The semantics of untrustworthiness
Are information or data patterns correlated with consciousness?
Mood, expertise, analogy, and ritual: an experiment using the five-disk Tower of Hanoi
The bridging role of expatriates and inpatriates in knowledge transfer in multinational corporations
Graffiti art & the city: from piece-making to place-making
Narrative in young children’s digital art-making
The ethics of the living wage: a review and research agenda
The Social Relations Approach, empowerment and women factory workers in Malaysia
Sustainable assessment revisited
Global Perspectives on Youth Gang Behavior, Violence, and Weapons Use
Think twice before running! Bank runs and cognitive abilities
Debt and deficit fluctuations in a time-consistent setup
Ageing masculinities and the nation: disrupting boundaries of sexualities, mobilities and identities
Theories of risk: testing investor behaviour on the Taiwan stock and stock index futures markets
Development and psychometric assessment of the basic resuscitation skills self-efficacy scale
Sexualities and accounting: a queer theory perspective
The impact of weight loss on patients with cancer
University and inter-firm R&D collaborations: propensity and intensity of cooperation in Europe
The complexity of separating points in the plane
The role of place image dimensions in residents' support for tourism development
Language and law: a resource book for students
‘As much in bondage as they were before’: unfree labour during the New Deal (1935-1952)
Transforming graphical system models to graphical attack models
Authenticity and place attachment of major visitor attractions
The internationalisation of innovation to China: the case of AstraZeneca PLC
Beggars-tourists' interactions: an unobtrusive typological approach
Striking with social media: the contested (online) terrain of workplace conflict
Research productivity and academics' conceptions of research
Paul Nizan: conspiracy and the contemplation of crime
Neural constraints and flexibility in language processing
Correlates of socioeconomic status and the health of older people in the United Kingdom: a review
Secure refactoring with Java information flow
Book review: Jane Horan, How Asian women lead: lessons for global corporations
Non-European nurses’ perceived barriers to UK nurse registration
Measuring compassion in nurses and other healthcare professionals: an integrative review
Perspectives on interrogative models of inquiry: developments in Inquiry and Questions
The quantified self: what counts in the neoliberal workplace
The liminal zone of opera: (unaccompanied) operatic monodrama and The Song Of Margery Kempe
Supply chain leverage and regulating health and safety management in shipping
The reputation economy: understanding knowledge work in a digital society
Digital work: self-branding and social capital in the freelance knowledge economy
Reconfiguring motherhoods: transmogrifying the maternal entanglements of feminist academics
"Whatever it takes": an empirical assessment of the value of policy actions in banking
Learning in later life: challenges for social work and social care
Personalisation of 3D virtual spaces for enhanced ubiquitous learning
Pregnant women's experience of depression care
Agatha Christie in dialogue with To the Lighthouse: the modernist artist
The politics of commoning and designing
“Pleasure stolen from the poor”: community discourse on the ‘theft’ of a Banksy
A study into breaches of Youth Justice Orders and the young people who breach them
Social capital and the shadow economy
Antimicrobial effect of photosensitized Rose Bengal on bacteria and viruses in model wash water
Government size, institutions, and export performance among OECD economies
Efficient risk allocation within a non-life insurance group under Solvency II regime
Business and human rights: history, law and policy – bridging the accountability gap
Review of D. Karp, 'Responsibility for human rights, transnational corporations in imperfect state'
Unbuilding blocks - (All along the Watchtower)
A review of the nonmarket strategy literature: toward a multi-theoretical integration
Relevance theory and language change
Matt Copson, Serpentine Galleries
Dons not clowns: Isaiah Berlin challenges Richard Cawston’s edit of the educator
Nkandla: The unexplored frontier for heritage tourism to Zululand, South Africa
The impact of managerialism on the strategy work of university middle managers
Pursuing paradise: Jewish travel comics as feminist spiritual quests
Cooperative control with distal manipulation for fetoscopic laser photocoagulation
Real-time mosaicing of fetoscopic videos using SIFT
Integrating values into mobile software engineering
Enterprise modeling as a decision making aid: a systematic mapping study
A systematic mapping study of the current practice of Indian software engineering
A conceptual model for organisational decision-making and its possible realisations
A simulation based aid for complex dynamic decision making
Architecture for public safety network using D2D communication
Computational and mathematical modelling: Applicability to infectious disease control in Africa
Conceptual development of a compact unglazed solar thermal facade (STF) for building integration
Experimental study of a compact unglazed solar thermal facade (STF) for energy-efficient buildings
First interlude: a contingent irruption
Film noir doesn’t exist: impossibility, definition and the point of failure
Introduction: into the past/out of the past
The boundaries and meaning of noir: suture, metaphor and the historical imaginary
Second interlude: a knotting (SRI)
The idea of noir: fiction, signifier, genre
Film noir as point de capiton: retroactive temporality and symbolic structure
Acceptance requirements and their gamification solutions
Trauma without a subject: On Malabou, psychoanalysis and Amour
Out of the past: Lacan and film noir
Introduction: Representing the unrepresentable
Psychoanalysis and the unrepresentable: From culture to the clinic
X-Secure: Protecting users from big bad wolves
Knowledge-based management systems for the police force
Gesture based IoT light control for smart clothing
Special issue on inception, adoption and applications of emerging technologies
Absenteeism and performance in a quantitative module A quantile regression analysis
An exploratory study on the adoption of private cloud in the UAE banking and government sectors
Self-tuning flowcharts: a priority-based approach to optimize diagnostic flowcharts
Power consumption of the Raspberry Pi: A comparative analysis
Improving wireless charging energy efficiency of mobile phones: analysis of key practices
A meta-analysis of predictors of bullying and victimisation in adolescence
Game theoretical semantics for some non-classical logics
Medoid-based clustering using ant colony optimization
Loss of Mrap2 is associated with Sim1 deficiency and increased circulating cholesterol
Central role for melanocortin-4 receptors in offspring hypertension arising from maternal obesity
The impact of BIM on the distribution of cost and return on investment in UK construction projects
Model uses: Foundations for a modular requirements clarification language
Hiring and escalation bias in subjective performance evaluations: a laboratory experiment
Solo exhibition in 'The Nineties', Frieze Art Fare, London
Digital diaspora and social capital
Distinguishing epimers through raman optical activity
Understanding sustainable prosperity — Towards a transdisciplinary research agenda
Spinning with substance? The creation of new third sector organisations from public services
Lending to social ventures: existing demand for finance and the potential roles of social investment
The city-region chimera: The political economy of metagovernance failure Britain
Learning to teach as the development of practice
Partner selection supported by opaque reputation promotes cooperative behavior
Teaching functional patterns through robotic applications
Sign, object, thing: an eternal golden braid
“Who cares?” Care, gender and secondary schools: the interesting example of the ‘sin-bin’…
[Presentation of the artist's own photographic practice]
Photograph in the book 'Delete A & Insert R' by Jon Bird & Phil Cleaver
Reconciling Csikszentmihalyi’s broader flow theory: with meaning and value in digital games
European integration and rural development: actors, institutions and power [Book Review]
Degradation and encryption for outsourced PNG images in cloud storage
Trust-Driven and PSO-SFLA based job scheduling algorithm on Cloud
Who benefits from the "sharing" economy of Airbnb?
Brexit - a tragic continuity of Europe's daily operation
Food security in Mongolia: a system innovation perspective
Life and loves of a landscape artist: biography of Gordon Crossley
Unlicensed radio broadcasting: combating pirate radio in the digital age
Residential marketing fieldtrips: adding real educational value
Frontal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) abolishes list-method directed forgetting
A specification-based IDS for detecting attacks on RPL-based network topology
Performance evaluation of mobile users served by fixed and mobile femtocells in LTE networks
Interference management for co-channel mobile femtocells technology in LTE networks
Criminal pattern identification based on modified K-means clustering
Can DMD obtain a scene background in color?
On a wing and a prayer: stories of the use of improvisation
Risk and time preferences: linking experimental and household survey data from Vietnam
Migration and the city: Diversity, migrant economies and urban space Introduction
The contestation of space in Milan’s Chinatown
Inventory control systems model for strategic capacity acquisition
Suicide first aid guidelines for Sri Lanka: a Delphi consensus study
Barriers and determinants of physical activity among UK university students
Determinants of nutritional imbalance among UK university students: a cross sectional study
Health related lifestyles among university students. Having the time of their lives?
Application of microalgae and fungal-microalgal associations for wastewater treatment
Reimagining quality in early childhood [Editorial]
Interesting times: a short introduction from the new editorial team of Gender and Education
Bank profitability: liquidity, capital and asset quality
Effects of viewing condition on user experience of panoramic video
An evaluation of social learning networks: a qualitative perspective
Enhancing police and industry practice
Asymmetries of the lower limb: the calculation conundrum in strength training and conditioning
Design of a CMOS active electrode IC for wearable electrical impedance tomography systems
Narrative as re-fusion: making sense and value from sickle cell and thalassaemia trait
Movies in the classroom: lessons for curriculum design
Beamforming in coexisting wireless systems with uncertain channel state information
State authenticity in everyday life
Book review - Coaching and Mentoring: a critical text, Simon Western (2012)
Masterclass in English education: transforming teaching and learning [Book Review]
Artist, tower, books: the memory theatre of Richard Cockle Lucas
Robust optimization with probabilistic constraints for power-efficient and secure SWIPT
Sustainability: a threshold concept for tourism education
'That's me in the spotlight': audiences and musicians on screen
Age work in organizations: maintaining and disrupting institutionalized understandings of higher age
Risk management as a basis for integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan
Work-life balance in times of recession, austerity and beyond
Immersive brain entrainment in virtual worlds: Actualizing meditative states
How is the child positioned within parent-practitioner working?
An investigation into the efficacy of avatar-based systems for student advice
Struggling to be heard: the past and present of employee voice in Belarus
Knowledge-based urban development of cross-border twin cities
Parliaments and the European Court of Human Rights
An analysis of transport documents and electronic transport records under the Rotterdam rules
Bridging the digital divide for e-learning students through adaptive VLEs
Teaching and learning queueing theory concepts using Tangible User Interfaces
The aptness of tangible user interfaces for explaining abstract computer network principles
Architecture for public safety network using D2D communication
An efficient channel model for evaluating wireless NoC architectures
Transforming summary justice: Modernisation in the lower criminal courts
Zero-separating invariants for linear algebraic groups
EEG-based person identification through binary flower pollination algorithm
A novel hybrid firefly algorithm for global optimization
From swarm intelligence to metaheuristics: nature-inspired optimization algorithms
The prison population and illegal drug use
Body fatness and cancer - viewpoint of the IARC working group
PlaNeural: spiking neural networks that plan
Fungal applications in sustainable environmental biotechnology
Coaching in organisations: how the use of fictional characters can develop coaching practice
Postcapitalism? Five orientations from the perspective of social reproduction
Love's labour's cost: the political economy of intimacy
The visual sociogram in qualitative and mixed-methods research
Visualization in mixed-methods research on social networks
Enhancing secrecy rate in cognitive radio networks via stackelberg game
Non-suicidal self-harm amongst incarcerated men: a qualitative study
Co-creation of smart technology with (and for) people with special needs
A Splotch of Red: Keir Hardie in West Ham
Edge-guided image gap interpolation using multi-scale transformation
Trees and the urban environment - weighing risks and benefits
Trust and trustworthiness under information asymmetry and ambiguity
Dynamics of global business cycles interdependence
Royal society of painter-printmakers archive of members - Stephen Mumberson 2016
A century of trends in adult human height
A comparative study of bifidobacteria in human babies and adults
What is a fair wage? Reference points, entitlements and gift exchange
Cultural Implications of Biosemiotics
Innovation collaboration and appropriability by knowledge-intensive business services firms
Political frictions and public policy outcomes
CWN Archive of world cartoonists-entry under Stephen Mumberson
La banalidad de la justicia internacional
Empowering Latino parents to transform the education of their children
The local brand representative in reseller networks
Marketing innovation: a consequence of competitiveness
The quality of equality: thinking differently about gender inclusion in organizations
State obligations in implementing arrest warrants
Tourism as reflexive reconstructions of colonial past
Developing a model of distributed sensemaking: a case study of military analysis
SensePath: understanding the sensemaking process through analytic provenance
Common ground in collaborative intelligence analysis: an empirical study
Investigating airplane safety and security against insider threats using logical modeling
Taking Arduino to the Internet of things: the ASIP programming model
"Die Welt gut im Gang": der Friedenstopos in Blochs Philosophie
Atrocity crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes)
Finsternis in Deutschland: Was die Deutschen dachten. Interviews einer Engländerin 1934-1938
The Cambridge companion to international criminal law
Classification of fibroglandular tissue distribution in the breast based on radiotherapy planning CT
Monotonicity of fitness landscapes and mutation rate control
Lévy flight artificial bee colony algorithm
A Physarum-inspired approach to supply chain network design
On the determinants of political polarization
Serial payers, serial losers? The political economy of Argentina's public debt
A secure network coding based modify-and-forward scheme for cooperative wireless relay networks
A hybrid double-threshold based cooperative spectrum sensing over fading channels
Influence of innovation capability and customer experience onreputation and loyalty
Economic dispatch using chaotic bat algorithm
Survey of the Commissioning Nurse Leaders’ Network membership 2015: summary of results
A novel approach for multispectral satellite image classification based on the bat algorithm
Mathematical analysis of energy efficiency optimality in multi-user OFDM systems
Application of activity theory to analysis of human-related accidents: method and case studies
Addressing movement patterns by using the overhead squat
Compression-based technique for SDN using sparse-representation dictionary
Global model checking on pushdown multi-agent systems
Determinants of club head speed in PGA professional golfers
Physical characteristics underpinning repetitive lunging in fencing
Physical characteristics underpinning lunging and change of direction speed in fencing
Doing the right thing: computer ethics pedagogy revisited
Model checking for symbolic-heap separation logic with inductive predicates
The effect of mobile retailing effect on consumption experiences: a dynamic perspective
An improved discrete bat algorithm for symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problems
Chance constrained robust downlink beamforming in multicell networks
The attentive homunculus: ERP evidence for somatotopic allocation of attention in tactile search
Inhibition of vicariously learned fear in children using positive modeling and prior exposure
A deep learning based approach to classification of CT brain images
A new approach to image enhancement for the visually impaired
Involving service users in training in the management of aggression
An assessment of the business impacts of the UK's Enterprise Capital Funds
Editorial: equality, diversity and inclusion in accounting
Telling tales: an inquiry into being and becoming
Tests of pattern separation and pattern completion in humans - a systematic review
Learning by hiring: the effects of scientists’ inbound mobility on research performance in academia
Generalised Cantor sets and the dimension of products
Knowledge and innovation in emerging market multinationals: the expansion paradox
Enhancing student support with a virtual assistant
Qualitative research in digital environments: a research toolkit
TimeSets: timeline visualization with set relations
Discipline, profession and industry: how our choices shape our future
Collaborative sense-making during simulated intelligence analysis exercises
Do mobile learning devices enhance learning in higher education anatomy classrooms?
Trust under the prospect theory and quasi-hyperbolic preferences: a field experiment in Vietnam
An exploratory study of residents' perception of place image: the case of Kavala
Rapid assembly of taxonomically validated mitochondrial genomes from historical insect collections
Microbial keratinases: characteristics, biotechnological applications and potential
Apology in victim-offender mediation
Adaptation strategies for interior architecture and design
Microbial applications: recent advancements and future developments
Drugs, care and sex work: sex and survival
Kernel combination via debiased object correspondence analysis
Clausewitz in the boardroom: legitimacy and hegemony
Compositions of professionalism in counselling work: an embodied intersectionality framework
Research on the experience of staff with disabilities within the NHS workforce
HRM as an emerging new managerial profession
Article 109. Enforcement of fines and forfeiture measures
Article 108. Limitation on the prosecution or punishment of other offences
Article 67. Rights of the accused
Article 66. Presumption of innocence
Article 63. Trial in the presence of the accused
Article 61. Confirmation of the charges before trial
Article 29. Non-applicability of statute of limitations
Article 23. Nulla poena sine lege
Article 17. Issues of admissibility
Article 13. Exercise of jurisdiction
Article 12. Preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction
A new heuristic method for approximating the number of local minima in partial RNA energy landscapes
'Solar Ghosts' - Art-Park, Wharepuke Art Center Sculpture Park and Garden,Kerikeri, New Zealand
Rethinking commercial vs. altruistic surrogacy in India
A planning practitioner’s reflections on managing complex scheduling challenges
The plights of migrant domestic workers in the UK: a legal perspective
Dignity and the legal justification of age discrimination in health care
Building capacity for advancing child protection in Mali
Secondary students at risk of permanent exclusion who succeed
Benefits and risks associated with time choice of innovating in retail settings
Engaging consumer through the storefront: evidences from integrating interactive technologies
Simulation in higher education: A sociomaterial view
Participation and provision in arts & culture - bridging the divide
Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science: a longitudinal and cross-disciplinary comparison
Social value creation through tourism enterprise
The importance of sleep for athletic performance
Jung/Lacan Dialogue 2: The Psychoid and the Real
"Mohandas Fire" Year of the Fire Monkey (Chinese Zodiac)
What works in managing young people who offend? A summary of the international evidence
Mitogenomics of ‘old world Acraea’ butterflies reveals a highly divergent ‘Bematistes’
The role of brand attachment strength in higher education
Changing the debate? Women and language in the UK General Election
Sink or swim: social enterprise as a panacea for non-profit organisations?
Urban surface water pollution problems arising from misconnections
The implications, challenges and benefits of a complexity-orientated Futures Studies
A framework of place branding, place image, and place reputation: antecedents and moderators
Essays on banking sector performance in the CISs
Drugs in prisons: exploring use, control, treatment and policy
Exploring seamless connectivity and proactive handover techniques in VANET systems
‘This neo- natal ménage à trois’: British media framing of transnational surrogacy
Random versus deterministic descent in RNA energy landscape analysis
Measures for combining prediction intervals uncertainty and reliability in forecasting
Kimse yok mi - International Caricature Competition of KYM -Turkey
Brand ambidexterity and commitment in higher education: an exploratory study
Engineering context-aware systems and applications: a survey
Reflections on using iSpring quizzes for Information Literacy training at Middlesex University
The UK national minimum wage’s impact on productivity
Contemporary perspectives on ecofeminism
Introducing contemporary ecofeminism
Workers' voice and Employment Tribunals in Britain: from employment professionals' perspective
Into the light: a grounded model for supporting the growth and learning of early phase entrepreneurs
Demythologising librarianship: future librarians in a changing literacy landscape
Designing online social interaction for and with older people
Narratives of childbearing in a popular Scottish song
Enhancing students' learning through simulation: dealing with diverse, large cohorts
Female leadership in Hong Kong
Support for assessment practice: developing the Assessment Design Decisions Framework
When it comes to behaviour, isn’t it time for young people to be seen and heard
An evaluation of the Islington community education provider network super hub.
Advancements and progressions in greyhound racing: a professional and personal trajectory
[Ir]responsible leadership: addressing management and leadership curricula biases
Houses for the poor: Continental European prisons
Average clutch size for a Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) colony on Lundy
Strategies for successful telework: how effective employees manage work/home boundaries
Deprofessionalised, downgraded and demoralised: why mental healthcare is going backwards [Blog post]
Police and suicide prevention: Evaluation of a training programme
Career mobility in a global era: advances in managing expatriation and repatriation
The impact of a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome on women's expectations of intimate relationships
Nature-inspired computation in engineering
Evaluating the roll out of the Care Certificate in a local health area
British union renewal: does salvation really lie beyond the workplace?
An exploration of resilience and values in the co-design of sociotechnical systems
A computationally grounded, weighted doxastic logic
A complete decision procedure for linearly compositional separation logic with data constraints
Strength and conditioning for British soldiers
Dancing age(ing): rethinking age(ing) in and through improvisation practice and performance
Understanding sociology in nursing
Impact case studies submitted to REF2014: the hidden impact of nursing research
The role of stakeholders in addictions policy and intervention
Using observation to research the experiences of teenagers with severe learning disabilities
The application of UK prospectus rules to sukuk (Islamic securities) on the London Stock Exchange
The social and legislative history of the Islamic trust (waqf) in Mauritius
Homelessness and substance use
Treatment of depression by Chinese herbal medicine – a case study
The really useful primary design and technology book: subject knowledge and lesson ideas
Through the IENE looking glass: social good (SG) as a value in education
Developing cultural competence
The management of oesophageal cancer with acupuncture and Chinese medicine: a case study
Nationalistic authorship and resistance in Northeastern Sri Lanka
Discourses of victimisation in Sri Lanka’s civil war: collective memory, legitimacy and agency
Becoming feminist: narratives and memories
Review and applications of metaheuristic algorithms in civil engineering
Application of the flower pollination algorithm in structural engineering
Cuckoo search: from Cuckoo reproduction strategy to combinatorial optimization
Cultural homelessness: a challenge to theory and practice
The role of place branding and image in the development of sectoral clusters: the case of Dubai
Cost of capital, returns and leverage: empirical evidence from the S&P 500
A three-fold framework for understanding HRM practices in south-eastern European SMEs
Sustaining urban culture in city tourism: an interdisciplinary approach
Community politics of the GLC (Greater London Council)
Interdependencies and tensions between social media and tourism
Nature-inspired optimization algorithms in engineering: overview and applications
Parameterless bat algorithm and its performance study
Simulation-driven modeling and optimization: ASDOM, Reykjavik, August 2014
Perversion – a Lacanian perspective
The development of student learning and information literacy: a case study
Citizenship education north and south: learning and progression (CENSLP) - final project report
Bolam with the benefit of hindsight
Il compito rivoluzionario dell’auto-organizzazione: una nota su Grace Lee Boggs
The revolutionary task of self-activity: a note on Grace Lee Boggs
What most makes HR a profession? The difference of views at national and organisational levels
Evaluation of a model of dissertation supervision for 3rd year B.Sc. undergraduate nursing students
3rd International Caricature Art Competition, Beijing, China
The Lifelong Learning University in 20 years
Better together? A hospitality case for umbrella branding
Screening of Positive Hell: Q&A panel
Lifetime disadvantage and discrimination: the gendered workforce
De la crisis del 2001 al kirchnerismo: cambios y continuidades
Programme notes (2008 - present) for the London Chamber Music Society (LCMS), Kings Place, London
Biography and fiction: a post modern story
Patient centred physical restraint: a case study of two NHS mental health inpatient wards
Palermo as a postmodern carnival: forms of resistance in the cinema of Ciprì and Maresco
Watching, attending, sense-making: spectatorship in immersive theatres
Feminism meets the big exhibition: museum survey shows since 2005
'Pardon me, I'm very drunk': alcohol, creativity and performance anxiety in the case of Robert Wyatt
Development and psychometric evaluation of the arterial puncture self-efficacy scale
Un repaso a la crisis Argentina de 2001: cambios y continuidades
Using multi-agent systems to go beyond temporal patterns verification
The Tudors and the post-national, post-historical Henry VIII
Exploring whole body interaction and design for museums
Mobile experiences of historical place: a multimodal analysis of emotional engagement
Bij Shell werd ik de Marxist die ik nu ben
Determinants of brain drain in family business: a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
Contemporary dog-fighting law in the UK
Verification of statecharts using data abstraction
Formal modelling and analysis of socio-technical systems
Attack tree analysis for insider threats on the IoT using Isabelle
Transforming justice? Murder on the Orient Express 1934-2010
Unsupervised grounding of textual descriptions of object features and actions in video
Royal society of painter-printmakers original prints 2016
Female genital mutilation: the social work perspective
Nurse education is big business for British universities.
Emmaus research history project (2015-16)
Vistas for organized global semiotics
Sighted (2009) collaboration, boundaries, performance, and audience
Sighted (2009) Audience as Performer
Hybrid local diffusion maps and improved cuckoo search algorithm for multiclass dataset analysis
Active Energy: Three mills - hydrocitizenship open workshop
The professional and personal values and their revelation through professional doctorates
Job coaches in GP surgeries: another attempt to pathologise the unemployed
The evocation and expression of emotion through documentary animation
Learning to see: how animation might help carers provide comfort to those in palliative care
Nostalgia ain't what it used to be: ideal homes and museum displays
Collaborative art activism – a UK perspective
Conceptualism/feminism/cultural activism
La musique électroacoustique Mixte: Interactions entre le "réel" et le "virtuel"
The feminist uncanny in theory and art practice
A framework for usable pedagogy: case studies towards accessibility, criticality and visibility
Visitor attractions and events: locations and linkages
30 Years of CFCCA: susan pui san lok (solo exhibition)
Trouble with the neighbours: jazz, geopolitics and Finland's totalitarian shadow
Fragile learning: the influence of anxiety. By David Mathew [Book Review]
Five Printworks - New Body series
The revival and decline of rank and file movements in Britain during the 1930s
Maximising the impact of the Future Business and Human Rights treaty
The death penalty. a worldwide perspective [Book Review]
The art of courageous conversations
What’s happening and coming next in Asia 2016?: AAB special report on Asian consumers & businesses
New models and frontiers for photography collections in the digital age
INDRA model: for a better assessment of coastal events disruptions
Uncanny domesticities in art informed by feminist anti-nuclear activism
Interview with Margaret Harrison and participation in roundtable discussion
Affordable warmth: Housing strategies for older people
Trilogies LIVE [RoCH fans & legends - screening & performance]
21st International cartoon exhibition Zagreb 2016
Nurse associate plan is seen by many as cheap a labour bid
The international legal context of the 'refugee crisis'
An ontological representation of a taxonomy for cybercrime
Research on the experience of staff with disabilities within the NHS workforce
Geopolitical reality: the thriller, global power, and the logic of revelation
Joint attention, semiotic mediation and literary narrative
Facial affect "in the wild": a survey and a new database
Nurses’ experiences of clinical commissioning group boards
A novel active electrode IC for wearable EIT system
Alternate algorithm to reconstruct shape in wearable device
Calculating the hip centre of rotation using contralateral pelvic anatomy
The body of the people: East German dance since 1945 by Jens Richard Giersdorf (review)
Jenn Joy, The Choreographic [Book Review]
Wigman’s witches: Reformism, Orientalism, Nazism
Prevention and early management of in-hospital cardiac arrest: a challenge for nursing educators
Neo-liberalism, mainstream financial journalism and the concurrent crisis in journalism
Financial capability, the financial crisis, and trust in news media
The UK news media and austerity: trends since the global financial crisis
EIT2015: promoting electrical impedance tomography as a non-invasive monitoring technology
On the violence of heteronormativity within the business schools
Water management and livelihood choices in southwestern Bangladesh
Taking professional practice seriously: implications for deliberate course design
A framework for evaluating flood risk governance
Case study: The apprentice’s sorcerer: television in/and the academy
The inescapable narrative structure of the TV sitcom
Impact of materialism on consumers' ethical evaluation and acceptance of product placement in movies
Improving the precision of omni-directional M-mode echocardiography systems
How do Chinese businesses view corporate social responsibility?
The impact of the arts in social work education: a systematic review [conference item]
What is my life for? Exploring the experiences of SOLO women in later life
Airborne particulate matter and diesel vehicles in cities - changing perspectives
Utilising expertise to manage dynamic urban risks
The role of architectural design in virtual worlds for educational purposes
Playing and reality in the work of E J Major
Managing complex fires in urban environments: a tale of two cultures
A longitudinal study of the experiences and psychological well-being of Indian surrogates
Cognitive abilities and economic behavior
The 10th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic 2016 Bucovina, Romania - New World Order
Ano Nuevo Chino 2016 Monode Fuego - Museum de Humor Grafico Diogenes Tabora Buienos Aires Argentina
["Cartoon artefacts" in MIKS - 2nd international Cartoon Exhibition - Sisak 2016]
Research and evidence-based environmental health
Research and evidence based environmental health
Information in the philosophy of computer science
Multiple openings and competitiveness of forward markets: experimental evidence
A brief history of rank and file movements
Challenges and opportunities for ELSI early career researchers
The role of training in IBA implementation beyond primary health care settings in the UK
Non-pharmacological interventions for the prevention of venous thromboembolism: a literature review
Why replication studies are essential: learning from failure and success
Equity and bargaining power in ultimatum games
Passive to interactive: engaging pre-sessional students
Verifying pushdown multi-agent systems against strategy logics
Democracy and social work leadership
The varieties of ecstasy (ordinary ecstasies of the analytic life)
Trying to end the war on the world: the campaign to proscribe military ecocide
Tempting failure: London Biennial Festival of Live Art 2016 & 2018
Employment relations in europe
Big data to optimise product strategy in electronic industry
A simulation-based aid for organisational decision-making
Gender representation in Pakistani print media- a critical analysis
Delivering alcohol IBA in housing, probation and social work settings: opportunities and constraints
Economic liberalisation, globalisation and the rule of law at national and international levels
Practical guide: progressing transformative co-production in mental health
Relationship between parental feeding practices and neural responses to food cues in adolescents
An evaluation of the Islington community education provider network super hub
The effect of commissioning on organisational culture
Contemporary designers, cultural diplomacy and the museum without walls
A public health history of a forgotten corner of Kent: the Isle of Sheppey
Addressing LGBTQ diversity in the social work curriculum: a pedagogical approach
Understanding social enterprises in the United Kingdom: the case of South Yorkshire
Trans students in post-compulsory education: a scoping review – preliminary findings
The educational turn in art: rewriting the hidden curriculum
Prefigurative practices. Raw materials for a political positioning of art, leaving the avant-garde
Do you own a Volkswagen? Values as non-functional requirements
Can co-production really transform UK mental health services?
International study on nurses' views and experiences of compassion
Preventable harm: The Lancet Psychiatry: July 22, 2016 Podcast.
Fit to practice? LGBT inclusion in health and social care education and accreditation
The Two Pots? Experiences of peer workers within mental health services
Citizens observatories for effective Earth observations: the WeSenseIt approach
Gender, the body and organization studies: que(e)rying empirical research
Identifying readiness to train: when to push and when to pull
Screening movement dysfunctions using the overhead squat
Entrevue avec William A. Schabas, quelques réflexions sur les commissions d’enquête
Microsoft Academic (Search): a Phoenix arisen from the ashes?
Protecting life and death under the coalition
Isabelle Modelchecking for insider threats
Refactoring preserves security
Supporting smoking cessation in older patients: a continuing challenge for community nurses
Interactive evolutionary generative art
Involvement of the Rcs regulon in the persistence of Salmonella Typhimurium in tomatoes
Dispersal of human and plant pathogens biofilms via nitric oxide donors at 4°C
Intercellular production of H2O2 in tomatoes as a prevention to Salmonella proliferation
The role of tomato genotype in susceptibility of tomatoes to Salmonella enterica
A calculus for distrust and mistrust
Enhancing secrecy rate in cognitive radio networks via multilevel Stackelberg game
Programming with simulated neurons: a first design pattern
A democratic defence of the European Court of Human Rights
Towards analytical provenance visualization for criminal intelligence analysis
Practice of consumption and spaces for goods
Towards formal analysis of insider threats for auctions
Coming out in the workplace and its impact on mental health: experiences of staff working in HEIs
Improving workplace learning by teaching literature: towards wisdom
Social network analysis: a mixed method approach
An analytical channel model for emerging wireless networks-on-chip
Exploring internalised age stereotypes through the arts: some practice examples
Towards a theory of performative design
The International Criminal Court: a commentary on the Rome Statute, second edition
The international criminal court: a commentary on the Rome statute
New surrogacy policy: great leap backwards
Some results on injectivity and multistationarity in chemical reaction networks
Professional identity in nursing: UK students' explanations for poor standards of care
What role for knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) in de-industrialised regions?
Malaysian labour and the theory of interdependent power
Les mafias comme actrices de la gouvernance
Public programming? Pedagogies in a missing Europe
The characterization of armed conflict under international humanitarian law
Theatre of Blood programme notes (Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff)
Richard III Programme note (Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff)
Mortality and morality in CSI: getting away with gore
Korean wave drama: transnationalism, celebration and resistance
Age and gender differences in smiling and laughter: the power asymmetry hypothesis retested
Carry a big stick, or no stick at all: punishment and endowment heterogeneity in the trust game
Britten and the guitar: critical perspectives for performers
Adherence to cultural norms and economic incentives: Evidence from fertility timing decisions
Re-imagining anti-bias education as worldly entanglement
A cross mapping activity showing the relationship between information literacy and cMOOCs
Self-identified obese people request less money: a field experiment
Financial crisis and panic in the laboratory
Reclaiming, Challenging and Reviving Survivor Research [Seminar]
Stigma in perinatal mental health
Early warnings of heart rate deterioration
Clinical legal education and experiential learning: looking to the future
The justice data lab synthesis and review of findings
Making enemies: psychoanalysis and the personality profiling of ideological adversaries
Understanding SE Growth: The Case of Bangladesh
Discourse, practice and power in adult learning reform in England and Wales, 2000-2014
Shifting identities: A mixed-methods study of the experiences of teachers who are also parents
Grammar of death in the Psalms with reference to motion as conceptual metaphor
Housing and hope: the influence of the interwar years in england
Spherical similarity explorer for comparative case analysis
Node overlap removal by growing a tree
Human-centered machine learning through interactive visualization
New feminist activism: memory, art, and context
CRAF phase 1, a framework to identify coastal hotspots to storm impacts
RISC-KIT: resilience-increasing strategies for coasts
Media portrayals: from leadership cults to celebrity politicians
Gratuitously offensive speech and the political debate
Indirect discrimination, reasonable accommodation and religion
Enabling Leaders to Navigate Complexity: An Executive Coaching Framework
The Involvement of Young People Leaving Care in Social Work Education and Practice
Sensing the Logic of Writing: Creative Writing Reimagined
‘Back-to-front’ Bassists: Idiodextrous Approaches to the Double Bass in Jazz.
A new spatial basis for rivers monitoring and management in Cyprus
National original print exhibition Bankside Gallery London
The Lee Valley: an industrial river system and heritage landscape
The female body in the looking-glass: contemporary art, aesthetics and genderland
A model for trustworthy orchestration in the internet of things
A gallery closed in spring: on Maria Eichhorn’s 5 weeks, 25 days, 175 hours
The impact of militancy on SMEs in developing countries: a case of the Niger Delta of Nigeria
What elements are required to achieve sustainable business change using health and safety as a lens?
Ownership of addiction: variations across time and place
Exploring user groups as stakeholders in drug policy processes in four European countries
Concepts of addictive substances and behaviours across time and place
A global movement: NGOs and the policing of international wildlife trafficking
Performance for microphone and beach performed by The Lab of Sonic Possibility
Seeing the inside out: capturing a late capitalist dream
Art on the streets: creative responses to the urban environment
Trailers (RoCH fans & legends)
'Contrast' / Skyline Project Space / Curated by Kathleen Mullaniff
UEFA Euro 2016 International Cartoon Competition - China
Pushing Boundaries - Printmaking Council
The work between the words between the work between us
Sanitising the city: exploring hegemonic gentrification in London's Soho
Speculations for a radical, feminist strike: workshop and experiment
Bio-inspired computation and applications in image processing
Nature-inspired computation: an unconventional approach to optimization
Pre-emptive mourning against the bomb: the art and visual culture of feminist anti-nuclear activisms
Angry melancholia: towards a performative politics of time in the work of Monica Ross
Gender and professional work in Russia and Hungary
A study on situational awareness security and privacy of wearable health monitoring devices
‘Stumbling through’? Relationship-based social work practice in austere times
Age speaks at East London Radio meets Trish Hafford-Letchfield: Professor of Social Care
Why co-design and delivery is ‘a no brainer’ for higher and degree apprenticeship policy
Neo-retributivism in the embrace of human rights
The meaning of the terms precarious work and vulnerable workers
Towards an integrated approach to the recognition of professional competence and academic learning
The legislative history of the international criminal court
Black culture, white youth: the reggae tradition from JA to UK
[Cartoon entry in 10th International Zagreb Car Cartoon Exhibit 2016]
Is the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 fit for purpose?
An empirical study on uniform seaborne cargo rules
Emergency management of the patient and resuscitation
The effect of economic powerlessness on symbolic consumption
Experiencing a multiplicity of self/s
The professional doctorate and the 21st century university
A review of strength and conditioning internships: the UKSCA’s State of the Nation survey
Sustainable birth: case-loading
Human rights treaties and capital punishment
Contradictory information flow in networks with trust and distrust
Treatment of bone and joint diseases with pure TCM methods
General Principles, Nullum Crimen and Accountability for International Crimes
Is national flood AAD really only £93m-to-£116m, rather than £1.3bn?
Is flood defense changing in nature? Shifts in the flood defense strategy in six European countries
The Albany Model of Care: working in partnership with women
Traces, clues and palimpsests: toward a forensic design pedagogy
Safer London Empower Project: evaluation report
UK: large-scale European migration and the challenge to EU free movement
The Alcohol Health Alliance: the emergence of an advocacy coalition to stimulate policy change
Beyond an island experience: towards an archipelago of collaborative learning
Reciprocity and reputation: a review of direct and indirect social information gathering
9th International Eskisekir Cartoon Festival,Turkey 2016
Relationship-based practice revisited [editorial]
MicroFinancial services and risk management for food security: a vulnerable household perspective
Understanding justice: an enquiry into interpreting in civil justice and mediation
An action research project to enhance student success in a 2nd year midwifery module
Intimate scrutiny: using rotoscoping to unravel the auteur-animator beneath the theory
Health & safety at work: time for change
Editorial: Prosocial and antisocial behavior in economic games
From theory to practice: critical thinking as a multifaceted concept
Tourism and job creation: lessons from Cape Verde island
All-inclusive tourism in Dominican Republic. An analysis from the perspective of the tourist demand
The all-inclusive tourism system in Cape Verde islands: the tourists' perspective
Locating L2 English writing centers in German universities
Creativity and cognitive skills among millennials: thinking too much and creating too little
Heterogeneous motives in the Trust Game: a tale of two roles
Developing a standardized tool for interpretation of radiology diagnostic accuracy trials
Learning processes in growth-oriented SMEs: the Portuguese case
A user's guide for painters and cyclists: very abstract painting and serious cycling
Associative search through formal concept analysis in criminal intelligence analysis
The role of e-commerce in the competitiveness of SMEs in developing economies: evidence from Nigeria
Workshops, games and activities used in teaching information literacy skills (version 9)
Dialogue, argumentation, and belief revision: a study of apologetic conversations in West Cameroon
Modelling and performability evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks
Promoting adaptive flood risk management: the role and potential of flood recovery mechanisms
Flood risk management and ‘fairness’: aspirations and reality
Partnership approaches in flood risk management: lessons from the Eastern Alps
The Docklands Community Poster Project and other creative approaches to regeneration
Catene del lavoro e delle migrazioni tra Veneto e Romania
HRM and workplace spirituality: some thoughts, notes and observations
Russell Brand: Comedy, Celebrity, Politics
Development of a professional learning programme for tourism in higher education
Collaborative decision making in complex work settings: a process of managing inter dependencies
Mothers' experience of parent-infant psychotherapy: a qualitative analysis
An improved classification approach for echocardiograms embedding temporal information
A Celtic Knot: educating for a future in corporate film-making - a practitioner's perspective
Smartdevices development for visual impairment and colour vision deficiency
Internationalisation of business clusters: the case of fruit processing clusters in Ghana
The effect of CEO background risks on risk taking and firm performance
Optical flow estimation using steered-L1 norm
The current experience and training of Romanian Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) professionals
Determinants of e-government services adoption in developing countries (Egypt)
Low complexity in-loop perceptual video coding
The experience of living with traumatic bereavement: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Parametric tracking with spatial extraction across an array of cameras
The role of heparin and heparin-binding growth factors in pre-eclampsia
Investigating seamless handover in VANET systems
The aesthetic of the mistake in digital and analogue animation
Financial derivatives use and firm value in East Asian non-financial firms
Irony in a second language: exploring the comprehension of Japanese speakers of English
Cooking under fire: managing multilevel tensions between creativity and innovation in haute cuisine
Experiencing the 'Other': a phenomenological study of being bullied in the workplace
Hypnobirthing: The breakthrough approach to safer, easier, comfortable birthing [Book review]
Finding your emotional balance: a guide for women [Book review]
Transactional space: feedback, critical thinking, and learning dance technique
Student midwives use of stereotypes in perinatal mental health care
The role of community groups in supporting women with maternal distress
Sapphic Modernists - Re-visiting Elizabeth McCausland and Berenice Abbott’s Changing New York
Nowhere people: making the invisible, visible
An encounter with realistic fantasy
The 'we' of creativity: coaching in the 'key' of life
Teaming: how organisations learn, innovate and compete in the knowledge economy [Book review]
Writing your thesis from back to front
The evolution of one practitioner's coach approach: taking the coaching turn
What am I to Action Learning and Action Learning to me?
Data Warehouse and BI to catalize information use in health sector for decision making: a case study
Interpersonal affect and host country national support of expatriates: An investigation in China
Aggression and international human rights law
An equitable marriage: a focal study of a barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nest on Lundy
The right to life - interim measures and the preservation of evidence in conflict situations
Geopolitics of denial: Turkish state's 'Armenian problem'
Dynamics of international mission in the Methodist Church Ghana
Compensation for work related injury or disease: do injured workers starve to death?
Distance constraint satisfaction problems
Personal and socio-emotional development and technology
Effects of place attachment on home return travel: a spatial perspective
Developing a typology of diaspora tourists: return travel by Chinese immigrants in North America
Machine learning based botnet identification traffic
Enhancing the SVDD accuracy in Intrusion Detection Systems by removing external voids
Toward an efficient ontology-based event correlation in SIEM
Implementing virtual pheromones in BDI robots using MQTT and Jason
From raw data to agent perceptions for simulation, verification, and monitoring
The single leg squat: when to prescribe this exercise
Profile of a strength and conditioning coach: backgrounds, duties, and perceptions
Model based analysis of insider threats
Design and analysis of proximate mechanisms for cooperative transport in real robots
Embodied language learning and cognitive bootstrapping: methods and design principles
Teaching atomic structure as a threshold concept in chemistry for biologists
Arnold Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire: man, music, legacy
Child online protection in the MENA region
EU online child safety: what does the literature say?
SenseMap: supporting browser-based online sensemaking through analytic provenance
From types to sets by local type definitions in higher-order logic
CoSMed: a confidentiality-verified social media platform
A process for designing and developing interactive learning objects for organisations
Investigating the educational value of social learning networks: a quantitative analysis
Using Optical Head-Mounted Devices (OHMD) for provision of feedback in education
Continuous Regional Analysis Device for Neonates Lung (CRADL)
TimeSets for uncertainty visualisation
Interaction log and provenance for sensemaking
The application of a qualitative approach to adult attachment research: a short report
Value-based recruitment in midwifery: do the values align with what women say is important to them?
Jesus the bridegroom: a metaphor of fidelity in the New Covenant
Crowds and value. Italian Directioners on Twitter
Stock returns and leverage: analysis of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 2000-2015
Over the horizon – health and safety evolving
Transforming the traditional Li-Fang system to a vibrant green neighbourhood
Battles on the NHS Frontline: Stories from the vanguard of health and social care
Surviving Work: survival guide for people working on the frontline of healthcare
LLLT for the management of patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Breaking the chains: ethnographic film-making in mental health
Looking East but learning from the West? Tourism in East Asia
Do tourists have obligations as well as rights?
Looking East but learning from the West? Mass tourism and emerging nations
Critical review of analytic techniques
Male youth perceptions of violent extremism: towards a test of rational choice theory
Statistical analyses of court decisions: an example of multilevel models of sentencing
Effects of a victim’s response to an offender’s apology: when the victim becomes the bad guy
A ‘risky business’ – aviation safety
Exploring the determinants of continuance usage of online video streaming service
Assessing the drivers of online impulse buying
How the use of social media leverages visit intentions in destination marketing
The effectiveness of informational influence on social media marketing and brand knowledge
SMASHfestUK 2016 - Solar Storm!
Art is... not play but a leap in the dark
Evaluation report on the ACT Building Resilience Project
Interpreting children's rights education: three perspectives and three roles for teachers
Cognitive radio network in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET): a survey
Education businesses and the business of education
Early years qualifications and training: research seminar considering the future
Shaking the foundations of quality
Affective methodologies in early childhood research: adventures in ethical recklessness?
2-Curious (Part 1): experimentations and connection, critique and creation in early childhood
Affective methodologies in early childhood research workshop
Reconfiguring quality in early childhood
Expert knowledge elicitation in the firefighting domain and the implications for training novices
Effects of a simulation-based workshop on nursing students' competence in arterial puncture
The correspondence model of cross-cultural adjustment: exploring exchange relationships
BREXIT: A bolt from the blue! – Red sky in the morning?
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Flying challenges for the future: aviation preparedness – in the face of cyber-terrorism
Expatriate management across the Middle East and North Africa region
SPACE: The race for mineral rights ‘The sky is no longer the limit’ Lessons from earth!
Late modern ambiguity and gothic narratives of justice
ASEAN Open skies – aviation development in 2015: Blue or cloudy skies?
Aligning policies: a flying reform in higher education: The development of aviation professionals
Single European skies: functional airspace blocks - delays and responses
Early Years Inspections, quality & sustainability 'Define Them!' [Chair & Keynote Speaker]
I told you to be free. A critical assessment of Education to British Values in the EYFS 2015
The complex semantic of childhood and children's rights
A three-dimensional semantic of childhood and children’s rights
Young children’s rights as a social institution
'Forest School’ the challenges & risks in a UK nursery school environment
Humanitarian aid workers' transition into retirement: A narrative inquiry
‘Oh, was that “experiential learning”?!’ Spaces, synergies and surprises with Kolb’s learning cycle
Beyond the property debate: animal welfare as a public good
The campaign for digital citizenship
A quantitative analysis of the role of social networks in educational contexts
Online shopping: exploring perceptions of digital natives in the United Arab Emirates
5 Critical conversations to talent development
Grammar induction using bit masking oriented genetic algorithm and comparative analysis
The future of work and why we all need to be innovative
Defragmenting the terms self-employed, entrepreneur and business owner
Inscribing the victor’s land: nationalistic authorship in Sri Lanka’s post-war Northeast
Equality versus fraternity? Rethinking France and its minorities
Why we have trials: the political goals of international criminal trials
Rethinking what is necessary in a democratic society: militant democracy and the Turkish state
Accountability and the new separation of powers
ROS based autonomous control of a humanoid robot
Potential impact and controversy of stem cells in public health
The EU as a global rule of law promoter: the consistency and effectiveness challenges
Better late than never? On then European Commission's Rule of Law Framework and its first activation
A progressive approach to design authentication protocols for mobile heterogeneous networks
RA2: predicting simulation execution time for cloud-based design space explorations
Modeling gap seeking behaviors for agent-based crowd simulation
The effect of dyadic interactions on learning rotate gesture for technology-naïve older adults
Hierarchical time series forecast in electrical grids
L'experience anglaise dans le domaine de l'education juridique transnationale
Back to the future: A fully automatic method for robust age progression
Fusion and community detection in multi-layer graphs
Discriminant incoherent component analysis
Robust correlated and individual component analysis
Typo-morphological analysis of housing layout and density in Tehran
Feature space analysis for human activity recognition in smart environments
Self regulation and the improvement of greyhound welfare
From theory to impact: bringing work-life initiatives into the mainstream
Cultivating reflexive research practice when using participants’ photographs as research data
Features: Community engagement for biobanking research: perspectives from Africa
An outsider's inside view of ethnic entrepreneurship
Harmonisation of Biobank Regulations in Africa: lessons to be learned from Europe
Welfare and active labour market policies in the UK: the coalition government approach
HR with Purpose: Future Models of HR
Food security and vocational education and training: exploring the links in the Egyptian case
Changes in non-invasive wave intensity parameters with variations of Savitzky-Golay filter settings
Health and safety and the management of risk
Constraint satisfaction problems for reducts of homogeneous graphs
Youth pathways into cybercrime
Rights on the chopping block: the Great Repeal Bill and the ghost of Henry VIII
Resisting the hierarchical reality
Economic law, inequality, and hidden hierarchies on the EU internal market
Cognitive accessibility to mobile ICT
‘Die welt gut im gang': der Friedenstopos in Ernst Bloch’s philosophie
Tutoring executives online: what drives perceived quality? [Conference item]
Incorporating the emotional climate into inter-firm relationship health
Costs of the Well London programme
Guns of Brixton: which London neighborhoods host gang activity?
Exploring maintenance practices in crowd-mapping
Social contribution settings and newcomer retention in humanitarian crowd mapping
City form and well-being: what makes London neighborhoods good places to live?
Through the air with the greatest of ease: phonogenie
See red women's workshop: feminist posters 1974 -1990
A Story of Ghosts - Invited keynote lecture and discussion
Criminal pattern identification based on modified K-means clustering
Which Sun Gazed Down on Your Last Dream?
Rites of return politics of memory and diaspora
Shadows of the future: the agency of tomorrow’s visions in today’s Royal Docks
Washed out: hard to say goodbye
Image 1: Dark Dolores III Image 2: Little Pinks I
image 1: Dora Damage II image 2: Woman in White III
It’s alive! Design as a visual dramaturgy in a collaborative practice
[Presentation of photographic work]
Making a mark: the psychology of composition
The “independent” condition: perspectives on Eastern Europe’s cultural sector
Scratch: a choreographic conversation
Communist Intellectuals and 1956: John Saville, Edward Thompson and The Reasoner
Between the words between the work between us
Lecture "German Video Art in the Russian Museum: Akiko Hada"
Emmaus in the UK 1991-2016 - Brochure / Booklet
Film of a splotch of red: Keir Hardie in West Ham at community links, Canning Town
Virtual Reality 3rd person camera behavior modes
Gazell.io digital resident artist
Between a rock and the deep blue sea: Kafka's angst - and our's
The Wave Pictures - The Running Man
Relationships between waste collection systems and MSD’s
Political interference with evidence collection and arrest at the ICC
Restoring the presumption of innocence during investigations
Political interference with evidence collection and arrest at the International Criminal Court
Private prison sustainability: shifting the focus
The sound of silence: Brexit provides an opportunity to improve human rights
Brexit, the HRA, and human rights: an opportunity?'
Media pluralism in Malta: a test implementation of the media pluralism monitor 2015
Why the veil should be repudiated
Sport psychology: the basics: optimising human performance
Constructing fashionable dress and identity in Bhutan
The pursuit of exceptional typicality: glass-making in Communist Czechoslovakia
Making enhanced pin-up symposium
To trust or not to trust: cognitive reflection in trust game
Understanding acoustic performativities, youth subjectivities and mobile identities
Shakespeare: love across the racial divide
The Assange saga: who does the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention represent?
Work-integrated degrees: context, engagement, practice and quality
Corporate insolvency and employment protection: a theoretical perspective
skintouchfeel as part of 'Technology Is Not Neutral" exhibition
Knowing feminism: the significance of formal education to women’s accounts of 'becoming feminist'
Dancing transcultural dialogues
Keeping sketchbooks at The House Of Illustration
Adventus (Another world is possible)
Information systems framework for enterprise agility
Folk fever and the bureaucratic machine: Craft and design in early 1960s' Czechoslovakia
Agenda setting and active audiences in online coverage of human trafficking
Selling the past – securing the future? 2, Panel session
Embedding employability in English programmes
An infinite horizon differential game of optimal CLV-based strategies with non-atomic firms
Customer acquisition and customer retention in a competitive industry
Tongue interface based on surface EMG signals of suprahyoid muscles
Applying marketing mix constructs in higher education: the case of an MBA programme in the UAE
Leon Golub powerplay: the political portraits [Lead Curator]
Leon Golub powerplay: the political portraits
The power of digital symbolic representation
Victimisation and risk online: what we know from ISEC.
An adapted REA exploring online child sexual abuse victimisation across the EU
Investigation into maturity management for building information modelling
Investigating barriers and workflows for BIM implementation by the Dubai construction industry
Impact of fidelity in 3D space visualisation across the construction asset lifecycle
Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm
New lace and arsenic: adventures in weak memory with a program logic (v2)
Protest, resist, live: an interview with SLUG
Some of us scream, some of us shout: myths, folklore and epic tales of the Anarcho
Clinical skills for nursing practice
Gathering by Chris Rand [Album]
Ronnie Scott's International Piano Trio Festival: Sam Leak Trio
Quincy Jones' Q's: Ollie Howell quartet residency
TF16 - London Biennial of International Performance Art
Social heuristics and social roles: Intuition favors altruism for women but not for men
Las complejidades de la seguridad y la soberania alimentaria en Venezuela
The old teacher Euclid: and his science in the art of finding one's mathematical voice
A eulogy to Robert Dellar: Mike Dines in conversation with Ted Curtis.”
Leon Golub Powerplay : The Political Portraits
Living in chronic times [Curator]
Intercultural Dialogic Exchange: ArtsCross & Shift of Balance 2014-2020
The application of visual analytics to financial stability monitoring
Negotiating differences in mixed marriages - Christians and Muslims in Greece
ASTR: American Society for Theatre Research Working Paper 'Trans Methods for Trans Materials'
From Punk to Hare Krishna Monk: Bhakti-Rasa and the Divine Aesthetic of Krishnacore
The Aesthetic of our anger: anarcho-punk, politics and music
Crass reflections by Alastair Gordon
Towards paraconsistent inquiry
Pervasive eHealth services a security and privacy risk awareness survey
Prioritising Health and Safety- Soundbite-
Managing filtering and analysis of building system models
Applying marketing mix constructs in higher education: the case of an MBA program in the UAE