Progress in machine consciousness

Foreign direct investment and exchange rate uncertainty in South‐East Asia

Image scoring in great apes

The regulation of the CAMP signalling pathway in the human pathogenic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

Introduction: processes of cosmopolitanism and parochialism

A portable wireless-based architecture for solving minimum digital divide problems

A Swiss birthing centre

How coaching conversations contribute to organisational development

Comparison of ACB transporter genes of Plasmodium species: a search in elucidating new discoveries toward malaria parasite

Modeling the malaria parasite-mosquito midgut cell interactions

Predicting fraud in mobile phone usage using artificial neural networks

A grid based framework for pervasive healthcare using wireless sensors networks: a case for developing nations

PQ trees, consecutive ones problem and applications

Evaluating the relationship between a generic-based filtering program and DNA sequences

International Crimes

Consumer-based brand equity and brand performance

Is empowerment really a contributory factor to service quality?

The loss of Mango

Towards the nature of citations

Transitions of care from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services (TRACK study): a study of protocols in Greater London

Attitudes of staff towards patients with personality disorder in community mental health teams

Social functioning of patients with personality disorder in secondary care

Dedicated community-based services for adults with personality disorder: Delphi study

Landscapes: 2001-2003

Photographic work included in two group shows 'Ruination: Photographs of Rome', Nottingham University, Nottingham, and 'Responding to Rome: British Artists in Rome, 1995-2005', Estorick Collection, London

Exchange of simulation data between CFD programmes and a multi-segmented human thermal comfort model

How can practice reshape assessment?

Changing pedagogy: vocational learning and assessment

Changing practices of doctoral education

Dexamethasone-induced expression of the glucocorticoid response gene lipocalin 2 in chondrocytes

Identification of a novel splice variant of the haloacid dehalogenase: PHOSPHO1

Equal opportunities policies in English schools: towards greater gender equality in the teaching workforce?

The lived experience of mental health service users in a UK community rehabilitation scheme

Innocents abroad: attitude change toward hosts

Platinum resistance needs the mythbusters [Letter to the Editor]

A 39 kDa fragment of endogenous ASK1 suggests specific cleavage not degradation by the proteasome

Art Deco for swells at sea: the Normandie's magnificent glass mural graces the Met

An investment game with third-party intervention

Framing space: agendas and content in the architectural photograph

The Attachment Style Interview (ASI): a support-based adult assessment tool for adoption and fostering practice

Deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort

Article 6

Chinatown, Londra: città vetrina e luogo d’appartenenza

Sitt al-Mulk

Education and young people with sickle cell disorder: a knowledge review

Public perceptions of communicating information about bowel cancer screening

Innocents abroad: attitude change toward hosts


Cultural mapping and sustainable communities: Planning for the arts revisited

The definition of non-international armed conflict in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: an analysis of the threshold of application contained in Article 8(2)(f)

Local authorities and the education of young people with sickle cell disorders in England

Performing thrill: designing telemetry systems and spectator interfaces for amusement rides

Experimental study on the effects of visualized functionally abstracted information on process control tasks

Evaluation of human interaction with complex systems using a full-scope simulator: lessons learned and methodological issues

Spatializing industrial policies: a view from the south

The first year experience: approaches to enhancement

Final report to the Higher Education Academy. managing connections: using e-learning tracking information to improve retention rates in higher education

Practical guide: bringing together e-learning and student retention

Moral distance in dictator games

Considering something ELSE: ethical, legal and socio-economic factors in medical imaging and medical informatics

Cultural heritage and job satisfaction in Eastern and Western Europe

Communist legacies, gender and the impact on job satisfaction in Central and Eastern Europe

A general rhythmic pattern generation architecture for legged locomotion

Makes the Independent Group so different, so appealing?

Interior design since 1900

Social dominance and sexual orientation

Mother Nature's tolerant ways: why non-genetic inheritance has nothing to do with evolution

Sex-related invariance across cultures in an online role-playing game

Is this conjectural phenotypic dichotomy a plausible outcome of genomic imprinting?

Psychology, biology and the market place: response to John Radford’s 'Psychology in its place'

Mobile services: potentiality of Short Message Service as new business communication tool in attracting consumers

Formative assessment and the role of feedback

The roles of time, place, value and relationships in collocated photo sharing with camera phones

Colour vision model-based approach for segmentation of traffic signs

Brave new world: the role of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

The International Criminal Court and complementarity: five years on

Complementarity in practice: some uncomplimentary thoughts

Origins of the Genocide Convention: from Nuremberg to Paris

Prosecutorial discretion v. judicial activism at the International Criminal Court

Should active recruitment of health workers from sub-Saharan Africa be viewed as a crime?

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: is a ‘tribunal of an international character’ equivalent to an ‘international criminal court’?

International Criminal Tribunals: a review of 2007.

State policy as an element of international crimes

WiMAX fast-moving access network.

Joint design of groupwise STBC and SIC based receiver

The translation of higher-level knowledge into different levels of managerial and creative competencies.

Case Reports: Arsenic pollution in Thailand, Bangladesh and Hungary

The changing role of the state: regulating work in Australia and New Zealand 1788–2007

Spatialising industrial policies: a view from the south

Innovation in therapeutic practice with 'violent youth': a discourse analysis of the Non-Violent Resistance approach.

The making of domestic medicine: gender, self-help and therapeutic determination in household healthcare in South-West England in the late seventeenth century

Impact of mental models on system modelling: a case study

Blending arts and sciences: gimmick or necessity?

Work based learning for the development of the chemistry professional.

Measuring responses to humor: how the testing context affects individuals’ reaction to comedy

A literature review of employee learning research.

How can ICT promote the teaching, learning and use of research methods in a work based learning context?"

Efficient online monitoring of web-service SLAs

Exploring the challenges of integrated coastal zone management and reflecting on contributions to 'integration' from geographical thought.

Factors influencing subjective ranking of driver distractions

Lesbian and gay fostering and adoption: out of the closet into the mainstream?

A dynamics-driven approach to precision machines design for micro-manufacturing and its implementation perspectives.

Introduction to rural planning: Economies, communities and landscapes

Combining scientific and lay knowledges: participatory approaches to research in organic

Managing peer-to-peer networks with human tactics in social interactions

Cartoon violence and freedom of expression

Feminist transformations of political geography

Managing migration and citizenship in Europe: towards an overarching framework

Branding cities: cosmopolitanism, parochialism and social change

The inclusion of shelf-life effects into APIOBPCS inventory models

Supply chain challenges in developing countries: cross industry case studies

The effect of sales smoothing on inventory performance

HRM practices and systems within South-Asian small businesses

Global steps towards human security

'Make goals not war': the contribution of international football to world peace

SMEs’ Access to Finance: Is there still a debt finance gap?

Women beneficiaries or women bearing the cost? A gendered analysis of the Red de Protección Social in Nicaragua

Arsenic pollution sources

Measuring religion in prisons: offenders' beliefs and attitudes

The duality of utility and information in optimally learning systems

Printmaking on a budget

The incorporation of challenge enhances the learning of chronology from a virtual display

Interpreting dissociations between regular and irregular past-tense morphology: evidence from event-related potentials

The role of constructed wetlands in cities of the future. A strategy for creating ‘utopia’

The effects of person-organization ethical fit on employee attraction and retention: towards a testable explanatory model

Distributed leadership in project teams

Researching drug sellers: an 'experiential' account from 'the field'

London's Chinatown: branded place or community space?

Fit for purpose: OASys assessments and parole decisions

Environmental factors influencing the prevalence of respiratory diseases and allergies among schoolchildren in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Ethnicity and health: key themes in a developing field

The richness of art education: reflective thinking through collaborative inquiry

From learning organization to wise organization

Human granulosa-lutein cell in vitro production of progesterone, inhibin A, inhibin B, and activin A are dependent on follicular size and not the presence of the oocyte

Framework and model of usability factors of mobile phones

What ELSE? Regulation and compliance in medical imaging and medical informatics

Including design in e-manufacturing

Using music and motion analysis to construct 3D animations and visualizations

Toward a robust system to monitor the head motions during PET based on facial landmarks detection: a new approach

A century of marketing

Older workers and the need for reasonable accommodation

Race and racism - why does European law have difficulties with definitions?

Flexible working arrangements: from work-life to gender equity policies.

A dead end for the EU?

Capital markets: reactions to social information announcements

Capital market integration, currency crises and exchange rate regimes

Renewing neighbourhoods: work, enterprise and governance

Diaspora, trauma and the poetics of remembrance

Making the links: economic deprivation, neighbourhood renewal and scales of governance

Nutrient removal in a pilot and full scale constructed wetland, Putrajaya City, Malaysia

The impact of EMU on growth and employment

Improved computer input device (G06F3/0238 Programmable keyboards)

A fast approach to segmentation of PET brain images for extraction of features

Prototype system for semantic retrieval of neurological PET images

War crimes and human rights: essays on the death penalty, justice and accountability.

A comparative study on the analysis of students interactions in e-learning

The influence of Christian identity on SME owner-managers' conceptualisations of business practice

Untangling African indigenous management: Multiple influences on the success of SMEs in Kenya

Corporate codes of ethics: necessary but not sufficient

Genetic local search for multicast routing with pre-processing by logarithmic simulated annealing

An analysis of regulatory frameworks for wireless communications, societal concerns and risk: the case of radio frequency (RF) allocation and licensing.

The value effects of foreign currency and interest rate hedging: the UK evidence.

Slope-channel coupling between pipes, gullies and tributary channels in the Mocatan catchment badlands, Southeast Spain

Effectiveness of participatory planning for community management of fisheries in Bangladesh

Use of anisotropic modelling in electrical impedance tomography: description of method and preliminary assessment of utility in imaging brain function in the adult human head

To travel somewhere.

Supertoys: on play, affective machines and object Relation

Process for making finished or semi-finished articles of silver alloy comprising copper and germanium.

On measuring quantitative interpretations of reasonable doubt

Helping Dyslexic Students to Negotiate the Challenges of Essay-Writing: A case study from a first year module in BA English Language Studies (BA ELS)

Light, air and openness: modern architecture between the wars

Proximity, wisdom and creativity.

Disinter/est: digging up our childhood. Authenticity, ambiguity and failure in the auto/biography of the infant self

Citizenship as practice: critical evaluation of educational communication as means of young migrants’ social participation

Skills and training: a strategic role for trade unions or the limits of neoliberalism?

Human resource management: a case study approach.

On cunning chapters.

Old pasts, new feminisms.

A distant laughter: the poetics of dislocation.

Migration's silent witness

Alternating currents

New horizons of the past


Corporate social responsibility and international development: critical assessment

IBE illustrative code of business ethics.

Surveying staff on ethical matters: a good practice guide.

Music in space, space in music.

A sense of place: a sense of space

Exploring live music performance: The Alchemy Project.

Collaborative processes and aesthetics of interaction in chamber music performance: The Alchemy Project.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something true: questions of aesthetics and epistemology in using recordings.

Spectral music and Schaefferian methodology.

Peter Maxwell Davies.

Alchemy in the Spotlight: Qualitative Transformations In Chamber Music Performance.

Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections

What performers know: does it matter? towards an epistemology of performance?

Preparing Beethoven for Live Performance: The 'Alchemy Project'.

Music and emotions: the language connection.

Trade unions and democracy in South Africa: union organisational challenges and solidarities in a time of transformation

Similarity, isomorphism or duality? Recent survey evidence on the human resource management policies of multinational corporations

Performing after recording

Delius' Konzerte und der Wert der Vielstimmigkeit/ [Delius' Concerti and the Value of Polyphony]

Foreign direct investment and regional inequality.

The determinants of foreign currency hedging: does foreign currency debt induce a bias?

I have no other life than work: long working hours, blurred boundaries and family life: the case of Irish entrepreneurs

Institutions, reform policies, and productivity growth in agriculture: evidence from former communist countries.

Corporate capital structure and how soft budget constraints may affect it

The relationship between capital structure and ownership structure: new evidence from Jordanian panel data

Accounting system of an NGO: a case study of Jagrut Grahak Mandal Patan

Modelling stochastic political risk for capital budgeting: currency crises

The effect of political events on the Pakistan stock exchange 1947-2001.

Using auto/biography in learning and teaching.

Creating corporate capability: a new agenda

Myself as both subject and object of my own inquiry: raising our profile.

Employee communication

Exploring the implementation of ethics in UK accounting programs

Performance management and appraisal.

Equality and diversity

The context of HRM

Building community supports for work-life integration

Instead of international HRM: a cross-cultural perspective

The EU and the credit crisis.

Giving value for money.

Financial statements and human capital.

Achieving value from HR metrics.

People-related measures and high-performance HRM

HR planning

People and human resources strategy

Partnership, high performance work systems and quality of working life

International HRM

CSR and sustainable HRM

The impact of employee representation upon workplace industrial relations outcomes.

The crisis of social democratic unionism: the opening up of civil society and the prospects for union renewal in the UK, France and Germany

The realities of partnership at work

International financial institutions and post communist labour reform: a case of utopian liberalism?

The organisation of work

Serbian industrial relations since Milosevic.

Partnership: New Labour’s Third Way?

Health and safety issues in new forms of employment and work organisation

Liability for safety offences: is the law still fatally flawed?

Misappropriating citizenship: the limits of corporate social responsibility

Science, legitimacy and the law: regulating risk regulation judiciously in the European Community

Territorial integrity and the right to self-determination: an examination of the conceptual tools

The impact of ICT on the demand for skilled labour: a cross-country comparison

La cualification de la mano de obra y su efecto en la productividad relativa: algunas comparaciones internacionales.

Does labour productivity flow across industries? Estimation robust to panel heterogeneity and cross sectional correlation

Law of the European Union

Functional matrix structure for project management in China: the case of a state-owned project-driven enterprise.

Ten years of public interest disclosure legislation in the UK: are whistleblowers adequately protected?

Labour law

Transferring the Anglo American system to Korea: at what cost, and are there alternatives?

The significance of cultural norms in the evolution of Korean HRM practices

Enforcement and compliance

Excavating official archives: the separation of powers and policy advice from judges

The law on age discrimination in the EU

Age discrimination [2008]

United Kingdom

Women, poverty and pensions.

Age stereotypes and the media

Contemporary strategic marketing

Regulation of nutrition and health claims in advertising.

Does political marketing need the concept of customer value?

Theory and practice across disciplines: implications for the field of management.

Making the fight against criminal organisations in the EU more effective by setting aside national constitutions

Blended learning and the reconfiguration of academic identities.

Methodologies of research into gender and other social differences within a multi-faceted conception of social justice

Relationship marketing: exploring relational strategies in marketing

Non-parametric identification of anisotropic correlations in spatially distributed data sets

An analytical approach for optimising the number of repairmen for large scale, homogeneous, multi-server systems

Analysis of Sub-optimum detection techniques for a bandwidth efficient multi-carrier communication system.

A near optimum detection for a spectrally efficient non orthogonal FDM system.

A combined MMSE-ML detection for a Gram-Schmidt thogonalized FDM system.

Systematic detection of anisotropy in spatial data obtained from environmental monitoring networks.

Analytical modelling of large scale multi-server systems with deferred repairs: a reward rate approach.

Cost reduction in high power computing using a deferred repair strategy: a simulation study

Is the future Conservative?

The crash: a view from the left

Improving Kerberos security through the combined use of the timed authentication protocol and frequent key renewal

Further improvements to the Kerberos timed authentication protocol

The MoD grand challenge 2008.

Nanoscratch behaviour of multi-layered films using molecular dynamics.

Meltwater [poem]


How not to be a grandmother: article on Diana Holman Hunt.

Do you mind me just asking?


The dog, the home and the human, and the ancestry of Derrida's cat.

Only proper unto man: dreaming and being human in the renaissance.

Norms and nature in translation studies

Rhetorics of fantasy

Are ambient intelligent applications more universally accessible?

Brain computer interfaces: psychology and pragmatic perspectives for the future.

Evaluating the next generation of multimedia software.

Ethical issues and pervasive computing

Ethics of computing committees: suggestions for functions, form, and structure.

Applied ethics and eHealth: principles, identity, and RFID.

Putting identifiers in the context of eHealth: introduction of a model.

Online medical consultations: legal, ethical and social perspectives

Ethical, legal and professional issues in computing.

Ambient technology: reconsidering informed consent

Improving the development and implementation of modern tourism information and communication technologies in the Caribbean.

Final 5200 project: what value advice? An investigation into the role played by financial advisers and written guides in the provision of pensions in the UK.

Reconciling stakeholder conflicts by analysing apparently contradicting notions of value in SE projects.

GEQUAMO II - verification, validation and improvement of a generic, multilayered, customisable, software quality model

FIAIFM: a model towards bridging the digital divide.

Considering divergent cultural values in technology enabled learning.

Quality assurance of curricula through the use of an integrated framework for programme validation.

Towards a methodology for the management of the computer forensics process.

Knowledge sharing in virtual and networked organisations in different organisational and national cultures.

Inclusive interactive television: setting the agenda for innovative research.

Innovation for inclusive design: an approach to exploring the iDTV design space.

Innovation, participation and service design: working out inclusive DTV design through driving the task-artefact cycle.

The use of stalking-horse evaluation prototypes for probing DTV accessibility requirements.

Assessing user experiences within interaction: experience as a qualitative state and experience as a causal event

European developments in the design and implementation of training for eInclusion.

Applying best practise in accessibility and design in the real world.

The utility of depth affordance in multi-layered displays for supporting change detection.

Future design.

Undisclosed recipients: documentary in an era of digital convergence

Ubuntu kuqala.

Psychogeography, locative media, and performativity.

A parallel algorithm that enumerates all the cliques in an undirected graph

The political philosophy of Michel Foucault.

Semantics for the specification of asynchronous communicating systems (SACS)

Network knowledge: gleaning new knowledge from the internet.

Information society studies in practice: a networked learning case study: student needs and feedback in the NETIS project.

Information society in the United Kingdom

Towards the development of an electrochemical biosensor for hCGβ detection

Chapter 1: Basic sciences: the cell.

Quantifying the effects of the electrode-brain interface on the crossing electric currents in deep brain recording and stimulation

13th International conference on electrical bioimpedance and 8th conference on electrical impedance tomography

The influence of reactivity of the electrode-brain interface on the crossing electric current in therapeutic deep brain stimulation

Comparison of methods for optimal choice of the regularization parameter for linear electrical impedance tomography of brain function

Building doctorates around individual candidates professional experience.

Critiquing work-based learning in higher education: a review

The European journal of education [special issue].

Knowledge: where is it situated now?

Exploring the experiences of Indian women accountants in a globalising economy: a pilot study.

Granulosa cell survival and proliferation are altered in polycystic ovary syndrome

GLI1 repression of ERK activity correlates with colony formation and impaired migration in human epidermal keratinocytes

Exploring a professional social network environment for learning and development.

Hyperglycosylated human chorionic gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin free beta-subunit: tumor markers and tumor promoters

What is work? A Heideggerian insight into work as a site for learning

Understanding friendship between critical friends

The ethics of marketing in Islamic and Christian communities: insights for global marketing

Marketers and educationalists: two communities divided by time?

UNIMARC manual

UNIMARC Manual (Bibliographic) 3rd ed. drafts

Recognising and enhancing the quality of university work based learning programmes.

Work-based Learning Futures II: Proceedings from the Work-Based Learning Futures Conference 2, Middlesex, May 2008

The moral economy of selfhood and caring: negotiating boundaries of personal care as an embodied moral practice

The impact of different measures of socioeconomic position on the relationship between ethnicity and health

Ethnicity, health and health care: understanding diversity, tackling disadvantage

The parole process and mentally disordered offenders.

Deconstructing probation: risk and developments in practice

Tied up like a kipper: mentally disordered offenders and the parole process

Social movements: a reader

Crime, punishment and ethnic minorities in England and Wales

Evaluating risk asessment: a methodological study of mentally disordered offenders in the London probation area.

UNIMARC manual (final WORD Draft)

The governance of crime

The wrong kind of victim? Children and street crime

Marketing-isation of higher education

Recent developments in probation practice: the impact of risk analysis.

Power, crime and anti-criminology.

Freud's young female homosexual: a clinical exemplar of the three essays?

Assessment of the removal potentials of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority pollutants within stormwater Best Management Practices.

A GIS based Decision Support System tool dedicated to the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.

Application of a battery of biotests for toxicity characterization of stormwater.

The DayWater multi-criteria comparator.

The best management practice catalogue developed within the DayWater project.

Assessment criteria for sustainable urban drainage systems.

Quantifying diffuse pollution sources and loads for environmental quality standards in urban catchments.

Defining urban diffuse pollution loading and receiving water hazards.

A pollutant removal prediction tool for stormwater derived diffuse pollution.

A systematic approach for the comparative assessment of stormwater pollutant removal potentials

Presence and fate of priority substance dynamics in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems.

The positive impact of portfolios on health care assistants’ clinical practice.

The ageing population: challenges for policy and practice

Involving older service consumers in health research: action research as a strategy for promoting involvement

Building competitive advantage through market orientation: a strategic solution for LCSB in the new European Union banking environment.

Management training in Greece: evolution from improvisation to the systematic development of professional qualifications

Can virtual environments enhance the learning of historical chronology?

Horizons of the publishable: publishing in/as literary studies

Silver studio designated collection

The suburban landscape: 200 years of gardens and gardening.

eHealth as a challenge to ‘expert’ power: a focus group study of internet use for health information and management

Timbre as an expressive dimension in music.

Recording the performer's voice

The market for Luca Pacioli's Summa arithmetica

Pacioli and humanism: pitching the text in Summa Arithmetica

Liability under the Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007

Using a socio-psychological approach for understanding the influence of civil society on economic activity

Integration requirements and family life

Evaluating service marketing in airline industry and its influence on student passengers' purchasing behaviour-using Taipei-London route as an example.

Political advertising in democratic Taiwan: audiences' perspectives on political figures through image-building advertisements

Factors influencing attitudes towards potential oocyte donation for research

Circulating haematopoietic progenitors are differentially reduced amongst subtypes of dyskeratosis congenita

Viewpoint invariance in the recognition of 3-D depth-rotated figures

Beliefs and attitudes during pregnancy and post natally [Editorial]

Invariance of visual perception

The loneliness of cancer

Commonwealth Professional Fellowships Awards at Middlesex University

Public broadcasting and European law: a comparative examination of public service obligations in six member states

Developing a masters curriculum for University of Welfare and Rehabilitation in Tehran/Iran by exploring social support and social network in Iranian women with children under school age.

Birds of a feather: students’ preferences for lecturers’ personalities as predicted by their own personality and learning approaches

Ability, demography, learning style, and personality trait correlates of student preference for assessment method

Recovery and lifelong learning: interrelated processes

Patient experience of dialysis refusal or withdrawal - a review of the literature.

Uncertainty in breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer: implications for supportive care

'Nurse entrepreneurs' a case of government rhetoric?

Accessing elite nurses for research: reflections on the theoretical and practical issues of telephone interviewing

Perceived trends and uncertainty in the hotel industry: an exploratory investigation

Screening of herbal constituents for aromatase inhibitory activity

‘I had a sister in England’: family-led migration, social networks and nurses

Polish ‘temporary’ migration: the formation and significance of social networks

Social networks, social support and social capital: the experiences of recent Polish migrants in London

Gendering migration: masculinity, femininity and ethnicity in post-war Britain

Primary care case studies for nurse practitioners

Better regulation and enterprise: the case of environmental health risk regulation in Britain

Local responses to the Alcohol Licensing Act 2003: the case of Greater London.

Binge drinking today: learning lessons from the past

The legal context for social work with lesbians and gay men in the UK: updating the educational context

From structural adjustment to social adjustment: a gendered analysis of conditional cash transfer programmes in Mexico and Nicaragua

An unholy Trinity: the Church, the State, the Banks and the challenges for women mobilising for change in Nicaragua

Integrating services for disabled children and their families in two English local authorities

Binge drinking: an exploration of a confused concept

Closeness equals pathology: working with issues of sexual desire and intimacy within the substance misuse field

What's love got to do with it? Developing supportive practices for the expression of sexuality, sexual identity and the intimacy needs of older people.

Social work and sexuality, working with lesbians and gay men: what remains the same and what is different?

Navigating the emotional terrain of families “here” and “there”: women, migration and the management of emotions

Developing personal and professional competencies

Student experiences of the use of a marketing simulation game.

Dose - response functions for the soiling of heritage materials due to air pollution exposure

Mitigating arsenic pollution: bridging the gap between knowledge and practice

Understanding global security

Drivers of strategic direction in high technology firms.

Cultural studies and anti-consumerism: a critical encounter (Introduction)

Fourth worlds and neo-Fordism: American apparel and the cultural economy of consumer anxiety

“I feel your pain”: cosmopolitan charity and the public fashioning of the celebrity soul

Keratinase production by proteolytic micro-organisms in activated sludge and farmyard waste.

Marx and the philosophy of time.

Anything is possible.

The investment decision-making process in small manufacturing firms: a learning approach.

New welfare spaces: labour market policies in the UK and Denmark

Screening autoantibody profiles in systemic rheumatic diseases with a diagnostic protein microarray using a filtration-assisted Nanodot Array Luminometric ImmunoAssay (NALIA)

Comparative report on the innovation groups

Liver fat content and T2*: simultaneous measurement by using breath-hold multiecho MR imaging at 3.0 T--feasibility.

Cardiac T2* and lipid measurement at 3.0 T-initial experience.

Learning, teaching and assessment of Health Psychology MSc courses: results from a survey.

Q-methodology as a phenomenological research method.

Review of economic assessment and strategy activity at the local and sub-regional level.

Emerging themes: (D4.1) UK

Attitudes towards bearing the cost of care in later life: evidence from a global survey

Contraceptive use in Bangladesh: evidence from a national survey

Well-being, economic growth and social recession.

Race, identity and belonging: a Soundings collection

The search for value: cross-border bank M&A in emerging markets

Delinquency prevention and an evidence-based social work intervention: families and schools together (FAST)

Leadership and management in social care.

A Russian factory enters the market economy.

Exchange rate volatility and exports evidence from the ASEAN-China free trade area.

Differentiation and treatment of hysteria in Jin Kui Yao Lue

Harmonizing method in Shang Han Lun.

Sources and mass flows of xenobiotics in urban water cycles: an overview on current knowledge and data gaps.

Urban rivers as pollutant sinks and sources: a public health concern for recreational river users?

Locating drama: a demonstration of location-aware audio drama

Representing space: the pictorial imperative.

Work-family balance or greedy organisations?

Mapping the regional social enterprise sector.

Heritage and 'race'.

Foreign direct investment and internationalization of R&D: the case of BRICS economies.

The impact of the national innovation systems on the flow and benefits of foreign direct investment to national economics.

Influence of national system of innovation on the trajectory of foreign direct investment.

In defence of principles? A response to Lurie and Albin

What do we know about organisations? A socratic dialogue

Need for closure and coercion in inter-group conflicts: experimental evidence for the mitigating effect of accessible conflict schemas

Cross-border bank M&A in emerging market: value creation or destruction?

The role of the European Union in the Human Rights Council

The Caribbean court of justice: one court with two jurisdictions: a unique judicial institution?

Post conflict justice mechanisms in Europe

Le droit international et la peine de mort

The Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council: an assessment of the first session

A macroeconomic framework for growth and employment generation.

Is Austria the winner of globalization: how does it look like in the labor market?

Income distribution, growth, and conflict: the aggregate demand nexus.

The effect of FDI and foreign trade on wages in the Central and Eastern European Countries in the post-transition era: A sectoral analysis for the manufacturing industry.

Jobless growth in the Central and Eastern European countries: a country specific panel data analysis for the manufacturing industry.

The effects of globalization on wages, employment, and wage share in Austria

Sentencing in international criminal law: the need for clear standards

Philosophy and contemporary art, after Adorno and Deleuze: an exchange.

The process of knowledge transfer and its significance in integrated environments

Civil rights and citizenship.

Family migration.

Family migration to United Kingdom: trends, statistics and policies.

Family migration policies in the United Kingdom: actors, practices and concerns.

The liberalization of capital outflows in Brazil, India and South Africa since the early 1990s

Productivity: the impact of privatisation and liberalisation in public services.

Connectivity as a crucial determinant of badland morphology and evolution.

The two of us.

Models of cell assembly decay



Globalization: theory and practice.

Identity and difference - re-thinking ethnic entrepreneurship.

Emergence of rules in cell assemblies of fLIF neurons.

Towards a truly global society.

Bilingual deep dysphasia.

Knowledge extraction from microarray datasets using combined multiple models to predict leukemia types.

Flexibility and work-life balance.

RPA stakeholder and policy: final report work package 7.3. Risk communication: inter-professional flood risk management.

Enforcing migrant workers’ rights in the United Arab Emirates.

Betraying history? An historiograpic analysis of 'The Judas tree' (1992)

Ricoeur's hermeneutic phenomenology: an implication for nursing research

A local search heuristic for bounded-degree minimum spanning trees

Would you give art to a drowning man?


Editorial on nuclear waste.

Pluralism in qualitative research: some emerging findings

Post-Soviet management and critical agency theory.

Alcohol and the self.



Design for play: a guide to creating successful play spaces.

Managing risk in play provision: implementation guide.

Autographic childhood cartoons [presented at The 17th Deajeon International Cartoon Contest].

Printed etchings and relief prints [Part of 3rd International Experimental Engraving Beiennal]

Taking a holistic approach to exchanging health information over a global network.

Can evidence-based healthy housing interventions be put into practice in the UK's private housing sector?

The benefits of a health impact assessment in relation to fuel poverty: assessing Luton's affordable warmth strategy and the need for a national strategy

Evidence based healthy housing interventions

To be or not to be … a psychologist: critical and feminist dilemmas.

Counsellors’ experiences of working as volunteers at a women’s service.

Basic concepts and theory.

Performance analysis and optimal design of fast tool servo used for machining microstructured surfaces.

The theory of incorporating fairy tale and the practice of Jeanette Winterson

Ivan Vladislavić and the possible city

‘this in’t Good Will Hunting’: Londonstani and the market for London’s multicultural fictions.

‘Rights’ and ‘change’ roundtable: with the keynote speakers.

Practising knowledge: academic- practitioners’ narratives of career and identity.

A ‘very good’ nurse-led prison hospital wing: a case study.

Race, class, and education in neoliberal / neoconservative Britain with particular reference to Indian heritage workers and children: A critique of critical race theory.

Totalitarianism of neoliberalism: savage capitalism and public pedagogy.

Dumber and Dumber: uncritical teacher education in the service of global neoliberal and neoconservative capital.

Racialised class and education in neoliberal / neoconservative times: A Marxist critique of critical race theory.

She’s got five certificates but she’s unemployed and she now wonders: why did I have to spend all these years in education?

Socialism and social democracy.

A mixed methods approach in the study of social mobility.

An interview with Gautam Malkani: Ealing Broadway, 6th November 2007.

Small world peer-to-peer for resource discovery.

Innovation in the Postal Sector: strategies, barriers and enablers.

Human instability in flood flows.

Flood risk management in England: a changing landscape of risk responsibility?

Evolutionary service-oriented architecture for network enabled capability.

An ontology for evaluation of network enabled capability.

Agile properties of service oriented architectures for network enabled capability.

Service-oriented integration of systems for military capability.

Self-organization of autonomous peers with human strategies.

Investigation of research towards efficient social peer-to-peer networks.


Innovations in measuring accessibility: theoretical and practical perspectives.

A new global coastal database for impact and vulnerability analysis to sea-level rise.

Can England learn lessons from Bangladesh in introducing participatory floodplain management?

Gender and local floodplain management institutions: a case study from Bangladesh

The impact of major floods on flood risk policy evolution: insights from Bangladesh

Art unlimited: an investigation into contemporary digital arts and the free software movement.

Overseas trained teachers in England: towards a policy framework for professional and social integration

Professional lives under review: evaluating the human capital impact of overseas trained teachers (OTTs) on secondary education in London

International teacher migration and the Commonwealth teacher recruitment protocol: assessing its impact and the implementation process in the UK

Migrant male and married: the experiences of a recruited teacher to the EU

Estimating the potential impact of HIV/AIDS on teacher supply and retention in the Caribbean

Storyteller: No 2 [part of Re-valuation:the evocative power of the familiar exhibition]

Encrypted 1-8 [part of Paisley: exploding the teardrop exhibition].

Meritocracy through education and social mobility in post‐war Britain: a critical examination

Labour market restructuring and employment pathways: the case of a mixed community (Roma, non-Roma) in north-west Greece.

Overseas trained teachers in England: social and professional integration?

Downgrading and discounting the qualifications of migrant professionals in England: the case of overseas trained teachers

Degrading, devaluing and discounting: the qualifications of overseas trained teachers in England

Global neoliberalism and education and its consequences.

The rich world and the impoverishment of education: diminishing democracy, equity and workers’ rights.

How well did past UN population projections anticipate demographic trends in six Southeast Asian countries?

The ageing Scottish population: trends, consequences and responses

Managing social irresponsibility in cyberspace: the walled garden approach

Quality in work based learning and studies - hidden or merely undiscovered?

The implementation of ethical higher education marketing.

What is work? A Heideggerian insight into work as a site for learning.

Accreditation of in-company training provision: an overview of models and issues.

Developing the structural capital of higher education institutions to support work based learning

Value or quality?: a mode 2 perspective of quality management in work based projects.

Beyond boundaries: valuing experiential learning outside module templates.

The secret santa problem.

Algorithms for efficient symbolic detection of faults in context-aware applications.

Beyond boundaries: valuing and assessing experiential learning outside module templates [London]

Using a work based learning curriculum across subject disciplines

The insemination of the celibate machine?

Illegal activities, preventative technologies & ISP immunity: where should the buck stop?

Challenges of identity theft in the information society.

Ethical, legal and social issues in medical informatics.

Compiling medical data into national medical databases: legitimate practice or data protection concern?

The work of work: reality TV and the negotiation of neoliberal labour in the apprentice

Gendering anti-consumerism: consumer whores and conservative consumption.

I am the sphinx

Politics of performance: rhetoric and political speech

WBL in the health sector- a strategic approach to commissioning and evaluation.

Beyond boundaries: valuing and assessing experiential learning outside module templates [Cardiff]

Bilingualism, 'race', class and neoliberal capital: resistance and egalitarian education.

Laser cutting with character

Royal vintage.

Angola: transitioning from oil-led to broad-based growth.

The liberalization of capital outflows in CIBS. What opportunities for other developing countries?

Pro-poor growth: the evidence beyond income.



Heterogenesis and the problems of metaphysics.

28 Characters: 4 men, 10 women, 5 boys and 8 girls. [part of 'Covered 2008' exhibition]

Reclaiming experience: 'Thinking with Whitehead' as an affair of active experimentation.

Abstract experience.

A flying visit.


The third day.

Travelling fair.

This moment.

Ellis Island.

Once upon a time.

This moment.

The sperm who didn’t make it.



Country night concerto.

Pays Basque.

Fingers crossed.

The why of shells.

Measuring integration? Exploring socio-economic indicators of integration of third country nationals. MITI: United Kingdom national report

Kurdish community organisations in London: a social network analysis

An emergent approach to knowledge management systems development.

1st of January 4 am.

Skirting around the edges: a creative practice-led research project into notions of resistance and continuity of life experience in the city fringes (case study area: Clerkenwell, London, UK).

Visuo-spatial ability and dyslexia: is there a male global advantage?

Probation and parole: history, policy change and mental health in England and Wales

Concluding themes.

Statutory social work processes involving children: prostitution and other areas of vulnerability.

Child protection from a diverse inner-city primary school perspective.

Children as victims.

The evidence base.

Constructing ‘the workplace learner’ subject.

Globalization and product design education: the global studio.

Futures of design education: editorial.

Cream pages: the dialogues of Tania Koswycz and Richard Layzell.

The contextual challenges of successfully becoming a parent - from inception to completion

Understanding factors which can influence the experience of pregnancy and childbirth

Neoliberalism and the perversion of education.

The table.

White on white.

Aiming for stewardship and not ownership

Beyond annotations: a proposal for extensible java (XJ).

Digitalis [permanent exhibition in Shropshire]

Tackling turbo consumption.

Politics without left (or right).

Class and culture.

Thinking with as a process of active experimentation.

Heterogenesis and the problems of metaphysics in Deleuze and Whitehead.

The culture of capitalism.

Alcohol and fertility

Talking rights or what is right: understandings and strategies around sexual, reproductive and abortion rights in Nicaragua.

The gender and disaster sourcebook [E-book]

An evaluation of a service user/carer Symposium: what do I want from my social worker?

Fraternity without equality, and other Conservative ideals.

Evolving a DSL implementation.

Domain specific language implementation via compile-time meta-programming.

A Change propagating model transformation language.

Developing your research interests

Psychology: a beginner’s guide.

Source control options for reducing emission of priority pollutants from urban areas.

DayWater: summary and future development.

Applied metamodelling: a foundation for language driven development.

Superlanguages: developing languages and applications with XMF.

Henry's ballad at Harold's wharf [part of Concrete Dreams].

Forest fields

Nightshots (night music 2008).

She didn’t say ‘no’: what constitutes a reasonable belief in consent to sex?

She didn't say 'no': communicating sexual consent

Live cinema.

People of Greek heritage.

Transcultural nursing society position statement on human rights.

“I will accept whatever is meant for us. I wait for that-day and night”: the search for healing at a Muslim shrine in Pakistan

Listening to the voices of patients with cancer, their advocates and their nurses: a hermeneutic-phenomenological study of quality nursing care

Cultural competence in action for CAMHS: development of a cultural competence assessment tool and training programme

Suit the action to the word.

Meta-packages: painless domain specific languages.

Processing XML for domain specific languages.

Cancer care for adolescents and young adults.

New reconstructive methods in scientific illustration with reference to systematic herpetology.

Why end-stage renal patients choose not to have dialysis.

Sexual maltreatment of unaccompanied asylum seeking minors (UASM) from the Horn of Africa: a mixed method study focusing on vulnerability and prevention.

The manifestation.

Managing stress and violence at work: a training programme for mental health services.

A healing journey: transcultural nursing theory, research, ethics, and other things.

Skintouchfell DVD

Lifelong learning and mental health services: perspective from EMILIA project.

Lifelong learning, recovery and social inclusion.

Virtual/Physical Bodies: Corps Virtuels/Physiques

Establishing effective diploma progression pathways.

What are the barriers to establishing effective diploma progression pathways.

An introduction to the theory and practice of MOVE progression accords.

Progression in practice.

Criminalizing war.

Cityscapes of diaspora: images and realities of London's Chinatown

Exploring the visual-sonic interface.

MPT: Movement Poise Thrill Saturday: a movement is beginning.

Governance, community participation and urban regeneration: a new role for third sector partners?

An investigation of the utility and value of process patterns in the management of software development projects.

Between nation and state: nation, nationalism, state, and national identity in Cyprus

Inter-organisational clinical leadership and engagement.

Development of policies and procedures in a higher education institution.

Evaluation of quality of life in Greek colorectal cancer survivors

A Dempster-Shafer theory inspired logic

Methods of measuring the added-value that SABIS® offers to its students

Travails in the third dimension: a critical evaluation of three-dimensional geographical visualization

A day in the life of a bilingual practitioner: ways of mediating knowledge [Norway]

The second phase of US welfare reform, 2000–2006: blaming the poor again?

Export-oriented policies, women’s work burden and human development in Mauritius.

The political economy of IMF and World Bank interventions: is Tunisia really a model student?

Globalisation, women and the labour market in Southern Africa.

The flying machine.

Carbon 12: a choral symphony.

Prioritisation, resources and search terms: a study of decision-making at the virtual reference desk.

Knowledge management capability framework.

Y-Comm research [web page]

Formalizing non-interference for a simple bytecode language in Coq

Beyond agile project management: the way forward.

An investigation into how public sector and community-based practitioners authorise constructively awkward interventions.

Checking the TWIN elevator system by translating object-Z to SMV

Composing safely: a type system for aspects

From information to action: Improving implementation of patient safety guidance in the NHS.

New ethnic minority business communities in Britain: challenges of diversity and informality for the UK business and policy frameworks.

Under pressure, out of control, or home alone? Reviewing research and policy debates on the occupational health and safety effects of outsourcing and home-based work.

Telling stories and the practice of collaboration.


Modelchecking non-functional requirements for interface specifications.

Compositionality of aspect weaving.

Interactive theorem proving in software engineering.

Review of self-insurance arrangements under the Comcare scheme.

The evolving work environment in New Zealand: implications for occupational health and safety.

Remuneration and safety in the Australian heavy vehicle industry: a review undertaken for the National Transport Commission

Deleuze reframed: a guide for the arts student

An objective method for depicting team performance in elite professional rugby union.

The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on technical performance in professional association football.

Approach shot accuracy as a performance indicator for US PGA tour golf professionals

Synthesis of decentralized and concurrent adaptors for correctly assembling distributed component-based systems

Distributed intrusion detection systems for enhancing security in mobile wireless sensor networks.

DALICA: Agent-based ambient intelligence for cultural-heritage scenarios

ESCAPE: a component-based policy framework for sense and react applications.

Place and time authentication of cultural assets.

Towards a better understanding of sewer exfiltration.

Survey response rate levels and trends in organizational research.

Strategies for revising and resubmitting papers to refereed journals

Learning by teaching: exploring the factors involved in successful learning and reflecting on good practice

Opening the black box of editorship.

UN public special procedures under Damocles' Sword - two particular innovations: mechanisms for the appointment of mandate-holders, and the adoption of a code of conduct for special procedures mandate-holders of the Human Rights Council.

Human resource management in US subsidiaries in Europe and Australia: centralisation or autonomy?

Dynamic capabilities as antecedents of the scope of related diversification: the case of small firm accountancy practices

The impact of bundles of strategic human resource management practices on the performance of European firms

Hello toy!

Differential effects of number of letters on word and nonword naming latency: revisited.

The role of task demands on memory and naming RTs in a totally transparent orthography.

The role of context on age-of-acquisition effects in reading.

Differential effects of context on age-of-acquisition in visual word recognition.

Plausible responses to the threat of rapid sea-level rise in the Thames Estuary

Optimum performance model of ARQ protocol under adaptive modulation scheme.

Layered groupwise STBC: list-based decoding using flexible length.

Method of producing a copper-germanium-boron master alloy and its use in making silver-copper alloys.

Semi-hierarchical based motion estimation algorithm for the dirac video encoder

An efficient error resilience scheme based on Wyner-Ziv coding for region-of-interest protection of wavelet based video transmission

VLSI architecture design approaches for real-time video processing

Using assessment for learning: exploring student learning experiences in a design studio module.

E’ l’economia, stupido! Una classificazione dei crimini di potere.

Crimes e mercados.

Analysis of DVB-H network coverage with the application of transmit diversity

Generalized Pairwise Z-complementary codes

Rate control algorithm based on quality factor optimization for Dirac video codec

A cross layer rate adaptation solution for IEEE 802.11 networks

Enabling error-resilient internet broadcasting using motion compensated spatial partitioning and packet FEC for the Dirac Video Codec

Distributed video coding in wireless multimedia sensor network for multimedia broadcasting

Laboratory measurement campaign of DVB-T signal with transmit delay diversity

Just between the two of us: clinical intuition as a non-conscious process.

Ten years of New Labour: workplace learning, social partnership and union revitalization in Britain

A 3-DOF MR-compatible device for magic angle related in vivo experiments

A modular approach to MRI-compatible robotics: using robotic modules with interconnectable 1-DoF stages

Citizens' readiness for e-government in developing countries.

Water-based metal treatment composition.

Development of a perception oriented texture-based image retrieval system for wallpapers.

Foreign direct investment and economic growth in China's Regions, 1979-2003.

Potential future developments in HRM

Employment relations

Listening to the voices of patients with cancer and their nurses: a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to quality nursing care

Economic competitiveness and governance in areas of urban deprivation: the case study of two growth strategies in London.

Analysis of bank efficiency of Chinese commercial banks and the effects of institutional changes on bank efficiency.

Exchange rate volatility and exports: the case of emerging East Asian economies.

Strategy formulation and implementation in manufacturing organisations: the impact on performance.

Proactive policy management for heterogeneous networks

How can I tell the trade mark on a piece of gingerbread from all the other marks on it? Naming and meaning in verbal trademark signs

The significance is in the selection: identifying contemporary keywords

Will America change?

The erasure of Islam.

Breaking the mould: essays, articles and columns on Islam, India, terror and other things that annoy me.

The language of equality.

Carnivorous domestic entertainment robots [exhibition]

Material Beliefs [webpage]

A review of work-life research in Australia and New Zealand

The strategic management of first-tier-managers: a British Aerospace engineering manufacturing company case study.

DIY Ballroom/Live

The use of facet action system theory in crime scene analysis and suspect interviewing

Importance of technology in an ageing society: some unavoidable global aspects

Growing work based learning in Europe

Protecting children online: towards a safer internet

The political and economic contexts of Fāṭimid female patronage during the reign of al-‘Azīz (365/975-386/996)

I am the rain. [Part of 'Golden rain' project]

Organisational culture and effectiveness: a three perspective analysis

Millennium development slowdown

Discrimination in hiring against immigrants and ethnic minorities: the effect of unionization

Development of a neonate lung reconstruction algorithm using a wavelet AMG and estimated boundary form

Family group conferences in youth justice

Legal, social and attitudinal changes: an exploration of lesbian and gay issues in a training programme for social workers in fostering and adoption

The never-ending trembling and vomiting of the soul: Carl Sternheim's critique of the modern dance movement

University students attitudes to mobile political communication

Patient satisfaction measurement for in-hospital services: a pilot study in Greece

Exploring Marketing Information Systems (MkIS) selection and evaluation criteria: implications for suppliers

Services managers’ awareness of crisis management: attitudes and preparation

Quintet without borders [at ShContemporary]

Place after place

Point of departure

An analysis of facial expression recognition under partial facial image occlusion

Texture and shape information fusion for facial expression and facial action unit recognition

Texture and shape information fusion for facial action unit recognition

Discriminant Non-negative Matrix Factorization and projected gradients for frontal face verification

Multi-modal emotion-related data collection within a virtual earthquake emulator

Passacaglia [1938]

An historical and comparative study of schools television in Britain and Iran: analysing the production criteria for teaching mathematics in primary school as case study to examine how to enhance the quality of schools television in Iran

Quantified constraints and containment problems

First-order model checking problems parameterized by the model

Psychiatric stress - an unacceptable cost to employers

Implementing an artificial centipede CPG: integrating appendicular and axial movements of the scolopendromorph centipede

Deterministic coincidence detection and adaptation via delayed inputs

Adaptation of barn owl localization system with spike timing dependent plasticity

Self-organisation of gait pattern transition - an efficient approach to implementing animal gaits and gait transitions

Modeling visual and auditory integration of barn owl superior colliculus with STDP

Knowledge-based capabilities and their impact on performance: a best practice management evaluation

Les LeVeque et la numérisation du désir

Too polite to fight? What happens when women enter the House?

Mobile telephony, new interaction rituals?

The rise of the private sector in Cuba

Arts-based creativity facilitating organisational innovation

Math skills and risk attitudes

Attitudes to work of Generation Y students in hospitality management: a comparative analysis of students in the United States and the United Kingdom

An evaluation of an educational intervention (physical assessment module), for the non medical work force to provide unscheduled services across the primary and secondary sector in one SHA

The impact of petroleum exporting countries’ membership of the World Trade Organisation on their economic development with an emphasis on the export dependency of these nations on crude oil

Secularization and fertility: evidence from Spain

Digital diversity in universities and the potential of integrative education

Town planning, planning theory and social reform

The walls are talking: wallpaper, art and culture


Knowledge-based entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: myth and reality

US outward foreign direct investment in the European Union and the implementation of the single market: empirical evidence from a cohesive framework

A functional interaction between RIP140 and PGC-1α regulates the expression of the lipid droplet protein CIDEA

A suggested basis for legal ontology

QMC: a model checker for quantum systems

Cyclic proofs of program termination in separation logic

Combinatorial landscape analysis for k-SAT instances

Collaborative tele-rehabilitation and robot-mediated therapy for stroke rehabilitation at home or clinic

Development and application of a liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric assay for measurement of N-acetylaspartate, N-acetylaspartylglutamate and glutamate in brain slice superfusates and tissue extracts

Introducing mobile home agents into the distributed authentication protocol to achieve location privacy in mobile IPv6

A multi-resolution surface distance model for k-NN query processing

Uncertainty-tolerant design: evaluating task performance and drag-and-link information gathering for a news-writing task

The effect of colour space on tracking robustness

hCGβ expression by cervical squamous carcinoma: in vivo histological association with tumour invasion and apoptosis

Instrument, que nous veux-tu?

Reduction of human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit expression by modified U1 snRNA caused apoptosis in cervical cancer cells

Stochastic protein folding simulation in the three-dimensional HP-model

Effects of low & high literacy on user performance in information search and retrieval

Screening autoantibody profiles in systemic rheumatic disease with a diagnostic protein microarray that uses a filtration-assisted nanodot array luminometric immunoassay (NALIA)

Intercultural and interlinguistical mediation in the healthcare system: the challenge of conflict management

The European Union and its constitution: from Rome to Lisbon

Aboriginal terraformations

Urban utopias in Havana's representations. An interdisciplinary analysis

Picturing voices, writing thickness: a multimodal approach to translating the Afro-Cuban tales of Lydia Cabrera

The Chechen conflict: analysing the oversight of the European Court of Human Rights

Once more, with feeling: recent photography from Colombia

Making a mark: the psychology of composition

Some approaches to literature, language teaching and the Internet

Visual culture or art?

Libyan nationals in the United Kingdom: geopolitical considerations and trends in asylum and return

Donald Rodney in retrospect

The third space: a paradigm for internationalisation

Rushes: fragments of a lost story

Investigations within investigations: a recursive framework for scalable sensemaking support

E-disclosure viewed as ‘Sensemaking’ with computers: the challenge of ‘frames’

The PRET A Rapporter framework: evaluating digital libraries from the perspective of information work

The archaeology of hotel rooms

If a girl doesn't say no … : young men, rape and claims of insufficient knowledge

Venus and Mars, the miscommunication model and other rape myths

Susan Hiller: the provisional texture of reality: selected talks and texts, 1977–2007

Religious needs in the tourism industry

Women and international assignments: taking stock - a 25-year review

Management development and firm performance in Germany, Norway, Spain and the UK

Supertoys: a user's manual

Admission of QoS aware users in a smart network

Implementing semantic merging operators using binary decision diagrams

Ready to preorder: the case of weak process semantics

On finite alphabets and infinite bases

The complexities of friendship: exploring how gay men make sense of their workplace friendships with straight women

Working at intimacy: gay men's workplace friendships

Impacts of social embeddeness on IOS planning effectiveness: a multilevel perspective

An introduction to critical management research

Affective modulation of anterior cingulate cortex in young people at increased familial risk of depression

British women's attitudes to surrogacy

I had a sister in England: family-led migration, social networks and Irish nurses

Discrimination and health in an English study

Reforming the Soviet model: alcohol treatment services in Kazakhstan

Interpreting in the UK community: some reflections on public service interpreting in the UK

Mingling, observing, and lingering: everyday public spaces and their implications for well-being and social relations

Globalization, civil imagination and Islamic movements

Milan 1970-1980: women's place in urban theory

Comparison of the calibration standards of three commercially available multiplex kits for human cytokine measurement to WHO standards reveals striking differences

Reduced E-cadherin expression correlates with disease progression in Paget's disease of the vulva but not Paget's disease of the breast

hCGβ expression by cervical squamous carcinoma - in vivohistological association with tumour invasion and apoptosis

Effect of photodynamic therapy on proliferation and apoptosis of 3T3 fibroblasts and HeLa cells

Performance and philosophy: interdisciplinary approaches to the performing arts

Dying as a social relationship: a sociological review of debates on the determination of death

Social movements and global mobilisations

Using arts‐based methods to develop service user led learning materials for social work education

No more NEEDS: growing confidence and improving skills around sexuality in social work research, learning and practice

Faster, higher [exhibition]

Quando i genitori maltrattano i figli. Le radici psicopatologiche dello sviluppo affettivo (When the parents maltreat their young: the developmental roots of psychopathology)

Condividere e condividere allo stesso modo.Il maltrattamento è un’esperienza condivisa dai fratelli? [= To share and share alike: is maltreatment an experience shared by siblings?]

Goodbye GDR! German reunification in Johann Kresnik's Wendewut

Measuring tourist satisfaction: a factor-cluster segmentation approach

Integrated resort development: the case of Cavo Sidero, Crete

Design of distributed space-time block code for two-hop cooperative wireless relay networks over frequency selective fading channels

Digital forensics in law enforcement: the case of online victimisation of children

Protecting vulnerable young people in cyberspace from sexual abuse: raising awareness and responding globally

Child sexual abuse: media representations and government reactions

The National Unemployed Workers Movement and the Communist Party of Great Britain revisited

Patterns of use of virtual learning environments and students’ approaches to learning: a case study of undergraduate students

An empirical investigation of knowledge management support for software projects.

Another way, another time: an academic response to Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' installation address, a decade of Jewish renewal

Alienation after Derrida: an investigation into the concept of alienation in the light of Derrida’s deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence

Bayesian modelling of the spatial distribution of road accidents

Householder responses to flood risk: the consequences of the search for ontological security

Advancing knowledge for haemato-oncology nursing practice

A brief history of British trade unions and neoliberalism: from the earliest days to the birth of New Labour

Under stress but still enduring: the contentious alliance in the age of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown

A brief history of British trade unions and neoliberalism in the age of New Labour

Italian national identity and nationalism (1870-1980)

Tales of satisfaction and disillusionment: second-generation ‘return’ migration to Greece and Cyprus

‘Trying transitions’: researching the identity development of severely learning disabled adolescents; a psychosocial, observational study

Low genetic variability of the white-clawed crayfish in the Iberian Peninsula: its origin and management implications

Chromosome evolution in the subtribe Bovina (Mammalia, Bovidae): the karyotype of the Cambodian banteng (Bos javanicus birmanicus) suggests that Robertsonian translocations are related to interspecific hybridization

Implementation of the Licensing Act 2003: a national survey

Adaptability and failure resilience of the cognitive packet network

A multiple criteria, measurement-based admission control mechanism for self-aware networks

Evans, M. (2008) “Who is for community participation? Who is community participation for? Exploring the well-being potential for involvement in regeneration” Education, Knowledge and Economy Vol. 2, No.3 pp. 163-174

Merging first-order knowledge using dilation operators

Implementing semantic merging operators using binary decision diagrams

Trade unions in a neoliberal world: British trade unions under New Labour

Diversity, attrition and transition into nursing

Residents' perceptions of religious tourism and its socio-economic impacts on the island of Tinos

Liquidity management in small firms: a learning perspective

A novel design of 4-class BCI using two binary classifiers and parallel mental tasks

Is the rights focus the right focus? Nicaraguan responses to the rights agenda

Developing models to estimate the benefits from flood warnings

Socio-economic and ecological evaluation and modelling methodologies

Developing models to estimate the benefits from flood warnings: executive summary

Building models to estimate loss of life for flood events: executive summary

Use of mesenchymal stem cells to enhance bone formation around revision hip replacements

Dancing narratives: an analytical approach to the narrative of the ballet fantastique

Inequality aversion among Spanish gypsies: an experimental approach [Aversión a la desigualdad entre gitanos Españoles: un enfoque experimental]

Barry Gray centenary concert

Physiological comparisons of Bacillus subtilis 168 and FBC5 mutant impaired in Calcium Carbonate precipitation

Need for closure and competition in intergroup conflicts: experimental evidence for the mitigating effect of accessible conflict-schemas

Acute milk-based protein–CHO supplementation attenuates exercise-induced muscle damage

Trends and imperatives in mental health service provision: a workforce learning and development needs analysis. Mersey Care NHS Trust and 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust

Other(ed)-mothering: motherhood discourses and the formation of a 'professional' nursery worker identity

Narratives from the nursery: deconstructing childhood discourse to better understand 'professional' practice

Narratives from the nursery: problematising claims to 'give voice'

Wheelchairs within the context of smart house design

Complexity in chimpanzee grooming cliques: complex thoughts or simple rules?

An evaluation of a service user/carer symposium: what do I want from my social worker?

Key functions of management in project control

Menstrual irregularity, bone mineral density and rib injuries in current and retired female lightweight rowers: 1837: Board# 1 May 29 2: 00 PM-3: 30 PM

Cysteine proteinases regulate chloroplast protein content and composition in tobacco leaves: a model for dynamic interactions with ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) vesicular bodies

Differential regulation of grain sucrose accumulation and metabolism in Coffea arabica (Arabica) and Coffea canephora (Robusta) revealed through gene expression and enzyme activity analysis

Managing diversity in organisations: practitioner and academic perspectives: report from a gender in management special interest group research event

Oral cancer cell lines can use multiple ligands, including Fas-L, TRAIL and TNF-a, to induce apoptosis in Jurkat T cells: Possible mechanisms for immune escape by head and neck cancers

Associated primes for cohomology modules

EU- China investment relations: case study of the information and communication technologies sector

Commissioned by TOPSHOP UNIQUE, London to crochet / macrame a swimsuit and knotted / netted dress and bikini for their catwalk show for spring / summer 2008

Commissioned by TOPSHOP UNIQUE to handknit a cropped, puff sleeved boat necked sweater in strawberry pink mohair for press day

Commissioned by TOPSHOP UNIQUE, London to handknit a 3 colour mohair sweater in entrelac stitch for their A/W 2008/9 catwalk show

Commissioned by TOPSHOP UNIQUE, London to handknit 3 identical angora & alpaca hooded garments for their Wonderland Collection catwalk show autumn/winter 2008/9

Feminism reframed: reflections on art and difference

Selected for the 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest - 2008 Turkey

Prosecutor v. Ramush Haradinaj et al.: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Threshold of Non-International Armed Conflict in International Humanitarian Law

Clustering residents in Cape Verde based on their attitudes and perceptions towards tourism development

The third space: a paradigm for internationalism

Bob Godfrey: Satire, Surrealism, Sex

Framing doctoral education as practice

Islands and destination image: the case of Ios

Situating gallery education

Simulation of human thermal responses in a confined space

Audio-assisted movie dialogue detection

Verifying security protocols by knowledge analysis

How fertility and union stability interact in shaping new family patterns in Italy and Spain

The impact of the financial crisis on the Euro area

Which management practices are contributory to service quality?