Faculty of Science and Technology

TitleFaculty of Science and Technology
UniversityMiddlesex University London

Latest research outputs

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Reverse engineering in strength and conditioning: applications to agility training
Turner, A., Read, P., Maestroni, L., Chavda, S., Yao, X., Papadopoulos, K., Virgile, A., Spiegelhalter, A. and Bishop, C. 2022. Reverse engineering in strength and conditioning: applications to agility training. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 44 (4), pp. 85-94. https://doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0000000000000681


Locating functionalized gold nanoparticles using electrical impedance tomography
Bayford, R., Damaso, R., Neshatvar, N., Ivanenko, Y., Rademacher, T., Wu, Y., Seifnaraghi, N., Ghali, L., Patel, N., Roitt, I., Nordebo, S. and Demosthenous, A. 2022. Locating functionalized gold nanoparticles using electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 69 (1), pp. 494-502. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBME.2021.3100256


Solutions for improving rich media streaming quality in heterogeneous network environments
Trestian, R. and Muntean, G. 2022. Solutions for improving rich media streaming quality in heterogeneous network environments. in: Webster, J.G. (ed.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Wiley.

Book chapter

A new privacy framework for the management of chronic diseases via mHealth in a post-Covid-19 world
Jusob, F., George, C. and Mapp, G. 2022. A new privacy framework for the management of chronic diseases via mHealth in a post-Covid-19 world. Journal of Public Health. 30 (1), pp. 37-47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-021-01608-9


Effects of unilateral vs. bilateral resistance training interventions on measures of strength, jump, linear and change of direction speed: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Liao, K., Nassis, G., Bishop, C., Yang, W., Bian, C. and Li, Y. 2022. Effects of unilateral vs. bilateral resistance training interventions on measures of strength, jump, linear and change of direction speed: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biology of Sport. 39 (3), pp. 485-497. https://doi.org/10.5114/biolsport.2022.107024


“Small steps, or giant leaps?” Comparing game demands of U23, U18, and U16 English academy soccer and their associations with speed and endurance
Smalley, B., Bishop, C. and Maloney, S. 2022. “Small steps, or giant leaps?” Comparing game demands of U23, U18, and U16 English academy soccer and their associations with speed and endurance. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 17 (1), pp. 134-142. https://doi.org/10.1177/17479541211018771


Effects of a resistance training intervention on the strength-deficit of elite young soccer players
Loturco, I., Pereira, L., Bishop, C., Zanetti, V., Freitas, T. and Pareja-Blanco, J. 2022. Effects of a resistance training intervention on the strength-deficit of elite young soccer players. Biology of Sport. 39 (3), pp. 615-619. https://doi.org/10.5114/biolsport.2022.106157


3D analytical modelling and iterative solution for high performance computing clusters
Kirsal, Y., Kirsal Ever, Y., Mapp, G. and Raza, M. 2022. 3D analytical modelling and iterative solution for high performance computing clusters. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 10 (4), pp. 2238-2251. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCC.2021.3055119


Singing to infants matters: early singing interactions affect musical preferences and facilitate vocabulary building
Franco, F., Suttora, C., Spinelli, M., Kozar, I. and Fasolo, M. 2022. Singing to infants matters: early singing interactions affect musical preferences and facilitate vocabulary building. Journal of Child Language. 49 (3), pp. 552-577. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000921000167


MobiScan: an enhanced invisible screen‐camera communication system for IoT applications
Zhang, X., Liu, J., Ba, Z., Tao, Y. and Cheng, X. 2022. MobiScan: an enhanced invisible screen‐camera communication system for IoT applications. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 33 (4). https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.4151


Life events, depression and supportive relationships affect academic achievement in university students
Spence, R., Kagan, L., Nunn, S., Bailey-Rodriguez, D., Fisher, H., Hosang, G. and Bifulco, A. 2022. Life events, depression and supportive relationships affect academic achievement in university students. Journal of American College Health. 70 (7), pp. 1931-1935. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2020.1841776


Secure smart contracts for cloud-based manufacturing using Ethereum blockchain
Kumar, A., Abhishek, K., Nerurkar, P., Ghalib, M., Shankar, A. and Cheng, X. 2022. Secure smart contracts for cloud-based manufacturing using Ethereum blockchain. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 33 (4). https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.4129


AnAbEL: Towards empowering people living with dementia in ambient assisted living
Gimenez Manuel, J., Augusto, J. and Stewart, J. 2022. AnAbEL: Towards empowering people living with dementia in ambient assisted living. Universal Access in the Information Society. 21 (2), pp. 457-476. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-020-00760-5


Magnitude or direction? Seasonal variation of interlimb asymmetry in elite academy soccer players
Bishop, C., Read, P., Chavda, S., Jarvis, P., Brazier, J., Bromley, T. and Turner, A. 2022. Magnitude or direction? Seasonal variation of interlimb asymmetry in elite academy soccer players. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 36 (4), pp. 1031-1037. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003565


The association between Interlimb asymmetry and athletic performance tasks: a season long study in elite academy soccer players
Bishop, C., Read, P., Bromley, T., Brazier, J., Jarvis, P., Chavda, S. and Turner, A. 2022. The association between Interlimb asymmetry and athletic performance tasks: a season long study in elite academy soccer players. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 36 (3), pp. 787-795. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003526


Dependability engineering in Isabelle
Kammueller, F. 2021. Dependability engineering in Isabelle. arxiv.org.

Working paper

Exploring rationality of self awareness in social networking for logical modeling of unintentional insiders
Kammueller, F. and Alvarado, C. 2021. Exploring rationality of self awareness in social networking for logical modeling of unintentional insiders. arxiv.org.

Working paper

Supporting flood and coastal erosion risk management through partnerships: key lessons
Priest, S., Alexander, M., McCarthy, S., Penning-Rowsell, E., Cumiskey, L. and Cobbing, P. 2021. Supporting flood and coastal erosion risk management through partnerships: key lessons. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.

Project report

Educational activities for students and citizens supporting the One-Health approach on antimicrobial resistance
Marvasi, M., Casillas, L., Vassallo, A. and Purchase, D. 2021. Educational activities for students and citizens supporting the One-Health approach on antimicrobial resistance. Antibiotics. 10 (12). https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics10121519


Analysis of operation performance of three indirect expansion solar assisted air source heat pumps for domestic heating
Yang, L., Hua, N., Pu, J., Xia, Y., Zhou, W., Xu, R., Yang, T., Belyayev, Y. and Wang, H. 2022. Analysis of operation performance of three indirect expansion solar assisted air source heat pumps for domestic heating. Energy Conversion and Management. 252, pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2021.115061


Intelligence analysis support guide: development and validation
Dhami, M. and Careless, K. 2023. Intelligence analysis support guide: development and validation. International Journal of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence. 36 (1), pp. 241-259. https://doi.org/10.1080/08850607.2021.1966589


"Hard to say, hard to understand, hard to live": possible associations between neurologic language impairments and suicide risk
Costanza, A., Amerio, A., Aguglia, A., Magnani, L., Serafini, G., Amore, M., Merli, R., Ambrosetti, J., Bondolfi, G., Marzano, L. and Berardelli, I. 2021. "Hard to say, hard to understand, hard to live": possible associations between neurologic language impairments and suicide risk. Brain Sciences. 11 (12). https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11121594


Perceived barriers to physical activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients during COVID-19 pandemic in the UAE
Ali, B. and Elliott, A. 2021. Perceived barriers to physical activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients during COVID-19 pandemic in the UAE. Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education. 4 (11), pp. 225-233. https://doi.org/10.36348/jaspe.2021.v04i11.002


Technology-enhanced learning for social work education and practice
Nix, I. 2010. Technology-enhanced learning for social work education and practice. in: Seden, J., Matthews, S., McCormick, M. and Morgan, A. (ed.) Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice Abingdon, UK and New York, USA Routledge. pp. 150-156

Book chapter

Supported open learning: developing an integrated information literacy strategy online
Gosling, C. and Nix, I. 2011. Supported open learning: developing an integrated information literacy strategy online. in: Mackey, T. and Jacobson, T. (ed.) Teaching Information Literacy Online New York Neal Schuman. pp. 91-108

Book chapter

"Why bother?" Learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development - learning design implications
Nix, I., Hall, M. and Baker, K. 2012. "Why bother?" Learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development - learning design implications. 11th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2012). University of Groningen, The Netherlands 26 - 27 Oct 2012 Academic Publishing International Limited. pp. 406-415

Conference paper

"What do I need?" - evaluating learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development to inform enhancements to learning design
Nix, I., Hall, M. and Baker, K. 2012. "What do I need?" - evaluating learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development to inform enhancements to learning design. The Seventh International Blended Learning Conference: Reflecting on Our Achievements - What's Next for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK 13 - 14 Jun 2012 University of Hertfordshire. pp. 21-31

Conference paper

Social media and social work students: the boundaries just got more complicated
Lomax, R. and Nix, I. 2015. Social media and social work students: the boundaries just got more complicated. Joint Social Work Education Conference (JSWEC 2015). The Open University, Milton Keynes 15 - 17 Jul 2015

Conference item

Collecting questionnaire and interview data: evaluating approaches to developing digital literacy skills
Nix, I. and Hall, M. 2016. Collecting questionnaire and interview data: evaluating approaches to developing digital literacy skills. in: SAGE Research Methods Cases London, UK SAGE Publications.

Book chapter

Supporting and enabling scholarship: developing and sharing expertise in online learning and teaching
Barnes, F., Cole, S. and Nix, I. 2018. Supporting and enabling scholarship: developing and sharing expertise in online learning and teaching. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 6 (1), pp. 66-74. https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v6i1.323


Face-to-face language learning at a distance? a study of a video conference try-out
Goodfellow, R., Nix, I., Miles, T. and Shirra, T. 1996. Face-to-face language learning at a distance? a study of a video conference try-out. ReCALL. 8 (2), pp. 5-16. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0958344000003530


Exploring design features to enhance computer-based assessment: learners' views on using a confidence-indicator tool and computer-based feedback
Nix, I. and Wyllie, A. 2011. Exploring design features to enhance computer-based assessment: learners' views on using a confidence-indicator tool and computer-based feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology. 42 (1), pp. 101-112. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.00992.x


Are learner perceptions of digital literacy skills teaching affected by demographic factors?
Hall, M., Nix, I. and Baker, K. 2012. Are learner perceptions of digital literacy skills teaching affected by demographic factors? The Seventh International Blended Learning Conference: Reflecting on Our Achievements - What's Next for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK 13 - 14 Jun 2012 University of Hertfordshire. pp. 12-20

Conference paper

"Why should I?" Engaging learners in digital literacy skills development
Hall, M., Nix, I. and Baker, K. 2012. "Why should I?" Engaging learners in digital literacy skills development. Beldhuis, H. (ed.) 11th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2012). University of Groningen, The Netherlands 26 - 27 Oct 2012 Academic Publishing International Limited. pp. 220-229

Conference paper

Student experiences and perceptions of digital literacy skills development: engaging learners by design?
Hall, M., Nix, I. and Baker, K. 2013. Student experiences and perceptions of digital literacy skills development: engaging learners by design? Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 11 (3), pp. 207-225.


Effects of three different combined training interventions on jump, change of direction, power performance, and inter-limb asymmetry in male youth soccer players
Moreno-Azze, A., Arjol-Serrano, J., Falcón-Miguel, D., Bishop, C. and Gonzalo-Skok, O. 2021. Effects of three different combined training interventions on jump, change of direction, power performance, and inter-limb asymmetry in male youth soccer players. Sports. 9 (12), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/sports9120158


Exploring a new security framework for future healthcare systems
Vithanwattana, N., Karthick, G., Mapp, G. and George, C. 2021. Exploring a new security framework for future healthcare systems. IEEE Global Communications Conference: Workshop on Securing Next-Generation Connected Healthcare Systems using Futuristic Technologies. Madrid, Spain [Hybrid: In-Person and Virtual] 07 - 11 Dec 2021 IEEE. pp. 1-6 https://doi.org/10.1109/GCWkshps52748.2021.9681967

Conference paper

Natural based products for cleaning copper and copper alloys artefacts
Macchia, A., Colasanti, I., Rivaroli, L., Favero, G., de Caro, T., Pantoja Munoz, L., Campanella, L. and La Russa, M. 2023. Natural based products for cleaning copper and copper alloys artefacts. Natural Product Research. 37 (7), pp. 1177-1184. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2021.2000408


Phytoremediation using native plants
Futughe, A., Purchase, D. and Jones, H. 2020. Phytoremediation using native plants. in: Shmaefsky, B. (ed.) Phytoremediation. Concepts and Strategies in Plant Sciences Cham, Switzerland Springer Nature. pp. 285-327

Book chapter

The between-week reliability of neuromuscular, endocrine, and mood markers in soccer players and the repeatability of the movement demands during small-sided games
Sparkes, W., Turner, A., Weston, M., Russell, M., Johnson, M. and Kilduff, L. 2021. The between-week reliability of neuromuscular, endocrine, and mood markers in soccer players and the repeatability of the movement demands during small-sided games. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0022-4707.21.12993-7


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Abdulkarim, Asmaa

Abeysinghe, Geetha

Aceijas, Carmen

Adler, Joanna

Ahmad, Amani

Ahmed, Mahbub

Aiash, Mahdi

Akin-Imran, AbdulQadr

Albrecht, Andreas

Alexander, Meghan

Alexis-Garsee, Camille

Ali, Almaas

Ali, Kamran

Allardyce, Duncan

Anderson, Katie

Anderson, Wayne

Androutsopoulos, Kelly

Appiah, Sandra

Arif, Usama

Aristodemou, Leonidas

Arusi, Ihab

Arusi, Usama

Asllani, Gesajda

Attfield, Simon

Augusto, Juan Carlos

Bailey-Rodriguez, Deborah

Baker, Daniel

Ball, David

Ball, Emma

Baluch, Bahman

Banaji, Murad

Bangs, Neil

Bardill, Andy

Barn, Balbir

Barnett, Adrian

Barry, Richard

Baskent, Can

Basso, Valentina

Bayford, Richard

Belavkin, Roman

Bell, Celia

Belton, Ian

Bending, Thomas

Bennacer, Ahlem

Bennett, Luke

Betts, Michael

Bifulco, Antonia

Bishop, Chris

Boender, Jacob

Bornat, Richard

Borossa, Julia

Bottone, Michele

Brodie, Lindsey

Brunswick, Nicola

Burczynska, Beata

Butler, Sarah

Cambo, Carrie

Casimir, Colin

Chadebecq, Francois

Chavda, Shyam

Chen, Taolue

Cheng, Xiaochun

Chinellato, Eris

Chittka, Alexandra

Choonara, Adam

Choudhury, Manika

Ciclitira, Karen

Cohen, Rhonda

Colson, Robert

Colucci, Erminia

Conner, Salma

Corrigan, Maxwell

Cossu, Andrea

Coulson, Mark

Cree, Jon

Crivatu, Ioana

Cumine, Angela

Currie, Edward

Curtis, Christopher

D'Arcy, Paul

Dack, John

Dafoulas, George

Dalcher, Darren

Daryanani, Padma

Davies, Lesley

Davis, William

De Gelidi, Serena

De Mornay Davies, Paul

De Raffaele, Clifford

Deary, Clare

DeMarco, Jeffrey

Devo, Perry

Dhami, Mandeep

Di Cesare, Mariachiara

Dickins, Tom

Dilworth, Stephen

Dimitriou, Lygeri

Dirie, Afaf

Duffy, Linda

Duncker-Gassen, Elke

Dussaillant, Alejandro

Ebrahimoff, David

Edwards, Michael

Eissa, Ahmed

El-Aroussi, Inas

Elayat, Ghada

Elichaoff, Frauke

Elliott, Anne

Elmer, Jonathan

Erbil, Mehmet

Erdogan, Hasan

Evans, Carl

Faulkner, Patricia

Fewkes, Ebony

Fields, Bob

Foran, Tom

Fox, Wesley

Franco, Fabia

Frost, Nollaig

Gamez, David

Gandhi, Vaibhav

Gao, Xiaohong

Garelick, Hemda

Gellard, Claire

Gemikonakli, Orhan

Geng, Tao

George, Carlisle

Georgiadou, Elli

Ghali, Lucy

Ghuman, Neelam

Giannopoulos, Panagiotis

Gkorogiannis, Kyriakos Nikolaos

Gomes de Almeida, Vania

Gonzalez Baez, Alejandra

Gray, Jaqueline

Greenhalgh, Andrew

Griffiths, Wyn

Hall, Neville

Ham, Dong-Han

Hamilton, Mehnaz

Hansen, Susan

Hara, Sukhvinder

Hardman, Douglas

Harrison, Amy

Healey, Alistair

Hearne, Gary

Heeney, Michael

Henderson, David

Herd, Kate

Hersant, Hannah

Hewitt, Michael

Hills, Frank

Hix, Gary

Holman, Lily

Horton, Paul

Horvath, Miranda

Howard, Michael

Hua, Jia

Huyck, Chris

Irving, Lucy

Jacobs, Jenny

Jalalian, Lynne

James, Nic

James-Reynolds, Carl

Janganan, Thamarai

Jawahurlall, Deepak

Jedwab, Debora

Jones, Alexander

Jones, Huw

Jones, Matthew

Jones, Simon

Jordan, Patrick

Joyce, Josie

Joyner, Laura

Kammueller, Florian

Kapetanakis, Stylianos

Karamanoglu, Mehmet

Kassouf, Nick

Kazim Ali, Zainab

Kett, Steve

Khan, Ahsun

Khan, Nawaz

Khonsari, Shadi

Khor, Rumi Joo

Khoshkholghi, Ali

Kiyani, Anum

Kljakovic, Moja

Kodagoda, G Neesha

Kotsia, Irene

Kurdi, Edina

Langari, Bahareh

Lasebae, Aboubaker

Lawrence, Snezana

Lawson, Aaron

Le Boutillier, Nicholas

Le, Tuan

Lenihan, Patrick John

Lewis, Anthony

Lewis-Smith, Andrew

Li, Dong

Li, Junyan

Loizidou, Erika

Long, Ellouise

Loo, Kok-Keong

Loveday, Joanna

Lugos, Moses

Lundy, Lian

Luo, Yuan Roger

Magoulas, Babis

Maia, Cristiano

Maka, Kamil

Maloney, Sean

Manandhar, Raj

Mangiacotti, Anthony

Mannie, Zola

Mapp, Glenford

Martin, Barnaby

Marvasi, Massimiliano

Marzano, Lisa

Maskell, William

Masterson, Brendan

McCarthy, Simon

McPherson, Becca

Megeney, Alison

Melia, Claire

Menendez Benito, Hector

Meredith, Jacqueline

Michaeloudis, Androulla

Minocha, Shailey

Miranda, Joana

Mistry, Kajal

Mitchell, Ian

Moseley, Ralph

Mostarda, Leonardo

Nagarajan, Raja

Nahar, Kazi

Nalli, Giacomo

Neilson, David

Neller, Kirsty

Newire, Enas

Nguyen, Huan

Niazi, Noman

Nix, Ingrid

Nouwen, Arie

Novak, Serguei

Nunn, Stephen

O'Loughlin, Maeve

Oates, Luke

Oatt, Paul

Odedra, Siddhart

Oluwagbemi, Olugbenga

Oskis, Andrea

Outram, Sue

Oyedemi Mbaebie, Blessing

Pachenari, Azra

Page, Alan

Panagakis, Ioannis

Pantoja Munoz, Leonardo

Papadopoulos, Konstantinos

Papagiannaki, Maria

Parker, Dennis

Parker, Mel

Parmar, Nimai

Passmore, Peter

Patel, Ahmed

Payne, Nicola

Petridis, Miltiadis

Philpot, Adam

Piras, Luca

Plume, Ruth

Pooranachandran, Vivetha

Popescu, Andrei

Priest, Sally

Primiero, Giuseppe

Prior, Stephen

Punev, Ivan

Purchase, Diane

Quattrone, Giovanni

Rademacher, Tom

Rahanu, Harjinder

Raheem, Rand

Rahman, Shahedur

Raimondi, Franco

Raman, Ilhan

Rayan, Marc

Reynolds, Gemma

Ricci, Federico

Rich, Charles

Richardson, Mark

Ring, Chris

Roberts, Helen

Roitt, Ivan

Rooney, Christopher

Ropiquet, Anne

Roulston, Dallas

Russell, Yvan

Russo, Cristina

Sakellari, Georgia

Saleeb, Noha

Salem, Joseph

Samuels-Clarke, Jerome

Sandamas, George

Seechurn, Charles

Seifnaraghi, Nima

Shah, Ajit

Shah, Purav

Shah, Sarwar

Sharples, Nicholas

Shayesteh, Homeira

Sherrif, Mohamed

Shi, Zhanzhong

Shutes, Brian

Sigger, Jonathan

Silas, Jon

Sipple, Stella

Slabu, Letitia

Smith, Elizabeth

Smith, Glen

Smith, Serengul

Sobolewska, Tatiana

Spence, Ruth

Spencer, Robert

Spiegelhalter, Abbie

Springett, Mark

Stanton, Poppy

Starr, Fiona

Stefanov, Dimitar

Steinhausen, Max

Stewart, Jill

Sule, Clifford

Sultana, Parvin

Tahmasebi Aria, Farzad

Tapsell, Sue

Thomas, David

Thompson, Paul

Thorpe, Eamonn

Timmermans, Martijn

Tirunagari, Santosh

Tizzard, Andrew

Tobi, Patrick

Torabi, Mohammad

Torkian Valashani, Akram

Trestian, Ramona

Tsiakara, Ariadni

Tsvetkov, Denis

Turner, Anthony

van den Akker, Olga

Van Wyk, Alechia

Varsani, Puja

Vazquez Rocha, Lucia del Carmen

Viavattene, Christophe

Vien, Quoc-Tuan

Viet Hung, Dang

Villiere, Alexandre

Vu, Milan

Walker, Brendan

Walsh, Rob

Ward, Emma

Ward, Malcolm

Watson, Kat

Watt, John

Waugh, Jean

Welland, Sarah

Wen, Song

Westley, David

White, Anthony

Whitney, Gill

Wieclaw, Anna

Wildeboer, Dirk

Wilkinson, Kate

Williams, Steve

Wilson, Julia

Wilson, Laura

Windridge, David

Wong, Beng

Woodrow, Christopher

Worthington, Anne

Xu, Kai

Yagnik, Darshna

Yang, Tong

Yang, Xin-She

Yang, Zhijun

Yetgin, Halil

Younis, Tarek

Yu, Lin

Zeinalipour-Yazti, Constantinos

Zhang, Leishi

Zhou, Suiping

Zivanovic, Aleksandar