‘Men have careers, women have babies’: unequal parental care among Irish entrepreneurs
Q&A Employment Law 2012 and 2013.
The Cambridge companion to fantasy literature
Music in Bakhtin’s philosophical aesthetics
The creative voice: free indirect speech in the cinema of Rohmer and Bresson
Consenting to what? Issues of access, gatekeeping and ‘informed’ consent
The determinants of board meetings: evidence from categorical analysis
Collective narcissism and anti-semitism in Poland
KASL-II: a dynamic four-loop model for knowledge sharing and learning
Sources of TFP growth in a framework of convergence-evidence from Greece
Philosophy, politics and homage in Tears of the Black Tiger
The effect of CEO risk appetite on firm volatility: an empirical analysis of financial firms
'You don't have to shout'—vocal behaviour in social work communication
The rehabilitation of the drive in neuropsychoanalysis: from sexuality to self-preservation
Contested Chinatown: Chinese migrants' incorporation and the urban space in London and Milan
The future of European social democracy: building the good society
From knowledge acquisition to knowledge production: issues with Australian honours curricula
Reading cases in interdisciplinary studies of law and literature
The impact of revenue management on hotel key account relationship development
The content of whistleblowing procedures: a critical review of recent official guidelines
Muslims in Britain: making social and political space
Good Day Today: David Lynch destabilises the spectator
Margaret Miles: the educational journey of a comprehensive school campaigner
Strategies for packet loss concealment for multimedia
Student midwives experiences of bullying during training
Drivers of learning management system use in a South African open and distance learning institution
Multi-objective routing optimization using evolutionary algorithms
Enhancing international student engagement: interpreting business messages in visual approaches
Assessing composition in modeling approaches
Measuring the size of neoplasia in colonoscopy using depth-from-defocus
Curriculum design tools: Using information modelling for course transformation and mapping
A common basis for modelling service-oriented and event-driven architecture
A study of smartphone applications and their effects on users' attachment and positive WOM
Systems thinking approach for transforming management education
Moving bodies: exploring the power of the dance performer
Computational predictive framework towards the control and reduction of malaria incidences in Africa
Introductory remarks by William Schabas
Computer power management awareness: an insight from youngsters in Mauritius
Public announcement logic in geometric frameworks
E-learning 3.0 = E-learning 2.0 + WEB 3.0?
Which HRM practices contribute to service culture?
Sequence learning under uncertainty in children: self-reflection vs. self-assertion
Clinical simulation training on PICC lines for student nurses
Polyethnic market orientation and performance: a fast-moving consumer goods perspective
A face recognition algorithm using a fusion method based on Adaboost Bidirectional 2DLDA
A multi-level metadata approach for a public sector information data infrastructure
A narrative from the inside, studying St Anns in Nottingham: belonging, continuity and change
Analoge and digital signal transmission utilizing GPON-CWDM based RoF over long distance
Natural ventilation in built environment
The Stuff of Life: Public Health in Edwardian Britain
Written feedback: what is it good for and how can we do it well?
Changing conceptions of feedback
What is the problem with feedback?
Problematising practice-based education
Learning organizational practices that persist, perpetuate and change: a Schatzkian view
Creating work: employee-driven innovation through work practice reconstruction
Feedback in higher and professional education: Understanding it and doing it well
Local government in 2020: challenges and opportunities
How to move from local e-government to collaborative e-governance
Transforming local government: the issues project managers overlook
David Ferry and Stephen Mumberson Prints at Art At Wharepuke Kerikeri, New Zealand
EAP essentials: a teacher’s guide to principles and practice [Book review]
Critical illness-related bone loss is associated with osteoclastic and angiogenic abnormalities
Social enterprise support policies: distinctions and challenges
Strict inequality in the box-counting dimension product formulas
Working with Toshiba, Lewin and Dewey: a journey into the heart of change
Flashpacking: a discussion of independent travel in a digital world
FLASHPACKERS: an emerging sub-culture?
Christian youth work: teaching faith, filling churches or response to social need?
Imagining change; coastal conversations
Swing up and balance control of the acrobot solved by genetic programming
Within it lie ancient melodies: Dowland’s musical rhetoric and Britten’s songs from the Chinese
Coordinated beamforming using semidefinite programming
A decentralized downlink beamforming algorithm for multicell processing
Television, sex and society: analysing contemporary representations
Postcolonial studies and world literature
Lack of evidence for inhibitory processes in over-selectivity
Item response theory and validity of the NEO-FFI in adolescents
Developing a process for stakeholder participation in flood risk mapping
Dynamics of information and optimal control of mutation in evolutionary systems
Understanding adult attachment in family relationships: assessment and intervention
Michael and Gertrud: art and the artist in the films of Carl Theodor Dreyer
Prosocial norms and degree heterogeneity in social networks
The dark side of friendship: 'envy'
Ban happy sheets! — Understanding and using evaluation
Priority-setting and rationing in healthcare: evidence from the English experience
Virtual feminisms: girls’ blogging communities, feminist activism, and participatory politics
Hotel lobbies and lounges: the architecture of professional hospitality
School ethos and variation in health experience of young people with sickle cell disorder at school
The International Criminal Court: struggling to find its way
The first ten years of the International Criminal Court
Women, migration, and care: explorations of diversity and dynamism in the global south
Reciprocal causation and the proximate–ultimate distinction
The official discourse of fair access to higher education [article]
Bat algorithm for topology optimization in microelectronic applications
Self-interest and fairness: self-serving choices of justice principles
Mostafaei: end the death penalty
Practice-as-research in music performance
An efficient cooperative retransmission for wireless regenerative relay networks
EEG filtering with quantum neural networks for a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
Developing European guidelines for training care professionals in mental health promotion
Model-based identification and use of task complexity factors of human integrated systems
Embedding information literacy skills as employability attributes
A cooperative particle swarm optimizer with statistical variable interdependence learning
Banning Islamic veils: is gender equality a valid argument?
From organisation to decoration: an interiors reader
A user study on curved edges in graph visualization
The impact of regional entrepreneurial contexts upon enterprise education
Reconsidering private sector engagement in subnational economic governance
Transforming e-assessment for learning: developing an institution wide scaffold
Rare events forecasting using a residual-feedback GMDH neural network
Patient and impatient punishers of free-riders
Introduction to social and sustainable enterprise: changing the nature of business
Cuckoo search for business optimization applications
Fear appeals in anti-smoking advertising: how important is self-efficacy?
Social and sustainable enterprise: Changing the nature of business
Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise
The effect of exchange rates on firm exports and the role of FDI
How responsive are Chinese exports to exchange rate changes? Evidence from firm-level data
A reasoning system for uncertain and dynamic environments
Data and information quality issues in ambient assisted living systems
Characterisation of information flow in an izhikevich network
A mixture model classifier and its application on the biomedical time series
The Pierrot Ensembles: Chronicle and Catalogue, 1912-2012
Urban governance and economic development in the diverse city
When is a work break not a statutory rest break?
Embedded writing instruction in the first year curriculum
From theory to reality! Moving out of the classroom
The complexity of positive first-order logic without equality
A model based approach to systems requirements for event driven enterprise architecture
A method for enterprise architecture alignment
Goal based alignment of enterprise architectures
Bat algorithm for constrained optimization tasks
Efficiency analysis of swarm intelligence and randomization techniques
Modelling of a pulsating heat pipe and start up asymptotics
Computational optimization, modelling and simulation: smart algorithms and better models
Free lunch or no free lunch: that is not just a question?
Bat algorithm: a novel approach for global engineering optimization
Evolutionary boundary constraint handling scheme
Two-stage eagle strategy with differential evolution
Firefly Algorithm for solving non-convex economic dispatch problems with valve loading effect
Animal behaviour fieldwork: introducing psychology students to the process of science
The extended evolutionary synthesis and the role of soft inheritance in evolution
Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom: a behavioral ecological perspective
M-Sieve: a visualisation tool for supporting network security analysts
Railing against neoliberalism: radical political unionism in SUD-Rail and RMT
Embedding information literacy skills as employability attributes
Mathematical models to predict soil heavy metal toxicity in the 2012 Olympic site
Micro-political and related barriers to stakeholder engagement in flood risk management
Dyslexia in UK higher education and employment: an introduction and overview
Women counsellors' experiences of personal therapy: A thematic analysis
Unleashed: the Phenomena of Status Dogs and Weapon Dogs
Rethinking care through social reproduction: Articulating circuits of migration
Gender and skilled migration in Europe
Culture, employee outcomes and performance: an empirical analysis of Indian software firms
A formally verified AKA protocol for vertical handover inheterogeneous environments using Casper/FDR
Work, stress and health behaviors
A population perspective on mobile phone related tasks
Designing a first prototype touchscreen interface for older novice users
Vinyl: a history of the analogue record
The community of workers' university: a pragmatic institution for the future?
CQI reporting strategies for nonregenerative two-way relay networks
Maximal connectivity and constraints in the human brain
Early cognitive profiles of emergent readers: A longitudinal study
Supporting dyslexic adults in higher education and the workplace
Environmental policies and firm value
Group-work therapeutic engagement in a high secure hospital: male service user perspectives
On evolution of an information dynamic system and its generating operator
Work-based doctorates: professional extension at the highest levels
Optical characteristics of LiZnVO4 green phosphor at low temperature preparation
Reproductive health psychology
Rethinking software development: the case for a dynamic life cycle model.
From baconian to popperian neuroscience
Partnerships: a mechanism for local alcohol policy implementation.
Sinuosity and the affect grid: a method for adjusting repeated mood scores
Reflexive attention in touch: an investigation of event related potentials and behavioural responses
Unimaginable atrocities: justice, politics, and rights at the war crimes tribunals
The psychosocial consequences of the 1992-5 war in Bosnia & Herzegovina
ParaSites: initial report and research context
Beyond ‘Political Economism’: new identities for unions in Western Europe?
A reappraisal of the rank-and-file versus bureaucracy debate
BBC Radio 4 PM Programme - The Future Battlefield - Nano UAVs
Flexible friends? Flexible working time arrangements, blurred work-life boundaries and friendship
Entitled to a sustainable career? Motherhood in science, engineering and technology
The utility of controlled vocabularies within bookmark management tasks.
Bridging the abridged – the diffusion of Telemedicine in Europe and China
Larkspur, Open Exhibition 2011, The London Group
Editorial for the theme issue on model-based interoperability
A self-relevance analysis of safer-sex cognition
Escherichia coli contamination of the river Thames in different seasons and weather conditions
UHEED - an unequal clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks
An empirical analysis of marginal conditional stochastic dominance
Employee turnover, HRM and institutional contexts.
Enzymatic degradation of prion protein by keratinase producing proteolytic micro-organisms
Second order project management
Criminal enterprise, identity and repertoires of action
Biological network visualisation.
A fresh look at graphical web browser revisitation using an organic bookmark management system
Foreign currency derivative use and shareholder value
Researching their own practice (II): the competencies required by practitioner researchers
Researching care, family and neighbourhood in Tehran, Iran
Public and private meanings in diaries: researching family and childcare
Political congruence: a conceptual framework and historical case study
Empowerment, lifelong learning and recovery in mental health: towards a new paradigm
Certification or conformance: making a successful commitment to WCAG 2.0
Women as social entrepreneurs.
Strategies for scaling up social enterprise: lessons from early years providers
Nature, the metropolis and the apocalyptic sublime
Characteristics of a population-wide sample of smokers recruited proactively for the ESCAPE trial
Rogue seasonality detection in supply chains
A survey of potential architectures for communication in heterogeneous networks
Scaling up social enterprise: strategies taken from early years providers
Structural analysis of an escort type rehabilitation robot.
A feasible study of EEG-driven assistive robotic system for stroke rehabilitation
Is there a limit to agglomeration? Evidence from productivity of Dutch firms
Corporate governance and bank performance in China
Online child sexual abuse: grooming, policing and child protection in a multi-media world
Researching pedagogy in a contested space
A software based solution to facilitate end to end information supply chain visibility
Green radio communication networks applying radio-over-fibre technology for wireless access
Unique word-based distributed space-time block codes for two-hop wireless relay networks
Review of: Zombie capitalism : global crisis and the relevance of Marx / Chris Harman, 2009
African modern art and black cultural trauma
Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities
Illicit economies and the carceral social zone
Performance of ethical equity investing in the UK: active, passive and criteria
Informed trading, information uncertainty, and price momentum
ASPfun: a typed functional active object calculus
Application of verification techniques to security: model checking insider attacks
Imagined inference: helping writers to think like readers
Real feelings for virtual people: emotional attachments and interpersonal attraction in video games
A formally verified device authentication protocol using Casper/FDR
Corruption and organized crime in Europe: illegal partnerships
Engineering security protocols with modelchecking – Radius-SHA256 and secured simple protocol.
Shades of grey: the nuanced approach to age discrimination
Interactive visualization for low literacy users: from lessons learnt to design
Maximum likelihood solution for the linear structural relationship with three parameters known
Retrieval of 3D medical images via their texture features
8th British International Mini Print Exhibition
Dyslexie, Legasthenie, Ordblindhed: Dyslexia in different languages
A reputational extravaganza? The role of the urban street gang in the riots in London
'Rotten Boroughs' relief (print) series
Explaining persistence of dysfunctionality in post-communist transformation
Textbook on immigration and asylum law. 5th ed.
Developing an e-portfolio based pedagogy for work-based learners
Evaluating platform architectures within ecosystems: modeling the relation to indirect value
The business value of structured workplace learning
E-customer relationship management readiness in the banking industry: the case of Egypt
Editorial: ‘Arts and extremely dangerous’: critical commentary on the Arts in social work education
2nd Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2012
The iron cage re-revisited: institutional isomorphism in non-profit organisations in South Africa
A Rawlsian basis for core labour rights
National frame for the integration of newcomers in the United Kingdom
Enfield Citizens’ Advice Bureau - clients profile & needs gap analysis
Business crime in Greece: employment offences in third sector companies
A security model for functional active objects
Street government: the role of the violent street gang in the London riots
It came up to here: learning from children's flood narratives
The hidden advantage of delegation: pareto-improvements in a gift-exchange game
Who loses if flood risk is reduced: should we be concerned?
Assessing multifaceted vulnerability and resilience in order to design risk mitigation strategies
A model for student adoption of online interactivity
From cancer researcher to opinion leadership and advocacy in translational medicine
How public is public criminology?
The application of BIM in volumetric construction
What makes a homicide newsworthy? UK national tabloid newspaper journalists tell all
New imaging mapping device for the detection and location of rectal cancer
Interactive visualisation for low literacy users
Worth the energy? The geopolitics of Arctic oil and gas
Enablers and barriers to exercise uptake by women during middle age: a grounded theory approach
Antibodies @ Hors-carte - Orléans
A positive choice: young people who drink little or no alcohol
A threatened world city: the benefits of protecting London from the sea
The language detective: a course for young linguists
Beginning with 'One More Thing': pragmatics and editorial intervention in the work of Raymond Carver
Qualitative findings on marketing management practices from Greek ski centers
The extensions of psychoanalysis: colonialism, post-colonialism and hospitality
The determinants of exports in the Greek manufacturing sector
The Silvern series: photographs from the collections of the South Kensington Museum
A case study of Shinsegae E-mart
Evidence, research and publication: a guide for environmental health professionals
Using aggregated RSVP in nested HMIPv6
Addressing governance and ethics in European technology development projects through scenarios
Political congruence and trade union renewal
Evaluation of The Forgiveness project within prisons
Identity, performance and technology: practices of empowerment, embodiment and technicity
Ways of seeing: 40th anniversary issue
Lights on at the end of the party: are lads mags’ mainstreaming dangerous sexism?
The relevance of tones: prosodic meanings in utterance interpretation and in relevance theory
Network coding-based block acknowledgement scheme for wireless regenerative relay networks
Innovation and social enterprise activity in third sector organisations
Metaheuristics in water, geotechnical and transport engineering
17th Mercosur International Cartoon Contest Diogenes Taborda
International cartoon contest, Ruse, Bulgaria, 2012
Humour a Gallarate: International Cartoon Contest, Gallarate, Italy
17th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2012
Jiaxing International - The 6th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2012
The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics Bucovina Romania 6th Edition 2012
The 18th International Cartoon Contest Haifa Israel 2012
Business and ICT alignment in higher education: a case study in measuring maturity
Context-aware content-centric collaborative workflow management for mobile devices
Flower pollination algorithm for global optimization
Applied metamodelling to collaborative document authoring
From crime to recovery: the reframing of British drugs policy?
Exploiting model driven technology: a tale of two startups
Simulating enterprise architecture models
10th International Cartoon Contest “Karpik 2012” Poland
Review of book: Human resource management in project-based organizations – the HR Quadriad framework
Smoking cessation: promoting the health of older people who smoke
Directing the dance legacy of Doris Humphrey: the creative impulse of reconstruction
The complexity of surjective homomorphism problems - a survey
Advances in new technologies, interactive interfaces and communicability
Max-margin non-negative matrix factorization
Higher rank support tensor machines for visual recognition
Affective gaming: beyond using sensors
Higher rank support tensor machines
Tensor learning for regression
2012 International Beggar Cartoon Contest, Redman Cartoon, Beijing, China
Constraint satisfaction with counting quantifiers
Finding vertex-surjective graph homomorphisms
Social obligation norm and the erosion of land ownership?
Connecting closed world research information systems through the linked open data web
Critical aspects of therapy in the context of child care legal proceedings: an emerging framework
Developing leaders of change in inner-London sixth form colleges
Gloria decoded: an application of Robert Langs’ communicative approach to psychotherapy
An integrated approach to QoS and security in future mobile networks using the Y-Comm framework
Practising psychotherapy as a clinical psychologist: what facilitates capable practice?
Who can help Britain's vulnerable workforce?
Any time, any place, anywhere: entry clearance, marriage migration and the border
Delivering justice in the Caribbean: a human rights assessment of the Caribbean Court of Justice
Support tensor action spotting
Exploring the similarities of neighboring spatiotemporal points for action pair matching
Kung-fu cinema's Shaolin heroes in the Longue Durée of Chinese revolt
Vicissitudes of violence: Hong Kong martial arts cinema and the 1966/7 unrest
DICACO 2012 'New Eco City' South Korea
In defence of Ballet: women, agency and the philosophy of pleasure
Measuring information transmission in Izhikevich neuron
Discourses of differentiation: gender and participation in the devolved parliaments of the UK
Gender and linguistic participation in the devolved parliaments of the UK : interview data
Researching gender at work: possibilities and constraints
Decentralized checking context inconsistency in ubiquitous mobile computing environments
Impact on prisoners of participating in research interviews related to near-lethal suicide attempts
Studying survivors of near-lethal suicide attempts as a proxy for completed suicide in prisons
The mediating role of tourist satisfaction: a study of Muslim tourists in Malaysia
The inequalities of love – Plato’s symposium, Freud and Lacan
Institutional transition and the financing of high-tech SMEs in China: a longitudinal perspective
Able as anything: integrated dance performance in New Zealand
Waving or drowning? British labor history in troubled waters
Designing for child resilience
Management, worker responses and an enterprise trade union in transition
Static verification of wireless sensor networks with formal methods
Modeling eating disorders of cognitive impaired people
A multidimensional classification of market anomalies: evidence from 76 price indices
Between welfare and bargaining: union heterogeneity in Europe’s Far East
Legacies, conflict and path dependence in the former Soviet Union
ICT spillovers, absorptive capacity and productivity performance
Overt and covert politics in contemporary choreography
The found children of the disappeared: recovered identities
Pleasure, pain and procrastination: reflections on the experience of doing memory-work research
Commentary: new pluralistic strategies for research in clinical practice
Economic value added adoption in China’s state-owned enterprises : a case of evolutionary change
The impact of life events on job satisfaction
German training revisited: an appraisal of corporatist governance
La militarizacion norteamericana de America Latina
Tonifying method in Shang Han Lun
Resolving method in Shang Han Lun
Evaluating qualitative research
Creating a society of sheep? British Muslim elite on mosques and imams
Meaning and entrainment in language and music
Cognitive effort in the beauty contest game
Job satisfaction and self-employment: autonomy or personality?
Traditional versus secular values and the job–life satisfaction relationship across Europe
Discovering frequent user-environment interactions in intelligent environments
Strikes and class consciousness in the early work of Richard Hyman
Radical political unionism reassessed
Medication administration in the domiciliary care setting: whose role?
A sensor technology survey for a stress aware trading process
Cross layer secure and resource-aware on-demand routing protocol for hybrid wireless mesh networks
Psychoanalysis, culture and society.
Neuromuscular factors influencing the maximum stretch limit of the human plantar flexors
Time discounting and pain anticipation: experimental evidence
Collaboration and democracy: a critique
Participatory Design in a compressed timeframe, through an unConference format
The impact of the national minimum wage on labour productivity in Britain
Union influence in post-socialist Europe
Secure route selection in wireless mesh networks
Wolf search algorithm with ephemeral memory
Building a scaffold: assessing experiential learning using open negotiated module templates
Nkisi nkondi: an image of transference and projective identification in the analytic process
The Russian food, alcohol, and tobacco consumption during transition
Metaheuristic algorithms for self-organizing systems: a tutorial
Integrating nature-inspired optimization algorithms to K-means clustering
Consenting to what? issues of access, gate-keeping and informed consent. 2nd ed.
Effects of IDSs on the WSNs lifetime: evidence for the need of new approaches
I Terroni in Città: revisiting southern migrants militancy in Turin's hot autumn
The fallibility of flood warning chains: can Europe’s flood warnings be effective?
Who benefits and who loses from flood risk reduction?
Recommendations for the user-specific enhancement of flood maps
Integrated modelling for urban surface water exceedance flows
Developments in investigative approaches to rape: the investigative heritage
Women's perceptions of their right to choose the place of childbirth: an integrative review
Using the cascade model to improve antenatal screening for the hemoglobin disorders
A comparative examination of the use of academic sabbaticals
Advances in simulation-driven optimization and modelling
Theatrical cartoon comedy: from animated portmanteau to the risus purus
WikiSensing: an online collaborative approach for sensor data management
The experience and impact of team coaching: a dual case study
Analysing trust building in educational activities
Corporate social responsibility or government regulation? evidence on oil spill prevention
An intentional basis for corporate personality - RETRACTION
Approximating the set of local minima in partial RNA folding landscapes
A risk management interpretation of a series of studies of exposure to lead
Implications of floodplain aquaculture enclosure
Hyperglycosylated hCG, hCGβ and hyperglycosylated hCGβ: interchangeable cancer promoters
Enterprise zone policy: developing sustainable economies through area-based fiscal incentives
The nature of the instrument: Luciano Berio, instrumental thought and Schaefferian theory
Model checking for communicating quantum processes
Wellformedness properties in Euler diagrams: which should be used?
Reputational capital, creative conflict and Hollywood independence: the case of Hal Ashby
Lights, camera, election: celebrity, performance and the 2010 UK general election leadership debates
The UK and the European Court of Human Rights
National Socialist law and the censuring of modernist culture, art and literature
Better regulation for digital markets: a new look at the reference paper
Labelling challenges in Fairtrade: a need for harmonisation?
Phrasing – the very life of music: performing the music and nineteenth-century performance theory
Nomadism and ethics in/as improvised movement practices
Ambivalent geographies: the British concession in Tianjin, China 1860-1946
Voice (a retracing): an emerging lexicon
How to be a better manager in social work and social care: essential skills for managing care
Women scientists and engineers in European companies: putting motherhood under the microscope
Experience-driven procedural music generation for games
Graphic design, globalization, and placemaking in the neighbourhoods of Amsterdam
Repainting the thin green line: the enforcement of UK wildlife law
Martha Graham in love and war: the life in the work
Art school sluts: art, porn and aesthetics
We can have it all: the girlfriend flick
After Kaprow: The silent room; and, Book of journeys
Careless talk: social reproduction and fault-lines of the crisis in the UK
The waitress: on affect, method and (re)presentation
Sancti clandestini: undercover saints
Tales of 'much of a muchness': adventures in the land of social capital [Review]
The other holy place of Umbria
Development and implementation issues for managing sales performance
The Blk Art Group research project 2012
On-line constructions of metrosexuality and masculinities: a membership categorization analysis
Reaction to public information in markets: how much does ambiguity matter?
The young person's guide 2 East London
Stop helping me! Identity, recognition and agency in the nexus of work and care
Segmentation and brand positioning for Islamic financial services
On the effects of deposit insurance and observability on bank runs: an experimental study
Knowledge leadership in global scientific research
Exploring the boundaries of human resource managers’ responsibilities
A modal type theory for formalizing trusted communications
Where is the study of work in critical IPE?
Interactivity-constrained server provisioning in large-scale distributed virtual environments
Energy consumption analysis of video streaming to Android mobile devices
Enabling cost-aware and adaptive elasticity of multi-tier cloud applications
Tavaxy: integrating Taverna and Galaxy workflows with cloud computing support
Pragmatism and heterodoxy in organization research: going beyond the quantitative/qualitative divide
Towards a typological theory of organizational IT innovation adoption
ArtsCross Beijing 2012: light and water
Dance as sign and unruly corporeality in Pasolini’s film and film theory
Game theory-based network selection: solutions and challenges
Half a penny & The other side of the coin
Reliability of the piping systems of a modern submarine
Quality utility modelling for multimedia applications for Android mobile devices
Wireless multi-access environments and quality of service provisioning: solutions and application
Diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol and DHEA in adolescent anorexia nervosa
The role of universities in higher apprenticeship development
Priority setting and rationing in health care: evidence from the English NHS
Dying in the UK? Politics, ideologies, and futures 83-96
Tuff city: urban change and contested space in central Naples
Social change and education in Greece: a study in class struggle dynamics
Religious transnationalism: the case of Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain
How regulatory networks shaped institutional reform under the EU telecoms framework
International perspectives on public health and palliative care
Evaluation of BEREC and the BEREC Office
Litigation funding: status and issues
Beyond Allan Kaprow: an interview with Rosemary Butcher
Social identity in question: construction, subjectivity and critique
Voices of the silent majority: the transmission of Sunnī learning in Fāṭimī Egypt
Art, meeting, and encounter: the art of action in Great Britain
Derivative scores from site accessibility and ranking of miRNA target predictions
Sitt al-Mulk: juggling troops, traps and throne at the Fāṭimid Court
Why is Germany 30 years ahead of England?
Distant suffering, proper distance: cosmopolitan ethics in the film portrayal of trafficked women
Special issue on inference and implicature in literary interpretation
Trust in exporting relationships: the case of SMEs in Ghana
Film in space: an exhibition of film and expanded cinema selected by Guy Sherwin
The Secret Gardens Festival of Mass Narrative
Thinking, weaving: another approach to cosmopolitanism
James Coleman [Chronology: selected works ca. 1956-2007: exhibition catalogue]
Facing the challenges: revenue management in UK hotels in an uncertain time
The Studio Di Fonologia: a musical journey 1954-1983, update 2008-2012
Equality bodies and individual victims: an example of good practice from the Netherlands
Labor, citizenship, and subjectivity: migrants’ struggles within the Italian crisis
Worker safety and human security: the case for global governance
Multiculturalismo, politiche d’integrazione e big society nel Regno Unito
Conflitti, movimenti e cambiamento sociale nelle teorie sui movimenti
Vulnerable workers in the eurozone crisis
International Criminal Justice: legitimacy and coherence
Efficiency and risk-taking in pre-crisis investment banks
Contra el espanto, Por la abolición de la pena de muerte
Drawing - in and outside - writing
Improving outcomes for service users: digital storytelling as a vehicle for collaborative practice
Understanding and supporting the physical health needs of clients
Damien Hirst: the capitalism sublime?
Ron Haselden / John Timberlake
Quietude and identity: the silent core of language
Tintoretto’s difference. Deleuze, diagrammatics, and the problem of art history
Psychiatrie infantojuvénile en Europe: 68 Grande-Bretagne
Transcending sectarianism through minority rights in Iraq
Economic development: threats and opportunities
Asa Briggs and the emergence of labour history in post-war Britain [article]
Transmitting sunnī learning in Fāṭimid Egypt: the female voices
The impact of joint commissioning
Early assessment of the UK innovation investment fund
Perceptions of employability and the use of ePortfolios: an exploratory study
Students' approaches to learning in business education: exploring the role of technology
‘Wrighting’ the self: new technologies and textual subjectivities
Influence of surface on impact shock experienced during a fencing lunge
Multi-objective optimization methods in de novo drug design
Rational design of argyrin analogues as selective inhibitors of the proteasome
AAL4DS (Can AAL technology help people with Down’s Syndrome to live better lives?)
Evaluation of the Community Group Programme for Children & Young People: final report
Forecast horizon aggregation in integer autoregressive moving average (INARMA) models
Women’s Open Space project evaluation: final report
Family migration: the role of children and education in family migration decision-making
An impact assessment methodology for urban surface runoff quality following best practice treatment
Risk prioritisation of stormwater pollutant sources
A field-based fitness testing battery for Rugby League
Psychiatrie infantojuvénile en Europe – Grande-Bretagne
A neuro-computational approach to PP attachment ambiguity resolution
Editors' introduction: conflicts within the crisis
Perspectives on alcohol use in a traveller community: an exploratory case study
More SPASS with Isabelle: superposition with hard sorts and configurable simplification
Proving concurrent noninterference
Religion or belief, equality and human rights in England and Wales
Debating social rights [Book review]
Exploring neoliberal social-reproduction: a working theoretical framework
Bioimpedance imaging: an overview of potential clinical applications
Whither lung EIT: where are we, where do we want to go and what do we need to get there?
Corporate crimes and the ICC Statute
Corporate crimes and the ICC Statute
International criminal law and Iraq
Identifying promising approaches and initiatives to reducing alcohol related harm
New regulation of the right to a dignified dying in Spain: repercussions for nursing
Personality and sensation seeking in extreme sport
Black microcolonial fungi as deteriogens of two famous marble statues in Florence, Italy
Impacto de las variedades de tomate y su estado de madurez en la susceptibilidad a Salmonella
Using energy criteria to admit flows in a wired network
Socio-economic impact of integration policies in the United Kingdom
A generic cyclic theorem prover
Shifting religions and cultures in London’s East End
Review: Michael Rushton (ed.): Creative communities: art works in economic development
The institutional development of the EU: a case of plus ca change…?
The rule of law as a guiding principle of the EU's external action
British and Indian attitudes toward ‘Western’ counselling: a quantitative comparative study
Ways of reading: advanced reading skills for students of literature
The conquests of Henry VIII: masculinity, sex and the national past in the Tudors’
Lifelong learning and workforce development through university-business collaboration
The official discourse of fair access to higher education [conference item]
Building work based learning qualifications
Implementation and delivery of the higher apprenticeship in construction operations management
Higher apprenticeship development
Higher level skills – challenges and opportunities for universities
The ule of law and the European Union
Infringements of personality rights by means of the internet
Innovation and society: a socio-psychological and economic perspective
Honne and Tatemae: a world dominated by a “game of masks”
Cooperative multicell processing techniques for energy-efficient cellular wireless communications
Interference management in cooperative multi-cell networks
Internet et les conflits de juridictions
The CJEU as the guardian of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Community and future in the thought of Ernst Bloch
Some foundational conceptions of communication: revising and expanding the traditions of thought
Femme et mode dans l’entre- deux guerres- regards croises Franco-Anglais
Myth or reality cinema going and its impact of young working class women's fashion in the 1930s
Bettina von Zwehl: Made up Love Song
Global unions as imperfect multilateral organizations: an international relations perspective
Rotten Boroughs - film of two person print show at Wharepuke Print Studio, Kerikeri, New Zealand
Evaluating transitions: human rights and qualitative democracy in East/Central Europe
Cooperation and competition during the resort lifecycle
Analysis of Inter-RSU beaconing interference in VANETs
Mutation in etfA causes pleiotropic effects in Bacillus subtilis
Transcultural nursing: delivering compassionate and culturally competent care for all
Orientation for communication: embodiment, and the language of dance
Social media and Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Reconceptualising the notion of 'hard to reach': the dilemmas of engaging families
Enhancing compassionate care as an integral part of primary care and general practice
Masculinity, sex and the national past
The Tudors (2007-2010) and the international, post-national and post-historical TV series
The rate of publication of abstracts in solid organ transplantation presented at scientific meetings
The Silver Studio art reference collection
Perfectionism, self-efficacy and OCB: the moderating role of gender
Separating Invariants for the Basic G_a actions
On the depth of separating invariants for finite groups
Prospects for a British 'Second Modernity' in the Music of Matthew Taylor and Peter Fribbins
Innovation capability in MNC subsidiaries: evidence from a panel study in transition economies
Ownership concentration and foreign subsidiary product innovation in China
Firm capabilities, joint ventures and host institutions: evidence of MNC’s innovation in China
Analysis on China's equipment manufacturing security issues based on industrial control
Gay men in the police: identity disclosure and management issues
The key character in the sitcom
21 Twenty-one, 21 designers for twenty-first century Britain
Mobilisations, interventions and cultural policy
Global convergence in systems of differential equations arising from chemical reaction networks
Phone-hacking, the famous and a free media - balancing freedom of the press and privacy
Jeux sans frontieres: It's a library knockout
The essence of ancient Chinese architecture – vernacular castles
A manifesto for real lasting change
How does the British snowman work? The disruptive characteristic of British snow
The elusive digital frame and the elasticity of time in painting
In search of a concrete music by Pierre Schaeffer; translated by Christine North and John Dack.
Transference: seduction and transcendence
Modeling the context of scientific information: Mapping VIVO and CERIF
A model-driven engineering framework for architecting and analysing Wireless Sensor Networks
The X-linked retinitis pigmentosa protein RP2 facilitates G protein traffic
Bul proteins, a nonredundant, antagonistic family of ubiquitin ligase regulatory proteins
New instruments for communication: web, mobiles, sms, social networks
The data model of the OpenAIRE scientific communication e-infrastructure
Streamlining the CERIF XML data exchange format: towards CERIF 2.0.
Are learner perceptions of digital literacy skills teaching affected by demographic factors?
"Why should I?" Engaging learners in digital literacy skills development
Crass and Communal Living: Blending the Subversive into the Everyday in Epping Forest
The modern woman and women’s emancipation in 19th century English and Romanian comedies
Study on precarious work and social rights
A systematic approach to the study of cancer stem cells applied to ovarian cancer
A formal approach to lakatosian heuristics
Passivity and Jouissance: analysis of two focus group studies with nurses in England and Australia
Emotional competence for nursing practice and psychological wellbeing
MSD and approaches to management
Characterization and monitoring of seismic performance of post-tensioned steel modular structures
Students go click, flick and cheat: e-cheating, technologies and more
A hierarchical framework of barriers to green supply chain management in the construction sector