49th Venice Biennale, Venice
'Landscapes: 2001-2003': 3 solo exhibitions, London, Budapest and Brussels
Life in the UK: the creative partnership of Lawrence Alloway and Sylvia Sleigh
Business-to-business relationship marketing: an internet and international perspective
Predicting onset of depression: the vulnerability to depression questionnaire
Symbols, stimulus equivalence and the origins of language
Evolution, development and learning - a nested hierarchy?
The Jelisić Case and the Mens Rea of the crime of genocide
Sociological theories of "race" and ethnicity
Inspiring confidence in new nurses
Mechanical strain and estrogen activate estrogen receptor alpha in bone cells
Installation, performance, or what? [Review]
Postgraduate education for nurses: The Middlesex model
Toddlers' pointing when joint attention is obstructed
Dyslexia: Cultural diversity and biological unity
Nutrient removal in a combined system: vertical vegetated bed over horizontal flow sand bed
An experimental constructed wetland system for the treatment of highway runoff in the UK
Work based learning and the intellectual capital of universities and employers
The accreditation of work experience: whose interest does it serve?
Organizational and employee interests in programs of work based learning
Development of IMS tools for mechatronic systems
Advent of generic components in a mechatronic control software environment
A CORBA paradigm for open approach to mechatronic systems
A method of vessel tracking for vessel diameter measurement on retinal images
Marketing and political campaigning: mutually exclusive or exclusively mutual
The electricity supply industry: a study of an industry in transition
The governance of labour relations in Europe
Regional development agencies in Portugal: Past developments and future challenges
Changing times, changing styles: new forms of economic governance in London
Governing London: competitiveness and regeneration in a global city
Corporate and state responses to anti-oil protests in the Niger Delta
Artificial wetlands and water quality improvement
An assessment of the impact of motorway runoff on a pond, wetland and stream
Landscapes of practice: bricolage as a method for situated design
Computer algorithms for the automated measurement of retinal arteriolar diameters
Dynamic digital libraries for children
Awareness of risk factors for cancer among British adults
Cultural diversity and biological unity in dyslexia
Governing London: challenges for the new economic governance
Three-dimensional electrical impedance tomography of human brain activity
The effects of presenting functionally abstracted information in fault diagnosis tasks
Design of information content and layout for process control based on goal-means domain analysis
Rules and tools for software evolution planning and management.
Is nursing research typical of biomedical research?
Endogenous and exogenous research? Findings from a bibliometric study of UK nursing research
Emerging markets: investing with political risk
The integration of constructed wetlands into a new treatment system for airport runoff.
Solicitors: be bold - create entailed interests
Cultural values and management ethics: a ten nation study
Preventing the abuse of vulnerable adults: social policy and research
Gang activity in English prisons: the staff perspective
Urban containment policy and exposure to natural hazards: is there a connection?
Improving flood warnings in Europe: a research and policy agenda
Growing up with rivers? Rivers in London children's worlds
Kainos community in prisons: report of an evaluation
Whistleblowing at work: on what principles should legislation be based?
The politics of the new South Africa: apartheid and after
The Aliens Act and the immigration dilemma
The judge as political advisor: behind the scenes at the National Industrial Relations Court.
Public subsidies without strings: lawyers, professionalism and the launch of civil Legal Aid
Cultural diversity and European integration in conflict and in harmony.
Use of heterophilic antibody blocking agent (HBT) in reducing false-positive hCG results
Saussure as traffic lights or, translating literary theory into the everyday.
Media space: the uses of space in design.
The Mechanoid's Bloodline/Robot Bodies III.
Children's creation of shared 3D worlds
Critical analysis of histologic criteria for grading atypical (dysplastic) melanocytic Nevi
A method of joining metals together by a diffusion process using silver/germanium alloys.
Public sector support for innovating SMEs
Bounded composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces
Transitional and enterprise restructuring: the development of individual farming in Romania
Wages, work intensity and unemployment in Japan, UK and USA
El Lissitzky and the West: Internationalism and Proun.
Witness for the prosecution: the writings of Coco Fusco.
Storying Art (The Everyday Life of Tricky Practices)
Polymorphous perversity: on Gert Verhoeven’s "The Blob".
In the garden of forked desires.
Figuring difference: the work of Jack Goldstein
Expanding the place of embodied viewing.
Mohini Chandra - Album Pacifica
Composition systems requirements for creativity: what research methodology?
A mechatronic sound track system.
Problems of access to courts in Nigeria: results of a survey of legal practitioners
Capturing the moment...in time
Report on the Sonic Arts Network Conference, Newcastle
At the limits of Schaeffer's TARTYP.
What's the point.... of ballet?
Mathis Lussy and Expressive Performance.
Mystères de l'Instant: some notes on Epiphany
Structural change in apartheid era South Africa: 1975-93
Convergence of China's regional incomes: 1952-97
Defining the public interest in legislation: the case of employment protection for whistleblowers.
Environmental law and commercial organisations
The impact of export controls on indigenous technology development in India's space programme
The quantification of country risk: effects on the sovereign debt discount.
International commodity trading : physical and derivative markets
Management des risques internationaux.
The market reaction to reported country risk in India
Revisiting the Asian financial crisis: were capital markets caught by surprise?
The option to divest as a strategic management tool.
Student induction in practice.
Maximising shareholder value in Hungary.
Was the change in land ownership necessary?
Globalised finance and the challenge to the Euro
Restructuring workplace cultures: the ultimate work-family challenge?
Work-life policies: where should the government go next?
European monetary union: problems of legitimacy, development and stability.
Demanding to manage and managing to demand.
Human resource management in Nepal.
The human value of the enterprise: valuing people as assets: monitoring, measuring, managing
Neue Formen der Arbeitsorganisation in Europa: eine empirische studie.
Between home and host country: multinationals and employment relations in Europe
Employment restructuring and flexibility in Austrian and Danish banking
Trade union responses to industrial restructuring: sectoral case studies from the SW England.
The doctrine of uti possidetis and crystallisation of modern identity
Vicarious liability for acts connected with employment
Policy issues concerning compensation for psychiatric injury
What determines work resumption from long sickness spells? An analysis of six countries.
Gender impact on Chinese negotiation: some key issues for Western negotiators
Quality and business process synergy: key strategies promoting longevity.
Benchmarking: concept and practice with particular reference to the finance function
Introduction [includes What is whistleblowing]
Whistleblowing at work: the results of a survey of procedures in further and higher education
Whistleblowing and human resource management
The law relating to whistleblowing
Lifelong learning and age discrimination in employment
Organizational change: reconstructions and transfers of undertakings
Throwing the baby out with the bath water
Measurement of vessel diameters on retinal for cardiovascular studies.
Extraction of sagittal symmetry planes from PET images.
Image retrieval through perceptual shape modelling.
Using KADS to design a multi-agent framework for stock trading.
Information and knowledge exchange in a multi-agent system for stock trading.
A conceptual object modelling of gene mutation data.
It all depends on the question you ask
What primary teachers need to know to teach science effectively.
Off the Shelf: De Rijke Marsh Morgan.
La rappresentazione filmata del rennovo urbana nell'Ingliterra degli anni trenta.
Olivo Barbieri: through a glass darkly.
Investigating the applicability of the Taguchi method to software development.
Professional issues in software engineering curricula: case studies in ethical decision making.
Measuring the understandability of a graphical query language through a controlled experiment
Situation awareness and its implications for human-systems interaction
Naturalistic decision making in emergency ambulance command and control.
Virtual tours in tourism: interaction issues.
Adopting an instructional pedagogy for constructive on-line learning.
Global campus: a pragmatic strategy.
From conventional to distance education: adopting a pedagogy and managing the transformation
Face to face teaching and resource-based learning: conflict or collaboration.
Choosing pedagogy and technology for an international web-based masters degree.
The analysis of human amniotic fluid using capillary electrophoresis.
Context and intertextuality in work based learning.
Learning organization [special issue]
Interactions between progesterone receptor isoforms in myometrial cells in human labour
Detection of early pregnancy forms of human chorionic gonadotropin by home pregnancy test devices
Is the market ready for foundation degrees?
Higher education as a market: a problem or solution?
Sense of entitlement to support for the reconciliation of employment and family life
Working with partners to promote intellectual capital
Supporting Asian deaf young people and their families: the role of professionals and services
'Living a 'normal ' life: young people living with thalassaemia major or sickle cell disorder
Learning difficulties and ethnicity
Public awareness of warning signs for cancer in Britain.
The CDS/ISIS for Windows handbook
Occupational stressors and coping as determinants of burnout in female hospice nurses
(Re)marking the overlooked or, Stanislavski's napkin
Leisure activities and adolescent sexual behaviour
Adoption in the age of reproductive technology
The pornographic body: embodiment or representation?
The Gollin test and the optical properties of incomplete figures at threshold
'More than just money'– widening the understanding of the costs involved in cancer care
A good odour to breathe? The effect of pleasant ambient odour on human visual vigilance.
Naturalistic approaches to healthcare evaluation: the case of a teenage cancer unit.
Re-presenting the past: women and history
Irish female emigration in the 1930s: transgressing space and culture
Aliens, migrants and maids: public discourses of Irish immigration to Britain in 1937
Dangerous liaisons: women, men and Hurricane Mitch.
Reconstructing roles and relations: women's participation in reconstruction in post-Mitch Nicaragua
Why and how European publishers are taking on the American heavyweights.
Non-places and the spaces of art.
Refocusing of B-cell responses following a single amino acid substitution in an antigen.
Ethnic minority enterprise: policy in practice.
Food marketing systems on the Jos Plateau.
The cult of personality: reassessing leadership and suffrage movements in Britain and Ireland
UK Libraries Plus: use by education students.
A model for accurate drift estimation in streams.
Prison gang related activity in England
Emotional capital: Wordsworth and the formation of character
Speech and language therapists as trainers: enabling care staff working with older people.
Red chalk: on schooling, capitalism and politics.
Schooling and equality: fact, concept and policy.
Sex education: the issues when working with boys.
Modernising Scottish witchcraft texts
Sex education in secondary schools in England: the need for change.
Global capital, neo-liberalism, and privatization: the growth of educational inequality.
Equality, ideology and education policy.
The national curriculum, the hidden curriculum and equality.
Children as unsupported victims of crime.
The third way in Britain: New Labour’s neo-liberal education policy. (In French).
Comparative study of online and face-to-face subject delivery in industrial design.
Dyslexia: a universal language deficit?
How do European and US psychology differ?
The metamodelling language calculus: foundation semantics for UML.
Decision-taking on human resource issues.
Establishing an in-house journal
The MMF approach to engineering object-oriented design languages.
A translational semantics for UML.
Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor Model for developing cultural competence.
Non-financial information disclosure and communication in large UK companies.
Dancing against the grain: new visions of masculinity in dance.
Development of an injection therapy module.
Ministry issues for the Church of England.
Understanding aesthetics in a virtual environment performance. A
Women's networks: their participation in and influence on the sustainable development agenda.
Development of a manufacturability analysis system for reinforced plastics components.
Being transsexual: self, identity and embodied subjectivity.
Sound mosaics: a graphical user interface for sound synthesis based on audio-visual associations.
Excluded voices: educational exclusion and inclusion.
Learning to read with meaning: early literacy and young Pakistani British children.
The impacts of traffic calming measures on vehicle exhaust emmissions.
Multi-modal usability evaluation.
Traces of identity: the construction of white ethnicity in New Zealand.
The internet: a framework for understanding ethical issues.
Is lack of peripheral tolerance induction a cause for diabetes in the non-obese diabetic mouse?
An empirical investigation of the financial disclosure practices of Cypriot and Greek companies.
The health and safety effects of job insecurity: an evaluation of the evidence.
Report of inquiry into safety in the long haul trucking industry.
Semantic effects as a function of reading skill in word naming of a transparent orthography
What is the role of the semantic system in acquired dyslexia in a transparent orthography?
The place of Turkish Orthography in cognitive psychology.
Design and characterisation of fluidised bed cooling towers
Factors affecting low temperature performance of zirconia gas sensors.
Tripwire: a synchronization primitive for virtual memory mapped communication.
Reading mixed reception: the case of 'The Satanic Verses'.
Working with survivors of torture and extreme experiences.
Policing black people: a study of ethnic relations as seen through the police complaints system
Developing a sustainable energy vision for the Environment Agency
Democracia e integración en América Latina
Reforms in the new German labour market: a case for institutional corporatism?
The Development of Social Work Practice with Lesbians and Gay Men.
'It's the real thing': performance and murder in Sweden
Does Nietzsche have a coherent view of truth?
The conference hall and the sea
Feminism-art-theory : 1968-2000
Logarithmic simulated annealing for X-ray diagnosis
Combining the perceptron algorithm with logarithmic simulated annealing
Measuring visual identity: a multi-construct study
Symbolic communication in multidisciplinary cooperations
The impact of nationalism, patriotism and internationalism on consumer ethnocentric tendencies
Corporate identity in the service sector
The complexities of communicating to customers in emerging markets
The dynamics of corporate identity: a review of a process model
Mild chemical h-insertion into gamma-manganese dioxides
Ethnonationalism versus political nationalism in Ghanaian electoral politics 1996-2000
A mechatronic haemodialysis system for the treatment of acute renal failure and metabolic disorders
Children's personal exposure to airborne particulate matter
Cognitive and Attentional Bias in the Processing of Smoking-Related Stimuli
Identifying strategic contant among former public utilities
Organisational empowerment and the individual: analysis of a local authority
The problem of immanence in Kant and Deleuze
An investigation into particulate air pollution in London, at a site on the Archway Road (A1) London
Adsorption and desorption of gases in porous silicon
Children’s musical perception and creativity as a compositional model
Relational patterns of being in communicative psychotherapy
The social construction of formal adult cautioning by police: an ethnographic study
AB diblock and ABC triblock amphiphilic copolymers containing fluorine
Investigating cultural differences in virtual software teams
Facilitating group formation and role allocation in software engineering groups
Reconstructing roles and relations: women's participation in reconstruction in post-Mitch Nicaragua
The nature of gender differences in dart performance.
Preoperative simulation system for the ZCHW custom hip prosthesis and its usage through the internet
Dead drunk [2001]; Put your coat on [2002]; Goodbye [pop promo for The Coral, 2002]
Reazoni del publico ai controlli sanitari a scopo diagnostico
Fat emulsification measured using NMR transverse relaxation
Assessment of antral grinding of a model solid meal using echo-planar imaging
A range of business television programmes
Artist of the Month - Steve Mumberson - The Cobden Club London 2001
[Limited edition mug, in Get Mugged at Studio Fusion]
TRIO - Anne Hulland, Penny Machin and Steve Mumberson - large print works by Stephhen Mumberson
Miner heroes: three communist trade union leaders
The young manhood of Arthur Reade
Socialists and the unions: a response to Gall's comment
New light on Arthur Reade: tracking down Britain's first trotskyist
Party people, communist lives: explorations in biography
Business Ethics: Facing Up To The Issues
Quality training: findings from a European survey
European quality management practices: the impact of national culture
Does truth telling improve psychological distress in palliative patients? A systematic review
Communication issues for nurses: what’s new on the agenda in the 21st century?
The long and short of it: a comparison of two approaches to teaching communication skills
Conducting theory with an eye to practice