Greening hotels: does motivating hotel employees promote in-role green performance? The role of culture

Ambidexterity in MNC knowledge sourcing in emerging economies: a microfoundational perspective

What feedback literate teachers do: an empirically-derived competency framework

Fostering student motivation and engagement with feedback through ipsative processes

The impacts of working with victims of sexual violence: a rapid evidence assessment

The effect of home country characteristics on the internationalization of EMNEs: the moderating role of knowledge stock

Learning to become evidence based social workers: student views on research education and implementation in practice

The resettlement net: ‘revolving door’ imprisonment and carceral (re)circulation

"I can’t describe it and they can’t see the rain." an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of self-harm in young adults who report difficulties identifying and describing their feelings

Natural based products for cleaning copper and copper alloys artefacts

Intelligence analysis support guide: development and validation

The many shades of violence against women: a call to action

The effect of self-assessment on academic performance and the role of explicitness: a meta-analysis

Bilateral deficit in the countermovement jump and its associations with judo-specific performance

Feedback encounters: towards a framework for analysing and understanding feedback processes

Negotiating cultural trauma in tourism

The racialised ‘second existence’ of class: class identification and (de- / re-) construction across the British South Asian middle classes

Care, aftercare, and the work of transmission: learning from Greenham Common

Assessment for inclusion: rethinking contemporary strategies in assessment design

A critical race analysis of structural and institutional racism: rethinking overseas registered nurses' recruitment to and working conditions in the United Kingdom

The effects of a 6-week unilateral strength and ballistic jump training program on the force-velocity profiles of sprinting

Artist residencies as specialist accommodation: Cultural entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 pandemic

Learning on the road: Stonehenge, Skool Bus, and the development of alternative pedagogies in the new age traveller movement of the 1980s

Effective practice in resettlement

Institutional and geopolitical aspects of bond spreads impacts on corporate capital structure in emerging markets

The impact of temporal synchronisation imprecision on TRF analyses

Abdullah Demirbaş: on Sur & celebrating Amed’s diversity

Designing feedback activities to help low-performing students

“SENSE: Beuys / Gormley: A conversation through drawing”, Thaddaeus Ropac | London | 37 Dover Street Ely House, January 19, 2023 - March 22, 2023

A restaurant can be art, but can an artwork create community?

Niklas Taleb, Cell Project Space

Trisha Donnelly, Air de Paris | 43 rue de la Commune de Paris, May 26, 2023 - July 22, 2023

Cracks in the unity of theory and practice: the London Filmmakers Co-op in the 1970s

Repetition and reification in the work of Theodor W. Adorno

Climate activism and ecological Leninism

AI enhanced collaborative human-machine interactions for home-based telerehabilitation

The flesh of negation: Adorno and Merleau-Ponty contra Heidegger

‘Did the NFL start caring about women a lot more after Ray Rice? Probably not’: White-collar deviance and violence against women in racial capitalist sport

Scoping potential routes to UK civil unrest via the food system: results of a structured expert elicitation

Identifying drivers and hindrances to the disposal of used mobile phones: a study of user behavior in the UAE

Public land sales and the political cycle in China

Live demonstration: real time imaging with electrical impedance tomography

Implementing motivational interviewing in adult mental health social work practice: an analysis of postgraduate student assessed placement reports

Inclusive multilingualism: a toolkit for educators

Towards engineering higher quality intelligent environments

The practical worship theology of Robert E. Webber

Inclusive multilingualism (CERS Podcast S.2 Ep.3)

Sustainable urban waste management through the lens of service users

Forensic collision investigation: finding the order within the chaos

Human vs machine: a systematic review with meta-analysis on the effectiveness of the LUCAS device vs manual compressions on the survival rates of patients who experience out-of-hospital cardiac arrests

Improvement of process and outcomes through a STEEPLED analysis of system failures

Projecting creative processes: art films and art education in post-war Britain

The ‘therapeutic privilege exception’. Residual paternalism in an age of informed consent post Montgomery or a valuable tool for healthcare professionals?

New teixobactin analogues with a total lactam ring

Development of teixobactin analogues containing hydrophobic, non-proteogenic amino acids that are highly potent against multidrug-resistant bacteria and biofilms

The Art of Engagement

Complementary schools as heritage language communities of practice: reaching beyond language maintenance

The impact of COVID-19 crisis on SMEs and their risk management and survival strategies: evidence from Nigeria

Palladium iodide-catalyzed selective carbonylative double cyclization of 4-(2-aminophenyl)-3-yn-1-ols to dihydrofuroquinolinone derivatives

Live demonstration: a bioimpedance-based robotic hand control platform using a customised neural network

A compact neural network for high accuracy bioimpedance-based hand gesture recognition

Examining racial and gender biases in teaching evaluations of instructors by students on an online platform in the UAE

Transforming strategies in the digital era: the role of social media in customer value analysis and crisis management for tourism firms

Ageing perspective on cognitive outcomes from ancillary reproductive hormone adjustments

Exosomes in the diagnosis and treatment of renal cell cancer

eHydrogenation: hydrogen-free electrochemical hydrogenation

Recurrence of atrial fibrillation post catheter ablation or cardioversion using cardiac implantable electronic device data

Gamification for a healthier lifestyle – user adherence

How can the Cypriot potato industry sustain itself within the current local, EU and global marketplace?

The learning experience on an undergraduate blended learning healthcare management programme: an examination of knowledge and skills transfer to practice

Food advertising contents influencing organic food purchase intention and actual purchase behaviour and the moderating role of gender: the case of Thailand

Could Mary have said “no?” a contemporary feminist analysis of consent, examined through the context of Marian representations that originate from the Annunciation

A transdisciplinary exploration of interpretability and trust of advanced software with the Australian Proptech community of practice

Comparative analysis of the UK, Russian, and Turkish soft power in the education sector of the Kyrgyz Republic from 2000 to 2021

A self-reflective and practitioner-researcher approach to interprofessional practice in mental health settings

How consulting a medium after bereavement influences the grieving process – an interpretative phenomenological analysis

The role of parents and community in the education of their children in Episcopal Church schools in Yei County in the context of a ‘post-independent conflict’ South Sudan (2011-2022) with an emphasis on the issues of role, context, and policy

A psychotherapeutic service for women in an independent approved premise: a case study

Musicamente: musicoterapia nel contesto dei centri residenziali per anziani

On Becoming

Combatting grand corruption alongside state-building: the role of the South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission and the Episcopal Church of South Sudan in defence of the common good

Toward a contemplative cyberspace: a transdisciplinary inquiry into contemplation, social media and peace-building

Using the Publish or Perish software

Measuring and improving research impact

Creating social media profiles

Enhancing environmental practices in Khoja faith communities – a collaborative inquiry

Virtual risk management—exploring effects of childhood risk experiences through innovative methods (ViRMa) for primary school children in Norway: study protocol for the ViRMa project

Development and measurement of a resilience indicator for cyber-socio-technical systems: the allostatic load

A tamper-resistant broadcasting scheme for secure communication in internet of autonomous vehicles

Privacy-preserving and fine-grained data sharing for resource-constrained healthcare CPS devices

A novel framework for melanoma lesion segmentation using multiparallel depthwise separable and dilated convolutions with swish activations

Fake news stance detection using selective features and FakeNET

PIGNUS: a deep learning model for IDS in industrial internet-of-things

Thinking theoretically in practice disciplines: considering positionality and reflexivity in adult nursing interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) study

Clinical practice review on population health management and promoting positive health outcomes

Structural assessment based on vibration measurement test combined with an artificial neural network for the steel truss bridge

Absence of Staphylococcus aureus in wild populations of fish supports a spillover hypothesis

Resilience and well‐being among expatriate entrepreneurs: envisioning life after a global crisis

An investigation of crowdsourcing methods in enhancing the machine learning approach for detecting online recruitment fraud

Impact of self-construal, individualism-collectivism, and subjective social status on attitude towards luxury a cross-cultural study

Using a research-based approach to improve organisational performance in Knowledge Exchange: an appreciative inquiry

The validation and refinement of a contextually-responsive suicide prevention gatekeeper training program designed to identify and support people from asylum-seeking and refugee backgrounds: a mixed-method design

Voice: economic empowerment of low-income Egyptian women

The perceived fairness of ethnic ties-based hiring and promotion in Chadian PSOs

Junia, also called Joanna? An exploration of the historical possibilities regarding the life and ministry of the woman greeted in Romans 16:7

An existential exploration of the experience of British-Iraqi mothers during the first 40 days of motherhood

Creole identity: a post-colonial research in contemporary Mauritius

Steigender Einsatz von Leiharbeitnehmenden in der Pflege – Eine empirische Fallstudie zu den Auswirkungen auf die Pflegepersonalausstattung nach Einführung von Pflegepersonaluntergrenzen in einer Universitätsklinik

Introducing a conceptual model for electronic customer relationship management readiness in the banking sector

Technology adoption in a hybrid learning environment: an action research study among university faculty in the UAE

Building confidence using online healthcare simulations: a critical analysis through User Experience (UX) design

Exploring factors affecting mobile government services adoption in the Egyptian context

Prevention before intervention: introducing mindfulness-based social-emotional learning in higher education institutions across the United Arab Emirates

#MDXPD Product Design 2022-23

On Deep Home by The Surreal McCoy

Towards improving the quality of internships in medicine and allied health professions

Insider trading, executive pay disparity and CEO turnover

Market reactions to insider trading prior to corporate earnings disclosure. Does executive pay disparity play any role?

Sisters! Question Every Aspect of Our Lives

Hurriers: Poor on The Roll

The effects of normal ageing and processing style on explicit and implicit memory

Learning analytics readiness and awareness in developing countries: the case of Egypt

Living with and beyond Cushing’s disease

Recovery of rare earth elements (REE) from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) through heterotrophic bioleaching

Men making meaning after loss: a thematic analysis of men’s meaning making after the death of someone they love

The strategic facilitation of change across UK public services: a critical reflection

An exploration of the experience of women with mental and physical health issues

Reciprocal mentoring

Observing migrant children: shifting the frame from linguistic deficit to display of agency

A game engine based digital twin framework enabling next-gen manufacturing

A TD-MD: Transdisciplinary Double-Doctor, a journey to post-traumatic growth

Exploring the contributions of Barnet’s Golden Kilometre intervention to primary school pupils’ physical literacy development

Experts and creativity in programming

From authentic assessment to authenticity in assessment: broadening perspectives

Hidden in plain sight: explorations of the Cold War in selected picturebooks

Telling story: the carrier bag theory of fiction as a means of researching-with children

Down the back of a chair: what can a method of scrabbling with Le Guin’s Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction offer conceptualisations of ‘the child’ in the Anthropocene?

Emerging digital technologies and consumer decision-making in retail sector: towards an integrative conceptual framework

Building belonging a year on – how has higher education changed?

Resource saving via ensemble techniques for quantum neural networks

Hybrid educational environments – using IoT to detect emotion changes during student interactions

Analyzing land cover and land use changes using remote sensing techniques: a temporal analysis of climate change detection with Google Earth engine

Identity awoken in second-generation British Poles in the UK—personal journeys

Performance for Futures

Shifting futures perspectives: experiencing diverse futures approaches in practice

Improving access to Continuity of Care for Black women and women of minoritised ethnic groups in London: What are the views and experiences of Black and minoritised midwives?

Mental health context for minoritised ethnic individuals

Finance and funding for upscaling sustainable fashion

Disputing the history of Ottoman violence: an American missionary and an original counternarrative of the Bulgarian atrocities of 1876

Middleware for assisted living homes (MiddAALware)

International Criminal Court complementarity and non-state actors’ proceedings

Constructed geographies in contemporary art

Sovereign borrowing without odiousness: legal instruments to substitute the odious debt doctrine in the repudiation of sovereign debt

Factors influencing zooplankton communities in small freshwater lochs

Transforming destructive ethnic violence: an exploration of the role of forgiveness in political reconciliation in Burundi

Indonesia and the International Bill of Rights: role and implementation

Life in his name: water, the Spirit and the covenant people of God in the Gospel of John

Transforming the delivery of learning in a rapidly changing digital environment and the evaluation of the consequent benefits

Martyrological fulfilment: the process of reform in the publication of late sixteenth-century printed Italian martyrologies, c. 1568 - 1583

A holistic intelligent environment quality traceability approach for user-centric context-aware systems

From ballet studio to business school: dancing in the social enterprise in-betweens

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of young Jewish adults’ experience of having a digital detox during Shabbat

Adult PKU clinics in the UK - users' experiences and perspectives

National Strength and Conditioning Association position statement on weightlifting for sports performance

The relationship of lower-body, multijoint, isometric and dynamic neuromuscular assessment variables with snatch, and clean and jerk performance in competitive weightlifters: a meta-analysis

Interactive machine learning framework for predicting non-performing bank loans

Reflections on partnership and co-creation in an EU project: GNurseSim Intercultural Simulation for Caring for Elderly Patients

Temporalities, dependency, and the politics of marriage migration

Gender in migration aspirations and decision-making, trajectories and policies

Conceptual framework: Report of synthesis of recent theoretical developments

Homecoming as exile? Experiences of rupture and belonging

Migrant narratives: storytelling as agency, belonging and community

Smart infrastructures: Artificial Intelligence-Enabled lifecycle automation

HANNA: Human-friendly provisioning and configuration of smart devices

Crowdfunding and entrepreneurship

Political connections, board ethnicity and value relevance in Mauritius

Investigating the sustainability potential of multi-angled façade systems as a renovation strategy for office buildings

Curriculum for ministerial education: a critical appraisal of the curriculum of Amharic bible schools of the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC)

Conflict and crisis in American Methodism: slavery and homosexuality, 1784-2022

Mobilization of lay persons for Christian mission: a case study of selected Pentecostal churches in southwest Nigeria

‘D’un usage de la donation en théologie’: the question of revelation through the prism of givenness in the phenomenological work of Jean-Luc Marion

Towards an evaluation of Tom Smail’s doctrine of God the Father

Blood, death and desert: engaging with radical theology through art practice, history, and theory

Studying the impact of social media integration into online augmented reality-enabled services on consumer purchase intentions

Latent diffusion for generative visual attribution in medical image diagnostics

Development of the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) xenograft model to study metastasis and angiogenesis in autophagy deficient osteosarcoma cells

Eavesdropping on speech in wild carrion crows

How professional, popular musicians understand their musicking in relation to mental health: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Mapping the barriers to socio-economic freedom in internationalisation of women-owned SMEs: evidence from a developing country

CSR-related consumer scepticism: a review of the literature and future research directions

The Nursing and Midwifery Council’s role in integrating internationally educated nurses (IENs) in the UK health care

Kiasu: being afraid to lose, the evolution of personal and professional agency

Service changes’ impact on outpatient nurses and health care assistants

The intersection of international and EU law for social rights protection of vulnerable groups: a focus on racial and ethnic groups

Anxiety after birth: an existential phenomenological enquiry into mothers’ lived experiences

Experiencing exclusion, rehearsing for inclusion: creating an in-the-moment culture shift

Italians doing local theology: a multisite empirical inquiry in Piedmont towns with special reference to Antonio Gramsci

Where is the love? A psychoanalytic history of the Cotswold community

Strength and power assessment in rehabilitation: profiling the athlete’s return to sport journey following ACL reconstruction

Navigating cultural contexts: exploring the experience of cultural difference for South Asian women in psychological therapy

Exploring betweenness: an autoethnographic journey into the experience of twinship and its therapeutic implications

Gendered forces at work: tentacular encounters from the nursery

Saving face: an arts-based hermeneutic phenomenological study of women’s personal agency explored through the lens of adverse childhood experiences

How autistic adults experience bereavement: an interpretative phenomenological study

Exploring the influence of Bollywood films on the identity of British second-generation South-Asian men

The future of corporate learning and development in technology accelerating organisations

Foreign direct investment and its relationship with financial factors: linking macro with micro perspectives

Modelling grey-level intensities for smart phones to view medical images

Menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalances and obesity in teenage and adolescent girls in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan

Leading and managing change- Improving the progression and retention of nursing students

Testing a seven-approach strategic management model for business success in practice

Community, word and wonder: discerning key elements in the faith inquiry of Chinese international students

Counselling Psychologists’ experience of working with religious clients, what has helped and/or hindered their work, and what might benefit it: an exploration in the context of the historical relationship between religious faith and psychotherapy

Return to Synagogal values? The Didache’s religious purpose

Giving alone: towards an understanding of the practices and motivations of American Evangelical Millennial philanthropy

Coaching in the grey space, exploring boundaries, ethics and complexity

Peer mentors as a transitional and emerging position in alcohol and drug services

Self-determination of peoples in the context of supranational governance

Inhibition of the autophagy pathway modulates osteosarcoma chemoresistance

An exploration into positive emotions following bereavement – relief and guilt

Arab Protestant women in theological education: a contribution to ecclesial understanding of Christianity in the Middle East

Adoption: exploring a neglected doctrine of salvation

The transition towards becoming an analytics-driven bank: an action research investigation into the users’ perspective to the end of enhancing the adoption of interactive analysis applications

The development of the right to education in international law

Paradigm lost? Reflections on the effectiveness of NHS approaches to improving employment relations

Acting strategically during change: A process and dwelling world-view approach

The bridge between technique and presence: an inquiry into the lived experience of group leader presence

An invitation to thought: ambiguity in the apologetic of C. S. Lewis

An exploration of how integrative therapists working with clients presenting with complex trauma use EMDR as part of their practice: a grounded theory study

Psychological factors in acquiring expertise in tennis: evidence from expert and non-expert tennis players and coaches

The ‘hybrid image practitioner’ in Hong Kong; a critical review of technological developments and their impact on simultaneous creation of still and moving images

Investigating UK academics’ professional social media use: a qualitative analysis using the lenses of digital literacy, UTAUT and the concept of boundary work

Spatio-temporal modelling of breast cancer incidence between 2000 and 2021 at sub-national levels in Iran: Bayesian disease mapping

Therapists’ experiences of helplessness; an interpretative phenomenological exploration of the experiences of Egyptian cognitive behavioral practitioners

A phenomenological inquiry into how transcendent experiences among existential therapists influence their practice

Change management for adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction industry

A study of an emerging missions movement in urban China: from the perspective of four Beijing pastors

A life in social entrepreneurship: exploring my learning, beliefs and my future through autoethnographical, institutional, motivational and critical lenses

Predictive healthcare modelling via kernel-based machine learning

Missionary-self and mission others: the identity of Chinese missionaries from a Trinitarian perspective

Integration and minority fiqh: the halāl to harām ratio

Prevalence of electronic screening for sepsis in National Health Service acute hospitals in England

Linking top managers' behavioural traits with business practices and firm performance

Who Cares – the aesthetic and expressive capture of the body through thermal imaging

Geschäftsmodell-Innovation als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor für die Edelstahlindustrie – Eine qualitative, empirische Studie am Beispiel Südostasien

Geschäftsmodellbasierte Strategiebewertung vor dem Hintergrund der digitalen Transformation von Unternehmen

Analyse und Strukturierung von Geschäftsprozessen in der deutschen Entsorgungsbranche unter besonderer Berücksichtigung digitaler Technologien

Die Möglichkeit der Risikominimierung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung durch die verpflichtende Einführung einer einheitlichen Bargeldobergrenze im Nichtfinanzsektor innerhalb der Europäischen Union

Zum Einfluss von Werten und Interessen auf Faktoren der Teameffektivität im Kontext der neuen Arbeitswelt

Auswirkungen von Cloud-basierten Enterprise-Resource-Planning- Systemen auf die bedeutendsten Erfolgsfaktoren von KMU in der deutschen Wohnungswirtschaft unter Berücksichtigung der Digitalisierungspraxis und der betriebswirtschaftlichen Geschäftsprozessneustrukturierung

Mental illness stigma in Bangladesh: Findings from a cross-sectional survey

‘Breaking the chains’: reflections on the making of an ethnographic documentary on human rights violations against people with mental illness in Indonesia

Indonesian first national suicide prevention strategy: key findings from the qualitative situational analysis

Entwicklung eines Anreizsystems für die Marktintegration und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von ökologisch nachhaltigen Energien im österreichischen Strommarkt

Die Rechtsform der Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft (SE), ein deutsches Erfolgsmodell? Eine empirische Analyse zu den rechtlichen und ökonomischen Einflussgrößen

Legal Tech als Motor für die deutsche Wirtschaft – Eine qualitative Untersuchung über den Einflussfaktor der digitalisierten Rechtsdienstleistung auf unternehmerisches Handeln unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wirtschaftlichkeit bei deutschen Unternehmen

Konzeption eines mehrdimensionalen Human-Capital-Kennzahlen-Dashboards am Fallbeispiel eines Medien- und Technologieunternehmens

Die Kapitalstruktur europäischer Emittenten von bedingten Pflichtwandelanleihen im Bankensektor: eine robuste Korrelationsund Portfoliooptimierungsanalyse mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wavelet-Analyse und von Bayesschen Netzen

Vom Kapitalismus zur Marktwirtschaft durch Mitarbeiterteilhabe - Eine empirische Analyse von Kreditgenossenschaften zur Identifikation möglicher Konstruktionselemente für ein Mitarbeiterteilhabemodell

Entwicklungstendenzen und Erfolgsfaktoren der digitalen Transformation im deutschen Mittelstand in der Industriegüterbranche – Empirische Studie auf Ebene des strategischen Managements

Kulturelle, historische und regionale Unterschiede im wiedervereinigten Deutschland: Angleichung der Produktivitätswerte mittels differenzierter Führungskompetenzen am Beispiel zweier KMU der Lebensmittelbranche

Corporate Governance für KMU – Eine empirische Analyse und Konzeptualisierung für den Schweizer Markt

Nachhaltigkeit Im Alpinen Tourismus – Datengestützte Theoriebildung Für Die Praxis

Strategisches Management zweckbasierter Organisationen: Strategie und Umsetzung in öffentlichen und Nonprofit-Organisationen neu fokussiert

Eine Fallstudien-Untersuchung zu den Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen für den praktischen Nutzen von Blockchain- Anwendungen im Supply Chain Management

Untersuchung des Konfliktpotentials zwischen akademisch ausgebildeten Pflegepersonen und ihren Kollegen im Arbeitsalltag in Österreich

Wie junge Kohorten individualisiert alternsgerecht führen

Employer Branding - Konzeption einer lebensphasenorientierten Employer Value Proposition für öffentlich-rechtliche Kreditinstitute auf Basis einer empirischen Untersuchung ausgewählter Kreditinstitute

Disruptiver Wandel der Automobilindustrie durch autonome Fahrsysteme - Reaktionsstrategien für etablierte Automobilhersteller

Importance of the sustainability tourism marketing practices: an insight from rural community-based homestays in Malaysia

Multi-objective flower pollination algorithm: a new technique for EEG signal denoising

Spanish adaptation and validation of the Cultural Competence Assessment Tool (CCATool) for undergraduate nursing students

Performance analysis of Multiple-RIS-Based NOMA systems

When partitioning is not an option: Resource availability predicts intraguild interactions in two isolated Amazonian primate assemblages

When food fights back: Cebid primate strategies of larval paper wasp predation and the high‐energy yield of high‐risk foraging.

A life in fragments: the ecology, behavior, and conservation of the recently described Parecis Plateau titi monkey (Plecturocebus parecis)

Beans with bugs: Covert carnivory and infested seed selection by the red-nosed cuxiú monkey

Knowledge shortfalls for titi monkey: A poorly known clade of small-bodied South American primates

Records of Crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766, Carnivora, Canidae) in Rondônia, Brazil: range extension, threats and conservation

Clinical utility of ultrasound imaging for measuring anterior thigh thickness after anterior cruciate ligament injury in an individual patient to assess postsurgery outcome

Searching for food in a concrete jungle: feeding ecology of a Psittacine assemblage (Aves, Psittacidae) in a major Amazonian city

Speed training practices of Brazilian Olympic sprint and jump coaches: toward a deeper understanding of their choices and insights (part II)

A secure network coding based image communications in two-hop wireless relay networks

Authentic by design: developing students for the talent economy

Intervocal figures: a classed and queered voicing-dancer in Instant Composition

Joint energy and spectral optimization in Heterogeneous Vehicular Network

Artificial intelligence and automation in endoscopy and surgery

Identifying key mechanisms leading to visual recognition errors for missed colorectal polyps using eye-tracking technology

Views about perceived training needs of health care professionals in relation to socially assistive robots: an international online survey

Trackman 4: Within and between-session reliability and inter-relationships of launch monitor metrics during indoor testing in high-level golfers

Reveal the inequality hidden in industry land use by integrating domestic trade and the industry efficiency

A critical review of the quantification, analysis and detection of radionuclides in the environment using diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT): advances and perspectives

Sociotechnical digital twin: public policy evaluation and a research roadmap for the digital society

Explanation of student attendance AI prediction with the Isabelle Infrastructure Framework

New Math and the South Slavs

Book review: The new mathematics education of new Europe. Alexander Karp (Ed.) (2020) Eastern European mathematics education in the decades of change

Gersonides – translating divinity within the limits of knowledge

Fit to train: incorporating movement screening into practice

Songwriters vs. the recording industry: the use and abuse of statistics in UK streaming debates

Knowledge management for the micro enterprise: a taxonomy

Assessing the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity amongst women in Southeast England

Co-creation of a virtual interactive teaching package for auditors of healthcare placements - towards assurance of quality of health care traineeships

Away from the ancestral home: utopia and philosophy in Bloch and beyond

Unicorn Rising

Five poems by A J Dalton: Loki's Lament, Viking Winter, The Misery and Mirth of Mjolnir, Odin Wayfarer, A Girl's Vision

Valkyrie Love

Strategizing decolonial subversions: A dialogue. Suresh Canagarajah interviewed by Victoria Odeniyi and Gillian Lazar

An editorial: Introducing the Special Issue of Decolonial Subversions

Assessing generative A.I. through the lens of the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies: a collaborative autoethnography

Contextualizing Kurdish gender studies: decolonial feminist knowledge production and the genesis of the Kurdish Gender Studies Network

Defeat in the Supreme Court: where next for UK asylum policy?

Explainer: What are the Rwanda Treaty and the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill?

Effect of routine suction on lung aeration in critically ill neonates and young infants measured with electrical impedance tomography

The many facets of inhibitory control and their role in syntactic selection

Innovative blended learning approach: constructive alignment in an enhanced induction programme for international theatre nurses

Assisted reproductive technology: perceptions and behaviours in Guatemala before and during the Covid-19 pandemic

That obscure object of ontology: Lacan, La femme, lathouse and Her

A novel scheduling algorithm for improved performance of multi-objective safety-critical wireless sensor networks using long short-term memory

Op-Ed: The Court of Justice and headscarves at work: discretion in EU anti-discrimination law: a dangerous precedent (Case C-148/22 OP v Commune d’Ans)

Blue carbon: challenges for definition, valuation and governance

Digital transformation of incumbent service firms: legacy removal strategies

A secure cooperative transmission of image super-resolution in wireless relay networks

The importance of appearing trustworthy in the workplace: performance analysts’ perspectives

An 89.3% current efficiency, sub 0.1% THD current driver for electrical impedance tomography

Review of Kriszta Kovács (ed), The Jurisprudence of Particularism: National Identity Claims in Central Europe (Bloomsbury Publishing 2023), ISBN: 9781509960125

Knowledge is an important aspect of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

Online tutoring system for programming courses to improve exam pass rate

Machine Learning model for student drop-out prediction based on student engagement

Comparison of the effectiveness and performance of student workgroups in online wiki activities with and without AI

Machine-learning-based software to group heterogeneous students for online peer assessment activities

Compelling storytelling to close the image-identity gap

Leveraging social capital to catalyse post-pandemic anti-fragility: the “Vilnius model”

You have declared a climate emergency…now what? Exploring climate action, energy planning and participatory place branding in Canada

Global women architects we should all know

Creating culturally competent LGBT+ inclusive care by transforming social work education and training

Contributing to the revolutionising of transcultural nursing: presenting the IENE10 project

Transforming health and social care education and training: Creating culturally competent LGBT+ inclusive education

Lived experiences of migrant and refugee parents: challenges encountered during their journey and settlement in Europe

Providing culturally competent LGBTQ+ inclusive care

How can we create accessible and inclusive learning environments for neurodivergent students?

Decolonising quantitative methods teaching in UK sociology

An exploratory randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of different duration of canine-assisted interventions in higher education students

Adopting a citizen science approach in translational experimental medicine research in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a study protocol

Bridging neuroscience and robotics: spiking neural networks in action

Stages of gynaecological cancers at the time of first presentation at a large cancer hospital in Pakistan: An observational study

Building an intelligent edge environment to provide essential services in smart cities

What incentives encourage local communities to collect and upload mosquito sound data by using smartphones? A mixed methods study in Tanzania

The Wicker Man and Anthony Shaffer

Identifying fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 as a mediator of periosteal osteochondral differentiation through the construction of microRNA-based interaction networks

The implementation of digital tools for climate adaptation planning

Customer engagement through augmented reality filter on social media influences purchase decisions

The role of avatar: how do we create the positive consumer experience in the era of metaverse?

Change of direction speed and deficit over single and multiple changes of direction: Influence of biological age in youth basketball players

Experiences, psychological health, and prenatal bonding of surrogate mothers: a longitudinal study

Maternal mental health of surrogate mothers: a longitudinal study

Experiences, psychological health, and prenatal bonding of surrogate mothers: a longitudinal study

Body appreciation around the world: measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age

Mental health hygiene during a health crisis: exploring factors associated with media-induced secondary trauma in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

Evaluating student evaluations: evidence of gender bias against women in higher education based on perceived learning and instructor personality

Who is more ‘human-like’? Exploring gender and race in perception of avatars in an online classroom

Developing an object detection and gripping mechanism algorithm using machine learning

Interactive multimodal learning: towards using pedagogical agents for inclusive education

Immigrant business in transnational contexts: a multifocal understanding of the breakout process

Null effects of temporal prediction on recognition memory but evidence for differential neural activity at encoding. A registered report

Facial emotion recognition and classification using the Convolutional Neural Network-10 (CNN-10)

The relationship between needs, motivations and information sharing behaviors on social media: focus on the self-connection and social connection

An exploration of the experience of Black and Minority Ethnic nurse educators in UK universities

Digital exclusion and relative digital deprivation: Exploring factors and moderators of internet non-use in the UK

Leadership for future: co-creation in communities

At a snail’s pace: How EU bureaucracy undermines fundamental rights

Classification of EEG signals on SEED dataset using improved CNN

Statutory audit and corporate governance: Evidence from the small and medium-sized AIM companies

Relationship between kinetic and kinematic measures of the countermovement jump and national weightlifting performance

A Delphi study to strengthen research methods training in undergraduate psychology programmes

Research-active therapists and therapy trainees: The need for continuity and clinical significance in our research

Linking environmental and human health in English urban development decision-making: the human health literacy of environmental policy

The role of sustainability knowledge-action platforms in advancing multi-stakeholder engagement on sustainability

Moving forward by looking back: critiques of commercialized mindfulness and the future of (commercialized) psychedelics

Leveraging oversampling techniques in machine learning models for multi-class malware detection in smart home applications

Director training and education: models from Brazil and the UK

A topological features based quantum kernel

2023 elections in Turkey within global context: right wing populism in the era of global shift

Broadening horizons - employability opportunities within the Interiors Programme

Performance for futures (Intellectual Output 3)

Striking the right balance and supporting social aspirations: how agency and choice play out in a recovery-oriented mental health service

Women’s tacit, uncoded knowledge ownership and value in conflict zones

MesoGraph: automatic profiling of mesothelioma subtypes from histological images

THE Awards spotlight: Most Innovative Teacher of the Year - lessons learned: what makes an effective university teacher?

British politics and the environment in the long nineteenth century: Volume II - Regulating nature and conquering nature

British politics and the environment in the long nineteenth century: Volume 1 - Discovering nature and romanticizing nature

Palestinian stand-up comedy: Moments of collective resistance and joy

Palestinian stand-up comedy: Making and breaking myths under occupation

The effect of wage proposals on efficiency and income distribution

Moral leniency towards belief-consistent disinformation may help explain its spread on social media

Why do people share political information and misinformation online? Developing a bottom-up descriptive framework

Does entrepreneurial activity contribute to a nation’s happiness?

Neurodivergence awareness in midwifery education

The impact of comment history disclosure on online comment posting behaviors

Examining the negative relationship between length of stay at a hotel and customer satisfaction: Evidence from online customer reviews

De-/anti-/post-colonial feminisms in contemporary art and textile crafts

Cataloguing the ‘oriental’ in MoDA’s Silver Studio Collection

Conceptualizing a transdisciplinary nexus for addressing complex problems

Interpretable chronic kidney disease risk prediction from clinical data using machine learning

Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 16th International Conference, MIWAI 2023, Hyderabad, India, July 21–22, 2023, Proceedings

Addressing challenges in healthcare big data analytics

Gender mainstreaming at the European Court of Human Rights: the need for a coherent strategy in approaching cases of violence against women and domestic violence

Towards an applied health musicology: Aesthetic music therapy and beyond

Cultural and artistic citizenship in classical music

The Routledge Companion to Applied Musicology

Musicology’s applied foundations (Or, how music was musealised)

Review of parameter tuning methods for nature-inspired algorithms

Neurodivergence awareness in midwifery education

Public Art: Electronic Sheep tapestries exhibition, London

Photomontage and collective action

Concurrent Carbon Capture and Biocementation through the Carbonic Anhydrase (CA) activity of microorganisms ‑ a review and outlook

Supporting neurodivergent midwives in the workplace

Neurodiversity in the workplace

Supporting autistic midwifery students: fostering inclusion and empowerment

Using digital branching scenario technology in midwifery education

Using digital technology: Educating midwives about neurodiversity

Prince with a thousand faces: shifting art-styles and the depiction of violence in Watership Down

Fun for all the family: adapting the Fast & Furious as animated children's television

Using Hidden Markov Chain for improving the dependability of safety-critical WSNs

Margaret Wolpe: The curious maker

Visual attribution using Adversarial Latent Transformations

Performance and cryptographic evaluation of security protocols in distributed networks using applied pi calculus and Markov Chain

Managing emotions in journalism: A guide to enhancing resilience

Dramaturgy for the play "Infamous" written by April de Angelis

Effect of hot water immersion on acute physiological responses following resistance exercise

‘Works for some but not others’ A qualitative study on teachers’ perspectives and perceived pupil experience of a North West London school-based run/walk programme

Selling Greek food in London: Negotiating competitive and solidary positionings over dinner among food professionals

Young people on the 'edge of care': perspectives regarding a residential family intervention programme using social pedagogic and systemic approaches- striving for 'humane practice'

Apartheid in the digital outdoors? Representations of diversity in the Instagram content of outdoor brands from the US, UK and Scandinavia

Feminist new materialist approaches to childhood studies

An electrokinetic‑biocementation study for clay stabilisation using carbonic anhydrase‑producing bacteria

Concluding remarks: Interwar dialogues and the patterns of legal change

A narrative review of the most demanding scenarios in basketball: Current trends and future directions

Testing limb symmetry and asymmetry after Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury: 4 considerations to increase its utility

Total score of athleticism: profiling strength and power characteristics in professional soccer players following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction to assess return to sport readiness

Industry awards, employability and academic success

Thermodynamics of mechanopeptide sidechains

Pay transparency and unequal pay for equal work: devising an effective regulatory framework

Adaptation of enterprise modeling methods for large language models

Vocational education and training (VET) development and social dialogue in Egypt: A historical institutional perspective

Minority ethnic politicians are pushing harsh immigration policies – why representation doesn’t always mean racial justice

100 women: Architects in practice

Poverty: social work perspectives [Editorial]

Measuring what learners do in feedback: the feedback literacy behaviour scale

Performance for futures (Intellectual Output 2)

Deep combination of radar with optical data for gesture recognition: role of attention in fusion architectures

Shakespeare and Wales

Synthesis and utilisation of hybrid metal-carbonic anhydrase enzyme carrier system for soil biocementation

The psychological impacts of content moderation on content moderators: a qualitative study

Explainer: The Illegal Migration Act 2023

Constitutional monarchy in the UK as a populist mediator: the case of Brexit

Review of The Motive and the Cue

How to become an academic, and alienate people: the working-class academic

Change-of-direction and deceleration deficits in national-team female rugby sevens players: interrelationships and associations with speed-related performance

A machine learning‑based image segmentation method to quantify in vitro osteoclast culture endpoints

LF v SCRL and the CJEU’s failure to engage with the reality of Muslim women in the labour market

Giving evidence before the first-tier Tribunal (Mental Health): what is the role of inpatient mental health nurses?

Malignant Mesothelioma subtyping via sampling driven multiple instance prediction on tissue image and cell morphology data

Farms, libraries and adventure playground spaces for Orwell, Hardie, Carroll and Fry: James Martin Charlton's site-responsive productions of James Kenworth's plays in Newham

Effects of patient recumbency position on neonatal chest EIT

Strength and conditioning practices of Brazilian Olympic sprint and jump coaches

Monitoring lower limb biomechanical asymmetry and psychological measures in athletic populations - A scoping review

Neurodiversity and education

The untimely art of scribble

Pay inequality and the limiting effect of the business case

Neural text generators in enterprise modeling: can ChatGPT be used as proxy domain expert?

Comment piece: The inspection of Offender Management in Custody – new resettlement policy, same old problems

La Cour pénale internationale à vingt ans: Un bilan géopolitique

Solving the SME finance puzzle: an examination of demand and supply failure in the UK

Central bank responses to coronavirus pandemic in Europe

‘On the high street’ tuition for primary-aged children in London: critiquing discourses of accessibility, attainment and assistance

Android code vulnerabilities early detection using AI-powered ACVED plugin

Labelled vulnerability dataset on Android source code (LVDAndro) to develop AI-based code vulnerability detection models

Goal-modeling privacy-by-design patterns for supporting GDPR compliance

The quantum path kernel: a generalized neural tangent kernel for deep quantum machine learning

Proceedings of Inaugural Designing Retail and Service Futures Colloquium

Bulgaria’s mafia state and the failure of the CVM

Exploring microfoundations and multilevel mechanisms of absorptive capacity in an emerging economy: empirical evidence from a leading car manufacturer

The separating variety for matrix semi-invariants

Plyometric training practices of Brazilian Olympic sprint and jump coaches: Toward a deeper understanding of their choices and insight

Application of MALDI-TOF MS in bioremediation and environmental research

Art/Process/Change: inside a socially situated practice

From architecture to community: adaptive reuse as social practice

The case against narrative

Wastewater monitoring for detection of public health markers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Near-source monitoring of schools in England over an academic year

Time to consider the potential role of alternative resistance training methods in cancer management?

When challenges hinder: An investigation of buyer-imposed stressors on supplier flexibility

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence as philosophy: machine consciousness and intelligence

LILAC 2023: An audio-visual report

Arboreal methodologies: Getting lost to explore the potential of the non-innocence of ‘nature’

IoT-based emergency vehicle services in intelligent transportation system

Climate change and bank risk management

Deconstructing discourse: applying interview research in the economic newsroom

World’s first sovereign war bonds – issued by Mediterranean state of Venice

Whiteness, Reloaded: Addressing the ghosts in reverse of the cities yet to exist

Headscarves and the Court of Justice of the European Union: an analysis of the case law

If reading for pleasure is key to writing, has COVID-19 changed the lock?

Corporate liability and international criminal law

Tracking the reliability of force plate-derived countermovement jump metrics over time in female basketball athletes: a comparison of principal component analysis vs. conventional methods

Positive correlational shift between crevicular antimicrobial peptide LL-37, pain and periodontal status following non-surgical periodontal therapy. A pilot study

Digital badges for digital scholarship: Teaching basic research skills to pre-sessional students

Uncovering trends in human trafficking and migrant smuggling activities: a natural language processing approach to UNODC SHERLOC database

Pediatrics in artificial intelligence era: A systematic review on challenges, opportunities, and explainability

Who invited the women? The double bind of a culturally respectful female (or feminist?) traveler

Understanding global security [5th edition]

Explainer: Compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights: the UK and Europe

Explainer: The Illegal Migration Bill

The UK vs the ECtHR: Anatomy of a politically engineered collision course

E-waste and metal contamination in the environment: health effects

Migrant workers navigating the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK: resilience, reworking and resistance

Firefly algorithm for beamforming design in RIS-aided communication systems

Divergent democracy: notes on a mediatised affective activism renewal of feminist and anti-fascist struggle in contemporary Greece

Increasing the agricultural sustainability of closed agrivoltaic systems with the integration of vertical farming: A case study on baby-leaf lettuce

Student video curation

The unreliable socio-visual performance and identity of a novelist

The two emergencies of migrant-related policies in Italy during the first wave of COVID-19: The spread of the virus and the workforce shortages

Sociology, labour and transition in post-Soviet Russia: a view from within

Authentic by design: developing mathematicians for the talent economy

Layered double hydroxides, an effective nanomaterial to remove phosphorus from wastewater: Performance, mechanism, factors and reusability

Moderating online child sexual abuse material (CSAM): does self-regulation work, or is greater state regulation needed?

Neurologists' lived experiences of communicating the diagnosis of a motor neurodegenerative condition: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

The role of information in evolutionary biology

The machine psychology of cooperation: can GPT models operationalise prompts for altruism, cooperation, competitiveness and selfishness in economic games?

Assessment of movement variability and time in a football reactive agility task depending on constraints

Factors influencing the realisation of the social impact of urban nature in inner-city environments: A systematic review of complex evidence

Resource saving via ensemble techniques for quantum neural networks

Romeo and Julie: or The Corn is Always Greener

Chatbot commerce - How contextual factors affect Chatbot effectiveness

The association of food ingredients in breakfast cereal products and fumonisins production: risks identification and predictions

Physiological demands of fencing: a narrative review

Practices of strength and conditioning coaches across Chinese high-performance sports

Things that Make You Sick and Women Beware of Man Made Medicine

Contractual remedies in Bulgaria

Understanding the links between diversity and creativity as assessed in the boroughs of London

Physical preparation for golf

Green bonds in the transport sector

Bulgaria’s election spiral: the anatomy of disappointment

Keynote: 'Embracing authority: When punk pedagogy met the Hare Krishnas'

Complacency in fire evacuation from buildings: A technical research report into evacuee complacency, an overlooked component of fire safety management, from the IOSH Fire Risk Management Group

Reliability and validity of hand-held dynamometer and hand-held sphygmomanometer for testing shoulder isometric external and internal rotator muscles strength

A research agenda for African smart public value governance – Insights from a webinar series

For a new sociology of social love

Demystifying the role of information provision in travellers’ satisfaction: Insights from a randomized controlled trial

CAGE: Consensus Algorithm Genetically Enhanced

The And Article: collage as research method

Third Culture Kids: the consequences of multiculturalism and nomadism in the context of identity, well-being and education

A technology-people-integrated toolkit for retail care management during a crisis

Teaching emotional intelligence for enhancing resilience in journalism

Heroes or villains? Migrant essential workers and combined hostilities of Covid-19 and Brexit

The smallest bimolecular mass-action system with a vertical Andronov–Hopf bifurcation

Citizenship education: building for the future

An overview of angiogenesis in bladder cancer

Leadership, innovation and strategy development in military hard structures: Bringing chaos to order

Enhanced classification of network traffic data captured by intrusion prevention systems

The influence of selected managerial quality and board composition variables on the performance of German cooperative banks – an analysis of age, gender, education and experience as well as board size and composition

“Sanctioned by the legal system”: Women’s experiences of child contact in the context of intimate partner violence and abuse

The impact of home musical activities on language development in infants born prematurely

Panic, pizza and mainstreaming the alt-right: A social media analysis of Pizzagate and the rise of the QAnon conspiracy

The role of coaching psychology in addressing occupational/personal identity confusion in young adults aged 23–35 years in Israeli society

Assessing limb dominance and inter-limb asymmetries over multiple angles during change of direction speed tests in basketball players

The politics and aesthetic choices of feminist art criticism

Exploration of functional connectivity of brain to assess cognitive and physical health parameters using brain-computer interface

Lego® Serious Play® and higher education: encouraging creative learning in the academic library

Efficient design for smart environment using Raspberry Pi with Blockchain and IoT (BRIoT)

Responding to seismic change in Europe—The road to Reykjavik and beyond

The everyday advocacy work of the baby room leader

A police-led real-time surveillance system for suspected suicides in Great Britain

Development of a biofilm-forming bacterial consortium and quorum sensing molecules for the degradation of lignin-containing organic pollutants

Linguistic profile automated characterisation in pluripotential clinical high-risk mental state (CHARMS) conditions: methodology of a multicentre observational study

Factors prompting and deterring suicides on the roads


Comparison of strength and power characteristics before ACL rupture and at the end of rehabilitation before return to sport in professional soccer players

‘Prisoners abroad’ resettlement service: Housing security and lessons for probation

Sibling aggression between Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridacyla) chicks

The diminishing voice of the probation service

“Handwork rendered expeditious”: the Rottmann-Silver stencil venture of the 1890s

Evolutionary biology: Contemporary and historical reflections upon core theory

Quarantine ships as spaces of bordering: the securitization of migration policy in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Content moderators’ strategies for coping with the stress of moderating content online

Effect of butachlor on microcystis aeruginosa: cellular and molecular mechanisms of toxicity

Εssay on Grenglish words of alimentary, culinary and gastronomical interest

Microbiological identification using MALDI-TOF and tandem mass spectrometry: industrial and environmental applications

Diversity, transmission and selective pressure on the proteome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Progress in the microbiological applications of mass spectrometry: From electron impact to soft ionization techniques, MALDI-TOF MS and beyond

Interconnectedness and the web of accountabilities: Humboldtian approaches to social and environmental accounting

Factors influencing gaseous emissions in constructed wetlands: a meta-analysis and systematic review

Federated learning for performance prediction in multi-operator environments

Schooling as a field of practice: Exploring teacher pedagogy and student learning in private secondary classrooms in the Republic of Guinea

Holding two babies in mind: a narrative inquiry into the impact on a woman’s sense of self in the transition to twin motherhood

Contemporary practices of strength and conditioning coaches in high-level male ice hockey: a survey-based investigation

White enough, not white enough: racism and racialisation among Poles in the UK

What’s in a name? Linguistic and legal aspects of company names, product and service names, trademarks, and brands

Earbuds, smartphones, and music. Spiritual care and existential changes in COVID-19 times

The quest for global green finance participation: Developing countries and barriers to full participation

The driving factors of corporate carbon emissions: An application of the LASSO model with survey data

Media coverage and speculation about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide: a content analysis of UK news

The happiness of students and staff at two public universities respectively in Hong Kong and London: A comparative analysis from the Confucian perspective

Why is cardiometabolic risk monitoring important?

Greenham Common’s archival webs: towards a virtual feminist museum

Predicting weight category specific performance zones for Olympic, World and European weightlifting competitions

Rights reversion and contract adjustment

A systematic review of the different calculation methods for measuring jump height during the countermovement and drop jump tests

Bulgaria’s deepening political crisis: An opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaff

Unveiling the invisible: A narrative inquiry about the life of adults in Malta who grew up with a sibling diagnosed with a depressive or anxiety disorder

Prediabetes and the risk of type 2 diabetes: investigating the roles of depressive and anxiety symptoms in the Lifelines cohort study

Reasoning in criminal intelligence analysis through an argumentation theory-based framework

Establishment and characterisation of chemoresistant osteosarcoma cell lines by single and multi-agent induced strategies

Mothers who listen with more than ears: The phenomenological experience of the non-verbal communication between mothers and their child with complex cerebral palsy

Sustainable procurement in a pandemic: A case study in pragmatic research

Judicial independence versus judicial impartiality: A comparative approach

A practitioner inquiry into the creation & application of a contextualised therapeutic model to raise the competencies of youth facilitators in Singapore

International criminal law and refugee protection: The interplay between international criminal law and Article 1F(A) of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

International students’ work experience in London: Case of South Asian students

The development of a therapeutic parenting practice for a digital age; clinical roots to community settings

Wolbachia and Spiroplasma endosymbionts in the Anurida maritima (Collembola) species group

Social value of movement and dance

Adventures requiring care and recklessness: a playful archive

Down on the ground: the material memoir of the posthuman childhood researcher

Written submission for the Scottish Affairs Committee inquiry Defence in Scotland: The North Atlantic and the High North 2022-23

The UK pay transparency regulations: apparent transparency without accountability?

Repurposing Alzheimer’s disease medications in a drug combination for the study of the crosstalk between cell apoptosis and autophagy in the modulation of cell death in chronic myeloid leukaemia

Enactive Agnosis: The playful use of form as a bodily activity of (not) knowing

Being my true self: An existential phenomenological inquiry into how transition influences identity in trans men

Privacy preserving context-aware framework for cardiac health monitoring

Challenges of succession planning among family businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms and risk factors in a young ethnically diverse British population

Measuring interlimb asymmetry for strength and power: a brief review of assessment methods, data analysis, current evidence, and practical recommendations

Identification of a new class of proteasome inhibitors based on a naphthyl-azotricyclic-urea-phenyl scaffold

Refugee entrepreneurship and institutional voids: the case of Syrian refugee entrepreneurs in Egypt

Adapt or Die? The Council of Europe seeks new ideas to address ‘seismic change’

Generative recorrupted-to-recorrupted: an unsupervised image denoising network for arbitrary noise distribution

Accenting agency: duets within interactive video installation

Participation and hybrid integration in primary and secondary schools

Participation and hybrid integration in nursery schools

Socially assistive robots in health and social care: Acceptance and cultural factors. Results from an exploratory international online survey

BRICS countries' annual intergovernmental declaration: why does it matter for world politics?

Developing a novel digital forensics readiness framework for wireless medical networks using specialised logging

The smallest bimolecular mass action reaction networks admitting Andronov–Hopf bifurcation

Value of information in the mean-square case and its application to the analysis of financial time-series forecast

Emerging pollutants characterization, mitigation and toxicity assessment of sewage wastewater treatment plant- India: A case study

“You have to do that for your own sanity”: digital disconnection as journalists’ coping and preventive strategy in managing work and well-being

State crime

Shaping the metaverse into reality: a holistic multidisciplinary understanding of opportunities, challenges, and avenues for future investigation

Me, myself and I: selfies as vehicles of personalised politics in social media era

Combining phytoremediation with bioenergy production: developing a multi‑criteria decision matrix for plant species selection

The pivotal role of student assessment in work-integrated learning

A novel technology of solarization and phytoremediation enhanced with biosurfactant for the sustainable treatment of PAH‑contaminated soil

Carbon deficit checks in high resolution and compensation under regional inequity

Investigation of solar assisted air source heat pump heating system integrating compound parabolic concentrator-capillary tube solar collectors

Expanding the categories of negative easements- time for change?

Service use preceding and following first referral for psychiatric emergency care at a short-stay crisis unit: A cohort study across three cities and one rural area in England

Corporate incentives for obtaining higher level of carbon assurance: seeking legitimacy or improving performance?

International financial regulation of cryptoassets and asset-backed tokens

Does duration of team governance decrease corporate carbon emission intensity

The synergistic effect of operational research and big data analytics in greening container terminal operations: a review and future directions

A survey into the use of priming techniques implemented by athletes and coaches to improve athletic performance

Gull-human interactions in an urban population of Herring Gulls Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus

Beyond the stomp: the Nobbs Suzuki Praxis as an Australian variant of the Suzuki method of actor training

Inter-limb asymmetries in swimming and their impact on performance: evidence from a scoping review

Monitoring performance in golf: more than just clubhead speed

"Building back better": seeking an equitable return to sport for development in the wake of COVID-19

Gender differences in careers and publications within the sport management academy

Making home through memories and ritualized social practices

Establishment and characterization of single and triple‐agent resistant osteosarcoma cell lines

Employer branding: confirmation of a measurement model and its implication for managing the workforce

Transdisciplinarity as subversion: in space and place

Exploring British and Finnish preregistration nursing students’ experiences of learning emergency and acute care nursing through a collaborative online international (COIL) classroom

Safety and efficacy of an oral insulin (Capsulin) in patients with early‐stage type 2 diabetes: a dose‐ranging phase 2b study

Borrowing from Keynes’ A Treatise on Probability: a non-probabilistic measure of uncertainty for scenario planning

Environmental impact of e-waste management in Indian microscale informal sectors

Fusion of colour contrasted images for early detection of oesophageal squamous cell dysplasia from endoscopic videos in real time

Regulatory and innovative mechanisms of bacterial quorum sensing-mediated pathogenicity: a review

Can online civic education induce democratic citizenship? Experimental evidence from a new democracy

Interprofessional Perspectives of Mental Health Crisis for Nursing, Health, and the Helping Professions, Kris Deering and Joanne Williams, eds [Book Review]

Microbial fuel cell: a green eco-friendly agent for tannery wastewater treatment and simultaneous bioelectricity/power generation

Meta-informational cue inconsistency and judgment of information accuracy: Spotlight on intelligence analysis

Implementing the equality, diversity, and inclusion agenda in multinational companies: a framework for the management of (linguistic) diversity

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning+ (LGBTQ+)

Enhancing depositor protection in the mobile money banking sector in sub-Saharan African developing economies – a case for ring-fencing?

International competitiveness readiness, home country institutions, and early internationalisation

Understanding the impact of cross-cultural friendships and residency status on multicultural attitudes: a UAE perspective

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer: a call for action in high-income countries with low rates of breastfeeding

The private sector against human trafficking in tourism

Android source code vulnerability detection: a systematic literature review

The un-human beings: the denial of Muslim migrants' bodies in India and Poland

Turning job seekers into job creators through entrepreneurship mentoring at Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust, India

Alternate leg bounding acutely improves change of direction performance in women’s team sports players irrespective of ground type

From active to activist parenting: educational struggle and the injuries of institutionalised misrecognition

A study into Georgian universities' approach to the national standards of quality for teaching and learning

Reducing the dependency of having prior domain knowledge for effective online information retrieval

Empathy, caring and compassion: toward a Freudian critique of nursing work

Surviving the COVID-19 pandemic: the antecedents of success among European SMEs

The pandemic consumer response: A stockpiling perspective and shopping channel preferences

Optimal velocity loss threshold for inducing post activation potentiation in track and field athletes

Transdisciplinary practice: being, doing, knowing

Influence of governance bundles and directors' social capital on cash holding in foreign cross-listed firms

Cooperative conflict detection and resolution and safety assessment for 6G enabled unmanned aerial vehicles

More talent, more leeway: Do violence against women arrests really hurt NFL player careers?

Development and validation of the Music Cognitive Test: A music-based cognitive screening test

A user-guided personalization methodology to facilitate new smart home occupancy

Pay and employee intrapreneurialism in Russia, 1994-2015: a longitudinal study

The right tool for the job: evaluating police experiences of a pilot tool for responding to stalking

Exploring the role of U.K. Government policy in developing the university entrepreneurial finance ecosystem for Cleantech

Managing human resource management tensions in project-based organisations: evidence from Bangalore

Startup ventures and equity finance: How do Business Accelerators and Business Angels' assess the human capital of socio-environmental mission led entrepreneurs?

What explains entrepreneurial start-ups across countries: an integrative model

Seasonal variation of physical performance, bilateral deficit and inter-limb asymmetry in elite academy soccer players: which metrics are sensitive to change?

Flower pollination algorithm with pollinator attraction

Age and processing effects on perceptual and conceptual priming

IENE 9 project: Developing a culturally competent and compassionate LGBT + curriculum in health and social care education

Building cultures of participation: involving young people in contact with the criminal justice system in the development of drug interventions in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Italy and Poland

Multisensory 360° videos under varying resolution levels enhance presence


Global semiotics

An auto-ethnographic reflection on the nature of nursing in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic

Practice of wastewater irrigation and its impacts on human health and environment: a state of the art

Lessons from government venture capital funds to enable transition to a low-carbon economy: the U.K. case

'Trying to make it matter': The challenges of assimilating a resettlement culture into a 'local' prison

Decolonising quantitative research methods pedagogy: teaching contemporary politics to challenge hierarchies from data

Leveraging Twitter data to analyze the virality of Covid-19 tweets: a text mining approach

Exploring how perceived tourism impacts evolve over time (2009-2019) in an era of uncertainty: economic crisis, host-guest interactions, and Airbnb

Bringing books back: enhancing the understanding of psychotherapy in psychology students through book club participation

Institutional duality and human resource management practice in foreign subsidiaries of multinationals

The subversion of women's anger in travel guidebooks

Stock co-movement and governance bundles: Does the quality of national governance moderate this relationship?

'Some like it hot': the role of identity, website, co-creation behavior on identification and love

Praise of intra-organisational social capital and knowledge sharing behaviors in MNCs

Professional education with fiction media: imagination for engagement and empathy in learning - edited by Christine Jarvis and Patricia Gouthro, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2019, 251 pp., £99.99 (Hardcover), ISBN 978-3-030-17692 [Book review]

Mihailo Petrović (1868-1943)

Towards the essence of specifying sociotechnical digital twins

New Ecological Paradigm and third culture kids: Multicultural identity configurations, global mindset and values as predictors of environmental worldviews

The role of subsidiaries in Global Value Chains (GVCs): an institutional voids perspective on LVC upgrading and integration

Selecting metrics that matter: comparing the use of the countermovement jump for performance profiling, neuromuscular fatigue monitoring and injury rehabilitation testing

On the horns of a dilemma: experts as communicators for property-level flood risk adaptation measures

SWIPT-based cooperative NOMA for two-way relay communications: PSR versus TSR

Semiotics and its masters: volume 2

Ratio data: understanding pitfalls and knowing when to standardise

One Kilburn: Imagining the future of Kilburn!

Ethical conflicts among physicians and nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative study

Early photographic work exhibited in 'The English at Home: 20th Century Domestic Photographs from the Hyman Collection', The Centre for British Photography, London

Mapping UX: the Cultural Web and cultural change

Natural flood management: Opportunities to implement nature‐based solutions on privately owned land

Quality assurance of higher education in the South Caucasus

Non-invasive screening of breast cancer from fingertip smears—a proof of concept study

Revisiting FSAs and CSAs in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Ghanaian firms

This is my truth, tell me yours. Positioning children as authors of knowledge through facilitation of narratives in dialogic interactions

Integration discourses, the purification of gender and interventions in family migrations

Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change

An innovative blockchain-based traceability framework for industry 4.0 cyber-physical factory

Early photographic work exhibited in 'Butterflies! Arken's Collection', Arken Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen

Editorial entrepreneurial finance for green innovative SMEs

Landscape photography exhibited in 'TOWNER 100: Unseen', Towner Gallery, Eastbourne

Flood risk research for improving flood risk outcomes

Culturally competent and compassionate LGBTQ+ health and social care

Horizontal and vertical responsibilisation in the resettlement field

Invisible men: Short prison sentences and the pains of invisibility and insignificance

Variations in power performance and perceptual responses to training in Olympic boxers over a 7-month training period

Peter Warlock: An Old Song [Preface]

GNurseSIM intercultural simulation for caring for elderly patients: Reflections on co-creation of artefacts

Improving enrollment and learning through videos and mobiles: Experimental evidence from northern Nigeria

Grocery omnichannel perishable inventories: performance measures and influencing factors

Nitrogen migration and transformation in a saline-alkali paddy ecosystem with application of different nitrogen fertilizers

Do patients assess physicians differently in video visits as compared with in-person visits? Insights from text-mining online physician reviews

Contemplative practices in the study and practice of law

Hannah Arendt’s action theory, aesthetics and feminist curatorial praxis

Improved quality of online education using prioritized multi-agent reinforcement learning for video traffic scheduling

Acute effects of a fatiguing protocol on peak force and rate of force development of the hamstring muscles in soccer players

ChatGPT and consumers: Benefits, pitfalls and future research agenda

Political incumbency effects in India: a regional analysis

Multicultural identity integration versus compartmentalization as predictors of subjective well-being for Third Culture Kids: The mediational role of self-concept consistency and self-efficacy

Addressing challenges to labour rights reporting on global value chains: social governance mechanisms as a way forward

A qualitative exploration of patients' experience of mobile telephone‐delivered contingency management to promote adherence to supervised methadone

The Krishnacore Chronicles #17: Krishna Das interviewed by Mike Dines and Madhu Brata Das

Learning from labour: Critical pedagogy for working students: Project preliminary report

A network of hardcore researchers: Punk studies, punk scholarship, punk pedagogy

The Krishnacore Chronicles #19 Miloš (Neven) Interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #18: Madhu Brata das and Mike Dines interview Satya Brata Das from the bands Entrefuego and Standard

Applying sequential mixed-methods approaches when working with businesses: insights from longitudinal research into the influence of business on sustainable lifestyles

Reflections on citizenship education from England

An assessment of different alkali-activated cements as stabilizers of sulfate-bearing soils

Performance for 'Fifty Years of Twenty Sites in 'n' Years': Tom Phillip's graphic scores, live improvisation

Spatial attention is not affected by alpha or beta transcranial alternating current stimulation: A registered report

Work Ready Skills & Experience (WYRSE) guidelines for UK educators and screen industries employers

Applying motivational techniques for user adherence to adopt a healthy lifestyle in a gamified application

The 2022 Conservative leadership campaign and post-racial gatekeeping

Examining the effects of celebrity negative publicity on attitude to, and reputation of brand and corporation, directly and based on moderating factors

Comparative analysis of various machine learning techniques for classification of speech disfluencies

Envisioning the effective implementation of the Marrakesh treaty for blind, visually impaired and print-disabled individuals in Mauritius

The Krishnacore Chronicles #20: Gaura-Jivana Dāsa and Bhakta Jojo from Antimaterial Worlds interviewed by Mike Dines

Connecting perceptual control theory with health behavior

Recognition of belligerency under the laws of war

Jackie Chan: a winning formula

Information fusion-based cybersecurity threat detection for intelligent transportation system

Etudes de concert 1

Criminology against war

Fifteen years of the statutory derivative regime under the Companies Act 2006: a reflection on an unfulfilled superfluous statutory regime

Examining the cultural differences in disseminating green supply chain in global subsidiaries

The Art of Engagement: creating foundations for an international learning community in social practice

Splitting reactions preserves nondegenerate behaviors in chemical reaction networks

Engaging with religious history and theological concepts through music composition: Ave generosa and The Song of Margery Kempe

Development of BA Creative Digital Design professional degree apprenticeship

The value of experiments in futures and foresight science: A reply

Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries

The role of the university entrepreneurial ecosystem in entrepreneurial finance: case studies of UK innovation knowledge centres

Flood risk: a capacity and vulnerability analysis of Newham and Hammersmith, UK

Neonatal jaundice


Physiology, assessment and care of the newborn

Paix à la paix: Hymne, pour voix seule (Hymn for solo voice)

Photographic work exhibited in 'On Animals', Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea

Health, wellbeing, and social interaction: an international and demographic analysis of perceived life changes and the positives and negatives of the COVID-19 lockdown

Middlesex University | KilburnLab: Imagining the future of Kilburn rethinking disused community spaces

Dr Jekyll and/or Mr Hyde: The two versions of David Edgar's stage adaptation

ADAMTS13 activity measurement by ELISA and fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay

ADAMTS13 activity: Screening test protocol

Lupus anticoagulant testing: Dilute prothrombin time (dPT)

Lupus anticoagulant testing: Taipan snake venom time with ecarin time as confirmatory test

ADAMTS13 antibody and inhibitor assays

Pedagogical innovation for children’s agency in the classroom: building knowledge together

Reading for pleasure matters: Priorities and pedagogies in the post-pandemic landscape

Hotting Up. Geopolitical Rivalry and Environmental Security in the Arctic

World Politics: International Relations and Globalisation in the 21st Century

Land use change on the surface area and the influence on carbon

Arboreal Methodologies: the promise of getting lost (with feminist new materialism and Indigenous ontologies) for social studies

Spaces of Hope

"If I had had a me": the benefits and challenges of involving children with lived experience in youth justice services

UK music before and after Covid-19

One Kilburn: Imagining the Future of Kilburn [Exhibition and workshop]

Interior Futures - strategic visions and innovative solutions

Hollywood Independent: How the Mirisch Company changed cinema

Maritime Bus: Goal setting and surviving the pandemic crisis [Case study and teaching notes]

Key trends in states use of digital technologies to enhance surveillance-privacy and data protection challenges for international law

Ephemeral Grounds

Love Songs: Photography and Intimacy

How can HR navigate the challenge of ChatGPT?

The Metaverse-In Common

From architecture to community [Workshop]

Avatar and self-concept in the era of metaverse

Influence of box height on inter-limb asymmetry and box jump performance

North London social work teaching partnership practice educator research project

L&T Chat Show S3E4: Alan Wheeler on evaluating learning gain through Lego Serious Play

A comparative analysis of the skilled use of automated feedback tools through the lens of teacher feedback literacy

Developing Brazil's sustainable finance entrepreneurship ecosystem: The role of keystone actors and institutional logics

Demand for external finance by environmentally-motivated SMEs: An exploration of geographical disparities and potential in relation to Net Zero

Intelligence and consciousness in natural and artificial systems

The potential use of food waste in biocementation process for eco-efficient construction materials

Valorisation of brewery wastes in a circular bioeconomy – from low-cost animal feed to high-value products

The role of life satisfaction: hidden link between brand attachment and brand supportive behavior

Who Cares

Toccata from Concerto for piano solo (Hommage à Alkan)

Understanding financial institutions – The role of reading economic news in Germany and the UK

The transition to parenthood after IVF: an introduction for nursing, midwifery and health visiting

The Nekrascape

When is celebrity endorsement effective? Exploring the role of celebrity endorsers in enhancing key brand associations

I, Medusa

Forced gifting: English surrogacy, gestational labor, and the inequality of choice

Adaptive reuse as social practice for collective interiors

Improving supply chain sustainability using artificial intelligence: Evidence from the manufacturing sector

Enablers and benefits of supply chain digitalization: An empirical study of Thai MSMEs

Scream and Scream Again

The International Legal Order's Colour Line: Racism and racial discrimination in the making of international law

Countermovement rebound jump: a comparison of joint work and joint contribution to the countermovement and drop jump tests

A spiking model of Cell Assemblies: Short term and associative memory

Fancy a Fag(?)

Digital Desire

Understanding the role of learning communities of practice within a degree apprenticeship to enhance inclusive engagement

Finding Freire: Punk, praxis and the quest for spirituality in Krishnacore

Early photographic work exhibited in 'Real Families', The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

The Barnet Council Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change and Biodiversity

Palestine Comedy Club: PalCom/No Direction Home

Intimate partner violence: laws on sexual violence

Palestine Comedy Club: PalCom


The Final Saga

Test–retest reliability of the magnitude and direction of asymmetry in the countermovement jump, drop jump, and countermovement rebound jump

Solo exhibition: 'We Ran Together', G39 Gallery, Cardiff


Launch event A2 poster - Behind the screens: stories from the Covid-19 vaccination programme in North Central London

Behind the screens: stories from the Covid vaccination programme in North Central London

Contribution to episodes 1, 2 and 6 of Women in Revolt! Podcast

See Red Women's Workshop posters in Women In Revolt! Art and Activism in the UK 1970-1990

Learn the Charleston

The role of equal pay auditing in resolving unequal pay: More hindrance than help?

Poor on the Roll in Queereal Secretions

Divine Vision: William Blake in Felpham

Developing psychological capital to support journalists’ well-being

Beloved in London, ignored in New York: Starlight Express and We Will Rock You

Interviews with improvisers

Retribution Shaw-Style

An Elevated Platform

An Obscure Camera

Two pieces for solo organ

Work exhibited in 'A “history” of photography: Agnès b.’s Collection,' Galerie du Jour Agnès B, Paris