Examining the impact of competitiveness influencers on destination competitiveness: an investigative study of the destination competitiveness of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as an accessible tourism destination

Improving the dependability of safety critical wireless sensor network scheduling using artificial intelligence

Assessing the effect of psychological priming techniques on salivary hormones and physical performance markers

Governing the International Criminal Court: the history and practice of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute

Development of user orientation toward digital culture within a national government strategy; a case study of UAE e-government

Gender differences in returns to academic collaboration

Turning the tide: rhythmic aggregation behaviour in Anurida maritima (Collembola) is entrained by inundation

Associations between inter-limb asymmetry in lower limb strength and jump performance in 14–15-year-old basketball players

Positive LGBT+ identity, interpersonal discrimination, and satisfaction with life: a cross-national comparison between LGBT+ people in the UK, Italy, and Turkey

Compound Poisson approximation

Sustainable heritage tourism: quality not quantity

Ultra-low temperature heating system based on dual-source solar assisted heat pump using compound parabolic concentrator-capillary tube solar collector

Navigating the herd: a bibliometric examination of investor psychology in financial markets

‘It’s a tiger instinct – that’s my baby!’: affective practices of care in parents’ educational activism

A novel approach to improving squat jump performance: the pre-loading squat jumps

Orwellian odyssey: smart borders and the imperative for explainability

Integrale Konzeption zur Lösung der «Flächenfalle» im Schweizer Möbelhandel

Selektion der B2B-Absatzkanäle für erklärungsbedürftige technische Produkte in der deutschen Metall- und Elektroindustrie: Eine empirische Untersuchung

Quantum enhanced knowledge distillation

Learning, sharing and caring: pedagogical features of parents’ educational activism

Advancing gender equality through context-sensitive work-family support for breastfeeding: lessons from a participatory intervention in South Africa

Work-family entanglement: drawing lessons from the complex lives of low-income women

Assuring privacy of AI-powered community driven Android code vulnerability detection

Theorising pandemic necropolitics as evil: thinking inequalities, suffering, and vulnerabilities with Arendt

The Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA) role in supporting and advocating for neurodivergent colleagues

Insider trading before earnings news: the role of executive pay disparity

Principles of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability: an evidence-based approach

Digital twin for O-RAN towards 6G

EDI and postgraduate research: report on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion review of postgraduate research at Middlesex University

Breast cancer risk and prevention in 2024: An overview from the Breast Cancer UK ‐ Breast Cancer Prevention Conference

The efficacy of gemcitabine and docetaxel chemotherapy for the treatment of relapsed and refractory osteosarcoma: a systematic review and pre‐clinical study

The Newham Plays – towards the making of a pro-localist theatre in Newham, East London


Formalizing federated learning and differential privacy for GIS systems in IIIf

A secure cooperative image super-resolution transmission with decode-and-forward relaying over Rayleigh fading channels

Threshold signature in off-chain components to manage inter-chain transactions

Political entrepreneurs and interest groups in the CPTPP ratification process in Chile: A case of politicization?

Improving the administrative environment to boost international student enrollment in Georgia

Barbenheimer: mass appeal cinema and the evolution of the blockbuster

Action learning in higher education: reflections on facilitating AL in leadership development programmes

The politics of transition: Innovative place-making and alternative development models under English localism

We Will Become Mars

'Andy' to Its Friends

Modelling and numerical simulation of heat transfer and hydrodynamic performance of multi-pass parallel flow condensers - a novel algebraic method to determine flow distribution

Transparency vs explanation of machine learning algorithms: perspectives from recent legal proceedings

The Pilgrim’s Progress

Playing games with diagrams: truth diagrams and game semantics

Using ratio data in strength and conditioning: component parts hold the key

Apartheid in the digital outdoors? An analysis of the Instagram content of outdoor brands in the US, UK and Scandinavia

Environmental cooperation in the post-Brexit era: enhancing collaborative approaches for environmental protection and conservation

Unlocking equal pay [Panel discussion]

Selecting metrics that matter: a framework to guide practitioners when using force plates for jump testing in sport

Asymmetry during landing impacts following jumps with aerial rotation in collegiate men’s basketball players

Quasi Biologically Plausible Category Learning

Making and selling Greek food in London: migrant hospitality professionals talk about food authenticity over dinner

Growing mycelium leather: a paste substrate approach with post-treatments

Intersectional discrimination and EU law: Time to revisit Parris

Firefly algorithm for movable antenna arrays

Psychedelics as a tool for a more connected and sustainable world? Considering the importance of rituals, boundaries, and commitment

Process evaluation of the Newham Y2A Hub: evaluating the implementation of a specialist youth to adulthood transitions service in probation

The Urban Life of Workers in Post-Soviet Russia: Engaging in Everyday Struggle by Alexandrina Vanke. Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2024. 256 pp. £85.00. ISBN 978-1-5261-6763-7 [Book review]

Occupant complacency in workplace fire evacuations

Closing the gender pay gap “once and for all”: Labour’s proposed reforms to GPG reporting in the UK

A social practice perspective of Ireland’s lobster cultural food heritage

Revitalise and revolutionise: a student-centred curriculum

«Care outside of guidance» – trotz ablehnung betreuen

A 1.76 mW, 355-fps, electrical impedance tomography system with a simple time-to-digital impedance readout for fast neonatal lung imaging

Thermoregulatory demands of épée fencing during competition

Fostering virtue among autorickshaw drivers in Sri Lanka: a case study of an urban sharing institution

The impact of environmental accountability on firm corporate lobbying behaviour: an empirical investigation of US listed firms

The portrayal of Jesus in Islam amongst contemporary Muslims writing to the American public: in what ways do their writings represent continuity and change in relation to formative-classical Muslim understandings?

The impact of Artificial Intelligence focus on firm performance: the role of R&D and top manager education level

An exploration of women’s lived experiences of event centrality resulting from childhood trauma – an existential perspective

Exploring the role of source, content, and audience factors in shaping sharing behaviour among social media influencers’ followers in Saudi Arabia

The influence of playing styles and team proficiencies on play call predictability in the NFL

Power in practice: clergy workplace experiences within the Pentecostal assemblies of Canada

ZHAO Zi-chen’s doctrine of salvation within the praxis model of contextual theology (1920-1950)

Can you credit it? Towards a process for ascribing credit to apprenticeships in England

Content moderator coping strategies: associations with psychological distress, secondary trauma and wellbeing

How CSR communication and value co-creation shape consumer well-being and brand love in the post-COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the UK

Die wettbewerblichen Auswirkungen des exklusiven Zugangs zu Mobilitatsdaten von Fahrzeugherstellern auf mobilitatsdatenbasierte loT-Markte - Eine okonomisch-rechtliche Analyse unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von datenschutz- und kartellrechtlichen Vorschriften

Ermittlung und Priorisierung relevanter Einflussfaktoren im Produktideenbewertungsprozess für die Fertigteilproduktion von Stahlbeton-Großbauteilen

Die Entwicklung eines sozial-kognitiven Lernmodells zur Verbesserung der Schlüsselkompetenzen von Auszubildenden in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik in Wien

Ray's a laugh: a reader

Selecting metrics that matter: a framework to guide practitioners who use jump testing in sport

Seeing the unseen: a pragmatic response to a public health emergency

Christian-Muslim dialogue in post-revolutionary Egypt: the influence of the humanist discourse

How do scholars and academics differ?

Measuring breastfeeding prevalence using demographic and health surveys

Does user-generated video content motivate individuals to visit a destination? A non-visitor typology

Shared sensemaking during a strategic change process: a non-managerial perspective

Validity and reliability of a commercially available inertial sensor for measuring barbell mechanics during weightlifting

Corporate identity management: a study of employees’ perceptions in the context of the retail and the hospitality and tourism sectors

Four speculative poems: 'Colony', 'Space Bouncer', 'A Grave Case of Zero Gravity', 'Rehumanising'

Urban resilience from agriculture: a case study of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

Ray's a laugh

Phenotypic plasticity in melanoma: the impact on management strategies

McCarthy Knew

Book Review: The Impact of a sense of belonging in college: Implications for student persistence, retention and success by Bentrim, E. M., and Henning, G. W.

Challenging simplistic and deficit perceptions of belonging amongst historically underrepresented students

Understanding training load in golf: a survey of swing coaches, performance practitioners and medical staff

Enhancing digital forensics readiness in big data wireless medical networks: A secure decentralised framework

Bulgaria’s constitutional drama and the EU Commission’s rose-colored glasses

Assessment of strength and power capacities in elite male soccer: a systematic review of test protocols used in practice and research

The contemporary scholar in higher education: forms, ethos and world view

Understanding equity access and use in early-stage ventures

Authentic no-exam assessment for student wellbeing

Digital forensics readiness in big data networks: a novel framework and incident response script for Linux-Hadoop environments

Tailored flood risk communication: residents’ perspectives as starting point

Critical social psychology, qualitative research and on being a research butterfly/magpie: 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'

Authenticity in learning, teaching and assessment

An interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) study of the integration and career progression of internationally educated nurses (IENs) in UK healthcare: the lived experience of UK registered nurses with Nigeria heritage in the London region

Adaptive reuse as social practice for collective interiors

Effects of maturation on the magnitude and direction of asymmetry in jumping and change of direction speed in young elite football players

Suppressive effects of exercise-conditioned serum on cancer cells: A narrative review of the influence of exercise mode, volume, and intensity

Assessment of the relationship between physical performance and percentage change-of-direction deficit in highly trained female football players

Model-based gamification design with Web-Agon: an automated analysis tool for gamification

Limerence, hidden obsession, fixation, and rumination: a scoping review of human behaviour


Do words compete as we speak? A systematic review of picture-word interference (PWI) studies investigating the nature of lexical selection

Rhythmic temporal cues coordinate cross-frequency phase-amplitude coupling during memory encoding

A current DAC based current generator with fourth-order current-mode filter for electrical impedance tomography

The role of macro institutional factors in determining types of entrepreneurial start-ups: a longitudinal panel study

Expected Pass Turnovers (xPT) - a model to analyse turnovers from passing events in football

Swimming against the tide: why do people create spaces to support mental health and wellness? A reflexive thematic analysis

An investigation into how the application of the processes and procedures are perceived by the UK Taekwondo community through the lens of Rawls’ theories of justice, fairness and equality

A pilot study for testing feasibility and preliminary influence of early intervention using text messaging for pressure ulcer prevention in individuals with spinal cord injury

A study of bacteria producing carbonic anhydrase enzyme for CaCO3 precipitation and soil biocementation

Prozesscontrolling in der Kunststoffrecycling-Branche – Möglichkeiten und Chancen für KMU durch Standardisierung und Tool-Support

Zusammenarbeit zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmervertretungen im Lichte der datenschutzrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen unter Berücksichtigung der Mitbestimmungsgesetze und Regelungen zum Beschäftigtenschutz

Development of an ensemble CNN model with explainable AI for the classification of gastrointestinal cancer

Médecins Sans Frontières mentoring and coaching hub, Norway mentoring programme

NIHR: National Institute of Health and Care Research mentoring programme

Truth diagrams for some non-classical and modal logics

A logic of isolation

Investigating the factors affecting electronic customer relationship management readiness: the case of banks

The state of the nation in wartime: R.C. Sherriff's three openings for Mrs Miniver

From changing childbirth to better births: a critical discourse analysis of maternity policies in the NHS

#MDXPD Product Design 2024

Effects of external verbal cueing on countermovement rebound jump performance


A generalized evolutionary metaheuristic (GEM) algorithm for engineering optimization

Parameter tuning of the Firefly Algorithm by standard Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in cultural context II: a comparison of the links between ADHD symptoms and waiting-related responses in Hong Kong and UK

Walking (to) Greenham, again: activating feminist heritage

The prevalence of specific learning difficulties in higher education: a study of UK universities across 12 academic years

Control of subsidiary HRM policies by multi-national corporate headquarters: the role of institutional differences and labor unions

From primary school teacher to ethno-psychotherapist: why sound and pedagogy mattered for Beryl Gilroy (1924–2001)

Affordances and borderscapes: language ideologies, nationalisms, generations and geographies of resistance in Cyprus

A diversified funding profile for banks: including green bonds in the liability structure

Making connections: Pia Arke and feminists using photography

Chromosomal copy number and mutational status are required to authenticate ovarian cancer cell lines as appropriate cell models

Exploring health-related quality of life, exercise and alcohol use in adolescents with sickle cell disease and healthy siblings

Distributional effects of immigration and imperfect labour markets

Charting achievements: a two-year retrospective of the society for environmental geochemistry and health (SEGH) and the evolving strategies

The EPPO as a domesticated cat: a perspective from Bulgaria

Initial validation of the Self Experiences Questionnaire-2 in people with chronic pain

Reliability of quadriceps twitch muscle properties and explosive voluntary contractions at different knee joint angles

Psychedelic intimacy: altered states of consciousness in romantic relationships

Sustainable wastewater reuse for agriculture

NOVESHIA: novel smart health informatics architecture to cater for the emotional and mental wellbeing of England NHS workers in the United Kingdom

A review of the metaverse in higher education: opportunities, challenges and future research agenda

A Canterbury Tale as folk horror

The joint effects of formal and informal institutions on entrepreneurial start-ups: a global perspective

Deciding for others: local public good contributions with intermediaries

Online application for the early detection of students at risk of failing through Artificial Intelligence

Flow rate influence on sediment depth estimation in sewers using temperature sensors

Effectiveness of an individualized training based on dynamic strength index on sprinting, jumping and change of direction performance in basketball players: a randomized controlled trial

Explainer: Leaving the European Convention on Human Rights

The telling is political: collectively speaking our collective story

Martial arts in/as science fiction

Soundscapes of infant care and infant-directed communication in two hunter-gatherer societies

Home musical activities boost premature infants' language development

Please Share

An investigation into organisational hybridity in faith-based social enterprises in Ghana: an organisational spirituality perspective

Ethnic identity negotiation through dialogical self: the case of Anywaa and Nuer evangelicals in Gambella, Ethiopia

Investigating enhancement of factors affecting mobile government services adoption in Egypt

The framing of contemporary violence policy in England and Wales: an examination of the contributing roles of alcohol and illegal drugs

Anthropometry and physical characteristics in English premiership women’s rugby

The planning, monitoring and training of elite weightlifting

Building engagement for post-pandemic survival and growth in an SME

Rooms of light: bearing witness to the Azerbaijani hospitable being

Coaching through maternity transitions: through the prism of coaching, how can women going through the maternity transitions in the private equity industry be better supported?

Job demands-resources theory extended: stress, loneliness, andcare responsibilities impacting UK doctoral students’ and academics’ mental health

Are survey stock price forecasts anchored by fundamental forecasts? A long-run perspective

(Mis)perception of party congruence and satisfaction with democracy

Worker productivity during Covid-19 and adaptation to working from home

Talbot Rothwell's vision of history

Blockchain in e-learning platform to enhance trustworthy and sharing of micro-credentials

A SWOT analysis of an industry-organised contest using a vocational assessment lens

How AI could transform the advertising pitch game

Campus source to sink wastewater surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)

Collective capabilities for organizational democracy: the case of mutual social enterprises

Analyzing air-traffic security using GIS-``blur'' with information flow control in the IIIf

Carry On Kitchen Sink: the early Carry Ons as realist drama

The consequentiality of absences in social settings: a sensemaking perspective

The SHARMED project: the promotion of dialogic intercultural learning in the classroom

Leading engagement and learning in, out and between digital and non-digital interactions

How do childhood and children’s rights mean what they mean? Innovating the debate around the social semantics of childhood and children’s rights through an interdisciplinary approach

Governance and guidance as alternatives to law change: solutions from a comparison of UK prescribed persons’ approaches to whistleblowing with contemporary international practice

An exploration of the interaction between professional identity formation and the campus built environment in health professions education

Transforming business capabilities at William Hill

Grounding in groundlessness, being the change: an existential phenomenological exploration into the embodied experience of postmenopause

Film-Philosophy, volume 28 issue 3: Catherine Malabou, plasticity and film

Introduction: Catherine Malabou, plasticity and film

Individual differences in sharing false political information on social media: deliberate and accidental sharing, motivations and positive schizotypy

Between-session reliability of dry-land and in-water tests to measure inter-limb asymmetries in swimmers

Religious discrimination at the CJEU and the social inclusion approach

Relationships and within-group differences in physical attributes and golf performance in elite amateur female players

Gender un/bound: traversing educational possibilities

Ecofeminism and the cultural affinity to genocidal capitalism: theorising necropolitical femicide in contemporary Greece

Unveiling the potential of diffusion model‑based framework with transformer for hyperspectral image classification

An exploration of parents’ perception of Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) in the development of parent voice and authentic, productive and lasting partnerships

Defendroid: real-time Android code vulnerability detection via blockchain federated neural network with XAI

Exploring possibilities for gender to become otherwise: what do child-snail relations make possible?

Technical performance differences amongst international netball teams at the Commonwealth Games 2022

Navigating social work practice research challenges: collaboration, participant rights and ethics

Bewildering early childhood ‘pioneers’

Re-thinking housing inspection and regulation: using 360 technology as a new approach in environmental health practice training

Will social media celebrities drive me crazy? Exploring the effects of celebrity endorsement on impulsive buying behavior in social commerce

The influence of situational variables on the attacking process in football

Constructions of babyhood among baby room leaders in the UK

Politics, belonging and identity across the British South Asian middle classes: between privilege and prejudice

‘Maybe that makes a difference actually’: Attuning to praxis for anti-racist social justice leadership among nursery school head teachers in the UK

Active energy: creating change through citizen engagement

Interprofessional and intraprofessional teamwork and handovers in healthcare: challenges and recommendations from work-based learning

Re-imagining the Froebelian influence on early childhood education as a dynamic and ever-changing web of encounter

A systematic literature review of research examining the impact of citizenship education on active citizenship outcomes

Molding the future: optimization of bioleaching of rare earth elements from electronic waste by Penicillium expansum and insights into its mechanism

Ovarian cancer: identifying and managing familial and genetic risk

Ovarian cancer: identifying and managing familial and genetic risk—summary of new NICE guidance

Energy efficiency optimisation of joint computational task offloading and resource allocation using particle swarm optimisation approach in vehicular edge networks

Authentic assessment training for university teachers

‘We’re not that gullible!’ Revealing dark pattern mental models of 11-12 year-old Scottish children

Effects of task structure and confirmation bias in alternative hypotheses evaluation

Student attitudes and preferences towards communications from their university – a meta-analysis of student communications research within UK higher education institutions

Generating data in an intelligent environment and systematically predicting user activity via bluetooth low energy beacons and machine learning

Gaining insight into user behaviour and systematically determing user location via Bluetooth low energy beacon optimisation

Towards engineering higher quality intelligent environments: a multi case study approach

M.R.James and Nigel Kneale

Way of the intercepting pun: language and the body in Stephen Chow's carnival of kung fu

The rise of the pro-Putin “Revival” party in Bulgaria

The Dynamic Strength Index: is it a useful tool to guide programming decisions?

Developing academic skills for nursing associates

Neurodivergence acceptance in midwifery education - Toolkit

The tomato variety affects the survival of Shigella flexneri 2a in fruit pericarp

Archaeological films as primary sources for Palestinian history

Lower and upper body isometric strength in climbers: reliability and associations with an assessment of climbing performance

Gamification of E-Learning apps via acceptance requirements analysis

Dissecting the hype: a study of WallStreetBets’ sentiment and network correlation on financial markets

Collective resistance roundtable discussion

The association between countermovement rebound jump metrics and independent measures of athletic performance

Ways of learning and learning styles

Transitioning to higher education

Decolonising midwifery education: shaping the future of midwifery

Mendelian randomization analysis identifies inverse causal relationship between external eating and metabolic phenotypes

Women returning to work: what can we learn from mothers’ stories about 'keeping in touch days' during maternity leave? A narrative inquiry to aid the development of relevant psychotherapeutic approaches

Faith living understanding: towards a theatrical model for oral theologizing

An exploration of strategies to support non-specialist mathematics and statistics learners in higher education in Mauritius

Multiplicity in contemporary Naga society: a study on professional women in multiple lifeworlds

The duality of employee perspectives and organisational requirements: a diagnostic framework for the international HR leader

The shattering of motherhood: an interpretative phenomenological exploration of child-to-parent violence

Mothers’ lived experience of maternal separation: a phenomenological exploration

The message of the book of Nehemiah reconsidered: a postcolonial assessment of the portrait and work of Nehemiah

An investigation of talent identification processes in the youth academies of professional soccer clubs for male foundation phase players (5-11 years old)

A proposal for extending the Common Model of Cognition to emotion

Seasonal variations in performance and asymmetry data for jump and change of direction abilities in female soccer players

Paving the path: empowering women in STEM from university to industry

No poverty, zero hunger and human resource management

Assessing the effect of COVID-19 lockdown on perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity among women in southeast England

Institutional distance and location choice: an experimental approach to the perception puzzle

Performance | Process | Politics

Exercise training mode effects on myokine expression in healthy adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Privacy and the city: how data shapes city identities

An evolutionary approach to automated class-specific data augmentation for image classification

Estimating the influence of case characteristics: an application of Bayesian Model Averaging to sentencing shoplifting offences

Indonesian stakeholders' perspectives on warning signs and beliefs about suicide

Adjuvant administration of probiotic effects on sexual function in depressant women undergoing SSRIs treatment: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial

A Delphi study to strengthen research-methods training in undergraduate psychology programs

Barriers to Industry 4.0 technology adoption in agricultural supply chains: a Fuzzy Delphi-ISM approach

An in-silico analysis of OGT gene association with diabetes mellitus

Brides and Madonnas against the Bomb: feminist activist art practices towards nuclear disarmament and more

The global biodiversity challenge

Low-carbon good lives

Feminist conversations with Buber: dialogic encounters with ‘The Girls’ (stories of Jewish women in Brownsville, Brooklyn, 1940–1995)

Insurgent feminisms – women writing wars: mapping gendered trauma, un/learning generative utopias and the intersectional imperative

The return of drugs courts: some important considerations

Nursing associate students in practice during the Covid-19 pandemic

Curatorial dissonance and conflictual aesthetics: Holocaust memory and public humanities in Greek historiography

BBC School Radio teaching methods: relevance to HE teaching in a hybrid environment

Introduction: Gender and work in twentieth-century Italy: new approaches

The right to know: equal pay, privacy and the impact on professional relationships

Fostering effective governance through intragovernmental networks: a case of a justice, crime prevention and security cluster network

Working the system—an empirical analysis of the relationship between systems thinking, paradoxical cognition, and sustainability practices

Averting depletion in a two-player common pool resource game: Being seen, the expectation of future encounters, and biophilia play a role in cooperation

Extractivism and the engendering of disasters: disaster risk creation in the era of the Anthropocene

The Nekra

Cognitive beamforming design for dual-function radar-communications

What does recovery mean to Jordanian mental health service users and their families? A descriptive qualitative study

Faithful Counterfactual Visual Explanations (FCVE)

Explainer: The UK’s ECHR record: how common are Rule 39 orders and how often is the UK found to have violated rights?

An experimental task to measure preschool children’s frustration induced by having to wait unexpectedly: The role of sensitivity to delay and culture

‘A gem in the water’: a contribution to contemporary Pentecostal theology on Baptism of the Holy Spirit from a study of Willis Hoover’s Chilean Methodist Pentecostalism

Development, validation and reliability of a questionnaire to evaluate coaches' and players' perceptions, learning, and resources regarding the ruck in rugby union

Digital mental health in schizophrenia and other severe mental illness: an international consensus on current challenges and potential solutions

The trials of urine specimen collection when diagnosing a urinary tract infection in the adult female population

Does technology distract Generation Z? The effect of technology distraction on consumers’ responses, sensory overload, and discomfort

Navigating ESG arbitrability challenges in energy and climate: an in-depth analysis and future perspectives

Etudes de concert – the journey continues

The invocation of the precautionary principle within the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism: not seizing the occasion

An introduction to blockchain-based dispute resolution: the emergence of new procedural designs

Gendered dynamics of international labour migration: migrant women working in Pakistan

Recruitment, retention, and training of citizen scientists in translational medicine research: a citizen science initiative on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Issues in sustainability reporting assurance: evidence from interviews

Taxonomy and software architecture for real-time context-aware collaborative smart environments

A novel bio-inspired bat node scheduling algorithm for dependable safety-critical wireless sensor network systems

Bulgaria’s Faustian bargain and the betrayal of the 2020 anti-corruption protests

Exploring perspectives and experiences of pressure ulcer prevention among healthcare support workers: a generic qualitative study

Regulation of online speech in the UK

Gendered dynamics of international labour migration in the Kurdistan region - Iraq

Justificative conformity in ontologically ring-fenced fields: problematizing the scholarly nomenclature in qualitative studies

How to hit a golf ball farther, according to research; these are the physical attributes that can make a big difference—and those that won't.

Collecting and organizing the influencing factors of team communications to handle nuclear power plant emergencies

Characteristics and circumstances of rail suicides in England 2019-2021: a cluster analysis and autopsy study  

Unlikely qualities of writing qualitatively: porous stories of thresholds, in-betweeness and the everyday

Existing understanding of geographic profiling principles within UK policing

On Poisson approximation

Some feminist strands and their potential for the performativity of climate regulations: a review

'Dissensus’ and the emergence of activist leadership in the baby room of UK early childhood settings

Basel III compliance with securities financing transactions

Four speculative poems: 'Soulless', 'Simulant', 'Celestial Sound and Light Show', 'The Worm'

With a Biochecker, you'll never be ill again

Practices and perceptions of strength and conditioning training in female golf: A cross-sectional survey study of high-level amateur players

Who Cares: the aesthetic use of thermal imaging to explore the role of touch as a signifier of care, contamination, intimacy and trust

‘We are all working toward one goal. We want people to become well’: A visual exploration of what promotes successful collaboration between community mental health workers and healers in Ghana

Revisiting operations agility and formalizing digitalization in response to varying levels of uncertainty and customization

Validating and identifying KPIs in ATP/WTA hard court tennis match play (2019–2023) using the PWOL method

From “business as usual” to sustainable “purpose‐driven business”: Challenges facing the purpose ecosystem in the United Kingdom and Australia

Health-related quality of life of children and adolescents with sickle cell disease

Women's lives and temporalities of fertility treatment

Enhancing individual UAV path planning with Parallel Multi-Swarm Treatment Coronavirus Herd Immunity Optimizer (PMST-CHIO) algorithm

Standardization and adaptation as a coconstituted process: the pursuit of relational fit in international markets

Network risk parity: graph theory-based portfolio construction

Digital transformation: A multidisciplinary perspective and future research agenda

‘This thing that we do’: in pursuit of hope-full renewals through hydrofeminist scholarly praxis

OP v Commune d'Ans: another step in the wrong direction for headscarf wearing women

Associations and within-group differences in physical characteristics and golf performance data in high-level amateur players

Possibilities for decision science in the metaverse

Evaluating goal threat in football using player and ball locations

Question-order effects on judgements under uncertainty

Sammo Hung: the Kung Fu comic's sublime body

In/secure childhoods: Children and conflict in Kashmir

Eat the fruit earlier: Sakis (Pithecia chrysocephala) show enhanced temporal fruit resource access compared with squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in an urban forest fragment in Brazil

Pied tamarins change their vocal behavior in response to noise levels in the largest city in the Amazon

Book Review: Mine Doğantan-Dack (Ed.), Rethinking the musical instrument

Do pied tamarins increase scent-marking in response to urban noise?

Responding to ‘wicked problems’: policy and governance on drug-related deaths in English and Welsh prisons, 2015-2021

How gender comes to matter: tracing matter, space, place, time and affect in early childhood research

Strategic fertility, education choices, and conflicts in deeply divided societies

Enthusiasm versus reality: A job analysis of Chinese sport scientists

The pedagogy of action learning facilitation – a critique of the role of the facilitator in an organisational leadership programme

Gender matters: respectful approaches to gender equity in primary school

Practices and perceptions of strength and conditioning in female golf: A survey study of touring professionals

Blockchain based mobile-patient medical records management system

A mobile/tablet app-based patient records management system using blockchain

Enhancing home security with pressure mat sensors: a multi-modal IoT approach

Recognition of differences in the capacity to deal with floods—A cross-country comparison of flood risk management

Associations between physical characteristics and golf clubhead speed: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Geo-political vampirism: how and why has Western literary scholarship appropriated and then re-mythologised the socio-historical origins of the vampire?

Four horror poems: 'Lords of the Nekra', 'Revenant', 'Implant', 'Overdue Barbecue'

Resistance training practices of Brazilian Olympic sprint and jump coaches: toward a deeper understanding of their choices and insights (part III)

A novel scheduling algorithm for improved performance of multi-objective safety-critical WSN using spatial self-organizing feature map

Before solidarity: the process politics of relationality, receptivity and attunement

Applying IB knowledge to IB researchers: the academic capability building and knowledge creation process

What is evidence-based practice in strength and conditioning?

Combatting conspiracies in the classroom: Teacher strategies and perceived outcomes

Genetics of performance and injury: considerations for the strength and conditioning coach

Seasonal variation and positional differences in anthropometry, strength, and power characteristics in English premiership women’s rugby union players

Effects of plyometric jump training on measures of physical fitness and lower-limb asymmetries in prepubertal male soccer players: a randomized controlled trial

The effectiveness of individual and group canine assisted interventions in improving mental health in higher education students

'Nobody left behind': barriers to engagement in early years digitally mediated leadership development

Food portion sizes: trends and drivers in an obesogenic environment

No longer a boy's club

Running event, age and competitive level as predictors of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry-derived body composition and bone health markers in female runners

Discrimination and daycare choice: evidence from a randomized survey

Active Energy: creating change through citizen engagement

Accuracy and reproducibility of a novel device for monitoring resistance training performed at self-selected movement velocity

Ground reaction forces, asymmetries and performance of change of direction tasks in youth elite female basketball players

Variations in strength-speed-power performance across the season: do true changes occur in elite rugby players?

Two speculative poems: 'Unwind' and 'Surface Tension'

Content moderator mental health, secondary trauma, and well-being: a cross-sectional study

Self-surveillance practices of factory women migrant workers receiving SRH interventions in Malaysia: The effects of salience, gendered subjectivity and universalism

Nest/ing: an emergent (un)methodology for becoming otherwise

Disaccharide compositional analysis of chondroitin sulphate using WAX HILIC-MS with pre-column procainamide labelling; application to the placenta in pre-eclampsia

The use of metaphors by service users with diverse long-term conditions: a secondary qualitative data analysis

Age differences in priming as a function of processing at encoding

Reappraising Peter Warlock's An Old Song

Lyuben Dikov, Filippo Vassalli, and Karl Llewellyn: three scholars who may hold a key to understanding some peculiar similarities between Bulgarian, Italian, and US Law

Topical application of L-Menthol – Physiological and genetic considerations to assist in developing female athlete research: A narrative review

Evidence based practice and social work: Developing critically engaged research minded practitioners through enhancing research methods teaching

FedREVAN: real-time detection of vulnerable Android source code through federated neural network with XAI

COVID-19 and mental health in the UK: depression, anxiety and insomnia and their associations with persistent physical symptoms and risk and vulnerability factors

Environmental delicts and post-communist private law in Bulgaria: time for reforms in view of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal?

The LIDAR Harp - the development and evaluation of a new MIDI controller

Generalized Firefly Algorithm for optimal transmit beamforming

Statistical tests for sports science practitioners: identifying performance gains in individual athletes

Opening up conversations: collaborative working across sociomaterial contexts in nursing in London

Promotional cultures

The augmented studio: Teaching and learning in digital space

Negotiated encoding and decoding of sensitive heritage

Strength training perceptions amongst vocational circus and dance students

Book review: Derron Wallace, The culture trap: ethnic expectations and unequal schooling for Black youth

How does assessment drive learning? A focus on students' development of evaluative judgement

Supporting digital key workers: Addressing the challenges faced by content moderators during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Defamation and the right to freedom of speech: the UK in comparative perspective

Associative memory with biologically-inspired cell assemblies

The role of character-based personal mitigation in sentencing judgments

Carbon media legitimacy in UK companies: actions or words?

Assessing asymmetries and predicting performance in semiprofessional soccer players

A rank-one optimization framework and its applications to transmit beamforming

Stemming the tide: Does climate risk affect M&A performance?

“I’ll show you differences”: Skills, creativity and meaning

The implementation and enforcement of international human rights law: Reflections on the drafting history of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The right to life in armed conflict

Constituency service and representation in Chile: The effects of remoteness and social deprivation

Influence of maturation and determinants of repeated sprint ability in youth basketball players

The right to freedom of thought: an interdisciplinary analysis of the UN special rapporteur’s report on freedom of thought

Association between dynamic strength index derived from isometric squat and squat jump or countermovement jump and force-velocity profile

On conducting ethically-sound psychological science in the metaverse

Guaranteeing inclusive education under international human rights law: A proposal for the use of structural indicators addressing issues of equality, non-discrimination and wellbeing

Factors influencing burglary and home security measures in England and Wales

Representative design: a realistic alternative to (systematic) integrative design

Effects of physical training and associations between physical performance characteristics and golf performance in female players: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Constructing debt: discursive and material strategies of labour coercion in the U.S. South, 1903-1964

Comparing the benefits of parent–infant flute and singing groups for communication and parenting: A feasibility study

Legal change and the role of the scholar: scratching beneath the surface of comparative taxonomies

“A place for learning that feels like home”: Meeting diverse students learning needs to promote business sustainability

Facilitating narratives of cultural identity in the classroom

Country-of-origin effect

When do interest groups lobby legislators in strong presidential systems?

Creating a difference – a role for the arts in addressing child wellbeing in conflict-affected areas

The separating variety for 2 x 2 matrix invariants

Minority versus majority: The choice of acquisition in Asia-Pacific countries

"That's bang out of order, mate!": Gendered and racialized micro‐practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools

Investment arbitration and the rule of law: How transparency impacts on domestic accountability

Coming out in the workplace: a comparative study between Italy and England

Medical volunteers as accidental tourists: humanitarianism and the European refugee crisis

Music devised for the film Viva Voce by Keith Piper

Photographic work exhibited in 'Celebrating 25 years of the Wakelin Award', Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea


Early photographic work included in 'Worlds in Motion: 30 Years Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg', Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg

The Fens

Early photographic work exhibited in 'All in the Family', UK Art Museum, University of Kentucky and 2nd Story, Lexington, KY

Myrninerest: The Outside/Inside Life of Madge Gill

Book-Object-Art at Temu House

Early photographic work exhibited in 'Being There', No.1 Royal Crescent, Bath

Photographic work exhibited in 'Private Lives: from the Bedroom to Social Media', Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris