A programme of supervised practice in a primary care trust
Gendernaja teorija i iskusstvo: antologija: 1970-2000
Jane Prophet's Imaginary Organs of a Cyborg
Towards knowledge morphing: A triangulation approach to link tacit and explicit knowledge
A knowledge management framework to morph clinical cases with clinical practice guidelines
'Aren’t we all learner-centred now?': the bittersweet flavour of success
Productive reflection at work: Learning for changing organizations
Who cares? The classed nature of childcare
The childhood experience of care and abuse questionnaire (CECA.Q): validation in a community series
Unravelling desertification: policies and actor networks in Southern Europe
Funding sources and the strategic roles of decentralised R&D inmultinationals
A good start equals a good stay: providing a positive induction experience
Building success for all our students: enhancing the first year student experience
Developing creativity for the world of work: a case study
On sociosexual cognitive architecture
Can there ever be a non-specific adaptation? A response to Simon J. Hampton
The self-reported importance of olfaction during human mate choice
Dichotomies and contemporary social movements
Cultural genocide and the protection of the right of existence of Aboriginal and indigenous groups
Encyclopedia of genocide and crimes against humanity
Genocide trials and gacaca courts
Darfur and the ‘odious scourge’: the Commission of Inquiry's findings on genocide
Iterative channel estimation and turbo decoding in OFDM systems
On the constrained MMSE decision feedback equalization for MIMO wireless systems
From cattle and coke to Charlie: meeting the challenge of self marketing and personal branding
Palliative care for adolescents and young adults.
Compile-time meta-programming in a dynamically typed OO language.
The optical-geometrical characteristics and thresholds of perception of fragmented outline figures
Gender and skilled migration: into and beyond the work place
Figures of the cosmopolitan: privileged nationals and national outsider.
Secure borders and safe haven and the gendered politics of belonging: Beyond social cohesion
Migration, citizenship and the reassertion of the nation-state in Europe
Modelling strategies for vendor-managed inventory
Feminist political geographies
Remediation technologies for arsenic contaminated drinking waters.
Learning and research for sustainable agro-ecosystems by both farmers and scientists.
An investigation into arsenic(V) removal from aqueous solutions by hydroxylapatite and bone-char.
Techne, technology, technician: the creative practices of the mastercraftsperson
Men and dieting: a qualitative analysis
Dynamic modelling of electrical current distribution in the deep structure of the brain
Visualization and post-processing of 5D Brain Images
Trusted and trustworthy digital interactive TV: paradise lost or a paradise (to be) regained?
An overview of analysis of security standards for authentication in distributed systems.
Another false dawn? the Liberal Democrats, 2005
Age discrimination: equal treatment with exceptions
Financial markets and globalisation
Rural development under the European CAP: the role of diversity
Product attribute-based voter segmentation and resource advantage theory
The Middlesex University rehabilitation robot
Citizenship, migration and the reassertion of national identity
Information retrieval and categorisation using a cell assembly network
Gesture and Response in Field-Based Performance
Validation of a tip feedback sensor based flexible manipulator model
Representing collaborative work: the airport as common information space
Programming style based program partition
An improved model-based method to test circuit faults
Permission accounting in separation logic.
Acting irrationally to improve performance in stochastic worlds
The role of competition in best value: how far does it differ to CCT?
Pleasure-based design approaches to the built environment
Technology, futility and palliative care
Déjà vu?: Opportunities and obstacles in developing alcohol policy in English prisons
Entropy and information in models of learning behaviour
In honour of Prof Jaginder Singh Ramdev: An update on metadata for electronic resources
Attacks on an ISO/IEC 11770-2 key establishment protocol
Estimating size in incremental software development projects.
Formal verification of the merchant registration phase of the SET protocol.
Successful strategies of older people for finding information
Using metaphor to analyse qualitative data: vulcans and humans in software development
Towards formalised guidelines for migrating structured designs to UML: a case study.
Dynamics in proportionate selection.
A practical approach for 4G systems: deployment of overlay networks.
Autonomic system for mobility support in 4G networks
Simulation process modelling for managing software evolution.
The role and impact of assumptions in software development, maintenance and evolution.
Security proof of Sakai-Kasahara's identity-based encryption scheme.
Fit for purpose evaluation: the case of a public information kiosk for the socially disadvantaged.
Prediction of Type II MODY3 diabetes using backpercolation.
Constructed wetlands in UK urban surface drainage systems.
Storylines of research in diffusion of innovation: a meta-narrative approach to systematic review
Improving conveyancing efficiency by redrafting Section 16?
The transmission state principle: the end of the broadcasting sovereignty of the member states.
Using internet-based on-line assessment: a case study
Non voluntary return? The politics of refugee return to Afghanistan
The dances of Doris Humphrey: creating a contemporary perspective through interpretation
London 1908: a synchronic view of dance history
Strategies to improve engineering students' knowledge of emerging technologies.
Thinking sex politically: rethinking 'Sex' in Plato's Republic.
Effects of early tidal inundation on the cycling of methylamines in inter-tidal sediments.
Estimating injury and loss of life in floods: a deterministic framework.
Floods as catalysts for policy change: historical lessons from England and Wales
Is staying home the safest option during wildfire? Historical evidence for an Australian approach
Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in urban receiving waters
Wage uncertainty and the labour supply of self-employed workers.
Flood insurance: the challenge of the uninsured
My brother's keeper: faith based units in prisons
British South Asian Communities and Drug Supply Networks in the UK
Albanian return migration: migrants tend to return to their country of origin after all
Anti race discrimination measures in Europe: an attack on two fronts
The African Diaspora and Anti-Colonialism in Africa.
Sovereignty, biopolitics and the local government of crime in Britain
Secure borders, safe haven: a contradiction in terms?
Linguistics and the language of translation
Disability and age: multiple potential for discrimination
Racialised boundaries in travel and tourism: a case study of the UK Black Caribbean Community
Boundary formations and identity expressions in everyday interactions: Muslim minorities in Greece.
Diana Wynne Jones: children's literature and the fantastic tradition
On comparability: Kant and the possibility of comparative studies
Badiou's materialist epistemology of mathematics
Providing rights for whistleblowers: would an anti-discrimination model be more effective?
Over here: international perspectives on art and culture
La Pensée-Matisse: portrait de l'artiste en hyperfauve.
Painting: poignancy and ethics
The Memory Machine: sound and memory at the British Museum
Social relations, firms and societies: a study of institutional embeddedness
Problems of financial integration in the EU
The suboptimality of optimal punishments in Cournot supergames
Understanding small firm responses to regulation: the case of workplace health and safety
On self-normalized sums and student's statistic
Changes in academic work and the chair regime: the case of German business administration academics
Compact composition operators not in the Schatten classes
Shift invariant subspaces of composition operators.
Arthur Cayley: Mathematician Laureate of the Victorian Age
Arthur Cayley FRS and the four-colour map problem
Paul Urysohn and Karl Menger: dimension theory (1923-1926)
Mapping care pathways for the elderly
Transition and enterprise restructuring: the role of budget constraints and bankruptcy costs
Management and change in the South African National Defence Force: a cross-cultural study
'Bootstrapping': the investment decision-making process in small firms
WTO challenges and efficiency of Chinese Banks
The age dimension of employment practices: employer case studies.
Quantifying the impact of ICT on output growth: a heterogeneous dynamic panel approach
On stuff and nonsense: the complexity of cloth
Urban memory: suburban oblivion.
Perversion and French Avant-Garde Art : 1912-1916.
W. G. Sebald and the modern art of memory
Rukmini Devi: rethinking the classical
Rosemary Butcher: choreography/collisions/collaborations
Dance and dancers in the Victorian and Edwardian music hall ballet
Six frames: memories of two women
About Errollyn: reflections on the artist as creator and performer.
Animating architecture: foliage chorus.
Our English Heart: cantata for soprano solo, male chorus and orchestra.
Cultural studies in the corporate university
Beyond the boycott: anti-consumerism, cultural change and the limits of reflexivity
Ghosts: heritage and the shape of things to come.
Introduction: British heritage and the legacies of race
From UNCAGED to Cyber-Spatialism.
Sonic Art: Interactions between practice and theory.
Soundscape: the school of sound lectures.
Open Rehearsal of Schubert's "Arpeggione" Sonata for Cello and Piano with Ferenc Szucs.
Open Rehearsal of Rachmaninoff's Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor, Op.19, with Ferenc Szucs.
The concept of prolongation in music and poetry.
The art of phrasing: British performance theory during the 'Long' Nineteenth Century.
Rachmaninoff's Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor Op.19.
Music: the art of the intelligent heart.
Alibis, and why performers don't have them.
The spirit of capitalism? Immigration, religion and self-employment in early 20th century Canada
Stock return volatility and trading volume: evidence from the Chinese stock market
On China's rural and agricultural development after WTO accession
The motives for corporate hedging: the UK evidence.
Human capital and the agrarian structure in transition
Does individualization help the productivity of transition agriculture?
Pull and push: individual farming in Hungary
Foreign direct investment: the incentive to expropriate and the cost of expropriation risk
Modelling and measuring sovereign credit risk.
Metropolitan governance and regionalism: the case of Lisbon.
Are currency crises anticipated? Evidence from Mexican government guaranteed bonds 1993-1995.
An option pricing framework for the valuation of football players
Portfolio selection under VaR constraints.
Ertékalapú stratégiák: a pénzügyi teljesítmény értékvezérelt menedzsmentje
Developing diversity management skills in a university context: a direct or indirect approach?
Labour market policies: higher standards.
Scale and the political economy of financial change.
Absurde statut de la banque centrale
Changing cultures in changing workplaces: UK and Bulgaria compared.
Globalization and the integration of work with personal life
Looking backwards to go forwards: the integration of paid work and personal life.
Helping HR to understand the strategic value chain.
Valuing people as assets: a framework of people related measures for line managers.
Organising emotions in healthcare
Meeting the emotional challenge in organising health for the future
What are the latest trends in training and development.
HRM in the German business system: a review
Workplace partnership and work-life balance: a local government case study
Best value and workplace partnership in local government
High performance work systems, labour control and the production worker
Conceptual difficulties and the right to indigenous self-determination
The Protection from Harassment Act enters the workplace
Employer's liability after Hatton v Sutherland
The right to Land: international law & indigenous peoples
The role and effectiveness of safety representatives in influencing workplace health and safety.
Whistleblowers and the law of defamation: time for more statutory privilege?
Protecting the rights and interests of minority shareholders in China: challenges for the future
Official secrecy and the right to a fair trial: the case of the HMS Thetis
Approccio contraddittorio del Regno Unito alla discriminazione in base all'eta nel lavoro.
Using case studies in management education: the student perspective.
An international review of the business-to-business marketing curriculum
Constitutional and administrative law.
The impact of circuit nonlinearities and noise in OFDM receivers
Common invariant subspaces of composition operators and the shift on H2.
Using unified process to develop an online survey application.
Distributed authentication protocol for the security of binding updates in mobile IPv6.
Binding update security for mobile IPv6 using a distributed authentication protocol.
A solution for the problem of trusted third party for IEEE 802.11b networks
Towards culture-centred design: a metaphor in human computer interaction
Designing culture-centred interfaces: the implementation of CCD methodology.
Development of mobile platforms using PDA bluetooth control.
Successful grouping strategies and psychometric profiling in product design education.
Strategies to improve engineering student's knowledge of emerging technologies.
Developing authenticity in team-based design projects.
What are you getting at: inference and communication
How to write like: Michelle Roberts
Introduction: viewing animals.
Conjunctions 39 and liminal fantasy.
A consideration of Iain M. Banks's excession
Natural computing and interactive system design
Human-computer interaction: users, tasks and designs
Exploring cognitive factors for universal access.
Unsolicited commercial email (spam): an exploratory understanding using stakeholder analysis.
Phish or treat? Phishing tricks reloaded.
Combating spam through legislation: a comparative analysis of US and European approaches.
E-government: a new vision for success.
The information society and its consequences: lessons from the past.
Online medical consultations: are we heading in the right direction?
Ethics, logistics and pragmatism of student group work
Gender studies on the participation of women in IT: a comparison between UK and Malaysia.
Resource-based learning and teaching: concerns, conflicts, consensus, community.
Towards the maturation of IT usability evaluation (MAUSE).
Purpose and context: selecting multiple methods for evaluating a pilot public information terminal.
Characterising and understanding intangible trust factors.
Quality engineering process for the program design phase of a generic software life cycle
Agile methodologies and software process improvement.
Global software development: the dimension of culture.
PERFUMES: a scent of product quality characteristics
A scenario-based evaluation of travel information for older people and people with disabilities.
Universal access in an information world
The use of computers in rehabilitation
Independent mobility for blind and partially sighted people travelling by large passenger ships.
Work domain analysis and ecological interface design for hydropower system monitoring and control.
Applying the control adaptation method to a real world system: hydropower system example.
Complexity factors in ambulance command and control.
Operational concepts report Vol.2: tower control deliverable 12.
Operational Concepts Report Vol.1: Approach Control.
Depth, layering and transparency: developing design techniques.
What makes emergency ambulance command and control complex?
Interaction design at Middlesex University: innovative human-centred solutions.
Digitising desire in documentary: image, contingency, theory, and copyright
Conceiving Ada: the weaving of a feminist imperative into the cinematic new mediascape.
Depending on inconsistency: Badiou's answer to the guiding question of all contemporary philosophy.
Stunning simplicity: Abbas Kiarostami, visions of the artist
Rancière and the subversion of mastery.
On the specification and implementation of distributed systems using NMDS and LIPS
Spatial resolution improvement of 3D EIT images by the shrinking sLORETA-FOCUSS algorithm
Vaccines for the control of reproduction - status in mammals, and aspects of comparative interest.
Process simulation of agricultural products.
University work based learning and the knowledge driven project
Social, legal and professional issues of computing
The role of the Police in crime prevention and community safety
Partnerships and community policing
Developing an on-line undergraduate course in introductory psychology
Infant pointing: Harlequin, servant of two masters.
Event-related potentials demonstrate prolonged N400 priming effects for English irregular verbs
Older people: the enigma of satisfaction surveys
Developing a framework for critiquing health research
Supportive care: experiences of cancer patients
Non-participant observation: using videotapes to collect data in nursing research
Can those who are rewarded for teaching form a 'Community of Practice' that is of value for SOTL?
Small business innovation management.
Words fail me: dancing with the other's familiar.
Advice for home stitchers: women’s magazines and advice manuals 1900-1960
A review of the options for an employee seeking redress for personal injury.
Liability for stress related injury.
Coping, quality of life and psychological symptoms in three groups of sub-fertile women
Can obeying the law reduce the cost of stress at the workplace?
The circumvention principle: an effective defence of national broadcasting systems against abuse?
'So what happens now?’ Issues in cancer survival and rehabilitation.
Nurse Lecturers’ perception and teaching of spirituality.
Aonach Tailteann, the Irish press and gendered symbols of national identity
Leadership, decision making and internal stakeholder engagement.
Factors influencing exfiltration processes in sewers
Who’s Securing Whom? The need for International Relations to embrace human security.
The socio-demographic changes in Bangladesh: a study on impact
Factors associated with pregnancy complications during antenatal period: an extended GEE approach
Asian family and migration: some important issues
The politics of heritage: the legacies of 'race'
Regulating health and safety in small firms.
Evaluation of the support for enterprising communities pilot project.
Padé methods for reconstruction and feature extraction in magnetic resonance imaging.
The process of becoming art: existential-phenomenological explorations.
Evaluation of the deprived urban post office fund.
Investigations on building a food marketing policy evidence base in Nigeria
Flexicurity, workfare or inclusion? The politics of welfare and activation in the UK and Denmark
Gendered migrations: towards gender sensitive policies in the UK, asylum and migration.
Statistical analysis for brain EIT images using SPM.
Researching hate crime in diverse boroughs in London, some preliminary findings.
Hate crime and barriers to victims’ willingness to report: experiences within multi-cultural London.
Levinas, Israel and the call to conscience.
Descent-based discrimination in international law: a legal history.
The UK Committee on Radioactive Waste Management.
Ontology of knowledge management systems elements.
Diversifications in ethnic minority businss: the case of Asians in London's creative industries.
The novels of Jeanette Winterson
The concept of social class in modern Greek sociology.
Nuclear waste: consult widely, decide wisely?
Scenario writing in teacher education.
Critical education for economic and social justice.
Accreditation of organisational learning: experience in the health sector.
Introduction to work based learning in health and social care.
Marketing of higher education in Europe.
Edward II, Derek Jarman, and the State of England.
The subtlety of place: The lost art of phenomenology and being in the world of education.
Financial services practitioner: developing professionalism or best practice.
Data protection: peeking over the study cubicle online!
Online healthcare: internet pharmacies may not be good for your health
Copyright management systems: assessing the power balance.
Pursuing electronic health: a UK primary health care perspective
Can it be both economically and morally rewarding to invest in developing countries?
The macro content of PRSPs: assessing the need for a more flexible macroeconomic policy framework.
Regulating and improving global financial flows.
Development in international financial policies.
Should capital controls have a place in the future International Monetary System?
I latinoamericani nell'Unione Europea.
Neoliberalism, education, resistance.
Work based learning in health care: innovations and applications.
Model transformations and tool integration.
The Converge programming language.
Model transformations in practice workshop.
The development of a doctorate in Professional Studies in Health.
Exfiltration from sewers - is it a serious problem?
Judith Cowan: the capacity of things: Artist's inserts and interviews.
Virtual environments in psychology.
Improving provision for disabled psychology students.
Serious case reviews: lessons for practice in cases of child neglect
Child maltreatment: learning from tragedy: lessons from child deaths.
Remediation technologies for the removal of arsenic from water and wastewater
Opening new discourses in nursing: the history of the nursing process in the UK.
Traffic sign recognition based on human visual perception.
The collaborative development of a professional doctorate at Coventry University.
Teaching and learning in community language schools.
Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school.
Celebrations of learning in parallel literacy classes: bilingual children and early literacy.
Simultaneous and complementary literacy learning.
Midwives' experiences of personal pregnanacy related loss.
Personal experiences of dementia and care: the views of people with dementia and their relatives.
Drug problems and social exclusion: the development of heroin careers in risk environments.
Statutory occupational health and safety workplace arrangements for the modern labour market.
Succession planning: developing management potential in a social services department.
Post-merger concerns: cultural integration in a multinational corporation.
India: the blur of a distinction: Adivasis experience with land rights, self-rule and autonomy
The impact of pre-emptive criminalisation on professional discourses and practice.
The development of position-specific performance indicators in professional rugby union.
A comparison of individual and unit tactical behaviour and team strategy in professional soccer.
Game location effects in professional soccer: a case study.
Notational analysis of corner kicks in English Premier League Soccer.
A distributed intrusion detection approach for secure software architecture.
Synthesis of correct and distributed adaptors for component-based systems: an automatic approach.
Acquired dyslexia in a Turkish-English speaker.
Written picture naming in Turkish-French bilingual children.
Acquired reading, writing and repetition disorders in a Turkish-English bilingual.
The influence of age of acquisition in processing words and pictures in Turkish.
Persian orthography and its relation to literacy.
Assembled selves: the complexities of power at work.
Asymmetric MAP decoding for perpendicular magnetic recording
The market comes to higher education.
Extending information retrieval system model to improve interactive web searching.
Wavelet-based image compression for mobile applications.
How to write essays and dissertations: a guide for English literature students. 2nd edition
The right to request flexible working in Britain: the Law and organisational realities
US multi-nationals and the German industrial relations system
Consultation in a British utilities company: reinforcing the hierarchy?
Die Einführung des britischen Mindestlohns.
Desperately seeking paradise: journeys of a sceptical Muslim.
ADAM8/MS2/CD156a: a metalloprotease-disintegrin involved in immune responses
Using video interviewing in the assessment of social work communication skills
Generating accurate finite element meshes for the forward model of the human head in EIT
Competitive intelligence activity: evidence from Greece
Is it difficult to market a city as a convention destination? The case of Thessaloniki
Relating Singapore: cosmopolitan aesthetics and contemporary performance
'The divine hierarchy': the social and institutional elements of vulnerability in South India
Real time facial expression recognition from image sequences using support vector machines
Facial expression analysis under partial occlusion
Real time facial expression recognition from image sequences using support vector machines
Rural urbanism: London landscapes in the early nineteenth century
Mbi perdorimin e proves se ADN-se ne procesin penal(DNA on Trial)
Neoplatonism and analytical psychology
Relating cultural change to strategic adaptation: an interpretation of modern Chinese management
Unlearning the images of archaeology
Determinants of health status of the elderly in Bangladesh
A study of black issues in Counsellor training 2002 - 2005
The ethics of engagement revisited: remembering the ESF 2004
Interactive space generation through play: exploring the role of simulation on the design table
Patient information needs: before and after doctor consultations
Implementing digital resources for clinicians' and patients' varying needs
Towards a model of improvisation: a review of the literature
Investment features of selected industrial sectors of Bangladesh: an econometric investigation
Acting like a professional: identity dilemmas for gay men
Sacral nerve roots stimulation for Ischial pressure and blood perfusion changes in SCI
Life does not live: experience and life in the philosophies of Theodor W. Adorno and Giorgio Agamben
Foreword [to Generation yacht: Lee Valley leisure]
Community groups’ perceptions of and preferences to tourism development. Evidence from Crete
Seasonality in Crete: problem or a way of life?
Corporate reputation and crisis management: the threat and manageability of anti-corporatism
A relationship marketing perspective in electronic banking: evidence from Greece
Corporate identity: concept, components and contribution
Corporate visual identity: the re-branding of France Télécom
The role of corporate identity in the higher education sector: a case study
MESSM: a framework for protein threading by neural networks and support vector machines
Utopic horizons: cinematic geographies of travel and migration
Closing the loop: engaging with clinical outcomes in routine evaluation data
A method for treating dependencies between variables in a simulation risk analysis model
The implementation of best value: an empirical investigation
East meets west: a web-based training needs analysis of e-learning professionals across cultures
Communication patterns in e-learning communities
Enriching a pedagogical model for the implementation of a virtual training environment
Support mechanisms for web-enhanced learning in diverse cultural contexts
Questioning while walking: the ‘disobedient movement’, and the centro sociale revolta in Italy
To explore how coaches experience the challenge of developing their own professional practice
Prince: negotiating the meanings of femininity in the mid-1980s
Molecular evidence for the polyphyly of the genus Hemitragus (Mammalia, Bovidae)
The gendering of urban space in Berlin and Milan: a comparative perspective
Coalfield leaders, trade unionism and Communist politics: exploring Arthur Horner and Abe Moffat
British students at the International Lenin School: the vindication of a critique.
Some problems of Communist history
A peripheral vision: Communist historiography in Britain
Support environments for e-learning in developing countries
Support environments for e-learning in developing countries
Educational research on the internet: providing a platform for an intercultural-cultural context
Delivering quality content for intercultural education: the IntCultNet project
Intensely focused groups within on-line communities
A framework of using online portfolio to provide learner and learning support in e-learning
Enhancing computer mediated communication in virtual learning environment
The role of feedback in online learning communities
Application of computer-assisted-assessment (CAA) into the instructor-centred model of e-learning
An adaptive approach into the design of formative CAA systems in an instructor-centred paradigm
Web-based systems for distance education and e-learning
Dynamics and trajectory planning of a planar flipping robot
Judith Cowan: the capacity of things from life
Issues of cross-cultural distance learning
Deus ex machina: psychodynamics of identity in sound streams
Bacterial calcium carbonate precipitation for monumental stones conservation
Monitoring of gallbladder and gastric coordination by EPI
Primary care nursing: education for changing roles and boundaries
South west London practice nursing project. Final report
'Dangerous and severe personality disorder': a psychiatric manifestation of the risk society
South West London practice nursing project. Final report
The South West London practice nursing project
Gender equality in work experience placements for young people
Women teachers and the glass ceiling
Sure Start north west Kensington: an evaluation of the home visiting team
Sure Start Golborne: an evaluation of the home visiting team
In my day things were different: varying generational constructions of being a woman teacher
A private sector model in childcare
Deconstructing 'professionalism' in the early years: resisting the regulatory gaze
An ‘indirect reputation’ experiment in four great ape species
Social work joint appointments: partnerships between universities and local authorities
The 'Pierrot' Ensemble in London: The Birth of a Genre?
Commissioned by GUCCI Menswear, Milan, Italy to handknit elaborate garments for their catwalk shows
The 5th international mini-print biennial Cluj - 2005 Romania
Seventeenth International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Arts Gabrovo 2005 Bulgaria
Microtonal procedures in 'Sailing to Byzantium'
Treatment with extracellular HSP70/HSC70 protein can reduce polyglutamine toxicity and aggregation
Verifying cryptographic protocols
Human fertility: sociodemographic aspects
Cross resistance between cisplatin and oxaliplatin in a low-level resistance lung cancer cell model
Does truth-telling influence patients’ psychological distress?