Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

TitleFaculty of Health, Social Care and Education
UniversityMiddlesex University London

Latest research outputs

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Learning from people with long-term conditions: new insights for governance in primary health care
Ross, F., Smith, P., Byng, R., Christian, S., Allan, H., Price, L. and Brearley, S. 2014. Learning from people with long-term conditions: new insights for governance in primary health care. Health and Social Care in the Community. 22 (4), pp. 405-416. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12097


Cervical screening and the aftermath of childhood sexual abuse: are clinical staff trained to recognise and manage the effect this has on their patients?
Walker, J. and Allan, H. 2014. Cervical screening and the aftermath of childhood sexual abuse: are clinical staff trained to recognise and manage the effect this has on their patients? Journal of Clinical Nursing. 23 (13-14), pp. 1857-1865. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.12390


Early intervention screening involves more than “simple” screening
Lee, H., Lu, Z., Allan, H., Yeh, M. and Chang, S. 2015. Early intervention screening involves more than “simple” screening. International Journal of Healthcare, Insurance and Equity. 2 (1).


Factors perceived to influence exercise adherence in women with breast cancer participating in an exercise programme during adjuvant chemotherapy: a focus group study
Husebø, A., Karlsen, B., Allan, H., Søreide, J. and Bru, E. 2015. Factors perceived to influence exercise adherence in women with breast cancer participating in an exercise programme during adjuvant chemotherapy: a focus group study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 24 (3-4), pp. 500-510. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.12633


Exercise: a path to wellness during adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer?
Husebø, A., Allan, H., Karlsen, B., Soreide, J. and Bru, E. 2015. Exercise: a path to wellness during adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer? Cancer Nursing. 38 (5), pp. E13-E20. https://doi.org/10.1097/NCC.0000000000000205


Supporting staff to respond effectively to informal complaints: findings from an action research study
Allan, H., Odelius, A., Hunter, B., Bryan, K., Knibb, W., Shawe, J. and Gallagher, A. 2015. Supporting staff to respond effectively to informal complaints: findings from an action research study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.12770


Gatekeeping access to the midwifery unit: managing complaints by bending the rules
Allan, H., Odelius, A., Hunter, B., Bryan, K., Knibb, W. and Shawe, J. 2015. Gatekeeping access to the midwifery unit: managing complaints by bending the rules. Health. 19 (6), pp. 652-669. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363459314567791


Do electrical stimulation enhance pressure ulcer healing in people living with spinal cord injuries: a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomised and non-randomised controlled trials
Liu, L., Moody, J. and Gall, A. 2015. Do electrical stimulation enhance pressure ulcer healing in people living with spinal cord injuries: a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomised and non-randomised controlled trials. 25th Conference of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA 2015). ExCeL London, UK 13 - 15 May 2015

Conference paper

English language skills requirements for internationally educated nurses working in the care industry: barriers to UK registration or institutionalised discrimination?
Allan, H. and Westwood, S. 2016. English language skills requirements for internationally educated nurses working in the care industry: barriers to UK registration or institutionalised discrimination? International Journal of Nursing Studies. 54, pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.12.006


Dilemmas in continuing professional learning: Learning inscribed in frameworks or elicited from practice?
Reich, A., Rooney, D. and Boud, D. 2015. Dilemmas in continuing professional learning: Learning inscribed in frameworks or elicited from practice? Studies in Continuing Education. 37 (2), pp. 131-141. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2015.1022717


The experience of post-qualifying healthcare students of University-based continuing professional development
Brown, V. 2015. The experience of post-qualifying healthcare students of University-based continuing professional development. DProf thesis Middlesex University Institute for Work Based Learning

DProf thesis

Sustainable assessment revisited
Boud, D. and Soler, R. 2016. Sustainable assessment revisited. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 41 (3), pp. 400-413. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2015.1018133


'Doing the writing' and 'working in parallel': How 'distal nursing' affects delegation and supervision in the emerging role of the newly qualified nurse
Johnson, M., Magnusson, C., Allan, H., Evans, K., Ball, E., Horton, K., Curtis, K. and Westwood, S. 2015. 'Doing the writing' and 'working in parallel': How 'distal nursing' affects delegation and supervision in the emerging role of the newly qualified nurse. Nurse Education Today. 35 (2), pp. e29-e33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2014.11.020


Groupwork in practice: a work-based learning approach
Nottingham, P. and Pronger, N. 2010. Groupwork in practice: a work-based learning approach. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 4 (1), pp. 104-107.


"Evil cats" and "jelly floods": young children’s collective constructions of digital art-making in the early years classroom
Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. 2016. "Evil cats" and "jelly floods": young children’s collective constructions of digital art-making in the early years classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 30 (1), pp. 128-141. https://doi.org/10.1080/02568543.2015.1107156


Narrative in young children’s digital art-making
Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. 2016. Narrative in young children’s digital art-making. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 16 (3), pp. 289-310. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468798415577873


'Too high an ideal for the work required'? Minnie James and the intellectual life of the librarian
Sakr, M. 2011. 'Too high an ideal for the work required'? Minnie James and the intellectual life of the librarian. Library & Information History. 27 (3), pp. 179-193. https://doi.org/10.1179/175834911X13046881149240


The semiotic work of the hands in scientific inquiry
Sakr, M., Jewitt, C. and Price, S. 2014. The semiotic work of the hands in scientific inquiry. Classroom Discourse. 5 (1), pp. 51-70. https://doi.org/10.1080/19463014.2013.868078


‘Wrighting’ the self: new technologies and textual subjectivities
Sakr, M. 2012. ‘Wrighting’ the self: new technologies and textual subjectivities. Learning, Media and Technology. 37 (1), pp. 119-123. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2012.636366


Feedback: ensuring it leads to enhanced learning
Boud, D. 2015. Feedback: ensuring it leads to enhanced learning. Clinical Teacher. 12 (1), pp. 3-7. https://doi.org/10.1111/tct.12345


Letter to the editor: Concepts of informed choice
Brailey, S. 2015. Letter to the editor: Concepts of informed choice. International Journal of Birth and Parent Education. 2 (2), p. 6.


Developing a tool for mapping adult mental health care provision in Europe: the REMAST research protocol and its contribution to better integrated care
Salvador-Carulla, L., Amaddeo, F., Gutierrez-Colosia, M., Salazzari, D., Gonzalez-Caballero, J., Montagni, I., Tedeschi, F., Cetrano, G., Chevreul, K., Kalseth, J., Hagmair, G., Strasmayr, C., Park, A., Sfetcu, R., Wahlbeck, K. and Garcia-Alonso, C. 2015. Developing a tool for mapping adult mental health care provision in Europe: the REMAST research protocol and its contribution to better integrated care. International Journal of Integrated Care. 15. https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.2417


All about… multilingualism & critical thinking
Burghardt, V., Barnaby, B. and Robertson, L. 2015. All about… multilingualism & critical thinking. Mark Allen Group. https://doi.org/10.12968/nuwa.2015.16.17


Making the 'here' and 'now': rethinking children's digital photography with Deleuzian concepts
Sakr, M. and Kucirkova, N. 2015. Making the 'here' and 'now': rethinking children's digital photography with Deleuzian concepts. in: Hackett, A., Procter, L. and Seymour, J. (ed.) Children's Spatialities: Embodiment, Emotions and Agency London, UK. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 54–74

Book chapter

Non-invasive and non-destructive measurements of confluence in cultured adherent cell lines
Busschots, S., O'Toole, S., O'Leary, J. and Stordal, B. 2015. Non-invasive and non-destructive measurements of confluence in cultured adherent cell lines. MethodsX. 2, pp. 8-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2014.11.002


Identifying novel hypoxia-associated markers of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
McEvoy, L., O'Toole, S., Spillane, C., Martin, C., Gallagher, M., Stordal, B., Blackshields, G., Sheils, O. and O'Leary, J. 2015. Identifying novel hypoxia-associated markers of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer. BMC cancer. 15 (1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-015-1539-8


Swimming against the tide: women's experience of choosing a homebirth in Switzerland
Brailey, S., Jarrett, P., Luyben, A. and Poat, A. 2015. Swimming against the tide: women's experience of choosing a homebirth in Switzerland. British Journal of Midwifery. 23 (11), pp. 780-788. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjom.2015.23.11.780


Teaching and learning about child rights: a study of implementation in 26 countries
Jerome, L., Emerson, L., Lundy, L. and Orr, K. 2015. Teaching and learning about child rights: a study of implementation in 26 countries. UNICEF PFP & Queen's University Belfast.

Project report

Introducing educational theory: vaginal examination
Killingley, J. 2015. Introducing educational theory: vaginal examination. The Practising Midwife. 18 (8), pp. 27-29.


Effects of two retraining strategies on nursing students' acquisition and retention of BLS/AED skills: a cluster randomised trial
Hernández-Padilla, J., Suthers, F., Granero-Molina, J. and Fernández-Sola, C. 2015. Effects of two retraining strategies on nursing students' acquisition and retention of BLS/AED skills: a cluster randomised trial. Resuscitation. 93, pp. 27-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.05.008


A snapshot review of culturally competent compassion as addressed in selected mental health textbooks for undergraduate nursing students
Papadopoulos, R. and Pezzella, A. 2015. A snapshot review of culturally competent compassion as addressed in selected mental health textbooks for undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Compassionate Health Care. 2 (3), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40639-015-0012-5


The impact of work-based research projects at postgraduate level
Costley, C. and Abukari, A. 2015. The impact of work-based research projects at postgraduate level. Journal of Work-Applied Management. 7 (1), pp. 3-14. https://doi.org/10.1108/JWAM-10-2015-006


Educational knowledge in professional practice: a transdisciplinary approach
Costley, C. 2015. Educational knowledge in professional practice: a transdisciplinary approach. in: Gibbs, P. (ed.) Transdisciplinary Professional Learning and Practice Springer. pp. 121-133

Book chapter

Engineers' professional learning: a practice-theory perspective
Reich, A., Rooney, D., Gardner, A., Willey, K., Boud, D. and Fitzgerald, T. 2015. Engineers' professional learning: a practice-theory perspective. European Journal of Engineering Education. 40 (4), pp. 366-379. https://doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2014.967181


Carboplatin and taxol resistance develops more rapidly in functional BRCA1 compared to dysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells
Busschots, S., O'Toole, S., O'Leary, J. and Stordal, B. 2015. Carboplatin and taxol resistance develops more rapidly in functional BRCA1 compared to dysfunctional BRCA1 ovarian cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research. 336 (1), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yexcr.2014.12.001


Pressure changes under the ischial tuberosities during gluteal neuromuscular stimulation in spinal cord injury: a comparison of sacral nerve root stimulation with surface functional electrical stimulation
Liu, L. and Ferguson-Pell, M. 2015. Pressure changes under the ischial tuberosities during gluteal neuromuscular stimulation in spinal cord injury: a comparison of sacral nerve root stimulation with surface functional electrical stimulation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 96 (4), pp. 620-626. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2014.10.008


Student satisfaction or happiness? : a preliminary rethink of what is important in the student experience
Gibbs, P. and Dean, A. 2015. Student satisfaction or happiness? : a preliminary rethink of what is important in the student experience. Quality Assurance in Education.. 23 (1), pp. 5-19. https://doi.org/0.1108/QAE-10-2013-0044


12 teachers’ use of writing in displays of young children’s artwork
Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. 2015. 12 teachers’ use of writing in displays of young children’s artwork. in: Archer, A. and Breur, E. (ed.) Multimodality in Writing: The state of the art in theory, methodology and pedagogy Brill.

Book chapter

The global addiction academy project: a global phenomenon - requiring a global solution - from a global community
Hafford-Letchfield, T., Clancy, C., Murphy-Parker, D. and Vargas, D. 2014. The global addiction academy project: a global phenomenon - requiring a global solution - from a global community. International Nurses Society on Addiction. Washington, USA 16 - 18 Oct 2014

Conference item

Developing a robust tool: Advancing the multiple mini interview in pre-registration student midwife selection in a UK setting
Callwood, A., Cooke, D. and Allan, H. 2014. Developing a robust tool: Advancing the multiple mini interview in pre-registration student midwife selection in a UK setting. Nurse Education Today. 34 (12), pp. 1450-1454. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2014.04.023


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Akina, Flora

Akinnuoye, Yetunde

Albary, Suzanne

Allain, Lucille

Allan, Helen

Allen, Shirley

Almeda, Chamari

Almond, Tracy

Amodine, Sadiyah

Anderson, Dee

Anestis, Eleftherios

Apeah-Kubi, Diane

Appleby, Lin

Arewa, Idi

Awan, Naz

Baeza-Nunez, Alvaro

Bailey, Fiona

Baker, Tremaine

Barker, John

Barter, Phil

Beasley, Liz

Benson, Michelle

Bhalla, Neeta

Boud, David

Bourne, Theresa

Boyce, Paul

Brailey, Sue

Briscoe, Sherine

Brook, Victoria

Brown, Venetia

Bulmer, David

Burghardt, Vicky

Burke, Sarah

Cain, Lisa

Carlton, Cherie

Carter, Edward

Carter, Yvonne

Cetrano, Gaia

Chan, Wendy

Chima, Olle

Clancy, Carmel

Clark, Mary

Conde Ghigliazza, Ileana

Cooper, Nora

Costley, Carol

Crowley, Shannon

Cunningham, Sheila

Daly, Niall

de Rijke, Victoria

Desai, Jeenal

Dexter, Alison

Dhabha, Adriana

Dhillon, Kulvinder

Dire, Kingstone

Duncan, Niki

Dye, Kirstie

Eaves, Jane

Edwards, Emilie

Elder, Meldene

Ellis, Eddie

Elugbaju, Tunde

Emdon, Joshua

Everett, Su

Evers, Gareth

Farah, Nada

Feeney, Aine

Ferry, Benjamin

Fitzsimons, Carmel

Flaherty, Cariona

Francis, Laura

Fretwell, Nathan

Fryer, Nic

Garcia, David

Gibbs, Paul

Gillon, Evie

Gleeson, Helen

Gnanadas, Anila

Goh, Kristina

Gorari, Amarilis

Graves, Carol

Griffiths, Michaela

Haidari, Sahar

Halawi, Anabel

Hall, Verona

Halls, Kayla

Harding, Clare

Harding, Jacqueline

Harris, Alison

Heath, Lucy

Henry, Perry

Herlihy, Margaret

Herring, Rachel

Hillary, Orla

Hinds, Marion

Hingley-Jones, Helen

Hoare, Lottie

Hobayan, Jimmy

Hodge, Pam

Howarth, Mike

Howarth, Vikki

Jack, Debbie

Jacob, Esther

Jefferies, Philip

Jerome, Lee

Jugdoyal, Adrian

Jung, Katja

Kangai, Lilian

Karamanidou, Maria

Kaur Lawrence, Susan

Kazim, Raza

Kehoe, Helen

Kelly, Jacinta

Kerr, Lourdes

Kershaw, James

Khodabux, Raouf

Khwaja, Christine

Killingley, Jo

Kulenovic, Edina

Lambert, Nicky

Lane-Hand, Cynthia

Lazar, Gillian

Lee-Messenger, Lynette

Leliopoulou, Chrysi

Lerman, Rebecca

Lewis-Brooke, Sarah

Lisowski, Liz

Liu, Liang

Longo, Abele

Loseby, Jez

Luton, Meghan

Maher, Clare

Mc Dermott, Louise

McDermott, Justin

McGowan, Suzanne

McKay, Sophie

Mehigan, Sinead

Merelas, Paula

Michaelides, Stephanie

Miller, Ruth

Mohammed, Rahaman

Mohammed, Shukri

Mohess, Laura

Mohsin, Intisaar

Moio, Natalie

Moore, Fay

Moore, Tina

Morris, Lynette

Mulhern, Ruairi

Mulligan, Anne

Murphy, Carol

Murphy-Collins, Shauna

Mwebe, Herbert

Nikolou-Walker, Elda

Nottingham, Paula

Nwadiaro, Amarachi

O'Donoghue, Clare

O'Driscoll, Mike

O'Farrell-Pearce, Sioban

Odedra, Urvashi

Ogunnaike, Bola

Oliver, Harriet

Ornato, Lola

Osgood, Jayne

Papadopoulos, Rena

Parsons, Robin

Peart, Kevin

Perriman, Carolyn

Pezzella, Alfonso

Polec, Aneta

Polychronidi, Lena

Poole, Emily

Pritchard, Amy

Quaife, Matthew

Rachel-Naseem, Nosheen

Richmond, Amy

Ring, David

Robertson, Leena

Rosales, Raquel

Sadiqi, Shams

Sakr, Mona

Salvage, Sharon

Sargisson, Caroline

Scholefield, Donna

Scollan, Angela

Sergejev, Ronald

Shanahan, Patricia

Slovenko, Karolina

Smith, Emily

Smith, Gill

Spawls, Nicky

Stafylarakis, Manos

Stordal, Britta

Strachan, Linda-Marie

Suthern, Alexandra

Suthers, Fiona

Taylor, Marion

Thackray, Tracy

Thom, Betsy

Thomas, Janell

Townsley, Brooke

Trumm, Aile

Ugiagbe, Monday

Ursuleanu, Alina

Veic, Ana

Walji, Sarah

Walsh, Catherine

Walton, Rebecca

Warner-O'Connell, Kerry Rose

Weaver, Timothy

Weekes, Faith

Weller, Gordon

Whitehead, Laura

Wilson, Dilys

Wilson, Kathy

Woulfe-Henry, Therese

Wright, Steve

Yordanova, Galabina