Die Spontangeburt beim bestehendem Risiko
Laboratory-based surveillance for acute febrile illness in Egypt: a focus on leptospirosis
Glucocorticoids stimulate p21 expression in growth plate chondrocytes
Glucocorticoids induce lipocalin 2 gene expression in growth plate chondrocytes.
Evaluating partnerships: A case study of integrated specialist mental health services
'Best practice' in focus group research: Making sense of different views
Brand origin in an emerging market: perceptions of Indian consumers
A comparison of CFD and full-scale measurement for analysisof natural ventilation
Combining work and learning: the disturbing challenge of practice
Stages of the recruitment process and the referrer's performance effect
Aligning assessment with long-term learning
Moleskine - Stephen Mumberson web archive - Detour Project
Selector for London Print Studio summer members show
Detour the Moleskine City Notebook Experience
Social capital as culture? Promoting cooperative action in Ghana
Groups as a means or an end? Social capital and the promotion of cooperation in Ghana
Printmaking handbook - Monoprinting - Jackie Newell and Dee Wittington - A&C Black London
Gendered identities and work placement: why don't boys care?
Cross-cultural system design strategy: avoiding problems in usability evaluation
Admission control in self-aware networks
Oxaliplatin induces drug resistance more rapidly than cisplatin in H69 small cell lung cancer cells
Total synthesis and confirmation of the revised structures of azaspiracid-2 and azaspiracid-3
Hosts, guests and politics - coastal resorts morphological change
The de‐commodification of urban space and the occupied social centres in Italy
Reading art, reading Irigaray: the politics of art by women
A tale of two universities: meeting the induction needs of our students
Learning through research: the first year experience from the mature students perspective
When management theory meets economics : towards innovation and a dynamic growth model of the firm
Rethinking architectural historiography
Designing liners: a history of interior design afloat
The phylogeny and ontogeny of adaptations
Evolutionary health psychology
Aggression, empathy and sexual orientation in males
Preventing genocide and mass killing: the challenge for the United Nations.
Fair trials and national security evidence.
International justice for international crimes: an idea whose time has come
The “odious scourge”: evolving interpretations of the crime of genocide.
Iterative symbol-by-symbol decision feedback detection for MIMO-ISI channels
Transcultural health and social care: Development of culturally competent practitioners
Six theses on class, global capital and resistance by education and other cultural workers
Conceptual modeling of educational theories: an ontological approach
Using control engineering to improve supply chains
Gender and global labour migrations: incorporating skilled workers
Winding control using pseudo-derivative feedback
Validation methods for an accessible user interface for a rehabilitation robot
Observations on modelling strategies for vendor-managed inventory
Effect of X and Y box deletions on the development of diabetes in H-2Ea chain transgenic NOD mice
The demography of aging in Bangladesh: a scenario analysis of consequence
Exploring the link between managerial knowledge and capability development
The vanishing, or little erasures without significance?
Work stress and health behaviours: a work—life balance issue
Mentally disordered offenders: challenges in using the OASys risk assessment tool
The legitimisation of knowledge: a work based learning perspective of APEL
An ethics of community and care for practitioner researchers
Researching others: care as an ethic for practitioner researchers
Work-based learning; discipline, field or discursive space or what?
Work‐based learning: assessment and evaluation in higher education
EIT images with improved spatial resolution using a realistic head model
A framework for considering spatial-temporal representation design in air traffic control
Evaluating combined 2D/3D displays for ATC
Design sketching for space and time
Information layering to de-clutter displays in emergency ambulance dispatch.
Leap of faith: an interview with Max Velthuijs
Selecting and forming design teams
The past, present and future of relationship marketing
Academy of Marketing Conference 2006 “Marketing Excellence” [Editorial]
The application of Anglo American corporate practices in societies influenced by Confucian values
Parental income and continuing education of second-generation immigrants in Sweden
Work at home and the work—family interface
Financial change and European employment relations
Governing Lisbon: evolving forms of city governance
Governing the global city: economic challenges and London's new institutional arrangements
Managing co-operation: trust and power in Ghanaian associations
Exploring the creative possibilities of Argentium (TM) Sterling Silver.
The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006: A legitimisation of age discrimination in employment
Is the rights focus the right focus? Nicaraguan responses to the rights agenda
When children become parents: welfare state responses to teenage pregnancy
Screening for illicit drug use in psychiatric hospitals: whose job is it?
MESSM: a framework for protein fold recognition using neural networks and support vector machines.
Threading with environment-specific score by artificial neural networks
Relevance feedback and cross-language information retrieval
External disturbance control for software project management
Claims analysis "in the wild": a case study on digital library development
Introducing RFID at Middlesex University Learning Resources
Identity-based key agreement with unilateral identity privacy using pairings
Attracting and retaining nurses in primary care
The UN international criminal tribunals: the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone
The in-between: exposing everyday learning at work
Supportive and palliative care in end stage renal failure: the need for further research
Broadening the discussion on sexual exploitation: ethnicity, sexual exploitation and young people
An artificial early visual model adopting spike-timing-dependent plasticity
Performance and technology: practices of virtual embodiment and interactivity
Reward or award? Reflections on the initial experiences of winners of a National Teaching Fellowship
Creating a ‘world class’ program: reciprocity and constraint in networked global collaboration
Avoiding complacency in palliative care
Putting doctoral education to work: challenges to academic practice
Counting with neurons: rule application with nets of fatiguing leaking integrate and fire neurons.
Towards a theory of decision-making with paradoxes.
Variables as resource in Hoare logic.
Variables as resources in separation logic.
Evaluating functional displays for hydropower system: model-based guidance of scenario design.
Decision and stress: cognition and e-accessibility in the information workplace
Consilience for universal design: the emergence of a third culture
Designing digital library resources for users in sparse, unbounded social networks.
Enabling People with Sensory Impairments to Participate Effectively in Research
Landscape analysis for multicast routing
Evolution in software systems: foundations of the SPE classification scheme.
An efficient ID-KEM based on the Sakai-Kasahara key construction
A systematic review of worldwide cancer nursing research: 1994 to 2003
Improving corporate governance in state-owned corporations in China: which way forward?
Guiding the gatekeepers: entry clearance for settlement on the Indian sub-continent
Right to occupy under a trust of land: muddled legislative logic?
Generalized inverses in C*-algebras
Revision from translators' point of view: an interview study.
Promoting an inclusive approach on the part of directors: the UK and German positions
Comparison of tracer techniques for monitoring sewer losses.
Diffuse urban oil pollution in the UK.
Societal concerns and risk decisions
Deliberating over Britain's nuclear waste
Methodological rigour in assessing participatory development
Confronting flood risk: implications for insurance and risk transfer
Evolutionary economics and the markets-as-networks approach
The health effects of flooding: social research results from England and Wales.
Introduction: some critical reflections on social capital, migration and transnational families
Forgotten comrade? Desmond Buckle: an African Communist in Britain
Depression in Irish migrants living in London: case control study
Tick the box please: a reflexive approach to doing quantitative social research
Understanding political violence: a criminological analysis
Hidden purpose: ethnic minority international marriages and the immigration rules
Inconceivable history: story-telling as hyperphasia and disavowal
Living and caring between two cultures: narratives of Greek women in Britain
The afterlife of Wilkie Collins.
Brutal reasoning: animals, rationality, and humanity in Early Modern England
Portraits of the nonhuman: visualizations of the malevolent insect.
Anti-Oedipus - thirty years on: between art and politics
Out of this world: Deleuze and the philosophy of creation
'Ere be dragons: heartfelt gaming
Being there: detailing the city experience.
Without destination: the gift of Felix Gonzalez-Torres.
Towards culture-centred design
New Work: Exchange of Views; Over to You I, II, III; Sound of Breaking Glass.
'Ere be dragons: heart and health.
Limited evolutionary conservation of imprinting in the human placenta
Bioimpedance; tomography (electrical impedance tomography).
What determines the size of HR function? A cross-national analysis
Silver solders or brazing alloys and their use.
Notes from a small island: researching organisational behaviour in healthcare from a UK perspective.
Capital market trading volume: an overview and some preliminary conclusions
The institutional basis of economic failure: anatomy of the segmented business system.
First mover advantages in international business and firm-specific political resources
'Peak' employers' organisations: international attempts at transferring experience
Optimal punishments with detection lags
Influences on small firm compliance-related behaviour: the case of workplace health and safety.
Employee representation and partnership in the non-union sector: a paradox of intention?
The magnitude of a market crash can be predicted
A typology of international human resource management strategies and processes
What happens to nascent entrepreneurs? An econometric analysis of the PSED.
Retired members in a British union
Decentralizing industrial policies: threat or opportunity in developing countries?
Discursive positioning and emotion in school mathematics practices
The Nielsen kernel of an arbitrary Riemann surface
Mediating generation: the mother-daughter plot
The Shrinking Green (On Eccentric Archives).
Literature and the modern system of the arts: sources of criticism in Adorno
The body behind music: precedents and prospects
Navigating the unknown: the creative process in contemporary performing arts
Water Study (1928) by Doris Humphrey.
A musical exploration of Doris Humphrey's Passacaglia.
SFMOMA Scavengers:performance and exhibition.
"The buzz of dressing": commodity culture, fraternity and football fandom
New cultural studies: adventures in theory
Knowledge goes pop: from conspiracy theory to gossip
Innovation system for ICT: the case of China.
New contact zones: a reflection.
Conversations: speaking with difference.
3rd Biennale of Contemporary Art: group exhibition.
An ideal husband: marriages of convenience and immigration to the UK
Introduction: corporate social responsibility in emerging economies
An investigation into Christian SME owner-managers' conceptualisations of practice
Henri Pousseur's 'Huit Etudes Paraboliques': the 'open' form as 'Remix'?
Imagery and metaphor in nineteenth-century performance discourse.
From rehearsal to performance: qualitative transformations in professional music making.
Collaborative music making and research.
Can musical performance be research?
Translating Pierre Schaeffer: symbolism, literature and music.
Work, performance, signature: theory and practice of classical music.
The quartet as orchestra: Mozart's Piano Concertos K.413 and K.415 as arranged for piano quintet
Models and metaphors: exploring music performance.
In the Beginning...was Gesture: Initiatory Performance Movements.
WTO challenges and efficiency of Chinese Banks.
Music before the literary: or, the eventness of musical events.
The determinants of foreign currency hedging by UK non-financial firms
General conclusions: innovation systems for ICT: implications for the less developing economies.
A period study of short-term performance pressures: case of the British biotechnology industry.
Innovation system for ICT: the case of South Africa.
Innovation system for ICT: the case of India
Globalization and the commodification of science
Dynamic uncertainty and the pricing of natural monopolies: the case of urban water management.
The role of population and wealth in international capital flows
General portfolio rules: application to multivariate normal distributions
Innovation management: a subjective process.
Towards a complexity view of the knowledge creating organisation: organisations from the inside-out.
Enhancing shareholder value in Central Europe: three case studies.
Accounting system of an NGO: a case of Jagrut Grahak Mandal.
Financial integration in the EU: policy issues and proposals
Labour market policies in the European Union
Labour market flexibility and sectoral productivity: a comparative study.
Work-life integration: case studies of organisational change
The myth of work-life balance: the challenge of our time for men, women and societies
Using case studies in work-family research.
A framework for people-related measures for increasing organisational effectiveness.
Innovations in health care: a reality check
Emotional affects: developing understanding of healthcare organisation
Global trends and challenges to the HR profession.
Strategic dilemmas for trade unions in transformation: the experience of Serbia.
State, labour and market in post-revolution Serbia
Vicarious liability for harassment by an employee
La comisión de derechos humanos a debate: el procedimiento 1503.
European law as conflicts law: the implications for individual autonomy.
Minority rights in Asia: a comparative legal analysis
The protection of minorities in international law: a comparative analysis.
Minority rights in China: a legal overview.
The European agency for fundamental rights
Levinas and the possibility of justice.
Improving corporate governance in state owned enterprises in China: which way forward?
Diversity in the employment relationship.
Mind the gap: the skills practitioners want and the ones that we teach
Is there a morally right price for anti-retroviral drugs in the developing world?
Long-term planning for political parties: towards a competitive resource-based perspective.
On the effects of memoryless nonlinearities on M-QAM and DQPSK OFDM signals
A spectral model for RF oscillators with power-law phase noise
A new characterization of the normal law
Affect in mathematics education: an introduction
Adults resistance to learning in school versus adults competences in work: the case of mathematics
Intelligent sensors in software: the use of parametric models for phase noise analysis.
Use of the Extended Kalman Filter for State Dependent Drift Estimation in Weakly Nonlinear Sensors.
Performability analysis of highly available clusters with break-downs and deferred repairs.
A mathematical model for performability of Beowulf clusters.
An approach to modelling open networks with unreliable servers and finite buffers.
The state of art of medical displays.
Colour reproduction for tele-imaging systems
Analysis of security protocols for authentication in distributed systems
Modelling and performability analysis of network memory servers.
E-Government and its Applications.
Placing culture at the centre of design.
Dare to dada: an argument for visual and verbal avant-garde poetry in the nursery
Looking for the thing that is not lost.
Learning from mistakes: getting it right by getting it wrong
Hooked: article on Richard Brautigan.
Learning to laugh: children and being human in early modern thought
Field of enquiry: but what are we supposed to be doing?
A novel of colonisation: Tricia Sullivan's dreaming in smoke
Polder: a festschrift for John Clute and Judith Clute.
Glorifying terrorism: an anthology of original science fiction.
E-accessibility: the challenges of measurement.
Nancy Spero: The Drawing Center & Galerie Lelong.
Pursuing perspectives on ambient intelligence.
Ethical Issues in IPR Management.
ICT in medicine and health care: assessing social, ethical and legal issues.
Managing IPR in a successful e-learning enterprise: the global campus, Middlesex University, UK
Learning and teaching issues in software quality.
Software quality model requirements for software quality engineering.
E-mail marketing at the crossroads: a stakeholder analysis of unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam)
Perspectives in software quality.
Information systems failures: whose responsibility?
Distance learning: technologies; enabling learning at own place, own pace, own time.
Knowledge creation and sharing through student-lecturer collaborative group coursework.
A framework for evaluating barriers to accessibility, usability and fit for purpose.
Review of DPTAC guidance: large passenger ships and passenger infrastructure.
Learning for life: in pursuit of thinking
Experiences route-planning by older people.
Active ageing through universal design.
Accessibility, usability and fit for purpose: a framework for evaluating information delivery.
Developing visualisations to support spatial-temporal reasoning in ATC.
Digital artifacts in teaching classical art: some educational considerations.
Gendering the auteur: time, narrative, and intertextuality in scenes from a marriage and faithless
Activating the future: political documentaries and media activism.
Voting for hope: elections in Haiti
Staging equality: Rancière's theatrocracy
Jacques Rancière et la théâtrocratie.
Semantics for a distributed programming language using SACS and weakest pre-conditions.
The limits of numerical flexibility: continuity and change
Gonadotropins and prostate cancer: revisited.
Design and calibration of a compact multi-frequency EIT system for acute stroke imaging
Work based learning as a field of study in higher education.
Work based projects: the worker as researcher.
Tensions and struggles concerning work based learning.
Practitioner-led enquiry as development of professional practice.
How higher education is managing the social context of knowledge: a work based learning perspective.
Accounting for (in)visibilities: resistance, gender and control
Overexpression of the Axl tyrosine kinase receptor in cutaneous SCC-derived cell lines and tumours
Gestational trophoblastic diseases: 1. Pathophysiology of hyperglycosylated hCG
ePedagogy for virtual learning environments: professional doctorate
Dwelling at work: a place where vocation and identity grow?
Preparing teachers for inclusive education in Cyprus
Technical skills and the ethics of market research
An institution in change: a private institution in transition
Is beauty an archaic spirit in education?
The moving paradoxes of the philosophy of education.
Plato and Aristotle’s educational lessons from the Iliad
Mapping dance provision: Confidential Report for Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
Thames tideway enforcement: the case for a single unified agency.
Shame as an achievement in analytic training
Publishing African bibliographic references on the web.
Interventions in the coaching conversation (thinking, feeling and behaviour).
Commonwealth Professional Fellowship 2005-2006 at UK: A Report
Bolkestein and the service economy
Knowledge sharing: cultural dynamics
Towards an e-service semiotic trust framework.
Heparin prevents programmed cell death in human trophoblast
The neuropsychology of language and language disorders
Nurses' perceptions of multidisciplinary team work in acute health-care.
RFID: frequency, standards, adoption and innovation
Involving users in service planning: a focus group approach
Preparing for practice: how well are practitioners prepared for teamwork.
Transitions into higher education: processes, outcomes and collaboration
Measuring impact of a national award scheme: the case of the national teaching fellowship scheme.
Incomplete figure perception and invisible masking
European initiatives in psychology education and research.
Who knows - and who cares: about performance mastery?
Reskilling staff for digital libraries
Interiors without walls: choice in context at MoDA
A review of family donor constructs: current research and future directions
“How was dinner?” Reflections on an exhibition
British women's attitudes towards oocyte donation: ethnic differences and altruism
A review of psychosocial and family functioning following assisted reproductive treatment
Being a man: justice and care.
Sex, age and personality differences in the experience, expression and control of anger.
The good father: a qualitative analysis of a parenting workshop in a male UK prison.
The nature of relationships: maltreatment, mothering and migration [Editorial]
Acquiring information from virtual environments: perceptual and spatial issues
Perspectives of virtual reality research in Kazakhstan
Modernising cancer and palliative care education in the UK: insights from one cancer network
Culture: cornerstone of the European Union edifice?
The effect of exposure to odor on the perception of pain
Seconding healthcare assistants to a pre-registration nursing course
The geographical concentration of hotels in Switzerland and the industry life cycle
Memories of migration: Irish women’s oral history interviews
An analysis of the Irish suffrage movement using new social movement theory.
Rape myth beliefs and prejudiced instructions: effects on decisions of guilt in a case of date rape
Understanding the ‘War on Terrorism’: responses to 11 September 2001
Consent to treatment in veterinary practice
Indigenous peoples' land rights under international law: from victims to actors
From principles to practice: exploring corporate social responsibility in Pakistan
The DayWater decision support approach to the selection of sustainable drainage systems.
Lower costs: driving SME business performance.
E-Commerce in manufacturing firms: panacea or myth?
Age structural transition and ageing of population in Bangladesh
The dreambird of experience: Utopia, possibility, boredom.
Morbidities among older people in Bangladesh: evidence from an ageing survey
The Nigerian market: fuelling conflict or contributing to peace.
Economies of deprived neighbourhoods: summary of research
The dynamics of local economies and deprived neighbourhoods
It's about time: perspectives on time and temporality in time-limited therapy.
Informal economic activities and deprived neighbourhoods.
Whoever speaks of culture speaks of administration as well.
Measuring coil sensitivities of transmit and receive arrays with demonstration of RF shimming.
Review of the enterprise promotion fund
GREMO: a GT4 based resource monitor.
Return to the playground: location based gaming.
Kino phone: location, broadcast and autonomy.
Youth justice and social work.
Peer support over the internet: how HIV positive people use internet support groups.
Still no place to go: nomadic peoples’ territorial rights in Europe
Plant substances as alternatives for animal products in traditional medicines.
Financial vulnerability in Asia.
The geographical distribution and concentration of Hotels in Switzerland.
Lutte contre la discrimination “raciale” au Royaume-Uni.
Civic stratification, gender and family migration policies in Europe.
The incommensurability of values thesis and its failure as a criticism of utilitarianism
Gender, remittances and migration: Latin Americans and Caribbeans in Europe
Piping hazard on collapsible and dispersive soils in Europe.
Towards a theory of decision-making without paradoxes.
Semantics for an asynchronous message passing system.
Migration, ethnicity and entitlements in European welfare regimes
Addressing the aggravated meeting points of race and religion.
Unlikely engagements: ballet in pantomime in late Victorian London.
Preserving dance, making history: the role of the historian in dance performance.
Foreign travel and the risk of harm.
Identifying the knowledge gap in knowledge management systems development.
Relevant theories and methodologies for knowledge management systems development.
Two ethics: killing animals in the past and the present.
Neoliberalism and the perversion of education.
Directed information search and retrieval over unstructured peer-to-peer.
Small world architecture for peer-to-peer networks.
Overseas trained teachers in England: victims of change, vanguards of change
Qualifications and the recruited teacher
Angela Carter's 'The bloody chamber' and the decolonization of feminine sexuality
Where has youth radicalism gone? Political participation and democratic pedagogy. An e-dialogue.
Agatha Christie: investigating femininity
New Labour’s education policy.
Class, capital and education in this neoliberal/ neoconservative period.
Education the way ahead? An evaluation of a pilot course on scenario writing.
Class, neoliberal global capital, education and resistance.
Issues and challenges in securing interoperability of DRM systems in the digital music market
Internet pharmacies: global threat requires a global approach to regulation.
Witches in Renaissance drama: England.
Auden's 'Orientalism' in the Late 1930s.
In praise of Louis Arnaud Reid.
Plato and Aristotle’s educational lessons from the Iliad.
Blending formal and informal learning within an international learning network.
Governed by the rules? The female voice in parliamentary debates
Professional lives in transition: overseas trained teachers in England
Education services liberalization.
Overcoming inequality in Latin America: issues and challenges for the twenty first century.
Ageing population and tourism: is Switzerland ready for the demographic shift?
Perceived trends and uncertainty in the Hotel Industry: an exploratory investigation.
The Asian drivers: financial flows into and out of Asia: implications for developing countries.
East Asia’s growing demand for primary commodities – macroeconomic challenges for Latin America.
Overcoming inequality in Latin America.
Education services liberalization.
Bilingualism, race, class and neoliberal capital: resistance and egalitarian education.
The failure of aromatherapy? The effect of pleasant and unpleasant odour on pain perception.
The neuroanatomy of smell and taste.
Wither or whither probation in the twenty first century
Spatial cognition and its facilitation in special populations.
Yield management and its impact on customer relationships in the service industry.
Does coaching work or are we asking the wrong question?
The case for coaching: making evidence-based decisions on coaching
The MT model transformation language.
Culturally competent research: a model for its development.
Addressing the needs of families.
Sexual maltreatment of unaccompanied child refugees.
Culturally competent research.
Assessing work based learning.
The Weave [website]: an interauthorship process.
Developing the environment agency's policy position on addressing environmental inequalities.
An architectural framework for heterogeneous networking.
A psychotherapeutic understanding of black identity in workplace contexts.
Gender wage differentials and discrimination in the UK and Europe.
Management of change in higher education.
Developing an inclusive curriculum for visually disabled students
Child care policies in diverse European welfare states: Switzerland, Sweden, France and Britain
Learning to read 'properly' by moving between parallel literacy classes.
Multilingual methodologies: capturing and representing bilingual children’s voices.
The role of community groups and community language schools in initial teacher education (ITE)
Governance, sport and the city: realising mega sporting events in London.
The best of two worlds: between-method triangulation in feminist economic research.
Dispersal of asylum seekers and processes of social exclusion in England
The acquisition and dissemination of ideas: managing the innovative initiative
Staff development and quality enhancement in higher education.
Custom becomes crime, crime becomes custom
Surface attraction: hyphological encounters with the films of David Lynch.
The role of drugs and alcohol in rape.
The OHS regulatory challenges posed by agency workers: evidence from Australia.
Empirical study of employment arrangements and precariousness in Australia.
Learning, teaching and assessment in health psychology.
Introduction [special issue on complexity and innovation.]
Learning as a support for organizational innovation: possibilities and limitations.
Notational analysis in soccer: past, present and future.
An exercise protocol that simulates the activity patterns of elite junior squash.
The role of notational analysis in soccer coaching.
Human processes of control: tracing the goals and strategies of control room teams.
Observational assessment of situation awareness, team differences and training implications.
Distributed IDSs for enhancing security in mobile wireless sensor networks.
Are acquired dyslexias and dysgraphias language: specific or universal?
Memory for words as a function of spelling transparency
Spelling transparency and its impact on dyslexic and unimpaired children’s memory for words
Iterative OFDM receiver with channel estimation and frequency-offset compensation.
Evolutionary strategy search algorithm for fast block motion estimation
Boundary crossing: negotiating learning outcomes in industry based student projects.
Novel multi-level magnetic recording using modern error correction.
Pre-registration nursing students’ experience of caring for cancer patients
An examined life: a tool for leading change.
Changing the way the world thinks about computer security.
A review of magnetic resonance imaging compatible manipulators in surgery.
Introducing clinical audit into veterinary practice.
Client-based SBM layer for predictive management of traffic flows in heterogeneous networks
Politics and language: Meaning and public deception: a tale of more than ‘very, very few people’
How do you know? Reading Ziauddin Sardar on Islam, science and cultural relations.
Tracing Memory Part Two: a journey along the black river.
Dance and political conflict: three comparative case studies
The Greek food shopper: segmentation on the basis of attitudes to store features
Techniques for imaging small impedance changes in the human head due to neuronal depolarisation
The eNTERFACE'05 audio-visual emotion database
Facial expression recognition using shape and texture information
Fusion of geometrical and texture information for facial expression recognition
An adaptive visual neuronal model implementing competitive, temporally asymmetric Hebbian learning
A neuromorphic depth-from-motion vision model with STDP adaptation
Violence, the Left and the creation of Un Nuevo Chile
Threshold concepts in teaching and learning undergraduate marketing research
Coaching for creativity, imagination, and innovation
From ‘social club’ to ‘integrated membership scheme’: developing membership schemes strategically
Money attitudes and pay satisfaction of the low paid
Apophatic elements in the theory and practice of analytical psychology
Investigating the storage capacity of a network with cell assemblies
Framework to facilitate smooth handovers between mobile IPv6 networks
System design for periodic data production management
Spatial learning in virtual environments by children and adults after active or passive experience
The development of design strategies that promote the engagement of users in the authorship process
In your own words: measuring impact
Decentring bodies: postfeminist corporealities in dance
Cypriot and Turkish literatures and cultures
Image classification based on textural features using unsupervised neural network
Visual impairment: its impact upon and implications for aesthetic experience
Patient information needs: pre- and post-consultation
Yours truly (aka Head over heels)
Bowel cancer screening in England: a qualitative study of GPs’ attitudes and information needs
Communicating on-line: culture and tools
To almost see the world: hierarchy and strategy in Hymer’s view of the multinational
Women and the Fatimids in the world of Islam
Ischial pressure and skin blood volume changes during sacral nerve root stimulation in SCI
Stochastic local search for the Feature Set problem, with applications to microarray data
A stopping criterion for logarithmic simulated annealing
A computational study on circuit size versus circuit depth
Adult attachment style as mediator between childhood neglect/abuse and adult depression and anxiety
Ville Mona: a proper kind of house
Promoting best practice in dealing with sexual orientation issues
Assessment techniques in cross-cultural usability evaluation
An introduction to South African banking and credit law
Playing with words: typography and text
Residents’ perceptions towards tourism in a rural Cretan community
Seven dimensions of corporate identity: a categorisation from the practitioners' perspectives
The role of communication and visual identity in modern organisations
Corporate communications, identity and image: a research agenda
The demise of independent wine production in France: a marketing challenge?
Danone branding strategy in China
A study into the learning of bioscience by student nurses
Magistrates' decision-making: personality, process and outcome
Local air quality management and health impacts of air pollution in Thailand
Signal transduction mechanisms of the type I interferons in the human endometrium
Managing the complexity of large free and open source package-based software distributions
Blended teaching: pedagogy and tools
Dialogue and the transpersonal in therapy
An analysis of economic integration between mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau
Dream work: the art and science of Fin de Siècle fantasy imagery
Integrated auditing system for maritime risk management (lASMAR)
The potential of a tesla type device as a non pulsatile blood pump
The biogeochemical cycling of ammonium and methylamines in intertidal sediments
Foresight of aerospace and defence technologies in Greece up to 2020
Second generation total synthesis of azaspiracids-1, -2 and -3
Fatiche globali. Un’agenda per la storia del lavoro
"Lo diavolo mi ingannao". La sodomia nelle campagne siciliane (1572-1664)
Gli operai, gli immigrati, la rivoluzione. Detroit e Torino: un'ipotesi comparative (1967-73)
Hybrid origin of the Pliocene ancestor of wild goats
CAM04-1: Admission control in self aware networks
A Communist historian in 1956: Brian Pearce and the crisis of British Stalinism
The Belfast Butchers: Quinn v Leathern after a hundred years
The Belfast Butchers: Quinn v Leathern after a hundred years
The general strike and mining lockout of 1926: a select bibliography
The establishment of intellectual orthodoxy and the Stalinization of British Communism
Memory, commemoration and history: 1926 in 2006
E-assessment in information technology
Visual representation of computer mediated communication patterns in distance learning
Best practise in developing a training course for e-learning professionals
Emerging trends in web-based learning: the use of e-portfolios
Incorporating CRM in e-government: case of Egypt, proceedings
E-Learning training guide Vol.3 – Communicate online – culture & tools
E-Learning training guide Vol.2 – Tutoring remotely: methods & tools
E-Learning training guide Vol.1 – Blended teaching: pedagogy & tools
A fresh start and the learning experience of black and ethnic minority entrepreneurs
A reflexive neural network for dynamic biped walking control
Fast biped walking with a sensor-driven neuronal controller and real-time online learning
Correlation of radiographic and telemetric data from massive implant fixations
Can mesenchymal stem cells survive under normal impaction force in revision total hip replacements?
Dramaturgy of desire: an analytical approach to dance narratives
Approaches to spectral harmony in the music for Tom Schan’s feature film ‘Martyr’ (2006)
Bacterial community analysis on the antique stained glass window Nativita' in the Florence Cathedral
Bacterial community on the antique stained glass window in the Florence cathedral
Magnetic resonance imaging of the behaviour of oil-in-water emulsions in the gastric lumen of man
The case for coaching -making evidence-based decisions on coaching
A fieldwork evaluation of NICE guidance on sexual health interventions
Deconstructing professionalism in the early childhood education: resisting the regulatory gaze
Rethinking ‘professionalism’ in the early years: perspectives from the United Kingdom [Editorial]
Professionalism and performativity: the feminist challenge facing early years practitioners
Parent support in Sure Start: an evaluation of the family links nurturing programme
Evaluation of home visiting in South Kensington and Chelsea: interim report
A bacillus subtilis operon involved in calcium carbonate mineralization
A bacillus subtilis operon involved in calcium carbonate biomineralization
Rethinking 'professionalism' in the early years: English perspectives
Engaging in subversive activities: mapping the fabricated identities of childminders
Examining the colonisation of early years workers within the English context
Learning to read ‘properly’ by moving between parallel literacy classes
Corpse, spectacle, illusion: mainstreaming extreme images in CSI
Project Raja - an embassy for elephants
Different or the same? How two London boroughs are integrating services for disabled children
Are organizations shooting themselves in the foot? Workplace contributors to family-to-work conflict
Schoenberg, Zemlinsky, and the String Sextet
The “Pierrot” Ensemble before the Pierrot Players
The furniture machine, furniture since 1990
Towards a theory of supervision for coaching: an integral vision
Short term strategic alliances: a social exchange perspective
Emotional Intelligent stress management for nurses
Impact of organisational justice in an expatriate work environment
Diffusion of internet banking amongst educated consumers in a high income non-OECD country