The cAMP pathway is important for controlling the morphological switch to the pathogenic yeast form of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

Gendered immigrations, policies and rights in the UK

Cyberfem: feminism on the electronic landscape: Katy Deepwell interviews Ana Martinez-Collado

Social feminism and the question of difference, Fran Cottell

SOA-MDK: Towards a method development kit for service oriented system development

Identification and functional involvement of lipocalin 2 in glucocorticoid-induced growth retardation

The role of P21CIP1/WAF1 in glucocorticoid induced growth retardation

Identification of lipocalin 2, a novel glucocorticoid responsive gene in growth plate chondrocytes

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Performing governance: A partnership board dramaturgy

Drug use and drug dealing in the rave club culture

Fiscal policy in Europe

Active energy (2007 - 2020)

Qualitative investigation of the mental health of migrants from former Yugoslavia: implications for epidemiological research

'Constable' - solo exhibition of photographic work responding to Constable's open air oil sketches and Constable Country, Town Hall Galleries, Ipswich


Family Photographs 1990 - 2007

Question answering from structured knowledge sources

Making sense of the glass ceiling in schools: an exploration of women teachers' discourses

A new simulation system to predict human-environment thermal interactions in naturally ventilated buildings

The role of assessment in preparing for lifelong learning: problems and challenges

Developing assessment for informing judgement

Assessment and emotion: the impact of being assessed

Reframing assessment as if learning was important

Introduction: assessment for the longer term

Rethinking assessment for higher education: Learning for the longer term

The growth plate sparing effects of the selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator, AL-438

Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa: a review

Reputations and polyadic interactions among great apes

Being young feminists: discussions and (dis)contents

I. Is my work 'feminist' enough? Tensions and dilemmas in researching male prisoners who self-harm

Vocational training in higher education: a case study of work-based learning within the Police Service of Northern Ireland

An investigation of urban water and sediment ecotoxicity in relation to metal concentrations

A systematic review of platinum and taxane resistance from bench to clinic: an inverse relationship

Understanding cisplatin resistance using cellular models

Oxaliplatin for the treatment of cisplatin-resistant cancer: a systematic review

“Geiz-ist-geil” strategy: a three-company study

'Richard Billingham: People, Places, Animals' - survey show of work 1990 - 2007, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne

An evaluation of the first year experience from the mature students' perspective; a multi-institutional comparison

Biographies and Space: placing the subject in art and architecture

Synthesis in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences

Designed calibration: naturally selected flexibility, not non-genetic inheritance (commentary)

Mind the gap(s)... in theory, method and data: Re-examining Kanazawa (2006)

Editorial: In use, in situ: extending field research methods

Are penalty shoot-outs racist?

Regions, regionalism and international criminal law.

Novel soft-feedback equalization method for multilevel magnetic recording

International human rights and Canadian law: legal commitment, implementation and the charter.

Genocide and the International Court of Justice: finally, a duty to prevent the crime of crimes.

Lex specialis? Belt and suspenders? The parallel operation of human rights law and the law of armed conflict, and the conundrum of jus ad bellum

Iterative detection for MIMO-ISI channels using soft decision feedback

Decision feedback detection for MIMO-ISI channels: design using fixed and adaptive constraints

Research: does coaching work?

289 Borough High Street, the After Care and Resettlement Unit, in the Inner London Probation Service 1965-1990.

Towards a knowledge management systems development method: critique of some relevant theories and methodologies.

BPEL patterns for implementing variations in SOA applications

An experiment with conversation theory as a candidate for a meta learning theory

I’ll manage risk my way

Why risk assessment needs an underpinning philosophy.

The evolution of risk assessment and risk management: a background to the development of risk philosophy

Environmental hazards and risk communication. (Editorial).

Work stress and health behaviour: daily diary methodology and multilevel modelling

A critical analysis of the symbolic significance of heritage tourism.

Cybernetic analysis of software projects

Comparing the personality type of design students in the UK and Taiwan

Control of Ship capsize in stern quartering seas

Turnitin: Student reaction towards electronic submission and plagiarism detection

Data mining: a tool for detecting cyclical disturbances in supply networks

Using personality type differences to form engineering design teams

The ADAM10 prodomain is a specific inhibitor of ADAM10 proteolytic activity and inhibits cellular shedding events

Institutional perspectives on understanding street retailer behavior and networks: cases from Ghana

Exercise Evaluation Randomised Trial (EXERT): a randomised trial comparing GP referral for leisure centre-based exercise, community-based walking and advice only

A decent girl well worth helping: women, migration and unwanted pregnancy

Do neural models scale up to a human brain?

The National Health Service knowledge and skills framework and its implications for continuing professional development in nursing

Information systems innovation research and the case of RFID

Creating and developing organisational capabilities: do we know more than we can say?

Ideal homes/artificial horizons

A follow-up study on Italian late talkers: development of language, short-term memory, phonological awareness, impulsiveness, and attention

Multidisciplinary perspectives on intercultural conflict: the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ of conflict, culture and communication.

Working with mentally disordered offenders: government policy, NOMS and inaction

Institutional racism, pre-emptive criminalisation and risk analysis

Effectiveness of domestic antibacterial products in decontaminating food contact surfaces

The impact of a professional doctorate centred on the candidate's work

Developing the ethics of worker-researchers through phronesis

Work-based learning assessed as a field or a mode of study

Methodologies for undergraduates doing practitioner investigations at work

Research influences on a professional doctorate

3D-in-2D Displays for ATC

Operational potential for 3D displays in air traffic control

Looking but not seeing: implications for HCI

ECCE '07: Proceedings of the 14th European conference on cognitive ergonomics: Invent! Explore!

Usability design of a scanning interface for a robot used by disabled users

Detection of head motions using a vision model

Teaching old sensors new tricks: archetypes of intelligence

Price-setting in business-to-business markets

Counselling service not a substitute for stress management

Developments in human resource management in Iran

Migration, new arrivals and local economies

Enterprising refugees: contributions and challenges in deprived areas

A new scramble for African oil? Historical, political and business perspectives

The fundamentals of interior architecture

Rosemary Butcher: the digital archive

Kim Brandstrup website

La vita quotidiana nell' opera di Henri Lefebvre: un esperimento.

Out of the shadows? Formalisation approaches to informal economic activity

Generating social capital? The social economy and local economic development

Strategic thinking and the IMP approach: a comparative analysis

Exploring speed limit compliance from the older driver perspective.

Identifying and characterising diversity of the older car driver.

The development of a participatory research methodology with older drivers.

Understanding immigration and refugee policy: contradictions and continuities

Gendered migrations: livelihoods and entitlements in European welfare regimes

Natural and imposed injustices: the challenges in implementing 'fair' flood risk management policy in England

Security, sovereignty and non-state governance 'From Below'

The EU race directive: time for change?

The training effects of principle knowledge on fault diagnosis performance.

Creating hierarchical categories using cell assemblies

Gesture recognition for control of rehabilitation robots

Disrupting digital library development with scenario informed design

Modular verification of a non-blocking stack.

Reflections on collaborative inquiry in Cyprus: lessons for researchers and practitioners

From project supervision to advising: new conceptions of the practice

Getting to know you: social work students’ experiences of direct work with children in education settings

Towards solving the mobility issues of unmanned ground vehicles.

Participation in continuous, on-the-job training and the impact on job satisfaction: longitudinal evidence from the German labour market

Atrocities and international accountability.

Mutualising cash-in-hand? Social enterprise, informal economic activity and deprived neighbourhoods

Preparing for professional practice: How well does professional training equip health and social care practitioners to engage in evidence-based practice?

Alcohol, policy and politics in Kazakhstan

Shaping the bargaining agenda. The Audit Commission and public service reform in British local government

General and efficient Certificateless Public Key Encryption constructions

'Quality' part-time work in Australian organizations: implications for HRD

Introduction to a special issue on worker researchers

Work-based learning as a field of study

Introduction [Adult education and lifelong learning]

Non-operative breast pathology: Apocrine lesions

Lessons from ambient intelligence prototypes for universal access and the user experience.

Gene expression analysis of leukemia samples using visual interpretation of small ensembles: a case study.

Component adaptation in contemporary execution environments.

Reuse and abuse.

On security proof of McCullagh Barreto's key agreement protocol and its variants

Identity-based key agreement protocols from pairings.

Self-reported never-drinkers in England 1994-2003: characteristics and trends, focusing on white adults aged 18-54.

Sources of stress and burnout in acute psychiatric care: inpatient vs. community staff

Role development and career stages in addiction nursing: an exploratory study.

Collective and individual voice: convergence in Europe?

Developing a translational discourse to communicate uncertainty in flood risk between science and the practitioner

The case for a considered hierarchy of discrimination grounds in EU law.

The printing of Pacioli's Summa in 1494: how many copies were printed?

Disclosure of governance information by small and medium-sized companies

Images of mathematics in popular culture/adults' lives: a study of advertisements in the UK press

Critical considerations on the fetishism of commodities.

Glasgow's progress.

A schema for depiction

New insights into the benefits of flood warnings: results from a household survey in England and Wales.

Enhancing the human benefits of flood warnings

Defining 'vulnerability': conflicts, complexities and implications for coastal zone management

A methodology for modelling coastal space for global assessment

Governing coastal spaces: the case of disappearing science in Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

Broad-scale modelling of coastal wetlands: what is required?

Aspiration and reality: flood policy, economic damages and the appraisal process

"I wish I'd never heard of Banbury": the relationship between 'place' and the health impacts from flooding

Resource accessibility and vulnerability in Andhra Pradesh: caste and non-caste influences

Community based fisheries management and fisher livelihoods: Bangladesh case studies

A systematic approach for the comparative assessment of stormwater pollutant removal potential

Locating ethnicity and health: exploring concepts and contexts

Vulnerability analysis in environmental management: widening and deepening its approach

Risk communication in emergency response to a simulated extreme flood.

Contextual influences on national level flood risk communication.

Selected stormwater priority pollutants - a European perspective

Active labour market policies and welfare reform: Europe and the US in comparative perspective

Current changes in labour management and industrial relations in Japan and their impact on its "stakeholder oriented" governance model

The cultural aspects of corporate governance reform in South Korea

Protecting whistleblowers at work: a comparison of the impact of British and South African legislation

Perpetuating difference? Law school sabbaticals in the era of performativity.

Migrant women, social networks and motherhood: the experiences of Irish nurses in Britain

Age discrimination in employment

The socio-political implications of rural racism and tourism experiences

Deleuze and the unconscious

Human rights and the national interest: migrants, health care and social justice

Product design as a vehicle to integrate arts and sciences in design education

Improving the mobility performance of autonomous unmanned ground vehicles by adding the ability to 'Sense/Feel' their local environment.

The origins and ends of the mind: philosophical essays on psychoanalysis.

Nihil unbound: enlightenment and extinction.

L'Oeil-Cerveau: nouvelles histoires de la peinture moderne.

Egg and spoon.

Designing for co-design: using the product envelope model as a framework for reflection.

Cunning chapters.

Product envelopes: designing positive interplay between brand DNA and customer co-designers

Lost Vitrines.

Interdeterminacy and (dis)order in the work of Cy Twombly

STOX1 is not imprinted and is not likely to be involved in preeclampsia.

Improving the finite element forward model of the human head by warping using elastic deformation

Measurements of daily urinary uranium excretion in German peacekeeping personnel and residents of the Kosovo region to assess potential intakes of depleted uranium (DU)

Optimal access pricing for natural monopoly networks when costs are sunk and revenues are uncertain

Are Works Councils and Joint Consultative Committees a threat to Trade Unions? A comparative analysis

The properties and applications of Argentium (TM) Sterling Silver.

Why do firms hedge? A review of the evidence.

Enforcing a national minimum wage: the British case

Sustaining collusion under economic integration.

Devolution and regional governance: tackling the economic needs of deprived areas

NHS Direct: managing demand for primary care?

Entrepreneurial nurses and midwives in the United Kingdom: an integrative review

Modernising healthcare - is the NPfIT for purpose.

Using simulation to improve the blood supply chain

Employer responses to an ageing workforce: a qualitative study

'Insider accounts': a qualitative research method for small firms

Learning in small manufacturing firms: the case of investment decision-making behaviour

A fresh start and the learning experience of ethnic minority enterpreneurs

Pacioli and Rennaisance Humanism.

Lessons for the classroom from Luca Pacioli

Governance and social information disclosure - evidence from the UK

Social reporting by companies listed on the Alternative Investment Market

The importance of employment protection for skill development in coordinated market economies

Reasons to be cheerful? what we know about CSR's impact

A longitudinal study exploring the relationships between occupational stressors, non-work stressors, and work performance

A longitudinal study examining the influence of work and non-work stressors upon well-being: a multi-group analysis

Prometheus bound: accounting and the creation of the new science paradigm

Car following, route choice, crashes - and the Lambert W-Function.

Critique of relational aesthetics

Narcissistic wounds, race, racism: a comment on Franz Fanon's critical engagement with psychoanalysis

Pop art and vernacular cultures


Four Decades: Hans Haacke (dvd); and Hans Haacke (book).

Exhibition: Sadness and Gladness: The Films of the Glasgow Corporation, 1922 – 1978

Addressing Ekphrasis.

The thread of attachment

Dancing through history and ethnography: an inquiry into Bharata Natyam's performance of the past

A great technician.

Zemlinsky's string quartets: a composer's view

At home in the world: Bharata Natyam on the global stage

Practice as Research website: http://www.sfmelrose.u-net.com

The suchness of Heni and Eddie.

The Silent Twins.


Cultural studies confidential

Celebrity CEOs and the cultural economy of tabloid intimacy

The rise of brands

After identity [book]

The body politic: theorizing disability and impairment

Foundation mathematics and statistics

Unions and the informal sector: the case of Ghana.

Industrial relations in Francophone Africa: the case of Niger.

Art textiles of the world: Scandinavia


Then and Now.


Exchange of Views.

RFID in Libraries: Standards and Interoperability

The return of the troubadour.

Remembering the future

In the spirit of conviviality

In living memory: archive and testimony in the films of Black Audio Film Collective

Editors' notes.

Theses on the philosophy of violence

Introductory essay.

Clippety clop live in Hackney.


Je n'y suis pour personne.

Still a Life.

Opus Torpille.

Small Wonders.

History and her story: reminiscences of Cara Tranders, a Victorian ballet girl, 1895.

Dance history matters in British higher education

Beyond CSR? Business, poverty and social justice

Acoulogie: an answer to Lévi-Strauss?

Organ as Orchestra, Piano Concerto as Chamber Music.

Practice and theory: ways of knowing music.

Loopholes in performance.

Commodified science and social wellbeing.

Market valuation of technology stocks before and after the crash.

Developing a learning process framework for innovation management.

Communities of practice in innovation management: sense making challenges to mobile organisations.

Towards a second generation of work-based learning: supporting social knowledge

Difference between the market value and book-value of equity: an international comparison.

Financing SME's.

EuroMemo 2006: eine demokratische wirtschaftspolitische Alternative zum neoliberalen Umbau Europas.

Working time, client time and family time: accounting for time in the accountancy profession

Cross-cultural management in South African NGOs.

Women, men, work and family in Europe

Work-life balance: best practices and healthy organisations: a European perspective

Power and people

Partnership with and without trade unions in the UK financial services: filling or fuelling the representation gap?

Early labour market experiences of second-generation immigrants in Sweden

Capital mobility, job loss, and union strategy: the case of the UK aerospace industry

Health and safety at work

Debe desaparecer la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas?

Trade unions, institutional mediation and industrial safety: evidence from the UK

The European year of equal opportunities for all, 2007: is the EU moving away from a formal idea of equality?

Critical success factors for implementing ERP: the case of a Chinese electronics manufacturer

Shoot to kill: understanding police use of force in combating suicide terrorism

A survey of whistleblowing/confidential reporting procedures used by persons prescribed under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

Women and work/life balance: a higher education perspective.

Human rights law in a nutshell

Adaptation in inter-firm relationships: classification, motivation, calculation

Beyond advertising: in-home promotion of fast food

Are students customers? TQM and marketing perspectives

Protecting victims of trafficking in human beings in the UK: the Italian "Rimini method" that could influence the British approach

Marketing communications

Sidelined? The future of marketing in the contemporary organisation

Resolving near carrier spectral infinities due to 1/f phase noise in oscillators.

Evaluating currency risk in emerging markets.

Measures of financial risks and market crashes.

Some singular values, and unitarily invariant norm, inequalities

Joint-state modeling for open queuing networks with breakdowns, repairs and finite buffers.

Geostatistical analysis of tree size distributions in the southern Kalahari obtained from remotely sensed data.

Automatic detection of spatial anisotropy in environmental data sets.

High-precision detection of facial landmarks to estimate head motions based on vision models

Approximate solution for the performability of Markovian queuing networks with a large number of servers.

Frequent key renewal under pseudo-secure conditions for increased security in kerberos authentication and its impact on system performability

An authentication protocol to address the problem of the trusted 3rd Party authentication protocols

Modelling network memory servers with parallel processors, break-downs and repairs.

Chinese web browser design utilising cultural icons.

The design of a culturalised web browser for Chinese users.

The problems with design education in the UK.

Object identification for visually impaired people using circular colour coded stickers.

The revolutionary quack.

Politeness and impoliteness in stylistic analysis

Blazing a trail: moving from natural to linguistic meaning in accounting for the tones of English

Story: the heart of the matter


A rum do: article on W.E.Bowman.

The dog is himself: humans, animals and self-control in The two gentlemen of Verona

Translation competence and the aesthetic attitude.

Language and special translational purposes.

Leon Golub interviewed by Bird, Jon

Gradiva redux [essay]

Storyworld: or, how I learned how to write a novel

Literary genres.

Believing stories

User modeling for intelligent interfaces in e-learning.

Glasgow's progress: the films of Glasgow Corporation 1938-1978.

Creating smart and accessible ubiquitous knowledge environments

Accessibility research in a vocational context

User modelling and social intelligence

Augmented cognition, universal access and social intelligence in the information society.

The information society: what next?

Ethics in the environment of the information society.

Agile quality or depth of reasoning: applicability versus suitability respecting stakeholders' needs.

Exploring legal & ethical aspects of IPR management in e-learning

Assessment and facilitation in accreditation: experiental learning in undergraduate work based learning programme.

The knowledge society: can we continue to ignore gender and cultural issues?

A framework for the design and execution of controlled experiments in software engineering

Scenarios of software value: putting software quality in context.

In search for a widely applicable and accepted software quality model for software quality engineering

Towards knowledge sharing using a flexible teaching framework for developing and supporting resource-based learning

A card-sorting probe of e-banking trust perceptions.

Affective and rational trust factors in e-banking.

Accessibility of interactive television for users with low vision: learning from the web.

Visual displays as part of an information system.

Seniors route-planning: a reality check for the design of navigation systems.

DDA compliant display

A functional collaborative work unit for analysing hazardous flight approaches.

Proceedings: create 2007

Cartographic and cognitive analysis of ambulance dispatch displays.

Investigating human-system interaction with an integrated hydropower and market system simulator

Extracting information handling strategies.

Conceiving Ada: conceiving feminist possibilities in the new mediascape

Sound cuts

Mobius loops

Damming the flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the politics of containment.

A Haitian boat disaster

Undisclosed recipients: online digital art and global political imaginaries.

Throbs and pulsations: Les LeVeque and the digitization of desire

What's the point: first notes towards a philosophy of determination.

Pierre Bourdieu.

One step at a time: an interview with Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Jean-Luc Nancy and the implosion of thought.

Insurgency and betrayal: an interview with Guy Philippe.

Semantics for an asynchronous message passing system.

Specification of asynchronous communicating systems (SACS).

Trade, aid and conflict resolution: the changing relations between Britain and East Africa.

Conclusion: the logic of work and employment reforms in the public services: a comparative reflection

Partnership: transforming the employment relationship in public service delivery

Modernising work in public services: redefining roles and relationships in Britain's changing workplace

The importance of legislated employment protection for worker commitment in coordinated market economics

Postgraduate preferences: a study of factors contributing to programme satisfaction amongst masters students.

Ectopic hCGbeta expression by epithelial cancer: malignant behaviour, metastasis and inhibition of tumor cell apoptosis

An introduction to mass spectrometry based proteomics-detection and characterization of gonadotropins and related molecules

Validation of a finite-element solution for electrical impedance tomography in an anisotropic medium

Use of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) to enhance electrical impedance tomography (EIT) image sets.

The peri-electrode space is a significant element of the electrode-brain interface in deep brain stimulation: a computational study

Inhibition of invasion and induction of apoptosis by selenium in human malignant brain tumour cells in vitro

Professionalising the IT industry: towards the creation of a professional association.

Reconstructing APEL to enhance individual and organisational learning.

Approaches to and uses of work-based research knowledge.

Ethical considerations for practitioner-researchers.

Assessment and evaluation in higher education. Volume 32, 2007 - Issue 1: Work‐based learning: assessment and evaluation in higher education [special issue]

Special Issue: The worker as researcher. Journal of workplace learning. Volume 19 Issue 3 [special issue]

Impact of work based learning in higher education.

Web-based video conferencing in transnational higher education: pedagogies and good practice.

Figuring masculinities: exploring ethnic masculinities in the institutions of U.K accounting

Professionalising claims and the state of the UK professional accountancy education: some evidence

Role of HPV E6 proteins in preventing UVB-induced release of pro-apoptotic factors from the mitochondria.

Role for WNT16B in human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation

Longitudinal muscle shows abnormal relaxation responses to nitric oxide and contains altered levels of NOS1 and elastin in uncomplicated diverticular disease.

HPV8 early genes modulate differentiation and cell cycle of primary human adult keratinocytes.

Financing basic teacher education in Ghana: looking beyond traditional funding sources.

Place and being

Practical wisdom and the worker researcher


The ethics of marketing in Muslim and Christian communities in Cyprus: insights for marketing

Marketing and education: a clash or a synergy in time?

Does advertising pervert higher education? The case for resistance

A German employee network and union renewal: the Siemenskonflikt

A gender inclusive model in theological education for the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Design and implementation of a scheme for accreditation of company directors by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors in advancing corporate governance.

The use of coaching to obtain agreement regarding the preferred culture within an executive team

Work-based learning futures : proceedings from the Work-based Learning Futures Conference, Buxton, April 2007, organised by the University of Derby and Middlesex University

Challenging the structural capital of the university to support work based learning

A work-based learning approach to developing leadership for senior health and social care professionals: a case study from Middlesex University

State of the art in RFID technology [in libraries]

Risk analysis and the new practitioner: myth or reality?

Risky or at risk? Young people, surveillance and security

Prison is good but I shouldn’t be here: perspectives from prisoners interviewed in an Indian jail

The prevention of youth crime: a risky business?

The rise and fall of mentoring in youth justice

Young victims of street crime in an East London borough.

Young people’s perceptions of risk

The future’s bright, the future’s blended.

Fostering reflective thinking with the Learning Achievement Self-Evaluation Record (LASER)

Older adults’ experiences of the rehabilitation process in acute health care.

Multidisciplinary perspectives on the role of nurses and health care assistants in the rehabilitation of older adults.

Spatial reconstruction following virtual exploration in children aged 5–9 years: effects of age, gender and activity–passivity

Drawing maps and remembering landmarks after driving in a virtual small town environment

Preparation for cancer care: perceptions of newly qualified health care professionals

Education for citizenship in a multicultural Europe.

The impact of cross-cultural issues on perceptions of teaching quality: do staff and students agree?

Determinants of obesity in transition economies: the case of Russia

Not yet, and already no longer: loitering with intent between the expert practitioner at work, and the archive

Sculpting the suburban landscape

The socio-cultural and biological meaning of parenthood

Psychosocial aspects of surrogate motherhood

Silver Studio textile project.

Psychological trait and state characteristics, social support and attitudes to the surrogate pregnancy and baby

Political marketing communications planning in the UK and Taiwan: comparative insights from leading practitioners

Pregnancy and postnatal states and support: the effects of the partner [Editorial]

Evidence based cancer policy: the needs of teenagers and young adults (editorial)

A concept analysis of renal supportive care: the changing world of nephrology

Racism: the implications for nursing education.

Respiratory assessment in adults

Approaches to learning and the acquisition of general knowledge

The racialisation and ethnicisation of sexuality and sexual problems in sex therapeutic discourse

Staff appraisal and continuing professional development: exploring the relationships in acute and community health settings

Senior and non-senior traveller behaviour: some exploratory evidence from the holiday rental sector in Switzerland

Irish women and the vote: becoming citizens

Who do you think you are?: Irish nurses encountering ethnicity and constructing identity in Britain

Explanations of depression among Irish migrants in Britain

A detailed analysis of the reliability and validity of the sensation seeking scale in a UK sample

Therapists' understandings and experiences of working with clients with problems of addiction: a pilot study using Q methodology.

Therapeutic relationships: Sándor Ferenczi and the British Independent School

Mothering, deprivation and the formation of child psychoanalysis in Britain

Optical sound films 1971-2007

CDS/ISIS column

Historical indigenous peoples' land claims: a comparative and international approach to the common law doctrine on indigenous title

Relationship between respect and culture: a classroom learning context

Research methods for graduate business and social science students

International conference "Information technologies in education in the 21st century": Conference proceedings.

Social work with looked after children

Growing up with risk

Giving more than they receive? Migrant women and welfare in Britain.

Linking librarians:North-South cooperation via the Commonwealth Professional Fellowship scheme

Future ageing in South-East Asia: demographic trends, human capital and health status

Neo-classic: Alain Badiou’s Being and Event.

Determinants of health status of elderly people in Bangladesh

Bayesian analysis of three-way ANOVA model and a diagnostic test for the convergence of the estimation

Fear of the dark: regulating the film experience.

Fundamentals of sonic arts and sound design

Managing local labour markets and making up new spaces of welfare

Water and health. [Chapter 6 of 'Sustainable water: chemical science priorities summary report']

Randomised controlled trial of the effects of differently tailored smoking cessation interventions among failed quitters of the NHS Stop Smoking Services: an application of the TTM.

Adolescents' attitudes and behaviours about crime

Interventions to tackle the economic needs of deprived areas: analysis of six policy case studies.

Devolved governance and the economic problems of deprived areas: the cases of Scotland, Wales and four English Regions

Formalising new arrival enterprises: challenges of new ethnic entrepreneurship for business support policy.

Types and impacts of BME businesses

Local alchemy in the East Midlands

Measuring the contributions of small firms to reducing poverty and increasing social inclusion in the UK

Human domain antibodies against virulence traits of Candida albicans inhibit fungus adherence to vaginal epithelium and protect against experimental vaginal candidiasis.

Risk factors of coronary heart disease

Risk factors for sleep disturbance and its effect on quality of life: an analysis of retrospective cohort study of adults with neck injuries

Patterns and differentials of antenatal care and delivery practices among married adolescent girls in Bangladesh

Designing a new generation of anti-hCG vaccines for cancer therapy

In search of a technological criticism.

ICT for innovation systems: comparative experiences from developing countries.

Indigenous rights in the making: the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

Mapping inside out.

Sources of strengths, remaining vulnerabilities and new policy challenges for Asia.

Cross-cultural advertising research: what do we know about the influence of culture on advertising?

Recent Polish migrants in London: social networks, transience and settlement.

Nomadic territories: a human rights approach to nomadic peoples’ land rights

Collective participation and broadcast: how data bound to locality re-appropriate physical space.

Toothing and bluetoothing: network-fantasy-reality.

A holistic framework for the strategic management of first tier managers.

The constraints of a ‘work–life balance’ approach: an international perspective.

Exploring the subjective city.

Where are you now? Time-duration and instantaneous mobile messaging.

The Making of the Indian national innovation systems: lessons on the specific characteristics of the domestic and the external co-evolutions of technologies, institutions and incentives.

Studying business at MBA and masters level

Les tribunaux militaires et tribunaux d’exceptions en République d’Irlande

Firm ownership and the determinants of success and failure in new product development: an empirical study of manufacturing firms in the Guandong province of china.

Co-housing for stages of an aging Britain.

Assymetric information and the pricing of sovereign eurobonds: India 1990–1992.

Need for cognitive closure and conservative political beliefs: differential mediation by personal worldviews.

Some norm inequalities concerning generalized inverses,2.

A celebration of ten years of successful international cooperation and exchange between Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Middlesex University in London.

How do we view alternative families?

International financial markets and fragility in Eastern Europe: “can it happen” here?

Life after crisis for labor and capital in the era of neo-liberal globalisation

Capital flows, turbulences, and distribution: the case of Turkey

A vital lifeline: UK Libraries Plus 1999-2006.

Observations critiques sur l'exclusivité proclamée des sources formelles du droit dans la jurisprudence administrative

A comparison of marketing practices: perspectives first and second-generation UK South Asians.

Damien Hirst, Colley Cibber and the bathos of the commercialised sublime.

Sublimity, beauty and decorum

The impact of family migration policies on migrants/ citizens affected by family migration policies.

Frit valg eller frit fald: når velfærd er et tilbud [Free choice or free fall when welfare is a choice]

The causes of piping in a set of abandoned agricultural terraces in southeast Spain

Improvements to the dispersion status of piped gully soils following reworking and stabilisation by vegetation.

Asynchronous message passing architecture for a distributed programming language.

From local laboratory data to public domain database in search of indirect association of diseases: AJAX based gene data search engine.

Gendered migrations, policies and rights in the UK.

Naming actions and objects in bilingual aphasia: a multiple case study.

Attacking hate speech under Article 17 of the European Convention on human rights.

Caste-based discrimination in international human rights law.

Ownership and management in holding companies and the future of the Russian textile industry.

Practising dance history: reflections on the shared processes of dance historians and dance makers.

Trends in fall injuries associated with children's outdoor climbing frames.

Fault-tolerant peer-to-peer search on small-world networks.

Supporting staff working with prisoners who self harm: a survey of support services for staff dealing with self-harm in prisons in England and Wales

A critical investigation of access to social work students' post-compulsory education and career choices

The conundrum of balancing widening participation with the selection of suitable students for social work education.

All change within the academy: dissonance and role conflict, or the potential for new forms of professionalism?

Reflections on widening participation policy: macro influences and micro implications.

Cartoons for children [shown at 14th International Ankara Cartoon Festival].

Risk and the demise of children's play.

Power relationships in research teams.

What neo-liberal global and national capitals are doing to education workers and to equality: some implications for social class analysis.

Neurasthenia, depression and traditional Chinese medicine: is an understanding of their relationship important for practicing traditional Chinese medicine in the United Kingdom?

Interweaving academic and professional power in higher education.

Training managers constructing their identities in English health and care agencies

Critical pedagogy, socialist pedagogy, and Freire.

Critical pedagogy, `race’, class and gender and empowerment in capitalist (neo)-liberal democratic Britain.

Labour market restructuring and employment pathways in Greece.

Exploding Johannesburg: driving in a worldly city.

Violence and hate crime.

Automated cinematography for games.

Efficient resource discovery in unstructured peer-to-peer networks.

Social peer-to-peer for resource discovery.

Fear of the dark: regulating the cinematic experience

Reading Wolf Creek: normative social strategies in the reception of contemporary film.

UK OTTs and the qualifications conundrum

Undisclosed recipients.

Paralinguistic vocal control of interactive media: how untapped elements of voice might enhance the role of non-speech voice input in the user's experience of multimedia.

Embourgeoisment, immiseration, commodification - Marxism revisited: a critique of education in capitalist systems

Critical teacher education for economic, environmental and social justice: an ecosocialist manifesto

An abject land? Remembering women differently in Doris Lessing’s the grass is singing and Chenjerai Hove’s bones.

The Commonwealth teacher recruitment potential: its impacts and implications for the global teaching profession

Class, capital and education in this neoliberal neoconservative period.

Critical teacher education, New Labour in Britain, and the global project of neoliberal capital.

Critical pedagogy, revolutionary critical pedagogy and socialist education: what should Socialist/Marxist teachers do?

Vacating the battlefield: class war from above, neoliberal capitalist globalisation, and the flight from class analysis in revisionist left analyses such as that of Michael W. Apple.

Web 2.0 and user-generated content: legal challenges in the new frontier.

Listening to the boys again: an exploration of what boys want to learn in sex education classes and how they want to be taught.

What have friends got to do with critical friendship? – an Aristotelian approach.

Marketing and education - utility and wisdom or immanence and transcendence.

Skills, knowledge wisdom: what are the issues for good higher education marketing?

In the university’s mission of utility and wisdom how do you market wisdom?

Practical wisdom and the worker researcher.

Casing the joint: explorations by the insider-researcher preparing for work based projects

Applying component concepts to service oriented design: a case study.

Using work based learning and accreditation to recognise continuous professional development.

European perspectives on work based learning.

Work based learning: old wine in a new bottle?

Education through art.

Getting to the root of problems: the role of systemic ideas in helping social work students to develop relationship-based practice.

Regulatory challenges in the era of the convergence of telecommunications, broadcasting and information

Legal challenges of cybercrime

Players’ image management in the UK football industry

Senior and non-senior traveller behaviour: some exploratory evidence from the holiday rental sector in Switzerland.

A model of how hotel managers perceive, interpret and strategically respond to environmental changes.

Foreword [to Knowledge and power in the global economy]

Micro learning.

Investigating the illusion of ‘real-time’ eLearning events.

A European perspective of work based learning: lessons from a CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)study visit.

Brain gain in England: how overseas trained teachers have enriched and sustained English education

Smell me: engaging with an interactive olfactory game.

Pushing the boundaries in accrediting experiential learning.

Mapping the WBL continuum workshop.

Preparing WBL students - what do they need to know?

Using APEL to recognise learning.

Procurement for innovation: a theoretical proposition for enabling innovation diffusion in PFI projects.

Basel II implementation in developing countries and effects on SME development.

The liberalisation of capital outflows in CIBS: what opportunities for other developing countries?

Implementation of Basel Rules in Brazil: what are the implications for development finance?

New migrants in England and their needs.

Extending emergent procedures, techniques, and concepts for knowledge management systems analysis.

Business analysis for knowledge management systems development in an HR service provider: XPR.

Notions of knowledge management systems: a gap analysis.

Relationship or revenue: management paradoxes between customer relationships and revenue management.

Developmental dyslexia, visuospatial ability and learning style.

Visuo-spatial ability, handedness and developmental dyslexia: just how sinister was Andy Warhol?

Inside parenting programmes: case studies of family group conferencing

Taking surveillance out of the ISSP (intensive supervision and surveillance programme).

Social work with offenders.

Structure and play: rethinking regulation in the higher education sector.

Maternal mental health and wellbeing

Introduction [Dynamically typed languages: special ed.]

Model transformations in MT.

Enhancement of intragastric acid stability of a fat emulsion meal delays gastric emptying and increases cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction

Pareto optimal search based refactoring at the design level.

Contrasting compile-time meta-programming in metalua and converge.

Assessment of stormwater ecotoxicity using a battery of biotests.

Towards a paradigm SWITCH: Integrating urban water management in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Cultural heritage stock at risk from air pollution

Human behaviour.

Keratin degradation by proteolytic microorganisms isolated from activated sludge and farmyard manure: possible application in decontamination of prion protein

The development of work based learning for sustainable environmental education.

A domain specific language for interactive applications.

8039 ORAL quality nursing care: perspectives of patients with cancer and the nursing response

The health promotion needs and preferences of gypsy travellers in Wales.

An exploration of fourth generation evaluation in practice.

An exploration of the meanings and experiences of cancer of Chinese people living and working in London.

Analysis of cyclic delay diversity on DVB-H systems over spatially correlated channel

Researching the sacred: reflections on the challenges and ethics of data collection.

The impact of bereavement on children and young people's welfare & development

Involving cancer patients in the education of healthcare professionals.

'Human costs' of breast cancer among non-English speaking BME women.

Multiple myeloma: understanding the impact of the disease.

Open source software in higher education.

Quality nursing care: perspectives of patients with cancer and the nursing response

To dream the impossible dream: transcultural nursing, migration, poverty, human rights and the millennium development goals.

SAFER UK: preventing sexual maltreatment of unaccompanied asylum seeking minors.

Sexuality, sexual and reproductive health.

Safer UK: preventing sexual maltreatment of unaccompanied asylum seeking minors and improving services for them.

Staying SAFER in the UK: an information booklet on sexual abuse and sexual assault for asylum seeking children and young people.

Demographic and situational variations in levels of burnout in European mental health services: a comparative study.

Virtual physical bodies-serious play

Progression accords and credit frameworks.

Collaboration to engage employers in the cultural sector.

Progression accords, additional student numbers and development funds.

Mental, emotion and vision verbs: implicit causality and the development of folk psychological beliefs in preschoolers.

Miscommunicating ideas: some key lessons for risk management.

Self-harm in a men's prison: staff's and prisoners' perspectives.

Exploiting contextual handover information for versatile services in NGN environments.

The design of a storage architecture for mobile heterogeneous devices.

Y-Comm: a global architecture for heterogeneous networking.

Factors affecting the transferability of HR policies and practices in Iranian IJVs.

Improving mathematics skills and using statistics.

The calculus according to S. F. Lacroix (1765-1843)

Financing high-tech SMEs in China.

Alcohol as drug of choice; is drug-assisted rape a misnomer?

Below the age of consent: influences on moral and legal judgments of adult–adolescent sexual relationships

The role of community groups and community language schools in initial teacher education (ITE).

Multilingual learning: stories from schools and communities in Britain.

Bilingual teaching assistants and learning in early years settings.

MNEs and new enterprise creation: Do MNEs have a direct impact on the amount of new indigenous high-tech start-ups in Ireland?

Using geometric algebra to interactively model the geometry of Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces.

Pairing-based cryptosystems and key agreement protocols.

The importance of space, place and everyday life for the reintegration of prisoners and criminal desistance.

Using police data for empirical investigations of rape.

Regulating supply chains to improve health and safety.

Organisational restructuring/downsizing, OHS regulation and worker health and wellbeing.

Successful IT projects.

Employment conditions and health inequalities.

Reliability procedures for categorical data in performance analysis.

The statistical analysis of golf performance.

A distributed monitoring system for enhancing security and dependability at architectural level.

DESERT: a decentralized monitoring tool generator.

Agents and security in a cultural assets transport scenario.

A geo time authentication system.

New labour, the market state, and the end of welfare.

A rejoinder to ‘professionalizing claims and the state of UK professional accounting education: some evidence'.

DALICA: intelligent agents for user profile deduction.

Whose journey is this? A radical approach to the question of the 'journey' taken in scripts.


The impact of hearing loss on mathematical and linguistic performance in 11-16 year old school children.

In search of the loci for sex differences in throwing: the effects of physical size and differential recruitment rates on high levels of dart performance.

A pilot investigation into unimpaired and dyslexic Persian children’s word naming and spelling: implications for models of reading and counselling

Silver chain manufacture.

Error-resilient performance of Dirac Video Codec over Packet-Erasure Channel

Adaptive link-weight routing protocol using cross-layer communication for MANET

Re-thinking workplace learning: worker subjectivity/ies as sites of alignment and resistance.

New method for generalised PR target design for perpendicular magnetic recording

After identity [article]

The development and implementation of drug policy in England 1994-2004.

A MR compatible mechatronic system to facilitate magic angle experiments in vivo

Ways of reading: advanced reading skills for students of English literature. 3rd edition

The determinants of stock market performance in emerging economies: the case of Latin America and Asia Pacific.

Proactive policy management using TBVH mechanism in heterogeneous networks.

Four ways of looking at a keyword: introduction

Containing culture, a series of three symposia. Symposium three: lacking in discipline

Touch, textiles, technology: collaboration across Europe

‘There was never anythin’ like this!!!’ Valeska Gert's performances in the context of Weimar culture

Generalized inverses in C*-algebras, 2

The organisation of drug supply: South Asian criminal enterprise in the UK

War, crime, empire and cosmopolitanism

It's the economy, stupid!: classifying power crime

Validation of finite element mesh warping for improving the forward model in EIT of brain function

Reconstruction algorithms to monitor neonate lung function

Still harping on (about expert practitioner-centred modes of knowledge and models of intelligibility)

Improving the forward model for electrical impedance tomography of brain function through rapid generation of subject specific finite element models

Understanding total quality management in context: qualitative research on managers' awareness of TQM aspects in the Greek service industry

Examining leisure constraints for ski centre visitors: implications for services marketing

Quintet without borders [at EIBANK Gallery]

Quintet without borders [at Haunch of Venison]

Parallel machine scheduling with s-precedence constraints [conference item]

Facial expression recognition in image sequences using geometric deformation features and support vector machines

Synthesis of expressive facial animations: a multimodal caricatural mirror

A novel discriminant non-negative matrix factorization algorithm with applications to facial image characterization problems

Sound tools for package dependency management in free and open source software distributions

Facial expression recognition in videos using a novel multi-class support vector machines variant

Multiclass support vector machines and metric multidimensional scaling for facial expression recognition

Passacaglia [1938]

Investigation of pollutant removal processes within a combined wetland/aerated pond system for the treatment of airport runoff

Abnormal preantral folliculogenesis in polycystic ovaries is associated with increased granulosa cell division

Rapid activation of ATM on DNA flanking double-strand breaks

RIP140 directs histone and DNA methylation to silence Ucp1 expression in white adipocytes

Do the poor wake up quickly? A study of low pay and muted horizons

'Escaping to the gallery': understanding the motivations of visitors to galleries

Creating an organisational theatre of creative learning

Hourly employee retention factors in the United Kingdom quick service restaurant industry

Intervention at the level of the firm: employer-sponsored training and wage growth in post-unification Germany

New perspectives on labour market intervention

Evaluating blended learning in the biomedical sciences using action research

Obsolescence and exchange in Cedric Price's dispensable museum

The shame of the psychotherapist

The Screen Education years 1960-1982: the academic accession of the abject art

Modelling of radio wave propagation using Finite Element Analysis.

Creating E-portfolio with OSP

The lives and deaths of Zakia: how AIDS changed African community theatre and vice versa

Authoring online materials for academic writing: issues and opportunities

Hierarchies in fragments of monadic strict NP

Visualisation of multi-dimensional medical images with application to brain electrical impedance tomography

An exploration of the impact of culture on cancer attitudes and related practices of Greek and Greek Cypriots living in London

The culture of curating and the curating of culture(s): the development of contemporary curatorial discourse in Europe and North America since 1987

Folding and withholding: writing with and by choreographers

Global strategy: can late arrivals catch up with established companies? a study of the world television manufacturing industry

Fantasias 1 for viola & piano

Immaterial and affective labour: explored

Producing the dining experience: measure, subjectivity and the affective worker

Sensemaking in a large-scale corporate fraud investigation: some problems of communication

Sensemaking in a large-scale corporate fraud investigation: the challenge of communication

Globalisation and labour struggle in Asia: a neo-gramscian critique of South Korea's political economy

Efficient ARQ protocols for exploiting cooperative relaying in wireless sensor networks

Sexual politics of desire and belonging

Sexual politics, desire and belonging: an introduction

In the company of friends: insights into gay men's friendships at work

It's time for action (there's no option): about feminism

A woman's work is never done: women and Da'wa in early Ismailism

Challenges to establishing volunteer‐run, community‐based restorative justice programs

Relating time complexity of protein folding simulation to approximations of folding time

Factors affecting intergenerational financial help and care transfers: evidence from a global ageing survey

Eschatological field notes: community theatre, AIDS, and the fate of informant D. in Ilemera, Tanzania

Not so strange! An application of attachment theory and feminist psychology to social work supervision


Solutions on Stress (SOS): programmes, packages and products for helping teenagers

Multi-agency working: Implications for an early-intervention social work team

Factors affecting the retention of learners following the degree in social work at a university in the south-east of England

Rappresentanza e autorganizzazione: il "welfare dal basso" dei CSA del Nord-Est

Loss trauma

Il bambino maltrattato: le radici della depressione nel trauma e nell'abuso infantile

Familial patterns of stress

Oscillating at the 'high/low' art divide: curating and exhibiting animation

The animation fulcrum

Semioethics, voluntarism and anti-humanism

A framework for the tourism planning process

Tourist vacation preferences: the case of mass tourists to Crete

Sources of liability: tourism operators facing lawsuits

In-group and out-group orientations and their relation to formation of Country of Origin Image stereotypes

Jamie’s story: the child focused interview

An investigation of the difficulties faced by practitioner researchers in publication

'Constructive alignment' and learning technologies: some implications for the quality of teaching and learning in higher education

Design of virtual learning environments for deep learning

Breaktime matters: an investigation into the management of school playtimes of children aged 11-14 years

Developing professional HR practice and teaching in the university sector

Enrolment management and consumer behaviour in higher education: a case study of successfully positioning and marketing an educational institution with reference to college choice factors

Unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam): integrated policy and practice

Service quality management and customer satisfaction in higher education: quality of services, customer satisfaction and customer behavioural intention in higher education

Integrating policy and practice in healthcare

Performability modelling of homogenous and heterogeneous multiserver systems with breakdowns and repairs

Choreographic sensibility in screen based dance

Fantastic reconstruction: postcolonial artists and the colonial archive

HIV-1 integrase inhibitors: from biology to chemotherapeutics

Structural assignment and total synthesis of azaspiracid-1

An ordinary transgression. Adultery and concubinage: from the neighbourhood to the Court (Diocese of Monreale, 1590-1680)

Revolution in a comic strip: Gasparazzo and the identity of southern migrants in Turin, 1969-1975

Understanding change in a therapeutic community: an action systems approach

Engaging employers in work-based learning: a case study BSc. (hons) Environmental Health

Resolving a zoological mystery: the kouprey is a real species

Mitochondrial DNA variability in Giraffa Camelopardalis: consequences for taxonomy, phylogeography and conservation of giraffes in West and Central Africa

The normalisation of binge drinking? An historical and cross cultural investigation with implications for action

Arsenic-resistant bacteria isolated from contaminated sediments of the Orbetello Lagoon, Italy, and their characterization

Evans, M. (2007) The contribution of social capital in the social economy to local economic development in Western Europe, Final Report to DG Research, European Commission, Framework V programme

Controlling access to preserve QoS in a self-aware network

Admission of packet flows in a self-aware network

Minimal refinements of specifications in modal and temporal logics

Two tales about crisis and corruption at the Central Labour College

Co-evolving e-tail and online communities: empirically-based conceptual framework

Adaptive, fast walking in a biped robot under neuronal control and learning

The changing nature of change: a Nicaraguan feminist experience

Vulnerability and flooding: a re-analysis of FHRC data: country report England and Wales

Building a model to estimate risk to life for European flood events – final report

Critical reflections on an evaluative comparative analysis of work-based learning through organisational change mechanisms: a study of two public service organisations in Northern Ireland

In search of the loci for sex differences in throwing

Site under construction: taking ‘reading performance’ literally

Phenotype microarray comparisons of Bacillus subtilis 168 and FBC5 mutant impaired in calcium carbonate precipitation

Theodor Adorno & Alban Berg: correspondence: 1925–1935, edited by Henri Lonitz, review

The development of a CPD framework for GP vets by experienced practitioners within a workbased learning HE degree

Lesbian women and gay men found that nurses often assumed they were heterosexual, which led to feelings of discomfort and insecurity

Developing locally based research capacity in Uganda

HIV antibody testing: ten years on

‘You’ve got it, you may have it, you haven’t got it’: the unintended consequences of HIV testing

Mapping the fabricated identity of childminders: pride and prejudice

Narratives from the nursery: exploring issues of power in research

Evaluation of home visiting in South Kensington and Chelsea: final report

Parenting support: literature review and evidence paper for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea [Report commissioned by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea]

Physiological comparison of wild type bacillus subtilis 168 and mutant FBC5 (eftA-mutant) incapable of carbonate precipitation

Early childhood education

Professionalism and performativity: the feminist challenge facing early years practitioners

Polyadic grooming among captive chimpanzees

From pedagogy to practice- inter-professional learning in the children’s workforce: lessons from a London borough

Looked after children and mental health: issues for practice - a social work perspective

An investigation of how two local authorities are integrating services for disabled children and their families: heading for ‘communities of practice’ or lost in the network?

An investigation of how a group of social workers respond to the cultural needs of black, minority ethnic looked after children

Greeks - museum series 2004-05 chosen as cover image for Printmaking Today

The effects of physical training and competition on selected haematological, salivary and psychological markers of immune and health status

Low radial BMD is associated with reduced femoral cross sectional area in female ballet dancers

Low radial BMD is associated with reduced femoral cross sectional area in female ballet dancers: 797: June 1 8: 30 AM-8: 45 AM

The first MAAPS International Printmaking Exhibition Beijing China

Risk communication in emergency response to a simulated extreme flood

Family influences on the career life cycle

Zemlinsky’s Surface Structures: Maiblumen blühten überall and the String Sextet Genre

Three Pedagogic Innovations to Improve Learning on the BA Music and Arts Management Programme

8th Tehran International Cartoon Bennial-Iran

What is the world coming to? The WSF beyond critique and deconstruction

P matrix properties, injectivity, and stability in chemical reaction systems

Work-based learning, graduate attributes and lifelong learning

A comparison of marketing practices: perspectives from first and second generation UK South Asians

Active Energy web site

Blind faith in the Balkans: trade policy scenarios for South-East Europe

Evaluation of the practice assessment tool used to assess clinical practice in the pre-qualifying and undergraduate nursing programme

Determinants of salary differentials of graduates in the United Arab Emirates: a human capital theory approach

The impact of core job dimensions on satisfaction and performance: a test in an international environment