New perspectives on music and gesture.

Indigenous rights and the right to development: emerging synergies or collusion?

Responsibility to protect and the protection of kin-minorities: the context of Syria and Lebanon.

In the beginning was gesture: piano touch and an introduction to a phenomenology of the performing body

Instrumental technology.

Employment law concentrate.

Consolidating practice with children and families.

The effect of import penetration on labor market outcomes: the case of Austrian manufacturing industry

Globalisation, macroeconomic performance and distribution.

Exploring the communication behavior among global software development learners.

The impact of employee perceptions of training on organisational commitment and turnover intentions: a study of multinationals in the Chinese service sector.

Dynamic service integration for reliable and sustainable capability provision.

Collective findings, individual interpretations: an illustration of a pluralistic approach to qualitative data analysis qualitative research in Psychology

Black minority ethnic students navigating their way from access courses to social work programmes: key considerations for the selection of students

Doctor Who: a very British alien.

Cartel formation and pricing: the effect of managerial decision-making rules

New social directions in UK flood risk management: moving towards flood risk citizenship?

From transition crisis to the global crisis: labor in the Central and Eastern EU new member states.

Postcolonial purgatory: the space of migrancy in Dirty Pretty Things

National institutions and employers' age management practices in Britain and Germany: path dependence and option exploration

Zero-sum and frontier trade-offs: an investigation on compromises and compatibilities amongst manufacturing capabilities

Investigating the implications of business and culture on the behaviour of customers of international firms.

Introduction: on the witch's broomstick.

Future-oriented narrative reporting: determinants and use

The inter-relationship between capital structure and dividend policy: empirical evidence from Jordanian data.

Rehabilitating and resettling offenders in the community.

The knowledge-based economy and the transformation of Higher Education: issues concerning enclosing and protecting the intellectual commons.

Leon Golub [retrospective exhibition]

How does your learning style affect your ability to learn in the workplace?

The human face of early Modern England.

Selfish or servant leadership? Evolutionary predictions on leadership personalities in coordination games

Mutual dependencies


Transnational relations: family migration among recent Polish migrants to London

Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP)-specific IS900 DNA and antibodies against MAP peptides and lysate in the blood of Crohn's disease patients

Exploring gate-limited analytical models for high-performance network storage servers

Lads mags, young men’s attitudes towards women and acceptance of myths about sexual aggression.

Planning the Taiwan Access Management Federation based on Shibboleth

Measuring competing explanations of human resource management practices through the Cranet survey: cultural versus institutional explanations

Pragmatic pluralism and pillarization: a psycho-social analysis of “The multi-cultural drama”.

Cyclin D-1 protein over-expression is not associated with gene amplification in benign and atypical apocrine lesions of the breast

Opening of the outer membrane protein channel in tripartite efflux pumps is induced by interaction with the membrane fusion partner

Evidence for the assembly of a bacterial tripartite multidrug pump with a stoichiometry of 3: 6: 3

Extension of TACOM to the complexity of tasks designed for abnormal situations in nuclear power plants

A framework-based approach to identifying and organizing the complexity factors of human-system interaction

Experiences of supernumerary status and the hidden curriculum in nursing: a new twist in the theory-practice gap?

From 'Marginalia' to 'Monalisa': an interview with Ida Appelbroog

Questioning the gender order: feminist interventions in aesthetics and cultural politics

'The relationship between big and small things': Tsaplya and Gluklya, Factory of Found Clothes: interview by Katy Deepwell

CFD and PIV based investigation of indoor air flows dominated by buoyancy effects generated by human occupancy and equipment

Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated classrooms: Application of coupled simulation models

Branding and packaging design: Key insights on marketing milk to low-income markets in South Africa

Service-Learning: Business School students working for the common good

Skills, capabilities and professional development: a response framework for mental health–substance use

Food culture distance: an antecedent to export marketing strategy adaptation - an empirical examination of Swedish and Finnish food processing companies

A logic for strategy updates

AnoSpEx: a stochastic spatially-explicit computational model to simulate Anopheles Gambiae metapopulation dynamics

Patients' perspectives on self-testing of oral anticoagulation therapy: content analysis of patients' internet blogs

A literature review on mobile service marketing in Korea

Design and implementation of a secured census information management system

Touring reflexive heritage: sustaining the tradition of the Hung Kings in contemporary Vietnam

The Human Right to Peace

Towards emerging green information and communication technologies: a review

Ethical, legal and professional issues in digital forensics

Causal impact of absenteeism

Social constructivism and tourism education

Tourists perceptions of climate change in Cairns, Australia

Selecting outcome measures in mental health: the views of service users

Siblings of young people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy -- a qualitative study of impact and coping

No winners: the reality of short term prison sentences

Exploring rapid prototyping techniques for validating numerical models of naturally ventilated buildings

Assessment of osteopaths: developing a capability-based approach to reviewing readiness to practice

Honouring the incomparable: honours in Australian universities

Empirical analysis of China’s use of FDI and relationship between FDI and foreign trade

The effects of physical activity on psychological well-being for those with schizophrenia: a systematic review

Corporate work-life balance initiatives: use and effectiveness

Hypermethylation of CpG islands and shores around specific microRNAs and mirtrons is associated with the phenotype and presence of bladder cancer

Social innovation, co-operation and competition: inter-organizational relations for social enterprises in the delivery of public services

Understanding the statusphere and blogosphere: an analysis of virtual backpacker spaces

Study abroad motivations, destination selection and pre-trip attitude formation

Analysis of Denial-of-Service attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks using simulation

Transformational ostinati in György Ligeti's sonatas for solo cello and solo viola

User position aware multicell beamforming for a distributed antenna system

An iterative algorithm for downlink multi-cell beam-forming

Throughput analysis of network coding enabled wireless backhauls

Green radio: radio techniques to enable energy-efficient wireless networks

Power-efficient downlink transmission in multicell networks with limited wireless backhaul

Hypersaline environments on Earth and beyond: normal or not?

Extending teacher professionalism: engagement with others through communities of practice

Pedagogical leadership

Clinical and economic outcomes from the UK pilot psychiatric services for personality-disordered offenders

A testing battery for the assessment of fitness in soccer players

Erlotinib or gefitinib for the treatment of relapsed platinum pretreated non-small cell lung cancer and ovarian cancer: a systematic review

Platelet adhesion and degranulation induce pro-survival and pro-angiogenic signalling in ovarian cancer cells

Conflitto e consapevolezza operaia nell’Europa sud-orientale: organizzazione sindacale e resistenza in tre studi di caso

Ocean liner posters

Revisiting Naur’s programming as theory building for enterprise architecture modelling

Learning to lead: a literary approach

Criminology, accountability and international justice

La peine de mort et la Convention européene des droits de l’homme

The International Criminal Court at ten

Crimes against humanity as a paradigm for international atrocity crimes

International War Crimes Tribunals and the United States

Synergy or fragmentation? International Criminal Law and the European Convention on Human Rights

Gaza, Goldstone and Lawfare

Partnerships and communities in English drug policy: the challenge of deprivation

Conducting large-scale surveys in secondary schools: the case of the Youth On Religion (YOR) project

Disinvestment in health— the challenges facing general practitioner (GP) commissioners

Resource scarcity and priority-setting: from management to leadership in the rationing of health care?

Prevalence of depression in individuals with impaired glucose metabolism or undiagnosed diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the European Depression in Diabetes (EDID) Research Consortium

Pictures speak louder than numbers: on communicating medical risks to immigrants with limited non-native language proficiency

Elevated cortical glutamate in young people at increased familial risk of depression

Early-life conditions and age at first pregnancy in British women

Anxious attachment style and salivary cortisol dysregulation in healthy female children and adolescents

Acting out trauma in the theatre of embarassment: George Tabori's Shylock improvisations

Reputation-based network selection mechanism using game theory

Women's sexual orientation and labor market outcomes in Greece

Value marketing through corporate reputation: an empirical investigation of Thai hospitals

Story of a rude gal

Network coding-based retransmission for relay aided multisource multicast networks

Beyond borders: David Greig's transpersonal dramaturgy

A novel EEG signal enhancement approach using a recurrent quantum neural network for a Brain Computer Interface

An intelligent Adaptive User Interface (iAUI) for enhancing the communication in a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)

EEG denoising with a recurrent quantum neural network for a brain-computer interface

Crowdsourcing the corpus: using collective intelligence as a method for composition

Sickle cell, habitual dys-positions and fragile dispositions: young people with sickle cell at school

The design of rewritable ultrahigh density scanning-probe phase-change memories

Cell assemblies for query expansion in information retrieval

Understanding motivational constraints to membership at the Southbank Centre

The image control and recognition task: a performance-based measure of imagery control

Why cluster? Text and sub-text in the engagement of tourism development policies with the cluster concept

Sexual orientation discrimination: exploring the experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual employees in Turkey

Living without a safety net in an Intelligent Environment

Colonial film: moving images of the British Empire

Dynamic control of walking leg joints: a building block model perspective

Policing public drugs nuisance through the anti-social behaviour legislation: questions and contradictions

Accelerated particle swarm optimization and support vector machine for business optimization and applications

Bat algorithm for multi-objective optimisation

Mixed variable structural optimization using Firefly Algorithm


Public safety and risk assessment: improving decision making

The social audit of labour standards: what can it tell us about employer motivation to disclose?

New designs for research in delay discounting

Handbook of research methods on trust

Older user errors in handheld touchscreen devices: to what extent is prediction possible?

A touchscreen mobile for seniors: in the dock

Workshop D: meet the driver: designing for “invisible users” and the elderly

Planting woody crops on dredged contaminated sediment provides both positive and negative effects in terms of remediation

The cultural integration of knowledge management into interactive design

Exploring the possibilities of interdisciplinary research

Technical note: effects of arsenate (AS5+) on growth and production of glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCS) in Chlorella Vulgaris

A novel enzymatic composition effective for prion degradation

The nature and growth of foreign direct investment andits impact in Vietnam: a national innovation systemperspective.

Reconceptualising harm reduction in prisons

Information integration of diverse laboratory data sources using information supply chains

The metaphor of therapy and its use in the learning of a workplace identity

Coming Soon

The anatomy of teleneurosurgery in China

India on film, 1939-1947

Q&A: how today's tech alienates the elderly

A knowledge discovery service system for provenance exploration

Theory and practice of optimal mutation rate control in Hamming spaces of DNA sequences

Mutation and optimal search of sequences in nested Hamming spaces

Re-thinking software engineering approaches: a critical reflection on theory building

Are perceptions of organizational justice universal? An exploration of measurement invariance across thirteen cultures

Gendered experiences of racial discrimination: comparative socio-legal research

ECJ advances equality in Europe by giving horizontal direct effect to directives

After London.

Extreme value methods with applications to finance.

The desert and the sea: the Sapphic sublime of Frederick Sommer.

Ultra high density scanning electrical probe phase-change memory for archival storage

Teenage drinking and interethnic friendships.

Factors predicting recruitment to a UK wide primary care smoking cessation study (the ESCAPE trial)

Multi-channel distributed coordinated function over single radio in wireless sensor networks

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Ethical assessment of new technologies: a meta-methodology

An action research study of clinical leadership, engagement and team effectiveness in working across NHS boundaries

Scanning probe memories - Technology and applications

Older people's navigation of urban areas as pedestrians: Measuring quality of the built environment using oral narratives and virtual routes

The impact of prison staff responses on self-harming behaviours: prisoners’ perspectives

Models of webcasts and webinars: towards interactive new-media webcasts

Shared national memory as intangible heritage: re-imagining two Koreas as one nation

European MSc programs in nuclear sciences: to meet the need of stakeholders.

Indigenous peoples’ human rights in Africa: the pragmatic revolution of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Precarious employment, working hours, work-life conflict and health in hotel work

Flexible work in call centres: working hours, work-life conflict & health

Realising the diversity dividend: population diversity and urban economic development.

The role of Broca’s area in regular past-tense morphology:an event-related potential study

Does shape constancy relate to drawing ability? Two failures to replicate

LEAP: a precise lightweight framework for enterprise architecture

Conceptualizing the cross-cultural gaps in managing international aid: HIV/AIDS and TB project delivery in Southern Africa.

Conflict resolution and learning probability matching in a neural cell-assembly architecture

The dynamics of growth within global organisations: issues, consequences and implications.

Nature moving naturally in succession: an exploration of Doris Humphrey’s water study

Insiders and outsiders: working with peer researchers in researching Muslim communities

Transition to adult services for children and young people with palliative care needs: a systematic review.

Globalization, welfare regimes and social protection: expenditures in Western and Eastern European countries

Financialization, income distribution, and aggregate demand in the USA

Modernity and orientalism in W. H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood's 'The ascent of F6'.

Population superdiversity and new migrant enterprise: The case of London

Playing the game of catching-up: global strategy building in a Chinese company

Global management of innovation and knowledge

Global strategic management

Making sense of digital footprints in team-based legal investigations: the acquisition of focus

Corporate cash holdings and dividend payments: evidence from simultaneous analysis.

Developing knowledge management capabilities: a structured approach.

Mechanical analysis of finite idempotent relations

Antenarrative and narrative: the experience of actors involved in the development and use of information systems.

Privacy enforcement and analysis for functional active objects

Whistleblowing in a changing legal climate: is it time to revisit our approach to trust and loyalty at the workplace?

Neoliberal globalization and trade unionism: toward radical political unionism?

Empire (after Andy Warhol) [at Fundación Proa]

Assessment talk in design: the multiple purposes of assessment in HE.

Empirical measurements of small unmanned aerial vehicle co-axial rotor systems.

International management ethics: a critical, cross-cultural perspective.

Sentencing and penalties

Visual communication of health risks: emotional differences between designers and users.

Asymmetric foreign currency exposures and derivatives use: evidence from France.

Making inefficient market indices efficient.

Influences on the formation of academics: The role of the doctorate and structured development opportunities

Living with dyslexia.

Critical issues in rape investigation: an overview of reform in England and Wales

OHS inspectors and psychosocial risk factors: evidence from Australia.

The European Court of Justice and age discrimination.

An accident waiting to happen.

Family based behavioural management of childhood obesity: Service evaluation of a group programme run in a community setting in the UK.

Design and development of a pole climbing surveillance robot

Project delivery in HIV/AIDS and TB in Southern Africa: the cross-cultural management imperative.

Cross-cultural management and NGO capacity building

Web service management system for bioinformatics research: a case study.

The role of social work professional supervision in conditions of uncertainty

Sexuality and sexual identities in social work: research and reflections from women in the field

Personal and environmental factors encouraging or preventing healthy lifestyle behaviours among Persian couples: a phenomenological investigation.

Revisiting revisitation in computer interaction: organic bookmark management.

The I5P visualisation framework for performance estimation through the alignment of process maturity and knowledge sharing

Interviewing women bereaved by homicide: assessing the impact of trauma-focused research

Mainstreaming accessibility? Multidisciplinary problems or technical solutions.

Stories as indicators of practical knowledge: analysing project workers' talk from a study of participation in a youth inclusion programme.

Female homosexuality: psychoanalysis and queer theory

How would you like to be assessed? The correlates of students’ preferences for assessment methods.

Regulation of psychosocial risk factors at work: an international overview. (Editorial)

Labour management in Belarus: transcendent retrogression.

It may be true, but how’s it helping? UK police detectives’ views of the operational usefulness of offender profiling

Social media for dissemination: reflections on using a range of tools to disseminate events at a learning and teaching conference

Dual diagnosis education within a VLE.

Using the familiar: how m-learning (SMS texting) can enhance the student learning experience.

Information literacy: a 21st-century graduate skill.

Using a student mentorship scheme to develop and raise academic attainment

What the eye doesn’t see: a case study exploring the less obvious impacts of peer assessment.

Collective narcissism and intergroup hostility: the dark side of 'in group love'.

Correspondence between images of terrorists and preferred approaches to counterterrorism: the moderating role of ideological orientations.

Attentional biases using the body in the crowd task: are angry body postures detected more rapidly?

I have two homes: an investigation into the transnational identity of Kenyan migrants in the United Kingdom (UK) and how this relates to their wellbeing.

Global strategy and practice of e-governance: examples from around the world.

Eating and drinking habits of young London-based Irish men: a qualitative study.

Sites and interventions.

The determinants of audit committee independence and activity: evidence from the UK.

Empirical modelling of capital structure: Jordanian evidence.

Regeneration: how should the problem be addressed? A discussion paper commissioned from the Regeneration and Economic Development Analysis Expert Panel for the Regeneration Futures Roundtable.

'You don't have to shout' - vocal behaviour in social work communication

Heidegger’s contribution to the understanding of work-based studies.

Non-state actors in the global health world

Psychiatric nursing staff members' reflections on participating in group-based clinical supervision: A semistructured interview study

Sustainable innovation and right to market.

Speculative trading, price pressure and overvaluation.

A policy-based publish/subscribe middleware for sense-and-react applications

Intercultural education of nurses and health professionals in Europe (IENE).

Retro femininities and domestic labour.

Exploring inclusion, exclusion and ethnicities in the institutional structures of U.K. accountancy.

Creative accounting practice and business performance: evidence from Pakistan.

Efficient and robust detection and recognition of objects in grayscale images.

Transcultural communication in CAMHS: developing practitioners’ awareness with an online cultural competency course.

Accuracy and usefulness of offender profiling: a review of the research.

Una classificacion de los delitos de poder.

Finding quality in being good enough conversations

Global careers.

Big society, good society?

Selling England by the pound.

Governance mechanisms for the promotion of social capital for knowledge transfer in multinational corporations

One European model of HRM? Cranet empirical contribution

Reflections on the enactment of children's participation rights through research: Between transactional and relational spaces.

The impact of the UK national minimum wage on productivity by low-paying sectors and firm-size groups: report to the Low Pay Commission.

The impact of minimum wages on the youth labour market: an international literature review for the Low Pay Commission

Indigenous peoples and globalization: from development aggression to self-determined development

Flora data.

Berlusconi of the Left? Nichi Vendola and the narration of the new Italian Left

The Guattari effect.

Surface water flood warning requirements and potential in England and Wales

Physiology, assessment and care

Room to read

Developing spatial frequency biases in face recognition in autism and Williams syndrome

Item and error analysis on Raven's coloured progressive matrices in Williams syndrome

Drawings of self and best friend by children undergoing dialysis

eHealth and ethics: theory, teaching, and practice.

Efficient ARQ retransmission schemes for two-way relay networks.

Capitalist sorcery: breaking the spell.

Boat design deriving from ethnographic study: a transdisciplinary approach to Malaysian fishing boat design.

The transferability of western MBAs to the Chinese context: exploring the challenges of teaching across cultures.

eHealth: legal, ethical and governance challenges: an overview.

Privacy and identity management for life.

Professional doctorates: a possible model of knowledge co-production?

An analytic approach for examining the precarious spaces of professional doctorates.

Widening participation in West Hertfordshire Hospices: enhancing access and diversity.

Elegant motion: the senster and other cybernetic sculptures by Edward Ihnatowicz.

Aspects of negation in Freud and Jung

Examination of hemiplasy, homoplasy and phylogenetic discordance in chromosomal evolution of the Bovidae

An abolitionist view of restorative justice

Dirac video codec: introduction

Impacts of buffering voice calls in integrated voice and data services

Wireless mesh network security: a traffic engineering management approach

Special issue on efficient and robust security and services of wireless mesh networks

Psychological profiles of school shooters: positive directions and one big wrong turn.

Exploring multi-homing issues in heterogeneous networks

The future is conservative

Real people as actors: Actors as real people

Why are nurse mentors failing to fail student nurses who do not meet clinical performance standards?

Is there a rural–urban divide? location and productivity of UK manufacturing

Time-lapse, time map: the photographic body of San Francisco in David Fincher’s Zodiac

Symptom experience in patients with gynaecological cancers: the development of symptom clusters through patient narratives

Development of the Federal National Council in UAE.

Why Blue Labour speaks of the moment.

The menstrual cycle: psychological, behavioral, physiological, and nutritional factors

MAP3738c and MptD are specific tags of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in type I diabetes mellitus

Common life ethics, class, community

Performance and technology: practices of virtual embodiment and interactivity

The Labour tradition and the politics of paradox.

British gynaecologists' attitudes in 2008 to the provision of legal abortion

A cautionary note or two, amid the pleasures and pains of participation in performance-making as research.

An efficient multichannel wireless sensor networks MAC protocol based on IEEE 802.11 distributed co-ordinated function.

Crew management administrative processes and information technology tools aiming at improving productivity and quality of work: the case of Marlow Navigation.

Il delitto, la legge, la pena.

Genres of heritage authenticity: denotations from a pilgrimage landscape

The concept of stress and stress management techniques in lay tradition: an ethnographic discourse analysis.

Dyskeratosis congenita and the DNA damage response

Promoting mental health minimising mental illness and integrating through education (PROMISE)

Tactile reasoning and adaptive architecture for intelligence sense-making

The management of poor performance in nursing and midwifery: a case for concern.

The subordination of European finance

Crisis in the Eurozone

A capitalist contrarian: diagnoses and prescriptions of Jean-Luc Gréau

GLI1 confers profound phenotypic changes upon LNCaP prostate cancer cells that include the acquisition of a hormone independent state

London's Chinatown and the changing shape of Chinese diaspora.

Decent work, older workers, and vulnerability in the economic recession: a comparative study of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States

'Fiction, Friction and other stories'

Mott Street in July

Development of security strategies using Kerberos in wireless networks

A security protocol for authentication of binding updates in Mobile IPv6.

Rethinking the legal foundations of control in international human rights law - the case of special procedures

OPAC 2.0: towards the next generation of online library catalogues

Leading practice in a multi-professional context

Wild capitalism, privatisation and employment relations in Serbia

The psychological and social consequences of miscarriage

Online collaboration: collaborative behavior patterns and factors affecting globally distributed team performance

Postmodernism and performance.

Sites of socialisation: Polish parents and children in London schools

The provision of digital information in the seat comfort of the seat design

Optimizing performance variables for small unmanned aerial vehicle co-axial rotor systems

A solution to revisitation using organic bookmark management

Development of a reconfigurable protective system for multi-rotor UAS

Jeanette Winterson: interrogating masculinity with violence

Fairy tales reimagined: essays on new retellings [Book review]

Union influence in post-socialist Europe.

Twenty five years of training and education in ICT Design for All and Assistive Technology.

The role of age of acquisition in picture and word naming in dyslexic adults

Comic books, politics and readers: the influence of the 2000AD group of comics creators on the formation of Anglo-American comics culture.

Climate change and its impacts on older adults’ health in Kazakhstan

Translation as a means of ideological struggle

The DProf advisor/candidate relationship: a coaching model? Evidence from two DProf programmes

Providing the framework for exploration and creation of knowledge in a DProf programme

A QoS framework for heterogeneous networking

Body weight and labour market outcomes in post-Soviet Russia [monograph]

A critical review of executive coaching research: a decade of progress and what's to come.

Phase I study utilizing a novel antigen-presenting cell-targeted vaccine with toll-like receptor stimulation to induce immunity to self-antigens in cancer patients

Thematic analysis of Antonovsky's sense of coherence theory

Age discrimination and diversity: multiple discrimination from an age perspective

Health needs, policy plan and school practice in Greece.

Characteristics of photodetectors with TiO2 nanorod arrays

Network coding-based block ACK for wireless relay networks.

International aid workers’ experience of support – an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

Prehistoric stone tools, chess expertise, and cognitive evolution: an experiment about recognizing features in flint debitage

A proposal on leveraging workflow technology for building process aware visual analytics system.

A new dawn over the land: shedding light on collective ownership and consent.

The development of a dynamic and robust event-based routing protocol in wireless sensor networks for environment monitoring.

Enhancing naming and location services to support multi-homed devices in heterogeneous environments

Traffic modelling in WLANs and cellular networks.

A survey of network coverage prediction mechanisms in 4G heterogeneous wireless networks.

Exploring the concept of scope to provide better security for internet services.

Movements in light

ParaSites: new propositions

Backpacker activities and personal values: an SEM approach

To protect or not to protect? The eligibility of commercially-used short verbal texts for copyright and trade mark protection

Book review. Cartographies of Time: a history of the timeline

Increasing the employment rate of older workers

A note on the Königs domain of compact composition operators on the Bloch space

A neuronal global workspace for human-like control of a computer game character

Segmenting the cruise market: an application of multiple correspondence analysis

Power, participation and partnership: methodological reflection on researching professional doctorate candidates' experiences of researching in the workplace

Editorial. Beyond Boundaries – Introduction to the Special Issue

State-of-the-art and future directions for green human resource management: introduction to the special issue

Middlesex University’s Invisque visual analytics tool: supported by text analytics techniques from the University of Leeds

INVISQUE: Technology and methodologies for interactive information visualization and analytics in large library collections

Chinese organization and management in Sub-Saharan Africa: towards a cross-cultural research agenda.

Cross-cultural studies.

From cultural values to cross-cultural interfaces: Hofstede goes to Africa

Beyond the chains that bind: the political crisis of unions in Western Europe

Developable surfaces: their history and application

Private sector housing conditions: Influencing health and wellbeing across the generations

Longitudinal motivational predictors of dietary self-care and diabetes control in adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus

Perspectives on social capacity building for natural hazards: Outlining an emerging field of research and practice in Europe

Developing a framework for critiquing health research: An early evaluation

MARC in 2011

International librarianship

Problem-focused higher education for shaping the knowledge society.

IT methods and techniques applied to educational quality enhancement.

Elective single-embryo transfer: persuasive communication strategies can affect choice in a young British population

An Aristotelian model for ethical higher education marketing: the role of practical wisdom

The concept of profound boredom: learning from moments of vision

Evidence and models of best practice should guide recruitment of gamete donors

Does nurture matter: theory and experimental investigation on the effect of working environment on risk and time preferences

Whistleblowing and data protection principles: is the road to reconciliation really that rocky?

Euphoria versus dysphoria: differential cognitive roles in religion?

Inclusive practice: researching the relationship between mathematical ability and drawing ability in art students.

Young workers and the recession.

Developments in nano unmanned aerial systems.

Unraveling public good games

Opium debt

BIC and the e4libraries accreditation scheme.

Demonstration of the SQ-4 UAV at the DSEi exhibition 2011.

Reading the Qur’an: the contemporary relevance of the sacred text of Islam

Employee participation in UK Sharesave schemes: a firm-level analysis

BME children in London: educational needs and the role of community organisations. (An evaluation of the education services of Day-Mer, Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre)

Exit Wall at WRO 2011.

Towards the knowledge society: new roles for Librarians in a changing world.

The tortured patient: an ethical dilemma project

Inclusive practice: researching the relationships between mathematical ability and drawing ability in art students.

Zones of tension: desertification and despoilation in Frederick Sommer’s Arizona photographs 1939-1945

Developing creativity in design and engineering.

Whistleblowing and democratic values.

A study of XML in the library science curriculum in Taiwan and South East Asia

EU Equality Law: three recent developments

Bans on the wearing of religious symbols in British Schools: a violation of the right to non-discrimination?

Work, family, and managerial attitudes and practices in the European workplace: comparing Dutch, British, and Slovenian financial sector managers

You can stand on your head and still end up with lower pay: gliding segregation and gendered work practices in Danish 'family-friendly' workplaces

Future Tech: Tech that will change the world.

BITE: Artists making prints.

Case Comment. An opportunity missed? Comment on Romer

Multiple discrimination in law.

Technology business incubators in China and India: a comparative case study.

Making the connection: security and human rights

Event driven architecture modelling and simulation

Taviani e la politica estera italiana degli anni cinquanta (1949-1954)

Indigenous peoples and peace-agreements: transforming relationships or empty rhetoric?

International law and land rights in Africa: the shift from states’ territorial possessions to indigenous peoples' ownership rights.

Advanced Radon transform using generalized interpolated Fourier method for straight line detection

Regulating marriage migration into the UK: a stranger in the home

Offshoring and specialisation: are industries moving?

Antipoverty programmes in Venezuela

Modeling as theory building: addressing knowledge management problems in system engineering.

A business-focused IT service model for Cloud

Service models for IT management, IT alignment and IT governance

An ideal husband? Marriages of convenience, moral gate-keeping and immigration to the United Kingdom

Teixeira and Ibrahim: looking back, looking forward or looking inward?

Platform independent, higher-order, statically checked mobile applications

Towards a new perspective: balancing risk, safety and danger.

Signal detection for 3GPP LTE downlink: algorithm and implementation.

Mass customisation. What are we designing?

Local-global optical flow for image registration agents

Suppressing the cross terms of the Wigner Distribution with an adaptive frequency smoothing window

The state of the art of medical imaging technology: from creation to archive and back.

Visualisation and analysis of the complexome network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Critical mutation rate has an exponential dependence on population size

Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. 14th International Conference, MODELS 2011, Wellington, New Zealand, October 16-21, 2011. Proceedings.

Click explores defence technology, from vanishing tanks to airborne spy bots.

'"Wren, Drift and Merge" [part of Midsummer Magic.]

An extensible, self contained, layered approach to context acquisition

Revisiting Naur's programming as theory building for Enterprise Architecture modelling

An efficient retransmission strategy for multi-source multi-destination relay networks over Rayleigh flat fading channels.

Power allocation for multiband coded OFDM systems with limited feedback

Exploiting student intervention system using data mining.

Provenance for intelligence analysis using visual analytics.

Interactive visualization for information analysis in medical diagnosis

INVISQUE: Intuitive information exploration through interactive visualization

The prudential effect of strategic institutional ownership on stock performance

An alternative measure of the world market portfolio: determinants, efficiency, and information content

Prostituting pain.

When enough is enough: time-restricted sensemaking in underground railway control

Evaluating the information behaviour methods: formative evaluations of two methods for assessing the functionality and usability of electronic information resources

Mental health literacy among university students.

Managing project supply chains

Security and QoS integration for protecting service providers in hterogeneous environments

5th Animation & Cartoon Fair, Dongguan, Guangdong, China, one person show and public session, and AYACC 2011, Guiyang, Guizhou, China, invited master/delegate

Master Cup 2011: The 2nd Master Cup International Illustration Biennial, Master Illustrators Federation, Beijing, China

Global recession and the National System of Innovation in China:‘a blessing in disguise’?

Financing social innovation: a case study of micro financing in Bangladesh.

Modelling and performability analysis of WLANs as a queuing model with channel/access point failures and reconfiguration

Enhancing the tourist industry through lighting design: the case of Ayia Napa

Towards a science of user engagement.

Critical review of analytical modelling approaches for performability evaluation of the handover phenomena in mobile communication systems

A learning team approach to executive recruitment, coaching & consultancy

Studying the adoption and learning processes of online interactivity

The impact of brand attitudes and social agents on young consumer behaviour

Trends in twenty-first century African theatre and performance

Interculturalism revisited: identity construction in African and African-Caribbean performance

Human resource management

Business and management practices in Greece: a comparative context

Exploring the outflow of FDI from the developing economies: selected case studies

Revealing the elusive obvious: making sense of creative practice through reflection and writing out

Practice, theory and reflection: an examination of writing in performance training and research

Employees' entrepreneurial contributions to firms in Russia, 1995–2004

Fuel from waste unConference: welcome and introduction

La paradoja de la incertidumbre: ¿cuándo menos significa más?

Part III: conclusion: summary, comparison and suggestions

Key social justice considerations when selecting students for social work education

Qualitative research methods in psychology: combining core approaches

Integrating sciences to sustain urban ecosystem services

Europe, human rights and land law in the 21st century: an English example

‘Theatre has to become political again…’. Interview by Alexandra Kolb

Going green

Good cop, Polish cop: findings from an evaluation of the secondment of two Polish police officers to work with the Metropolitan Police

Terror without end? Choreographing the Red Army Faction and Weather Underground

Dance and politics

E-government clusters: from framework to implementation

Strategize, transform, perform: the story of the new post.

A model of the interpretation process and perceived uncertainty in a specific issue context.

The first years of PosteMobile.

The future is in the post II: perspectives on transformation in the postal industry

Transformation and diversification in the context of regulated industries: the case of Poste Italiane and PosteMobile

Global unions, global business: global union federations and international business. 2nd edition

Social impact measurement as an entrepreneurial process.

Towards a radical aesthetics of kung fu cinema: authenticity and the pedagogy of performing bodies in Lau Kar-leung’s Shaolin Cycle

Radical, like in the 80s

Work based learning pedagogies and academic development

Advances in upper limb stroke rehabilitation: a technology push

Design of the ROBIN system: whole-arm multi-model sensorimotor environment for the rehabilitation of brain injuries while sitting or standing

The determinants of board size and independence : evidence from China

On the politics of interdisciplinary collaboration

Nutritional medicine: a vital partner of 21st century medicine: special reference to the case of Cyprus

Water management in cities of the future using emission control strategies for priority hazardous substances

Gender, generations and the family in international migration

Widening participation in higher education: a case study and evaluation

Semantic multimedia modelling & interpretation for search & retrieval

Health and safety management in the offshore oil industry

The use and effectiveness of behavioural modification techniques in achieving and maintaining normal weight and fitness – the lifestyle changes for adults in Cyprus

Institutional theory and the policy problem of vocational education and training and its development: the Egyptian case

Factors influencing international students’ decisions in choosing a Cyprus higher education institution: implications for recruitment and marketing

Foucault, social theory and social work

An investigation into the prevalence of non-tripod pengrip and its implications for secondary school writers

Administration or transformation? An exploration of personalisation reforms, service user participation and diversity strategies in adult social care

Extended mobile WiMAX signal transmission over RoF via triple symmetrical dispersion system SMF, DCF and CFBG

A dream come-true: empowerment through dreams reflecting Fāṭimid-Ṣulayḥid relations

Semantic multimedia modelling & interpretation for annotation

The national in the network society: UKUncut, the English Defence League and the challenge for social democracy

Radius-SHA256 – verified remote authentication with secure hashing.

Recent developments in relevance theory

Foster carer reviews: process, practicalities and best practice.

Social work with lesbians and gay men

User generated content: an exploration and analysis of the temporal qualities and elements of authenticity and immediacy in UGC

A security model for functional active objects with an implementation in Erlang

The perceptual foundations of drawing ability

Users' performance of accessible sound-only computer games

26a edizione della Biennale Internazionale dell’Umorismo nell’Arte: l'arte del novecento = 26th edition of the International Biennial of Art Humour: the art of the twentieth century

CETL for work based learning: enhancing innovation and creativity in teaching and learning

Building a cross-disciplinary team – experiences from a work-based learning CETL

Local integration policies for newcomers in the United Kingdom

Victim pressure, institutional inertia and climate change adaptation: the case of flood risk

Contextualizing social vulnerability: findings from case studies across Europe

Assessing options for the development of surface water flood warning in England and Wales

Modelling the potential damage-reducing benefits of flood warnings using European cases

Floodplain conflicts: regulation and negotiation

Work based learning: creative, imaginative and flexible approaches

Mandatory Retirement in the Police Service: the Case of the London MPS

Hotel or home at the seaside? Challenges and opportunities for family wellbeing

Extending and embedding work based learning across the university: change strategies in action [article]

Perceptions of potential postgraduate Greek business students towards UK universities, brand and brand reputation

The extensibility of psychoanalysis in Ahmed Alaidy's Being Abbas el Abd and Bahaa Taher's Love in Exile

The effect of internal marketing on job satisfaction in health services: a pilot study in public hospitals in Northern Greece

Interpreting academic level descriptors for work based learning

Enterprise systems benefit framework for medium sized manufacturing businesses in the UK

Empire (after Andy Warhol) [at Whitechapel Gallery]

Dust breeding


Cross-currents of dance and politics: an introduction

Computational optimization and applications in engineering and industry

Computational optimization, methods and algorithms

Parameter estimation from laser flash experiment data

Benchmark problems in structural optimization

Computational optimization: an overview

Towards improved distributed collaborative workflow management for mobile devices

Higher order support tensor regression for head pose estimation

Support tucker machines

Action spotting exploiting the frequency domain

Max-margin semi-NMF

Efficient computation of dominance in component systems (short paper)

The limits of tractability in resolution-based propositional proof systems

Low-level dichotomy for quantified constraint satisfaction problems

Cutting planes and the parameter cutwidth

Parameterized proof complexity

Dance and dance education: developing dance education in Hong Kong and in mainland China

Psychological formulation: a radical perspective

How do you use learning contracts and action plans to demonstrate learning in the workplace?

Should employers be held more responsible for stress at the work place?

The health, safety and well-being of vulnerable workers

A meta-analysis of pathological gaming prevalence and comorbidity with mental health, academic and social problems

The computational complexity of disconnected cut and 2K2-partition

A tetrachotomy for positive first-order logic without equality

QCSP on partially reflexive forests

A quickly convergent continuous ant colony optimization algorithm with scout ants

A quadrupedal locomotion central pattern generator based on oscillatory building block networks

The linguistic participation of women in the ‘new’ devolved assemblies of the UK: What can it tell us, and how can we measure it?

Speaking about speeches: interviews with women politicians about linguistic practices in UK parliamentary debates

'I am not an Honourable Lady': the construction of national and gendered identities in the National Assembly for Wales.

New parliaments, new practices? An account of gender and language in the devolved parliaments of the UK

Trafficked identities

Digital checkpoints

The impact of destination attributes on Muslim tourist's choice

Psychosocial influences on prisoner suicide: a case-control study of near-lethal self-harm in women prisoners

Near-lethal self-harm in women prisoners: contributing factors and psychological processes

AMP-activated protein kinase and metabolic regulation in cold-hardy insects

Polyomavirus middle T-antigen is a transmembrane protein that binds signaling proteins in discrete subcellular membrane sites

Culture and aesthetics in transnational contexts

Geopolitics and the Location of Cultural Memories

Geography, politics and location in transnational media practices

Integrated inventory-distribution planning in a (1:N) supply chain system with heterogeneous vehicles incorporated

Scheduling of uniform parallel machines with s-precedence constraints

Organizing effects of testosterone and economic behavior: not just risk taking

Danscross: dancing in a shaking world. The Danscross papers, Beijing 2009

Right wing politics in the New Latin America - reaction and revolt

Venezuela’s opposition: desperately seeking to overthrow Chavez

The monstrous masculine: constructions of masculinity in the discourses of extreme cinema

Management controls in automotive international joint ventures involving Chinese parent companies

Exploring and expanding on pluralism in qualitative research in psychology

Does eating a raw food diet cause spleen qi deficiency?

Warming method in Shang Han Lun

Emetic method in Shang Han Lun

Queer theory and the "female homosexual" of psychoanalysis

Ghosts in the machine: experiencing animation

The Quay Brothers: into a metaphysical playroom

A metaphysics of space: the Quay Brothers atmospheric cosmogonies

A survey on management of chronic back pain with acupuncture in NHS hospitals – the patient perception

Effectiveness of acupuncture with tuina on the knee osteoarthritis – a pilot clinical study

Sequential versus simultaneous schelling models: experimental evidence


What shall we do with the drunken sailor

Increasing the impact force of the rear hand punch

Intergenerational transmission of ‘religious capital’. Evidence from Spain

Favouring friends

The therapeutic functions of mental imagery in psychotherapy: constructing a theoretical model

Economia Experimental y del Comportamiento

Bruno Schulz's Generatio aequivoca: sites of (dis-)enchantment in the Quay Brothers' Street of Crocodiles

Transnational radicals: labour dissent and political activism in Detroit and Turin (1950-1970)

From womanhood to endometriosis: findings from focus groups with women from different ethnic groups

Evaluation of collaborative filtering algorithms using a small dataset

Socialism and the social economy

Creative Canada: on the trail of Richard Florida’s creative professionals

Through the looking glass? Sexual agency and subjectification in cyberspace

Non-standard working time: an international and comparative analysis

The last chance saloon? The Independent Labour Party and miners' militancy in the Second World War revisited

The corporate psychopaths theory of the global financial crisis

Corporate psychopaths, bullying and unfair supervision in the workplace

Community theatre and AIDS

Transcultural nursing: the vehicle for the delivery of much needed compassionate and culturally competent care for all

Dialogic mediation in international groups of adolescents

Cultures of education in action: research on the relationship between interaction and cultural presuppositions regarding education in an international educational setting

Antecedents of perceived coach autonomy supportive and controlling behaviors: coach psychological need satisfaction and well-being

The talking cure: from narrative to academic argument

A tripolar current-steering stimulator ASIC for field shaping in deep brain stimulation

Genre as implicit methodology in a collaborative writing initiative

Axl promotes cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma survival through negative regulation of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members

A cross-cultural awareness workshop: language, communication and difference

Explanation of two non-blocking shared-variable communication algorithms

Breath control of amusement rides

Analysing the playground: sensitizing concepts to inform systems that promote playful interaction

Policing wildlife: perspectives on criminality in wildlife crime

Specification-based IDS for securing RPL from topology attacks

Drawing Euler diagrams with circles: the theory of piercings

Design and evaluation of an ambient assisted living system based on an argumentative multi-agent system

Visualization and analysis of the complexome network of saccharomyces cerevisiae

Variable uncertainty: scenario design for training adaptive and flexible skills

rKv1.2 overexpression in the central medial thalamic area decreases caffeine-induced arousal

Economic Impact Assessment: the creative sector in the Western Region

Content-based petrieval of 3D medical images

Visualization of data for ambient assisted living services

Inductively generating Euler diagrams

The influence of ligand organization on the rate of uptake of gold nanoparticles by colorectal cancer cells

Chinese intellectual property and technology laws

Affectivity, expertise, and inequality: three foundations of trust in education. Reflections on presuppositions, (unintended) consequences, and possible alternatives

Changing funding realities for charities and social enterprises: responses to the big society agenda and austerity in the East of England

Reparations: the Universal Periodic Review and the right to development

A qualitative investigation of employees’ perceptions of the impact of work on health behaviours

The scope of application of EU fundamental rights on member states’ action: in search of certainty in EU adjudication

Art, agency and the Hermetic imagination

The imagination of children

Absurd impositions

Courage, compassion and cultural competence

Transcultural nursing and cultural competence for health care professionals. [In Greek]

The dancing gaze across cultures: Kazuo Ohno's admiring La Argentina

Archaeological choreographic practices: Foucault and Forsythe

Functional outcomes in children with osteonecrosis secondary to treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip

Constellations: the life and music of John Buckley

A framework for digital investigations: a case study using BPB modifications

Short treatise on art

Capitalist life in Lukács

Graphic design and the construction of gay masculinities in Kaiserin and Têtu

Grey matter really matters: a study of the learning opportunities and learning experiences of older people using social care services in England, United Kingdom

Statelessness and environmental-induced displacement: future scenarios of deterritorialisation, rescue and recovery examined

The translator as metteur en scene, with reference to Les Aveugles [The Blind] by Maurice Maeterlinck

Insight into government managed technology business incubators in the west of China: a comparative analysis

What are we making? The work-without-content in live computer music

The jingle dress

Square dances (and Melt down)

Falling Phoebe

Fantasias 2 for viola & piano

The Zong affair (after Turner’s The slave ship)

Concerto for piano and orchestra

Vulnerable workers: health, safety and well-being

Distributed space-time block codes for relay networks: design for frequency-selective fading channels

A recurrent quantum neural network model enhances the EEG signal for an improved brain-computer interface

Do wound complications or lymphoceles occur more often in solid organ transplant recipients on mTOR inhibitors? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials


Spontaneous combustion



A systematic review of interventions for anxiety in people with HIV

What is the evidence for effectiveness of interventions to enhance coping among people living with HIV disease? a systematic review

Standardized diagnostic criteria for developmental dysplasia of the hip in early infancy

Pedagogies of cognitive capitalism - challenging the critical subject

Ally Pally prison camp

Mum and dad 1934


After the holiday

Risk assessment

Blue moon

Dolls' hosptial


Time travellers

The End

Lake Trasimeno

Whitstable 2010

Etruscan cemetery

Leon Golub [retrospective catalogue]

Examining the PhD in creative writing

Being in uncertainties, mysteries and doubts: negative capability and the place of the imagination in the academy today

Ethnic discrimination in the Greek housing market

Creating a family or loyalty-based framework: the effects of paternalistic leadership on workplace bullying

Consumer attitudes revisited: a review of attitude theory in marketing research

Trace: displaced

Wonderland: the trouble with love and sex

I think I know now

Ar seiz breur, linguistic hegemony, and graphic resistance in Brittany

The synucleins are a family of redox-active copper binding proteins

US social policy in the 21st Century: the difficulties of comprehensive social reform

The role of clustering, cooperation and complementarities in the visitor attraction sector

Co-evolution and MPEG7 matching in creating artificial music improvisors

Subjectivity in the ecologies of P2P production

Instantiating abstract argumentation with classical logic arguments: postulates and properties

Distributed clustering-based aggregation algorithm for spatial correlated sensor networks

Performance evaluation of the Cognitive Packet Network in the presence of network worms

On the axiomatizability of priority II

Modeling and simulation of pedestrian behaviors in crowded places

Model projection: simplifying models in response to restricting the environment

Model checking of continuous-time Markov chains against timed automata specifications

Minority support: friendship and the development of gay and lesbian managerial careers and identities

Queer company: the role and meaning of friendship in gay men's work lives

'I am not an Honourable Lady': gender and language in the National Assembly for Wales

Points of view

Frontolimbic responses to emotional faces in young people at familial risk of depression

Maximising employer-responsive progression through organisational development

Progression and fair access to higher education in the creative industries sector

The institutional and social construction of responsible investment

Aufenthalt im Unerhoerten : Bloch's reading of Hebel (1926-1965)

Concordance between mother and offspring retrospective reports of childhood adversity

A fractured transnational diaspora: the case of Zimbabweans in Britain

We took a bath with the chickens: memories of childhood visits to the homeland by second-generation Greek and Greek Cypriot returnees

Evaluating transitions: human rights and qualitative democracy in central and eastern Europe

Gendering counter-diasporic migration: second generation Greek-Americans and Greek-Germans narrate their homecoming

Thematic analysis of Antonovsky’s sense of coherence theory

Stateless by any other name: refused asylum-seekers in the United Kingdom

Sexuality before ability? The assessment of lesbians as adopters

The training of trainers for legal Interpreting and Translation

Building mutual trust: a framework project for implementing EU common standards in legal interpreting and translation

Geographies of subjectivity: locating feminist political subjects in Milan

Narrating lives in (e)motion: embodiment, belongingness and displacement in diasporic spaces of home and return

Muslim women negotiating collective stigmatization: we're just normal people

Migrants' social networks and weak ties: accessing resources and constructing relationships post-migration

Reporting quality of randomised controlled trials in solid organ transplantation

Simply criminal: predicting burglars' occupancy decisions with a simple heuristic

Travelers’ types

European social workers in England: exploring international labour mobility

Family migration: the role of children and education in family decision-making strategies of Polish migrants in London

Deliciously consumable: the uses and abuses of irony in sex trafficking campaign films

Economic impacts of different skilled levels of immigration labour: a CGE assessment for the UK

The Chapeltown Union of Psychogeographers

Supporting arts and enterprise skills in communities through creative engagement with the local area

The book of friendship

The clash of visualizations: counterinsurgency and climate change

The right to look: a counterhistory of visuality

London's Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging

L'immigrazione irregolare nel Regno Unito

New challenges for the UN Human Rights Machinery: what future for the UN Treaty Body System and the Human Rights Council Procedures?

Funny things happen at the Grange: introducing comedy activities in day services to older people with dementia through the making of a mockumentary on a visit by Her Majesty the Queen

Sexuality and women in care organisations: negotiating boundaries within a gendered cultural script


Spontaneous combustion

Childhood experiences of care and abuse (CECA): validierung der Deutschen version des fragebogenund korrespondierenden Interview sowie Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung von Zusammenhangen belastenader Kindheitserlebnisse mit suizdalen Verhaltensweisen

Order assignment considering buyer, third-party logistics provider, and suppliers

Paradox in time: movement and stasis in T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land

‘The uncoiling python: South African storytellers and resistance’ by Harold Scheub

(Syn)aesthetics: redefining visceral performance

Wellbeing and mental health: an evolving role for environmental health practitioners through evidence based practice

Researching their own practice: the competencies required by practitioner researchers

Vulnerability, life events and depression amongst Moslem Malaysian women: comparing those married and those divorced or separated

Attachment style and psychological adjustment in couples

Tricky spaces: animation, installation and spatial politics

R2P and kinship in the context of Syria and Lebanon

The UN principle of self-determination and secession from decolonized states: Katanga and Biafra

A comparative study of visitors to urban, coastal and rural areas. Evidence from the Island of Crete

Characteristics of the Internet for criminal child sexual abuse by online groomers

A Labour historian of the old school - Raymond Challinor remembered

When being professional means becoming myself: towards integrity and presence in practice

Making sense of urban policy in complex times

Model projection: simplifying models in response to restricting the environment

Narrowing the focus: public understanding of flood maps in the River Thames catchment

'Too high an ideal for the work required'? Minnie James and the intellectual life of the librarian

What motivates employers to establish preventive arrangements? An examination of the case of supply chains

Constructions of age identities in everyday conversations through painful self disclosures

Doing age and ageing: language, discourse and social interaction

Receptor-attached amphiphilic terpolymer for selective drug recognition in aqueous solutions

Affordances and constraints to e-learning: role of architecture in 3D learning space digital design

3D assistive technologies and advantageous themes for collaboration and blended learning of users with disabilities

Music review: The Revolution Will Not Be Amplified, by Ryan Harvey

A field based test battery for tennis

Defining, developing and measuring agility

Defining and developing the aerobic capacity

Training the aerobic capacity of distance runners: a break from tradition

The science and practice of periodisation: a brief review

The strength and generality of stimulus over-selectivity in simultaneous discrimination procedures

Effects of schedule of reinforcement on over-selectivity

The role of stormwater in the urban water cycle

Urban wastewater system management and risk assessment under catastrophic antiviral pandemic conditions

Evaluation of alternative pollutant emission control strategies to urban water systems using substance flow analysis

Sludge management paradigms: impact of priority substances and priority hazardous substances

Sources and pathways for pharmaceuticals in the urban water environment

Factors influencing the infiltration of pharmaceuticals through soils

Recursion principles for syntax with bindings and substitution

Introducing Binary Decision Diagrams in the explicit-state verification of Java code

An exploration of the use of infant observation methods to research the identities of severely learning disabled adolescents and to enhance relationship-based practice for professional social work practice

Business and human rights: the impossible reconciliation?

The historical evolution of international criminal law

Detention in conflict: an international criminal law perspective

Delivering justice in the Caribbean: a human rights assessment of the Caribbean Court of Justice

Guidance on business and human rights: a review

Drinking contexts and youth drunkenness

Water management in cities of the future using emission control strategies for priority hazardous substances

The implications of household greywater treatment and reuse for municipal wastewater flows and micropollutant loads

Factor de impacto de revistas: ¿amenaza u oportunidad?

Alcohol use disorders and hazardous drinking among undergraduates at English universities

Bacillus subtilis fadB (ysiB) gene encodes an enoyl-CoA hydratase

Auction-based admission control for self-aware networks

Formal verification of a theory of packages

The complexity of abduction for separated heap abstractions

Instantiating abstract argumentation with classical logic arguments: postulates and properties

Evaluation of the preventing violent extremism - PREVENT programme and projects in the London Borough of Barnet

Shaping religious communities in East London

Social exclusion in Chinese cities in the 21st century

Britain: how neo-liberalism cut unions down to size

3D assistive technologies for collaboration, blended learning & teaching for users with disabilities

Middlesex University skills and education planning tool

Programme design, accreditation and APEL/APCL support tools

Pulling the physical and virtual environment into the blend

Employment and social relations in the post-soviet workplace: trust and control in Russian management

The law of Holocaust denial in Europe: toward a (qualified) EU-wide criminal prohibition

Transferring human grasping synergies to a robot

EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: a legal assessment of the draft accession agreement of 14 October 2011

Decisiones económicas e intimas de las mujeres (Women's economic and intimate decisions)

Methodological framework for an integrated multi-scale vulnerability and resilience assessment

An investigation of workplace bullying in three UK healthcare organizations

How children learn 4: thinking on special educational needs and inclusion

Human figure drawings by children in hospital and mainstream schools

Pirates of the web: the curse of illegal downloading

Smith Act – Alien Registration Act 1940

Neo-liberals versus neo-conservatives

William J. Clinton

School crime and violence in European Union

School crime and violence in U.K.

Between stage and literature: romantic ballet’s narrative strategies.

Apprenticeships and work-based higher education

Developing a nationally recognised higher apprenticeship in construction

Cyber-communities and motherhood online - a reflection on transnational adoption

Reflections on the 21st century migrant: impact of social networking and hyper-reality on the lived experience of global migration

Towards a politically efficacious community-based theatre

Technologies of passport control

Cooperative cognitive radio beamforming in the presence of location errors

Constellations – the life and music of John Buckley

'Myth means: the saying word' / 'The Lord said that he would dwell in thick darkness'

An exploration of the relation between the concepts of 'community' and 'future' in philosophy

Dispelling the myth at LCF

Dispelling the myth; the influence of cinema on the fashion of young, working-class women in the 1930s

Mass consuming Hollywood

Skeletons in her cupboard

Organomineralization potential of bacterial environmental isolates from Puerto Rico

Developments in mental health service provision: views of service users and carers

Effect of volume of milk consumed on the attenuation of exercise-induced muscle damage

Inference to the best diagnosis: inside the black box of HIV antibody-testing

Narratives from the nursery: negotiating professional identities in early childhood

Simon Jones, Black culture, White Youth: the Reggae Tradition from JA to UK

Negotiating maternal subjectivities: the impact of neo-liberalism on normative forms of female subjectivity

Narrative methods: (re)-considering claims to give voice

Deconstructing professionalism in early childhood education and care

Engaging ''hard to reach'' families in ECEC services: post-colonial interpretations

Professional identities in the nursery: 'managed hearts'?

Black, microcolonial fungi as deteriogens of two famous marble statues in Florence (IT)

Using fuzzy set theory to investigate polyadic grooming relationships among captive chimpanzees

Safeguarding children: the complexities of contemporary practice and the importance of working with emotions

Policy and legislative frameworks in contemporary child and family social work

What’s important for looked after children? The views of young people leaving care

Advanced social work with children and families (post qualifying social work practice)

Analysis of dance postures in latin-american dances using annotation and Sagit tracking

Hotel or home at the seaside? Social, health and wellbeing outcomes for young families living in Margate

Acclimation to high CO2 in maize is related to water status and dependent on leaf rank

The impact of neoliberal political ideology and the reconstruction of health care placement circuits

Fashion blogs: too trendy for libraries or useful resources?

The ‘hidden labour’ in project management

Work-life, diversity and intersectionality: a critical review and research agenda

Voice, silence, and diversity in 21st century organizations: strategies for inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees

Direct and indirect links between organizational work-home culture and employee well-being

Intensity-dependent direct solar radiation- and UVA-induced radical damage to human skin and DNA, lipids and proteins

The patient in acute pain

Peter Fribbins: Chamber and Orchestral Works

The infernal affairs trilogy and Hong Kong cinema's relationship with the external world

Foreign ownership structure and firm performance: evidence from a large emerging market

Ownership structure and host country institutional environment: evidence from EU MNCs’ innovation in China

Empirical research on the effect of value-added tax transition on China’s equipment manufacturing R&D investment

A town called Superinjunction!

Legal Standards for the Protection from Refoulement by Kee Wouters [Book Review]

Coming of age

Taking a case to the European Court of Human Rights [3rd ed.]

Preparing for new education prospects

From ‘balancers’ to ‘integrators’? Young professionals’ talk about ‘work’ and the rest of ‘life’ in the UK

The effects of flexibilization on social divisions and career trajectories in the UK labour market

“A small, effective organization”: The Mirisch Company, the package-unit system and the production of ‘Some Like It Hot’

Poly Styrene: virtual boyfriend

Metanoia and the making of a psychotherapist

Tourist's destination image through regional tourism: from supply and demand sides perspectives

Recipe tellings of older women in Cyprus [contribution to the panel Identity & relationship construction with and among the elderly, organized by Englert Christina]

Culture and identity in African and Caribbean theatre [Book review]

ArtsCross Taipei 2011: Uncertain…waiting…

Evolutionary art with an EEG fitness function

Comparison between the effects of trigger point mesotherapy versus acupuncture points mesotherapy in the treatment of chronic low back pain: a short term randomized controlled trial

Traces of being: a document of absence in words

Exploring design features to enhance computer-based assessment: learners' views on using a confidence-indicator tool and computer-based feedback

Supported open learning: developing an integrated information literacy strategy online

The first Romanian actresses performing in the 19th century: their influences and their image in the Romanian drama

Masochism in nursing: ethics from Lacanian and Zizek

An integrated monitoring system for modular buildings