Working with grammar as a tool for making meaning
Rogue seasonality in supply chains: an investigation and a measurement approach
An integrated model of firms' brand likeability: antecedents and consequences
The move to abolish mandatory retirement age: the case of the United Kingdom
What can higher education learn from the workplace?
MNEs and flexible working practices in Mauritius
Situating ethics and values in social work practice
Compact composition operators with symbol a universal covering map
The effect of earned versus house money on price bubble formation in experimental asset markets
Happiness and education: troubling students for their own contentment
Social enterprise – a new phenomenon in the field of economic and social welfare?
12 teachers’ use of writing in displays of young children’s artwork
Extremely impure ends: Clement Greenberg and United States imperialism
Brief and wholly concrete moments
Care, women and migration in the global south
Image loss concealment using edge-guided interpolation and multi-scale transformation
Mobilizing memory: interview with Ayse Gül Altinay and Isin Önol
Letter to the editor: Concepts of informed choice
Transformation in the South African mining industry - looking beyond the employment equity scorecard
SMEs wealth creation model: A conceptual framework
An analysis of theological and strategic management perspectives of Moses as a leader
Optimisation of direct expansion (DX) cooling coils aiming to building energy efficiency
Network-lifetime maximization of wireless sensor networks
Cross-layer network lifetime maximization in interference-limited WSNs
How big is this neoplasia? Live colonoscopic size measurement using the Infocus-Breakpoint
Practical dry calibration with medium adaptation for fluid-immersed endoscopy
Can organisational theory and multi-agent systems influence next generation enterprise modelling?
Toward overcoming accidental complexity in organisational decision-making
A conceptual framework for enterprise agility
Using a projectional editor to implement interactive model navigation and view control
Game theoretical semantics for paraconsistent logics
Non-orthogonal multiple access for wireless downlink in cloud radio access networks
An initial concept design of an innovative flat-plate Solar Thermal Facade for building integration
Using gamification to incentivize sustainable urban mobility
Cisco: next generation connected lighting
Reaching the end of the unbeaten path? An analysis of Lonely Planet’s Digital Media ‘Requiem’
Expanding the networks of disadvantaged entrepreneurs
How to get the best out of your middle aged clients? Strategies for personal trainers
Surrender unto me: Punk Rock, Bhakti-rasa and the devotional aesthetic of Krishnacore
Feminism art theory: an anthology 1968 - 2014, 2nd edition
Personal carbon footprint reduction: ICT as a key enabler
Green cryptography: energy performance optimization of 3DES
Incidence of bullying and victimisation among adolescents in New Zealand
Promoting equality for ethnic minority NHS staff-what works?
Measuring urban deprivation from user generated content
There’s no such thing as the perfect map: quantifying bias in spatial crowd-sourcing datasets
Taste function in early stage treated and untreated Parkinson’s disease
Understanding small music venues: a report by the Music Venue Trust
One good day [Shortlisted play script]
John Zorn: Cerberus: the book of angels volume 26 [CD]
Artist and invited speaker at 'Revisiting History' exhibition and symposium
British landscape: four solo exhibitions
Cover painting for the Guardian review - "Wolf Hall and Beyond"
Access and non-probability sampling in qualitative research on trust
Handbook of research methods on trust
Performance and Photography: Theatre of Photography
A study on attendance and academic achievement
Teaching statistics using dance and movement
Prediction intervals for electric load forecast: evaluation for different profiles
Signal (stream) synchronization with white noise sources, in biomedical applications
Virtualization and cyber security: arming future security practitioners
All about… multilingualism & critical thinking
Improving the communication of uncertainty in climate science and intelligence analysis
Greek adaptation and validation of the Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE)
Artist's Impression: Mangled Metal installed at Peltz Gallery, Birkbeck, June 2015
Entrepreneurship in cities: neighbourhoods, households and homes
Integrating entrepreneurship with urban and neighbourhood studies: lessons for future research
Connecting entrepreneurship with neighbourhoods and homes
Rape and sexual violence in the ICJ's judgment in Croatia v. Serbia
How a parenting strategy can inform how students can support disadvantaged families
Evolution and prenatal development: an evolutionary perspective
Exposure 3: human drama and documentary: moving and still contemporary photography
Improvisation practices and dramaturgical consciousness: a workshop
Interactive feature space extension for multidimensional data projection
Exotic England: the making of a curious nation
Five ways Google Glass can transform social care
Running to keep up: a research journey
Evolving models of environmental health service delivery: a real-time experiment?
Attitudes towards mental illnesses: effects of labels and associations with materialism
T-helper cell polarisation following severe polytrauma
The role of micrornas in the development of hospital acquired infection in polytrauma patients
The democrativity of applied theatre and performance art
Learning the visual–oculomotor transformation: effects on saccade control and space representation
The multiform motor cortical output: kinematic, predictive and response coding
Making the 'here' and 'now': rethinking children's digital photography with Deleuzian concepts
Flexible frameworks and building blocks
Anxious attachment style predicts an enhanced cortisol response to group psychosocial stress
Roger Clark: a personal tribute
The European convention on human rights: a commentary
Evaluation of long-term counselling at a community health service for women who are on a low income
Windowed DMD as a microtexture descriptor for finger vein counter-spoofing in biometrics
Globally optimal 2D-3D registration from points or lines without correspondences
A generalisable framework for saliency-based line segment detection
A novel Markov logic rule induction strategy for characterizing sports video footage
Asymmetric topologies on statistical manifolds
The recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards: a London perspective
On the design of reliable hybrid wired-wireless network-on-chip architectures
Cross-layer topology design for network coding based wireless multicasting
Bio-inspired exploring and recruiting tasks in a team of distributed robots over mined regions
Modified bat algorithm with quaternion representation
A heuristic optimization method inspired by wolf preying behavior
Sizing optimization of truss structures using flower pollination algorithm
Color image segmentation by cuckoo search
Random-key cuckoo search for the travelling salesman problem
Cultural governance and urban tourism: an interdisciplinary approach
Towards cyber-physical systems as services: the ASIP protocol
Solution-processed anthracene-based molecular glasses as stable blue-light-emission laser gain media
The perioperative immune response
Critical illness-induced bone loss is related to deficient autophagy and histone hypomethylation
A robust transmission strategy for multi-cell interference networks
BaProbSDN: A probabilistic-based QoS routing mechanism for software defined networks
Ethics, values and social work identity(ies)
Symbolic model checking for one-resource RB±ATL
Towards a ‘long view’: historical perspectives on the scaling and replication of social ventures
A group decision making model for partially ordered preference under uncertainty
Sum-rate analysis of cell edge users under cooperative NOMA
Exploring energy consumption issues for multimedia streaming in LTE HetNet small cells
On the coverage and power allocation for downlink in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks
Power allocation for HARQ-IR systems under QoS constraints and limited feedback
The role of business in society: creating space to live the question within the paradox of change
Non-invasive and non-destructive measurements of confluence in cultured adherent cell lines
Identifying novel hypoxia-associated markers of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
Longitudinal photo-documentation: recording living walls
Just in Time: Rosemary Butcher, making memories and marks
Stakeholder influences on drug and alcohol policy processes
Job satisfaction and socio-demographic nexus: an examination of Business Link employees in England
Artful excursions in a complex world
An exploration of intra-cultural competence in Christian counselling: an action research study
Developments in whistleblowing research 2015
ChArt conference post conference web piece
The standing of victims in the procedural design of the International Criminal Court
Breast cancer data analytics with missing values: a study on ethnic, age and income groups
Swimming against the tide: women's experience of choosing a homebirth in Switzerland
Authentic recipes from around the world
Evidence on education to career transitions in the financial and accountancy sector
Investigating the impact of social customer relationship management in higher education
Guidelines for determining an effective role for social media in e-learning enhancement
Gendered rights in the post-2015 development and disasters agendas
Teaching and learning about child rights: a study of implementation in 26 countries
Introduction to rural planning: economies, communities and landscapes. 2nd ed.
The development and testing of a system for wheelchair stability measurement
The world trade network and the environment
Inducing targeted brain states utilizing merged reality systems
On the satisfiability of indexed linear temporal logics
Introducing educational theory: vaginal examination
Disconnected and unplugged: experiences of technology induced anxieties and tensions while traveling
A comparison between Asian and Australasia backpackers using cultural consensus analysis
The social affordances of flashpacking: exploring the mobility nexus of travel and communication
The unrepresentative house: the inconvenient truth about members of parliament
Raising the bar: legislating to achieve diversity in the professions is only half of the story
The work of Hugh Davies in the context of experimental electronic music in Britain
Ethics and spirituality in the workplace: the growing role of the business case in reforms
Business process models for visually navigating process execution data
Strategy method (and payment cards)
U-sphere: strengthening scalable flat-name routing for decentralized networks
EMG based elbow joint powered exoskeleton for biceps brachii strength augmentation
Les 'nouveaux crimes' de la turquie
A great friggin' swindle? Sex Pistols, school kids and 1979
Consumer behaviour in voice based interactions
Disaster management communication networks: challenges and architecture design
From Indymedia to Anonymous: rethinking action and identity in digital cultures
Micro-enterprises: small enough to care?
An expert review of REVERIE and its potential for game-based learning
Evaluating an intelligent Q&A system for mobile cultural learning
Secure information transmission and power transfer in cellular networks
Packet arrival analysis in wireless sensor networks
The 5th Red Man International Humour Art Biennial, Beijing, China
A framework for energy based performability models for wireless sensor networks
HiReD: a high-resolution multi-window visualisation environment for cluster-driven displays
Double-threshold based cooperative spectrum sensing over imperfect channels
Smart feedback and the challenges of virtualisation
A biologically inspired network design model
The Festival and Event Experience
Exploring older women's confidence during route planning
Constraint satisfaction problems over the integers with successor
Serious and organised crime toolkit - evaluation report
Dancing the everyday: some very ordinary and private experiences
Art of play: contemporary art and play processes
Collaborative creativity to enhance wellbeing in early years settings
Parent-child closeness in art-making with digital and non-digital technologies
Exploring and extending practitioner responses to young children’s art-making
Collaborative creativity in digital text-making: challenging notions of personal ownership
Collaborative performance-making in context
Collaboration in performance practice: Premises, workings and failures
The application of mHealth to mental health: opportunities and challenges
Symbol timing offset mitigation in OFDMA-based CoMP utilizing position aware transmission
On the interference tolerance of the primary system in cognitive radio networks
Nurturing thinking skills in early years professionals
Reflections of early childhood studies students on their critical thinking skills
Skins and sleeves for soft robotics: inspiration from nature and architecture
On the energy-delay tradeoff and relay positioning of wireless butterfly networks
Enhancing physical layer security of cognitive radio transceiver via chaotic OFDM
Effects of concurrent activation potentiation on countermovement jump performance
Social preferences and cognitive reflection: evidence from a dictator game experiment
Invalid Geometry - written work on 3d printmaking
What a girl’s gotta do: the labour of the biopolitical celebrity in austerity Britain
The impact of work-based research projects at postgraduate level
Educational knowledge in professional practice: a transdisciplinary approach
Instructions on reasonable doubt: defining the standard of proof and the juror's task
Standards and best practices in digital and multimedia forensics
Impact of allowance submissions in European carbon emission markets
On the impact of video content type on the mobile device energy consumption
ECO-M: energy-efficient cluster-oriented multimedia delivery in a LTE D2D environment
Hard-to-get-at data from difficult-to-access users
Analytic provenance for sensemaking: a research agenda
On the application of frequency selective common mode feedback for multifrequency EIT
Engineers' professional learning: a practice-theory perspective
Openness and isolation: the trade performance of the former Soviet Central Asian countries
Foundational extensible corecursion: a proof assistant perspective
eFRIEND: an ethical framework for intelligent environments development
Overseeing oversight: governance of quality and safety by hospital boards in the English NHS
Optimum design of frame structures using the eagle strategy with differential evolution
Analysis of randomisation methods in swarm intelligence
Tibialis anterior moment arm: effects of measurement errors and assumptions
Fighting over the last drop? a critique of the "water wars" thesis
The use of social networking sites in eLearning
Are firm growth paths random? A further response regarding Gambler's Ruin Theory
Misogyny: Witches and Wicked Bodies
The application of KAZE features to the classification echocardiogram videos
The role of parliaments following judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
Detection of face spoofing using visual dynamics
Low complexity sub-block perceptual distortion assessment for mode decision and rate-control
Introducing a hybrid infrastructure and information-centric approach for secure cloud computing
Early intervention screening involves more than “simple” screening
A framework for model transformation verification
Knowledge exchange in networked organizations: does place matter?
Values of souvenirs as commodities
NHS guardians won’t help whistleblowers unless they’re protected from bullying too
eWU-TV: user-centric energy-efficient digital TV broadcast over Wi-Fi networks
On the perspective transformation for efficient relay placement in wireless multicast networks
On the role of value sensitive concerns in software engineering practice
Ethics and the crimes of the powerful
Intuitive learnability of touch gestures for technology-naïve older adults
An approach to early evaluation of informational privacy requirements
A formal analysis of authentication protocols for mobile devices in next generation networks
An integrated authentication and authorization approach for the network of information architecture
Proof over promise: towards a more inclusive ranking of Dutch academics in Economics & Business
A 'reality of return': the case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China
Modelling of chromatic contrast for retrieval of wallpaper images
Case study: engaging older people in creative thinking: the Active Energy project
Gendered perspectives on integration discourses and measures
Life, architecture, mathematics, and the fourth dimension
Counterfeit purchase typologies during an economic crisis
Cultural mapping and planning for sustainable communities
Feedback: ensuring it leads to enhanced learning
Planning the sports training sessions with the bat algorithm
Concerto for Violin & Orchestra - Dances, Elegies & Epitaphs
Contracting within the business coaching relationship - a guide and a cautionary tale!
Using narratives in assessments of older people
The city awakens to the challenge of mental health
Lang-Lit from A to BA: student backgrounds and first year content
"What do you want me to tell?" The inferential texture of Alice Munro's 'Postcard'
The ‘integrative approach’ and labour regulation and Indonesia: prospects and challenges
Knowledge spillovers, absorptive capacity and growth: an industry-level analysis for OECD countries
Following Francis: to build a safe NHS we must go from targets to teams
Employment law: the essentials (2015)
Editorial: employee responses to changing work practices
Preventing domestic violence and abuse: common themes and lessons learned from West Midlands' DHRs
New heroines of labour: domesticating post-feminism and neoliberal capitalism in Russia
Freud and Jung: the creation of the psychoanalytic universe
Freud and Jung: the creation of the psychoanalytic universe
Financial development, real sector, and economic growth
Working in the UK without a default retirement age: health, safety and the oldest workers
Gender and preferences at a young age: evidence from Armenia
Some non-classical approaches to the Brandenburger–Keisler paradox
A ‘narrow world, strewn with prohibitions’: Chang Cheh’s The Assassin and the 1967 Hong Kong riots
Effect of postactivation potentiation on fifty-meter freestyle in national swimmers
Why and how does shared language affect subsidiary knowledge inflows? A social identity perspective
Top leaders’ experiences of learning
Reproducibility in forecasting research
The end of the “safe space” for unions? A response to Simon Joyce
An autoethnographic study into mindfulness meditation and the impact on psychotherapy training
Migrant capital: networks, identities and strategies
Shareholder value creation in Japanese banking
Arbitrage opportunities and feedback trading in emissions and energy markets
Orientation training and job satisfaction: a sector and gender analysis
Exercise: a path to wellness during adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer?
Gatekeeping access to the midwifery unit: managing complaints by bending the rules
A needs analysis and testing battery for field hockey
The rationales of resilience in English and Dutch flood risk policies
National and international labour relations in oil and gas trans national corporations in Kazakhstan
Carriers beware! – Circumstances in which navigation addresses conflicting liability regimes
MicroRNA target prediction based upon metastable RNA secondary structures
XPL: a language for modular homogeneous language embedding
Exploring the constraint profile of winter sports resort tourist segments
Writing rubbish about Naples: urban trash and the post-political condition
Braccianti stranieri e retorica umanitaria
Communication and engagement techniques in local flood risk management. Companion guide
Communication and engagement in local flood risk management
Integrating the strengths of cognitive emotion models with traditional HCI analysis tools
Library of Coastal Vulnerability Indicators
Library of Coastal Vulnerability Indicators guidance document
A probabilistic analysis framework for malicious insider threats
Confinement for active objects
Migrating motherhood and gendering exile: Eastern European women narrate migrancy and homing
Narrating the city: histories, space and the everyday
Dismantling diasporas: rethinking the geographies of diasporic identity, connection and development
Counter-diaspora: the Greek second generation returns "home"
'Racism', intersectionality and migration studies: framing some theoretical reflections
Emotional and psychosocial risk associated with fertility treatment
Evaluation of colour appearances displaying on smartphones
Experiences of combining work and infertility treatment
The characterization of armed conflict in the jurisprudence of the ICC
A comparison of simple agents implemented in simulated neurons
Religion or belief in the workplace and service delivery: findings from a call for evidence
The protection of religious minorities in Europe: strengths and weaknesses
Developing navigational services for people with Down's Syndrome
Understanding the experience of parents of pre-pubescent children with gender identity issues
Asymmetric intergroup bullying: the enactment and maintenance of societal inequality at work
Architectures of control and points of resistance: surveillance culture and digital documentaries
Information asymmetry and deception
Regulating the employment dynamics of domestic supply chains
Book Review [Heroin and music in New York City by Barry Spunt]
Protecting workers through supply chains: lessons from two construction case studies
Secularism and identity: non-Islamiosity in the Iranian diaspora
Personalised learning materials based on dyslexia types: ontological approach
DAEL framework: a new adaptive e-learning framework for students with dyslexia
Changing prisons in challenging times- reporting from a roundtable seminar
Business and human rights [lecture, London, UK]
Migrant organisations: embodied community capital?
Defending nature: the evolution of the international legal restriction of military ecocide
International security studies: theory and practice
Binary flower pollination algorithm and its application to feature selection
Discrete Cuckoo search applied to job shop scheduling problem
Swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation: overview and analysis
Recent advances in swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation
Adaptation and hybridization in nature-inspired algorithms
Solutions of non-smooth economic dispatch problems by swarm intelligence
Bio-inspired computation in telecommunications
The right-to-manage default rule
Balzac and the crime of the powerful
The madness of women: myth and experience [Book Review]
Policy to practice: a critical analysis of the ‘valuing people’ strategy
New Testament quotation at the reader-author intersection: evoking story for transformation
Engaging consumers on new integrated multichannel retail settings: challenges for retailers
Towards a queer politics and ethics within organization studies
Sexual minorities in the workplace
Phylogenetic community ecology of soil biodiversity using mitochondrial metagenomics
Performance as a gesture of resistance in Laila Soliman’s No Time for Art
Here… there… and the question of belonging
Here, there, and the question of belonging in a time of revolution
Accrual-based and real earnings management and political connections
The transformation of work and industrial relations in the post-Soviet bloc: 25 years on from 1989
Reflective teaching in higher education
An adult social care compendium of approaches and tools for organisational change
Financial crime after the crisis in the UK
How military intelligence personnel collaborate on a sense-making exercise
Distributed sensemaking: a case study of military analysis
How analysts think: inference making strategies
Exploring the challenges of implementing guidelines for the design of visual analytics systems
Women with gestational diabetes and co-morbid depression: an exploratory study
Reducing nurse medicine administration errors
Student midwives’ knowledge of perinatal mental health
Quasirational models of sentencing
COST Action ES1403: new and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater REUSe (NEREUS)
Managerial risk incentives and investment related agency costs
‘Gotta go visit family’: reconsidering the relationship between tourism and transnationalism
URAN: utility-based reputation-oriented access network selection strategy for HetNets
E2DOAS: user experience meets energy saving for multi-device adaptive video delivery
Functional income distribution in European transition countries
A new vision of evaluating gene expression signatures
Ressources Humanines sans Frontieries 'Behind the bar code' & 'Charlie'
Satyrykon 2015 - Legnica, Poland
Three tales of a city: stakeholders' images of Eilat as a tourist destination
The prison population and drug use
Royal society of Painter-Printmakers Open show Bankside London
An approximate theory for value sensitivity
Racial disparities, judge characteristics, and standards of review in sentencing: comment
Accessibility and user needs: pedestrian mobility and urban design in the UK
Thinking Lampedusa: border construction, the spectacle of bare life and the productivity of migrants
Exposure 2. An event and symposium at the Photographers’ Gallery
An exploration in visibility: some experiences of Indian women accountants
A consistent foundation for Isabelle/HOL
Surface water sewer misconnections in England and Wales: pollution sources and impacts
Transdisciplinarity as epistemology, ontology or principles of practical judgement
If time doesn't exist, why are we learning about the past?
Relative values: London and Paris as cross channel cousins
France’s burning issue: understanding the urban riots of November 2005
Transdisciplinary professional learning and practice
Collaboration, democracy and the total artwork
Resilience and values: antecedents for effective co-design of information systems
A unified system identification approach for a class of pneumatically-driven soft actuators
Towards connecting people, locations and real-world events in a cellular network [conference item]
Enhancing throughput of cognitive radio system with multiple power levels for primary users
A novel chaos based cost function for power control of cognitive radio networks
What's it like being you? Growing old(er) with Autism Spectrum Conditions – a scoping study
Improving VANET performance with heuristic and adaptive fuzzy logic scheme
Brainnsneezing cartoon exhibition Presov Slovakia
The distributional consequences of future flood risk management in England and Wales
Libertad de expresión, viñetas y blasfemia en Francia
Forlane for piano solo (part of ‘Le Tombeau de Rachmaninov’)
Concerto for Violin & Orchestra
Ethics, values and social work practice
Social capital and job satisfaction: the case of Europe in times of economic crisis
Through the window: Wing Chun as woman warrior
Art vapours: ways of seeing, hearing and speaking again
Introduction: understanding ‘migrant capital'
Improvisation practices and dramaturgical consciousness: a workshop
Some fleshy thinking: improvisation, experience, perception
Muscle atrophy and metal-on-metal hip implants
Flood risk assessments at different spatial scales
Adaptive flood risk management planning based on a comprehensive flood risk conceptualisation
A realistic assessment of fluvial and coastal flood risk in England and Wales
The ebb and flow of power: British flood risk management and the politics of scale
"Flights of impractical fancy": Oriental spaces at sea: from the Titanic to the Empress of Britain
'Blue Plate' Coastal Currents Arts Festival
'The journey to Rye on the train' The Crypt Gallery and Arts in Healthcare NHS East Sussex
HAVE A BREAK and the changing demands of trademark registration
The IWW in Turin: militant history and the crisis of high capitalism in 1970s Italy
American peonage: connections, categories, scales, 1935-1952
Iranian immigrants in Great Britain
Schematic or subversive? Ready-made imagery in children’s digital art-making
Making the ‘here’ and ‘now’: rethinking children’s digital photography with Deleuzian concepts
Early years: young children deserve the best possible start in life
The ‘aesthetics of pedestrianism’ and the politics of belonging in contemporary women’s art
Tripartism in comparative and historical perspective
Teaching for transformation, diversity and equality in the teacher education system in England
Plurilingual communication in healthcare: interlinguistic and intercultural mediation
A decision support framework for proactive maintenance of water and wastewater systems
A case study of Alibaba: “Control your destiny or someone else will”
The special adviser on the prevention of genocide and his inscrutable mandate
Victors’ justice or pursuit of justice
Psychosocial and relationship based practice
Moving in time: making marks and memories an exhibition from Rosemary Butcher’s archive
Making marks and memories – the body in recorded time
Youth ministry – social, spiritual and institutional agendas
Innovation in youth work: thinking in practice
Graded shuttle run performance by playing positions in elite female basketball
University higher apprenticeships
Entrepreneurial learning: gender differences
Business and human rights [book section]
Strategic behaviour in Schelling dynamics: theory and experimental evidence
Formalization of quantum protocols using Coq
From complexity to algebra and back: digraph classes, collapsibility and the PGP
Can child injury prevention include healthy risk promotion?
On the axiomatizability of impossible futures
Continuous-time orbit problems are decidable in polynomial-time
Software theory change for resilient near-complete specifications
A framework for trustworthiness assessment based on fidelity in cyber and physical domains
Tourism entrepreneurship and social capital
Context-dependent cheating: experimental evidence from 16 countries
A qualitatively driven approach to multimethod and mixed methods research
Evolving mixed and multi method approaches for psychology
“A life free from care” – the hermit and the analyst
Fashion on television: identity and celebrity culture [Book Review]
Links between reflective practice, ethics and values
Researching pedagogy in a contested space
‘Nothing about us without us’: collaborations between disabled and non-disabled practitioners
An experimental study of gender differences in distributive justice
Gift membership in heritage and arts organisations: a research agenda
Membership friends and engaging people
Solo women - a new agenda for ageing?
Realist consequence, epistemic inference, computational correctness
Do higher education institutes communicate trust well?
Attack tree generation by policy invalidation
Improvisation: a legitimate strategy in the face of adversity
Love triangles: the hidden mechanisms of the independent group
Individuals and groups of individuals breaking laws
The deaths of semiology and mythoclasm: Barthes and media studies
Child-father creative text-making at home with crayons, iPad, collage & PC
Does co-authorship lead to higher academic productivity?
Communicating wisdom: An Arts and Humanities-based study of fishing in youth work
The destiny of metaphysics in Russia: an investigation of being and communicative behavior
The concept of Work Based Learning at Middlesex University
New degree apprenticeships and the implications for credit
Composition operators induced by universal covering maps
Narratives of women artists in/out of Vorticism
Political economy of life: Negt and Kluge's history and obstinacy
Art Strike panel at the Radical Philosophy conference, HKW, Berlin, Jan 2015
Exploring the visual ingredients of a multi-cultural Malaysia
The role of regulatory credibility in effective bank regulation
Advances on biological rhythmic pattern generation: Experiments, algorithms and applications
The rules of procedure of the EU Courts - where arid rhymes with fertile
Metagenome skimming of insect specimen pools: potential for comparative genomics
A three dimensional tourist typology
The 'third thing': Rancière, process drama and experimental performance
Plagiarism policy and people: exploring tensions
Re-engaging the rules governing title to territory
Two proposals on the right to food
Autonomy in South Asia: evidence for the emergence of a regional custom
Referencing boundaries: why the world needs the World Court
Beyond access and skills: from Moodle evaluation to digital literacies in situated practices
The role of emotional labour, mentalization, empathy and mindfulness in practice education
Illustrated envelope in "Pushing the envelope" exhibition
Selecting cases at the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda
Digital literacies in situated practices
Talk for panel debate: is service user and survivor research safe in the university?
The cinema cure: can expressions of madness in film be part of personal recovery?
Human rights and the criminal justice system
Non-orthogonal multiple access for wireless downlink in cloud radio access networks
The development of student learning and information literacy: a case study [conference item]
Economic drivers of biological complexity
A traveller's year [front cover artwork]
["Cartoon artefacts" in MIKS - The 1st international Cartoon Exhibition, Sisak, 2015]
Illustrated envelope in "Pushing the envelope" exhibition
Unheimlichkeit: alienated and integrated identities and criminal existence(s)
“Looking away”: private writing techniques as transformational text shaping
Collaborative planning - an effective project management tool
Culturally competent compassion
Assessing movement using a variety of screening tests
Justifying the crimes of the powerful
Learning tools for intercultural education of healthcare practitioners in Europe
Teaching intercultural communication skills
Criticality in the mediation of fashion
Capital G for geometry: Masonic lore and the history of geometry
Assessing real world imagery in virtual environments for people with cognitive disabilities
Scaffolding development and the human condition
Teaching acupuncturists how to care
Tuina - indications, counter-indications and cautions
Dyslexia adaptive e-learning system based on multi-layer architecture
Divine violence and the Christus Victor atonement model
Message forwarding techniques in Bluetooth enabled opportunistic communication environment
A way of life: considering and curating the Sainsbury African Galleries
Creativity, imagery and schizotypy: an exploration of similarities in cognitive processing
Delivering the recommendations of the Fraud Review 2006 and the paradox of police leadership
Global Union Federations: the institutions and methods of international solidarity
Literature and language teaching
Academic literacy and linguistic diversity: an account from the chalk face
The monetary benefit of early flood warnings in Europe
Dyslexia: Creating impact through innovation
The ‘pure’ relationship, sham marriages and immigration control
Bosnia revisited: a retrospective on the legacy of the conflict
Youth work and faith: debates, delights and dilemmas
Porn by any other name: women’s consumption of public sex performances in Amsterdam
Macroeconomic effects on emerging-markets sovereign credit spreads
Supply chains, maintenance and safety in the Australian airline industry
A mixed method evaluation of a medication concordance education programme for mental health nurses
Towards development of automatic path planning system in image-guided neurosurgery
A formally verified access control mechanism for information centric networks
Characterising information correlation in a stochastic Izhikevich neuron
Religious rights versus sexual orientation discrimination: a fair deal for everyone
Selecting situations and cases
Northampton Youth Offending Service review panel evaluation
Depression and diabetes distress
Older mothers’ experiences of postnatal depression. An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Minimizing total completion time on a single machine with step improving jobs
Perfect periodic scheduling for binary tree routing in wireless networks
How would you finance your later life? An investigation of Hong Kong and the UK employees surveys
Language and age identities among older Greek Cypriot women
Managing infertility in primary care
Enterprise Simulation & Experiential Learning (ESEL): case study from Middlesex University
Harold Berman's: Law and Language [Book review]
Rescaling in flood risk governance – new spatial and institutional arrangements and structures
Transdisciplinary problems: the teams addressing them and their support through team coaching
Short- and long-run goals in ultimatum bargaining: impatience predicts spite-based behavior
Cultural homelessness: a challenge to theory and practice [conference item]
Researching practice: opportunities for reconfiguring nearness
Standing on the outside looking in
Psychoanalysis: philosophy, art and clinic
The Portuguese-speaking community in Lambeth: a scoping study
Effects of web-based electrocardiography simulation on strategies and learning styles
Understanding sociocultural factors contributing to HIV risk among Ayoreo Bolivian sex workers
Male gays in the female gaze: women who watch m/m pornography
The ethical and legal framework of sterilization of people with intellectual disabilities
Sterilization of men with intellectual disabilities: whose best interest is it anyway?
Green Universities and eco-friendly learning: from league tables to eco-entrepreneurship education
The impact of hand hygiene messages in public toilets
An exploration of participation football coaches' philosophies from development to expression
A review of interactive narrative systems and technologies: a training perspective
The effect of milk on the attenuation of exercise-induced muscle damage in males and females
Impact 9 Hangzhou China-Yannan Art Gallery
Parallel prints project - Art Gallery Ballarat, Australia
A data-centric approach to change management
Community, work and family and the metamorphosis of social change
Eugene: a generic interactive genetic algorithm controller
Cooperative agreements between water supply companies and farmers in Dorset
Visual perspective and feedback guidance for VR free-throw training
Defining dignity in end-of-life care in the emergency department
Concerto for piano solo (homage to Alkan)
Embedding stakeholders in sustainable tourism strategies
'A thing apart': controlling male family migration to the UK
Introduction: the invisible (migrant) man
Evaluation of the roll out of the Care Certificate in Islington community education provider network
Culturally competent and compassionate leadership
Evaluation of home care nursing for elderly people in Cyprus
Gendered migrations and global social reproduction
Her life in movement: reflections on embodiment as a methodology
Robust signature discovery for affymetrix GeneChip® cancer classification
François Bayle’s valeur obscure
Accessible web design – the power of the personal message
Fecundidad adolescente en los países desarrollados: niveles, tendencias y políticas
Social media research symposium - social media research and research cycle
Implications of spatial genetic patterns for conserving African leopards
Competitive intelligence organization in practice: the case of a multinational retailer
Continuities in marketing sensing
Invalid geometry [conference item]
The Masters-Relief print exhibition - Bankside Gallery, London
Margaret Mead: contributions to contemporary education
Transdisciplinarity as translation
Animierte Wunderwelten / Animated Wonderworlds
Animated Wonderworlds / Animierte Wunderwelten Exhibition
The rise of coworking spaces: a literature review
What can a too tutu do? Reconfiguring gender in early childhood
Reconfiguring quality in early childhood: chronicling 'act'ivism through anarchy
Reconfiguring quality in early childhood: beyond discourses and subjectivities to becoming
Compassion in medicine or medicine with compassion?
Is compassion an optional extra? [Blog response]
Cultivating compassion in hospitals: applying compassion within the context of the hospital setting
Explicit and implicit constructs of compassion: getting to the heart of the therapeutic relationship
Feminism-art-theory 1968-2014: an anthology
Laboratory activity to teach about the proliferation of salmonella in vegetables
Editorial [special virtual issue: feminism in educational research]
Postmodernist theorizing in ECEC: making the familiar strange in pursuit of social justice
Gait generation for powered Hip-Ankle-Linkage-Orthosis
Shoulder joint contact force during lever-propelled wheelchair propulsion
Like a version?: Balancing the foreign and domestic in imported television drama
The clash of past, present and cultures in Hammer’s The Mummy (1959)
The Mummy’s revenge: secularism, religion and the sacred dead in Universal and Hammer’s Mummy movies
Adapting The Pilgrim's Progress for the stage (2)
England’s citizenship education experiment: active citizenship or service?
Small business survey: linking 2006 and 2007 waves to the IDBR
Can an ethic of care support the management of change?
Financing SME growth in the UK: meeting the challenges after the global financial crisis
Assessing social media adoption: learning needs analysis for SMEs in Saudi Arabia
A Christmas alleluia: for SATB choir and organ
Cyber-physical-security model for safety-critical IoT infrastructures
‘This is not a Banksy!’: street art as aesthetic protest
Film as rape culture: the ethics of aversion in Srdan Spasojevic’s A Serbian Film (2010)
The competing claims of crime versus heritage in A Memento for Istanbul, Ahmed Umit
Developing documentary practices for sensitive contexts – video ethnography in the UK hospice sector
Tutta un'altra classe ... appunti di viaggio per una pedagogia della vulnerabilita
RoCH fans & legends (solo exhibition)
‘Inference to the best diagnosis’: HIV antibody-testing and regulatory expertise
The university business of work-based learning
Spatial pattern of structural ageing in eastern Croatia: evolution and explanations
Political corporate social responsibility: reviewing theories and setting new agendas
Interpreting international surveys of adult skills: methodological and policy-related Issues
Children's cultures, wellbeing and digital society: paddling in the digital wave
The principles of child-initiated pedagogy
Individual children and their right for self-determination within child-initiated pedagogies
Identifying quantitative imaging features of posterior fossa syndrome in longitudinal MRI
Judging the judge: boundaries, barriers and benefits
Making sense of the complexity of managerial flow: the case of urban regeneration in the UK
Learning co-operatively: networking engagement and experience
A methodology to assess the potential impact of swales on groundwater quality
‘Disrespectful foreign innovations': trouser tensions in Britain the interwar years
The use of MCQs within team based learning: choosing the right approach to foster student learning
Leading change in information management
A mini review of physiotherapies for patellofemoral pain syndrome
Fine art screenprinting-Maggie Jennings-image used 'Brixton ' silk screen-1988
"Where's my audience now?" Pragmatics and writing
Social psychology: a commentary on organizational research
Quality improvement through the paradigm of learning
Processual constructions: towards a non-representational poetics of choreography
Impact estimation: IT priority decisions
Advancing ambient assisted living with caution
‘I see you’: agency and empathy in animation
Abjection, the performative and creativity in the works of Suzan Pitt, Tabaimo and Miwa Matreyek
(Re)claiming Aboriginal identity: Inuit animation from Cape Dorset to Quickdraw
Proposed US and UK laws will entrench surveillance powers across the atlantic
Policing online child sexual abuse - the British experience
Exploring learning outcomes in CBT and existential therapy in Denmark
BARCH: a business analytics problem formulation and solving framework
Building a think tank: an alternative, progressive public space in Ireland
Assessing the impact of contemporary international criminal courts and tribunals in the Commonwealth
Change agility: growing the capacity for creative adjustment in ‘the global field’
The Katyn Forest Massacre and the Nuremberg Trial
Charles Hasler sends his greetings
Knowledge management in higher education: a case study using a stakeholder approach
Chasing expertise: reappraising the role of intuitive process in creative decisionmaking
The Grand Arcade: creativity and regeneration
Human rights limitations: clarifying the emerging obligations of business
The key research issues arising from an ageing workforce
Exploring transformative engagement of managers, clinical staff and patients
A study of drink driving in Lagos – from the perspective of law enforcement officers
A phenomenological exploration into the lived experience of childfree women aged 45-55
A comparison of the evangelical movement in Russia in the 1920s and the 1990s
The future of foundation degrees
Pathways to employment for people in the recovery phase of mental illness
Precarious employment and vulnerable workers. Part 2
Community collaborations 1978-2015
Precarious employment and vulnerable workers. Part 1
School-based to school-led initial teacher training: reconceptualising the mentor's role
Movies in the classroom: lessons for curriculum design
Noise induced hearing loss in music therapists: a case study
Methods of analysis for bacterial contamination in environmental waters
Assessing the costs of natural hazards - state of the art and the way forward
Coastal risk assessment framework guidance document
Theme Prize Winner at The 4th Sejong International Cartoon Contest - SICACO 2015 Seoul Korea
'A feminine touch’: gender, design and the ocean liner
Motivations, experiences and psychological well-being of Indian surrogates
Rex Silver, designer-manager: the Silver Studio and questions of authorship
Causation in medical litigation and the failure to warn of inherent risks
iRDA: a new filter towards predictive, stable, and enriched candidate genes
The Immigration Act 2014; ‘not on the list you’re not coming in; landlords forced to discriminate’
Peer worker roles and risk in mental health services: a qualitative comparative case study
Examining the linkage between class attendance and academic performance
A review of hough transform and line segment detection approaches
The effects of brand attachment on consumer's quality of life, beyond brand performance
Organised crime in Europe and the mafia method
Design for hydrocitizens: architectural responses to the defend-retreat-attack scenario
Investment in personnel and FDI in Belarusian companies
Developing an intervention psychotherapy programme for the needs of Iranian immigrants in the UK
The early Pentecostals’ experience of divine guidance in mission in the light of Luke-Acts
British Communists and the 1932 turn to the trade unions
20th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb
Evaluation report of the tender healthy relationships project national partnership programme
An evaluation of the Islington community education provider network super hub
Dance performance in cyberspace - transfer and transformation
The heuristic strategies for assessing wireless sensor network: an event-based formal approach
From the special section editors: questions business schools don’t ask
Developing leadership: questions business schools don't ask
Experimental economics - volume II: economic applications
Experimental economics - volume I: economic decisions
4th international olive cartoon contest Cyprus
What constitutes a "reasonable belief" in consent to sex? A thematic analysis
Job satisfaction and socio-demographic nexus: an examination of Business Link employees in England
9th International Zagreb car cartoon Exhibit - theme 'Love at The Wheel" 2015
A desire for immersion: the panorama to the Oculus Rift
Teaching strategies for librarians: enhancing the quality and impact of your library workshops
Symbolic model-checking for resource-bounded ATL
A proposed typology of online hate crime
Exploring the corporate image formation process
The brand likeability scale: an exploratory study of likeability in firm-level brands
Exploring the forensic accounting practice in the UK: evidence from the profession
Trans-figurations, transnational perspectives on domestic space
Transnational embodied belonging within ‘edge habitats’
Blurring the lines between fiction and biography: writing about ghosts
From pier to modernity: architectural histories of the seaside pier 1861-1914
Spiritualism, heresy and folk legends: the making of a ghost
A roadmap for a green interface selection standardization over wireless HetNets
Brain computer interface: a review
Compact composition operators with symbol a universal covering map onto a multiply connected domain
Disproving inductive entailments in separation logic via base pair approximation
Towards a novel approach for defect localization based on part-of-speech and invocation
Analyzing eventual leader election protocols for dynamic systems by probabilistic model checking
Minimizing transitive trust threats in software management systems
Teaching smart phone ethics: an interdisciplinary approach
The role information literacy in overcoming obstacles to learning and lifelong learning
Accelerated literacy and information literacy can be achieved through access to new technologies
Indirect discrimination 15 years on
The right to freedom of religion or belief and its intersection with other rights
Attraction and diffusion in nature-inspired optimization algorithms
Invalid geometry [conference item - CHArt 2015]
The unemployed and the moral case for benefit sanctions
Financial development, real sector output, and economic growth
China urban transport and city tourism
Sustaining culture: dialectic relationships with urban tourism
Conduct costs, governance and returns: evidence of large banks
Introduction to computational mathematics
Multi-robot cooperative tasks using combined nature-inspired techniques
Targeted killing and characterisation of remote warfare under international humanitarian law
Spirituality and international humanitarian law
Solutions of non-smooth economic dispatch problems by swarm intelligence
Nature-inspired algorithms: success and challenges
Effective medium-term planning
Hidden heroes: soldiers from the empire
Biological stress regulation in female adolescents: a key role for confiding
So You Want to Write An Opera?
Chinese medicine treatments for bone and joint diseases in the UK
The extraordinary life of Rebecca West
‘A very high price to pay?’: Transforming rehabilitation and short prison sentences for women
Imitative or Iconoclastic? How young children use ready-made images in digital art
Applications of social networking technology in IT-based knowledge management systems
National and firm-level drivers of the devolution of HRM decision making to line managers
The labor market regimes of Denmark and Norway – one Nordic model?
Designing global leadership development programmes that promote social capital and knowledge sharing
Effective boundary spanners in IJVs experiencing performance downturn
The panacea of culture: the changing fortunes and careers of China’s Dongba priests
Researching shifts in education policy in the National Archives
Does collectivism value influence firm idiosyncrasies? -- Evidence from China A- shares companies
Has the foreign patents surge prompted technology spillovers in China?
Motor interference in interactive contexts
Adaptive saccade controller inspired by the primates' cerebellum
Sighted at Saatchi for Collect 15
(Un)touched...research phase 2
Reconsidering the validation, efficacy and title of applied theatre
Applied theatre workshop for the “world without war” conference in Auckland
Democrativity: beyond measurements of democracy in performance
How to monitor training load and mode using sRPE
Animation and the emotional avatar: using motion capture to reflect on non-verbal communication
Active energy - London: capital / climate / culture
Now, then, and again: between anniversary and HERitage
What Bear Grylls can’t do: survivalist mediascapes in austerity Britain
Keeping service users at the heart of practice
Biosemiotics, politics and Th.A. Sebeok’s move from linguistics to semiotics
Warm-hearted artist prize won at 3rd International Caricature art Competition China
Authorship, autobiography and the archive: Marilyn on Marilyn, television and documentary theory
Rethinking place branding and place making through creative and cultural quarters
Gwineverra, Tom and the enemy of man
Design: an essential introduction
What influences physical and mental health-related quality of life for LGBT older people?
Reflections on Reimagining Social Care
The presentation of self in otherworldly life
INSIDEOUT|(e)merging practice + education
Retrieving the heart of the market?
Britain's recovery industry: profiting from austerity?
Some results on the structure and spectra of matrix-products
Playing and reality the work of E J Major
Beyond the personal a new chapter in the work of Marjolaine Ryley
Everywhere and nowhere: improvisation as an un/rans/disciplinary practice a performance lecture
A stigmergic approach to indoor localization using bluetooth low energy beacons
Where have all the (Martello) Towers gone: new sources for investigating OS map redaction
Trailers (RoCH Fans & Legends)
2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil: residents’ perceptions of the impacts
Tourism in Cape Verde: profile and valuation of the traveler
Contributions of gastronomy for developing border tourist destinations: a case study
Becoming together: collaborative labour in contemporary performance practice
Business and production solutions: closing loops and the circular economy
Women’s experiences of communication with medical staff during complicated pregnancy
Reimagining site-walks: sites for rich learning
Management blockbusters: is there space for open dissent?
Russia, the Black Sea region and security
Does the protection from Harassment Act 1997 enable compensation for ‘collateral harassment’?
How a parenting programme supports and empowers children and families
Why is EIT so hard, and what are we doing about it?
Medical Physics: forming and testing solutions to clinical problems
Patient specific Parkinson's disease detection for adaptive deep brain stimulation
A wideband low-distortion CMOS current driver for tissue impedance analysis
Enhancing active vision system categorization capability through uniform local binary patterns
Simulated road following using neuroevolution
Cooperative object transport using evolutionary swarm robotics methods
An active vision approach to the road following problem
Advancing evolutionary coordination for fixed-wing communications UAVs
Improving active vision system categorization capability through Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Supporting the externalisation of thinking in criminal intelligence analysis
Extreme managers, extreme workplaces: capitalism, organizations and corporate psychopaths
Interpreting crimes in the Rome statute of the international criminal court [Book review]
Associating places: strategies for live, site specific, sound art performance
An unusual job for a woman? Female entrepreneurs in scientific, engineering and technology sectors
Experimental study of heat transfer during mPCM slurry flow in microchannels
Tourism and postcards from the colonial periphery: vintage postcards from Fiji
Tourism in Pacific islands: current issues and future challenges
Tourism in Pacific Islands: current issues and future challenges
Development theory and tourism in developing countries: what has theory ever done for us?
Vanishing peripheries and shifting centres: structural certainties or negotiated ambiguities?
Using court records for sentencing research: pitfalls and possibilities
Improving intelligence analysis with decision science
Ordinal structure of the generic analytic workflow: a survey of intelligence analysts
To practice justice and right’ – international aviation liability: have lessons been learnt?
CONTEST’ing Chicago origins and reflections: lest we forget!
Factors influencing customers’ purchase intention via mobile apps in the fast fashion industry
What drives female entrepreneurship in Japan?
Experiencing brand on mobile augmented reality
The determinants of female entrepreneurship in Japan
What drives consumer’s intention to buy on mobile apps? A study of fast fashion industry
Scholar activism in early childhood education: issues, tactics and alliances
Posthuman transgressions: exploring our connections with/to childhood in the post-antropocene
Recognizing the important role of self-initiated expatriates in effective global talent management
The elephant in the room: the role of time in expatriate adjustment
Another look at family adjustment
Caring leadership: A Heideggerian perspective
Building and sustaining an open innovation community in retail
‘Thinking/acting with tactics of displacement’
A hierarchy of respect: authority and dominance in the human and animal kingdom
Cartoons, comics and Human Rights after the Charlie-Hebdo massacre
A democratic opening? The AKP and the Kurdish left
On the intrinsic limits to representationally-adaptive machine-learning
Robust statistical face frontalization
Automatic construction of robust spherical harmonic subspaces
Coevolution of urban form and built form: a new typomorphological model for Tehran
Ni panacée, ni gadget: Le nouveau cadre de l’Union européenne pour renforcer l’Etat de droit
Monitoring and enforcement of the rule of law in the EU: rhetoric and reality
Emanuel Levinas and the politics of non-violence [Book review]
Informed consent for HIV cure research in South Africa: issues to consider
A proposed methodology for the sustainable assessment of industrial subsectors for policy advice
Thawing the frozen conflict? The European Court’s Nagorno-Karabakh judgments
Supporting offenders who are also victims [Blog post]
Taking change seriously: the discourse of justice and the reproduction of the status quo
Sense about sex: media, sex advice, education and learning
Policing Partnerships: Evidence Review
See Red Women's workshop: exhibitions
Enlarger than life: song-films and irrational gestures
Que sera: time travel and physical thinking
Covers I & II (RoCH Fans & Legends)
Data and the city – accessibility and openness. a cybersalon paper on open data
Meanwhile...in Newham...Travels across the ‘Arc of Opportunity’
The Deben Estuary Plan: April 2015
Make/Believe - UK Design for Performance 2011 - 15
Costume at the Turn of the Century, 1990 - 2015
Inspiral London: collaborative artists' walking project
Stylist vs. photographer: craft, collaboration or creative control
How Viable Is the UTAUT Model in a Non-Western Context?
[Selected artist in 1st Asia Biennial and 5th Guangzhou Triennial]
DNA SWAP Exhibition & Live interactive program Led by Slashstroke
Exposure 2 - Lecture at The Photographers' Gallery, London
Exposure 2 Artist Talk: Photographers Gallery
HeCTA - Sympathy for the auto industry
Plea bargaining in the US -- why innocent people plead guilty
Great news! You may be innocent: the theoretical scope of the presumption of innocence
Copyright and music policy in China: a literature review
Combined and uneven spectacle of animated VFX: world building, labor and wage relations
The content of free prior and informed consent
Criteria for the identification of indigenous peoples
Introduction – Indigenous peoples’ rights and the aluminium industry
Business and human rights: indigenous peoples’ experiences with access to remedy. An introduction
Operational-level grievance mechanism and indigenous peoples’ access to remedy
Towards an analytical framework for graphic scores, and a proposed typology
Potential interaction between natural compounds and chemotherapeutic drugs on leukaemia cell line
Language, typography and placemaking: walking the Irish and Ulster-Scots linguistic landscape
Calculation of Raman optical activity spectra for vibrational analysis
The Raman optical activity of β-D-xylose: where experiment and theory meet
Positive negatives: or the subtle arts of compromise
Leon Golub: bite your tongue [Consultant / Curator]
Film light: meaning and emotion
Rating agencies: reputation restored?
A ritual for survival: questions of identity and politics in one hundred year of Nigerian dance
A qualitative analysis of John Bowlby’s last interview
Globalization and labour migrations
Violence in psychosis: conceptualizing its causal relationship with risk factors
Whole-exome sequencing in the differential diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency in children
Learning through resistance: contextualisation, creation and incorporation of a ‘punk pedagogy’
Reflections on the peripheral: punk, pedagogy and the domestication of the radical
Policing wildlife: perspectives on the enforcement of wildlife legislation
Reading, writing and rebellion: pedagogy, academia and the formation of the punk scholars network
Leon Golub selected works [Curator]
Topological semantics for da Costa paraconsistent logics Cω and C*ω
Simians of Swing by the group Simians of Swing [Album]
Ghetto by The Spike Orchestra [Album]
Jiannis Pavlidis Quintet featuring Greg Hutchinson
Radio Londra, Italy presents Acoustic Report with Sam Leak and Josh Arcoleo (UK)
The history of the fourth dimension: a way of engaging pupils in secondary classrooms
Uniform seaborne cargo regimes - a historical review
Digital built Britain: level 3 building information modelling - strategic plan
Writing through an instrument: Benjamin Dwyer [Interview]
Nocturnal, after Benjamin Britten
Self-created digital content sharing in retirement
Beyond the snowy white peaks of the NHS - a Race Equality Foundation briefing paper
OpenAIRE guidelines for CRIS managers 1.0
Leon Golub - chapters in two exhibition catalogues
Animated wonderworlds / Animierte Wunderwelten
Tactile reasoning: hands-on vs. hands-off - what's the difference?
'Been on the job too long' and 'Telling and re-telling the tale ...'
Social media and social work students: the boundaries just got more complicated
Punk and spirituality: an introduction to the Krishnacore Movement of the 1990s
Smoking cessation aids and the primary care nurse
Challenges of security and trust in avionics wireless networks
Education in the UAE and the relevance of international human rights law
Validation of a building simulation tool for predictive control in energy management systems
The regulatory function of contract law: A comparative law and economics approach