Comparing conventional and distributed approaches to simulation in a complex supply-chain health system

Global unions, global business: global union federations and international business

Human resource management and performance in European firms

Editorial: Selected papers from ECCE 2007, the 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics

From darkness into light: Israeli graphic novels

Double trouble: interrogating masculinities in the work of Aszf and Tomer Hanuka

The pain of labour, a midwife's perspective

The politics of pubic hair

Advertising agency retention: Views from South African advertisers

A mobile social software application to support work based learning in social work

Exploring the potency of neural networks in analyzing cases of malaria occurrence in Africa

An alternative malaria control strategy for malaria research in Africa: an artificial neural network approach

Orthodoxy and heresy: the codification of Natural Movement

Building a computer-based expert system for malaria environmental diagnosis: an alternative malaria control strategy

Development and implementation of a bioinformatics online distance education learning tool in Africa

Digression and return: Aesthetics and politics in Agnès Varda’s Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse (2000)

Assessing UAE's oil dependence: an optimal control approach

Natural resource dependence: a macroeconometric model for the United Arab Emirates

Modeling the performance of children on the Attentional Network Test

Modelling the efficiencies and interactions of attentional networks

Computational modelling of deficits in attentional networks in mild traumatic brain injury: an application in neuropsychology

Prepared for practice? Exploring and evaluating the first six months of post-qualified practice in social work

User involvement in efforts to improve the quality of drug misuse services in England: a national survey

Dedicated personality disorder services: a qualitative analysis of service structure and treatment process

'They can't solve the problem without us': a qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives on user involvement in drug treatment services in England

'Zoo' - 5 solo exhibitions of photographic and moving image work and inclusion in 3 group exhibitions and 5 international film festivals

Simulating the effect of complex indoor environmental conditions on human thermal comfort

Professional practice in public health

Equality, equity, diversity and culture

Working out work: Integrated development practices in organizations

Relocating reflection in the context of practice

Re-making jobs: Enacting and learning work practices

Innovation and labour productivity in the Chinese manufacturing sector: an analysis based on firm panel data

Training sequence-based distributed space-time block codes with frequency domain equalization

Chondrocyte p21(WAF1/CIP1) expression is increased by dexamethasone but does not contribute to dexamethasone-induced growth retardation in vivo

Distinct microRNA alterations characterize high- and low-grade bladder cancer

Market institutions, trust and norms: exploring moral economies in Nigerian food systems

The dynamics of difference: making it work’ interprofessional learning

Childcare workforce reform in England and 'the early years professional': a critical discourse analysis

A work-based research assessment of the impact of lean manufacturing on health and safety education within an SME. Research in post-compulsory education

ERCC1 expression and RAD51B activity correlate with cell cycle response to platinum drug treatment not DNA repair

Citations, citations everywhere but did anyone read the paper? [Letter to the Editor]

A systematic review of genes involved in the inverse resistance relationship between cisplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy: role of BRCA1

Cultural representation for multi-culture interaction design

Are women expected to be more generous?

Introduction: what is sociosemiotics?

The sea and the land: biopower and visuality from slavery to Katrina

Chronic fluoxetine differentially modulates the hippocampal microtubular and serotonergic system in grouped and isolation reared rats

Dementia and dying: the need for a systematic policy approach

Diabetes dietary management alters responses to food pictures in brain regions associated with motivation and emotion: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Union decline, minority ethnic workers and employment advice in local communities

Interview with Mirjam Westen, curator of REBELLE: Kunst & Feminisme, 1969-2009

Designing sustainable cities

Active energy

Design of distributed space-time block code for two-relay system over frequency selective fading channels

Interfacing a dynamic interface paradigm for multiple target selection using a two class brain-computer interface

A novel paradigm for multiple target selection using a two class brain computer interface

Preserving the yeast proteome from sample degradation

A framework for evaluating the usability of mobile phones based on multi-level, hierarchical model of usability factors

An exploration of perceptions of learning and e-learning held by students who withdraw and those who persist with UK higher education

Panoptic visions of London: possessing the metropolis

Attitudes, attributes and institutions: determining job satisfaction in Central and Eastern Europe

Whose burden of proof? R v Chargot Limited (t/a Contracts Services)[2008] UKHL 73 (HL)

Drug consumption in London - A city of diverse and changing scenes

Nature moving naturally in succession: an exploration of Doris Humphrey’s Water Study with live performance

Firefly algorithms for multimodal optimization

Cuckoo search via Lévy flights

Nationalism and design at the end of empire: interior design and the ocean liner

Designing the modern interior: from the Victorians to today

Unsustainability: towards a new design history, with reference to British utility

Two more things for consideration: sexual orientation and conduct disorder

Changes in art: market forces or evolution? A response to Colin Martindale

Birthweight and paternal involvement predict early reproduction in British women: evidence from the National Child Development Study

The role of collaborative technologies as enablers for celebrating diversity

A grounded theory approach towards conceptualizing CIS for heterogeneous work communities

A new approach to estimation of non-isotropic scale factors for correction of MR distortion

Resource discovery using mobile agents

Evaluating cause and effect in user experience digital creativity

Not just for Christmas

Capital punishment and implementation of the safeguardsguaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing thedeath penalty. Report of the Secretary-General.

Converged digital TV services: the role of middleware and future directions of interactive television

New e-Learning system architecture based on knowledge engineering technology

Ubiquitous e-learning System for dynamic mini-courseware assembling and delivering to mobile terminals

Genocide in international law: the crime of crimes

What is genocide? What are the gaps in the convention?How to prevent genocide?

Low complexity SIC-based MIMO detection with list generation in the LR domain

An efficient space-time coding scheme using list-based decoding

SIC-based detection with list and lattice reduction for MIMO channels

High-rate groupwise STBC using low-complexity SIC based receiver

Moral economy and development economics: introduction

Introduction to the special issue on creative evaluation

Human supervision of automated systems and the implications of double loop learning

Exploring efficient imperative handover mechanisms for heterogeneous wireless networks

Daniel Defoe and business crime

Intersections: the utility of an assessment for learning discourse for design educators.


Constructing the reader’s perspective in V for vendetta

Mens sana in corpore sano (or, keep taking the tablets)

A formal analysis of requirements-based testing

An e-learning support toolkit for social work students on placement

A framework for testing SOA applications

Layered process models: analysis and implementation (using MDA principles)

On the evaluation of reference models for software engineering practice

Rational actors and paradigm warriors: revisiting and gendering social movement theories

Dependable dynamic service integration on service-oriented peer-to-peer networks.

Two worlds of drug consumption in late modern societies

Gendered migrations and the globalisation of social reproduction and care: new dialogues and directions

Can promoting patient decision making be exclusionary? Moral expectations and cultural difference in the narratives of UK maternity clinicians

Evidence, politics and power in public policy for the environment

Identifying information seeking behaviours of low andhigh literacy users: combined cognitive task analysis.

The challenges of work-based learning in the changing context of the european higher education area

MCMAS: a model checker for the verification of multi-agent systems

The effect of control system decisions on the cash flows in APVIOBPCS

A state-space representation of generalised order-up-to policies

Task based visualization of 5D brain EIT data

The co-design experience: conceptual models and design toolsfor mass customization

An acceptability predictor for websites

Beyond gesture, beyond pragmatism

Functional income distribution and aggregate demand in the Euro-area

Tackling concentrated worklessness: integrating governance and policy across and within spatial scales

Degradation of scrapie infected brain homogenateby a novel bacterial keratinase

Exploring the impact of national system of innovation on the outcomes of foreign direct investment.

The voice of experience: the unmet needs of older people in Barnet

Respect for cultural diversity in a global society: promoting international harmonious working relationships.

Binge drinking: a confused concept and its contemporary history

A multi-criteria approach for assessing options to remediate arsenic in drinking water

Bounds of optimal learning

Cultural diversity in broadcasting.

Chameleon Net

Organisational capital and competence building

Framework for the implementation of urban big screens in the public space.

Are voters, consumers? A qualitative exploration of the voter-consumer analogy in political marketing

Equality: a fundamental right in the European Union?

Student beliefs and attitudes about authorial identity in academic writing

Interface familiarity restores active advantage in a virtual exploration and reconstruction task in children.

Improving leadership in Higher Education institutions: a distributed perspective

Increasing the trafficability of unmanned ground vehicles through intelligent morphing

Using acoustic sensor technologies to create a more terrain capable unmanned ground vehicle

Development of a novel platform for greater situational awareness in the urban military terrain

Quantities, quality, costs and sources.

Governance and the London Metropolitan Police Service.

Constructed wetland control of BOD levels in airport runoff

Effects of temperature on metal tolerance and the accumulation of Zn and Pb by metal-tolerant fungi isolated from urban runoff treatment wetlands

Evaluating choice in universal access: an HCI example from rehabilitation robotics

Gender equality and the Pensions Acts 2007-2008

Beyond corporate social responsibility: oil multinationals and social challenges

The crisis of Social Democratic trade unionism in Western Europe: the search for alternatives

German employers' inputs to employee skills development

Varieties of firm: complementarity and bounded diversity

Performing leadership: towards a new research agenda in leadership studies?

How UK companies use their codes of ethics: Highlights of the 2007 Institute of Business Ethics Survey.

Instrument, what do you want of us?

Cell cycle alterations and their relationship to proliferation in apocrine adenosis of the breast

The tragedy of the commons revisited: the importance of group decision-making

The electroacoustic music of Henri Pousseur and the open form


Dialogue, Stravinsky, distraction

Developing innovative practice in service industries

Portugal: the economy.

Articulating the learning from part time work

City-regions: new geographies of uneven development and inequality.

Comparing the perspicacity, appropriateness and preference of web browser icons with Chinese users

Learning agreements and work-based higher education

Global finance after the credit crisis.

Odd times.

Global finance and social Europe.

Work, family and organisations in transition: a European perspective

Post-fordist work: a man's world? Gender and working overtime in the Netherlands

Co-production and health system reform - from re-imagining to re-making

HRM and the employment of older workers: Germany and Britain compared

The IFIs and labour reform in post communist economies.

The MDGs and international human rights law: a view from the perspective of minorities and vulnerable groups

R&D: knowledge spillovers and companies' productivity performance

Trust, employer exposure and the employment relation

European Union law.

Hanging God at Auschwitz: the necessity of a solitary encounter with the other as the genesis of Levinasian ethics.

Essentials of employment law

Corporate Governance in western (Anglo American) and Islamic communities: prospects for convergence?

The legal structuring of women's collective voice in the South Korean workplace


Advances in extreme value theory with applications to finance.

Unmanned aerial vehicle comprising a triangular array of rotors.

Salient inferences: pragmatics and the inheritors

Linguistics in schools.



Ambiguity and vagueness

What have you done with the scissors: exploring inferences in literary texts

The inter-galactic playground: a critical study of children's and teens' science fiction.

On Joanna Russ.

A short history of fantasy

Cognitive learning approaches to the design of accessible e-learning systems.

User modelling & monitoring

Managing change in educational organizations: managing and leading higher education in an era of change in Greece. Case study: University of Indianapolis, Athens.

Cinema on the pulse: the 52nd London film festival

Bodily traces in digital encounters: materializing virtualities for the political documentary

Women on the edge: twelve political film practices

The will of the people: notes towards a dialectical voluntarism

Molecular cell biology and genetic disorders

The impact of ownership structure on firm innovation performance in China: evidence from EU firms

Negotiating learning with SME managers

The quiet revolution: developments in Europe

The dynamics of service of higher education: a comparative study

Developing work based learning at doctoral level

Getting started with university-level work based learning

Marketing higher education: theory and practice

An exploratory use of the stakeholder approach to defining and measuring quality: the case of a Cypriot Higher Education Institution

Adopting consumer time: the dangers for higher education

Quality in work based studies not lost, merely undiscovered

Gratitude in workplace research: a Rossian approach

Leading change in higher education

Scientific publishing in Armenia

Prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity resolution using semantic hierarchies

Minority rights in the Pacific region: a comparative legal analysis

The end of the liberal state and the first terrorist

Alterations of the cell cycle regulators cyclin D1, cyclin A, p27, p21, p16, and pRb in apocrine metaplasia of the breast

Contributing to the intellectual capital of organisation

Local area agreements and local economic development

Female delinquency in secondary schools: trauma and depression precipitating female delinquency and the role of ethnic identity in Cyprus.

Enhancing quality assurance

Alternative approaches to capacity building: practices in the public and private sector.

Evaluation of the Turkish accession to the European Union, the structural changes and EU cohesion.

Developing New Masters Program on Library and information science for the LIS faculties of Armenia, Georgia and Uzbekistan

The applicability of measures of socioeconomic position to different ethnic groups within the UK

The focus on crime and coercion in UK drugs policy

Mentally disordered offenders in England and Wales and the parole process.

Co-located sharing photo behaviour using camera phones

Library automation in developing countries: the last 25 years

London’s Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging

Transnational crime and global illicit economies

Criminalizing war: criminology as ceasefire

TEMPUS Visit Report - Nazlin Bhimani

Probation and offender management.

The sublime in the work of Cornelia Parker

The sublime now

Antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter species isolated from edible bivalve molluscs purchased from Bangkok markets, Thailand

Age discrimination, redundancy payments and length of service

Dyslexia: a beginner’s guide

A singularity in the skies.

Bullwhip and backlash in supply pipelines.

Development of a co-axial tri-rotor UAV.

Chinese users’ preference for web browser icons.

Testing of a novel web browser interface for the Chinese market

Photoluminescence characteristics of ZnO doped with Eu3+ powders

Development of a climbing robot platform to provide temporary surveillance in urban environments

The global campus project: using e-learning to extend access to new polpulations of students.

BPMN, toolsets, and methodology: a case study of business process management in higher education

Sewer exfiltration and the colmation layer

X-ray specs, stickers and colouring in: seeing beyond the configurator using design probes

Behaviour of water framework directive priority substances in stormwater and greywater treatment systems.

Partitioning of European water framework directive priority substances in greywater treatment systems and implications for sludge management.

Development of a database to support the assessment of potential source control and treatment options for priority pollutants.

The fate and behaviour of priority pollutants in end-of-pipe wastewater treatment plants.

Characterization of bacterial proteases with a panel of fluorescent peptide substrates

The xenobiotic impact of sedimentary metals in an urban river

Implications of greywater treatment and recycling for municipal wastewater flows and pollutant loads.

Clinical and endocrinological changes after electro-acupuncture treatment in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee

Capillary electrophoresis of human follicular fluid

Corporate social responsibility in the oil and gas sector

Psychic distance, its impact and coping modes: interpretations of SME decision makers.

Expressing emotion through body movement: a component process approach

Inclusive Practice: researching the relationships between dyslexia, personality, and art students’ drawing ability.

Dopamine release in the human striatum: motor and cognitive tasks revisited

YouTube, the internet and IACCP: assessing the technology opportunities and challenges of cross-cultural psychology.


Evaluating the impact of human rights litigation on policy and practice: a case study of the UK

An event-related potential study of cross-modal morphological and phonological priming

Educational drama: a tool for promoting marketing learning?

Marketing: an introduction

Productivity and trade orientation in UK manufacturing

The EU race directive: developing the protection against racial discrimination within the EU.

School bans on the wearing of religious symbols: examining the implications of recent case law from the UK.

Signs of life, signs of the times: and if all artists are semioticians?

Culture and society, then and now

Expert-intuitive processing and the logics of production: struggles in (the wording of) creative decision: making in dance

Is infant initiation of joint attention by pointing affected by type of interaction?

Disclosing donor information: a new code of silence?

Attitudes and intentions towards volunteer oocyte donation

Systematic review of oocyte donation: investigating attitudes, motivations and experiences

Employee views of ethics at work: The 2008 national survey.

Collecting experiences

CDS/ISIS information [2009]

A Report on Commonwealth Professional Fellowship – 2008: A programme for advanced and continuous learning, Sustainable professional development

The development of brand attitudes among young consumers in Cyprus

Customer value elasticity, equi-value curves and value vectors: implications for customer behaviour and strategic marketing.

Developing a taxonomy for strategising in industrial networks

Using simulation games in the marketing curriculum.

How well does GLOBE predict values in advertising? A content analysis of print advertising from the UK, Ireland, Poland amd Hungary.

Key account management in an emerging economy: a case study approach

Using case studies in university-level marketing education

Transferring Western HRM practices to developing countries: the case of a privatised utility in Jordan

Relational factors in UK-Chinese international joint ventures

ERP implementations and their impact upon management accountants

Mind, brain and education in reading disorders.

Moulding the migrant family

The points based system: a blunt instrument?

The social context of postmodern pet research: a review and framework for the future.

The future of clothing functionality : nature as a paradigm

Biomimetics and the design of outdoor clothing.

Performance measurement design within its organisational context: evidence from China

Do fishermen have different attitudes toward risk? An application of prospect theory to the study of Vietnamese fishermen

Choice of remuneration regime in fisheries: the case of Hawaii’s longline fisheries

Outsider missing link or panacea? Some Reflections about the place of social enterprise (with)in and in relation to the Third Sector.

Self-deception and the therapist: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences and understandings of therapists working with clients they describe as self-deceptive.

Self-deception and the therapist: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences and understandings of therapists working with clients they describe as self-deceptive.

Therapeutic encounters at a Muslim shrine in Pakistan: an ethnographic study of understandings and explanations of ill health and help-seeking among attenders.

Age discrimination, sexual orientation and gender identity: UK/US perspectives

Exogenous TERC alone can enhance proliferative potential, telomerase activity and telomere length in lymphocytes from dyskeratosis congenita patients

The estimation of quantitative ranges of invariance in visual perception

Rights and change and the psychology of women. (conference report).

Justice and care: theorising the 'new man' and the 'caring father.'

Health and safety of vulnerable workers in a changing world of work.

Promoting partnership working for undergraduate students

Research priorities in haemato-oncology nursing: results of a literature review and a Delphi study

Speculative experience and history: Walter Benjamin’s Goethean Kantianism.


Globalising Academic Libraries: Vision 2020 International Conference on Academic Libraries, Delhi University, 5–8 October 2009

Implementing a clinical academic career pathway in nursing: criteria for success and challenges ahead

Humanism and its critiques in nursing research literature

Working with communities: a feature of multi-component programmes to tackle alcohol and drug-related harm

Reasons renal patients give for deciding not to dialyze: a prospective qualitative interview study.

Indeterminacy and technicality revisited: how medicine and nursing have responded to the evidence based movement

The effect of hypnosis on pain relief during labor and childbirth in Iranian pregnant women

The association between dividend payout and outside directorships

Dividend behaviour and smoothing: evidence from Jordanian panel data

Family strategies and transnational migration: recent Polish migrants in London

Layers of vulnerability in occupational safety and health for migrant workers: case studies from Canada and the UK

High dependency nursing care: observation, intervention and support for level 2 patients

Twenty-four hour care: implications for the role and developmental needs of nurses in acute and community settings.

Changed men: the embodied impact of prostate cancer

From UNCAGED to Cyber-Spatialism.

The relative risk perception of travel hazards.

Do you know what I mean? The use of a pluralistic narrative analysis approach in the interpretation of an interview

Using Q method in qualitative research

Alcohol and the self: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of addiction and its impact on the sense of self and identity.

Psychoanalysis, fascism and fundamentalism

The enforceability of environmental rights as human rights: a tale of two countries.

The prospects for corporate governance operating as a vehicle for social change in South Africa

New and emerging tomographic imaging techniques in medical and industrial applications. Introduction

Visualization of multidimensional and multimodal tomographic medical imaging data, a case study

Comparison of a new integrated current source with the modified Howland circuit for EIT applications

A study of the effect of message framing on oocyte donation

I feel like they were mine and I should be looking after them: an exploration of non-patient women's attitudes towards oocyte donation

Examing the academic/commercial divide in marketing research

Networking health research networks in Britain: the post-war childhood leukaemia trials

The Licensing Act 2003: a step in the right direction?

From ergonomics to energetics: alongside the interpretation of music.

Population ageing in Bangladesh: trends and challenges.

An evaluation of a groupwork intervention for teenage mothers and their families

Families and schools together: an experimental study of multi-family support groups for children at risk

Practice, sexuality and gender - intersections in social work (Editorial)

What is the impact of public care on children's welfare? A review of research findings from England and Wales and their policy implications.

How women use family networks to facilitate migration: a comparative study of Irish and Polish women in Britain

The wandering weekday effect in major stock markets

On the efficiency of the Trimean and Q123.

HCI and the older population

Future ageing in Southeast Asia: demographic trends, human capital and health status.

Beyond the wall lies the ocean [and] Bussard Ramjet

On liberty and crime: Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill

Illegal activity and migrant acculturation in Italy

Investigating the use of the coanda effect to create novel unmanned aerial vehicles.

Reconfigurable unmanned aerial vehicles.

Damien Hirst's diamond skull and the capitalist sublime

Investigating the mobility of unmanned ground vehicles.

The future of battlefield micro air vehicle systems.

Cycle of abuse

Bacterial keratinase: prospects for prion degradation.

Radical consumption: shopping for change in contemporary culture

The political subjectivity of animals.

Promotion of e-resources in developing countries: a case study

Engendering disasters: feminization of response or a feminization of responsibility?

Epilogue [in "Recorded music: performance, culture & technology"]

Gender perspectives on disaster reconstruction in Nicaragua: reconstructing roles and relations?

A prospective investigation of the predictors of intervention effects of the NHS smoking cessation programme.

ESCAPE trial: characteristics of smokers prompted to change their behaviour after receiving tailored feedback reports.

Pi syndrome in "Shanghan Lun"

Web services discovery with rough sets.

A grouped P2P network for scalable grid information services.

Governing the skills agenda: insights from the Sheffield city-region

Mapping the regional social enterprise sector: past approaches, challenges and future direction

A human domain antibody and Lewisb glycoconjugate that inhibit binding of helicobacter pylori to Lewisb receptor and adhesion to human gastric epithelium

Age and gender differences in grandchildren's relations with their maternal grandfathers and grandfathers

The time has come for a new socialism.

Building the future politics on our toxic present.

Capitalism and ethical life.

Return to society.

Equality in the UK.

Health behaviours among older and younger workers with chronic illness

Determinants of self appraisal of health status among older adults in Malaysia and Singapore: findings from the future of retirement survey 2007

Protecting whistleblowers in Norway and the UK: a case of mix and match?

The law and practice of whistleblowing in the UK.

Management and leadership: from strategy to service delivery.

Management and organisations in social work.

The university, industry: government relationship of technological innovator networks in different national innovation systems: a comparative case study.

Greece: statistical profile

Creative writing research degrees: range and rigour.

Building technological-innovation-based strategic capabilities at firm level in China: a dynamic resource-based-view case study

Art and technology for health

Mapping the unseen: making sense of the subjective image.

Analysis and evaluation on acupuncture treatment of cervical pains in the UK: a study of 74 cases.

Exploring standardisation and knowledge networking processes in transnational human resource management.

The National technology system framework: Sanjaya Lall’s contribution to appreciative theory.

The effects of burnout and supervisory social support on the relationship between work-family conflict and intention to leave: a study of Australian cancer workers.

Recent Polish migrants in London: accessing and participating in social networks across borders

Theory and application of learning cycles and learning styles in education of traditional Chinese medicine.

Standardising the design of educational computer reading programs for children

Competitiveness productivity and trade: with special reference to Greece.

Analyzing advergames: active diversions or actually deception. An exploratory study of online advergames content.

The designers behind the style.

Creative information seeking-research and artistic ability: the divine connection (part1)

Collective narcissism and its social consequences.

Fostering and adoption.


Chronological (machine).

Does Greece learn from Germany, technological catch-up and the channels of productivity growth in the Greek manufacturing sector.

SMEs in a low carbon economy: final report for BERR enterprise directorate.

National and sectoral influences on wage determination in Central and Eastern Europe.

Wage share, globalization, and crisis: the case of manufacturing industry in Korea, Mexico, and Turkey.

Development of a design probe to reveal customer touch points in the sale of mass customised products

A psycholinguistic model of natural language parsing implemented in simulated neurons

Variable binding by synaptic strength change

Dynamic linkages between mental models, resource constraints and differential performance: A resource-based analysis.

Prosecutions as a post conflict justice tool

L’exceptionnalisme américain et les Nations Unies: le cas de la peine de mort.

Intentional Communities and Care-giving: Co-Housing Possibilities.

Knowledge communication and translation.

The Millennium Development Goals and the human rights based approach: reflecting on structural chasms with the United Nations system.

Damien Hirst and the legacy of the sublime in contemporary art and culture

Reforming the UN human rights protection procedures: a legal perspective on the establishment of the Universal Periodic Review mechanism

Macroeconomic policy, stimuli, aid and budgeting: what options?

The effect of trade and FDI on employment in Central and Eastern European countries: a country-specific panel data analysis for the manufacturing industry

Labor market adjustment and unemployment in the post-crisis era.

A crisis of distribution

Lower bounds to the accuracy of sample maximum estimation.


Modernisms and mediations.

Starting up all over again: time and existence in some Conceptual Art of the 1960s.

Applying Best Practice in Accessibility and Design in the Real World.

Bridging the gap between young designers and older users.

Design For All for eInclusion.

Design For All @ eInclusion: Best Practice In Education And Training.

Power relation and its impact on innovative practice decisions in healthcare infrastructure project organisation.

The missing link? Design for all elements in ICT education fostering e-inclusion.

Improving ICT accessibility using standards and legislation.

Design for all as focus in European ICT teaching and training activities.

Skilled female labour migration.

The implications of migration for gender and care regimes in the south.

The anarchy of responsibility: alterity as a vehicle for self-representation (an ethical obligation demanded or owed).

6th Novosibirsk International Biennial of Contemporary Graphic Art 2009 Russia-selector British section and exhibitor

Beyond the picturesque.

Using developmental trajectories to understand genetic disorders.

Development of holistic face recognition in children with Autism, Down syndrome and Williams syndrome.

Commodification of public services, productivity and employment.

Re-imagining two Koreas as one nation: heritage tourism experiences of Changdeok Palace, South Korea.

Heritage, tourism and national identity: an ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace, Korea.

Flood risk management and planning policy in a time of policy transition: the case of the Wapshott Road Planning Inquiry, Surrey, England.


Quality of work and employment, industrial relations and restructuring in Turkey.

Privatisation of public services and the impact on employment and productivity.

Moving tales, exploring narrative strategies for scalable locative audio drama.

Men, women and disasters: masculinities v femininisation

For the love of chocolate.

Social cognition and attitudes

Interpersonal and group processes


‘Reverting to Type: A meditation on change’.

Family migration in Europe: policies vs. reality

Adoption of web based collaboration tools in the enterprise: challenges and opportunities.

Migrant and minority women, inequalities and discrimination in the labour market.

Formalisms for the verification of parallel/distributed systems.

Ethical marketing of higher education: what might be done to encourage its adoption?

Implementation of ethical higher education marketing.

A Rresponse to 'Gibbs and the problems of satisfaction and well-being'.

An uncertainty index to measure the feasibility of whole life costing approach in flood risk management.

Abstract images: sign, image and aesthetic in Gerhard Richter’s painting

Dynamics of collaborative work in global software development environment.

Exploring collaboration patterns among global software development teams.

Interaction patterns among global software development learning teams.

Structural factors that affect global software development learning team performance

Global teams: futuristic models of collaborative work for today's software development industry.

A suggested framework for assessing electronic government readiness in Egypt.

A model of probability matching in a two-choice task based on stochastic control of learning in neural cell-assemblies.

Participatory pattern in asynchronous discussion forum: a cross-cultural perspective.

Reciprocal imprinting of human GRB10 in placental trophoblast and brain: evolutionary conservation of reversed allelic expression

Behaviour characteristics: low and high literacy users information seeking on social service websites.

Overview of behaviour characteristics of high and low literacy users: information seeking of an online social service system

D6.3b Evaluation of syllabi with members of EDeAN and other interested parties. IST CA 0033838 Design for All for eInclusion.

D6.4a Report on the possibility of accreditation of DfA Inclusion and dissemination of information from WP6: IST CA 0033838 Design for All for eInclusion.

D6.4b: Review of WP6 training activities: IST CA 0033838 design for all for eInclusion.

Dancing still: interpreting visual archives in dance.

Equality implications of the points based system.

At the heart of the home: an animal reading of Mikhail Bulgakov's the heart of a dog.

Sexual maltreatment of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors from the Horn of Africa: a mixed method study focusing on vulnerability and prevention

Understanding and enhancing the public's behavioural response to flood warning information.

Strategic coastal flood-risk management in practice: Actors’ perspectives on the integration of flood risk management in London and the Thames Estuary.

Foreign currency derivatives versus foreign currency debt and the hedging premium

Constructing the natural: British theatre dance in the early 20th century.

Tidal protection barrier for Sutton Saltmarsh.

The bigger picture.

Towards a theory of quality nursing care for patients with cancer through hermeneutic phenomenology

Enhancing the cultural competence of healthcare professionals through an online course.

The Dyslexia handbook 2009/10.

Thinking care through reproduction.

Family migration in Europe: policies vs. reality.

Exploring intersectionality: age and gender in immigration policies.

Gender, migration and globalisation: some feminist reflections.

Revisiting elections in Africa.

Standards setters and public risk.

Insurers and public risk.

Judges, courts, the legal profession and public risk.

Experts and public risk.

Modelling and simulation of network enabled capability on service-oriented architecture.

Efficient and scalable search on scale-free P2P networks.

Efficient resource discovery in self-organized unstructured peer-to-peer networks.

Isis: protecting children in online social networks

Reshaping dance through time: a critical appraisal of periodisation in relation to pedagogy and research.

Why we kill: understanding violence across cultures and disciplines

Images of recovery from addiction: using participants’ drawings in qualitative research on addiction and recovery.

A tidal barrier for Sutton Saltmarsh on the River Deben in Suffolk.

Combining technical and user knowledge in the curriculum.

Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa.

Measuring the value of social and community impact.

The impact of personal psychotherapy and supervision on volunteer counsellors.

A methodology for performance measurement and assessment of bench-top precision machine tools.

Change blindness and situation awareness in a police C2 environment.

Design of precision machines.

Design of a 5-Axis ultraprecision micro milling machine – UltraMill: Part 2: Integrated dynamic modelling, design optimization and analysis.

Fiction, 1926-1949.

War and vision: the moment of Henry V

A sceptical critic.

Strange encounter: post-war British cinema.

Muslim youth in Barnet: exploring identity, citizenship and belonging

A national mapping of services to older people provided by Catholic organisation

The EU, torture secrets and dealing with the truth.

An overview of human rights instruments to raise concerns about trade and investment polices.

Viewing a/new: the landscape of dance in 2009.

Collaborative ethics in practice-as-research

River Entries [exhibited at "No Mans Land" exhibition].

Formalism for high level specification of parallel/distributed languages.

An artificial neural network that recognizes an ordered set of words in text mining

Ivan Vladislavic and the possible city.

Land and nationalism in fictions from Southern Africa

A death foretold similarities between law and literature.

An image of romanticism – fragment and project: from Schlegel's 'Athenaeum Fragments' to LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art'.

A scenario-based architecture evaluation framework for network enabled capability.

Small world architecture for building effective virtual organizations.

Delivering sustainable capability on evolutionary service-oriented architecture.

Evolution of social models in peer-to-peer networking: towards self-organising networks.

Horrific subjects: transgression and alienation in Michael Haneke’s 'Funny Games' and Gaspar Noe’s 'Irreversible'

Guilty pleasures: media effects and technologies of the self

Disciplining the spectator: the subjectification of film regulation.

Heuristic standards for universal design in the face of technological diversity.

The potential of the BCI for accessible and smart e-learning

The role of art practice within VivaCity2020

Professional lives under review: overseas trained teachers (OTTs) in secondary education in London

Reconstructing teacher identities: shock, turbulence, resistance and adaptation in Caribbean teacher migration to England

Citizenship education

Developing primary student teachers’ understanding and confidence in teaching religious education.

Wreaking havoc: on forgetting the poetry in the prose.

Developing practice-near social work research to explore the emotional words of severely learning disabled adolescents in 'transition' and their families.

Memory of a specific place in Rome.

Contesting neoliberal education: public resistance and collective advance.

Equality in the primary school: promoting good practice across the curriculum

Working in the community with young people who offend

Neoliberalization and managerialization of 'education' in England and Wales: a case for reconstructing education

Race and class in Britain: a critique of the statistical basis for critical race theory in Britain: and some political implications

Questioning inclusion: the education of Roma/traveller students and young people in Europe and England: a critical examination.

Self management of health-behaviors among older and younger workers with chronic illness

What is translation competence?

Angela Carter’s the bloody chamber and the gothic

From exceptionalism to social ecology in southern Africa: isolation, intimacy and environment in Nadine Gordimer’s Get a life

The developing world and state education: neoliberal depredation and egalitarian alternatives.

Does capitalism inevitably increase education inequality?

Theorising politics and the curriculum: understanding and addressing inequalities through critical pedagogy and critical policy analysis

Going public with politics: fighting back against the pedagogies of neoliberalism.

Statistical skullduggery in the case for critical race theory: how statistical tables comparing 'race' and class underachievement have been fiddled to prove CRT's point in England

The national faces of neoliberalism in education in rich and developing countries.

Neo-liberalism and managerialisation of education in England and Wales and its impacts on equality,education,workers’ rights and conditions,critical thought and democracy.

Does `Race’ really `trump’ social class in educational (under)achievement? Statistical skullduggery in the case for critical race theory?

Education based meritocracy: towards a critique of post-war liberal democracy’s most popular myth.

Education for all, social mobility for the few and meritocracy for none: conceptualizing and explaining the failure of education to promote social mobility in Greece.

The core components: teaching, learning and assessing.

Using work based learning in the school of health and social science.

The development and implementation of work based learning at Middlesex University.

Personal social and health education.

Sex and relationships education

Voices in the singular plural: Palestine c/o Venice and the intellectual under siege.

The other story and the past imperfect.

So different... and yet.

Identifying personal data using relational database design principles

Improved qualifications and career opportunities of early years practitioners.

Investigating the legal protection of data, information and knowledge under the EU data protection regime

Analysis of empirical data from European countries.

The use of EIT in the detection of regional lung dysfunction in prematurely born neonates.

Electrochemical impedance detection of hCGbeta: preliminary results and analysis in the development of lab on a chip technology.

Green criminology, environmental security and organised / white collar crime: the case of Naples and some proposals for the policy and research agendas.

Hulsman’s abolitionism: between social christianity and anarchism.

Report on research leading to an options appraisal and feasibility study for the establishment of an all-Wales Workforce Development Centre.

Environmental justice, civil society and industrial risks: unveiling Durban's (not so) Holy Grail, South Africa.

Go gentle into that last fight.

Electric field characteristics of bipolar impedance sensors.

A high output impedance current source for wideband bioimpedance measurements.

PDVer, a tool to verify PDDL planning domains.

The Anonymous subgraph problem.

Combinatorial optimization based recommender systems.

A model to design and verify context-aware adaptive service composition.

Risk and uncertainty in innovation activities.

Perceived industry change, opportunities, threats and environmental uncertainty among African postal regulators: an exploratory study.

Work-based learning models and pedagogies: using work-based learning across subject disciplines.

The difference women make: a critique of the notion of a 'women's style' of speech in political contexts

Electronic medical records: addressing privacy & security concerns in the UK and US

What is translational competence?

Developing interprofessional learning opportunities for social work, midwifery and early years.


Interprofessional learning using role play: engaging early years students and medical students, midwifery & social work students.

Between past, present and future – implications of socio-demographic changes in tourism.

On canvas: letterpress print proves popular at London Fashion Week

Prudential norms for the financial sector: is development a missing dimension? The cases of Brazil and India.

Exploring the process of organizational interpretation and perceived environmental uncertainty.

The changing face of letterpress.


Keeping your balance, creative writing and part-time teaching.

Frogs and newts revisited: a case study of peer assessment.

ParaSites @ Avicenne.

Cultural models of intimate life in contemporary urban Mexico: a review of self-help texts.

Modernity with limits: The narrative construction of intimacies, sex and social change in Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez’s Juventud en Éxtasis.

The past is our culture remember the future [part of The Al-Mutanabbi Street Broadside Project Exhibition].

A mercurial desire [Part of 'Covered 2009' exhibition

Towards an evil media studies.

The naming of things.

The millenial generation and politics.

Revenue management: the impact on business-to-business relationships

Young homeless refugees in London: an exploratory research

The equality implications of being a migrant in Britain.

The changing Chinese community in London: new migration, new needs.

Using Web2.0 technology in work based learning

Olympic City: what does it mean for Beijing’s destination image?



Hindu temple, Neasden.

A progress.

Top of the Empire State.



The music of front doors.

This circus.



Crane driver.


Clock shop.

Chocolate psychology: what science tells us about its effect on behaviour.

Psychology: the science of behavior.

Foreword [to Special issue on 'Psychoanalysis, fascism, fundamentalism']

The contribution of a Foucauldian approach to theorising everyday learning at work.

Dyslexia and visuospatial ability: is there a causal link?

A new definition of dyslexia.

Recent developments in dyslexia.

Social work with drug and substance misusers.

The global studio: linking research, teaching and learning.

Making the Global Studio sustainable: project update.

Analysing assessment practice: how useful is the summative/formative divide as a tool?

Meeting the needs of young people with cancer: a lesson in change.

Monitoring, modelling and mapping.

Environment, pollution and effects.

The effects of air pollution on cultural heritage.

What shapes public opinion of the criminal justice system?

Private dancer

Learning through work in health and social sciences.

Work based learning: journeys to the core of higher education

Pluralism in qualitative research: a report of the work of the PQR project. [research notes]

A MOP based DSL for testing Java programs using OCL.

Knowledge industry survival strategy (KISS): fundamental principles and interoperability requirements for domain specific modeling languages.

The conveyor belt of criminal justice: the Sonnex case, risk, and de-skilling in probation. Wendy Fitzgibbon explores recent high profile probation cases.

Effect of intragastric acid stability of fat emulsions on gastric emptying, plasma lipid profile and postpradial satiety

Model based functional testing using pattern directed filmstrips.

Language factories

A case study on model driven data integration for data centric software development.

Bricole di Venezia [public art project in Fortuna Park, Colchester]

Common dance

Library dances [performed in Cyprus].

Mediating climate change.

Media effects and the subjectification of film regulation.

‘… now that’s cultural studies!’: reconsidering a conference paper on retro style.

Dynamically typed languages.

A theoretical and empirical study of EFSM dependence.

Control dependence for extended finite state machines.

Danscross: dancing in a shaking world

Urbanization and security: moving forward, key themes, and challenges

Corporate crime: a panacea for critical criminology.

Evaluation of CEOP ThinkUKnow internet safety programme and exploration of young people's internet safety knowledge.

Towards a practical guide for developing knowledge management systems in small organizations.

Uncovering a KMSD approach from practice.

A business service selection model for automated web service discovery requirements

Grounding and making sense of agile software development.


The age of stupid.

Monitoring progress in managing knowledge: an emerging agenda.

Sonic Triangle. [part of Uncharted Stories exhibition]

Lifelong learning and recovery: an account from the perspective of the EMILIA project.

Tempus IV: 45021-TEMPUS-2008-UK-JPCR: New Masters Programme in Library and Information Science

Voices in the forest.

Ageing in place and neighbourhood environment walkability.

Using VEs to enhance chronological understanding of history in middle school children.

Printing Wollstonecraft.

Navigation in familiar and unfamiliar town centres.


Bussard ramjet.

First class grammars for language oriented programming.

Perceived emotional competence and emotion appraisal skills in middle childhood in typically developing and behaviourally challenged children.

The cultural industries: creative definitions, quantifications and practice

Autonomy and midwifery.

Systems, contexts, relations: an alternative genealogy of conceptual art.

One mile squared: the river flows in many directions at the same time.

Just add water?

Bruise blood.

Crime, fear of crime and social order in a post-war British new town: a humanistic contribution to environmental criminology.

Stigma towards people with mental health problems: an individualism-collectivism cross-cultural comparison.

Key notes.

Everyday jewels.


Black workers and politics in Martinique; 1870-1900.

The transgressive mouth in live art and its relationship to the audience.

A cognitive study of learning to program in introductoryprogramming courses

The place near the thing where we went that time: an inferential approach to pragmatic stylistics

Development of graduate curriculum for University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation in Iran.

Supporting interprofessional learning in practice - an evaluation of a pilot project.

Care of the unconscious patient.

Multi-associative memory in fLIF cell assemblies.

'Grin and bear it.' Socio-cultural constructions of endometriosis.

Development of a new balanced evaluation framework for service improvement.

Housing and deprivation at the Kent Coast: lay perception or reality of an emerging scenario?

Homes on the map

Making the housing and health link: presenting the Private Sector Housing Evidence Base (PSHEB)

Lay perceptions of health, housing and community on the Kent Coast, England

Dementia in the private housing sector: understanding partnership roles at local level

Housing and deprivation at the Kent Coast: lay perception or reality of an emerging scenario?

Challenges for the Digital Libraries and Standards to solve them

New masters programme on library and information science: experience of a TEMPUS project to modernize library training in the former Soviet Union

Forgotten Irish

Development for change.

Commodification and the official discourse of higher education.

Nightmare on Mare Street; what has happened to law and order?

Chinese in London: images and realities of an urban diaspora.

Towards a meta-code for protocol evaluation systems.

Future of the PhD: experience of past supervision.

Migrant and minority women, inequalities and discrimination in the labour market.

Prefetching and clustering techniques for network based storage.

Post Me_New Id, Book and DVD

Robots and avatars: our colleagues and playmates of the future

Freeze.B; Squidsoup-Ghost; Squidsoup-Discontinuum; Stanza-Robotica.

Virtual Physical Bodies

Assessing electronic government readiness of public organisations: effect of internal factors (case of Egypt).

The memory and expectation of aesthetics: a study of Adorno's aesthetic theory.

Exploring Markov models for gate-limited service and their application to network-based services.

Challenging humanism: human-animal relations in recent postcolonial novels.

Leading community development for health improvement.

Videogames: the new GIS?

From geography department to business school: strategies for transplanting GIS courses between disciplines

'Culture' and 'communication' in intercultural communication.

S.I. Units (revision) playing cards: units, symbols, quantities, equations & abbreviations in science, technology, engineering & maths [Cards].

Multiple perpetrator rape: naming an offence and initial research findings

A day in the life of a bilingual practitioner: ways of mediating knowledge [UK]

Bilingual practitioners constructing mediation. “In a middle person I am a bridge.”

Active labour market policies in international context: what works best? Lessons for the UK

One in the crossfire: early years foundation stage, national curriculum and every child matters

Photography, cinema, memory: the crystal image of time

An empirical study of activity-based costing (ABC) systems within the Jordanian industrial sector: critical success factors and barriers to ABC implementation.

Exporting the RAE: adoption of similar practices in Australia and New Zealand.

Management accounting in enterprise resource planning systems.

Influencing awareness of disability: using information from patients with learning disabilities.

New Masters Programme on Library and Information Science

What do carers of people with psychosis need from mental health services? Exploring the views of carers, service users and professionals.

Knowledge transfer within supply chain partnerships: an empirical study of a Chinese steel producer.

Requiem for the redhead.

The moment I saw you I knew I could love you


Bassline: London

Structural reform and the political economy of poverty reduction in Tunisia: what role for civil society

Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Mauritius.

The Thinking Path

Dare we do it real time?

Transferring principles: The role of physical consciousness in Butoh and its application within contemporary performance praxis

Improving the cost structure of sensemaking: analysing user concepts to inform information systems design

Improving quality in business processes, products and organisational systems.

El exito en los proyectos de software: yendo mas alla del fracaso.

Software project success: moving beyond failure.

Making sense of IS failures.

An asynchronous distributed component model and its semantics

An informatics based approach to respiratory healthcare.

Security analysis of private data enquiries in Erlang



Functional active objects: typing and formalisation

Performability modelling of a Kerberos server with frequent key renewal under pseudo-secure conditions for increased security

Performability modelling of handoff in wireless cellular networks and the exact solution of system models with service rates dependent on numbers of originating and handoff calls.

A hardware accelerated semi analytic approach for fault trees with repairable ccmponents.

Mystery shopping the early stages of the Business Link service

Understanding criminal investigation.

Do you believe her and is it real rape?

Setting the scene: introduction to understanding rape.

Alcohol and drugs in rape and sexual assault

Rape: challenging contemporary thinking

Community campaigns, supply chains, and protecting the health and well-being of workers

The implications of de-collectivist industrial relations laws and associated developments for worker health and safety in Australia, 1996–2007.

Safeguarding the global contingent workforce? Guestworkers in Australia.

Australian health and safety inspectors’ perceptions and actions in relation to changed work arrangements.

Short trips and long days: safety and health in short-haul trucking.

Overstretched and unreciprocated commitment: reviewing research on the occupational health and safety effects of downsizing and job insecurity.

Unwanted sexual advances at work: variations by employment arrangement in a sample of working Australians.

'Suerte' (Luck): spirituality and well-being in El Alto, Bolivia.

An anthropology of ‘The Good Life’ in the Bolivian Plateau.

Design for all in ICT training and education.

The use of scents to influence consumers: the sense of using scents to make cents

Between the ideal and the real: using ethnography as a way of extending our language of change.


Improving the deployment model of modern electronic marketing methods for the Cyprus tourism organisation.

Enhancing privacy implementations of database enquiries

In a walled garden

The occupational health and safety of homecare contract workers in Adelaide and the Barossa region.

The global impact of employment and work on health inequalities: the need for a new policy agenda.

Tactical use of the T area in squash by players of differing standard.

Performance analysis of golf: reflections on the past and a vision of the future.

Cinema by design: Hollywood as network neighbourhood

Immanent images: photography after mobility

Comparative movement analysis of the winners and the losers of the rallies in squash.

An automatic tracking analysis of the movement velocities of national level basketball guards, forwards and centres.

Judicial review of party broadcasts in Germany and the United Kingdom.

Globalization, urbanization & security

Mapping the 'weather and crime' research domain.

Climate change, human (in)security, and violent conflict.

Measuring the efficacy of probative referral orders on youth offenders and satisfaction among community volunteers.

What are the linkages between climate, culture, and crime?

Policies for self tuning home networks.

On trying to do oral history in accounting research

Managing urban runoff.

Multi-criteria analysis for the assessment of options for the mitigation/remediation of arsenic in drinking water.

Advances in career theory and research: a critical review and agenda for future exploration.

Book review: Memory, attention and decision-making: aunified computational neuroscience approach. E. T. Rolls.

Cognitive neuropsychology of acquired language disorders in a Turkish-English bilingual case.

Transforming organizational identity under institutional change.

To MBA or not to MBA.

Setting sail in a new direction: career transitions of US Navy Admirals to the civilian sector.

A review of the research on weather and crime research and implications for law enforcement operations.

Not playing it safe: horror & the ludic in children’s picturebooks.

Financial bubbles and economic crises.

Teaching screenwriting.

Reading tourism education: neoliberalism unveiled.

PIAAC numeracy: a conceptual framework.

The role of age of aquisition in picture and word naming in German.

The role of context on age-of-acquisition effects in visual word recognition.

Equations in a consumer culture: mathematical images in advertising

Radio-over-fibre to increase effective coverage of motorway access networks.

William James: an ethics of thought?

Dissemination of innovative teaching and learning practice: the Global Studio.

Real-time cross-layer design for a large-scale flood detection and attack trace-back mechanism in IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks

SRPM: secure routing protocol for IEEE 802.11 infrastructure based wireless mesh networks

A new construction of signature waveforms for multi-rate multi-cell QS-CDMA systems

New signature waveforms for multi-rate QS-CDMA system with QPSK modulation.

An efficient rate control algorithm for a wavelet video codec

Optimisation of the recording and readout performance of phase-change media for scanning probe storage applications

Potere e violenza: guerra, terrorismo e diritti.

Who will be the builders of the good society?

Hiding in the open: a queered artistic practice.

Rosemary Butcher: jottings on signature in the presence of the artist.

Who corrupts whom?

Organised crime as crime of the powerful.

A comparison of team performance measures for global software development student teams

Language and media: a resource book for students

Enhancing post-acquisition organisational performance: the role of leadership.

Cross-cultural interfaces: hybridization of HRM practices of MNCs in developing countries and emerging economies

Activating intersubjectivities in contemporary dance choreography.

Innovation for an inclusive future

Towards an ethical interaction design: the issue of including stakeholders in law-enforcement software development

Tradern: a collaborative model for improving small business participation in electronic commerce in sub-Saharan Africa.

Success and failure factors in ICT projects: a Dutch perspective.

Psychological and cultural determinants of women's intentions to donate oocytes.

Exit Wall - the sky is the limit.

Review article. Circulation and stability: language, law and money in Chris Hutton’s 'Language, Meaning and the Law'

Balti Britain: a provocative journey through Asian Britain.

Carnivorous domestic entertainment robots [book section]

The technologies of Edward Ihnatowicz

Art students who cannot draw: exploring the role of personality, dyslexia, perceptual problems, visual memory and drawing skills.

RFID Gesture Generating Robot [webpage]

Material Beliefs [exhibition brochure]

Digital Libraries: the infrastructure and the training needed.

Approximate solution for two stage open networks with Markov-modulated queues minimizing the state space explosion problem

Analytical modelling and simulation of small scale, typical and highly available Beowulf clusters with breakdowns and repairs

'Respect me: respect self' - the key to improved global relationships.

Managing project uncertainty

Managing risk in projects

Project governance

Strategic project risk appraisal and management

Evaluation of wireless IEEE 802.11(b) used for ad-hoc networks in an e-learning classroom network

Le paradoxe de l’incertitude, quand moins signifie plus

The co-design experience: conceptual models and design tools for mass customisation

Performing femininity: dance and literature in German modernism

Whole-arm stroke rehabilitation using an interactive sensorimotor robotic environment in combination conventional therapies enhances upper limb movement recovery

Design of redundant drive joint with adjustable stiffness and damping mechanism to improve joint admittance

Impedance control of redundant drive joints with double actuation

Reach & grasp therapy: effects of the Gentle/G System assessing sub-acute stroke whole-arm rehabilitation

Mata Hari's dance in the context of femininity and exoticism

A Heideggerian phenomenology approach to higher education as workplace: a consideration of academic professionalism

Cuidado y protección de menores contra el abuso sexual on line

Arriving at the surface: an analysis of the organisation of the surface of paintings and the space around them as sites to generate specific practices of thought

Internet sex offenders: individual autonomy, ‘folk devils’ and state control

Finnegan’s teeth: artists book and public art project

Organisational culture and commitment: a study of an Indian software organisation

Land rights and the forest peoples of Africa: historical, legal and anthropological perspectives: legal rights under international law

Work based learning: developments in practice-based arts education

Towards coaching across divides to create alliances: an integral approach

A comparison study of electrodes for neonate electrical impedance tomography

Depth sensitivity and image reconstruction analysis of dense imaging arrays for mapping brain function with diffuse optical tomography

Dynamic electrical impedance tomography image reconstruction of neonate lung function based on linear Kalman filter techniques

Development of a sensor network for dynamic boundary measurement in neonatal electrical impedance tomography (EIT)

GREIT: a unified approach to 2D linear EIT reconstruction of lung images

A model for evaluating the effectiveness of middle managers' training courses: evidence from a major banking organization in Greece

Measuring destination image and consumer choice criteria: the case of Mykonos Island

Store choice in computer retailing: the case of home users in Greece

Hotel business travellers satisfaction based on service quality: a segmentation approach in inner city five-star hotels

Nijinsky's images of homosexuality: three case studies

Theatricalising terrorism: Johann Kresnik’s Ulrike Meinhof and the Red Army Faction

Voyage of no return

Indirect procurement outsourcing: a platform BPO solution for mid-sized companies

Novel multiclass classifiers based on the minimization of the within-class variance

Frontal view recognition in multiview video sequences

Strong dependencies between software components

Tight rank lower bounds for the Sherali–Adams proof system

How can a 'client-centric values' approach to selling lead to the 'co-creation' of a new global selling mindset?

Zero + zero + zero=zero

The cost of behaving badly in the workplace

Wide-band information transmission at the calyx of Held

Sensor-driven neuromorphic walking leg control

Polyoma virus and simian virus 40 as cancer models: history and perspectives

Phosphorylation of translation factors in response to anoxia in turtles, Trachemys scripta elegans: role of the AMP-activated protein kinase and target of rapamycin signalling pathways

Interviewing survivors of near-lethal self-harm: a novel approach for investigating suicide amongst prisoners

Bio-inspired real time sensory map realignment in a robotic barn owl

Purgative method in Shang Han Lun

Scheduling of parallel machines to minimize total completion time subject to s-precedence constraints

The art of creativity

Individual’s religiosity enhances trust: Latin American evidence for the puzzle

Fellow creature

An empirical study of the work attitudes of Generation Y college students in the USA: the case of hospitality and merchandising undergraduate majors

The role of personal involvement and responsibility in unfair outcomes: a classroom investigation

The impact of DNA evidence on the English criminal trial

Aproximaciones experimentales a la fecilidad

Expectativas sobre comportamiento egoista

Six of one and half a dozen of the other: child victims and restorative justice

[Review of journal article:] The nodal self in the wide wide world – adolescents signing-on by Steinberger, Claire Beth

Reading the landscape: the development of a typology of literary trails that incorporate an experiential design perspective

The effects of governance changes on bank efficiency in China: a stochastic distance function approach

The impact of occupational stress on psychological well-being in the fire service.

deepthroatfucker and Discerning Adonis: men and cybersex

R&D, knowledge spillovers and company productivity performance

Dryden Goodwin: cast

Performative interventions: African community theatre in the age of AIDS

Emerging technologies in learning: its impact on cognition and culture, Part 1

Technology enhanced learning and research: new or not so new directions?

Liminal crossing

Foreign direct investment and small countries

New forms of organisation and R&D internationalisation among the world's 100 largest food and beverages multinationals

An improbable leadership: structural limits of educational communication. The case of some Italian primary schools

Transgenerational association: extending the notion of the person - RETRACTION

Performability modelling of handoff in wireless cellular networks with channel failures and recovery

Modelling mixed access-patterns in network-based systems

Gene specific co-regulation discovery: an improved approach

Fluoxetine administration modulates the cytoskeletal microtubular system in the rat hippocampus

Effects of N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) at group II mGluRs and NMDAR

Exchange routing information between new neighbor nodes to improve AODV performance

Criminology and political theory

Location privacy in mobile IPv6 distributed authentication protocol using mobile home agents

Population-based local search for protein folding simulation in the MJ energy model and cubic lattices

Radio dispatchers' interruption recovery strategies

Lossless quantum prefix compression for communication channels that are always open

An investigation in forensic accounting: private company valuation and related components of forensic accounting

Reconciling European integration and national sovereignty with a conflict of laws method: conceptually compelling, practically problematical?

International human rights & fact-finding: an analysis of the fact-finding missions conducted by the European Commission and Court of Human Rights

Formal semantics for LIPS (Language for Implementing Parallel/distributed Systems)

Waiting in vain? Metaphysics, modernity and music in the work of T. W. Adorno, Martin Heidegger and Luigi Nona

Rural urbanism: London’s West End

Jordan Baseman: dark is the night

Artistic communism – a sketch

Managing chronic illness at work: an exploratory investigation on the UK employees

A knowable world

The river flows

Goldberg - the Brandstrup-Rojo project

Training sequence-based distributed space-time block codes with frequency domain equalization

The performance of truth and justice in Northern Ireland: the case of Bloody Sunday


Design of DSTBC and HARQ schemes for turbo-coded cooperative wireless relay networks over frequency selective fading channels

Design of quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes for cooperative wireless relay networks over frequency selective fading channels

The song of Margery Kempe

The G8 summit protests in Gleneagles 2005

Idea generation and material consolidation: tool use and intermediate artefacts in journalistic writing

The centrality of user modeling to high recall with high precision search

Exploring the importance of reflection in the control room

A classification of sensemaking representations

Naming of Things

Symphony no. 2

Design of distributed space-time block codes for relay networks

Accessibility, urban design and the whole journey environment

Creative cities, creative spaces and urban policy

ADHD patient or illicit drug user? Managing medico-moral membership categories in drug dependence services

On not knowing: how artists think

Capital gains: expatriate adjustment and the psychological contract in international careers

Unique copper-induced oligomers mediate alpha-synuclein toxicity

Supervisor and subordinate guanxi: a grounded investigation in the People’s Republic of China

List pricing and discounting in a Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly

International trade policy towards monopoly and oligopoly

Turkey in the world system and the new orientalism

The last slave (2007): the genealogy of a British television history programme

An epistemic logic for becoming informed

Exploitation of the self in community-based software production - workers’ freedoms or firm foundations?

Proceeding in abstraction. From concepts to types and the recent perspective on information

Signal strength-based adaptive multimedia delivery mechanism

Power save-based adaptive multimedia delivery mechanism

Take-the-best in expert-novice decision strategies for residential burglary

Dying old: and preferably alone? Agency, resistance and dissent at the end of life

Problem partners and parenting: exploring linkages with maternal insecure attachment style and adolescent offspring internalizing disorder

Diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol across the adolescent period in healthy females

The disputed place of ethnic diversity: an ethnography of the redevelopment of a street market in East London

The pedagogic significance of 20th Century modern dance training on the 21st Century dancing body, with reference to Doris Humphrey’s dance technique and movement philosophy

Evaluation of β-alanine- and GABA-substituted peptides as inhibitors of disease-linked protein aggregation

Indigenous peoples and the Millennium Development Goals: sacrificial lambs or equal beneficiaries?

Sacred site experience: a phenomenological study

Brands, markets and charitable ethics: MTVs EXIT campaign

Crypto-hierarchy and its discontents: Indymedia UK

The Peacock Committee and UK broadcasting policy

Intimate adventures: sex blogs, sex 'blooks' and women's sexual narration

War is culture: global counterinsurgency, visuality, and the Petraeus Doctrine

How parents choose to use CAM: a systematic review of theoretical models

On dying and human suffering

Towards automatic stability analysis for rely-guarantee proofs

La nuova migrazione cinese nel Regno Unito

The grand tour: Gayle Chong Kwan

Problem partners and parenting: exploring linkages with maternal insecure attachment style and adolescent offspring internalizing disorder

The Art of Intervention

12 Approaches to 12 Shooters

Investigating police practice in the UK: achieving best evidence in work with young victims of abuse

Early adversity and depression

Faster, higher [book]

Risk and resilience in young Londoners

Impediments and resolutions to innovation in a Chinese food manufacturer: a case study

Preferencias sobre los demás

Academic and vocational progression routes for early years practitioners working towards 'Early Years Professional Status' (EYPS).

The pattern-matching approach and its application in tourism development

Early travellers to Greece and their modern counterparts

Clustering visitors to a religious island : the case of Tinos

Online groomers: profiling, policing and prevention

Screening for Downs Syndrome pregnancy by mass spectral glycofingerprinting hCG-beta core in neat pregnancy urine.

The ethics of failure: mourning and responsibility in Atom Egoyan's thrillers

Emerging technologies in learning: its impact on cognition and culture, Part 2

Influence of Plantarflexor stretch training on fascicle length and strain, H-Reflex amplitude and muscle force production

'Μετά τον κατακλυσμό': προσέγγιση με βάση τη Νέα Κριτική ('After the Flood': A practical criticism approach)

Implications of HIV-1 M group polymorphisms on intergase inhibitor efficacy and resistance: genetic and structural in-silico analyses

Analysis of binding parameters of HIV-1 integrase inhibitors: correlates of drug inhibition and resistance

Strikes in the United States since World War II

Structure-based computational analysis of the implications of subtype specific polymorphisms on the efficacy of integrase inhibitors

No child left behind: a neoliberal repackaging of social Darwinism

Training for power: principles and practice

Strength & conditioning for Taekwondo athletes

Strength and conditioning for Mauy Thai athletes

A one-day field test battery for the assessment of aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, speed, and agility of soccer players

Weak bisimilarity coalgebraically

A semantic approach to interpolation

Evaluating the impact of selected cases under the Human Rights Act on public services provision

Poverty, inequality and human rights: do human rights make a difference?

SuperTRI: a new approach based on branch support analyses of multiple independent data sets for assessing reliability of phylogenetic inferences

Evolution of the mitochondrial genome in mammals living at high altitude: new insights from a study of the tribe Caprini (Bovidae, Antilopinae)

Cultures, religions and capital punishment

American exceptionalism and the United Nations: the example of the death penalty

Human rights: the legal issues facing businesses

Too much of one and less of the other: graduates' conceptualizations and expectations of work-life balance

Desarrollo de Competencias Generales Mediante Actividades Académicas Dirigidas en el Cuidado del Adulto [Development of general competencies in adult care by means of directed academic activities]

Sport psychology and use of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) in sport

Bacterial community analysis on the Mediaeval stained glass window "Natività" in the Florence Cathedral

Analysis of bacterial communities on an antique stained glass window

Two naphthalene degrading bacteria belonging to the genera Paenibacillus and Pseudomonas isolated from a highly polluted lagoon perform different sensitivities to the organic and heavy metal contaminants

Adaptive resilience of the cognitive packet network in the presence of network worms

The cognitive packet network: a survey

An argument-based approach to reasoning with clinical knowledge

Finale: a view from a new century


South Wales

Fighting the legions of hell

1926 and all that

Debating the 1926 mining lockout

Foreword [to The new civilisation: understanding Stalin’s Soviet Union 1929-1941]

Industrial politics and the 1926 mining lockout: the struggle for dignity

Is there a finance gap for SMEs? Some evidence from recent studies in Scotland and London

Proyectos de educación y evaluación multicultural: mejora del desempeño de equipos de aprendizaje colaborativo para desarrollo de software global (GSD)

Evaluando patrones de interacción en equipos de aprendizaje colaborativo para desarrollo de software global: cuatro países, tres idiomas y un proyecto global

A comparison of team assessment measures for global software development learners

Quality Assurance – an endeavour in enhancing teaching and learning experience through collaborative and assistive technologies

Finnegan's teeth

Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland: a legal analysis

Evaluating flood damages: guidance and recommendations on principles and methods executive summary

Developing a conceptual model of flood impacts upon human health

The expanded university: work-based learning and the economy

Methods and methodology: a study on work-based learning research tools for career development

Corpse, spectacle, illusion: the body as abject and object

Subtitling the Italian South

This blasted translation: or location, dislocation, relocation

Incorporating spectral composition techniques in film

Performance evaluation of wireless IEEE 802.11(b) used for ad-hoc networks in an e-learning classroom network

Identification of exopolymeric substances from natural isolates present in the Cabo Rojo Salterns

Lack of etfA gene in B. subtilis inhibits calcite precipitation and alters phospholopids membrane composition, dipicolinic acid content and flagellar formation

A review of the advice, advocacy and volunteering services commissioned by The City of London Corporation

"You've got it, you may have it, you haven't got it": multiplicity, heterogeneity, and the unintended consequences of HIV-related tests

Young women negotiating maternal subjectivities: the significance of social class

Motherhood as non-ambition?: Negotiating maternal subjectivities

'Imagined childhoods' it's a frame up: what it means to 'know' the child

Feminist reflections from the field: the thorny issue of power in research relationships

Reconceptualising children's empowerment in early years daycare provision: a comparative analysis

Manageable and strategic approaches to CPD

Search for antibiotic resistance gene in metagenomics libraries derived from microbial mats at the Cabo Rojo Salterns

Caratterizzazione di funghi neri isolati da aree biodeteriorate di due statue di marmo

Sex and digs and wrap and role: orientalism, transgressive romance and the resurrection of the Mummy

Asian TV comes to Britain: but does it survive the trip?: The re-authoring of The Water Margin

The effects of mood on game learning and analogical transfer in a disguised Tower of Hanoi task

Recall of ‘counterintuitive’ concepts: the effect of pre-training, presentation, and normality of concepts

Interprofessional learning using role play: engaging early years, and medical students, midwifery & social work students

Team everest: the immune response to high altitude: 1693: Board# 43 May 27 3: 30 PM-5: 00 PM

[Digital prints]

An exploration of mental health service users’ experience of being manually restrained in local NHS in-patient wards

Doing interdisciplinarity: motivation and collaboration in research for sustainable agriculture in the UK

Sex differences in coping with work-home interference

Making the link between work-life balance practices and organizational performance

Revisiting the social construction of family in the context of work

Isolation of ORCTL3 in a novel genetic screen for tumor-specific apoptosis inducers

Depth and detection in modular invariant theory

On the depth of modular invariant rings for the groups C_p x C_p

The Cohen-Macaulay property of separating invariants of finite groups

One I made earlier: on the PhD by publication

Commissioned by TOPSHOP UNIQUE to handknit a multi-yarn, open knitted cobweb garment for catwalk show, spring / summer collection 2009

Commissioned by TOPSHOP UNIQUE, London to handknit a shawl-collared, camel-coloured cotton cardigan with folk-inspired applied embroidery for spring / summer catwalk show

Commissioned by TOPSHOP UNIQUE, London to handknit a cotton camel-coloured poncho with folk-inspired hand embroidery for catwalk show for spring / summer 2009/10.

Commissioned by TOPMAN Design to produce 12 pairs chunky socks for catwalk show, Natural History Museum, London as part of London Fashion Week

Commissioned by TOPMAN Design to knit 2 chunky handknitted garments of A/W catwalk show, Natural History Museum. London Fashion Week, London

Gay men at work: (re)constructing the self as professional

2009 Novosibirsk graphic art biennial - Russia

England 2008, etching [in 6th International Triennial of Graphic Art, Bitola, Macedonia]

Telling tales, fantasy and fear in contemporary design

Graph-theoretic criteria for injectivity and unique equilibria in general chemical reaction systems

Monotonicity in chemical reaction systems

Atitude dos residentes face ao desenvolvimento do turismo em Cabo Verde

Talking up learning at work: cautionary tales in co-opting everyday learning

Understanding academics' engagement with research

Producing researchers: the changing role of the doctorate

Border crossing

Evaluation of expression and function of the H+/myo-inositol transporter HMIT;

Journeys through managing the unknowable: making decisions about dangerous patients and prisoners with severe personality disorder

Alliances as strategic tools: a cross-industry study of partnership planning, formation and success

Navigating the labyrinth of software re-words

Children playing and learning in an online environment: a review of previous research and an examination of six current web sites

Use and perceived utility of structured violence risk assessments in English medium secure forensic units

Forecasting mortality, different approaches for different cause of deaths? The cases of lung cancer; influenza, pneumonia, and bronchitis; and motor vehicle accidents

Scenes from Crow

Which management practices are contributory to service quality? Part 2: Findings from in‐depth interviews

An examination of counterexamples in proofs and refutations

Dubai's potential as an integrated logistics hub

Organisation capabilities: pathways to sustainability