Migrants with insecure legal status and access to work: the role of ethnic solidarity networks
Financing social enterprise in the UK: responding to new challenges in competitive markets
The International Rule of Law
Effects of soccer match-play on unilateral jumping and Inter-limb asymmetry: a repeated measures design
Using scenarios to forecast outcomes of a refugee crisis
Jump and change of direction speed asymmetry using smartphone apps: between-session consistency and associations with physical performance
Embedding student feedback in deep pedagogic reflection: the potentials of drawing and Deleuzian analysis
Effects of 8-weeks of isoinertial vs. cable-resistance training on motor skills performance and interlimb asymmetries
Stretchy time or screen time: how early years practitioners conceptualise time in relation to children's digital play
Eliciting, processing and enacting feedback: mechanisms for embedding student feedback literacy within the curriculum
Military ecocide
Encountering authority and avoiding trouble: young migrant men’s narratives of negotiation in Europe
The need to disentangle assessment and feedback in higher education
Practices of strength and conditioning coaches: a snapshot from different sports, countries and expertise levels
Impact of CRM strategy on relationship commitment and new product development: mediating effects of learning from failure
Traditional free-weight vs. variable resistance training applied to elite young soccer players during a short preseason: effects on strength, speed, and power performance
Context-aware systems architecture (CaSA)
Contemporary perspectives on environmental enforcement
A review of lean and agile management in humanitarian supply chains: analysing the pre-disaster and post-disaster phases and future directions
Exploring gendered differences among polish migrants in the UK in problematic drinking and pathways into and through alcohol treatment
Psychopathy and an absence of love in organizations
An exploration on the nexus between managers’ present bias and corporate investment
Effects of flywheel training on strength-related variables in female populations. A systematic review
Enhancing high-intensity actions during a basketball game after a strength training program with random recovery times between sets
Modeling and verifying a resource allocation algorithm for secure service migration for commercial cloud systems
From multispecies tangles and Anthropocene muddles: what can lichen teach us about precarity and indeterminacy in early childhood
Feedback that works: a realist review of feedback interventions for written tasks
From feedback-as-information to feedback-as-process: a linguistic analysis of the feedback literature
Examining customer's intention to rely on online reviews
The debtor-in-possession model in the EU insolvency and restructuring framework - a domino effect?
Measuring what matters: the positioning of students in feedback processes within national student satisfaction surveys
Instagram influencers: the role of opinion leadership in consumers’ purchase behavior
Sentencing multiple- versus single-offence cases: does more crime mean less punishment?
Midwives' insights in relation to the common barriers in providing effective perinatal care to women from ethnic minority groups with 'high risk' pregnancies: a qualitative study
Making sense of sensory brand experience: constructing an integrative framework for future research
Design and agency [Book Review]
How leadership affects organisational citizenship behaviour – a study of independent hotels
Prevalence of disordered eating, eating disorders and risk of low energy availability in professional, competitive and recreational female athletes based in the United Kingdom
Advancing pedagogical leadership at national level: looking for a policy window
An organisational approach to supporting pedagogical leadership: reporting on a case study with London Early Years Foundation
Retail managers’ preparedness to capture customers’ emotions: a new synergistic framework to exploit unstructured data with new analytics
Fly me to the moon: from corporate branding orientation to retailer preference and business performance
A framework to guide practitioners when selecting metrics during the countermovement and drop jump tests
Snake venoms in diagnostic hemostasis and thrombosis
Practices of strength and conditioning coaches in professional sports: A systematic review
Supporting girls and young women victims of sexual harassment in schools: 'me and you and everyone we know'
'It's a double whammy': A qualitative study of illness uncertainty in individuals with Parkinson's disease in the context of COVID-19
Meeting the private sector housing condition and adaptation needs of older people: responses from environmental health and other services in London
Increasing preparedness for extreme events using plausibility-based scenario planning: lessons from COVID-19
Mitochondrial genome divergence supports an ancient origin of circatidal behaviour in the Anurida maritima (Collembola: Neanuridae) species group
Editorial: Security of cloud service for the manufacturing industry
The relative Heller operator and relative cohomology for the Klein 4-group
Reflections on whiteness: racialised identities in nursing
Are advanced clinical practice roles in England’s National Health Service a remedy for workforce problems? A qualitative study of senior staff perspectives
Trying for a second chance: Iranian infertile couples’ experiences after failed ART
Deaf women's experiences of maternity in primary care: an integrative review
A qualitative exploration of care homes workers' views and training needs in relation to the use of socially assistive humanoid robots in their workplace
Forward guidance and corporate lending
Healthcare professionals’ involvement in breaking bad news to newly diagnosed patients with motor neurodegenerative conditions: a qualitative study
‘Keeping a lid on it’: exploring ‘problematisations’ of prescribed medication in prisons in the UK
Sharing your assets? A holistic review of the sharing economy
Semiquantitative interpretation of anticardiolipin and antiβ2glycoprotein I antibodies measured with various analytical platforms: communication from the ISTH SSC subcommittee on Lupus Anticoagulant/Antiphospholipid antibodies
Researching Organisations in Transition Economies: Ethics of Fieldwork. SAGE Research Methods Video: Research Ethics & Integrity
Coupling of cryptocurrency trading with the sustainable environmental goals: is it on the cards?
Willingness to reduce travel consumption to support a low-carbon transition beyond COVID-19
Analysis of operation performance of three indirect expansion solar assisted air source heat pumps for domestic heating
Dominant narratives, uncertainty denial, negative capability and conviction: a commentary on Fenton-O’Creevy and Tuckett 2021
Female executive leadership and corporate social responsibility
The role and potential of tripartite partnerships to promote strong sustainable consumption in the context of Brazil: an evaluation of possibilities and risks
Digital futures of small businesses and entrepreneurial opportunity
Compassionate practices for nurse managers in Colombia
Prolonged continuous monitoring of regional lung function in infants with respiratory failure
A low power, low THD current driver with discrete common-mode feedback for EIT applications
Gender and migration
Family migration
Governance, leadership and a personal reflection: a journey towards a safer, stronger and more resilient community
Gamekeeper turned poacher: discursive shifts in apprenticeship reform in England, 2011-2021
Comparative analysis of the nutritional, biochemical and hematological parameters of pregnant women attending the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
User experience of 360° video: the development of a conceptual framework
Third space reloaded: reflections from the academic development front
Arena’s memorial portrait of Henry Moore
"It will ruin his career": does violence against women really damage the careers of NBA players?
The use of public environment as alternative auditoria and ‘mixed economy’ participation to create new writing which originates from, and is rooted in, a community’s history, culture, and people
Public spaces, public words: towards the making of a pro-localist theatre in The Newham Plays
Art-based knowing: first-person inquiry into epistemology, voice and agency from a gendered perspective
Enhancing creative design competencies through integrated learning experiences: vocational and professional education and training in Hong Kong
The impact of consumers’ transaction experience on the retailers’ transaction-specific brand equity: an analysis into consumers’ transaction experience with contactless technology in the context of the UK
A curatorial study of migration in arts
Practice as the site of learning: a case study of higher education in an aviation degree
Bridging the gap between the autistic individual, the therapist, and the theoretical perspective: an intersubjective analysis
An autoethnographic exploration of addiction in Albania: a country in transition
Dislocated and misplaced: an autoethnography of moving, missing, and finding home
The effects of an online, social group exercise programme on the mental, social, and physical health of older adults: a mixed methods review
Disconnection agents and unethical decision-making
An exploration of coachees’ felt experiences of coaching, where the coachee has been marked out for promotion
Essays on the effect of exogenous factors on price momentum profit
The emotional experience of non-dominant (right) cerebral hemisphere stroke survivors: an existential Heideggerian exploration
The legal development of R2P within the norm life cycle based on actual state practice
'Ray & Liz' and 'Ray's a laugh': film screening, photography presentation and discussion, organised by Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote and Veintinueve Trece, Lanzarote (8th - 12th November 2022)
Sales transformation: leading & selling within and beyond the organisation
'Walter Holding Newborn Bruno' in 'From the Heart: 10 Photographers on the Theme of Love'
“Us and them” and the space in between: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the experiences of working-class clients with middle-class therapists
Transforming sales: business-to-business value co-creation. How organizations and people collaborate, learn, co-create value, and develop ‘fit for the future’ sales professionals
Efficient, revocable, and privacy-preserving fine-grained data sharing with keyword search for the cloud-assisted medical IoT system
Large-size data distribution in IoV based on 5G/6G compatible heterogeneous network
A differentiated learning environment in domain model for learning disabled learners
Offline signature verification using deep neural network with application to computer vision
Intrusion detection and prevention system for an IoT environment
An empirical study on Retinex methods for low-light image enhancement
Social justice journalism: valorising and empowering the experiences of ‘the other’
Publishing in academic journals
Writing effective promotion applications
International assignments
International human resource management, 6th edition
Being good enough? A first-person action research inquiry into the experience of shame in professional practice
Brand authenticity of luxury products: exploring the ruling relationship between consumer and brand as policy-actor groups
The vital parenting tasks: development of an integrative framework for working with parents
Cultural influences in crisis decision-making: an emergency operations centre case study in Qatar
Tyndale, a Zwinglian theologian? A comparison between Tyndaleʼs and Zwingliʼs doctrines of the Lordʼs Supper
Unearthing the complexity of stigma: a narrative inquiry into clients’ experiences of stigma and psychotherapy
Out of the shadows: from forlorn to flourishing (using self as instrument of care for helping)
The Little Giant in the South - the Education of Blacks at Oakwood University, Alabama
Information requirements of a decision support system for severe accident management in nuclear power plants
The transformation, expansion and success of a homelessness charity
What is the meaning and essence of the lived experience of the outcome of existential therapy for depression?
Using Sentiment Analysis on online product reviews for determining fairness
What do you mean by belonging?
Peer-to-peer phone calls as a method of providing proactive and personalised support to enhance student engagement
A pilot study for satellite-tracking Gadwalls Mareca strepera wintering in the Lea Valley, UK
Always liminal, always learning: why community learning is needed, and how to start
Discardscapes of fashion: commodity biography, patch geographies, and preconsumer garment waste in Cambodia
Acute kidney injury
Multi-source multi-destination hybrid infrastructure-aided traffic aware routing in V2V/I networks
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in cultural context do parents in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom adopt different thresholds when rating symptoms, and if so why?
Exploring Human Resource management practise through the Qatar HR Forum; framing the influence of 'Tharaba' culture and the development of Qatar-centric competencies for HR professionals practising in Qatar
Mind the gap? A critical analysis of the recognition and enforcement of cross-border consumer ODR outcomes in the EU
The implementation of sustainable development as a requirement by ICSID tribunals: a proposal for a sustainability standard
The effects of rhythmic presentation of stimuli on item and source memory
Cyber fraud: investigating substantive, procedural and evidentiary legal issues in Cyprus
From national development to local delivery: how neighbourhood policing policy and guidance has informed the understanding of communities and engagement practice at a local level
The effect of financial development, financial agglomeration, and financial constraint on China’s economic development
How we see ourselves: beginning-teacher identity formation
Design of virtual reality for students with autism, developed in a special school setting
Who am I? Self and identity narratives told by second-generation ex-members of high control cultic groups. A life story narrative inquiry
The intersubjective experience of women with chronic primary pain
New methodological approaches to better understanding the attacking process during open play moments in football
Psychotherapist suicidality: breaking the silence using interactive interviewing
Walking with change: a first-person inquiry into the development of a post-human “frilufts”-life
Development of liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry method for measurement of sepsis biomarkers
The rights of the Ahwazi people in Iran: historical claims, contemporary reality and future prospects
The experiences of the young practicing British Iranian Athna-asheri Shia Muslims in London
The role of autophagy in canine osteosarcoma
‘Being-at-home’ and homelessness: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the experiences of Syrian involuntary immigrants living in Istanbul, Turkey
Analysis of the microbiota of human milk and baby faeces in Nigeria, using molecular and culture-based approaches
Navigating the challenges of professionalising sales careers: a case for degree apprenticeships in sales
Towards a strong UAE National Human Rights Institution: complying with the Paris Principles and beyond
Transparency and disclosure in supply chains: modern slavery and worker voice
Final report: Wind Energy and the just transition. Political and socio-economic pinch points in wind turbine manufacturing and windfarm communities in Europe and South Africa’
Gendered dynamics of international labour migration: migrant women in Greater Beirut, Lebanon
Merging bodies: the application of thermal technology as an expressive tool to investigate touch in the creation of a new Dance screen work
Millennials’ lived experience of navigating having a voice in a collective country: a hermeneutic phenomenological approach
Bedeutung und Rolle des Einkaufs bei mittelgrossen Schweizer Unternehmen. Qualitative Untersuchung der Herausforderungen und Aufgaben
Die Europäische Finanztransaktionssteuer und die Vereinbarkeit mit der Kapitalmarktunion
Understanding the effect of place image and knowledge of tourism on residents' attitudes towards tourism and their word-of-mouth intentions: evidence from Seville, Spain
A binary PSO-based ensemble under-sampling model for rebalancing imbalanced training data
Exploring the journey of parenting to understand parents’ perceptions of their families’ relationships
The high wasteland, scar, form, and monstrosity in the English landscape: what is the function of the monster in representations of the English landscape?
AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A dataset of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest
Combining geospatial abundance and ecological niche models to identify high-priority areas for conservation: The neglected role of broadscale interspecific competition
Pulp Fiction: why some populations of ripe-fruit specialists Ateles chamek and A. marginatus prefer insect-infested foods
Biotic indicators for ecological state change in Amazonian floodplains
Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar
Artificial Intelligence to improve learning outcomes through online collaborative activities
From practice to research
Populations and samples
What is data?
How to collect data
Qualitative data analysis
SuperPoint features in endoscopy
Die persönliche Eignung von Kontrollmitgliedern für die Überwachung der Geschäftsführung von gemeinnützigen Vereinen und Unternehmen in der Sozial- und Gesundheitswirtschaft. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
Untersuchungen der Fähigkeitsadaption innerhalb des agilen Mindsets der Belegschaft unter Berücksichtigung der digitalen Transformation und der multifaktoriellen Brancheneinflüsse bei Personaldienstleistern: Ein Paradigma der Fähigkeiten und Maßnahmen
Wie können deutsche familienkontrollierte Hidden Champions des B2B-Sektors ihre digitale Transformationsstrategie so gestalten, dass ein unternehmerischer Erfolg resultiert? Entwurf eines review-basierten und empirisch konkretisierten Modells
Evaluating the use of alternative normalization approaches on SARS-CoV-2 concentrations in wastewater: experiences from two catchments in northern Sweden
xURLLC in 6G with meshed RAN
Blue-green infrastructure for all seasons: the need for multicolored thinking
Edge intelligence for service function chain deployment in NFV-enabled networks
IntOpt: in-band network telemetry optimization framework to monitor network slices using P4
A phenomenological enquiry into gay male domestic abuse victims’ experience of engaging with psychotherapy
The fascinating case of Stephen King: workshop with Daniela and David Tully
The folk horror renaissance and the shadow of Nigel Kneale: a centenary celebration [Panel]
Translational researchers' training and development needs, preferences, and barriers: a survey in a National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre in the United Kingdom
Perceptions of gender equity and markers of achievement in a National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre: a qualitative study
Do we look 'good?' Characterizing the influence of brand ethical value on consumer ad avoidance behaviour
The way of the social media: focused on the needs for social-connection
An empirical model to perceive quality of education sector in UAE schools using data analytics
Examination of fake news from a viral perspective: an interplay of emotions, resonance, and sentiments
Sun shines in Dubai with Shams: A journey of renewable energy space in the United Arab Emirates
Digital poverty in the UK: analysis of secondary data
Exploring a resource allocation security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments
Regulation as an opportunity for learning and small business development: The case of Environmental Health inspections and good learning behaviours
Americanization of Brazilian business and management curriculum
The Online Behaviour Taxonomy: a conceptual framework to understand behaviour in computer-mediated communication
Impact of the length of stay at hotels on online reviews
UN Sustainable Development Goals: A rubric to evaluate sincerity for implementing long-term sustainabilty pledges
Towards resolving challenges associated with climate change modelling in Africa
Molecular dynamic simulation reveals structure differences in APOL1 variants and implication on pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease
Bioinformatics, computational informatics, and modeling approaches to the design of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine candidates
Ensemble machine learning for Monkeypox transmission time series forecasting
Application of deep learning techniques and Bayesian optimization with tree parzen estimator in the classification of supply chain pricing datasets of health medications
Computational construction of a glycoprotein multi-epitope subunit vaccine candidate for old and new South-African SARS-CoV-2 virus strains
Using deep 1D convolutional grated recurrent unit neural network to optimize quantum molecular properties and predict intramolecular coupling constants of molecules of potential health medications and other generic molecules
Insights into the impacts of and responses to COVID-19 pandemic: The South African food retail supply chains perspective
Intertextuality and “adult” humour in children’s film
A scoping review exploring the 'grey area' of suicide-related expression in later life: developing a conceptual framework for professional engagement
Developing student feedback literacy through self and peer assessment interventions
A multi-institutional assessment of changes in higher education teaching and learning in the face of COVID-19
An empirical study of student action from ipsative design of feedback processes
Creating and sustaining collaborative connections: tensions and enabling factors in joint international programme development
Digital ethnography in higher education teaching and learning—a methodological review
Student vulnerabilities and confidence in learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
The rapture and rupture of the lived body
The intersubjectivity and intercorporeality of noise and sonic arts
The argument for queering 'The origin of the work of art'
Introduction to phenomenology and SELF/s
Embodied experience
An introduction to the phenomenology of performance art: SELF/s
Introduction: the media and inequality
The Art of Engagement
Freedom of thought in South Africa: undoing Apartheid’s attempt at thought control
Censorship by algorithm: the UK Online Safety Bill and corporate censorship of free speech
Narratives in (in)authenticity: the early career academic
New generation psychological treatments in chronic pain
Gambling problems and help-seeking in serving United Kingdom military personnel: a qualitative study
Gambling problems and associated harms in United Kingdom Royal Air Force personnel
Reappraising the Kung Fu comedy film: from the protestant ethnic to hysterical resistance
Generation of anatomically inspired human airway tree using electrical impedance tomography: A method to estimate regional lung filling characteristics
Les défis qui attendent le nouveau Procureur
Race, human rights and the Global South at the first session of the UN General Assembly
A framework for privacy and security requirements analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design
Developing secured Android applications by mitigating code vulnerabilities with machine learning
Love of typography & letterforms & poetry
Book-Object-Art: Winterbouren House and Garden
Joan Griffiths - The Big Picture
Methodological alignment in qualitative research of organisational culture
How Educational Broadcasts were made: Sharing BBC School Radio distance learning skills that still work online
Nuremberg and the drafting of the Genocide Convention
Le droit de jouir des arts
Production of the 70:20:10 webinar
Becoming a learning magician: an alternative to head-to-head online teaching
Both sides of the coin: counsellors’ stories of the influence of a fundamentalist religious upbringing on mental health and wellbeing in adulthood
Aesthetic experience, novelty and consciousness in the comprehension of metaphors
'Alterity' at the 29th International Adana Golden Ball Film Festival 2022
Immersive web video for learning engagement - post Covid
Relationships between international criminal law and other branches of international law
Ritual, magic, and politics: the haunting of Farid Fairuz
Comparative institutional law and economics: Reclaiming economics for socio-legal research [Translation]
Stay Safe
Why relationships matter post-disaster: Focus on queer-identified young women and gender diverse people who ‘grew up’ in Post Katrina New Orleans
A mixed-method investigation of the challenges and opportunities for commissioning culturally competent mental health (dementia) services
The embodied heritage of Armenian people: An interpretative phenomenological analysis – A sample of Armenians living in London
“More than a mask”: A multidimensional model of autistic women’s experience of camouflaging
Exploring folate conjugated liposomal delivery of thymoquinone as a novel targeted treatment for human papillomavirus associated cancers
Scrolling, safety and self-presentation: A grounded theory of social anxiety for Instagram millennials
Bridging the gap and continuing to develop professionally: A pluralist mixed methods study exploring the impact of continuing professional development (CPD) activity on the practice of therapists working in higher education (HE) settings
Upper gastrointestinal bleed
The Majmūʿ al-tarbiya between text and paratext: Exploring the social history of a community's reading culture
Digitalisierung der Unternehmensberatung – Analyse von Beratungsschulen und Digitalisierungspotenzialen
Abode And Point To The Eye (Saygun Dura's exhibition at Millî Reasürans Art Gallery, Istanbul)
Advances in electrical impedance tomography and bioimpedance including applications in COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment
A low-power recursive I/Q signal generator and current driver for bioimpedance applications
National character and tourism
Share price informativeness and dividend smoothing behavior in GCC markets
Critical approaches to tourism, heritage and culture
Children hybrid integration: learning dialogue as a way of upgrading policies of participation
CHILD-UP Horizon 2020 facilitator training for schools
Stigma and whistleblowing: Should punitive damages be available in retaliation cases?
The quantum path kernel: A generalized quantum neural tangent kernel for deep quantum machine learning
Owning the masters: a history of sound recording copyright
The cadenza of Malcolm Arnold's Second Clarinet Concerto
Exploring learning gain with LEGO ® SERIOUS PLAY ® and visual ethnography
A user-guided personalization methodology for new smart homes
From motivator to ‘psychoeducator’: A critical exploration of emotional distress and recovery
Translation techniques in the Solomonic narrative of OG 2 Chronicles as evinced by OG 2 Chr 4-6
Biographical dimensions of meaning making in coaching psychology: A critical evaluation of the use of biographical inquiry in the exploration of meaning making in coaching psychology
Empowering the migrant and refugee family's parenting skills: a literature review
Combining phytoremediation with bioenergy production; exploring options for sustainable remediation
A critical analysis of the use of visual communication in existential practice
Developing a competency model for Hong Kong energy engineers in transition: A mixed methods study
Integration of internationally educated nurses to the UK: the lived experience of nurses with Nigerian heritage in the London region
This is the Word of the Lord: Nicholas Wolterstorff’s account of scripture, appropriated discourse, and divine authorship
Sind Veröffentlichungen von publikationspflichtigen Unternehmensmeldungen faktorbasierte Marktrisiken? Eine Untersuchung von Noise-Trader-Risiken und Noise-Trader-Heuristiken
Making pedagogical innovation sustainable: The role of training and dialogue for trainers
Anwendungsorientierte Konzeption zur internen Qualitätssteuerung der Klassifikationen KTL und ICF in der medizinischen Rehabilitation
Cognitive dissonance shaping consumer behaviour within Generation Z: a case of the Indian healthcare industry
Reclaiming British Gujarati culture after conversion to Evangelical Christianity
What is so fabulous about Smaug?
Hybrid christian youth ministry: a study of closed-group social media
Theory of price formation in experimental markets
The subjective experiences of disagreeing with one's diagnosis of schizophrenia – a phenomenological study
State, religion, and the public good: An examination of Nurcholish Madjid in constructing civil religious pluralism as political philosophy
Surviving Alpha: Using sequential analysis to examine the behaviours of Black-legged Kittiwake chicks during sibling pecking attacks
Securing mHealth - Investigating the development of a novel information security framework
A Gestalt model of domains in couple’s work: a qualitative, theory-building case study
Ethno-nationalism of the Ahiska (Meskhetian) Turks: A diaspora perspective of their response to change in multiple locations, with a particular emphasis on Turkey
ScreenStage performance: Hybridity, perception and enstrangement
Integration of cognitive and existential therapy
An existential-phenomenological inquiry into self-perceived pornography addiction
Comics in clinical practice: a grounded theory exploration of how sequential art is applied to talking therapy
‘Travellers in Faith’ or ‘Stealthy Legions’: The Gurāgē role in the rise of Tablīghī Jamā‘at in Ethiopia
An Inert State: Tracing a double-defiance of death via photographic poiesis
An evaluation of Youth Ink: Interim report
Human rights law in Tunisia in the post-Arab Spring era
Rhetorical strategies in the Fourth Gospel
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated ATG7 knockout results in enhanced osteosarcoma chemosensitivity
Managing risk in nurseries
Experience of therapist immigrant from Poland in times of Brexit: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
The lower hand: New perspectives on performance-practice evidence in Edward Bunting’s early-irish-harp field transcriptions of the 1790s
Absorptive, adopted and agile: A study of the digital transformation of Africa carriers
Vasculogenic mimicry in bladder cancer and its association with cancer stem cells and human chorionic gonadotropin-beta
A study of Kierkegaard as a missionary and the possible applications in Japan
A comprehensive analysis of calendar anomalies in mature and emerging markets: essays on the major calendar anomalies in the US and Saudi markets
A cross-discipline study in the school of health and education: examining interpersonal conflict in college life through collective cultural lens
Student video curation
Drivers of far-right extremism
An exploration of women’s representation in senior leadership positions in the English National Health Service
The phenomenon of coping for women with primary breast cancer
Christian contemplative prayer: a grounded theory exploration of well-being and embodiment within Christian spirituality
Coaching psychology: the effect of coaching by values in forming Arab teens’ personal and collective self-esteem in the state of Israel
Authentic by design: developing mathematicians for the talent economy
United Kingdom: Citizenship education in the United Kingdom: comparing England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
The emergence of the forensic and legal project manager
The evaluation of the impact of risk disclosure and bank-level stability: an empirical study of European and US banks
Detection of human face from sketches using deep learning networks
CAGE - Consensus Algorithm Genetically Encouraged
Antecedents and consequences of peer engagement behaviour: A study of peer perception in the context of the peer-to-peer platform in the United Kingdom
The risen and ascended humanity of Christ in Thomas F. Torrance’s holistic Christology
The present moment as home in mindfulness of God – a spiritual autoethnography
Pursuing efficiency in business: the technological and commercial development of LEO Computers
Analysis and characterisation of human chorionic gonadotropin glycoforms in pregnancy and trophoblastic disorders
Movimento per la decrescita e prevenzione della criminalita
A grounded theory study of existential psychotherapists’ experiences of working with clients with shopping addiction
Is the Dayton Agreement a model for long-term peace? A problematic case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Acquirer reputation in mergers and acquisitions
A convex selective segmentation model based on a piece-wise constant metric guided edge detector function
Non solo il Mediterraneo: sbarchi di migranti e politiche dei confini lungo la rotta della Manica
Experiential accounts of young men between the age of 20 to 29 in the UK who previously engaged in harmful levels of alcohol use but no longer do so
Statutory auditor's role in corporate social and environmental reporting
Design and clinical feasibility of an immersive robotic intervention for phantom limb pain
A critical examination of Bruce W. Thielemann’s need-centered approach to preaching
A framework for strategic planning of data analytics in the educational sector
The Forgotten Parent: an exploration of the lived experience of fathers during the early childhood of their first-born
Early years teachers’ perspectives of integrated working and professional development: a qualitative exploration in a local authority in London
Investigating the attainment of optimum data quality for EHR Big Data: proposing a new methodological approach
An alternative approach to information security awareness training to reduce human errors
Sensory brand experience: conceptualisation, measurement, and impact on performance outcomes
Music and its meaning: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of chronic pain sufferers use of music as a therapeutic intervention
Corporate criminal liability and international criminal law
The Doctrine of Heaven and New Heaven: coming to a doctrine of heaven and new heaven through Karl Barth and Jürgen Moltmann’s work on creation and eschatology
Assessing and managing the acutely ill patient for nursing associates
An exploration of how young people who have offended conceptualise the term ‘family’
Supporting the individuation, analysis and gamification of software components for acceptance requirements fulfilment
Exploring intelligent service migration in a highly mobile network
Competition law and socio-economic advancement: Nigeria as a case study – giving a hungry man a silk tie?
Immigrant business breakout in a transnational environment: A study of Nigerian immigrant entrepreneurs
Exploring the lived experiences of hearing mothers of Deaf children in Lebanon: A phenomenological study
Effect of mindfulness on online impulse buying: Moderated mediation model of problematic internet use and emotional intelligence
Lived experiences of mental health recovery in persons of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds within the Australian context
Displaying co-creation: an enquiry into participatory practice at the University museum
Digital currency price formation: a production cost perspective
Security in web applications: a comparative analysis of key SQL injection detection techniques
The media and inequality
Transnational mobilities and return migration
After yet another election, where are you heading Bulgaria?
Racial economic inequality: the visible tip of an inequality iceberg
Development of a smart tourism information chatbot for Mauritius
Digitalization of climate adaptation planning: the potential of simulation software tools for landscape design
Contextual Pentecostalism from a classical Pentecostal movement to a contemporary Pentecostal church movement: a study of the Assemblies of God of Malaysia with special reference to Joel 2:28-32
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of counselling psychologists' experiences of stress in NHS child and adolescent mental health tier 3 work settings
Men who identify as sex addicts – an IPA study
Exploration of safety climate in Nigeria: a study of organizations in Onne oil and gas free zone
British and Iranian parents’ and children’s awareness of the child’s weight status, physical activity, sedentary behaviours and fundamental movement skills: A mixed methods approach
Dancing the in-between-ness: (re)articulating Bartenieff Fundamentals through improvised dance performance-making
Bank regulation, supervision and financial stability: An empirical study
The evolving loci of new music
Public spaces, public words: contextualising pro-localist, site-local, new writing and its roots in a community’s history, culture and people
Security for network services delivery of 5G enabled device-to-device communications mobile network
Analysis of DNA methylation in canine osteosarcoma using next generation sequencing technology
Detection of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease) marker tau using a four gold microband electrode impedance sensor
The defiled self: towards a theological response to the experiential phenomenon of defilement amongst adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Anti-fascist activities amongst women artists in the 1930s in Britain
On the T-test
Compound Poisson approximation
Stress shielding and bone resorption of press-fit polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) hip prosthesis: a sawbone model study
A mother without a mother: women’s experiences of maternal estrangement in motherhood
A phenomenological enquiry into how chemsex impacts on gay men’s experience of intimacy
Discussions in existential-phenomenological dreamwork using a constructivist grounded theory methodology
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of forced marriage for diasporic south Asian women who have left
Development and evaluation of a haptic framework supporting telerehabilitation robotics and group interaction
The knowledge and attitudes regarding pressure ulcer prevention among healthcare support workers in the UK: a cross-sectional study
Rural social enterprise: contributions, challenges and support needs
The value of experiments in futures and foresight science as illustrated by the case of scenario planning
BIM Academy: Future Learning Interviews
Digital building logbooks for smart energy efficiency and carbon neutrality
Flood risk management through a resilience lens
David’s political mourning in the Hebrew Bible: an analysis of how David mourns in instances of political significance
Exploring connections between pre-service teachers' expectations of their career pathways and the lived experience of novice teachers of that career path as it transpires
A duty or a joy? An interpretive phenomenological analysis of EMDR therapists’ experience of Continuing Professional Development (CPD); and what they think they need to know
Below the parapet: a phenomenological exploration of adult inter-personal relationships for individuals who grew up with a sibling with a severe mental illness
The promise: searching for the creative moment in theatre, business and life
Detecting vulnerabilities in smart contract within blockchain: a review and comparative analysis of key approaches
RaspiMonitor: a Raspberry Pi based smart home monitoring system
Investigating data repair steps for EHR Big Data
A review and comparative analysis of vulnerability scanning tools for wireless LANs
A mixed-methods investigation of work identity in waiting staff, and its impact on turnover intention
Self-transcendent experiences as promoters of ecological wellbeing? Exploration of the evidence and hypotheses to be tested
Impact of choreographic approach on health and performance aesthetics in a company of mature dancers
Frequency of upper body muscular actions in ballet and contemporary dance performance
The unequal costs of Covid-19 on well-being in Europe
An observational study of race and gender homophily in nursery children
Emergency first responders and professional wellbeing: a qualitative systematic review
Terrorism and contagion theory: examining the influence of ISIS on Boko Haram (2012-2016)
Smart technologies and beyond: exploring how a smart band can assist in monitoring children’s independent mobility & well-being
The impact of competition and internal corporate governance mechanism on bank performance: the case of North American and European countries
Czech mission: identity of Czech protestant missionaries in their interaction with Slavs in former Yugoslavia countries
A blessing or a curse? An anatomy of the Republic of Cyprus energy program
Value of information in the binary case and confusion matrix
A tagging SNP set method based on network community partition of linkage disequilibrium and node centrality
Integration of MFC reduces CH4, N2O and NH3 emissions in batch-fed wetland systems
Formalization and evaluation of EAP-AKA’ protocol for 5G network access security
The effectiveness of Intravascular Lithotripsy after sub-optimal non-compliant balloon inflation for treating calcified coronary lesions
Insider trading, gender diversity within the board room, CEO pay gap, and stock price crash risk
Introducing a framework for improving competitive programming education for the Cyprus Olympiad in Informatics
Exploring the use of coaching for the development of Saudi Arabian healthcare managers through the perspectives of coaches, coachees and coaching sponsors
Confirmation of a crisis leadership model and its effectiveness: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
High frame rate electrical impedance tomography system for monitoring of regional lung ventilation
The social impact of urban nature in regeneration indicators & guidance 2020-2021
Development of a biosensor for fast point-of-care blood analysis of Troponin
The rise of the stylist – London 1980-1985: etymology, social history and status
Clemence Dane's Broome Stages - novel and play
Digital construction and information management workflow. Part 3 - risks and challenges associated with information management
Digital construction and information management workflow. Part 2 – Information requirements
Digital construction and information management workflow. Part 1 – Information management system and BS IN ISO 19650 framework
Digital twin technology heritage restoration as a use case - predictive digital twin opportunities in heritage management
BIM and integrated digital delivery risk disasters
Applying safety investigation standards to occupational health incidents
Factors affecting the deployment of learning analytics in developing countries: case of Egypt
Rapid prototyping of the SmartAR augmented reality control platform for multiple use cases
NFC tag-based mHealth patient healthcare tracking system
Cyber deception against DDoS attack using moving target defence framework in SDN IOT-EDGE networks
‘What happened to me does not define who I am’: Narratives of resilience in survivor victim impact statements
Phylogenomic and comparative genomic studies robustly demarcate two distinct clades of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains: proposal to transfer the strains from an outlier clade to a novel species Pseudomonas paraeruginosa sp. nov
Bronchodilator effect on regional lung function in pediatric viral lower respiratory tract infections
Efficient framework for structural reliability analysis based on adaptive ensemble learning paired with subset simulation
Joint beamforming design for secure RIS-assisted IoT networks
The role of autophagy in canine osteosarcoma chemoresistance and metastasis
ATR inhibition increases sensitivity of a highly aggressive osteosarcoma cell line to cisplatin treatment
Migratory bodies express markers of tumour initiating cells and may represent an early stage of osteosarcoma sarcosphere initiation and metastasis
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated ATG7 knockout results in enhanced osteosarcoma chemosensitivity
ATR inhibition increases sensitivity of a highly aggressive osteosarcoma cell line to cisplatin treatment
The role of street art in sustainable development: art and social change
Migratory bodies express markers of tumour initiating cells and may represent an early stage of osteosarcoma sarcosphere initiation and metastasis
The Practices of Making
Explanation of black box AI for GDPR related privacy using Isabelle
Endoscopic image analysis using deep convolutional GAN and traditional data augmentation
COVID-VIT: classification of Covid-19 from 3D CT chest images based on vision transformer model
Impacts of sea-level rise on coastal zones of Mauritius: insights following calculation of a coastal vulnerability index
Wellness predictors of achievement
Digital twins: a survey on enabling technologies, challenges, trends and future prospects
Humans of interiors – diversity by design
The augmented studio: Teaching and learning in digital space
Foreword in: Spatial Flood Risk Management: Implementing Catchment-based Retention and Resilience on Private Land
The effects of outsourcing work activity and use of agency staff on ill health absence: the case of local authority waste collection services (in the UK)
Does size matter? The effects of public sector organizational size’ on knowledge management processes and operational efficiency
Appraising clinical practice and research evidence for nurses. The creation of a “S.E.R.V.I.C.E” tool
Do people with musculoskeletal pain differ from healthy cohorts in terms of global measures of strength? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Intentionality for inclusivity - the journey at Middlesex University
Multinational evaluation of the measurement invariance of the level of personality functioning scale–brief form 2.0: comparison of student and community samples across seven countries
International dimensions of mediation /inclusivity & the workplace
The introduction of work-based learning to higher education in the UK
Turning towards discomfort in postdevelopmental approaches to childhood art: The potentials of multimodal mediated discourse analysis
Why is greater income inequality associated with lower life satisfaction and poorer health? Evidence from the European Quality of Life Survey, 2012
A handbook to support the sexual and reproductive health needs of factory women migrant workers
The impact of Government Industry-Academia collaboration on economic development, innovation and creating future leaders from the UAE
Does size matter? Effects of small vs. large pitch small-sided game training on speed and endurance in collegiate soccer players
A three-pronged-approach to academic advising: case study of Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics (CEI) at Middlesex University Dubai
Piloting of a suicide first aid gatekeeper training (online) for children and young people in conflict affected areas in Syria
Il ruolo di sacerdoti Camilliani nella cura di persone vittime di pratiche di contenimento e/o reclusione a causa di malattia mentale nell’isola di Flores in Indonesia
What is an enabling environment - and who is doing the enabling?
The rise of the discourse on children’s right of self-determination. The case study of Early Childhood Education and its construction of children as agents in education
How can we mainstream mental health in research engaging the range of Sustainable Development Goals? A theory of change
Developing testing frameworks for AI cameras
Humanising technology: the role of policy, law and ethics in technological innovation [Panel discussion]
Promoting women in STEM: a systematic review of contribution of higher education institutions in the UAE in bridging the STEM gender gap
Application of blockchain technology in digital forensics: a novel tool for the preservation of a chain of custody of forensically acquired online evidence
Empowering students: a success story of developing student research culture in higher education
Gender diversity in the boardroom: case of UAE national banks
Impact of corporate social responsibility on the performance of the banking sector: case of United Arab Emirates
Education and corporate collaboration – recruiting for future. Ensuring an equal playing field.
Paper 45: Exploring student perceptions of existing learning communities of practice within a Degree Apprenticeship to enable the greater adoption of inclusivity principles for work-integrated studies
Criminal court sentencing: the case for specialist ‘young adult’ courts
Generation, susceptibility, and response regarding negativity: an in-depth analysis of negative online reviews
Il lavoro attraverso lo sguardo femminile: la fotografia delle donne in Italia tra ricerca artistica e critica sociale
CODA: Seismic knots of (un)knowing "toddler"(s)
'That's enough!' (But it wasn't): the generative possibilities of attuning to what else a tantrum can do
Editorial: The spectacle of 'tantruming toddler': Reconfiguring child/hood(s) of the Capitalocene
Risking erasure? Posthumanist research practices and figurations of (the) child
Grappling with the miseducation of Montessori: A feminist posthuman rereading of 'child' in early childhood contexts
Extradition to Russia from an EU member state: judicial incompetence, political bias, or just another sign of rule of law decay?
Who is who in the Bulgarian coup?
Discriminator-based adversarial networks for knowledge graph completion
Using Narrative Inquiry to understand physical activity connections through the lifecourse
Environmental impact of urbanization, bank credits, and energy use in the UAE—A tourism-induced EKC model
Introducing Fair Work through ‘soft’ regulation in outsourced public service networks: Explaining unintended outcomes in the implementation of the Scottish living wage policy
Causes of and alternatives to medication for behaviours that challenge in people with intellectual disabilities: direct care providers' perspectives
Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing marketing assets: developing the marketing assets, communication focus, and capability nexus
Three problems of interdisciplinarity
Malignant Mesothelioma subtyping of tissue images via sampling driven multiple instance prediction
On the morphological deviation in additive manufacturing of porous Ti6Al4V scaffold: a design consideration
Effects of canine-assisted intervention on the mental health of higher education students: a systematic review
The Bulgarian-Macedonian hala meets EU hypocrisy
Bulgarian Private Law at Crossroads (Intersentia 2022)
The applications of attachment theory to working therapeutically with families in the context of children and young people
Intelligent environments with entangled quality properties [Editorial]
Cyber-threat detection system using a hybrid approach of transfer learning and multi-model image representation
Dracula's Daughter - the unmade, unmakeable script
Visual analytics of contact tracing policy simulations during an emergency response
Bank performance and noninterest income: evidence from countries in the Asian region
Contextualizing AMO explanations of knowledge sharing in MNEs: the role of organizational and national culture
The impact of market orientation on new product performance through product launch quality: a resource-based view
Canine-assisted intervention reduces anxiety and stress in higher education students: a randomized controlled trial
A deep convolutional neural network stacked ensemble for malware threat classification in internet of things
Uptake of advanced clinical practice roles in the health service in England: perspectives at the micro level
Building energy management systems
"I think this news is accurate": endorsing accuracy decreases the sharing of fake news and increases the sharing of real news
An introduction of a modular framework for securing 5G networks and beyond
Taxane monotherapy regimens for the treatment of recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer [Review - Intervention]
Classification techniques for arrhythmia patterns using convolutional neural networks and Internet of Things (IoT) devices
Novel group handover mechanism for cooperative and coordinated mobile femtocells technology in railway environment
RFAP: a revocable fine-grained access control mechanism for autonomous vehicle platoon
Solidarity in Performance: considering activist processes in neoliberal times
Performance Research, Volume 27, Issue 5 (2022): On Solidarity
Tweeting Brexit: social media and the aftermath of the EU referendum
Workplace well-being and support systems in journalism: comparative analysis of Germany and the United Kingdom
Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning
Scenario generation and scenario quality using the cone of plausibility
Securing future healthcare environments in a post-COVID-19 world: moving from frameworks to prototypes
The EMT-activator ZEB1 is unrelated to platinum drug resistance in ovarian cancer but is predictive of survival
RIS-aided smart manufacturing: information transmission and machine health monitoring
A bibliometric review of innovation networks: 30 years of study
The legacy of the privacy versus security narrative in the ECtHR's jurisprudence
Bulgarian private law at crossroads
Adaptive weighted dynamic differential evolution algorithm for emergency material allocation and scheduling
Intersections of LGBTQ+ social spaces using gender analysis and the social model
Frontline response: exploring the impact of COVID‐19 on stalking behaviours
Creating disaster risk and constructing gendered vulnerability
Active Energy: bringing local knowledge into the public realm
An explainable AI-based intrusion detection system for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) attacks
Introduction to the Proceedings of WoRIE’22
Self-concept, creativity and developmental dyslexia in university students: effects of age of assessment
Communicating the standardisation process and cybersecurity standards to undergraduate students
The covid ‐19 pandemic and cultural competence: global implications for managers, nurses and healthcare workers during major health disasters and emergencies
Social Democratic Criminology by Robert Reiner [Book review]
Cross-sectional chest circumference and shape development in infants
Unravelling the mystery behind bank insolvencies in the East African Community (EAC) – the case for Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania
Consumer perceptions of Sustainable Development Goals: conceptualisation, measurement, and contingent effects
Short-stay crisis units for mental health service users on crisis care pathways: systematic review and meta-analysis
A Walk through Housing History
A personal journey of studying positive psychology: reflections of undergraduate students in the United Arab Emirates
Who wants a radical nursing curriculum?
Explanation by automated reasoning using the Isabelle Infrastructure framework
Negative Airbnb reviews: an aspect based sentiment analysis approach
Home-based self-employment: combining personal, household and employment influences
Is seeking certainty in climate sensitivity measures counterproductive in the context of climate emergency? The case for scenario planning
Planning and design scenarios for liveable cities
Identification of human papillomavirus from super resolution microscopic images generated using deep learning architectures
Forecast disagreement about long-run macroeconomic relationships
Differential cost analysis with simultaneous potentials and anti-potentials
Pagets and Westmacotts in the Mediterranean
A time of reckoning? Russia and the Council of Europe [Blog post]
Validity and reliability of strategy metrics to assess countermovement jump performance using the newly developed My Jump Lab smartphone application
Ministry of Defence impunity: the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act 2021
Contemporary issues in criminal court procedure
What does a ‘typical’ geography trainee journey look like, and what subject support should we look to provide across the different stages of this journey?
Student Relational Bonding - the key to focusing on needs of the individual - a UK study
Predictors of outcomes following interdisciplinary acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain: profiling psychological flexibility
Continued and intensified hostility: the problematisation of immigration in the UK Government’s 2021 ‘New Plan for Immigration’
Can lean management improve support for print disabled students? A Middlesex University case study
LearnSDN: optimizing routing over multimedia-based 5G-SDN using machine learning
Working Lives in India: current insights and future directions
Displacement, diaspora, and statelessness: framing the Kurdish case
Youth Culturally adapted Manual Assisted Problem Solving Training (YCMAP) in Pakistani adolescent with a history of self-harm: protocol for multicentre clinical and cost-effectiveness randomised controlled trial
Diabetes distress, depressive, and anxiety symptoms in people with type 2 diabetes: a network analysis approach to understanding comorbidity
Inequality, poverty and the composition of redistribution
Decellularised cartilage ECM culture coatings drive rapid and robust chondrogenic differentiation of human periosteal cells
Exploring new traffic prediction models to build an intelligent transport system for Smart Cities
The knowledge and attitudes regarding pressure ulcer prevention among healthcare support workers in the UK: a cross-sectional study
Temporal expectation improves recognition memory for spatially attended objects
RAMPVIS: Answering the challenges of building visualisation capabilities for large-scale emergency responses
Bulgaria’s failed specialized criminal justice experiment
Arts in regeneration: from creative community-led planning to institutional instrumentalism in East London
A multi-disciplinary and comparative approach to evaluating pre-trial detention decisions: towards evidence-based reform
Local public entities in distress - an analysis of the Ugandan approach
Resettlement: a people first approach to community (re)integration
The influence of 'soft' fair work regulation on union recovery: a case of re-recognition in the Scottish voluntary social care sector
Unsupervised deep learning-based reconfigurable intelligent surface aided broadcasting communications in industrial IoTs
Mitigation of hazards and risks of emerging pollutants through innovative treatment techniques of post methanated distillery effluent - A review
Assessing the prevalence of refractive errors and accuracy of vision screening by schoolteachers in Liberia
Assessing eccentric hamstring strength using the Nordbord: between-session reliability and inter-limb asymmetries in professional soccer players
A conceptual framework for the future of sea-level rise and land uplift changes in the Vaasa region of Finland
Engineering context updates
Move on up? Measuring the social mobility impact of apprenticeships
Gender and migration: IMISCOE short reader
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
Author Correction: National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
How we got into popular music studies and where do we go from here?
Eye-tracking assistive technologies for individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Trapped in a cycle: the Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014 and the rise in recall to custody
Communicating uncertainty using words and numbers
Reclaimed: The Greenham Common women’s peace camp as quotidian feminist heritage
Green bonds in the Gulf
Bulgaria's institutional wars
Impunity: the unbearable difficulty of dismissing a General Prosecutor for abuses of office and other crimes
Housing as a process of change: international perspectives on understanding and addressing inequity
Characterization of industrially pre-treated waste printed circuit boards for the potential recovery of rare earth elements
Sustainability and financial crime
Time and symbols in the contentious city
A novel kernel based approach to arbitrary length symbolic data with application to type 2 diabetes risk
An institutional analysis of 'power within' local governance: a Bazaari tale from Pakistan
Gender differences in childhood anxiety in relation to school performance
The problematic role of materialistic values in the pursuit of sustainable well-being
What is risk?
Performance analysis practice within Olympic and Paralympic sports: a comparison of coach and analyst experiences
Revisiting restorative justice: exploring restorative justice and its practices in the further education sector
Children’s self-determination in the context of practice: Reflection on adults-children relationships
Reflections at the intersection between environments that enable and children’s agency
Development of the Dance Fitness Indicator©: a high-intensity dance fitness test: a preliminary study
The digital challenge for multinational mobile network operators. More marginalization or rejuvenation?
Momentum-based load prescriptions: applications to jump squat training
Populism as new wine in old bottles in the context of Germany: 'symbolic violence' as collective habitus that devalues the human capital of Turks
The rule of law as the perimeter of legitimacy for COVID-19 responses
(Un)Governing: COVID-19 response in the UK
Lessons for a 'post-pandemic' future
Human Rights - the essential frame of reference in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
The moderation effect of secure attachment on the relationship between positive events and wellbeing
iSpring Online Quizzes: the good, the bad and the ugly
Routledge Handbook of law and the COVID-19 pandemic
Developing a mental health index using a machine learning approach: assessing the impact of mobility and lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic
A perfect storm: the extraordinary constitutional attack against the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria
The racialisation of class and the racialisation of the nation: ethnic minority identity formation across the british south asian middle classes
Development and application of an innovative approach to predicting pollutant concentrations in highway runoff
Examining the role of the occupational safety and health professional in supporting the control of the risks of multiple psychosocial stressors generated during the COVID-19 pandemic
Engaging with maths online - teaching mathematics collaboratively and inclusively through a pandemic and beyond
On solutions of the transport equation in the presence of singularities
Tracing the Sacred Thread: exploring the sonic theology of Krishnacore
Salt-alkalization may potentially promote Microcystis aeruginosa blooms and the production of microcystin-LR
Removal of microcystin (MC-LR) in constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells: Efficiency, bioelectricity generation and microbial response
Crafting granular stories with child-like embodied, affective and sensory encounters that attune to the world's differential becoming
Response to commentaries: (de)normalization of drinking and its implications for young people, sociality, culture and epidemiology
Luxury brand value co-creation with online brand communities in the service encounter
Crippled warriors: masculinities and martial arts media in Asia
Middle managers’ strategising practices to effect strategic change
Biochar-amended constructed wetlands for eutrophication control and microcystin (MC-LR) removal
Desertification: competing knowledge claims and land-management agendas
Towards a national strategy for the provision of spiritual care during major health disasters: a qualitative study
Strength and conditioning for golf athletes: biomechanics, injury risk, physical requirements, and recommendations for testing and training
The one thing you need to change is emotions: the effect of multi-sensory marketing on consumer behavior
Unraveling the secrets of rhizobacteria signaling in rhizosphere
Regulating the privately rented sector: what should the workforce look like?
Transforming the rented sector: home and regulation
Examining trends in the representation of young people and alcohol in Australian newspapers over twenty years (2000-2019)
Portal-time and wanderlines: what does virusing-with make possible in childhood research?
Intervening to prevent suicide at railway locations: findings from a qualitative study with front-line staff and rail commuters
VANT-GAN: adversarial learning for discrepancy-based visual attribution in medical imaging
Developing children's agency within a children's rights education framework: 10 propositions
Characterization of persistent organic pollutants and culturable and non-culturable bacterial communities in pulp and paper sludge after secondary treatment
Cultural differences in deliberate counterfeit purchase behavior
Mental well-being and sleep hygiene in undergraduate dance students during the Coronavirus Pandemic: an exploratory analysis
Political violence and behavioural economics
Self-transcendent experiences and sustainable prosperity: CUSPworking paper no. 32
Advancing the circular economy through dynamic capabilities and extended customer engagement: insights from small sustainable fashion enterprises in the UK
Perceptions of attractions, residents as "more knowledgeable others" and destination image: Evidence from two destinations
Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges
Active Energy: Bringing local knowledge into the public realm
Hungry for change: the experiences of people with PKU, and their caregivers, when eating out
Modular covariants of cyclic groups of order p
The innovation process in mining: integrating insights from innovation and change management
Politics as Sound: The Washington, DC, Hardcore Scene, 1978–1983, Shanya L. Maskell (2021) [Book Review]
Headscarves and the CJEU: protecting fundamental rights and pandering to prejudice: the CJEU does both
Assessing suicide ideation among older adults: a systematic review of screening and measurement tools
An elitism-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for min-cost network disintegration
Detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) from super resolution microscopic images applying an explainable deep learning network
Early detection of oesophageal cancer through colour contrast enhancement for data augmentation
Gold-viral particle identification by deep learning in wide-field photon scattering parametric images
Estimation of Scottish pluvial flooding Expected Annual Damages using interpolation techniques
Effects of direction-specific training interventions on physical performance and inter-limb asymmetries
Confirmation of a crisis leadership model and its effectiveness: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Shall we dance? Recreational dance, well-being and productivity performance during COVID-19: a three-country study
CroLSSim: Cross‐language software similarity detector using hybrid approach of LSA‐based AST‐MDrep features and CNN‐LSTM model
Plant growth promoting strain Bacillus cereus (RCS-4 MZ520573.1) enhances phytoremediation potential of Cynodon dactylon L. in distillery sludge
50 feminist art manifestos
Dentro y contra la latusa: la problemática de las mujeres artistas en las historias del arte
BIM for landscape design improving climate adaptation planning: the evaluation of software tools based on the ISO 25010 standard
Release of microplastic fibres and fragmentation to billions of nanoplastics from period products: preliminary assessment of potential health implications
Intra- and inter-day reliability of weightlifting variables and correlation to performance during cleans
Paranoid and misidentification subtypes of psychosis in dementia
Validation and recalibration of OxMIV in predicting violent behaviour in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Relational key account management: insights from the Middle Eastern context
Defining family business efficacy: An exploratory study
Reiki practitioners' perceptions of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the experience, practice and future of Reiki
Pride and anxiety: British journalists’ emotional labour in the Covid-19 pandemic
Exploring challenges and support structures of mothers with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United Arab Emirates
The impact of e-commerce on Chinese suppliers' upgrading in global value chains in a digitalized era
Double intelligent reflecting surface-assisted multi-user MIMO mmWave systems with hybrid precoding
Suicide first aid guidelines for Indonesia: a Delphi consensus study
The struggling towards a transdisciplinary metaphysics
How does successive inpatriation contribute to subsidiary capability building and subsidiary evolution? An organizational knowledge creation perspective
Contexts and context-awareness revisited from an intelligent environments perspective
Principles of Research Ethics: Procedural Ethics & Ethics of Truth. SAGE Research Methods Video: Research Ethics and Integrity
Enactment of compassionate leadership by nursing and midwifery managers: results from an international online survey
Trade negotiations: teaching consensus
A critical review of household recycling barriers in the United Kingdom
Masculinity, cancel culture and woke capitalism: Exploring Twitter response to Brendan Leipsic's leaked conversation
Quorum sensing - a promising tool for degradation of industrial waste containing persistent organic pollutants
Linking human capabilities with livelihood strategies to speed poverty reduction: evidence from Rwanda
The degrowth movement and crime prevention
Microbial community dynamics and their relationships with organic and metal pollutants of sugarcane molasses-based distillery wastewater sludge
A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles
High removal efficiencies of antibiotics and low accumulation of antibiotic resistant genes obtained in microbial fuel cell-constructed wetlands intensified by sponge iron
Understanding patient health-seeking behaviour to optimise the uptake of cataract surgery in rural Kenya, Zambia and Uganda: findings from a multisite qualitative study
Social access: role of digital media in social relations of young people with disabilities
Hate speech
Religious clothing
Signal denoising of viral particle in wide-field photon scattering parametric images using deep learning
Representing suicide: giving voice to a desire to die?
Cloud-based digital twinning for structural health monitoring using deep learning
Workforce size adjustment as a strategic response to exchange rate shocks: a strategy-tripod application to Chinese firms
The bidirectional longitudinal association between depressive symptoms and HbA1c : a systematic review and meta‐analysis
'Americanization' and the drivers of the establishment and use of works councils in three post-socialist countries
Reverse engineering in strength and conditioning: applications to agility training
Hashing fuzzing: introducing input diversity to improve crash detection
Locating functionalized gold nanoparticles using electrical impedance tomography
Declining drinking among adolescents: are we seeing a denormalisation of drinking and a normalisation of non-drinking?
Solutions for improving rich media streaming quality in heterogeneous network environments
Patients' beliefs towards contingency management: Target behaviours, incentives and the remote application of these interventions
A new privacy framework for the management of chronic diseases via mHealth in a post-Covid-19 world
Effects of unilateral vs. bilateral resistance training interventions on measures of strength, jump, linear and change of direction speed: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Empowerment as a pre-requisite to managing and influencing health in the workplace: the sexual and reproductive health needs of factory women migrant workers in Malaysia
The effect of resident-tourist interaction quality on destination image and loyalty
“Small steps, or giant leaps?” Comparing game demands of U23, U18, and U16 English academy soccer and their associations with speed and endurance
Empowering refugee families in transit: the development of a culturally competent and compassionate training and support package
Effects of a resistance training intervention on the strength-deficit of elite young soccer players
Cultures and institutions: dispositional and contextual explanations for country-of-origin effects in MNC 'ethnocentric' staffing practices
Corporate accountability towards species extinction protection: insights from ecologically forward-thinking companies
Religious factors affecting death anxiety in older adults practicing Hinduism
3D analytical modelling and iterative solution for high performance computing clusters
Singing to infants matters: early singing interactions affect musical preferences and facilitate vocabulary building
Student motivations for studying criminology: a narrative inquiry
LGBT+ Training needs for health and social care professionals: a cross-cultural comparison among seven European countries
MobiScan: an enhanced invisible screen‐camera communication system for IoT applications
Place-oriented or people-oriented concepts for destination loyalty: destination image and place attachment versus perceived distances and emotional solidarity
Life events, depression and supportive relationships affect academic achievement in university students
Secure smart contracts for cloud-based manufacturing using Ethereum blockchain
Self-management on display: negotiating the visions of Yugoslav socialist modernity at Expo 58 and Porodica I domacinstvo exhibitions
AnAbEL: Towards empowering people living with dementia in ambient assisted living
Lessons in character education: incorporating neoliberal learning in classroom resources
Magnitude or direction? Seasonal variation of interlimb asymmetry in elite academy soccer players
The association between Interlimb asymmetry and athletic performance tasks: a season long study in elite academy soccer players
Return mobilities of highly skilled young people to a post-conflict region: the case of Kurdish-British to Kurdistan – Iraq
Negt and Kluge's alternative collective worker and synthetic apperception
Peter Goodrich, Advanced Introduction to Law and Literature (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton MA, USA), 2021.pp. 119 [Book review]
Enhancing value co-creation behaviour in digital peer-to-peer platforms: an integrated approach
Experiencing the sense of the brand: the mining, processing and application of brand data through sensory brand experiences
The effects of training interventions on inter-limbs asymmetries: a systematic review with meta-analysis
Have news reports on suicide and attempted suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic adhered to guidance on safer reporting? A UK-wide content analysis study
Do top management teams’ expectations and support drive management innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises?
Leveraging blockchain in medical tourism value chain
Photographic work exhibited in 'Where There’s Space to Grow', Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, Sunderland
Open Dialogue compared to treatment as usual for adults experiencing a mental health crisis: Protocol for the ODDESSI multi-site cluster randomised controlled trial.
Statistical investigation of climate change effects on the utilization of the sediment heat energy
Direct oral anticoagulants‐Remove versus Taipan snake venom time for detection of a lupus anticoagulant in patients taking oral direct factor Xa inhibitors
'Just have some IVF!': A longitudinal ethnographic study of couples' experiences of seeking fertility treatment
Typology of art produced by travelling artists: art-led regeneration of a historic urban environment
Policy paper on the implications of COVID-19: Insights into state governance and the rule of law, human rights and good governance during the COVID-19 pandemic
Challenges, applications and future of wireless sensors in Internet of Things: a review
Does the cost of energy matter for innovation? The effects of energy prices on SME innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Associations between differing magnitudes of inter-limb asymmetry and linear and change of direction speed performance in male youth soccer players
Popular music research methodologies: outlining the field(s)
Stressful eating indulgence by Generation Z: a cognitive conceptual framework of new age consumers’ obesity
Navigating feedback practices across learning contexts: implications for feedback literacy
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on reporting of rape, serious sexual offences, and domestic abuse in one English police force
Practices and performance outcomes of green supply chain management initiatives in the garment industry
The role of debriefing in enhancing learning and development in professional boxing
Photographic work included in 'L'enfance dans la collection agnès b.' La Fab, Paris
Lessons from behaviorism: the problem of construct-led science
Is the answer to improved health hiding in plain sight?
The post‐COVID‐19 future of digital learning in higher education: views from educators, students, and other professionals in six countries
Capturing regional differences in flood vulnerability improves flood loss estimation
Appropriate safeguards and Article 89 of the GDPR: considerations for biobank, databank and genetic research
Regulating the privately rented housing sector: evidence into practice
Privacy, security and forensics in the Internet of Things (IoT)
Intellectual capital in nonprofit organizations: a focus on social capital as a marketing enabler
Parenting adolescent daughters: differential effects of maternal attachment insecurity and proximity-seeking
Outlook on smart public value governance in Africa
The role of trust in the positioning of children with migrant backgrounds. Reflections on teachers' narratives from London primary schools
Elder financial abuse based on victim–perpetrator relationship as perceived by Asian young adults
Using a hot-spot procedure in an online study of perceptions of hand contamination
COVID‑19, the rule of law and democracy. Analysis of legal responses to a global health crisis
The evolution of food security: where are we now, where should we go next?
"Teta, s kom si ti lezbijka?" Z izobraževanjem proti nevidnosti LGBT+ starih ljudi v socialni in zdravstveni oskrbi
But did my athlete improve!? Assessing performance changes when N = 1
Working at the intersection: architecture after the anthropocene
Effects of regional citrate anticoagulation on thrombin generation, fibrinolysis and platelet function in critically ill patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury: a prospective study
Public health is not the only measure of success. The ‘health’ of democratic institutions matters too
Anchors matter: eliciting maternal expectations on educational outcomes
Enlightened management: reflections on spirituality and Its significance for the future of work
Gamification for healthier lifestyle – user retention
The Lockdown Diaries of the Working Class
The bacterial urban resistome: recent advances
The official discourse of academic credit in England
News: fact or fiction?
Seeing is believing
In the public interest
Photographic work exhibited in 'Trilogie de cendres #1: "Ta langue une allumette qui craque"', Frac à Carquefou, France
Putting the black in Britain back on the BBC
Quantifying frequency of use of methods of body mass loss in competing UK powerlifters
Ice Dynamics and Morphological Changes During Proglacial Lake Development at Exploradores Glacier, Patagonia
Building a text for actors and AR (Backpages 32.1)
L&T Chat Show episode 8 - Alan Wheeler and Lego
Examining public sentiments and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination: infoveillance study using Twitter posts
Transcending a single reality: transdisciplinarity, the emerging forces of spirituality and a pedagogy of self-cultivation
Post-activation performance enhancement in sprinters: effects of hard versus sand surfaces
Antecedents and consequences of co-creation value with a resolution of complex P2P relationships
Challenges and support structures of mothers with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United Arab Emirates: A thematic analysis
Let us talk about something: the evolution of e-WOM from the past to the future
Internet of Things (IoT) enabled smart navigation aid for visually impaired
Trauma and repair in the museum: an introduction
New-normal market entry mode for pharmaceuticals: an Internet of Things (IoT) market entry framework stemming from COVID-19
The Commission 2021 rule of law report and the EU monitoring and enforcement of Article 2 TEU values
Dark side of sharing economy: examining the unethical practices and its impact on coopetition and firm performance
Running on the treadmill: Practitioner experiences of mass supervision
A global and regional analysis of Risk Factors for Blindness and Vision impairment in 2020 and their contribution to the change in prevalence of vision loss over 3 decades
Investigating the prevalence of low energy availability, disordered eating and eating disorders in competitive and recreational female endurance runners
Conflict, displacement, and economic revival: the case of the internally displaced minority entrepreneurs in Pakistan
A time of reckoning? Russia and the Council of Europe
Geography’s just colouring! What can history teachers genuinely learn from the pedagogies and discipline of geography?
Scale and spaces of global labor markets
Expanded Landscapes
Exploring rationality of self awareness in social networking for logical modeling of unintentional insiders
Beware Maria: Mike Dines, Punk Scholar [Podcast]
Photographic work exhibited in 'Chosen Family – Less Alone Together', Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
Fighting without fighting: Kung Fu cinema's journey to the West
Using virtual avatars to explore the impact of instructors' gender, race, and qualification on perceived learning in an online classroom
EPQ @ MDX: Supporting local students (A case study)
Monitoring occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 in school populations: A wastewater-based approach
The Privacy Paradox - investigating people's attitude towards privacy in a time of COVID-19
Exploring external finance to build back better a green UK SME economy
Policy briefing: Exploring external finance to build back better a green UK SME economy
Added value of antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin antibodies in the workup of thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome: Communication from the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Lupus Anticoagulant/Antiphospholipid Antibodies
Industrial networks and intelligent systems: 8th EAI International Conference, INISCOM 2022, Virtual Event, April 21–22, 2022, Proceedings
Joelle Grogan, review of Miguel Poiares Maduro and Paul W. Kahn, eds., Democracy in Times of Pandemic: Different Futures Imagined [Book review]
Russian misuse of international law is final nail in coffin of post WW2 order [Blog post]
The rule of law as a well‑established and well‑defined principle of EU law
Drug Policy. By Alison Ritter, London & New York: Routledge, 2022. ISBN: 9781032124278 (paperback) [Book review]
Exploring cisgender therapists' attitudes towards, and experience of, working with trans people in the United Kingdom
Bans on the wearing of Burqas, Niqabs and Hijabs, religious freedom and the secular nature of the state
What is the effect of ankle disk training and taping on proprioception deficit after lateral ankle sprains among active populations? - A systematic review.
A global-scale analysis of the sharing economy model – an AirBnB case study
Critical thinking in nurse education: exploring critical thinking from the the nurse lecturers' perspective
Data-driven network performance prediction for B5G networks: a graph neural network approach
Police responses to cyberstalking during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK
Wind Energy and the just transition. Political and socio-economic pinch points in wind turbine manufacturing and windfarm communities in Europe and South Africa
The principle of constant care, prolonged drone surveillance and the right to privacy of non-combatants in armed conflicts
The sociotechnical digital twin: on the gap between social and technical feasibility
‘…Be the change, you want to see…’: Evaluation of a pilot mentor scheme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic social work students
Evaluating the optimal number of clusters to identify similar gene expression patterns during erythropoiesis
Mental health and coping with fertility treatment cessation during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK
Equality as an EU value
Global sex differences in hygiene norms and their relation to sex equality
Meditation and life coaching for law students
Digital twin as risk-free experimentation aid for techno-socio-economic systems
"My heart and my brain is what's bleeding, these are just cuts." An interpretative phenomenological analysis of young women's experiences of self-harm
Trustors' disregard for trustees deciding quickly or slowly in three experiments with time constraints
Health promotion in emergency care: rationale, strategies and activities
Nursing as a profession has some way to go to understand the dynamics of racism
PhD Work with Robothespian on display at Centre of Contemporary Culture Barcelona
Helpful or not? Appraisal and mechanisms of prosociality in the dark triad
An ISM approach to modeling: antecedents of e-cheating in higher education
Service failure research in the hospitality and tourism industry: a synopsis of past, present and future dynamics from 2001 to 2020
An enabling framework for blockchain in tourism
Unpacking qualitative methodology to explore experiences of mothers with children with autism spectrum disorder in the UAE: a thematic analysis inquiry
Learning from each other: why and how business schools need to create a ‘Paradox Box’ for academic-policy impact
Bright and dark sides of engaging in fan communities for human brand loyalty
Wearable Devices: how to manage consumer anxiety that coexists with positive perceptions
Reducing early-stage Cleantech funding gaps: an exploration of the role of Environmental Performance Indicators
Research and evidence for environmental health policy and practice
'Class against class': the leadership of the Communist Party of Great Britain during the Comintern’s Third Period, 1928–1934
A combination of cherry juice and cold water immersion does not enhance marathon recovery compared to either treatment in isolation: a randomized placebo-controlled trial
The resettlement experiences of people supported by the charity Prisoners Abroad
Funny and disturbing: women’s serio-comic performances on the Victorian music hall
Low temperature heating operation performance of a domestic heating system based on indirect expansion solar assisted air source heat pump
Post-graduate arts students meet the artists of Notting Hill Carnival; an ongoing programme by Middlesex University London to develop and promote carnival arts. The pioneering work of Adela Ruth Tompsett
Exploring the use of learning communities of practice within a degree apprenticeship through university and partnership provision while incorporating the use of inclusive principles and practice
Introduction to Imagining Radical Inclusivity in Work and Learning
Was Physical Education as bad as people remember it? A qualitative thematic review
Understanding sexual violence and factors related to police outcomes
Engaging perioperative students in online learning: human factors
"SERVICE": A strategy to appraise and value evidence based practice
On the power-splitting relaying protocol for SWIPT with multiple UAVs in downlink NOMA-IoT networks
Internet traffic prediction using recurrent neural networks
Auto-pedagogies for landscape architecture
Exchanging prevention practices on polydrug use among youth in criminal justice systems (EPPIC)
Jet Black Futures II
Human trafficking in the UAE: addressing a transnational threat
Jet Black Futures (Monograph)
Assessing the impact of developmental relationships in a humanitarian context
Supply chain transparency, ethical sourcing, and synthetic diamond alternatives: exploring the perspectives of diamond retailers
Activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time mixing studies: current state of the art
Multiclass target analysis of contaminants of emerging concern including transformation products, soil bioavailability assessment and retrospective screening as tools to evaluate risks associated with reclaimed water reuse
Embedding impact in collaborative filmmaking processes: a case study
Operationalising a process model of innovation for the mining industry
A transdisciplinary currere
Why sports should embrace bilateral asymmetry: A narrative review
Robot Operating System (ROS) controlled anthropomorphic robot hand
太极推手: Taiji Pushing Hands (Postcard)
Draft genome of the lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) and comparison with buffalo genome assemblies (Bovidae, Bubalina)
Achieving sustainability: from innovation to valorisation and continuous improvement
Requirements volatility in multicultural situational contexts
The proposal of adding a society value to the software process improvement manifesto
The Imaginary of Greenham Common
Measuring heritability: why bother?
Consumer perceptions towards unsolicited advertisements on social media
‘Care-less whispers’ in the academy during COVID-19: A feminist collaborative autoethnography
Benchmarking the research performance of United Arab Emirates with gulf cooperation council countries – A bibliometric study
Hotting up? Geopolitical rivalry and environmental security in the Arctic
EPISODE 163 Alexandra Kokoli: Gender, shame & visual cultures. The Surviving Society Podcast.
The Engine Room
Explainer: the Bill of Rights Bill
Why the Bill of Rights poses problems for human rights in Europe – and the UK’s international standing
Future of BIM
Spatial equity and inclusiveness for resilient cities
BIM objects evolution for future heritage asset management
Innovative financing for a sustainable shipping industry
Correlation between safety attitudes and early adoption of cognitive aids in the German culture sphere: a multicenter survey study
Culturally competent and compassionate LGBT+ inclusive care
Returning migrants and global reparation
Parental perception of childhood obesity
A contextual understanding of diaspora entrepreneurship: identity, opportunity and resources in the Sri Lankan Tamil and Kurdish diaspora
The Comintern, Communist women leaders and the struggle for women's liberation in Britain between the wars: a political and prosopographical investigation, part 2
The Comintern, Communist women leaders and the struggle for women's liberation in Britain between the wars: a political and prosopographical investigation, part 1
Op-Ed: Encouraging tolerance and respect and accepting a greater degree of diversity … but not for Muslim women (Case C344/20 LF v SCRL)
Competitive learning with spiking nets and spike timing dependent plasticity
A qualitative exploration of patients' experience of mobile telephone‐delivered contingency management to promote adherence to supervised methadone
Genocide and Ukraine: Do words always mean what we choose them to mean?
Brexit or brand it? The effects of attitude towards Brexit and reshored brands on consumer purchase intention
An efficient quality of services based wireless sensor network for anomaly detection using soft computing approaches
The lunatic, the lover & the poet
Human rights in childbearing 3. Providing sensitive antenatal care for autistic women and birthing people
Exploring the motivations and social organisation of intoxication in prison settings
How can midwives and educators better understand, teach and support neurodivergent students?
Editorial: Microbial communities and functions contribute to plant performance under various stresses
Neuromorphic building blocks for locomotion pattern generation
Using the IEPAR framework - a workshop to build a culture of integrity in higher education
Introduction: conjunctural geographies of post-socialist and postcolonial conditions
Quality traceability for user-centric context-aware systems in intelligent environments
Make a difference: collaboration and participation in arts-led research
Incentivising ‘regenerative value’ to improve sustainability outcomes
Culturally competent and compassionate LGBTQ+ inclusive education in health and social care
The Jesus and Marychain, Psychocandy (1985)
Seven Scenes in Tandem: Adventure with Voicing Dancer
Multi-omic profiling reveals the ataxia protein sacsin is required for integrin trafficking and synaptic organization
Public service mutuals: transforming how services are delivered through social enterprise and democratic governance
The determinants of digital trust of senior consumers in the era of digital transformation
Assessing the prevalence and risk of disordered eating in female netball players
Deklare! Erhebe deine Stimme! Schreie auf! Klage an! Prangere an! Uber Feministische Kunstmanifeste
The art, life and thought of Monica Sjöö
International intermediaries: A systematic literature review and research agenda
Elizabeth Fry: 'The Angel of Prisons'
Theorising affective habitus in historical geographies of mobilities: unfolding spatio-temporal modalities
Introduction: emotions and mobilities: gendered, temporal and spatial representations
The shudder-image: psyche-soma, sex and knowledge in Hannibal
Hope and helplessness in the post-Covid drama, theatre and performance classroom
Excavating the archive: exchanges between artists and their photographers
Can board climate-responsible orientation improve corporate carbon performance? The moderating role of board carbon awareness and firm reputation
Folk songs for viola and chamber orchestra
Estimates of pandemic excess mortality in India based on civil registration data
Patterns and predictors of stranger rape locations
La Mirande - echoes and paraphrases on music by Matheus de Sancto Johanne
mesh/work im/possibilities and inbetweening
Mobile and wireless communications with practical use-case scenarios
Lachrimae - for string quartet
How to conduct research: methodologies and common pitfalls of research
Action learning and healthcare: affinities and challenges
SME Financing for Biodiversity: Building Nature Measurement and Impacts into SME Financing (‘SME FinBio’)
SME Finance for Biodiversity (‘FinBio’) in the UK - project summary
Rule of law in peril? Checking states’ misuse of power–implications and consequences of article 18 violations
Earning deference from Strasbourg: Has the UK got the message?
Inclusive or exclusive? Investigating how retail technology can reduce old consumers’ barriers to shopping
Relationships between dance, health and aesthetic performance in a company of mature dancers: an exploratory study
Neither nationalist nor communist, but independent: the origins and consolidation of Mauritian trade-unionism, 1935–1950
Learning from diverse manifestations of the phenomenon of tentativeness
Commentary: A phenomenological insight into what final year undergraduate student nurses perceive is the role of the Registered Nurse and who they learn this from
Digital twin as an aid for decision-making in the face of uncertainty
The Last Horizon
The book of the dead
The discourses on children’s right of self-determination. Early Childhood Education and the positioning of children as agents in their own (and adults') learning
Innovating the concept of trust to research the positioning of Children with Migrant Background in education
Dialoguing with children’s lived experiences and realities
The effectiveness of school-based run/walk programmes to develop physical literacy and physical activity components in primary school children: A systematic review
Retaliation for whistleblowing: some case studies on the experience of re-employment/redeployment
The outcomes of an international Research Project. Horizon2020 Child-UP
Revising the role of the history of mathematics in post-pandemic world
Review of Milky Peaks (Theatr Clwyd)
Review of The Corn is Green (National Theatre)
Review of Wales at the Edinburgh Fringe
Review of Something in the Air (Jermyn Street Theatre)
I am not just a nurse: The need for a boundaried ethic of care in the context of prolific relationality
Classification of EEG signals on standing, walking and running dataset using LSTM-RNN
Trusting in higher education: an anthropological perspective
Suite ecossaise
Protomartyr reading
Afterword to New Images of Thought in the Study of Childhood Drawing
The journey down the current of all those who were adrift
From architecture to community: Adaptive reuse as a social practice
Global Performance Studies special double issue: Decolonisation and performance studies
Decolonisation and performance studies: Questions from the border
Charles-Valentin Alkan
Gabriel Prokofiev: Viola Concerto
The Sun Rises in the West and Sets in the East