Faculty of Business and Law

TitleFaculty of Business and Law
UniversityMiddlesex University London

Latest research outputs

Sort by Date Title
Connecting entrepreneurship with neighbourhoods and homes
Reuschke, D., Mason, C., Syrett, S. and van Ham, M. 2015. Connecting entrepreneurship with neighbourhoods and homes. in: Mason, C., Reuschke, D., Syrett, S. and van Ham, M. (ed.) Entrepreneurship in Cities: Neighbourhoods, Households and Homes Edward Elgar. pp. 1-16

Book chapter

Rape and sexual violence in the ICJ's judgment in Croatia v. Serbia
Pecorella, G. 2015. Rape and sexual violence in the ICJ's judgment in Croatia v. Serbia. Leiden Journal of International Law. 28 (4), pp. 945-951. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0922156515000527


EU law relating to online infringement of personality rights – is EU law effective in preventing forum shopping for the pursuit of actions arising from online infringement of personality rights?
Jones, M. 2015. EU law relating to online infringement of personality rights – is EU law effective in preventing forum shopping for the pursuit of actions arising from online infringement of personality rights? Third International Privacy Discussion Forum, Universite de Paris, Sorbonne 1. Paris, France 29 - 30 Jun 2015 pp. 1-27

Conference paper

Looking back: how the founders considered science and progress in their relation to human rights / Un regard rétrospectif: comment les fondateurs envisageaient science et progrès dans leur relation aux droits de l’homme
Schabas, W. 2015. Looking back: how the founders considered science and progress in their relation to human rights / Un regard rétrospectif: comment les fondateurs envisageaient science et progrès dans leur relation aux droits de l’homme. Journal européen des droits de l'homme / European Journal of Human Rights. 2015 (4), pp. 504-518.


Roger Clark: a personal tribute
Schabas, W. 2015. Roger Clark: a personal tribute. in: Linton, S., Simpson, G. and Schabas, W. (ed.) For the Sake of Present and Future Generations: Essays on International Law, Crime and Justice in Honour of Roger S. Clark Leiden, The Netherlands Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 12-20

Book chapter

The European convention on human rights: a commentary
Schabas, W. 2015. The European convention on human rights: a commentary. Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP).

Authored Book

The implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against the UK: unravelling the paradox
Donald, A. 2015. The implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against the UK: unravelling the paradox. in: Ziegler, K., Wicks, E. and Hodson, L. (ed.) The UK and European Human Rights: A Strained Relationship? Oxford Hart. pp. 135-162

Book chapter

Towards a ‘long view’: historical perspectives on the scaling and replication of social ventures
Blundel, R. and Lyon, F. 2015. Towards a ‘long view’: historical perspectives on the scaling and replication of social ventures. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 6 (1), pp. 80-102. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2014.954258


Stakeholder influences on drug and alcohol policy processes
Asmussen Frank, V., Bjerge, B., Duke, K., Klein, A. and Stothard, B. 2015. Stakeholder influences on drug and alcohol policy processes. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 15 (4), pp. 177-180. https://doi.org/10.1108/DAT-10-2015-0060


Developments in whistleblowing research 2015
Lewis, D. and Vandekerckhove, W. (ed.) 2015. Developments in whistleblowing research 2015. London International Whistleblowing Research Network.

Edited Book

The shifting roles of medical stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment: a comparison between Denmark and the UK
Bjerge, B., Duke, K. and Frank, V. 2015. The shifting roles of medical stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment: a comparison between Denmark and the UK. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 15 (4), pp. 216-230. https://doi.org/10.1108/DAT-07-2015-0033


Diversity and inclusion depend on effective engagementIt is everyone’s business to ensure that progress is maintained
Sanyal, C., Wilson, D., Sweeney, C., Smith-Rachele, J., Kaur, S. and Yates, C. 2015. Diversity and inclusion depend on effective engagementIt is everyone’s business to ensure that progress is maintained. Human Resource Management International Digest. 23 (5), pp. 21-24. https://doi.org/10.1108/HRMID-05-2015-0087


Gendered rights in the post-2015 development and disasters agendas
Bradshaw, S. 2015. Gendered rights in the post-2015 development and disasters agendas. IDS Bulletin. 46 (4), pp. 59-65. https://doi.org/10.1111/1759-5436.12158


Introduction to rural planning: economies, communities and landscapes. 2nd ed.
Gallent, N., Hamiduddin, I., Juntti, M., Kidd, S. and Shaw, D. 2015. Introduction to rural planning: economies, communities and landscapes. 2nd ed. New York, NY, USA Routledge.

Authored Book

The complex concept of sustainable of diversity management:…and why forming policies in this area is far from straightforward
Best, S., Soyode, A., Muller-Camen, M. and Boff, A. 2015. The complex concept of sustainable of diversity management:…and why forming policies in this area is far from straightforward. Human Resource Management International Digest. 23 (5), pp. 45-48. https://doi.org/10.1108/HRMID-06-2015-0105


The unrepresentative house: the inconvenient truth about members of parliament
Ozarow, D. 2015. The unrepresentative house: the inconvenient truth about members of parliament. Human Resource Management International Digest. 23 (5), pp. 12-15. https://doi.org/10.1108/HRMID-05-2015-0084


Raising the bar: legislating to achieve diversity in the professions is only half of the story
Ozarow, D., Gibson, T., Batra, A. and Mercer, S. 2015. Raising the bar: legislating to achieve diversity in the professions is only half of the story. Human Resource Management International Digest. 23 (5), pp. 8-11. https://doi.org/10.1108/HRMID-05-2015-0083


Ethics and spirituality in the workplace: the growing role of the business case in reforms
Freeman, T., Kunter, A., Douglas, C. and Roper, I. 2015. Ethics and spirituality in the workplace: the growing role of the business case in reforms. Human Resource Management International Digest. 23 (5), pp. 43-44. https://doi.org/10.1108/HRMID-05-2015-0092


Les 'nouveaux crimes' de la turquie
Schabas, W. 2015. Les 'nouveaux crimes' de la turquie. Politique internationale.


From Indymedia to Anonymous: rethinking action and identity in digital cultures
McDonald, K. 2015. From Indymedia to Anonymous: rethinking action and identity in digital cultures. Information, Communication and Society. 18 (8), pp. 968-982. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2015.1039561


Opening access to administrative data for evaluating public services: The case of the Justice Data Lab
Lyon, F., Gyateng, T., Pritchard, D., Vaze, P., Vickers, I. and Webb, N. 2015. Opening access to administrative data for evaluating public services: The case of the Justice Data Lab. Evaluation. 21 (2), pp. 232-247. https://doi.org/10.1177/1356389015577507


Hospital board oversight of quality and safety: a stakeholder analysis exploring the role of trust and intelligence
Millar, R., Freeman, T. and Mannion, R. 2015. Hospital board oversight of quality and safety: a stakeholder analysis exploring the role of trust and intelligence. BMC Health Services Research. 15 (1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-0771-x


Overseeing oversight: governance of quality and safety by hospital boards in the English NHS
Mannion, R., Davies, H., Freeman, T., Millar, R., Jacobs, R. and Kasteridis, P. 2015. Overseeing oversight: governance of quality and safety by hospital boards in the English NHS. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 20 (1 supp), pp. 9-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/1355819614558471


Fighting over the last drop? a critique of the "water wars" thesis
Hough, P. 2015. Fighting over the last drop? a critique of the "water wars" thesis. Human Ecology: Journal of the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council. (26), pp. 15-17.


The role of parliaments following judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
Donald, A. and Leach, P. 2015. The role of parliaments following judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. in: Hunt, M., Hooper, H. and Yowell, P. (ed.) Parliaments and Human Rights: Redressing the Democratic Deficit Oxford Hart. pp. 59-92

Book chapter

Values of souvenirs as commodities
Paraskevaidis, P. and Andriotis, K. 2015. Values of souvenirs as commodities. Tourism Management. 48, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2014.10.014


The moderating influences on the relationship of corporate reputation with its antecedents and consequences: a meta-analytic review
Ali, R., Lynch, R., Melewar, T. and Jin, Z. 2015. The moderating influences on the relationship of corporate reputation with its antecedents and consequences: a meta-analytic review. Journal of Business Research. 68 (5), pp. 1105-1117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.10.013


Proof over promise: towards a more inclusive ranking of Dutch academics in Economics & Business
Harzing, A. and Mijnhardt, W. 2015. Proof over promise: towards a more inclusive ranking of Dutch academics in Economics & Business. Scientometrics. 102 (1), pp. 727-749. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-014-1370-z


A 'reality of return': the case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China
Tie, C., Holden, A. and Park, H. 2015. A 'reality of return': the case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China. Tourism Management. 47, pp. 206-212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2014.09.021


The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image among younger generation consumers: the moderating role of country development status
Jin, Z., Lynch, R., Attia, S., Chansarkar, B., Gülsoy, T., Lapoule, P., Liu, X., Newburry, W., Nooraini, M., Parente, R., Purani, K. and Ungerer, M. 2015. The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image among younger generation consumers: the moderating role of country development status. International Business Review. 24 (3), pp. 380-393. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2014.08.010


CSR and related terms in SME owner-managers' mental models in six European countries: national context matters
Fassin, Y., Werner, A., Van Rossem, A., Signori, S., Garriga, E., Von Weltzien Hoivik, H. and Schlierer, H. 2015. CSR and related terms in SME owner-managers' mental models in six European countries: national context matters. Journal of Business Ethics. 128 (2), pp. 433-456. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-014-2098-7


Gendered perspectives on integration discourses and measures
Kofman, E., Saharso, S. and Vacchelli, E. 2015. Gendered perspectives on integration discourses and measures. International Migration. 53 (4), pp. 77-89. https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.12102


The Nile: its role in the fortunes and misfortunes of the Fatimid dynasty during its rule of Egypt (969-1171)
Cortese, D. 2015. The Nile: its role in the fortunes and misfortunes of the Fatimid dynasty during its rule of Egypt (969-1171). History Compass. 13 (1), pp. 20-29. https://doi.org/10.1111/hic3.12210


The architectural patronage of the Fāṭimid queen-mother Durzān (d. 385/995): an interdisciplinary analysis of literary sources, material evidence and historical context
Calderini, S. and Cortese, D. 2014. The architectural patronage of the Fāṭimid queen-mother Durzān (d. 385/995): an interdisciplinary analysis of literary sources, material evidence and historical context. Talmon-Heller, D. and Cytryn-Silverman, K. (ed.) Material Evidence and Narrative Sources: Interdisciplinary Studies of the History of Islamic Societies. The 14th Annual Workshop of the Department of Middle East Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Beer Sheva, Israel 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2009 Leiden Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004279667_007

Conference paper

From cradle to grave: fabrics in the lives of women in Medieval Cairo
Cortese, D. 2014. From cradle to grave: fabrics in the lives of women in Medieval Cairo. Cairo Under Wraps Exhibition. Toronto, Canada 18 Nov 2014

Conference item

Looking for women in Medieval Cairo: imagined histories and historical realities
Cortese, D. 2014. Looking for women in Medieval Cairo: imagined histories and historical realities. Cairo Under Wraps Exhibition. The Ismaili Centre Toronto 19 Nov 2014

Conference item

Builders of Russia: mobility, recruitment and workplace resistance of post soviet migrant construction workers
Morrison, C. 2013. Builders of Russia: mobility, recruitment and workplace resistance of post soviet migrant construction workers. The Russian Public Opinion Herald. Data. Analysis. Discussions. 1 (114), pp. 89-99.


Labour mobility in construction: migrant workers’ strategies between integration and turnover
Morrison, C., Sacchetto, D. and Cretu, O. 2014. Labour mobility in construction: migrant workers’ strategies between integration and turnover. Construction Labour Research - CLR News. 2, pp. 33-49.


Migrant labour between Russia and Italy: from strategic options to “geography of needs”
Morrison, C. and Sacchetto, D. 2014. Migrant labour between Russia and Italy: from strategic options to “geography of needs”. in: Pajnik, M. and Anthias, F. (ed.) Work and the challenges of belonging: Migrants in globalizing economies Newcastle upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 28-51

Book chapter

International migration and labour turnover: workers’ agency in the construction sector of Russia and Italy
Morrison, C., Sacchetto, D. and Cretu, O. 2013. International migration and labour turnover: workers’ agency in the construction sector of Russia and Italy. Studies of Transition States and Societies. 5 (2), pp. 7-20.


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Abbott, John

Abdul-Rahim, Jo

AbedRabbo, Majd

Acik, Necla

Adams, David

Ahamed, Manjida

Ahmad, Bushra

Ahmad, Jas

Akbar, Sabrina

Aliyu, Sulaiman

Alonzo, Camilla

Andriotis, Konstantinos

Angelovski, Andrej

Annan-Diab, Fatima

Arora, Angeli

Aybak, Tunc

Azar, Goudarz

Azizzadeh, Satkeen

Bace, Edward

Badreddine, Sina

Bakhru, Anjali

Barn, Sukhbinder

Barton-Hanson, Renu

Batsaikhan, Mongoljin

Battor, Moustafa

Bendo, Elba

Beschizza, Franco

Best, Simon

Blomqvist, Charlotta

Boulter, Louise

Bradbury, Paula

Bradshaw, Sarah

Broad, Martin

Broughton, Alison

Bueno, Alex

Burnett, Amy

Cai, Helen

Camean, Jose

Cardoso, Michael

Celini, Luciano

Chabe-Ferret, Bastien

Chandler, Nick

Chang, Shing-Wan

Chapman, Alexis

Cherifi, Barbora

Chowdhury, Tahminaz

Christou, Anastasia

Collis, Toby

Corkin, Joseph

Cortese, Delia

Cracknell, Matt

Cullen, Anthony

Curwen, Thomas

Dai, Yun

De Tommaso, Alessandra

DeMello-Bouttell, Alison

Dennis, Charles

Deshmukh, Nitin

Devadasan, Tina

Devereux, Luke

Dikerdem, Mehmetali

Dilmperi, Athina

Donald, Alice

Donohoe, Stephen

Duke, Karen

Durant, Alan

Eastman, Christine

Economou, Socrates

Ekanem, Ignatius

Elf, Patrick

Evans, Melvyn

Evans, Tim

Faulkner-Mellor, George

Franklin, Ellie

Freeman, Tim

Frost, Stewart

Gavron, Jess

Georgescu, Gabriela

Ghaffari, Firoozeh

Gibbs, Jacqueline

Gillet, Joris

Gooderham, Paul

Goodman, Anthony

Gottschalk, Sylvia

Graham, Naomi

Gramcheva, Lyubomira

Grondin, Agnes

Haddock-Millar, Julie

Hartog, Mary

Harzing, Anne-Wil

Hashmi, Ikra

Hawthorne, Helen

Hettiarachchi, Chandima

Holness, Sabrina

Hough, Peter

Hourani, Sara

Howard, Erica

Hussain, Shilan Fuad

Ighodalo, Jadesola

James, Philip

Javanmardi Kashan, Alireza

Jeffrey, Jackie

Jimenez Jimenez, Natalia

Jin, Zhongqi

Johnson, Dale

Jones, Mariette

Jones, Richard

Juntti, Meri

Karch, Barbara

Kartasova, Jekaterina

Kaur, Herminder

Keles, Janroj

Kerin, Lughaidh

Kernohan, David

Kilmister, Tony

Kinski, Michael

Kline, Roger

Knabe-Nicol, Susanne

Kofman, Eleonore

Kornilaki, Marianna

Kourtoubelides, Michael

Kujal, Praveen

Kyriacou, Orthodoxia

Lassila, Anna

Lazzarino, Runa

Leach, Philip

Lewis, Dave

Li, Qiuping

Li, Tianchen

Lim, Suki

Liu, Aying

Lodato, Simon

Looby, Clair

Loumansky, Amanda

Lyon, Fergus

Macaulay, Pamela

Magpayo, John

Maguire, Kate

Malone, Stephen

Manyiwa, Simon

Mao, Yan

Martellozzo, Elena

Mayo, Andrew

Mc Donagh, Thomas

McDonald, Kevin

McPherson, Mark

Melewar, TC

Miller, Rhys

Mohammadipour, Maryam

Montagna, Nicola

Moon, Christopher

Morrison, Claudio

Moss, Jack

Mourouti, Olga

Mukhopadhyay, Rick

Mulcahy, Sue

Naghieh, Ali

Narkowicz, Kasia

Navare, Jyoti

Nessa, Azizun

Nguyen, Ann-Ngoc

Nguyen, Kellan

Nguyen, Quang

Nsubuga, Hamiisi Junior

Nyoni, Eneless

O'Connor, Jennie

Olmos Giupponi, Belen

Overton, Lisa

Owen, Lindsay

Owen, Robyn

Oyelere, Temi

Ozarow, Daniel

Pallotta, Alberto

Papadouka, Myrna

Park, Hyung Yu

Parsa, Sepideh

Pascoe, Susan

Patel, Kirit

Paterson, Charles

Patrick, Alex

Pauley, Matthew

Pecorella, Giulia

Petkova, Bilyana

Porteous, David

Poulis, Efthimios

Poulis, Konstantinos

Priporas, Costas

Qu, Hongyan

Ramos de Pereira Ribeiro, Carlos

Rascon Ramirez, Ericka

Ravesh, Shakila

Rehman, Mobashar

Rigby, Chris

Roberts, Simon

Rohani, Alireza

Ruggiero, Vincenzo

Ryder, Agi

Sahebjamnia, Navid

Sailofsky, Daniel

Saini, Rima

Santos, Clarice

Sanyal, Chandana

Saxon, David

Scally, Mia

Schabas, William

Schatzberger, Elliot

Schroder, Edgar

Schulte, Lisa

Sepulveda Ramirez, Leandro

Serrantino, Giuseppe

Shepherd, Ifan

Shiner, Bethany

Shukla, Vinaya

Siebers, Johan

Soliman, Salma

Sothcott, Keir

Soylu, Soydan

Srivastava, Ashok

Staub, Natalie

Stephens, Sian

Stumbitz, Bianca

Stylidis, Dimitrios

Su, Rui

Sutton, Brian

Syrett, Stephen

Tang, Li

Taylor, Lucas

Terzidou, Matina

Tham, Huyen Anh

Thickett, Anthony

Thompson, Bruce

Trebosc, Laure

Tufan, Pinar

Ueno, Akiko

Ustek, Sera

Van Meurs, Nathalie

Vassileva, Radosveta

Veysi, Seran

Vickers, Ian

Waligo, Victoria

Walsh, John

Wang, Shan

Ward, Jenni

Watkins, Los

Watt, Eliza

Wend, Petra

Werner, Andrea

Wilson, Doirean

Wong, Marie

Woo, Hong

Wu, Kailin

Yeap, Kooi See

Yiasemi, Aphrodite

York, Toby

Yu, Chong

Zhang, Xufei