Human geography of the UK: an introduction

Beauty Matters

On The Tent and working in dialogue: an interview with Lea Kantonen

Cross Female: metaphors of the female in art in the 1990s

Mea Culpa: interview with Mary Kelly

Supporting virtual enterprise design by a web-based information model

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Organisational strategies for changing clinical practice: How trusts are meeting the challenges of clinical governance

The external review of quality improvement in health care organizations: A qualitative study

Results of a screening survey for co-morbid substance misuse amongst patients in treatment for psychotic disorders: prevalence and service needs in an inner London borough

The prevalence and management of co-morbid substance misuse and mental illness: results of a screening survey in substance misuse and mental health treatment populations

Quality training: needs and evaluation-findings from a European survey

The nature of NPD and role flexibility of R&D/marketing in a fast growing high-tech setting

Solo exhibition, 49th Venice Biennale, Venice

'Landscapes: 2001-2003': 3 solo exhibitions, London, Budapest and Brussels

Richard Billingham international solo touring exhibition: Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin; Nikolaj Contemporary Art Centre, Copenhagen; Brno House of Arts, Brno; Hasselblad Centre, Göteberg and Kunsthalle Willhelmshaven, Willhelmshaven

The cost of Blood/Monoprint Relief [in Contemporary London Prints - Helen E.Copeland Gallery Montana State university USA]

Synthesis and characterization of novel networks with nano-engineered structures: cross-linked star homopolymers

Life in the UK: the creative partnership of Lawrence Alloway and Sylvia Sleigh

Business-to-business relationship marketing: an internet and international perspective

Predicting onset of depression: the vulnerability to depression questionnaire

Symbols, stimulus equivalence and the origins of language

Evolution, development and learning - a nested hierarchy?

Was genocide committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina? first judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

The Jelisić Case and the Mens Rea of the crime of genocide

Sociological theories of "race" and ethnicity

Inspiring confidence in new nurses

Residents' perceptions of water quality improvements following remediation work in the Pymme's Brook catchment, north London, UK

Mechanical strain and estrogen activate estrogen receptor alpha in bone cells

Installation, performance, or what? [Review]

Survival and nodulating ability of indigenous and inoculated rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii in sterilized and unsterilized soil treated with sewage sludge

Postgraduate education for nurses: The Middlesex model

Toddlers' pointing when joint attention is obstructed

Dyslexia: Cultural diversity and biological unity

Reading the mind in cartoons and stories: An fMRI study of ‘theory of mind’ in verbal and non-verbal tasks

Nutrient removal in a combined system: vertical vegetated bed over horizontal flow sand bed

An experimental constructed wetland system for the treatment of highway runoff in the UK

Work based learning and the intellectual capital of universities and employers

The accreditation of work experience: whose interest does it serve?

Organizational and employee interests in programs of work based learning

Outcome: centred evaluation of traditional and open and distance teaching and learning methods for software engineers.

Development of IMS tools for mechatronic systems

Advent of generic components in a mechatronic control software environment

A CORBA paradigm for open approach to mechatronic systems

A method of vessel tracking for vessel diameter measurement on retinal images

Marketing and political campaigning: mutually exclusive or exclusively mutual

The electricity supply industry: a study of an industry in transition

The governance of labour relations in Europe

Regional development agencies in Portugal: Past developments and future challenges

Changing times, changing styles: new forms of economic governance in London

Governing London: competitiveness and regeneration in a global city

Corporate and state responses to anti-oil protests in the Niger Delta

Evidence-based policy making?: The interplay between research and the development of prison drugs policy

Artificial wetlands and water quality improvement

An assessment of the impact of motorway runoff on a pond, wetland and stream

Landscapes of practice: bricolage as a method for situated design

Computer algorithms for the automated measurement of retinal arteriolar diameters

Dynamic digital libraries for children

Molecular and kinetic features of transitional cell carcinomas of the bladder: Biological and clinical implications

Awareness of risk factors for cancer among British adults

Cultural diversity and biological unity in dyslexia

Governing London: challenges for the new economic governance

Art assessment

Review essay

Development of clinical guidelines to facilitate improved support for South Asian carers by primary health care teams

Three-dimensional electrical impedance tomography of human brain activity

An approach to develop human gene disorder database for intelligent variance analysis of genes and its products.

The effects of presenting functionally abstracted information in fault diagnosis tasks

Design of information content and layout for process control based on goal-means domain analysis

Rules and tools for software evolution planning and management.

Changing Java programs.

Is nursing research typical of biomedical research?

Endogenous and exogenous research? Findings from a bibliometric study of UK nursing research

Emerging markets: investing with political risk

The integration of constructed wetlands into a new treatment system for airport runoff.

Solicitors: be bold - create entailed interests

Cultural values and management ethics: a ten nation study

Preventing the abuse of vulnerable adults: social policy and research

Gang activity in English prisons: the staff perspective

Urban containment policy and exposure to natural hazards: is there a connection?

Improving flood warnings in Europe: a research and policy agenda

Changes to the dispersive characteristics of soils along an evolutionary slope sequence in the Vera badlands, southeast Spain: implications for site stabilisation

Utility of commonly used commercial human chorionic gonadotropin immunoassays in the diagnosis and management of trophoblastic diseases.

Growing up with rivers? Rivers in London children's worlds

Kainos community in prisons: report of an evaluation

Whistleblowing at work: on what principles should legislation be based?

Free movement of law students and lawyers in the EU: a comparison of English, German and Greek legislation

The politics of the new South Africa: apartheid and after

The Aliens Act and the immigration dilemma

The judge as political advisor: behind the scenes at the National Industrial Relations Court.

Public subsidies without strings: lawyers, professionalism and the launch of civil Legal Aid

Cultural diversity and European integration in conflict and in harmony.

Use of heterophilic antibody blocking agent (HBT) in reducing false-positive hCG results

Saussure as traffic lights or, translating literary theory into the everyday.

Media space: the uses of space in design.

The Mechanoid's Bloodline/Robot Bodies III.

Julie's Weekend.

Children's creation of shared 3D worlds

Critical analysis of histologic criteria for grading atypical (dysplastic) melanocytic Nevi

Characterisation of selected speciated organic compounds associated with particulate matter in London

Tissue distribution and neuroprotective effects of citrus flavonoid tangeretin in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.

A method of joining metals together by a diffusion process using silver/germanium alloys.

Public sector support for innovating SMEs

Bounded composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces

Transitional and enterprise restructuring: the development of individual farming in Romania

Competence building in complex systems in the developing countries: the case of satellite building in India


Wages, work intensity and unemployment in Japan, UK and USA

.... respicit Orpheus'.

El Lissitzky and the West: Internationalism and Proun.

Profile 14: Andrew Kearney

With intent.


Jordan Town.


Art Textiles 2.

The Unexpected.

Mensch Design.



Witness for the prosecution: the writings of Coco Fusco.

Storying Art (The Everyday Life of Tricky Practices)

Provisional acts

Polymorphous perversity: on Gert Verhoeven’s "The Blob".

In the garden of forked desires.

Figuring difference: the work of Jack Goldstein

Expanding the place of embodied viewing.

Verbal inter Visual.

Mohini Chandra - Album Pacifica

Catalogue essay.

Specifically video

Composition systems requirements for creativity: what research methodology?

A mechatronic sound track system.

Cultural Ties.

Photosynkyria 2001


Upsample @ Cade 2001

Treat Your Mother Right.

One Square Foot.

LimitedNoise Festival.

Problems of access to courts in Nigeria: results of a survey of legal practitioners


Capturing the moment...in time

Oil and war in Angola

Report on the Sonic Arts Network Conference, Newcastle

Diffusion as performance.

At the limits of Schaeffer's TARTYP.

What's the point.... of ballet?

Mathis Lussy and Expressive Performance.

Lussy, Mathis

GCSE drama for edexcel.

On answering music.

Mystères de l'Instant: some notes on Epiphany

Structural change in apartheid era South Africa: 1975-93

Convergence of China's regional incomes: 1952-97

Capital structure theory and its practical implications for firm financial management in Central and Eastern Europe.

Defining the public interest in legislation: the case of employment protection for whistleblowers.

Environmental law and commercial organisations

The impact of export controls on indigenous technology development in India's space programme

The quantification of country risk: effects on the sovereign debt discount.

International commodity trading : physical and derivative markets

Management des risques internationaux.

The market reaction to reported country risk in India

Revisiting the Asian financial crisis: were capital markets caught by surprise?

The option to divest as a strategic management tool.

Student induction in practice.

Maximising shareholder value in Hungary.

Was the change in land ownership necessary?

Globalised finance and the challenge to the Euro

Restructuring workplace cultures: the ultimate work-family challenge?

Work-life policies: where should the government go next?

European monetary union: problems of legitimacy, development and stability.

Home-based telework: gender and the synchronisation of work and family: perspectives of teleworkers and their co-residents

Organising emotional health

Demanding to manage and managing to demand.


Human resource management in Nepal.

The human value of the enterprise: valuing people as assets: monitoring, measuring, managing

Neue Formen der Arbeitsorganisation in Europa: eine empirische studie.

Between home and host country: multinationals and employment relations in Europe

Employment restructuring and flexibility in Austrian and Danish banking

Trade union responses to industrial restructuring: sectoral case studies from the SW England.

Industrial restructuring, globalisation and the trade union response: a study of MSF in the south west of England

Restructuration organizativa y la fragmentación del collectivismo en la industria aeroespacial en el Reino Unido: las perspectivas de una renovación sindical

The doctrine of uti possidetis and crystallisation of modern identity

Vicarious liability for acts connected with employment

Policy issues concerning compensation for psychiatric injury

Los procedimientos públicos especiales de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas y las nuevas dimensiones de la actividad del Consejo de Seguridad en el mantenimiento de la paz y seguridad internacional.

Labour force participation and business cycle fluctuations: a comparative analysis of Europe, Japan and the United States

What determines work resumption from long sickness spells? An analysis of six countries.

Gender impact on Chinese negotiation: some key issues for Western negotiators

Quality and business process synergy: key strategies promoting longevity.

Benchmarking: concept and practice with particular reference to the finance function

Introduction [includes What is whistleblowing]

Whistleblowing in Education

Whistleblowing at work: the results of a survey of procedures in further and higher education

Whistleblowing and human resource management

The law relating to whistleblowing

Whistleblowing at work

Lifelong learning and age discrimination in employment

Employee consultation

Land law.

The employment relationship

Organizational change: reconstructions and transfers of undertakings

Throwing the baby out with the bath water

Measurement of vessel diameters on retinal for cardiovascular studies.

Extraction of sagittal symmetry planes from PET images.

Image retrieval through perceptual shape modelling.

Using KADS to design a multi-agent framework for stock trading.

Information and knowledge exchange in a multi-agent system for stock trading.

A conceptual object modelling of gene mutation data.

It all depends on the question you ask

What primary teachers need to know to teach science effectively.

Off the Shelf: De Rijke Marsh Morgan.

Maximising creativity.

Monstrous acts.

Englishness after Britain.

La rappresentazione filmata del rennovo urbana nell'Ingliterra degli anni trenta.

On installation

Olivo Barbieri: through a glass darkly.

Investigating the applicability of the Taguchi method to software development.

Just programming.

The process of ethics.

Professional issues in software engineering curricula: case studies in ethical decision making.

Professional issues in a software engineering module: case study reports on students' coursework on ethical decision making.

Measuring the understandability of a graphical query language through a controlled experiment

The future requirements for assistive technology devices to enable elderly and disabled people to use ICT equipment.

Preliminary report to the Snowy Mountain hydro electric authority: NSW-Victoria system separation incident.

Situation awareness and its implications for human-systems interaction

Naturalistic decision making in emergency ambulance command and control.

Virtual tours in tourism: interaction issues.

Ergonomic consulting for SMCC facilities upgrade project: task analysis input to control room redesign.

Sally Potter

Whose war?

Adopting an instructional pedagogy for constructive on-line learning.

A language for implementing parallel and distributed systems using asynchronous point-to-pont communication.

Global campus: a pragmatic strategy.

From conventional to distance education: adopting a pedagogy and managing the transformation

Face to face teaching and resource-based learning: conflict or collaboration.

Choosing pedagogy and technology for an international web-based masters degree.

The analysis of human amniotic fluid using capillary electrophoresis.

Evaluation of the effects of swainsonine, captopril, tangeretin and nobiletin on the biological behaviour of brain tumour cells in vitro.

The role of matrix metalloproteinase genes in glioma invasion: co-dependent and interactive proteolysis.

Validation of a 3D reconstruction algorithm for EIT of human brain function in a realistic head-shaped tank

Electrical impedance tomography of human brain activity with a two-dimensional ring of scalp electrodes

Context and intertextuality in work based learning.

Learning organization [special issue]

Interactions between progesterone receptor isoforms in myometrial cells in human labour

Inclusion, exclusion and ethnicities: an exploration of the institutional structures of UK accountancy.

Detection of early pregnancy forms of human chorionic gonadotropin by home pregnancy test devices

An association between sebaceous carcinoma and microsatellite instability in immunosuppressed organ transplant recipients

Human β defensin-1 and -2 expression in human pilosebaceous units: upregulation in acne vulgaris lesions

Is the market ready for foundation degrees?

Higher education as a market: a problem or solution?

Creativity and education.

Sense of entitlement to support for the reconciliation of employment and family life

Working with partners to promote intellectual capital

Supporting Asian deaf young people and their families: the role of professionals and services

'Living a 'normal ' life: young people living with thalassaemia major or sickle cell disorder

Learning difficulties and ethnicity


Public awareness of warning signs for cancer in Britain.

The CDS/ISIS for Windows handbook

Modelling the effect of eye sockets in the human head using I-DEAS and its implication for imaging impedance change using Electrical Impedance Tomography.

Occupational stressors and coping as determinants of burnout in female hospice nurses

The role of belief veracity in understanding intentions-in-action: preschool children's performance on the transparent intentions task

Participatory action research and co-researchers: an innovative learning and change methodology for a medium-sized manufacturing organization.

Joined-up Library and Information Services in the University of the 21st Century = 21. Yüzyıl Üniversitesinde Birleşik Kütüphane ve enformasyon Hizmetleri

CDS/ISIS for Windows handbook

(Re)marking the overlooked or, Stanislavski's napkin

The acceptable face of parenthood: the relative status of biological and cultural interpretations of offspring in infertility treatment

Leisure activities and adolescent sexual behaviour

Adoption in the age of reproductive technology

The pornographic body: embodiment or representation?

The Gollin test and the optical properties of incomplete figures at threshold

'More than just money'– widening the understanding of the costs involved in cancer care

Action research in action: reflections on a project to introduce clinical practice facilitators to an acute hospital setting

The changing training needs of clinical nurse managers: exploring issues for continuing professional development

Examining the validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment scales: developing and using illustrated patient simulations to collect the data. INFORMATION POINT: Visual Analogue Scale

The development of an attitudes towards the sense of smell questionnaire (SoSQ) and a comparison of different professions' responses

A good odour to breathe? The effect of pleasant ambient odour on human visual vigilance.

The impact of class position on women's experience of receiving health education information whilst in hospital

Naturalistic approaches to healthcare evaluation: the case of a teenage cancer unit.

The cult of personality: historical representations of leadership in the suffragette movements in Britain and Ireland

Re-presenting the past: women and history

Irish female emigration in the 1930s: transgressing space and culture

Aliens, migrants and maids: public discourses of Irish immigration to Britain in 1937

Report on methods of systems analysis for studying and forecasting population-environment interactions

Effect of some selected background characteristics on reversible methods of contraception in Bangladesh

Access to mass media and its exposure to family planning messages: levels, differentials and determinants

Dangerous liaisons: women, men and Hurricane Mitch.

Reconstructing roles and relations: women's participation in reconstruction in post-Mitch Nicaragua

A defect in dendritic cell maturation in the nonobese diabetic mouse may contribute to the autoimmune phenotype.

Why and how European publishers are taking on the American heavyweights.

Weird and wonderful.

Modernism as translation.

Non-places and the spaces of art.

Segmenting support for small and medium enterprises: identifying and disseminating best practice. Research summary.

Refocusing of B-cell responses following a single amino acid substitution in an antigen.

Ethnic minority enterprise: policy in practice.

Food marketing systems on the Jos Plateau.

The cult of personality: reassessing leadership and suffrage movements in Britain and Ireland

Charging for external users

UK Libraries Plus: use by education students.

Comparison of three cation extraction methods and their use in determination of sodium adsorption ratios of some sodic soils.

A model for accurate drift estimation in streams.

Prison gang related activity in England

Feminist popular fiction

Emotional capital: Wordsworth and the formation of character

Speech and language therapists as trainers: enabling care staff working with older people.

Learning for interprofessional and inter-agency practice in the new social work curriculum: evidence from an earlier research study.

State theory and the neo-liberal reconstruction of schooling and teacher education: a structuralist neo-Marxist critique of postmodernist, quasi-postmodernist, and culturalist neo-Marxist theory.

Red chalk: on schooling, capitalism and politics.

Schooling and equality: fact, concept and policy.

Sex education: the issues when working with boys.

Plot-scale variations in soil dispersivity across a trashed gullyhead displaying shallow subsurface pipes.

Modernising Scottish witchcraft texts

Supporting the transition year: educational and clinical partnerships in developing a work based learning programme.

Sex education in secondary schools in England: the need for change.


Social class

Global capital, neo-liberalism, and privatization: the growth of educational inequality.

Equality, ideology and education policy.

The national curriculum, the hidden curriculum and equality.

Children as unsupported victims of crime.

The third way in Britain: New Labour’s neo-liberal education policy. (In French).

Comparative study of online and face-to-face subject delivery in industrial design.

Taking the mind off pain.

Dyslexia: a universal language deficit?

How do European and US psychology differ?

Do low wages stimulate investments? An analysis of the relationship between distribution and investments in Turkish private manufacturing industry.

The metamodelling language calculus: foundation semantics for UML.

Decision-taking on human resource issues.

Establishing an in-house journal

A crime without punishment: policy advocacy for European Union Health and Safety legislation on harassment at work

The MMF approach to engineering object-oriented design languages.

An action semantics for MML.

A translational semantics for UML.

Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor Model for developing cultural competence.

A guide to UK Regional/National and International organisations & web-sites offering services and information to visually impaired people.

Non-financial information disclosure and communication in large UK companies.

Dancing against the grain: new visions of masculinity in dance.

Development of an injection therapy module.

Ministry issues for the Church of England.

Understanding aesthetics in a virtual environment performance. A

A study of the development, characteristics and uses of open public spaces in Athens from 1940 to 2000.

Ecoethics: a glance from the internet (ecoethics of the internet environment on the way to information society).

Women's networks: their participation in and influence on the sustainable development agenda.

Development of a manufacturability analysis system for reinforced plastics components.

Being transsexual: self, identity and embodied subjectivity.

Sound mosaics: a graphical user interface for sound synthesis based on audio-visual associations.

Excluded voices: educational exclusion and inclusion.

Learning to read with meaning: early literacy and young Pakistani British children.

The impacts of traffic calming measures on vehicle exhaust emmissions.

Multi-modal usability evaluation.

Traces of identity: the construction of white ethnicity in New Zealand.

The internet: a framework for understanding ethical issues.

Is lack of peripheral tolerance induction a cause for diabetes in the non-obese diabetic mouse?

An empirical investigation of the financial disclosure practices of Cypriot and Greek companies.

The Daily Mail Ideal Home exhibition 1944-1962: representations of the 'Ideal Home' and domestic consumption.

The health and safety effects of job insecurity: an evaluation of the evidence.

The global expansion of precarious employment, work disorganization, and consequences for occupational health: placing the debate in a comparative historical context.

The global expansion of precarious employment, work disorganization, and consequences for occupational health: a review of recent research.

Market orientation and service quality of public sector sport and recreation providers: a case study approach.

Report of inquiry into safety in the long haul trucking industry.

Educational strategies used in increasing fluid intake and enhancing hydration status in field hockey players preparing for competition in a hot and humid environment: a case study.

Semantic effects as a function of reading skill in word naming of a transparent orthography

What is the role of the semantic system in acquired dyslexia in a transparent orthography?

The place of Turkish Orthography in cognitive psychology.

Signing the organ donor card: the relationship between expressed attitude, the actual behavior and personality traits

Basic processes in reading: semantics affects speeded naming of high-frequency words in an alphabetic script

Design and characterisation of fluidised bed cooling towers

Factors affecting low temperature performance of zirconia gas sensors.

Tripwire: a synchronization primitive for virtual memory mapped communication.

Reading mixed reception: the case of 'The Satanic Verses'.

Working with survivors of torture and extreme experiences.

Solving the forward problem in electrical impedance tomography for the human head using IDEAS (integrated design engineering analysis software), a finite element modelling tool

Policing black people: a study of ethnic relations as seen through the police complaints system

Developing a sustainable energy vision for the Environment Agency

Democracia e integración en América Latina

Reforms in the new German labour market: a case for institutional corporatism?

The Development of Social Work Practice with Lesbians and Gay Men.

'It's the real thing': performance and murder in Sweden

Does Nietzsche have a coherent view of truth?

The conference hall and the sea

Feminism-art-theory : 1968-2000

Logarithmic simulated annealing for X-ray diagnosis

Combining the perceptron algorithm with logarithmic simulated annealing

Supplier-retailer relationships in grocery distribution in Malaysia: indications of dominance, conflict, and cooperation

Measuring visual identity: a multi-construct study

Cause, effect and benefits of a standardised corporate visual identity system of UK companies operating in Malaysia

Effects of communication in achieving goals of family planning programmes in Bangladesh: a study on innovative communication approach Jiggasha

Another country XV

Symbolic communication in multidisciplinary cooperations

The impact of nationalism, patriotism and internationalism on consumer ethnocentric tendencies

Corporate identity in the service sector

The complexities of communicating to customers in emerging markets

The dynamics of corporate identity: a review of a process model

Mild chemical h-insertion into gamma-manganese dioxides

Ethnonationalism versus political nationalism in Ghanaian electoral politics 1996-2000

Heat transfer and evaporation in spray cooling of hot gas flows, including the effect of nozzle design

A mechatronic haemodialysis system for the treatment of acute renal failure and metabolic disorders

Dance on screen

Children's personal exposure to airborne particulate matter

Cognitive and Attentional Bias in the Processing of Smoking-Related Stimuli

Identifying strategic contant among former public utilities

Organisational empowerment and the individual: analysis of a local authority

The development of design and technology from a problem-solving perspective: apropos eleven to fourteen year-old pupils within the English education system

The problem of immanence in Kant and Deleuze

The design and evaluation of an interface and control system for a scariculated rehabilitation robot arm

An investigation into particulate air pollution in London, at a site on the Archway Road (A1) London

Adsorption and desorption of gases in porous silicon

Children’s musical perception and creativity as a compositional model

Relational patterns of being in communicative psychotherapy

The social construction of formal adult cautioning by police: an ethnographic study

AB diblock and ABC triblock amphiphilic copolymers containing fluorine

Biological water quality assessment in running water sites harbouring the endangered crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes based on macroinvertebrates and its potential in habitat selection for restocking

Investigating cultural differences in virtual software teams

Facilitating group formation and role allocation in software engineering groups

Virtual interviews: a futuristic approach to recruitment, assessment, screening and selection processes in IT organisations

Reconstructing roles and relations: women's participation in reconstruction in post-Mitch Nicaragua

Challenging poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion in Nicaragua: some considerations for poverty reduction strategies

The nature of gender differences in dart performance.

Signing the organ donor card: the relationship between expressed attitude, the actual behavior, and personality traits

Preoperative simulation system for the ZCHW custom hip prosthesis and its usage through the internet

Dead drunk [2001]; Put your coat on [2002]; Goodbye [pop promo for The Coral, 2002]

Nice guy Eddie

Reazoni del publico ai controlli sanitari a scopo diagnostico

Fat emulsification measured using NMR transverse relaxation

Assessment of antral grinding of a model solid meal using echo-planar imaging

A range of business television programmes

St.Pauls lino cut image illustration for Printmaking for beginners by Jane Stobart - Chapter 2 - Relief printing

Identity and globalization

Artist of the Month - Steve Mumberson - The Cobden Club London 2001

[Limited edition mug, in Get Mugged at Studio Fusion]

Drop out St. Paul's (monorelief) & Bitter Landscape (monorelief) [selected works in- Off Cuts: Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, annual exhibition, Bankside Gallery London]

Figure of 8 - a collaboration between pump house and londonprintstudio in association with Wadsworth council-London

TRIO - Anne Hulland, Penny Machin and Steve Mumberson - large print works by Stephhen Mumberson

Every factory our fortress: communist party workplace branches in a time of militancy, 1956-1979, part 2: testimonies and judgements

Os Sindicatos e O Estado

Miner heroes: three communist trade union leaders

The young manhood of Arthur Reade

The heresy of Arthur Horner

Socialists and the unions: a response to Gall's comment

New light on Arthur Reade: tracking down Britain's first trotskyist

Party people, communist lives: explorations in biography

Business Ethics: Facing Up To The Issues

Increased responsiveness of dopamine to atypical, but not typical antipsychotics in the medial prefrontal cortex of rats reared in isolation

Development of a high-pressure gradient pumping system for parallel liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry for the analysis of combinatorial libraries

The evaluation of interdigitated array electrodes for the measurement of catecholamines and indoleamines

Development and application of a sensitive high performance ion-exchange chromatography method for the simultaneous measurement of dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and norepinephrine in microdialysates from the rat brain

In vivo characterization of basal amino acid levels in subregions of the rat nucleus accumbens: effect of a dopamine D3/D2 agonist

Quality training: findings from a European survey

European quality management practices: the impact of national culture

Does truth telling improve psychological distress in palliative patients? A systematic review

Communication issues for nurses: what’s new on the agenda in the 21st century?

Does telling the truth about diagnosis and prognosis affect patient psychological distress? A systematic review registered with the York Center for Research and Dissemination database

The long and short of communication skills training: A qualitative evaluation and comparison of participant perceptions of two approaches to communication skill training

Does telling the truth about diagnosis and prognosis affect patients' psychological distress? A systematic review registered with the York Centre for Research & Dissemination database

Living without principles

The long and short of it: a comparison of two approaches to teaching communication skills

Conducting theory with an eye to practice