Tonality: the shape of affect

Myth and gender in contemporary Irish drama

The paradox of in-group love: differentiating collective narcissism advances understanding of the relationship between in-group and out-group attitudes

Constitutionalism, ethnicity and minority rights in Africa: a legal appraisal from the Great Lakes region

International equity flows, marginal conditional stochastic dominance, and diversification

The neuropsychology of smell and taste

Podcasting in an age of austerity: a way of both enhancing student learning and reducing staffing costs?

Mauritius 1938: the origins of a milestone in colonial trade union legislation

Gramsci, counter-hegemony and labour union–civil society organisation coalitions in Malaysia

Postgraduate students learning about research: exploring the attitudes of social work and mental health students in an English university setting.

Rethinking models of feedback for learning: the challenge of design

Language competencies, policies and practices in multinational corporations: A comprehensive review and comparison of Anglophone, Asian, Continental European and Nordic MNCs

Educating the early career arts professional using a hybrid model of work based learning

Differences in fertility behavior and uncertainty: An economic theory of the minority status hypothesis

Sustainable surface water management and green infrastructure in UK urban catchment planning

China in Sub-Saharan Africa: implications for HRM policy and practice at organizational level

An analysis of visitor behaviour using time blocks: a study of ski destinations in Greece

Partnerships: survey respondents' perceptions of inter-professional collaboration to address alcohol-related harms in England

Patients, trust and ethics in information privacy in eHealth

Postcard mobility: going beyond image and text

Reflexive deliberation in international research collaboration: minimising risk and maximising opportunity

Software language engineering with XMF and XModeler

Reconstructing and sequencing behaviours in multiple perpetrator rape

Unraveling the transcriptional regulatory networks associated to mycobacterial cell wall defective form induction by glycine and lysozyme treatment

The effectiveness of the microcredit programme in Bangladesh

A hybrid approach to minimize state space explosion problem for the solution of two stage tandem queues

A semi-lattice model for multi-lateral security

Antibodies recognizing specific Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis's MAP3738c protein in type 1 diabetes mellitus children are associated with serum Th1 (CXCL10) chemokine

Three tools for the real-time simulation of embodied spiking neural networks using GPUs

Tripartite efflux pumps: energy is required for dissociation, but not assembly or opening of the outer membrane channel of the pump

'Richard Billingham' text by Sue Hubbard (Pages 18-19) and 'Richard Billingham' text by Richard Billingham (Page 96)

Multi-resolution edge-guided image gap restoration

Audio packet loss concealment using motion-compensated spectral extrapolation

Google Paintings

Teachers' views of using e-learning for non-traditional students in higher education across three disciplines [nursing, chemistry and management] at a time of massification and increased diversity in higher education

Trained eyes: experience promotes adaptive gaze control in dynamic and uncertain visual environments

Quality of care during pregnancy and childbirth from women‘s points of view in three Swiss cantons (MatHER-ch.ch)

The pain of labour, a midwife's perspective

Which strategies are needed to implement midwifery led care in maternity settings? Rethinking maternity care, using the potential of midwives

Frauen in Entscheidungsprozesse eibeziehen: nutzerinnen-partizipation in Grossbritannien und der Schweiz

Boards and governance in African national cricket organizations: an exploratory study

Enhanced imaging colonoscopy facilitates dense motion-based 3D reconstruction

Estimation de l'échelle des néoplasies en coloscopie par détection de la profondeur de défocalisation

Towards the model driven organization: Introduction to the 1st AMINO workshop

Using the Infocus-Breakpoint to estimate the scale of neoplasia in colonoscopy

A model-based approach to aligning business goals with enterprise architecture

A color histogram measure and its application to image segmentation

Enterprise architecture coherence and the model driven enterprise: is simulation the answer or are we flying kites?

Domain specific languages for the model driven organization

A proposal for consolidated intentional modeling language

Towards a comprehensive meta-model for KAOS

Domain engineering for software tools

Introducing argumentative and discursive enterprise leading and management

Modelling and enterprises: The past, the present and the future

Detection of new SHV-12, SHV-5 and SHV-2a variants of extended spectrum Beta-lactamase in Klebsiella pneumoniae in Egypt

A cross-platform mobile application for storing and accessing fundamental omics knowledge in bioinformatics and computational biology

Factors determining patients' intentions to use point-of-care testing medical devices for self-monitoring: the case of international normalized ratio self-testing

How AMOREPACIFIC became a globally successful cosmetic company through unconventional but sensational marketing?

A comparative study on the effects of attachment to heroes and celebrities

Corporeal cartography: developing and navigating an expressive system for dance, improvisation and sonic art

Insights from computational modeling and simulation towards promoting public health among African countries

A stochastic computational model for Anopheles metapopulation dynamics: towards malaria control and insight for eradication

Collections rationalisation: planning for action

ANOSPEX: a stochastic, spatially explicit model for studying anopheles metapopulation dynamics

An analysis of scripting languages for research in applied computing

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Travaux Préparatoires

International criminal courts

Socioeconomic characteristics, fertility norms and the black-white fertility gap in the US

Film Noir doesn't exist: A Lacanian topology

Film Noir as Point de Capiton: Double indemnity, structure and temporality

Delicate balance: what is it like for an organization consultant to work live?

Selling womb for some ‘baby cash'

Libraries opt for more online sources

Effective group work management using web 2.0 technologies

An existential formulation of transformative experiences in nature

Central vascular catheters versus peripherally inserted central catheters in nurse anesthesia. A perspective within the Greek health system

The role of context in case study selection: An international business perspective

The influence of intra-national cultural heterogeneity on product standardisation and adaptation: a qualitative study

Multicultural markets and acculturation: implications for service firms

Performative inter-actions in African theatre 3: making space, rethinking drama and theatre in Africa

Performative inter-actions in African theatre 2: innovation, creativity and social change

ArtsCross London 2013 Leaving home: being elsewhere

Performative inter-actions in African theatre 1: diaspora representations and the interweaving of cultures

Discrimination by appointment: how black and minority ethnic applicants are disadvantaged in NHS staff recruitment

Photographic work included in 'Seduced by Art: Photography Past and Present', The National Gallery, London, touring to CaixaForum Barcelona and CaixaForum Madrid

The impacts of regulations and legislation on residential built forms in Tehran

Effective strategies and interventions: environmental health and the private housing sector

Barnet Business Needs Report

Engineers’ professional learning: through the lens of practice

My word! Plagiarism and college culture [Book review]

International circulation and local retaliation: East Asian television drama and its Asian connotations

Conduct problems in young, school-going children in Ireland: prevalence and teacher response

Synaesthetic colour responses to text: an investigation through fine art textiles

Transformation, dialogue and collaboration: developing studio-based concept writing in Art and Design through embedded interventions

A Snapshot of the 'Pierrot' Ensemble Today

Do the “underlying values” of the European Convention on Human Rights begin in 1950?

Employees’ perceptions of the impact of work on health behaviours

Enhanced immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif signaling is related to pathological bone resorption during critical illness

Driven underground: the lobbying bill & the debate on animal welfare

The Silver Studio & the art of Japan

Strength and conditioning for fencing

A time-motion analysis of turns performed by highly ranked Viennese waltz dancers

High throughput screening for mammography using a human-computer interface with rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP)

On the regularity of Lagrangian trajectories corresponding to suitable weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

Dimension prints and the avoidance of sets for flow solutions of non-autonomous ordinary differential equations

What is counterintuitive? Religious cognition and natural expectation

A rabbit’s tail: conspicuous rump patch causes predator confusion

Rapid response: re: Learning from a crisis [Editor's Choice]

Corporate amnesia in the micro business environment

The use of English literature in the context of work-based learning - a pedagogic case study

Tourism and the challenge of Arctic governance

Knowledge sharing and social technology acceptance model: promoting local events and festivals through facebook

A quantified triple bottom line for tourism: experimental results

Implementare i personal budget per l'assistenza sociale: alcuni insegnamenti fondamentali dalle esperienze e dalle evidenze empiriche inglesi ed internazionali

Dispelling the myth: the influence of cinema on the fashion of young working-class women in mass manufacture

How is psychological therapy experienced by ex UK armed forces members? An exploration through personal narrative of cross-cultural encounters

A novel low complexity local hybrid pseudo-SSIM-SATD distortion metric towards perceptual rate control

On curation: the development of Danscross and walking with Zhuangzi, ResCen Website, ResCen Research Centre

A power-efficient coverage scheme for cell-edge users using cognitive beamforming

Robust and power efficient interference management in downlink multi-cell networks

Robust cognitive beamforming for cell-edge coverage in multicell networks with probabilistic constraints

Downlink optimization with interference pricing and statistical CSI

From fixed to mobile femtocells in LTE systems: issues and challenges

From Sunday Schools to Christian Youth Work: young people's engagement with organized Christianity in twentieth century England and the present day

'And Europe will be stunned': Yael Bartana and JRMiP

Affective gaming: a comprehensive survey

On one-shot kernels: explicit feature maps and properties

Psychosocial characteristics and social networks of suicidal prisoners: towards a model of suicidal behaviour in detention

Evaluating the impact of ECAs on user navigation performance and perception

Beyond Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) rapid prototyping of a Q&A system

The new frontiers of welfare reform under the Presidency of Barack Obama

Assessment of the ergogenic effect of caffeine supplementation on mood, anticipation timing, and muscular strength in older adults

Accident reduction in home environments

Effect of a surprising downward shift in reinforcer value on stimulus over-selectivity in a simultaneous discrimination procedure

DNSsec in Isabelle – replay attack and origin authentication

Encoding monomorphic and polymorphic types

Reasoning about strategies under partial observability and fairness constraints

The longitudinal psychometric properties of the EAS temperament survey in adolescence

Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage [Book review]

Dancing cultures

Spatially-concentrated worklessness and neighbourhood policies: experiences from New Labour in England

Strength and conditioning for sprint swimming

Artificial intelligence in 3D virtual environments as technological support for pedagogy

A web map service implementation for the visualization of multidimensional gridded environmental data

BRCA1/2 mutation analysis in 41 ovarian cell lines reveals only one functionally deleterious BRCA1 mutation

Corporate governance in Asian countries: has Confucianism anything to offer?

Joint Proceedings of the First International Workshop On the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2013) and the First International Workshop: Towards the Model Driven Organization (AMINO 2013) Co-located with the 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013), Miami, USA, September 29 - October 04, 2013

State-based model slicing: a survey

The European Court of Human Rights gets it right: a comment on Eweida and others v the United Kingdom

Rural crime and policing

Investigation into the motivations behind the listing decisions of UK companies

Minimum of information distance criterion for optimal control of mutation rate in evolutionary systems

Law of cosines and Shannon-Pythagorean theorem for quantum information

Economic development in Africa: international efforts, issues and prospects

From global terminology to local terminology: a review of cross-cultural interface design solutions

Hospital board oversight of patient safety: a narrative review & synthesis of recent empirical research

Comparing the content of leadership theories and managers' shared perceptions of effective leadership: a Q-method study of trainee managers in the English NHS

Procedures and prosody: weak encoding and weak communication

An evidential reasoning based approach for decision making with partially ordered preference under uncertainty

Funding the growth of UK technology-based small firms since the financial crash: are there breakages in the finance escalator?

Supporting early years practitioners to manage the complexities of policy change

Investigating the experiences of early years practitioners to manage the complexities of policy change in times of economic recession

An effect of age on implicit memory that is not due to explicit contamination: implications for single and multiple-systems theories

Age effects on explicit and implicit memory

RoCH fans & legends

Meet Mohammed: using simulation and technology to support learning

Optimal relay positioning for green wireless network-coded butterfly networks

Pitching for each others' team: the North American Free Trade Agreement and labor transnationalism

Knowledge, gender and changing mobility regimes: women migrants in Europe

Creative partnerships: a case study in BBC news co-production

Theories and models of communication

Narrative. 2nd ed.

The mother of pop? Dorothy Morland and the Independent Group

The voice as uncanny index in Susan Hiller's The Last Silent Movie


Conflicting values in reflection on professional practice

Exploring service and buffer management issues to provide integrated voice and data services in single and multi-channel wireless networks

Building the narrative: the UN Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone

The contribution of the Eichmann Trial to International Law

Monetary policy and the banking sector in Turkey

The banality of international justice

Social entrepreneurship shaped by the life course: a case study of older social entrepreneurs in the UK

International politics of the Arctic: Coming in from the cold



Patterns of physical and psychological development in future teenage mothers

Epigenetic adaptations: a reply to Suter, Boffelli and Martin

Assessing with e-Ase

On avoiding framing effects in experienced decision makers

Balancing risk and professional identity, secondary school teachers' narratives of violence

DOAS: device-oriented adaptive multimedia scheme for 3GPP LTE systems

Reputation-based network selection solution for improved video delivery quality in heterogeneous wireless network environments

A utility-based priority scheduling scheme for multimedia delivery over LTE networks

Enzymatic formulation capable of degrading scrapie prion under mild digestion conditions

Legal aspects of age discrimination

Cooperative retransmission for wireless regenerative multirelay networks

Automatic verification of competitive stochastic systems

The 'antinomian' travel counterculture of Gavdos: an alternative mode of travelling

Crime and punishment in classical and libertarian utopias

Social enterprise and ethnic minorities: exploring the consequences of the evolving British policy agenda

The interaction between attention and action expectation. An ERP study

Independent effects of endogenous and exogenous attention in touch

Lost in vision: ERP correlates of exogenous tactile attention when engaging in a visual task

Responding to repetitive, non-suicidal self-harm in an English male prison: staff experiences, reactions, and concerns

A case study of the tensions and triumphs in building an online learning community

On the energy efficiency of HARQ-IR protocols for wireless network-coded butterfly networks

Actionmyth, historypanic: the entry of VALIE EXPORT’s aktionhose: genitalpanik into art history

Modern history and interior design

Out of the ivory tower: the independent group and popular culture

Intelligent adaptive user interfaces for BCI based robotic control

Quantum neural network-based EEG filtering for a brain-computer interface

A high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry assay for the simultaneous measurement of acetylcholine and clozapine in microdialysis samples

Social work, class and later life

The winner takes it all: enhancing the quality and impact of library workshops

Gendered labour migrations in Europe and emblematic migratory figures

Evaluation of the current status and knowledge contributions of professional doctorates

A companion to British Art: 1600 to the present

Maximising the business impact of IT: importance of managing the total business experience

Flood and coastal erosion risk management: a manual for economic appraisal

Efficient NSIS mobility support for mobile networks

The handbook of interior architecture and design

Key interiors since 1900

From admiration to abhorrence: The contentious appeal of entrepreneurship across Europe

Multi-objective flower algorithm for optimization

An empirical study on the effects of embodied conversational agents on user retention performance and perception in a simulated mobile environment

Review of standard traditional distortion metrics and a need for perceptual distortion metric at a (sub) macroblock level

Valuing the social? The nature and controversies of measuring social return on investment (SROI)

Interactive effects of joint angle, contraction state and method on estimates of Achilles tendon moment arms

Empowering bioscience students to develop employability skills through volunteering – voices of experience

Modelling wireless sensor networks for performability evaluation

Relative position vectors: an alternative approach to conflict detection in air traffic control

Apophatic elements in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis: Pseudo-Dionysius and C.G. Jung

Secure routing protocol using cross-layer design and energy harvesting in wireless sensor networks

Using the Phoebe pedagogic planner to enhance student learning and engagement in undergraduate psychology courses

The synergy of 3D SIFT and sparse codes for classification of viewpoints from echocardiogram videos

On the investigation of cloud-based mobile media environments with service-populating and QoS-aware mechanisms

Queer sexualities: staking out new territories in queer studies

Playing with numbers: a methodological critique of the social enterprise growth myth

A Snapshot of the Pierrot Ensemble Today

Local processing enhancements associated with superior observational drawing are due to enhanced perceptual functioning, not weak central coherence

3D CBIR with sparse coding for image-guided neurosurgery

Optimal test sequence generation using firefly algorithm

Multiobjective firefly algorithm for continuous optimization

Cuckoo search algorithm: a metaheuristic approach to solve structural optimization problems

Multiobjective cuckoo search for design optimization

Efficient cooperative spectrum sensing for three-hop cognitive wireless relay networks

An efficient network coded ARQ for multisource multidestination relay networks over mixed flat fading channels

Comfort and challenge: A thematic analysis of female clinicians’ experiences of supervision

Attitudes towards bearing the cost of care in later life across the world

Outage probability of regenerative protocols for two-source two-destination networks

Optimal measures and Markov transition kernels


Punishing drug possession in the magistrates’ courts: time for a rethink

Intangible heritage and the museum: new perspectives on cultural preservation [Book review]

A question of integration

Who can help Britain's vulnerable workforce?

Life imprisonment and the prohibition of inhuman punishments in international human rights law: moving the agenda forward

Continuing evolution of the United Nations treaty bodies system

An efficient resource reservation for domain based mobile IP networks: analytical approach

The environment and the crimes of the economy

Attitudes towards old age and age of retirement across the world: findings from the future of retirement survey

Exploring service and buffer management issues to provide integrated voice and data services in single and multi channel wireless networks

Enhancing the modelling of vertical handover in integrated cellular/WLAN environments

Some topological properties of paraconsistent models

Badlands in marl lithologies: a field guide to soil dispersion, sub-surface erosion and piping-origin gullies

KCMAC-BYY: Kernel CMAC using Bayesian Ying-Yang learning

"Your tern now my tern later": a tribute to the outlaw writer Russell Hoban

Further thoughts on the utility of risk matrices

Individualism-collectivism as an explanatory device for mental illness stigma

The suicidal process in male prisoners making near-lethal suicide attempts

The paradox of self surrender and self empowerment: an interpretative phenomenological investigation of the individual’s understanding of the higher power in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Does student engagement in self-assessment calibrate their judgement over time?

Examining the family-centred approach to genetic testing and counselling among UK Pakistanis: a community perspective

Analysis of synaptic weight distribution in an Izhikevich network

The last resort? Population movement in response to climate-related hazards in Bangladesh

The spaces of the hospital: spatiality and urban change in London 1680-1820

The migration and globalization of Schuhplattler dance: a sociological analysis

Of proprietors and poachers: fandom as negotiated brand ownership

The risk to the public of tree fall

The rise and fall of a regulator: adventure sports in the United Kingdom

Safety management and public spaces: restoring balance

Management of autoimmune diseases with Chinese Medicine

Patterns in stock market movements tested as random number generators

Scarred from the past or afraid of the future? Unemployment and job satisfaction across European labour markets

Differential proteolysis of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) in pregnancy

Assessing legal, ethical and governance challenges in eHealth

The Internet and pharmaceutical drugs in the era of interoperable eHealth systems across the European Union

Psychoanalysis and Queer Theory: as yet an “unrealised promise”?

Embodied attention in infant pointing

Exploring the relationship between visitor attractions and events: definitions and management factors

Adolescent and parent diabetes distress in type 1 diabetes: the role of self-efficacy, perceived consequences, family responsibility and adolescent-parent discrepancies

A Bill of Rights for the United Kingdom? Lessons from overseas

Advancing debate about religion or belief, equality and human rights: grounds for optimism?

ESCAPE: a randomised controlled trial of computer-tailored smoking cessation advice in primary care

Antecedents and outcomes of attachment towards smartphone applications

How do you measure pleasure? A discussion about intrinsic costs and benefits in primate allogrooming

Using patterns position distribution for software failure detection

Leadership by example in the weak-link game

Software-based serverless endpoint video combiner architecture for high-definition multiparty video conferencing

Multi-location production and delivery with job selection

Reconstructing the indigenous in African management research: implications for international management studies in a globalized world

Young workers and age discrimination

Where is love? Contribution to a symposium on Plato's Symposium and psychoanalysis

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in the secretome of cultured embryos: hyperglycosylated hCG and hCG-free beta subunit are potential markers for infertility management and treatment

Ageing and globalization: a global analysis

Creative destruction and the economy of waste

Experimental subjects are not different

Software simulation and verification to increase the reliability of intelligent environments

Diverging doctrine, converging outcomes: evaluating age discrimination law in the United Kingdom and the United States

The new art of being amateur: distance as participation

Stackelberg game based cooperative user relay assisted load balancing in cellular networks

Family migration and new labour

International exhibition cartoon - Satyrykon-legnica Poland 2013

Print international - oriel open exhibition

Procedural aspects of the new regime for the admissibility of expert evidence: what the digital forensic expert needs to know

New admissibility regime for expert evidence: the likely impact on digital forensics

The Bayesian approach of forensic evidence evaluation: a necessary form of ‘survival’ of the ultimate issue rule

Tourism and transparency: navigating ethical risks in volunteerism with fair trade learning

Evidence-based HRM: a scholarship perspective with a difference

Artificial intelligence, evolutionary computing and metaheuristics : in the footsteps of Alan Turing

Metaheuristic applications in structures and infrastructures

Mathematical modeling with multidisciplinary applications

Can organizational learning foster customer relationships? Implications for performance

Whither occupational health and safety?

Narratives of love

Ordering based decision making: a survey

Care control and collaborative working in a prison hospital

Ethics and feminist research

The ethics and aesthetics of paid surrogacy

Revisiting the River Skerne: The long-term social benefits of river rehabilitation

Critical learning in the transition from professional specialist to senior executive

For your eyes only: bio-behavioural and psycho-social research priorities

Transdisciplinary environmental research: Building trust across professional cultures

Psychology. 5th edition

Understanding and misunderstanding of neuroimaging: some data from first year undergraduates

Sense of humor across cultures: a comparison of British, Australian and American respondents

The politicisation and contradictions of neo-liberal tourism

Backpacking, social media, and crises: a discussion of online social convergence

Challenging global capitalism: labor migration, radical struggle, and urban change in Detroit and Turin

A brief multi-disciplinary review on antimicrobial resistance in medicine and its linkage to the global environmental microbiota

A novel security protocol for resolving addresses in the location/ID split architecture

Securing address registration in location/ID split protocol using ID-based cryptography

[Review of book:] On Freud's "Negation," Mary Kay O'Neil and Salman Akhtar (eds.), 2011, London: Karnac in Psychodynamic Practice

Cytochrome c oxidase response to changes in cerebral oxygen delivery in the adult brain shows higher brain-specificity than haemoglobin

An analytical tool to aid the reflective selection of equity investments

Before the project everything seemed a little bit woolly - now we are definitely clearer in terms of pathways for women. Evaluating the Stella Project Mental Health Initiative: executive summary

"Basically... porn is everywhere": A rapid evidence assessment on the effects that access and exposure to pornography has on children and young people

Exploring the notion of quality in quality higher education assessment in a collaborative future

Exploring the influence of Facebook on backpacker's social experience in hostels

The urban water cycle approach in small development areas

The usefulness and reliability of fitness testing protocols for ice hockey players: a literature review

The effects of post activation potentiation on golf club head speed

Trialling the SMART approach: identifying and assessing sense-making

Bank ownership, privatization, and performance: evidence from a transition country

Sustainability of community-based organizations in Bangladesh

Variations in grandchildren's perceptions of the grandfathers and grandmothers: dynamics of age and gender

Intervention programmes in mathematics and literacy: teaching assistants’ perceptions of their training and support

Handbook on the study of multiple perpetrator rape: a multidisciplinary response to an international problem.

Intercultural education of Nurses and health professionals in Europe 2 (IENE2): training the trainers

Producing time and space: academic work after Henri Lefebvre

Tourism and cross border regional innovation systems

Determinants of male participation in reproductive healthcare services: a cross-sectional study

Trade union responses to ageing workforces in the UK and Germany

Government size, institutions, and export performance among OECD economies

Governance in technology development

Parallel vigilance: Parents' dual focus following diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in their young child

Nursing in context: policy, politics, profession

Swarm intelligence and bio-inspired computation: theory and applications

Evaluation of reach and grasp robot-assisted therapy suggests similar functional recovery patterns on proximal and distal arm segments in sub-acute hemiplegia

Work, welfare and gender inequalities: an analysis of activation strategies for partnered women in the UK, Australia and Denmark

Exploring the potential impact of colonialism on national patterns of entrepreneurial networking

Before the project everything seemed a little bit woolly - now we are definitely clearer in terms of pathways for women. Evaluating the Stella Mental Health Initiative

Employment law: the essentials

Discrimination and the law

Distinguishing between justifiable treatment and prohibited discrimination in respect of age

Performance improvements seen through the lens of strategic trade-offs

An energy-efficient routing protocol using movement trends in vehicular ad hoc networks

Pervasive animation

Art collectives, Afro-Cuban culture, and alternative cultural production, 1975-2010: the performative interventions of OMNI Zona Franca and the struggle for space in the Cuban public sphere

Innovation for sustainability: African and European perspectives

Challenges of African transformation: exploring through innovation approach

Building innovation research in Africa: case studies

Creating systems of innovation in Africa: country case studies

How does “being real” feel? The experience of state authenticity

I feel good, therefore I am real: testing the causal influence of mood on state authenticity

How quickly can you detect it? Power facilitates attentional orienting

Power increases situated creativity

Phil Cleaver [Arcadian Bembo]

Relevance theory

Revenue management and customer relationship management

Mainstreaming after Lisbon: advancing animal welfare in the EU internal market

Multiple perpetrator rape in the courtroom

Strange encounters with the work of Anne Hardy

Change in physical self-perceptions across the transition to secondary school: relationships with perceived teacher-emphasised achievement goals in physical education

Teaching a diverse student body – a proposed tool for lecturers to self-evaluate their approach to inclusive teaching

Learning, work and practice: new understandings

‘Talking a different language’: an exploration of the influence of organizational cultures and working practices on transition from child to adult mental health services

Integrating mobility, quality-of-service and security in future mobile networks

The alcohol improvement programme: evaluation of an initiative to address alcohol-related health harm in England

The management of urban surface water flood risks: SUDS performance in flood reduction from extreme events

Guest editorial: UALL Conference 2012. Higher Education Skills and Work-Based Learning, 3 (2) . pp. 88-93. ISSN 2042-3896

Equivalence checking of quantum protocols

Coordinating multi-location production and customer delivery

Amorphous slicing of extended finite state machines

Decent work, older workers and vulnerability in the economic recession: a comparative study of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States

Are motorways rational from slime mould's point of view?

Sanja Iveković: we don't need another heroine

UND: unite-and-divide method in Fourier and Radon domains for line segment detection

Reasonable accommodation of religion and other discrimination grounds in EU law

Minority rights in the Middle East

Technology Business Incubators in China and India: a comparative analysis

The characteristics and dynamics of management controls in IJVs: evidence from a Sino-Japanese case

No room at the international table: the importance of designing effective litmus tests for minority protection at home

Games and gamification for information literacy

The use and usability of accessibility standardization

Does e-mentoring work? The effectiveness and challenges of an international professional mentoring scheme

Working internationally to meet the academic needs of accessibility professionals

Travaux préparatoires of human rights instruments

Violence, trauma and subjectivity: compromise formations of survival in the novels of Rawi Hage and Mischa Hiller

Constitutionalism in 3D: mapping and legitimating our lawmaking underworld

Work-life balance policies, practices and discourse and public sector cuts


New paths to research based doctorates

Sensualities: experiencing/dancing/writing

Self contained

Behind the eyes; making pictures

UNPACKED: Middlesex University Product Design

Researching the recognition of prior learning: international perspectives [Book review]

Biennale internazionale dell'umorismo nell'arte

SKETCH 2013: open sketchbook drawing prize

Interviewing women bereaved by homicide: reports of secondary victimization by the criminal justice system

Freud and Jung: the creation of the psychoanalytic universe

Xiong Bi and Xin Tong Syndrome in Jin Kui Yao Lue

Longitudinal testing of a dietary self-care motivational model in adolescents with diabetes.

Substitution treatment in the era of recovery: an analysis of stakeholder roles and policy windows in Britain

Stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment policy: similarities and differences in six European countries

Perinatal mental health services for black and ethnic minority women in prison

Random walks, Lévy flights, Markov chains and metaheuristic optimization

Interprofessional social work: effective collaborative approaches

Fractal property of generalized M-set with rational number exponent

Rethinking transgression: disgust, affect, and sexuality in Charlotte Roche's Wetlands

Role virtue ethics and academic ethics: a consideration of academic freedom

Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise

An extensible framework for provenance in human terrain visual analytics

Social media readiness in small businesses

‘We’re all going Bali’: utilising Gamelan as an educational resource for leadership and teamwork in post-qualifying education in health and social care

Trading places: French highly skilled migrants negotiating mobility and emplacement In London

Margate’s private rented sector: delivering housing enforcement and family support in a seaside town

Immersive theatres: intimacy and immediacy in contemporary performance

Quantum neural network based surface EMG signal filtering for control of robotic hand

The case for integrating needs and preferences in the internet of things

Skript: a micro installation

Social work associate practice programme: a Children's Improvement Board reference document

Vulnerable workers and precarious working

Free money magic show

The role of finance in the development of technology-based SMEs: evidence from New Zealand

Influences on the behaviour of black and minority ethnic (BME) communities towards debt and bankruptcy

Variations in the use of diagnostic criteria for developmental dysplasia of the hip

Compliance to the CONSORT statement of randomized controlled trials in solid organ transplantation: a 3-year overview

Whatever happened to the counterglobalization movement? Some reflections on antagonism, vanguardism and professionalisation

Regulating precarious work? The hidden role of the global union federations

A GUF’s relationship with a multinational company

Exploring sensemaking through an Intelligence Analysis exercise

Paul Mason. Why it's still kicking off everywhere: the new global revolutions [review]

The problem with work: feminism, Marxism, antiwork politics, and postwork imaginaries [review]

Cooperative diversity techniques for high-throughput wireless relay networks

Adverse effects of depression on glycemic control and health outcomes in people with diabetes: a review

Ageing and climate change: a society-technology-design discourse

UNESCO, Palestine and the archaelogy of conflict

Gender, development and disasters

Devotional wallpaper

Greater than the sum of their parts: UK Supreme Court decisions on family migration

Regulating spousal migration in Denmark

Improving energy efficiency with smart home appliance decision support tools

Misfits: strung out

Guantánamo Bay: the hunger strikes - video animation



Angelica [film/video]

Health information technologies in geriatrics and gerontology: a mixed systematic review

The ongoing quest for the IT artifact: looking back, moving forward

E-governance readiness: Challenges for India

Mental health nursing and mental health promotion: a UK case example

Does cross-cultural adjustment coincide with career capital growth? Evidence from Vienna, Austria

The crimes of the economy: a criminological analysis of economic thought

The woman artist as curatorial effect

Utilization of antenatal care among pregnant women of arban slums of Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Familiarity and musical performance

Stable knockdown of hCGβ mRNA expression in bladder cancer cells results in significant inhibition of growth

Developing organizational social capital or prima donnas in MNEs? The role of global leadership development programs

Organizing for partnership: the influence of the American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organisations on the British Trades Union Congress 1995–2005

Resolving whistleblowing disputes in the public interest: is tribunal adjudication the best that can be offered?

Green criminology and crimes of the economy: theory, research and praxis

Toxic state - corporate crimes, neo-liberalism and green criminology: the hazards and legacies of the Oil, Chemical and Mineral Industries

Punishment in Europe: a critical anatomy of penal systems

The dimensions of expatriate adjustment

West's world: the extraordinary life of Dame Rebecca West

Organised and transnational crime in Europe

Word play

Making the implicit explicit: facilitating growth in others to realise effective organisational change

Investigating the tradeoffs between power consumption and quality of service in a backbone network

Energy-quality-cost tradeoff in a multimedia-based heterogeneous wireless network environment

Queering men and masculinities in construction: towards a research agenda

Revenue targeting in fisheries

Sue Heath and Charlie Walker, Innovations in Youth Research,Palgrave Macmillan Publishers 2011 [Book review]

American pragmatism and organization: issues and controversies

Blodlopp / Blood run

A tragédia de Ismene, princesa de Tebas

The human rights of individuals in de facto regimes under the European Convention on Human Rights

Interaction, simulation, and invention

Beyond vice

Real time whole body motion mapping for avatars and robots

Last in a long line of literary kleptomaniacs: intertextuality in Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis

MiceTrap: scalable traffic engineering of datacenter mice flows using OpenFlow

Organisation studies: not nearly queer enough

American pragmatism and organization studies: concepts, themes and possibilities

The consumption of legal language: consuming the law

Reputation-based network selection solution in heterogeneous wireless network environments

Device-oriented energy-aware utility-based priority scheduler for video streaming over LTE system

Location-aware alert system for mobile devices

Modelling and performance evaluation of wireless and mobile communication systems in heterogeneous environments

When creation, translation and adaptation meet: SignDance Collective's New gold

Ernst Bloch's dialectical anthropology

The utopian horizon of communication: Ernst Bloch’s Traces and Johann-Peter Hebel’s Treasure Chest

Defining the problem: women artists, feminism and globalization (English title of Russian text)

Bad news from an aberrant city: a critical analysis of the British press's portrayal of organised crime and the refuse crisis in Naples

Animal harm: perspectives on why people harm and kill animals

Privatising the green police: the role of NGOs in wildlife law enforcement

The contribution of pluralistic qualitative approaches to mixed methods evaluations

Investigation of human papilloma viruses infections in prostate cancer

Modes of incorporation and transnational Zimbabwean migration to Britain

Our violent world: terrorism in society

CAP subsidies and the productivity of EU farms

Grammars of violence, modes of embodiment and frontiers of the subject

The resilience of sector-specific regulation in the liberalized sectors: structural necessities or institutional inertias?

Are expert networks driving the trend towards soft transnational coordination?

Just one encounter: sensation, surface, space. (Distilling a mixed-mode heuristic, to make the process of inverting original choreographies more transparent)

Communicating simulated emotional states of robots by expressive movements

Reinventing the past: Rosemary Butcher encounters Allan Kaprow's 18 happenings in 6 parts

Expression profiling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and Mycobacterium smegmatis in acid-nitrosative multi-stress displays defined regulatory networks

The environmental health practitioner: New evidence-based roles in housing, public health and well-being

On curation: The development of Danscross and walking with Zhuangzi

Still not receiving the support they deserve ... final evaluation report for the Stella Project Young Women's Initiative

Placental syndecan-1 and sulphated glycosaminoglycans are decreased in preeclampsia

Single point biochemical measurement algorithm for early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

A parallel windowing approach to the Hough transform for line segment detection

Incorporating cross-cultural issues in psychotherapy: a relational framework

Evaluating humanoid embodied conversational agents in mobile guide applications

Gene selection guided by feature interdependence

Tackling labour market exclusion of homeless people: the role of social enterprise

Ethnic minority groups and social enterprise: a case study of the East London Olympic boroughs

Essays on economic growth and human development in Asia

Do political connections matter? Empirical evidence from listed firms in Pakistan

A sequential exploratory design for the e-learning maturity model in Middle Eastern countries

Factors affecting adoption of eHealth in Egypt

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance of the right ventricle

Immersive performance, (syn)aesthetics and the phenomenology of technologies

Robert Cohan teaching: body of knowledge

Future flood losses in major coastal cities

Celebrity, gender and reputation management at the BBC

Making film programmes for the BBC and Channel 4: the shift from in-house producer unit to independent package-unit production

Feminism meets the big exhibition: 2005 onwards


Cultural influences on fairness perception of revenue management pricing in the tourism and hospitality industry

Developing countries and decision-making in the WTO: reconciling the principles of special and differential treatment and sovereign equality of states

Understanding global security

Workplace insecurity: the case for global goverance

British citizenship and the other: an analysis of the earned citizenship discourse

Cardiac motion reconstruction using LKT algorithm from 2D and 3D echocardiography

Dynamic reconfiguration of event driven architecture using reflection and higher-order functions

Probabilistic classifiers with a generalized Gaussian scale mixture prior

Rank complexity gap for Lovász-Schrijver and Sherali-Adams proof systems

Girlfriends and postfeminist sisterhood

No peace without justice? The role of International Criminal Law

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the Travaux Préparatoires

Can better working conditions improve the performance of SMEs? An international literature review

Mothering through Islam: narratives of religious identity in London

Evaluation of the pilot of Domestic Violence Protection Orders

Milan Chinatown: economic incorporation and the contentious uses of urban space

La riunificazione familiare nel Regno Unito

An investigation in to the relevance of UK hospitality management degree programmes to the hotel industry

The Ashgate research companion to International Criminal Law: critical perspectives

Saucepans, suits and getting to know the neighbours: resisting pauperisation in Argentina - the 2001-02 economic crisis and its legacies

True global optimality of the pressure vessel design problem: a benchmark for bio-inspired optimisation algorithms

The interaction between attention and motor prediction. An ERP study


Performance analysis of cooperative transmission for cognitive wireless relay networks

Playing with value: player engagements with videogames as a negotiation of net cultural worth

Drug and alcohol studies [six volume set]

Shareholder engagement in emerging markets: institutional and organisational determinants in Brazil and South Africa

Reshaping leadership and management

Rhetoric or reality: examining discourses within public policy on the the participation, involvement and lifelong learning of older people using social care services through documentary analysis

International criminal law and tribunals and human rights

Practising quality assurance in social care

Perspectives on management and leadership in social work

The state, the universities and liberal legal education: students’ views from England, South Africa and Mauritius

Socio-demographic changes and future challenges for the GCC countries

Cairo: my city, my revolution

Immersed in illusion, haunted by history: Marisa Carnesky’s ghost train

Deciphering tourism and citizenship in a globalized world

Population ageing in Bangladesh and its implication on health care

An ethnographic investigation into gender and language in the Northern Ireland Assembly

A manifesto for wildlife law reform: assessing the Law Commission’s proposals for wildlife law reform

Revisit the forgotten art of letter writing

Beatrice Cussol: feminist not feminine

We don't need another heroine: Sanja Ivekovic's counter-narratives

Measuring firm-level productivity convergence in the UK: the role of taxation and R&D investment

The perception of potential: interference, dimensionality and knowledge

Remote Collaboration

RoCH fans & legends (entries)

RoCH fans

Shame, unknowing and the between

Speak - active sound-space and the performer

"Speak" for metatrumpet and active sound-space

'Community of practice'. Practice based research in organisations, communities of practice and stakeholders in educational and other professional settings

A reflection to identify and develop professional skills of early years practitioners advocating children's rights within their practice

Dynamics of socio-demographic changes in GCC countries

Gender and politics in the devolved assemblies

Parties, causes and political power

Secure collaboration in onboarding

Ocular health interventions: alleviating poverty and promoting gender balance

Participatory research to design a novel system to support the night-time needs of people with dementia; NOCTURNAL

Self-aware trader: a new approach to safer trading

Learning frequent behaviours of the users in intelligent environments

Intelligent environments: a manifesto

Coxiella burnetii as the causative agent of abortions in sheep and goats in Cyprus

Sensors for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and smart homes

Context-aware discovery of human frequent behaviours through sensor information interpretation

A hierarchical human activity recognition framework based on automated reasoning

"To fan the ardour of the layman": J.M. Richards, The Architectural Review, and discourses of modernism in British architecture, 1933-1972

A haptically enhanced painting as a tool for neurorehabilitation

Ambient intelligence : proceedings of the 4th international joint conference

Proceedings of the 9th international conference on intelligent environments (IE '13)

Structured peer mentoring for student support in higher education institutions in Pakistan; catalysing change in the culture of learning

Communicating simulated emotional states of robots by expressive movements

Ethical complaints. Towards a best practice for psychotherapy and counselling organisations

‘Body of evidence’: the experience of patients with anorexia nervosa regarding imagery related to food, weight and shape

You and I listening to me: towards an understanding of the significance of personal pronoun usage in psychotherapy

'Between bodies': an implicit relational model

25th Olense Kartoenale

New ways of working and the implications for work-life balance

Trade union motivations for corporate social responsibility

Investigating the behaviour of individual UK prices, and gauging the implications thereof for monetary policy

Shame, unknowing and the between

Something torn and new: an African renaissance

Training and ... body parts

The pragmatics of emotions in interlinguistic healthcare settings

CAP subsidies and productivity of the EU farms

(Syn)aesthetics and immersive theatre: embodied beholding in Lundahl & Seitl’s Rotating in a Room of Images

The treatability of emerging pollutants in urban stormwater best management practice (BMP) drainage systems

Sell honestly, never sell your honesty: revenue management and corporate reputation management

Adult numeracy and the conversion to the euro in the Slovak Republic

How is coaching being used within school? Part 2: Does coaching have an impact on improvement in school settings?

An evaluation of accessibility of e-Learning for dyslexic students

Coaching at work - a method of facilitating self-directed learning or controlling it?

Second-to-fourth digit ratio has a non-monotonic impact on altruism

Determinants of disaffiliation: an international study

Restoring Stalinism to communist history

Léon Jouhaux, Louis Saillant and the national and international in transnational trade unionism

Moral cleansing and moral licenses: experimental evidence

Beside the seaside: perceptions from the ‘front line’ on the support needs of families living in the private-rented sector in Margate

Siren song: the narrating voice in two films by Raúl Ruiz

Adverse childhood experiences and their impact on frequency, severity, and the individual function of nonsuicidal self-injury in youth

Life events

Setting up a youth violence prevention project in a London hospital emergency department

Understanding alexithymia in female adolescents: the role of attachment style

Trip hazard

Energy efficiency

Workers and revolution in Serbia: from Tito to Milošević and beyond.

Cloud-based service delivery architecture with service-populating and mobility-aware mechanisms

The role of law in the minority discourse in the Middle East

Establishing a different dimension of citizen security: the case for special protection for whistleblowers

The identity question: who are the Sahrawis and what is their ‘home’?

Insiders? The experiences and perspectives of long-term, regular cannabis users

Current trends in contemporary choreography: a political critique

The commodification of the muṣḥaf in the early centuries of Islam

A question of citizenship

Just in time: ‘momentary’ events in the making of Rosemary Butcher’s signature practices

A Trotskyist's tale

Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the Internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain

Beyond national history

The expatriate trailing partner’s experience: a sample from Honduras - an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Impact of inulin on bile acids induced colon cancer

British trade unions and the academics: the case of Unionlearn

The turn to transnational labor history and the study of global trade unionism

British Labour and the challenge of Israel-Palestine

Joint optimization of user-experience and energy-efficiency in wireless multimedia broadcast

The glory of God is humanity fully alive: exploring Eastern Orthodoxy as a resource for human development in conversation with the capability approach

Professional ethics in occupational health & safety practice

Universal Periodic Review: a step in the right direction?

The way we do things around here: personal and epistemological reflexivity on the inter-disciplinary nature of research into tackling inequality through regeneration

Making sense of joint commissioning: three discourses of prevention, empowerment and efficiency

Joint commissioning in health and social care: an exploration of definitions, processes, services and outcomes.

Cats and the law: research report

SME finance in London - final report to the Greater London Authority

Psychology and criminal justice

An exploration of choice in heroin addiction: ‘An interpretative phenomenological analysis of a small sample of people in recovery’

The impact of CAP reform on the productivity of EU farms

On the relationship between student approaches to learning and the use of technology in blended learning environments: a cross-case study analysis

What if I don’t want to submit an e-portfolio?

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management

RLoad: reputation-based load-balancing network selection strategy for heterogeneous wireless environments

Banning niqabs in public spaces

Domain engineering : product lines, languages, and conceptual models

Biblio-sitography of the UK context rights through alliances: innovating and networking both within homes and schools

Builders of Russia: mobility, recruitment and workplace resistance of post soviet migrant construction workers

International migration and labour turnover: workers’ agency in the construction sector of Russia and Italy

Social enterprise and innovation in third sector organizations

Process of social innovation in mutual organisations: the case of social enterprises leaving the public sector

Learning co-operatively: activism, wisdom, and open mutual exchange in an age of austerity

Mapping arm movements to robotic sonic interaction promote group dynamics and increase engagement at a task

Die Quay Brothers oder: «Die Produktivität des Fehlers»

A cinema of apprehension: a third entelechy of the vitalist machine

Short circuits and footnote traces: the Quay Brothers

Pervasive animation : an introduction

Wave forms : part of the London Group centenary exhibition

The influence of barefoot and barefoot-inspired footwear on the kinetics and kinematics of running in comparison to conventional running shoes

The effect of shoe toe box shape and volume on forefoot interdigital and plantar pressures in healthy females

Reversing performance in the UK National Health Service: from targets to teams

Whistleblowing externally: does the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 fail whistleblowers when internal disclosure fails?

Whistleblowing to regulators: are prescribed persons fit for purpose?

Differences in tibiocalcaneal kinematics measured with skin- and shoe-mounted markers

Suffering in ancient worldview: a comparative study of Acts, Fourth Maccabees, and Seneca

Case study: AngloAmerican and HIV/AIDS

Regulating precarious work: the hidden role of the Global Union Federations

Book review: Mc Laughlin, F. 2009, The languages of urban Africa

Evaluating South Korean legal channels for individual employment disputes through Budd and Colvin's framework

The American worker and the Forze Nuove: Turin and Detroit at the twilight of Fordism

Workplace resilience initiatives are on the increase in the current recession, but do they offer us a real way forward?

As the culture of aggressive ambition no longer looks like a successful strategy for survival, we must come to terms with the fact that being ‘ordinary’ does not equate to failure

In uncertain times, the social capital of group relationships in workplaces may be the key to growth and resilience

Trade unions are facing difficult circumstances but it is important not to overstate the extent of the challenges

On the search for a level-agnostic modelling language

The ‘antinomian’ travel counterculture of Gavdos: an alternative mode of travelling

Leadership development in organizations: multiple discourses and diverse practice

Are you a good employee or simply a good guy? influence costs and contract design

Behaviour of selected emerging pollutants in stormwater best management practices (BMPs)

Compare and contrast: understanding Irish migration to Britain in a wider context

Dressing religious bodies in public spaces: gender, clothing and negotiations of stigma among Jews in Paris and Muslims in London

Ecotoxicity of carbamazepine and its UV photolysis transformation products

Comparison of pollutant emission control strategies for cadmium and mercury in urban water systems using substance flow analysis

Genetic programming as a solver to challenging reinforcement learning problems

Personalized smart environments to increase inclusion of people with Down's Syndrome

UND: unite-and-divide method in Fourier and Radon domains for line segment detection

Goal driven architecture development using LEAP

Determinants of repeat sprint ability

Avoid overtraining and monitor fatigue

Relationship between repeated sprint ability and aerobic capacity in professional soccer players

Repeat sprint ability

On the search for a level-agnostic modelling language

Meta-modeling model-based engineering tools (Dagstuhl Seminar 13182)

Stimulus fear-relevance and the vicarious learning pathway to childhood fears

Insecure attachment style as a vulnerability factor for depression: recent findings in a community-based study of Malay single and married mothers.

Anxiety and hospitalization in adolescence: relations to attachment style and parental support

The free money magic show

Psychosocial models and issues in major depression

The development of socialist magic: reflections on the place of power and ideology in magic performance

Invalidating policies using structural information

Network information flow control: proof of concept

Privacy analysis of a hidden friendship protocol

Externalizing behaviour for analysing system models

A review of cell assemblies

Compensatory Hebbian learning for categorisation in simulated biological neural nets

Aviation safety: modeling and analyzing complex interactions between humans and automated systems

A synergistic and extensible framework for multi-agent system verification

Domain types: abstract-domain selection based on variable usage

Implementing adaptation and reconfiguration strategies in heterogeneous WSN

The anonymous subgraph problem

Emotion and relatedness as aspects of severely learning disabled adolescents’ identities: contributions from ‘practice-near’ social work research

Neoliberalism and the cultural and political dispositions and practises of millennials in London and LA: a socio-cognitive analysis

Using document-oriented GUIs in dynamic software product lines

Drinking terms and concepts: their meaning and use

Formal verification of language-based concurrent noninterference

Noninterfering schedulers: when possibilistic noninterference implies probabilistic noninterference

Mechanizing the metatheory of sledgehammer

Formalizing probabilistic noninterference

Nonfree datatypes in Isabelle/HOL: animating a many-sorted metatheory

MPS: improving exact string matching through pattern character frequency, journal of data processing

The effect of serial data collection on the accuracy of electrical impedance tomography images

We don’t need another heroine: Sanja Ivekovic’s counter-narratives

Reconsidering adolescent subjectivity: a 'practice-near' approach to the study of adolescents, including those with severe learning disabilities

Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain

Combining multiple autosomal introns for studying shallow phylogeny and taxonomy of Laurasiatherian mammals: application to the tribe Bovini (Cetartiodactyla, Bovidae)

The extraterritorial obligations of states in the area of business and human rights

Should multinational corporations be held liable for having done business with the apartheid regime?

Should multinational corporations be held liable for having done business with the apartheid regime?

Business and human rights [lecture, Paris, France]

Business and human rights: selected issues [2013]

Corporate crimes and the ICC Statute

Resources grabbing and human rights: building a triangular relationship between states, indigenous peoples and corporations

The politics of the death penalty in countries in transition

The future of extraterritorial jurisdiction

Addressing slave labour in supply chains through reporting

Transitional processes and the death penalty in North Africa

Empowering social firms. Knowledge transfer partnership report

Supplementary education in London: impact, challenges and sustainability. An evaluation of the education services of Afghan Association Paiwand

Welfare needs of Turkish and Kurdish communities in London: a community based research project

Wave patterns

Factors influencing maximum ROM at the ankle joint: different results from cross-sectional vs. longitudinal studies

The relationship between membership of a university sports group and drinking behaviour among students at English Universities

Performance evaluation of Levenberg-Marquardt technique in error reduction for diabetes condition classification

Increasing social capital for young homeless people in supported housing

Attachment and abandonment: a study of factors contributing to or hindering the development of trust and functional family behaviour

Suburbanisation et diaspora à Nottingham: comprendre la mobilité sociale et résidentielle dans l’immigration à travers l’approche biographique intergénérationnelle

Factors that affect proliferation of Salmonella in tomatoes post-harvest: the roles of seasonal effects, irrigation regime, crop and pathogen genotype

Laboratory activity to effectively teach introductory geomicrobiology concepts to non-geology majors

Differential regulation of Salmonella typhimurium genes involved in O-antigen capsule production and their role in persistence within tomato fruit

Energy-aware admission control for wired networks

A survey of mathematical models, simulation approaches and testbeds used for research in cloud computing

Welfare needs of the Afghan community in Harrow. A community based research project

Between opportunties and challenges: women's community and voluntary organisations in London

Mutualization and public services

Self organising maps with a point neuron model

Researching the urban reflexively: feminist methodological issues

Introduction to gender, religion and migration

Predicting verdicts using pre-trial attitudes and standard of proof

Scheduling with step-improving processing times

Reducing productivity and efficiency gaps: the role of knowledge assets, absorptive capacity and institutions - Background chapter

Reducing productivity and efficiency gaps: the role of knowledge assets, absorptive capacity and institutions

Entrepreneurial learning: gender differences

Pixels, bits and urban space. Observing the intersection of the space of information with actual physical space in augmented reality smartphone applications and peripheral vision displays

The reach of EU fundamental rights on member state action after Lisbon

The European Union treaties and the North American Free Trade Agreement as supranational constitutions

Promoting the rule of law abroad: on the EU’s limited contribution to the shaping of an international understanding of the rule of law

Resistance, creativity and law school sabbaticals

Athens as a hybrid city. An analysis and exploration of the rhythms of everyday life and the lived experience as documented in locative-mediated projects produced in Athens.

17th international print Biennial, Varna,Bulgaria

Observing rhythms of everyday life in content made by smart devices and uploaded on electronic maps and social media. A methodological enquiry.

The ‘lived now’. Observing the changes in the spatiotemporal experience of everyday life through the use of ICTs.

Synergy-based affordance learning for robotic grasping

Flood risk management in Europe: the flood problem and interventions

Feminist postmodernism, poststructuralism, and critical theory

Women and girls in disasters

Bridging the humanitarain-development divide

Women's role in economic development: overcoming the constraints, prepared for the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Women's decision-making in rural and urban households in Nicaragua: the influence of income and ideology

A typology of male prisoners making near-lethal suicide attempts

Introduction to the themed Issue: the Independent Group

Review of Byron Caminero-Santangelo, Environment at the margins: environmental and literary studies in Africa. Ohio: Ohio UP, 2011


Comparison of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation between biomimetic and electrochemical coatings on different topographic surfaces

The effect of temperature on the viability of human mesenchymal stem cells

Enhanced wear and corrosion in modular tapers in total hip replacement is associated with the contact area and surface topography

Using literary texts in ELT: retrospect and challenges

A peephole into ‘anything else you want to be’

Francis Uprichthard

Creative choice – on whose authority

The body in genderland

Interior lives: biography and the interior

Parallel of art & life: the Independent Group at the ICA

‘”Oppa”-tunity knocks: Psy, Gangnam Style and the critical reception of K-pop in Britain.’

Angelica [show/exhibition]

Integrating professional recognition into the development of work-based university degrees

University higher apprenticeships – the best of both worlds

Recognising professional learning through work

The unexpected benefits of workforce development

Towards an integrated approach to the recognition of professional competence through academic qualification

Migration of constitutional principles: the rule of law as a case study

The ECJ at 60: still fit for purpose?

Family psychotherapy and divorce

Children’s fear of parental divorce

Children’s voices in custody disputes

Divorce in United Kingdom

Comment on "collinear segment detection using HT neighborhoods"

Smart phone activity: risk-taking behaviours and perceptions on data security among young people in England

On demand based frequency allocation to mitigate interference in femto-macro LTE cellular network

Sustainability and marketing for responsible tourism

Implementing sustainable tourism: a multi-stakeholder involvement management framework

Trip hazard

Techniques for formal modelling and analysis of quantum systems

The immune system as artistic research and geopolitical mapping

Supporting communications in the IOTs using the location/ID split protocol: a security analysis

Membership and subscription in the performing arts: What have we learnt during the last 35 years?

Naomi Wallace and the politics of desire

The time of the clock and the time of encounter

Investigating family context: an exploratory study to research how therapists use genograms as a therapeutic tool with individuals in one-to-one therapy

The history of fashion in the period 1950-1975

A young working class woman’s wardrobe in the 1930s

The diffusion of Paris style into mass ready-made manufacture in Britain, 1920-1940

Retail, shopping and gender

A price for fashion? A young working-class woman's wardrobe in the 1930s

Research in Progress. A PhD in Fashion and Business

Falkenham Saltmarsh tidal management scheme

Integrating professional recognition into the development of higher education qualifications

Market concentration, risk-taking, and bank performance: evidence from emerging economies

Explanation on “Xue Bi” syndrome in Jin Kui Yao Lue

‘Fallen women’ and ‘artful dodgers’ – historical reflections on youth deviance

Faith-based youth work - lessons from the Christian sector

Providing ubiquitous communication using road-side units in VANET systems: unveiling the challenges

Culture, power and resistance: hybridisation of management systems in South African NPOs

Differential regulation of Salmonella typhimurium genes involved in O-antigen capsule production and their role in persistence within tomatoes

Profiling mental health service use in the Square Mile. A report to the City of London Local Involvement Network.

Effect of milk on team sport performance after exercise-induced muscle damage

We must be the caring nurse/midwife we want to have if we were a patient: delivering compassionate and culturally competent care for all

Dealing with stress and burnout

Engaging young parents and their families in a multi-family group work intervention: lessons from a pilot in England

'Hard to reach' or nomadic resistance? Families 'choosing' not to participate in early childhood services

Gove's unique child: doing diversity and being diverse

Negotiating motherhood in the academy: the maternal subjectivities of feminist academics in austere times

Negotiating professional identities in early childhood

Mum's the word: motherhood discourses and the formation of professional nursery worker identities

Engaging 'hard to reach' parents in early years music making

Impact of religiosity/spirituality on biological and preclinical markers related to cardiovascular disease. Results from the SPILI III study

Eliciting general practitioners' salient beliefs towards prescribing: a qualitative study based on the theory of planned behaviour in Greece

Role of salmonella typhimurium mdoCGH and rcsA genes during interactions with tomatoes

Role of salmonella typhimurium mdoCGH and rcsA genes during colonization of tomatoes

Feasibility of using nitric oxide donors for removing biofilms from industrial surfaces

Nitric oxide (NO) donors to disperse biofilms of industrial significance formed by Salmonella enterica

Nitric oxide (NO) donors to disperse biofilms of industrial significance formed by Salmonella

Challenges and possibilities: engaging 'hard to reach' families with young children

The Tudors, the national past and the re-shaping of generic traditions in contemporary TV costume drama

On the accuracy of inference on heavy-tailed distributions

Learning from the real

The anti-didactic hypothesis

Coward: a speculative play about the life of Noël Coward

Wisdom appeals in UK financial services advertising

Critical perspectives on adults’ mathematics education

Early years skills and employability agenda

Children's rights & participation within UK early years provision

The architecture and development of multi-role course design of a web-based group training system

Social work with looked after children

The calm after the storm: researching Rebecca West

Body composition and injuries in professional ballet dancers

Long term care of the elderly: a policy perspective

Review article: assessing the costs of natural hazards - state of the art and knowledge gaps

Making anew...collaboration and dynamic change

Producing reflective practice capability: a textual analysis of practice learning and assessment portfolios

Battis boy

The two faces of biographical subjects

The two gardens

Prospects for Neomodernism in the Music of Matthew Taylor and Peter Fribbins

A literature survey of benchmark functions for global optimisation problems

The Pierrot Ensembles, 1912-2012

A Century of Pierrot Ensembles, 1912-2012

Cuckoo search and firefly algorithm: overview and analysis

SME’s business marketing management and innovation policies support: evidence from China

EU subsidiary product Innovation in China: a panel study analysis

Innovation in small & medium enterprises and national innovation system: evidence from innovation policy in China, 1994-2010

Multinationals’ innovation in China: a panel study of EU firms’, 1998-2010

Ownership structure and firm performance determinants of firms ownership performance: evidence from a panel study in China

Exploring the role of observational methods in practice-near research

Using systemic thinking to promote the development of intervention skills with social work students on a qualifying course

The evocation and expression of emotion through documentary animation

Grapheme synaesthesia - a coloured alphabet

Getting into character: encounters with 'tricksterism' in contemporary depictions of the American slave plantation

Knitted hats for designers Meadham/Kirchoff catwalk show S/S 2014. London Fashion Week.

The framing of the global financial crisis 2005-2008: a cross-country comparison of the US, UK and Australia

International Biennale dell' Umorismo Nell' Art Italy 2013

Curating emerging design practice

The implementation of international humanitarian law in non-international armed conflict

Equality, non-discrimination and the international rule of law

Dressing up London

Mega-events as a place marketing strategy in entrepreneurial cities: İzmir's EXPO 2015 candidacy as a roadmap for hosting EXPO 2020

Review of Policing the crisis - mugging, the state and law and order (2nd edition), by Stuart, Hall, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, Tony Clarke and Brian Roberts

Character as medium; Don Quixote, Hamlet, Superman, Citizen Kane and the Doctor

Limit theorems and estimates of rates of convergence in extreme value theory. – DSc thesis

A graph-theoretic condition for irreducibility of a set of cone preserving matrices

Local and global stability of equilibria for a class of chemical reaction networks

Combinatorial approaches to Hopf bifurcations in systems of interacting elements

Approximating cultural proximity and accentuating cultural difference: cross-border transformations in Asian television drama

The trouble with love & sex

Jonathan Hodgson [Animation Sketchbook]

Atitude dos residentes face ao desenvolvimento do turismo em Cabo Verde: uma análise de segmentação

Residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in Cape Verde Islands

John Carr of York and Hidden Architectural Histories

Pervasive Animation. An AFI Film Reader

Reconceptualising academic work as professional practice: implications for academic development

What is justice? Reflections of a practitioner at the European Court of Human Rights

No longer offering fine mantras to a parched child? The European Court's developing approach to remedies

The european system and approach

The cost of manual handling

An awareness of counselling theory and unconscious processes equip early years practitioners to address the emotional needs of young children

Narratives of mothers in stepfamily situations: an exploratory investigation

The influence of size, clearance, cartilage properties, thickness and hemiarthroplasty on the contact mechanics of the hip joint with biphasic layers

Glucose-coated gold nanoparticles transfer across human brain endothelium and enter astrocytes in vitro

What does globalisation mean for education in the art museum?

Reassembling the barricades: further thoughts on 'What does globalisation mean for education in the art museum?'

Creativity vs education: invasive assessment and the sketchbook

Interview: Middlesex University Faculty Engages Students with OpenIDEO

Innovation for a circular economy: exploring the product service systems concept

The impact of external networks on advancing innovation in England’s creative industries

Innovation support for knowledge-intensive producer services in the European car industry

Total quality beyond North America: a comparative analysis of the performance of European excellence award winners

Telephone handset identification by collaborative representations

Music classification by low-rank semantic mappings

Creating a platform for effective academic and pastoral care in borderless teaching

The contributions of risk factor trends to cardiometabolic mortality decline in 26 industrialized countries

Disproportionality in the Professions. Working together to understand and respond to discrimination and prejudice

Logistics and performance in the shipping industry

Inequalities in non-communicable diseases and effective responses

Dances and Laments

Is dialogue possible? - round table

Fox-trotting the riot: slow rioting in Britain's inner city

Narratives from a Nottingham council estate: a story of white working-class mothers with mixed-race children

Conceptualising risk and need: the rise of actuarialism and the death of welfare? Practitioner assessment and intervention in the youth offending service

Women Shift Digital

VALO5 – innovation, maturity growth, quality and valorisation

Emblematic uses of code-switching and age categorisations

Pitching research to specific audience: Lexical choices in different types of peer-reviewed journals

The impacts of internal threats towards routing protocol for low power and lossy network performance

Tender healthy relationships evaluation: interim report

Melanocortin receptor accessory proteins in adrenal gland physiology and beyond

SUMOylation regulates the homologous to E6-AP carboxyl terminus (HECT) ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p

Loss of function of the melanocortin 2 receptor accessory protein 2 is associated with mammalian obesity

A Levinasian approach to whistleblowing

Critical legal theory's turn to Schmitt: not waving but drowning?

Access to antenatal care and children’s cognitive development: a comparative analysis in Ethiopia, Peru, Vietnam and India

Industrial clusters and economic performance in Brazil

Students' attitude towards entrepreneurship: does gender matter in the UAE?

imagines obesae et aspectui ingratae

Self-initiated (re)education of digital technology in retired content creators

Active energy: turbine on the Thames

The Alpha Masters: Unlocking the Genius of the World’s Top Hedge Funds [Book Review]

Circle of Friends: the massive federal crackdown on insider trading---and why the markets always work against the little guy [Book Review]

Promoting international interoperability of research information systems: VIVO and CERIF

Excess and attitude

Student experiences and perceptions of digital literacy skills development: engaging learners by design?

From Monk to Punk: exploring the aesthetic in Krishnacore

Girls were made for housework and boys were made to fight, and the naughty pictures on Page 3 make everything all right: approaches towards teaching punk – complexities, ambiguities and profanities

Women as part of the theatre audience in 19th century Romania

Are performance appraisals and reward really a contributory factor to service quality?

Relationships between Waste Collection Systems and MSD’s

Structural health monitoring and simulation assisted building management systems for modular buildings

BIM integrated workflow management and monitoring system for modular buildings

Understanding student satisfaction and loyalty in the UAE HE sector

eHealth: legal, ethical and governance challenges