Shangri-La and history in 1930s England.
La musique électro-acoustique 'mixte'.
From sound to music: from recording to theory.
Gender identity and ICT entrepreneurship in an Irish context.
Gender, entrepreneurship and motivations in an Irish context.
Application of international standards of human rights law at domestic level.
Business-to-business marketing
Commutator, and self-commutator, approximants, 2
Leon Golub: echoes of the real [2nd ed.]
Work-based research: approaches to enquiry for insider-researchers.
Formulation and developing the creative practitioner
Third-party grooming in a captive chimpanzee group
Examining player anger in World of Warcraft
The Routledge dance studies reader
Information integration based predictions about the conscious states of a spiking neural network
The state of the art of visual analytics
Reading between the lines: the subversion of authority in two graphic novels for young adults
Between Eros and Thanatos: death and desire in the short fiction of Koren Shadmi and Rutu Modan
Value differentiation: Creating customised value propositions in the South African cement industry
Dimensions of advertising agency client satisfaction
Approaches taken by South African advertisers to select and appoint advertising agencies
Texture-based 3d image retrieval for medical applications
Low frequency of epigenetic events in urothelial tumours from young patients
Strong attachment toward human brand: Its antecedents and implication for the quality of life
Beyond the surface: articulating the power of the performer
Between subject and object: Classical Ballet, Foucault and the dancing body
Terry Southern and the American Grotesque
In-silico approach to the development of a prototype clinical information system for pediatric units
Development of a medical staff recruitment system for teaching hospitals in Nigeria
Reducing road-traffic accidents on African roads through a computer simulation programming approach
Diagnosis and recommender system for some neglected tropical diseases
A knowledge-based data mining system for diagnosing malaria related cases in healthcare management
Future for traditional festivals: glocalised cultural practices in global tourism development
Application of mesh morphing techniques in modelling 3D objects
Care of our people - manual handling of recyclables and waste? Should we be concerned?
Trafficking in human beings: international and European human rights framework
Cognitive modelling of attentional networks: efficiencies, interactions, impairments and development
What are the fundamental features supporting service quality?
Mitigating bank liquidity risk in Europe’s emerging markets during the crisis
Drug service user groups: only a partial solution to the problem of developing user involvement
A qualitative study of illicit and non-prescribed drug use amongst people with psychotic disorders
Child involvement in the paediatric consultation: a qualitative study of children and carers' views
Delusions and qualitative confusions: a dialogic collaborative exploration
Black and minority ethnic groups and alcohol: A scoping and consultation study
Lessons learnt: Retail Enforcement Pilot (REP)
Institutional theory and VET development in the South Mediterranean: the Egyptian case
Researching workplace learning in Australia
A community college's performance of ‘organisation’: it's a drag!
Towards an emergent view of learning work
Determinants of EU foreign direct investment in China: a firm-level panel study, 1998-2007
Low frequency of epigenetic events in urothelial tumors in young patients
Professional identities in the nursery: contested terrain
Backpacker motivations: a travel career approach
The role of social media in promoting special events: acceptance of Facebook ‘events’
From the Celtic to the abstract: shifting perspectives in the music of John Buckley
Possible power-saving gains by dividing a cell into tiers of smaller cells
Risk and time preferences: linking experimental and household survey data from Vietnam
Neuroendocrinology and resistance training in adult males
Turning immigrants to citizens: merits of the pedagogical shift in 3D Virtual Learning Environments
Using strong conflicts to detect quality issues in component-based complex systems
Heterotopic erotic oases - the public nude beach experience
Literature review of work based learning: October 2008
Research: Adult attachment style: its relevance to health and to health psychology
Enjoyable learning: The role of humour, games, and fun activities in nursing and midwifery education
Call centres as sites of professional practice: "where old social workers go to die"?
The International Criminal Court and non-party States
'Victor’s justice': selecting 'situations’ at the International Criminal Court
Commentary on Paul Boghossian, 'the concept of genocide'
Retroactive application of the Genocide Convention
Reported school experiences of young people living with sickle cell disorder in England
Reflections on leadership and place
Distributed space-time block code over mixed Rayleigh and Rician frequency-selective fading channels
Capital adequacy requirements in emerging markets
Analysis of the budding yeast pH 4–7 proteome in meiosis
2-D DIGE analysis of the budding yeast pH 6-11 proteome in meiosis
Supporting the first year student experience through the use of learning technologies
Migrant and minority community organisations: funding, sustainability and ways forward
Art history: contemporary perspectives on method
Psychiatric disorders in male prisoners who made near-lethal suicide attempts: case-control study
Altruism and social integration
When does harassment warrant redress?
The spectacle of silence and stillness
A new metaheuristic bat-inspired algorithm
Eagle strategy using Lévy walk and firefly algorithm for stochastic optimization
Optimization and data mining for fracture prediction in geosciences
Firefly algorithm, stochastic test functions and design optimisation
Effects of social networking in academic literacy: myths and truths
Lo-fi prototyping to design interactive-tabletop applications for children
Developing a framework of common information space (CIS): grounded theory analysis of airport CIS
Design tribes and information spaces for creative conversations
I curse your preoccupation with your record collection: The Fall on vinyl 1978-83
(Re)presentation of women in Indian accountancy bodies’ web sites
Resource discovery using mobile agents
Crimes against humanity in Western Burma: the situation of the Rohingyas.
Endometriosis and cultural diversity: improving services for minority ethnic women
Reactive service location in IEEE WAVE
Research seminars on music and language [part of Society section]
Atypical development of motion processing trajectories in autism
Critical perspectives on researching the professional doctorate (Editorial)
Doctoral learning that leads to organisational and individual change
Organisational involvement in supporting the learned professional
The design of re-writeable ultra-high density scanning-probe phase-change memories
Situation variable effects and tactical performance in professional association football
'Where do you want to go today?' An analysis of family group decisions to visit museums
The discursive constrution of tourism in Higher Education in England.
External evaluation of Innovation Exchange.
A domain specific language for contextual design
Constructed wetlands for flood prevention and water reuse
Exchange rate uncertainty and export decisions in the UK
A remark concerning value-at-risk
Political violence: a criminological analysis
Optimising cash flows in APVIOBPCS using control theory
Contract & agency labour: beyond self-regulation?
The Dynamics of collaboration in multipartner projects
Knowledge flows in software projects: an empirical investigation
Of a complex sensitivity in marketing ethics education
An evaluation of implementing Koha in a Chinese language environment
Security models for heterogeneous networking
The self-editor: a strategy for improving reflective writing
Persuading young consumers to make healthy nutritional decisions
Automatic generation of data merging program codes
Using data mining to improve student retention in HE: a case study
Visuospatial superiority in developmental dyslexia: myth or reality?
Flashback: drugs and dealing in the golden age of the London rave scene
Infinite exchange: the social ontology of the photographic image.
Building relationships with the invisible in the digital (global) economy (BRIDGE)
Building the BRIDGE: closing the gap on digital exclusion
Building relationships with the invisible in the digital economy
Clashes in culture? the 'professionalisation' and 'criminalisation' of the drugs workforce
Heritage tourism: emotional journeys into nationhood
'The two of us' and 'My name is Sarah Simpson'
The effect of exchange rates on firm exports: the role of imported intermediate inputs.
Sustainable stormwater management in the city of the future
Attitudes and intention to donate oocytes for research
Utility and value of information in cognitive science, biology and quantum theory.
Information trajectory of optimal learning
The functional neuroanatomy of reading
Values and justice as predictors of perceived stress in Lebanese organisational settings
Reading and dyslexia in different orthographies
Workplace learning and higher education
Corporate governance and institutional ownership: evidence from Jordan
Novel ways for cooperation to enhance academic library professionalism.
Sensualities/textualities and technologies: writings of the body in 21st Century performance
Developing a TEMPUS application
What price respect: exploring the notion of respect in a 21st century global learning environment
Cell turnover in apocrine metaplasia and apocrine adenosis of the breast
Social enterprise and the environment: a review of the literature
Protestant ethic endorsement, personality and general intelligence
Making changes to assessment methods in social work education: focusing on process and outcome
International biopolitics: Foucault, globalisation and imperialism.
Surrogate motherhood: a critical perspective
Modeling scalable grid information services with Colored Peti Nets.
Exchange rate volatility and exports: new empirical evidence from the emerging East Asian economies.
Rapid detection of Escherichia coli in water using a hand-held fluorescence detector
The value relevance of effective investor relations
The emerging demand for elderly care in China: an analysis of trends and differentials
Identifying and classifying the sources and uses of xenobiotics in urban environments
The management of urban surface water drainage in England and Wales.
The costs of the summer 2007 floods in England.
Combating corruption through employment law and whistleblower protection.
When is it OK to learn at work? The learning work of organisational practices
The Basel capital accords in developing countries.
Custodians of the land: indigenous peoples, human rights and cultural integrity.
Discourse or reality: “work-life balance” flexibility and gendered organisations.
Social disorder and the criminalisation of indolence.
Business ethics and corporate social responsibility
British South Asian communities and drug supply networks in the UK
International and domestic prosecutions
Hedging mean-reverting commodities.
Political conservatism, need for cognitive closure and intergroup hostility
The determinants of employment: a sectoral analysis for Turkey.
Autonomy, evidence and intuition: nurses and decision-making
Dialogue based interfaces for universal access.
Impossibility of consistent estimation of the distribution function of a sample maximum.
The international criminal court: a commentary on the Rome statute
Family migration policies in France.
Context, strategy and financial participation: a comparative analysis
Towards a unified conception of innovation systems.
La Cour de Justice caraïbe: une juridiction inclassable
Coping with Conway v. Rimmer [1968] AC 910: how civil servants control access to justice
Random coefficients models of arms imports.
The coincidence of opposites: C.G. Jung’s reception of Nicholas of Cusa.
An evaluation of escaping victimhood
Some approximants in operator algebras.
A sudden topicality: Marx, Nietzsche and the politics of crisis.
Stock liquidity and investment opportunities: new evidence from FTSE 100 index deletions
Unintended consequences: changes in organised drug supply in the UK
Foreign currency exposure and derivatives use: evidence from France from 2002 to 2005.
The UK national minimum wage and age discrimination
Review on the course of Chinese medicine regulation in the UK of the last 10 years.
Crisis in Western and Eastern EU: does policy reaction address its origins?
Evaluating the X-Lib library automation system at Babcock University, Nigeria: a case study
Why it's easy being a vegetarian.
Submerged discontent and institutions: doctors’ pay in Chinese hospitals.
The law and practice of whistleblowing in the United Kingdom.
Moldovan employment relations: path dependency?
Damien Hirst’s shark: nature, capitalism and the sublime.
Dynamic cross-realm authentication for secure SOA-based business processes.
Dependable peer-to-peer systems (editorial to special issue)
Forensic psychology: concepts, debates and practice.
Forgotten Futures: British Municipal Cinema 1920-1980.
Liquidity management in small firms: a learning perspective.
Stephen Mumberson: early printworks
Quality planning based on risk assessment.
Modeling of dynamic cutting force in high-speed dry gear based on multifactor coupling.
Developing a qualitative research culture in university psychology departments
Dynamic characteristics of a direct-drive air-bearing slide system with squeeze film damping.
Mothering on the margins of space: meanings of space in accounts of maternal experience
Role of the UN in the promotion and protection of human rights.
Investigation of research on P2P resource discovery for service-oriented computing.
From client-server to P2P networking
Self-adaptation and self-organization for search in social-like peer-to-peer networks
The effect of foreign affiliate employment on wages, employment, and the wage share in Austria.
Who are these people/Melancholia exists. [shown as part of Rugby's 2010 anniversary show].
Class in education: knowledge, pedagogy, subjectivity.
Revolutionizing pedagogy: education for social justice within and beyond global neo-liberalism.
Corporate governance and employees in South Africa.
Employee involvement in Ukrainian companies
Work-based projects: making the most of your expertise.
Planning and reviewing work based learning: a practical guide.
Work-based learning impact study
Sharing work based learning pedagogies across subject disciplines.
Service-level agreements for electronic services
Accessing social work education: barriers and triumphs.
Reading and spelling in different orthographies: an introduction and overview
Unimpaired reading development and dyslexia across different languages
Alcohol harm reduction in Europe.
The rise of obesity in transition: theory and empirical evidence from Russia.
The myth of creativity at work
The Basel Capital Accords: bringing development finance to the agenda.
Basel II implementation in low-income countries: challenges and effects on SME development.
Basel Rules in Brazil: what are the implications for development finance?
Life out of a box [part of 'Covered 2010' exhibition]
On the usefulness of anxiety: two evil media stratagems.
Introduction: why Basel II matters.
2000AD: understanding the 'British invasion' of American comics
Chinese older people in Haringey: meeting the needs of an ‘invisible’ community
Reviewing and investigating the use of co-axial rotor systems in small UAVs.
The patron saint of foreign girls.
The patron saint of remaindered books.
The patron saint of careless cyclists.
Developing a low-cost beer dispensing robotic system for the service industry
The cultural implications of biosemiotics
ByPasser [Commissioned by Dance Digital].
Nature and nurture: what do theory and research tell us?
Heineken bot [a robot installation presented at the Kinetic Art Fair 2010]
Chinese migrant worker representation and institutional change: social or centralist corporatism?
Market segmentation from a behavioral perspective
Substitutability and independence: matching analyses of brands and products
Biology's gift: interrogating the turn to affect
After the crash: reinventing the left in Britain.[E-book]
Collaborative knowledge construction with web video conferencing: a work based learning approach
Social care management, strategy and business planning.
Test and field applications of methods in the UK
The exfiltration process and the colmation layer
Current themes in social marketing research: text-mining the past five years.
Sediment impacts and exfiltration
Program logics for homogeneous meta-programming.
Comparative study of DSL tools.
Japantastic: Japanese-inspired patterns for British homes, 1880-1930
Sex offenders' use of the Internet.
Evaluating tourism community preferences
Emergence of best security systems for libraries: RFID
Web based Information Sources with Reference to Forensic Science
A drama project about older people’s intimacy and sexuality
Bony metastases from breast cancer: a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker.
Acceptance and usage of Web 2.0 services in libraries: a survey.
Privatizing international conflict: war as corporate crime.
Race, crime and criminal justice in Italy.
Stories about calculations: remembering Peter Landin.
Out and proud? Social work's relationship with lesbian and gay equality
Feral Glissando [sound performance part of Experimenting with geography conference]
Processing with cell assemblies
BA's culture of industrial relations
Corporate social responsibility: risk managing for value creation in the housing sector in the UK.
Hoop [sound performance in the exhibition RELLA].
Sick of London [part of 'Hot Plate' international show]
Iceberg, bread, tunny [part of from 'From floor to sky' exhibition]
Complementary and alternative medicine: shaping a marketing research agenda.
Why do students study abroad? Exploring motivations beyond earning academic credits
Supporting pedagogy and practice in early years settings
Il rapido progresso verso l’abolizione della pena di morte in Africa
Early assessment of the impact of BIS equity fund initiatives
Is there a debt finance gap relating to Scottish SMEs? A demand-side perspective
Armed struggle in Italy: the limits to criminology in the analysis of political violence
Commonwealth Professional Fellowship: the wealth of experience and lessons learned.
The opportunities and challenges of self, peer and group assessment.
Working in the community with young people who offend.
Using the patient experience to develop a model of care for breast cancer follow-up.
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies and early pregnancy loss.
Etchings of Stephen Mumberson 2004-2009.
Diversity in age: the challenges of reaching the ‘hard to reach'.
The challenge of mainstreaming ICT design for all.
Designing with older car drivers: seeking out aspirations and needs.
Web 2.0 for learning and teaching: the teachers’ tale.
The clinical structure of phobia: Lacan's reformulation of the variables and its treatment.
Attendance, employability and learning technologies: are we getting it right?
PosteMobile: delivering innovative mobile banking and commerce solutions.
Alterity and sensitivity: contours of the tutor in marketing ethics education.
Building materials: conceptualising materials via the architectural specification
Perceptions of the effectiveness of a global diversity network.
Understanding the sexual health information needs and preferences of “hard to reach” young people.
Endometriosis and cultural diversity: the experience of minority ethnic women.
Work-based learning at higher education level: value, practice and critique
Polish pupils in London schools: opportunities and challenges.
Is this collaborating? In search of an artistic attitude.
Becoming Polish In London: negotiating ethnicity through migration
Laser cutting for letterpress printing: new uses of materials and techniques.
Just in time: defining historical chronographics
Professional autonomy in 21st century healthcare: nurses’ accounts of clinical decision-making
Trajectories towards death: how people cope when they are dying.
Business practices within South Asian family and non-family firms: a comparative study
In the end there will be little else for us to do but shop.
Organized crime: between the informal and the formal economy.
Higher ambitions for fair access and work based learning.
Who corrupts whom? A criminal eco-system made in Italy.
Approaches to measuring the scale of the social enterprise sector in the UK
Enterprise resource planning systems implementation and upgrade (a Kenyan study)
The default retirement age: legitimate aims and disproportionate means.
The IMP contribution to understanding business with China.
Exploring systems interactions for building resilience within coastal environments and communities.
Cybersemiotics and human modelling
Organisational commitment and job satisfaction in higher educational institutions: the Kenyan case.
The determinants of the fixed and floating rate debt: a case for UK non-financial firms.
From Freud's unconscious to Lacan's subject: identification from Freud to Lacan via Conté.
Identifying success factors in urban surface BMP implementation: mission impossible?
Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities
A risk assessment approach for prioritising stormwater control strategies.
Exploring a new Markov chain model for multiqueue systems.
Providing security in 4G systems: unveiling the challenges
Bestiarium: one man show of sixty computer graphics works from the last ten years.
A Pong playing agent modelled with massively overlapping cell assemblies
The design-by-adaptation approach to universal access: learning from videogame technology
Towards an integrated network security framework using the Y-Comm architecture
Conscious community: belonging, identities and networks in local communities’ response to flooding.
A typology of multiple perpetrator rape
Between a rock and a hard place
A young bilingual child starting school: learning in an English nursery class.
Developing links between communities, schools and teacher training
Write strategies for multiterabit per square inch scanned-probe phase-change memories
The ERA: a brave new world of accountability for Australian University Accounting Schools.
Gaps in the US Safety Net: a challenge for the Obama Administration.
Social enterprise and ethnic minorities
Random coefficients models of arms imports
Using accounting history and Luca Pacioli to put relevance back into the teaching of double entry.
Clearing method in Shang Han Lun.
TCM treatment for peptic ulcer.
Children’s empowerment, play and informal learning in two after school provisions.
The future is in the post: perspectives on strategy in the postal industry.
Liberalising the accounting curriculum. (Editorial).
Criminology and crimes against the environment.
Green criminology and dirty collar crime.
Young workers and age discrimination.
Environmental scanning, perceived uncertainty and the interpretation of trends: an empirical study.
Luca Pacioli: the father of accounting education
Report on the TICER Summer School (26th to 30th July 2010)
Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law
Judicial activism and the crime of genocide
The ambitions and challenges of SROI.
Collective collaborations through telematics
Use of virtual reality environments to improve the learning of historical chronology.
Stephen Mumberson and Chris Pig: etchings and relief prints.
Doing business in China: is the importance of guanxi diminishing?
Key issues in marketing education: the marketing educators' view.
Marketing simulation games: student and lecturer perspectives.
Sense-making in visual analytics: processes and challenges
Electronic resource discovery systems: from user behaviour to design.
Conceptual misfits in email-based current awareness interaction
Discovering our own theories of project management.
I giovani lavatori e la discriminazione in base all'eta.
The LAS story: learning from failure.
The paradox of uncertainty: when less means more.
A framework for reasoning on component composition
Green IT principles in Cypriot organizations.
Organised behaviour and organised identity.
Biological function of the free β -subunit: expression and treatment target in cancer.
Critical issues in people resourcing (2): the dilemmas with outsourcing and offshoring
Greece: mind the gap: employee perspective.
Critical issues in human resource management
Does hCG or hCGß play a role in cancer cell biology?
Sparse kernel learning with LASSO and Bayesian inference algorithm
Towards healthcare based on ubiquitous computing
Evolutionary FCMAC-BYY applied to stream data analysis
Fuzzy CMAC with incremental Bayesian Ying–Yang learning and dynamic rule construction
Advanced Hough transform using a multilayer fractional Fourier method
Feature link propagation across variability representations with Isabelle/HOL
Investigating the use of unmanned plant machinery on construction sites
Development of a low-cost SLAM radar for applications in robotics.
On limiting cluster size distributions for processes of exceedances for stationary sequences.
Fiscal crisis in Europe or a crisis of distribution?
Service quality: mind the gap!
FDI and domestic investments in Germany: crowding in or out?
The Council of Europe resolution and recommendation on the protection of whistleblowers
The role of critical evaluation in finance: evidence from an MSc in finance programme
Cultural impacts on knowledge sharing: empirical data from EU project collaboration.
Performance modelling of virtualized servers.
Formalizing homogeneous language embeddings.
Advanced modelling made simple with the Gmodel metalanguage.
MobDSL: a domain specific language for multiple mobile platform deployment
Multiparadigm programming in industry: a discussion with Neal Ford and Brian Goetz.
Conclusions and recommendations for the study of employment relations and health inequalities.
Policies and interventions on employment relations and health inequalities.
Time to call it quits? The safety and health of older workers.
Managing occupational health and safety.
Inextinguishable fibres: demolition and the vital materialism of asbestos.
Follow-up research into mid-cap business having difficulty raising bank finance.
Seeing more than the graph: evaluation of multivariate graph visualization methods.
Investigating the perceptions of failure and success in information systems.
University challenge: learning to work with employer engagement
Visualisation of the complexome.
Genetic sequences: tracing the mutations of a disease.
Hospitalization records: characterization of pandemic spread.
Antiviral pandemic risk assessment for urban receiving waters.
Psychology in and out of the kitchen: smells, tastes and brains.
In times of crisis invest in maturity: results of an assessment in Iceland.
Using functional active objects to enforce privacy
Implementing privacy with Erlang active objects
Privacy by flexible parameterization with Erlang active objects.
A critical analysis of a goods and services tax in Hong Kong.
The adoption of western management methods by Chinese family and publicly listed companies in Asia.
Developing a recommendation for collection of municipal solid waste in Cyprus.
The use and meaning of all solutions (interest rates) to the time value of money equation.
Measurement error associated with the SAGIT/Squash computer tracking software.
Delay: notes on photography as non-representational thinking
The use of Zone 14 as a strategic attacking area in the English Championship
Virtually real: a psychological perspective on massively multiplayer online games.
The evolving role of the school library and information centre in education in digital Europe.
Detection of changes through visual alerts and comparisons using a multi-layered display.
Report of an evaluation of the community engagement programme
Report of an evaluation of partnership working for London Probation Trust
Delivering higher education to meet local needs in a developing context: the quality dilemmas?
Context-based authentication and transport of cultural assets.
An architectural framework for analyzing tradeoffs between software security and performance.
Distributed fault tolerant controllers
Distributed orchestration of pervasive services.
The making of a global movement: cycles of protest and scales of action
Persistant organic pollutants and pesticides.
A state machine-based approach for reliable adaptive distributed systems.
(Re)presentation of women in Indian accountancy bodies' websites.
Leveraging communities for sustainable innovation: a commentary.
Book review: Slawomir Magala, The management of meaning in organizations.
The impact of cross-cultural training for expatriates in a Chinese firm.
Influences on perceived career success: findings from US graduate business degree alumni.
Stopped, searched and (reasonably) suspicious: young people’s experiences of pro-active policing
Creating learning organizations in higher education: applying a systems perspective
Creating learning organizations: a systems perspective
The why, what, and how of reviewer education: a human capital approach
An agency theory perspective of the Israeli labor market segmentation: past, present, and future
Career transitions: an empirical examination of second career of military retirees
An evaluation of the NCY Trust teenage parenting project
Word and picture naming in adult dyslexia in a transparent orthography: evidence from Turkish.
The role of context on age of acquisition effects in visual word recognition: evidence from Turkish.
Strategic control and age of acquisition effects in visual word recognition.
Mathematics in different settings: plenary panel.
Gender differences in Polish citizens attitudes towards immigration to the UK.
Without fear or favour, prejudice of ill will: magistrates sentencing decisions
Supervision as oversight: a new era in the history of psychoanalytic practice and training?
Spelling transparency and its impact on short term memory: Evidence from Persian and English
An efficient signal detection algorithm for 3GPP LTE downlink.
Performance bounds for MMSE-based signal detection in LTE downlink
Network coding-based ARQ retransmission strategies for two-way wireless relay networks.
Virtual leadership: on becoming a real leader.
Survey of grid resource monitoring and prediction strategies.
Efficient identity-based broadcast encryption without random oracles.
Solving job shop scheduling problem using genetic algorithm with penalty function
Opening up critical spaces in an employer engagement discourse.
Constructing the professional doctorate: ‘what counts’ for academic advisers
Framework for intrusion detection in IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks
Measurement campaign on transmit delay diversity for mobile DVB-T/H systems
Cognitive mesh networks: cognitive radio over fiber for microcells applications
Towards ultra-high density scanning-probe memory using rewritable phase-change media
Phase-change technologies: from PCRAM to probe-storage to processors
Britain’s broken economy: and how to mend it.
A brief history of pension reform.
Ultra-high density scanning electrical probe phase-change memory for archival storage.
A critical assessment of human rights in English and Dutch prisons
Tangible and intangible capital and the pattern of specialization in the EU
The neuroscience of leadership
A review of motivation and management of helpline volunteers within charity A.
Maximising employer-responsive progression.
Ethnicity and alcohol: a review of the UK literature
The systemic impact of a consultant within an organisational field
Does HCG or HCG-beta play a role in breast cancer cell biology?
Parental order reporters' attitudes towards their role, surrogacy arrangements and UK legislation
Using content and text classification methods to characterize team performance
The challenges of teaching students how to work in global software teams
Strategies and guidelines for building effective distributed learning teams in higher education
Meaning in the media: discourse, controversy and debate
Balancing streaming and demand accesses in a network based storage environment.
Critical issues in employee relations (2): global unions
Endocul: endometriosis and cultural diversity: improving services for minority ethnic women.
Cross-cultural organizational psychology: an African perspective.
The Namesake: futures; futures studies; futurology; futuristic; foresight - what's in a name?
RFID Gesture Generating Robot [catalogue]
Textbook on immigration and asylum law. 4th ed.
Tame, messy and wicked risk leadership.
Software engineering systems as services using a business-focused service framework
"Journey." Arthur Green Shop. Hastings. Part of Coastal Currents. Visual Arts Festival.
Harnessing respect for developing an effective organizational culture.
Technology business incubators in China and in India: a comparative analysis.
Open-card sort to explain why low-literate users abandon their web searches early.
Dying for the cause: choreographing the myths of Ulrike Meinhof and Wolfgang Grams
SRA final report: evaluation: work based learning scheme pilot: cohort 1: 2008-2010
Global recession and the national system of innovation in China: ‘A Blessing in Disguise’?
The Middlesex University 'Africa Group' Showcase
A study of major determinants and hindrances of FDI inflow in Bangladesh.
Mediation role of boundary objects in articulating common information spaces.
3D path planning with novel multiple 2D layered approach for complex human-robot interaction
Heidegger: time, work and the challenges for higher education
Higher education quality and work-based learning: two concepts not yet fully integrated
Preparing students’ entry into the business world. The case of European University Cyprus
Online child sexual abuse by female offenders: an exploratory study
Understanding the perpetrators' online behaviour
Detection of changes through visual alerts and comparisons using a multi-layered display
Guilt, suffering and the psyche
A locally nameless theory of objects
Locally nameless sigma calculus
Formalizing statecharts using hierarchical automata
Radical future: politics for the next generation
Conversational spaces for learning and designing
The United Kingdom government's 'business case' approach to the regulation of retirement
Who would delay retirement? Typologies of older workers
Generation and performance of patient-specific forward models for breast imaging with EIT
Work based projects: what they are and how to do them
Factors predicting consumers’ knowledge of spirulina health benefits
Work based learning: learning for the student, the organisation and the HEI
Newly arrived migrant and refugee children in the British educational system
Engineering optimization: an introduction with metaheuristic applications
Engineering optimisation by cuckoo search
Multiplicative update rules for Multilinear Support Tensor Machines
Relative Margin Support Tensor Machines for gait and action recognition
Teleworking in the European Union
Distance constraint satisfaction problems
The complexity of positive first-order logic without equality II: the four-element case
On the scope of the universal-algebraic approach to constraint satisfaction
The limits of tractability in resolution-based propositional proof systems
The lattice structure of sets of surjective hyper-operations
Neuromorphic circuit implementation of isotropic sequence order learning
Spike timing dependent plasticity: a route to robustness in hardware and algorithms
If the term baroque did not exist would it be necessary to invent it? (with apologies to Voltaire)
Flood risk science and management
Beyond trauma: politicising the expository documentary
Music of language, language of music
Periodic scheduling for wireless mesh networks
Political participation and life satisfaction: a cross-European analysis
Culture and life satisfaction in developed and less developed nations
Sally Mann: the family and the land
Sweating method in Shang Han Lun
Self-harm in prisons: dominant models and (mis)understandings
‘Rethinking the missionary position’ – the quest for sustainable audience development strategies
Can young children recognize emotion in the human voice?
Discounting future pain: effects on self-reported pain
Personal identity: a theoretical and experimental analysis
Religious favoritism in Europe: a political competition model
The big carrot: high-stakes incentives revisited
Developments in the treatment for substance misuse offending
A curious chapter in the manual of animation: Stan VanDerBeek's animated spatial politics
Direct comparison of in vivo Achilles tendon moment arms obtained from ultrasound and MR scans
Luxurious dump: wasted buildings and the landscape of pure suspension
Flirting with re-enchantment: anima and objet a
Sensibilidad, resistencia y expresión del dolor: relación con la socialización del dolor
[Review of] "Tomorrow belongs to me": an image of the dangerous puer' by Bortz, Mark
Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems
Doing work based research: approaches to enquiry for insider research
Child victims of sexual abuse.
Neo-liberalism and the future of place marketing
Knowledge transfer and innovation among attractions
LETS as alternative, post-capitalist economic spaces? Learning lessons from the Totnes Acorn
Breaking new ground: relational mapping of the creative economy
Afuera! Art in Public Spaces - Gather: Justicia
Knowledge intensive entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: results of a firm level survey
Place marketing as politics: the limits of neo-liberalism
An entrepreneurial network evolving: patterns of change
Understanding individual membership at heritage sites
Contemporary issues in social, arts, museum and nonprofit marketing
Getting what you want: power increases the accessibility of active goals
Adopting consumer time and the marketing of higher education
Situating the female gaze: understanding (sex) tourism practices in Thailand
ENQUIRE: a (self-)reflexive journey
Analysis of polo-like kinase Cdc5 in the meiosis recombination checkpoint
Separation logic and concurrency
Semi-bipartite graph visualization for gene ontology networks
Recommending rides: psychometric profiling in the theme park
Inter-process buffers in separation logic with rely-guarantee
Does hCG or hCGβ play a role in cancer cell biology?
Euler graph transformations for Euler diagram layout
A qualitative investigation of employees' perceptions of the impact of work on health behaviours
Planning for peak oil: learning from Cuba's special period
What now for urban regeneration?
Creative spaces: the role of the underground and the prospect of lock-in in the creative industries
Colour space effect on tracking in video surveillance
Robotic system for transrectal biopsy of the prostate: real-time guidance under MRI
Parallel machine scheduling with s-precedence constraints [article]
Mechanical verification of cryptographic protocols
Mass function derivation and combination in multivariate data spaces
Survival of the fairest? Evolution and the geneticization of rights
Television, deregulation and the reshaping of leisure
Retracted: Being lucky and being deserving, and distribution
Health promotion for health practitioners
Fruits of Sorabji's Indian summer: ‘Il tessuto d'arabeschi’ and ‘Fantasiettina atematica’
Let's dance architecture: improvisation, technology and form
The cultural politics of celebrity
Making London’s modernity: capital, memory and nature
En foüllant à l’aveugle: discovering the Villa of the Papyri in the 18th century
Re-employment of older workers in Singapore: preliminary insights
The concept of non-international armed conflict in international humanitarian law
Babel's network narrative: packaging a globalized art cinema
A future museum of the present
Leadership from the bottom up: reinventing dementia care in residential and nursing home settings
Younger, paler, decidedly less straight: the new porn professionals
Dances and laments for violin & cello duo
Allan Kaprow's 18 happening in 6 parts
Tanz auf dem Vulkan (Dancing on a volcano)
The will of the many: how the alterglobalisation movement is changing the face of democracy [review]
The limits of community-based theatre: performance and HIV prevention in Tanzania
The effect of mesenchymal stromal cells on the osseoinduction of impaction grafts
Claims for a feminist politics in painting
Where angels fear to tread: the undergraduate research project
Young heterosexual men’s use of the miscommunication model in explaining acquaintance rape
Like love: part 1, part 2, part 3
Ethnic differences in housing opportunities in Athens
Women artists between the wars: a fair field and no favour
Neural correlates of automatic attention in touch: event related potentials and behavioural measures
On probation: Tracey Emin as sign
Muddy floods: challenges for the future
Copper binding regulates intracellular alpha-synuclein localisation, aggregation and toxicity
Iconicity and flagshipness of tourist attractions
The effect of reliability, content and timing of public announcements on asset trading behavior
Heterotopic erotic oases: the public nude beach experience
Gravikords and pyrophones: the reflexive piano
Analysis of an efficient rule-based motion planning system for simulating human crowds
The international political economy of work and employability
Context-aware adaptive applications: fault patterns and their automated identification
Update scheduling for improving consistency in distributed virtual environments
The complexity of the warranted formula problem in propositional argumentation
Firm friends: exploring the supportive components in gay men's workplace friendships
Towards a process theory of IT fashion entrepreneurship
Power-friendly access network selection strategy for heterogeneous wireless multimedia networks
Performance of an adaptive multimedia mechanism in a wireless multi-user environment
American pragmatism and feminism: fresh opportunities for sociological inquiry
Determinants of shareholder activism in emerging markets
Demonstrating cognitive packet network resilience to worm attacks
Competing meanings of the diaspora: the case of Zimbabweans in Britain
A drama project about older people's intimacy and sexuality
May's tensions today: France, then and now
Imagining home: diasporic landscapes of the Greek-German second generation
Variation in diagnostic criteria for developmental dysplasia of the hip among orthopaedic surgeons
Variation in diagnostic criteria for DDH among orthopaedic surgeons
A note on a priori estimations of classification circuit complexity
Uphill unfolding of native protein conformations in cubic lattices
Analysis of local search landscapes for k-SAT instances
Ranking of microRNA target prediction scores by Pareto front analysis
New events in historic venues: a case of London
The invisible expert practitioner: theorising performer expertise in contemporary performance-making
International political economy I : theory & history
Impact of information exchange on supply chain strategies
Conclusions: sovereignty, globalization and the future of international relations
International political economy, Part II: key factors and controversies
Intergovernemntal organisations
Development, poverty and inequality
User behaviour: searching for scholarly material using electronic resource discovery systems
The design and implementation of a workflow analysis tool
L'idraulico polacco torna a cassa? Migrazione e recessione nel Regno Unito
Legislation and policy: protecting young people, sentencing and managing Internet sex offenders
Islamic hospitality in the UAE: indigenization of products and human capital
The implications of migration for gender and care regimes in the South
Malaysian moslem mothers' experience of depression and service use
Depressed mothers and their children: attachment issues
Le esperienze di maltrattamento vissute dai fratelli: tra ambiente condiviso e non condiviso
Psychotherapists’ experience of power in the psychotherapy relationship
What cannot be said: speech and violence
The lifelong learning of older people using social care services: rhetoric and realities
Work based learners’ engagement with the university: an exploratory study
Brits behaving badly: template analysis of newspaper content
Everything looks beautiful in slow motion.
Cruise visitors’ experience in a Mediterranean port of call
Internet child abuse: current research and policy
The Society for the Study of Labour History, 1956–1985: its origins and its heyday
Knowing what students know: assessments of complex skills in global economy & fast changing world
An alternative characterization of weak order dependence
Britain: the Twentieth Century
Organized labour history in Britain
Histories of labour: national and international perspectives. Editors' introduction
Groupwork in practice: a work-based learning approach
Harnessing 3D applications for technology enhanced learning
Efficiency and environmental factors in investment banking
The stretch-shortening cycle: proposed mechanisms and methods for enhancements
Strong normalization for System F by HOAS on top of FOAS
Incremental pattern-based coinduction for process algebra and its Isabelle formalization
Developing a Bill of Rights for the UK
Opinion: a Bill of Rights for the UK? Why the process matters
The times they are not a changing: neoliberal interpellation, revisiting the Frankfurt school
The international protection against inhuman or degrading punishment
Responding to vulnerability: can state and corporation be business partners?
The Alcohol Concern SMART recovery pilot project: final evaluation report
Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems
Psychology and sport rehabilitation
Enquire - a (self) reflexive journey
Exopolymeric substances (EPS) from Bacillus subtilis: polymers and genes encoding their synthesis
A decentralised, measurement-based admission control mechanism for self-aware networks
A distributed admission control mechanism for multi-criteria QoS
The impact of gendered and racialised identities on the experience of discrimination
The complexity of the warranted formula problem in propositional argumentation
Argumentation about treatment efficacy
McGahey, Michael (Mick) (1925-1999)
Birch, Reginald (Reg) (1914-1994), Trade union leader Communist Maoist
Histories of labour: national and international perspectives
Global software development learning teams
Assessing exfiltration and infiltration on the performance of urban sewer systems
A self-paced online BCI for mobile robot control
Planar biped walking with an equilibrium point controller and state machines
Fundamental rights protection in the EU post Lisbon Treaty
La liberte d'expression: apercus de droit compare
Poverty alleviation in a changing policy and political context: the case of PRSPs in Latin America
Feminisation or de-feminisation? Gendered experiences of poverty post-disaster
Social vulnerability to natural hazards
Custom uncemented revision stems based on a femoral classification
Beyond borders: expanding the uses of work-based learning
Higher ambitions for the volunteer workforce, at V4V: academic credit for the volunteer workforce
Employer engagement, co-funding and the MODNet project
Using peer assessment to close the feedback gap
Using peer review as scaffolding for student learning across the social work qualifying curriculum
'Disrespectful foreign innovations': trouser tensions in the interwar years
Fashion media; yesterday, today, tomorrow. Pecha Kucha
The effect of exercise on plasma soluble IL-6 receptor concentration: a dichotomous response
How specific end users interpret HIV/AIDS biomedical knowledge
An evaluation of the Kensington and Chelsea sleep clinic pilot
Studies of calcium carbonate precipitation during bacillus subtilis biofilm formation.Â
Studies of calcium carbonate precipitation during bacillus subtilis biofilm formation
Contested constructions of professionalism within the nursery
Viscous victorians: Hammer, colour and realism
Social monitoring by reputation: how to compare humans and animals in an evolutionary framework?
Semantic network analysis of religious pamphlets
Evaluation of the independent practice placement facilitation project
The import of intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics in work performance
Benjamin Britten’s 'Pierrot' Ensembles
Meeting the challenges of financial education
Peter Fribbins: Chamber Music for Strings
Foreign ownership and firm performance: evidence from a panel study of EU firms in China
The contribution of tutor groups to social work education: an evaluative study
Workplace friendships between men: gay men's perspectives and experiences
[Entry in XIX International Festival of Humour and Satire Golden Helmet Krusevac Serbia]
Graph-theoretic conditions for injectivity of functions on rectangular domains
P-matrices and signed digraphs
Segmenting residents’ attitudes towards tourism in Cape Verde: a cluster analysis
Assessment for developing practice
First-time and recurrent inmates' experiences of imprisonment
Managing innovation in a publicly-funded organization: the innovator’s perspective
The hour of truth: accounting and auditing in (and of) psychoanalysis
Constructions of age identities in everyday conversations through painful self disclosures
Negotiating peer-group identities in the ‘‘periphery’’: the case of older women
Traveling eye: the elusive digital frame and the elasticity of time in art
Psychology and sports rehabilitation
For and against emerging markets
How to succeed in CFA level 1 exams [Guest comment]
Realising a Flemish government innovation information portal with business semantics management
CERIF: the common European research information format model
Technology-enhanced learning for social work education and practice
What's respect got to do with It?
Power can increase stereotyping: evidence from managers and subordinates in the hotel industry
Estimating elasticity of demand for tourism in Dubai
Extent of globalisation in MENA countries: an empirical analysis