Directionality and duration in distributed consciousness: modernist perspectives on photographic objectivity
Probation, policy change and personality disorder
Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder and the Offender Personality Disorder Pathway: lessons from England and Wales
Monitoring changes in power, speed, agility and endurance in elite cricketers during the off-season
Guyanese expatriate women ask: “is it a touch of sugar?”
Work-to-family enrichment and gender inequalities in eight European countries
The importance of strength and power on key performance indicators in elite youth soccer
How you see me, how you don't: ethnic identity self-verification in interactions between local subsidiary employees and ethnically similar expatriates
The diagnosis of hereditary angioedema: family caregivers’ experiences
Developing corporate communications: insights from the Italian scenario
Embedding creativity in the university computing curriculum
‘Dumped modernism’? The interplay of musical construction and spiritual affect in John Tavener and his To A Child Dancing In The Wind
Voices apart
Edit distance Kernelization of NP theorem proving for polynomial-time machine learning of proof heuristics
Financial capability, the financial crisis, and trust in news media
How to boost place branding leveraging on community relations: an exploration of the banking sector in Ghana
The 'quasi-artistic venture': MTV idents and alternative animation culture
Legacies of the drunken master: politics of the body in Hong Kong Kung Fu comedy films
Impact of dance in advertisements on emotional attachment towards the advertised brand: Self-congruence theory
The work-life interface and the role of HR: employee experiences in Brazil
Attachment style, loneliness and depression in older age women
The internationalization of innovation towards the South: a historical case study of a global pharmaceutical corporation in China (1993-2017)
Using principles of authentic assessment to redesign written examinations and tests
Martin Heidegger (1889–1976): Higher Education as Thinking
Imbalanced big data classification based on virtual reality in cloud computing
Your country needs you? Advertising, public relations and the promotion of Military Service in peacetime Britain
Competition and stability in the credit industry: banking vs. factoring industries
Hypotheses on the causes of financial crime
Anarchist education and the paradox of pedagogical authority
Are contingent convertibles going-concern capital?
Everything you always wanted to know about research impact
When your robot avatar misbehaves you are likely to apologize: an exploration of guilt during robot embodiment
Establishing psychological relationship between female customers and retailers: a study of the small to medium scale clothing retail industry
The use of new technologies for corporate marketing communication in luxury retailing: preliminary findings
Producing the 'problem' of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in English prisons
Archives, collections and curatorship: Virtual Special Issue for the Journal of Design History, 2019
Introducing the French psychodynamics of work perspective to critical management education: why do the work task and the organization of work matter?
Development of a wheelchair stability assessment system: design tools and approaches
Behavior modelling and individual recognition of sonar transmitter for secure communication in UASNs
Framing 'drug prevention' for young people in contact with the criminal justice system in England: views from practitioners in the field
Fully-automated identification of imaging biomarkers for post-operative cerebellar mutism syndrome using longitudinal paediatric MRI
Heading home: motherhood, work, and the failed promise of equality, by Shani Orgad. Columbia University Press. 2019, 288 pp., [Book review]
Towards a performative understanding of deservingness: merit, gender and the BBC pay dispute
Aligning assessment with the needs of work-integrated learning: the challenges of authentic assessment in a complex context
'Trying to keep up': Intersections of identity, space, time and rhythm in women student carer auto/biographical accounts
Comparing pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal outcomes in women with different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome and healthy women: a prospective cohort study
Determinants of ins and outs of unemployment
National trends in total cholesterol obscure heterogeneous changes in HDL and non-HDL cholesterol and total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio: a pooled analysis of 458 population-based studies in Asian and Western countries
Tourism, migration, and the exodus to virtual worlds: place attachment in massively multiplayer online gamers
When sorry is not an option: CSR reporting and 'face work' in a stigmatized industry - A case study of Barrick (Acacia) gold mine in Tanzania
An actor based simulation driven digital twin for analyzing complex business systems
Comparing the magnitude and direction of asymmetry during the squat, countermovement and drop jump tests in elite youth female soccer players
Floating architecture in the landscape: climate change adaptation ideas, opportunities and challenges
Health, safety, and well-being through ethical behaviours in computer and information systems development and deployment
Moving beyond the baseline: exploring the potential of experiments in language research
The magnificent seven Mirisch companies: competitive strategy and corporate authorship
Power training in elite young soccer players: effects of using loads above or below the optimum power zone
Instrumental trouble: a queer organology of Hugh Davies’s found instruments
Use of illicit substances and violent behaviour in psychotic disorders: two nationwide case-control studies and meta-analyses
Using the endowment effect to explain managerial resistance towards codetermination: implications for employment relations from the German case
Residents' perceptions of airport construction impacts: a negativity bias approach
A neural cognitive architecture
On booms that never bust: ambiguity in experimental asset markets with bubbles
Answers to questions on uncertainty in geography: old lessons and new scenario tools
Changing perspectives on the internationalization of R&D and innovation by multinational enterprises: a review of the literature
Developing a learning-centred framework for feedback literacy
The use of positive behaviour support plans in mental health inpatient care: a mixed methods study
Accompanied child irregular migrants who arrive to Spain in small boats: experiences and health needs
Reimagining semiotics in communication
Political rhetoric, freedom of expression and hate speech against religious believers
Linking identity and heritage with image and a reputation for competition
Challenges and resilience: managers' perceptions of firm performance following M&As
Persisting students' explanations of and emotional responses to academic failure
Recommendations to derive quality standards for chemical pollutants in reclaimed water intended for reuse in agricultural irrigation
The tension between the presumption of innocence and victims' participation rights at the International Criminal Court
Are quiz-games an effective revision tool in Anatomical Sciences for Higher Education and what do students think of them?
Enshrined education rights: a three state comparison
Days of alt-rage: using the Weatherman movement to deconstruct the radicalisation of the alt-right
Developing professional practice in the early years
Familiarity and strangeness: seeing everyday practices of punishment and resistance in Holloway Prison
Does corporate reputation matter? Role of social media in consumer intention to purchase innovative food product
A comparison of match demands using ball-in-play vs. whole match data in elite male youth soccer players
An exploratory study of the upper middle-class consumer attitudes towards counterfeiting in China
Political leaders, media and authoritarianism in Croatia: the media strikes back?
Headscarves return to the CJEU: unfinished business
‘This isn’t just a case of taking someone to the hospital’: police approaches and management of situations involving persons with mental Ill health in the custody suite and beyond
Unbalanced private set intersection cardinality protocol with low communication cost
Are time preference and risk preference associated with cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence?
Improving warehouse responsiveness by job priority management: a European distribution centre field study
Foreign patents surge and technology spillovers in China (1985-2009): evidence from the patent and trade markets
Why is adolescent drinking declining? A systematic review and narrative synthesis
Interest rate regulation, earnings transparency and capital structure: evidence from Chinese listed companies, 2003-2015
The impact of the macro-environment on consumer scepticism towards cause-related marketing: insights from an economic crisis setting
Coping and resilience in riverine Bangladesh
The decline of the bromance and the rise of human-A.I. relationships in science fiction TV and film
The satanic in science fiction and fantasy
In defence of politicization of human rights: the UN special procedures
EU external Human Rights policy
The effect of fashion e-blogs on women's intention to use
Country-of-origin effect and millennials’ wine preferences-a comparative experiment
Art school manifestos, classical music and industrial abjection: tracing the artistic, political and musical antecedents of punk
The Philippines Indigenous Peoples Rights Act and ILO Convention 169 on tribal and indigenous peoples: exploring synergies for rights realisation
The leadership of American communism, 1924–1929: sketches for a prosopographical portrait
GVA HxC: appropriation, adaptation and evolution – a contextual observation of Geneva’s hardcore scene
Punk now!! Contemporary perspectives on punk
Wildlife criminology
Do I smell coffee? The tale of a 360º Mulsemedia experience
Marketing in the informal economy: an entrepreneurial perspective and research agenda
Criminal sentencing by preferred numbers
Migration, ethnicity and solidarity: 'multinational workers' in the former Soviet Union
Continuance interaction intention in retailing: relations between customer values, satisfaction, loyalty, and identification
Assessing vulnerabilities in IoT-based ambient assisted living systems
Effects of combined strength and power training on physical performance and interlimb asymmetries in adolescent female soccer players
Vertical force production in soccer: mechanical aspects and applied training strategies
Strength and power training in rehabilitation: underpinning principles and practical strategies to return athletes to high performance
Does the CEO elite education affect firm hedging policies?
Explicating place identity attitudes, place architecture attitudes, and identification triad theory
Practice of consumption and spaces for foods/retail futures
Lost in space? The role of place in the delivery of social welfare law advice over the telephone and face-to-face
Young children’s experiences of music and soundings in museum spaces: lessons, trends and turns from the literature
Corporate identity orientation and disorientation: a complexity theory perspective
Enacting intersectional multilayered citizenship: Kurdish women’s politics
Not entitled to talk: (mis)recognition, inequality and social activism of young Muslims
Transitions of cardio-metabolic risk factors in the Americas between 1980 and 2014
"Roll back the years": A study of grandparent special guardians' experiences and implications for social work policy and practice in England
The predictive validity of multiple mini interviews (MMIs) in nursing and midwifery programmes: Year three findings from a cross-discipline cohort study
Q-learning based scheduling with successive interference cancellation
Measurement based threat aware drone base station deployment
Futures of the Contemporary [Book review]
Architecture and self-assembly of Clostridium sporogenes and Clostridium botulinum spore surfaces illustrate a general protective strategy across spore formers
How do professional women experience the transition from being a ‘stay at home mother’ to paid employment?
Arts education and oracy with Muriel Pyrah in the West Riding of Yorkshire 1967–1972
Books in the post and words on the air: John Scupham, education and the BBC
Roger Noel Armfelt (1897-1955): watching over the development and implementation of educational legislation for secondary education in mid-twentieth century England
Sustainable degree apprenticeships
Iranian Women Unveiled (2020): a documentary film about six Iranian women activists produced in relation to a feminist analysis of the representation of Iranian women in cinema
Experience of living with systemic sclerosis - a grounded theory study
Multi-culturalism, race, intersectionality and the polyphonic self: structural and societal positions
Knowing the divine persons: an engagement with Wolfhart Pannenberg’s doctrine of Revelation and Trinitarian theology
Challenges to enhancing employee engagement with pension savings in the UK
Aggregation in Anurida maritima
Reducing the implementation burden of Tangible User Interfaces in education
Propaganda, surveillance and cyberspace: consequences of online dirty tricks
Estimating provisional causal treatment effects on reoffending for binary and multiple treatments using quasi-experimental methods for people in prison with an alcohol use disorder in England
Attività musicali per contrastare il declino cognitivo negli anziani
L’importanza della valutazione del paziente. Apporti e contributi nella musicoterapia.
From brand leadership to leadership brand: transformational leadership in higher education
A phenomenological exploration of foreign-born therapists’ experiences of relocation: implications for therapists’ identity and clinical work
Getting in, getting on, getting out, getting over it. An exploration into the inner work of an executive team coach
Health and safety management in the public sector
Bringing the shadow out: a first-person inquiry on wholeness explored through the (un) silenced narratives of a Kenyan woman working in multinational organisations
Lived experience of internationally educated professionals integration into the UK/ROI healthcare
Initiating a paradigm shift: responding to individuals through a trauma-informed lens
Creativity and innovation in the police service: a case study of the Abu Dhabi police
Internal knowledge transfer: professional development programmes and embedding real world learning for full-time undergraduates
Creating a broadcast forum for post war UK secondary education
Real women/common birds
Postdigital education, feminism, women
Creating connections: the role of universities in enhancing graduates’ social capital and challenging nepotism
Editorial: Signs and communicators
Author's reply to: Comment on "Web-based measure of life events using Computerized Life Events and Assessment Record (CLEAR): preliminary cross-sectional study of reliability, validity, and association with depression": validity and methodological issues
Science technology engineering and maths (STEM) employer collaborations with university and pre-university (16-19 years) settings: a review of evidence of impact and implications for future practice
Hebammen als Sachverstaendige heranziehen
Epidemiology and control measures of an OXA-48- producing Enterobacteriaceae hospital outbreak
Developing powerful athletes, part 1: mechanical underpinnings
Time-to-provision evaluation of IoT devices using automated zero-touch provisioning
On designing a machine learning based wireless link quality classifier
Security, usability, and biometric authentication scheme for electronic voting using multiple keys
Learning to detect anomalous wireless links in IoT networks
A literature survey and empirical study of meta-learning for classifier selection
Generation of highly nonlinear and dynamic AES substitution-boxes (S-boxes) using chaos-based rotational matrices
Cyberbullying: a systematic literature review to identify the factors impelling university students towards cyberbullying
Adaptive CNN ensemble for complex multispectral image analysis
An adaptive deep learning framework for dynamic image classification in the Internet of Things environment
A critical review on adverse effects of concept drift over machine learning classification models
Keeping up with access to justice in arbitration? A critical analysis
Access to justice and blockchain-based arbitration: new platforms could be a useful tool for resolving commercial disputes
The resolution of B2B disputes in blockchain-based arbitration: a solution for improving the parties’ right of access to justice in the digital age?
Access to Justice in Arbitration: Concept, Context and Practice
Review of social media influence on software development
Assessing human trafficking: the slavery nexus and its impact on migrant domestic workers
Mixed migration flows into Europe: discharging state anti-trafficking obligations through the proper identification of trafficking victims
The state of mixed methods research in nursing: a focused mapping review and synthesis
The art and science of winning: professional cricket coaching as transdisciplinary practice
Material words for voicing dancers: a practice-led inquiry into the role of voice for the improvising dancer
Refractive two-view reconstruction for underwater 3D vision
Sanierung und Restrukturierung von Geschlossenen Immobilienfonds – Bestandsaufnahme, Lösungsansätze und Erfolgsfaktoren
Computer vision in the surgical operating room
Führung in der Pflege ‒ Eine Untersuchung von unterstützenden Führungsverhalten in ausgewählten Führungssituationen der stationären Pflege
Prüfungslücken bei der eingeschränkten Revision einer Schweizer Aktiengesellschaft: Empirische Analyse zur Verbesserung der Prüfungssicherheit
Inhalte und Elemente für eine Entwicklung von Lieferanten von fahrrelevanten Komponenten für Elektrofahrzeuge im Ersatzteilgeschäft der Automobilindustrie
Interkulturelle Kompetenz als Erfolgsfaktor im internationalen Vertrieb - Schwerpunkt: Nachfolgestaaten Jugoslawiens
Turnaround-Management in KMU und die Rolle der Führungskräfte, unter der Berücksichtigung möglicher Branchenunterschiede im industriellen Werkzeugbau
Fähigkeiten Schweizer Unternehmen zur Stärkung von Absorptionskapazität und Innovationskultur durch den Einsatz holistischer IoT-Strategien
Service function chain placement for joint cost and latency optimization
The effects of an intensive cycle training camp on inter-limb asymmetry in Race Across America (RAAM) athletes
Isolation of an antimicrobial-resistant, biofilm-forming, Klebsiella grimontii isolate from a reusable water bottle
Mobile colistin resistance gene mcr-1 detected on an IncI1 plasmid in Escherichia coli from meat
Chatbot per Moodle: un assistente virtuale per i corsi universitari ad alto numero di studenti
The COVID-19 pandemic: a pandemic of lockdown loneliness and the role of digital technology
Markers of achievement for assessing and monitoring gender equity in a UK National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre: a two-factor model
Commentary on “Setting up a COVID-19 care facility at a prison: An experience from Pakistan”
Resolving challenges associated with climate chance modelling in Africa
Compulsions: Richard Fleischer's cinema of crime
Leveraging smart technologies for connected tourist experiences – the case of Dubai
Decision-making system for university selection: a priority comparison of pre- and post-COVID-19
Promoting academic integrity: A tale of two case studies
Reviving Hellas: the body and natural movement in early twentieth-century Britain
Towards resolving the co-existing impacts of multiple dynamic factors on the performance of EMG-pattern recognition based prostheses
A real American hero: the superhero-fication of Disney’s Hercules
DreamWorks Animation: intertextuality and aesthetics in Shrek and beyond
Epileptic seizure detection using constrained singular spectrum analysis and 1D-local binary patterns
MAFODKM: Mobile application framework for the management of omics data and knowledge mining
MAVSCOT: A fuzzy logic-based HIV diagnostic system with indigenous multi-lingual interfaces for rural Africa
The role of equal pay auditing in resolving unequal pay: more hindrance than help?
Implementation of biocementation for a partially saturated problematic soil of the UK railway network
Physical health monitoring in individuals with severe mental illness: an audit in general practice in North London
Effect of sternal electrode gap and belt rotation on the robustness of pulmonary electrical impedance tomography parameters
Adaptive electrical impedance tomography resolution enhancement using statistically quantized projected image sub-bands
Topical issues in electrical impedance tomography and bioimpedance application research
Privacy, security, legal and technology acceptance requirements for a GDPR compliance platform
DEFeND DSM: a data scope management service for model-based privacy by design GDPR compliance
Taming the dragon: rebranding Cardiff City Council
Types of interference and their resolution in monolingual language production
4 Esquisses
Air from Etudes de concert
The roles of institutional dependence and slack financial resources: Implications for the challenge–hindrance stressors framework in headquarters-subsidiary relationships
A critical reflection of the collaborative grey space within a Danish municipal project setting
A grapheme synaesthete’s A–Z of colour: A textile practitioner’s response
Strategic motivations and performance determinants of the UK International Joint Ventures (IJVs) in China and India: A dual parent perspective
An examination of the impact of foreign and local managers on firm resources: A case of micro and small serviced apartments in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
Separation of powers in the Kuwaiti criminal justice system
Gender practices and the business-household nexus: Women’s entrepreneurship in São Paulo, Brazil
How does childhood trauma and victimisation contribute to youth homelessness and criminal misconduct? A study of influences on young people’s propensity to offend and the role of professionals in supporting homeless young people into living a crime free life
Teaching strategy for Arabic language teaching of 11 to 16-year-olds at Al-Iman School located in North West London, England, UK
The BRICS configuration’s conversion of common sense into good sense: the relevance of a neo-Gramscian study for inclusive international relations
Talentmanagement als personalpolitischer Ansatz im Öffentlichen Dienst? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen am Beispiel mehrerer Kommunen im Kreis Stormarn
Mitarbeiterbezogene Anreizsysteme und Personalführung in kleinenund mittelständischen Steuerkanzleien in Deutschland
Motive für nachhaltiges Handeln von Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften in Schweizer KMU
The Book of Witches
Relevanz soziokultureller Faktoren für die Strategieumsetzung in Familienunternehmen – eine empirische Untersuchung anhand von Conrad Electronic
Empirische Analyse der Sensitivität und Gravität der Eingangsparameter im Residualwertverfahren (Residual Method) gem. ÖNORM B 1802-3 bei der Immobilienbewertung
Bergführer im Spannungsfeld zwischen Idealismus und Leistungsfähigkeit – Eine Analyse der Bedeutung von Präventionsbildung für die Leistung von Bergführern
Building behavioural (ethical) decision-making guidelines at a biopharmaceutical company. A case study
Da Blair a Brexit. Venti anni d'immigrazione e politiche migratorie nel Regno Unito
Language and culture: the importance of cultural language to enhance the teaching and learning of Persian language in a Persian heritage language school
The effect of corporate governance on UK investment trusts
The teaching role of the Holy Spirit in British Pentecostal theological education
New media, global terrorism and the cyber battlespace: the role of the internet in radicalisation of young Saudi males
He descended into hell: an English Reformation controversy
Policy-based network management with end-to-end QoS solution in software defined networking
Indigenous performance politics: a decolonial perspective of performative works by Kent Monkman, Spiderwoman Theater Company, Rebecca Belmore and James Luna
Potential and limits of abolitionist restorative justice in the UK
A philosophical, scientific, and theological analysis of the problem of creaturely suffering: towards a new perception of God and pain
Targeting gold nanoparticles constructs in colorectal cancer
ROR1 and Rab27b – novel biomarkers for chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
Generation Z – Die Werte angehender Ärzte im Spannungsfeld zum künftigen Spitalalltag
Wie beeinflussen dezentrale Machtstrukturen die strategische Entwicklung eines Schweizer Universitätsspitals?
Mitigation von Risiken durch kooperative Projektabwicklung. Lösungsansätze zur Vermeidung unerwarteter Kostensteigerungen im Hochbau
Designing a teacher orientation course for English as a foreign language faculty at Saudi Arabian universities: the case of a private university in Riyadh
The interaction between the seated shot-putter and their throwing frame
The nature of temptation and its role in the development of moral virtue: an exploration in analytic moral theology
The potential of the multi-angled facade system in improving natural ventilation
Disinfection tunnels: what health risks?
You are not alone: exploring experiences and available support structures for mothers with children with Autism
Does the coronavirus pandemic carry signs of a generational trauma?
Zoneless load balancing for massively multiplayer online games
An evolutionary Multilayer Perceptron algorithm for real time river flood prediction
“Being me”: developing pedagogic tools to strengthen education and training for health and social care practitioners who provide services to older LGBTQI+ people
Resource and recycling – collaborative working and the EWMG
What are the experiences of female paramedics as professionals within an Arab country
A taxonomy of contemporary versions of penal substitutionary atonement
The relationship between alexithymia and self-harm: a mixed methods investigation
The gift of life: an existential phenomenological exploration of receiving a lifesaving organ transplant and how this affects life subsequently
An investigation of the impact of social media brand communication on brand equity for young Chinese consumers: a study of international high street fashion brands in China
Beyond the notion of performance anxiety: a phenomenological exploration of the lived experiences of anxiety for elite Egyptian tennis athletes
A system to explore using a collaborative robot in improvisational dance practice
Reasoning with user's preferences in ambient assisted living environments
Identity crimes in the UK: An examination of the strategies employed by front-line practitioners in the public and private sector to detect, prevent and mitigate against this crime
The effectiveness of customer engagement in co-creation: the moderating role of customer personality traits
The impact on primary school children’s Chinese language learning by using elements of Peking Opera
Understanding affluent male NEETs (not in employment, education or training) by choice: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Composer and performer roles in contemporary music: an autoethnographic study
The use of performance analysis in Olympic and Paralympic sport: the perspectives of coaches and analysts
Faith narratives on (un)belonging: a sociological exploration of women leaving or joining Islam
What meaning do gay men on PrEP make of their sexuality: a phenomenological investigation
Analyses from an A/r/tographic perspective of maintaining participatory flow with the intention of enhancing empowerment during a school-community art & craft project
The effect of non-interest income on banks profitability in top 23 publicly listed banks in GCC region
Developing creativity in exceptional young dancers: An investigation of the Dance4 Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) programme
An exploration of the methods used by external coaches when coaching IT professionals
Addressing the needs of children under ‘universal’ and ‘vulnerable’ caseloads – a psychosocial case study of health visitors within an inner London borough
The incombatibility of the Free Methodist Church and fundamentalist theology: why Free Methodists are not fundamentalists
Investigating millennial tourists' attitudes and risk perceptions towards terror attacks: a qualitative case study on France
Exploring the relationship between EU political opinion, Euroscepticism, and populist attitudes with destination image perception
Film/TV Industries-Academia Discussion Forum: discussion highlights and proposed next steps
Modernising Cantonese opera through contemporary sound production design
The experiences of foster parents who have been through therapeutic training
Connected Campus for Creative Industries
Identity and mothering: the second generation of Ghanaian migrants
A reformed Evangelical critique of Thomas Jay Oord’s Evangelical process theology
‘A soul wound’: Exploring the therapeutic practices of Christian psychological therapists addressing religious or spiritual abuse that occurs within a Christian religious setting
Exploring the development of reflective practice with trainee teachers, using video annotation software
Great Expectations? Universities as civic anchors forlocal innovation and development
Practising-as-inquiry: developing self-as-practitioner
Hide and Seek: a grounded theory study of psychotherapists’ experience of needing and asking for help
Trait emotional intelligence: a strategy for managing nurses’ affective wellbeing at work
Measuring the effect of user-generated external representations during sensemaking in electronic environments
Induction of death in myeloid leukaemia cells by doxorubicin and betulinic acid, singly and in combination was associated with the regulation of apoptosis, autophagy and the PI3K/Akt pathways
The acoustic discrimination and recognition of individual heterospecifics by humans: proximate and ultimate causes
A reflexive thematic analysis study to explore what contributes to initial engagement in therapy from the perspectives of clients and their therapists
The narrative of Ephesians 2:11-22: motion towards maximal proximity and higher status
COVID-19 detection and disease progression visualization: Deep learning on chest X-rays for classification and coarse localization
Defamation, the right to freedom of expression and libel reform in the UK: A comparative analysis of legal regulation and jurisprudence in the UK, the United States of America, Germany, and the European Court of Human Rights
Making sense of CSR practices: a case of companies operating in Nepal
Expectations gaps in the roles of independent directors: evidence from Saudi Arabia
The pedagogy of computer programming using cognitive development through an e-learning object
The attacking process in football: a taxonomy for classifying how teams create goal scoring opportunities
Influence in decision-making: perspectives of adolescent ethical food consumption
Investigating Rollenwahrnehmung, perspective and space through Virtual Reality related game interfaces
Family business efficacy and the role of dynamic capabilities: a social cognitive approach
Exploring the relationship between corporate identity disorientation and dynamic capabilities
Prevalence of tumor BRCA1 and BRCA2 dysfunction in unselected patients with ovarian cancer
Virtual influencers in digital marketing: innovative trend or passing fad?
Blurring lines between fiction and reality: perspectives of experts on marketing effectiveness of virtual influencers
The paths and the ways: an insight into transdisciplinarity
UX evaluation of VR locomotion & virtual object interaction mechanics
Inclusive learning, diversity and nurse education
Priests, a grandmother and schizophrenia
Gamification to encourage increase on healthier physical activity in younger users
A phenomenological study into the lived experience of traumatic bereavement for adults aged 21-55
A game theoretical semantics for logics of nonsense
Theory of Information and its Value
Do social capital and relationship quality matter to the key account management effectiveness?
“It will ruin his career”: Do violence against women arrests really ruin the careers of NBA players?
Das probabilistische Hochwasserschadensmodell für Wohngebäude – BN-FLEMOps
Essays on the corporate dividend policy using data from the GulfCooperation Council (GCC) countries
What is the effect of long-term coaching engagements on the business coach’s process and approach?
Teaching is like engineering: my living educational theory
Developing quality assurance processes in a private higher education institution in Australia
A comparative study of methods used in the exegesis of the Qur’an and the Bible
An exploration of the potential of creating a coaching culture in a primary school
The implementation of marketing in private early childhood education centres in Hong Kong: an investigation of the effect on marketing ethics
A study of university teacher–student relationships from the perspective of trust: a Socratic and Confucian comparison
Investigating how educational technologies can enhance learning experiences by assisting different learning activities
ADAPT: Approach to Develop context-Aware solutions forPersonalised asthma managemenT
A mixed methods sequential explanatory study of the utilisation and practice of traditional Chinese medicine by Chinese people in Hong Kong and Guangzhou
Technological ambiguity and the uneasy conscience: bringing Reinhold Niebuhr’s theology into dialogue with the philosophy of Lewis Mumford and Herbert Marcuse towards a Christian conception of responsibility in the technical age
Seeking connectedness post-stroke: an existential perspective on lived experiences of working-age men using grounded theory
NI handwashing "wholly inadequate" - but there are signs of change
How poor handwashing is increasing the spread of Coronavirus…
How poor handwashing increases the spread of coronavirus
Practitioner and service user experiences of short term imprisonment and resettlement under the Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014
Using trauma as a lens to explore the experience of mothering a very premature infant in the first year after hospital discharge
Projection interpretation: toward a hermeneutic for homiletics
Is your accent guilty? The experiences of foreign born domestic violence victims within the English criminal justice system and criminal justice professionals’ perceptions of these victims
Exploring public health intervention strategies to address barriers and challenges in the prevention of avoidable blindness due to glaucoma in Anambra State, Nigeria
Triple disadvantage: when othered students, study an othered course at an othered university – working-class, mature students’ discursive accounts of life on (and beyond) a two-year undergraduate Law degree
What is it like to experience the loss of an adult child in old age?
Consume happy: the relationship with food for fat women with a history of early psychological adversity
Designing a business model for SMEs global expansion: the case of WET in Hong Kong
The experience of existential experimentation from the service users’ perspective in primary care
On healthcare and healing - my inquiry into learning from giving birth too soon - learning from and for liminality
The male therapists’ experience of emotional intimacy in the male-male therapeutic dyad – an autoethnographic study
A community-based experience of being permanently excluded from secondary school: an existential reflection
Isolation and characterization of a salt-tolerant denitrifying bacterium Alishewanella sp. F2 from seawall muddy water
A writerly trajectory: reflections on published classroom resources for learners of English and students of academic writing
Uncovering creative intuitions
Achieving real equality in health and social care: IENE9 project, a work in progress for LGBT+ people
Green finance for entrepreneurs: current perspectives and conceptual model
Puppets between human, animal and machine: towards the modes of movement contesting the anthropocentric view of life in animation
Defining the limits of honour crimes
Editorial to special issue on hybrid artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies in intelligent systems
A low-complexity trajectory privacy preservation approach for indoor fingerprinting positioning systems
Beurteilung von Investitionen in die digitalisierte Produktion
The development of an automated decision-making framework through the utilisation of the latest Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technologies for organisational change
Understanding the influence of physical environment design on emotional well-being and its effect on consumers’ perception towards brand performance: A study in the context of a retail setting in the United Kingdom
Feral objects and acts of domestic piracy: sculpture, secular magic, and strategies of feminist disruption
Designing my job – Wie mit Job Crafting Führungspersonen im mittleren Spitalmanagement ihre Arbeit gestalten
Leerstellenmanagement in der Planung und Steuerung des Change-Managements von Bautechnologieunternehmen. Eine generelle Explikation, wie die autopoietische Fähigkeit von Unternehmen durch Lücken im Veränderungsprozess positiv potenziert werden kann
A phenomenological exploration into the lived experience of fathers living with new mothers diagnosed as PND
What happens when we end: a psycho social exploration of therapists’ experience
Metal size distribution in rainfall and snowmelt-induced runoff from three urban catchments
The intercorrelation between Arabic calligraphy and graphic design in Saudi Arabia: an analytical study of the current status of Arabic calligraphy and the impact of graphic design and Saudi’s policy on its role as a traditional craft
Orienting of willed temporal attention: an EEG study
'Local species' in African soil: the development of James McKeown's Mission Models and The Church of Pentecost, Ghana
Peace research in non-violence contexts: a case study among the Southwest Nigerian Yorùbá
Mining God’s way: towards mineral resource justice with artisanal gold miners in East Africa
Understanding identity and social change through narrative: withspecial reference to Roma Pentecostalism in Croatia and Serbia
Appropriation, translation and transformation of institutionalised development discourses: the case of faith-based organisations doing development work in the Philippines
Toward a new heaven and new earth: a scientific, biblical and theological exploration of continuity and discontinuity
Seeking Christian enculturation among Vietnamese Evangelicals
Learning journey abroad: a critical analysis of the impact of short-term mission by Korean Christians on intercultural sensitivity
Inter-limb asymmetry: longitudinal monitoring and associations with speed and change of direction speed in elite academy soccer players
“A difficult tightrope to walk”: an exploration of therapists’ experiences of working with suicidal students in Higher Education
Geschlechterdisparität an der Spitze von Unternehmungen. Eine qualitative Untersuchung im Schweizer Bankensektor
Empirische Untersuchungen zu Vorteilen und Kosten von Traineeprogrammen für Unternehmen
Output sampling for output diversity in automatic unit test generation
Wie lassen sich die wirtschaftlichen und volkswirtschaftlichen Chancen von Hydraulic Fracturing als unkonventionelle Fördermethode von Erdgas im Rahmen der Energiewende bewerten?
Steigerung der Marktorientierung von oberösterreichischen KMU durch externen Wissenstransfer
What does work, achievement and identity mean to black British women? The lived experience of professional black British women of Jamaican heritage
Mercenary attack on Venezuela: what were the political objectives?
Pourqoui 1989? Ecrire sur le feminisme, l'art et le "contemporain global"
Venezuela's National Assembly elections: a victory for Chavismo
A 360 degree learning environment for university online teaching
Physical health monitoring in individuals with severe mental illness: an audit in general practice in North London
Internet of things assisted public security management platform for urban transportation using hybridised cryptographic‐integrated steganography
The citizen and the state: criminal justice and civil liberties in conflict
States of emergency: analysing global use of emergency powers in response to COVID-19
Fathers and substance misuse: a literature review
How do women with a history of SEED-AN experience navigating their lives away from and beyond their illness - A narrative inquiry study
MoDA Podcast Season 1, Episode 3, Home(Dis)comforts
Challenges of rapid migration to fully virtual education in the age of the Corona virus pandemic: experiences from across the world
Space plague - saving the world from zombies in South London
A systematic literature review on the benefit-drivers of RFID implementation in supply chains and its impact on organizational competitive advantage
Reproducing white: the chief officers’ club in the Metropolitan Police service
Perceptions of strength training in dance
Le droit coutumier, les normes impératives (jus cogens) et la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme’
Main challenges and the future of International Criminal Law
An introduction to the International Criminal Court, sixth edition
Ganzheitliche Bewertung der Einsatzfähigkeit von hochdynamischen Technologieinnovationen aus dem Bereich der Produktionstechnik - Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Entscheidungsfindung für das Technologiemanagement
Evaluating the impact of online peer to peer value co-creation in online Hospitality sector
Out of the archive: Berenice Abbott's changing New York and the carry-all coat
The impact of the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental-health services in Europe
A qualitative assessment of machine learning support for detecting data completeness and accuracy issues to improve data analytics in big data for the healthcare industry
Exploring the ethical issues of dual relationships and researching our own clients: a narrative case study approach
Residual deficits in reactive strength indicate incomplete restoration of athletic qualities following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in professional soccer players
Are people experiencing the ‘pains of imprisonment’ during the Covid-19 lockdown?
Community based interventions for problematic substance use in later life: a systematic review of evaluated studies and their outcomes
Prevention | Rescue | Resuscitation – The influence of New Zealand lifeguarding practice on global drowning prevention
Data-driven structural health monitoring using feature fusion and hybrid deep learning
Customer engagement and relationships in multi-actor service ecosystems
Minority religions under Irish law: Islam in national and international context. Edited by Kathryn O’Sullivan, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2019, 254 pp., €99 (hardback), ISBN 978-90-04-39823-8; ISBN 978-90-04-39825-2 (e-book) [Book review]
Reflections on textile and memory. The invisible hand and women's work: Dean Castle Textile Team at the Dick Institute, Kilmarnock
Spiritual support for hospitalised COVID-19 patients during March to May 2020
Topics, trends, and sentiments of Tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic: temporal infoveillance study
The contribution of specific non-communicable diseases to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 in Peru
Interdisciplinary research in Rajasthan, India: exploring the role of culture and art to support rural development and water management
Context-aware system for cardiac condition monitoring and management: a survey
What might the Pandemic have done to and for higher education?
Low cost air quality monitoring: Comparing the energy consumption of an arduino against a raspberry Pi based system
Application of augmented reality in aviation: Improving engagement of cabin crew during emergency procedures training
A smart fish feeding system for internet of things based aquariums
Developing an effective regulatory framework for virtual currencies in Mauritius
The impact of internal marketing on knowledge sharing capability
Transfer learning for endoscopy disease detection and segmentation with mask-RCNN benchmark architecture
ADAPT: Approach to Develop context-Aware solutions for Personalised asthma managemenT
Exploring resident-tourist interaction and its impact on tourists' destination image
Magnitude, demographics and dynamics of the effect of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on all-cause mortality in 21 industrialised countries
Saving the Church of England: John Edwards (1637-1716) as dissenting conformer
HRM formality differences in Pakistani SMEs: a three-sector comparative study
An objective comparison of detection and segmentation algorithms for artefacts in clinical endoscopy
#MDXPD Product Design 2020
Guest editorial [Branding and place branding management: theory, research, and practice]
Experiential transmission: an auto-ethnographical study of coaching in educational contexts
Food shopping under risk and uncertainty
Towards an understanding of corporate heritage: its evolution from 2006 to 2019 and an agenda for future inquiry
Availability, accessibility, and coverage of needle and syringe programs in prisons in the European Union
White learning methodology: a case study of cancer-related disease factors analysis in real-time PACS environment
The EU Directive on the protection of whistleblowers: a missed opportunity to establish international best practices
The ICC Appeals Chamber signals a possible change in approach to the permissibility of trials in absentia [Blog post]
Risperidone versus placebo for aggression following traumatic brain injury: a feasibility randomised controlled trial
The discord between discourse and data in engendering resilience building for sustainability
Towards the development of ethics guidelines for visual psychology: a review of relevant visual research ethics guidelines
Susanne Foellmer, Maria Katharina Schmidt, and Cornelia Schmitz (eds.),Performing Arts in Transition: Moving Between Media, Oxford and New York:Routledge, 2019, 256 pp. 16 black and white illustrations, £120 Hbk, £44.99Ebk, ISBN: 9781138574014 [Book review]
When to stop - A cardinal secretary search experiment
Modeling and analyzing the Corona-virus warning app with the Isabelle infrastructure framework
Inter-blockchain protocols with the Isabelle Infrastructure framework
A formal development cycle for security engineering in Isabelle
Applying the Isabelle Insider framework to airplane security
Attack Trees in Isabelle for GDPR compliance of IoT healthcare systems
Detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase and carbapenemase activity in Gram-negative bacilli using liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry
Brexit and the hierarchies of Europeanness
Halal dating: changing relationship attitudes and experiences among young British Muslims
The role of communication apprehension and self stigma of academic help-seeking in native and non-native English speakers: evidence from UK university students
Degradation and detoxification of leather tannery effluent by a newly developed bacterial consortium GS-TE1310 for environmental safety
A Southern encounter: Maternal body work and low-income mothers in South Africa
Editorial: Emerging techniques and applications for 5G networks and beyond
Pareto-optimal pilot design for cellular massive MIMO systems
Obstacles to compassion-giving among nursing and midwifery managers: an international study
Short-term PsychoEducation for Carers To Reduce Over Medication of people with intellectual disabilities (SPECTROM): study protocol
Branchenspezifische makro- und mikroökonomische Einflussgrössen und deren Auswirkungen auf den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg von privaten Schweizer Sicherheitsdienstleistern. Eine qualitative empirische Studie
BRCA1 promoter methylation and clinical outcomes in ovarian cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis
Narrative and design for wellbeing: a user-centered approach
A question of intervention - tectonic or autonomous?
The effects of challenge and hindrance stressors on multinational corporations’ subsidiary performance: the role of institutional dependence
Gender differences in the trade-off between objective equality and efficiency
The effect of norm-based messages on reading and understanding COVID-19 pandemic response governmental rules
Newham working student pilot project summary report
Caffeine increases strength and power performance in resistance‐trained females during early follicular phase
Post-sentence supervision: a case study of the extension of community resettlement support for short sentence prisoners
Between a rock and a hard place: COVID-19 and South Africa’s response
An analysis of beer game trials
Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Diplostomum baeri
Loneliness and holding environments in the UK General Practice: psychoanalytic perspectives
Hot coffee: associative memory with bump attractor cell assemblies of spiking neurons
Tourists' emotional solidarity with residents: A segmentation analysis and its links to destination image and loyalty
Third generation narratives of the Holocaust: a narrative auto-ethnographic inquiry
Multi-objective decision model for green supply chain management
Validity and reliability of the new Basic Functional Assessment protocol (BFA)
History and scenario planning: a commentary on Schoemaker 2020
Carceral fantasies: cinema and prison in early twentieth-century America: by Alison Griffiths, New York, Columbia University Press, 2016, xix + 440 pp., £22.00 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-231-16107-7 [Book Review]
COVID-19 and The ICT industry: a mix of prospects and hurdles
Songs of wonder: an inquiry into wonder and magic in everyday andorganisational life
A feminist action research inquiry into the hermeneutical injusticeof ‘being silenced’ in everyday conversational life
5G smart and innovative healthcare services: opportunities, challenges and prospective solutions
Towards a theoretical framework on sensorial place brand identity
An investigation into the hermeneutical viability of the interpretive practices of the LDS (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
The relationship between self-harm and alexithymia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Sustainable banking: the pivotal role of liquidity management
Isolation and characterization of a salt-tolerant denitrifying bacterium Alishewanella sp. F2 from seawall muddy water
‘Undetermined exiles’: a phenomenological exploration of transition out of Army life
Studying Instagram beyond selfies
World War One trauma and masculinity
Public health participation in alcohol licensing decisions in England: the importance of navigating "contested space"
The relationships between intelligence and consciousness in natural and artificial systems
Eye-tracking experimental study investigating the influence factors of construction safety hazard recognition
A systematic review of the literature regarding socially assistive robots in pre-tertiary education
A nature-inspired feature selection approach based on hypercomplex information
MALDI TOF MS and currently related proteomic technologies in reconciling bacterial systematics
The clinical application of electrical impedance technology in the detection of malignant neoplasms: a systematic review
Civic engagement and mental health system strengthening in Indonesia: a qualitative examination of the views of health professionals and national key stakeholders
Deep neural network augmentation: generating faces for affect analysis
The experience of long stay in high and medium secure psychiatric hospitals in England: qualitative study of the patient perspective
Value migration: digitalization of shipping as a mechanism of industry dethronement
Implementing civic engagement within mental health services in South East Asia: a systematic review and realist synthesis of current evidence
Risk and substance use: framing dangerous people and dangerous places
An investigation into the influences shaping organisational CSR practices in Vietnam
Electrical impedance tomography reveals pathophysiology of neonatal pneumothorax during NAVA
A framework for adapting deep brain stimulation using Parkinsonian state estimates
Design and development of the sEMG-based exoskeleton strength enhancer for the legs
Right restriction or restricting rights? The UK acts to address COVID-19
States of emergency
Hedgefonds in Deutschland und die Auswirkungen auf Corporate Governance im Sinne des Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex
Agricultural sustainability estimation of the European photovoltaic greenhouses
An enhanced deep learning architecture for classification of Tuberculosis types from CT lung images
Detecting malware with information complexity
Survey on the analysis of user interactions and visualization provenance
Art strikes: an inventory
Killing environmental campaigners: manifest and latent justifications
Translanguaging as a political act with Roma: carving a path between pluralism and collectivism for transformation
Ambient assisted living deployment aims to empower people living with dementia (AnAbEL)
Programming in groups: developing industry-facing software development skills in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum
Performance evaluation of routing strategies over multimedia-based SDNs under realistic environments
Ancestral primacy of same-sex sexual behaviour does not explain its stable prevalence in modern populations
Re-materialising the religious tourism experience: a post-human perspective
Factors associated with the onset of major depressive disorder in adults with type 2 diabetes living in 12 different countries; results from the INTERPRET-DD prospective study
Special Issue "Reimagining childhood, motherhood, family & community", Genealogy 2020, 4(2)
Mimicry diversification in Papilio dardanus via a genomic inversion in the regulatory region of engrailed – invected
Training teachers for and through citizenship: learning from citizenship experiences
Adoption of e-commerce by the agri-food sector in China: the case of Minyu e-commerce company
Using tangible user interfaces for teaching concepts of internet of things: usability and learning effectiveness
Reconfiguring the 'Male Montessorian': the mattering of gender through pink towering practices
Conferencing otherwise: a feminist new materialist writing experiment
Antibiotic selective pressure in microcosms: pollution influences the persistence of multidrug resistant Shigella flexneri 2a YSH6000 strain in polluted river water samples
A cross-cultural study of attitudes toward suicide among young people in India, Italy and Australia
Exploring policing and industry practice in the prevention of online child sexual abuse
Fine-grained action recognition by motion saliency and mid-level patches
Value-sensitive co-design for resilient information systems
Educating at scale for sustainable development and social enterprise growth: the impact of online learning and a massive open online course (MOOC)
Framing #Brexit on Twitter: the EU 27's lesson in message discipline?
Aging predicts decline in explicit and implicit memory: a life-span study
Landscape and the science fiction imaginary
Cohort profile: the Cohorts Consortium of Latin America and the Caribbean (CC-LAC)
Doxorubicin selectively induces apoptosis through the inhibition of a novel isoform of Bcl‑2 in acute myeloid leukaemia MOLM‑13 cells with reduced Beclin 1 expression
Wine tourism as a non-core business strategy for small wineries
Deployment of drone-based small cells for public safety communication system
Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol
Introduction: Special Issue on Domestic Tourism in Asia
Pets that have ‘something inside’: the material politics of in/animacy and queer kin within the childhood menagerie
Introduction: reimagining 'childhood, motherhood, family and community'
Improving employees' performance through internal marketing and organizational learning: mediating role of organizational innovation in an emerging market
Mapping human serum induced gene networks as a basis for the creation of biomimetic periosteum for bone repair
The effect of anchors and social information on behaviour
Destination loyalty explained through place attachment, destination familiarity and destination image
The association of parental genetic, lifestyle, and social determinants of health with offspring overweight
Bioaugmented constructed wetlands for denitrification of saline wastewater: a boost for both microorganisms and plants
Global occurrence, chemical properties, and ecological impacts of e-wastes (IUPAC technical report)
Case-based reasoning of a deep learning network for prediction of early stage of oesophageal cancer
A theatre of mathematical history – a historical memoir
A game theoretic analysis of resource mining in blockchain
Puerto Rico: the reassertion of US colonialism
Treatment of typical antibiotics in constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells: roles of plant and circuit operation mode
Nature-inspired optimization algorithms: challenges and open problems
Review of BIM adoption in the Higher Education of AEC disciplines
Quality of governance, social capital and corruption: local governance and the Pakistan marketplace
Saline and Alkaline tolerance of wetland plants — what are the most representative evaluation indicators?
Student voice in higher education: opening the loop
Design and validation of a meter band rate in OpenFlow and OpenDaylight for optimizing QoS
5MART: A 5G SMART scheduling framework for optimizing QoS through reinforcement learning
Customers' need for uniqueness theory versus brand congruence theory: the impact on satisfaction with social network sites
"Do the right thing" for whom? An experiment on ingroup favouritism, group assorting and moral suasion
Rugby as a rehabilitation program in a United Kingdom male young offenders' institution: key findings and implications from mixed methods research
"Once we owned slaves". Labour and coercion in 20th century American plantations
Describing and simulating concurrent quantum systems
Degree bounds for modular covariants
Exploitation of nitric oxide donors to control bacterial adhesion on ready‐to‐eat vegetables and dispersal of pathogenic biofilm from polypropylene
Feminisms, gender and social media: public and political performativities regarding sexual harassment in Cyprus
A domain specific language for complex dynamic decision making
The things that make you sick
Randomised feasibility trial of the helping families programme-modified: an intensive parenting intervention for parents affected by severe personality difficulties
The balance of adult mental health care: provision of core health versus other types of care in eight European countries
Inter-limb asymmetries are associated with decrements in physical performance in youth elite team sports athletes
How Brexit produced the largest Conservative majority since Thatcher
Change in fatigue in acceptance and commitment therapy‐based treatment for chronic pain and its association with enhanced psychological flexibility
Implementing democratic governance and ownership: the interplay of structure and culture in public service social enterprises
Territorial capital as a source of firm competitive advantage: evidence from the North and South of Italy
Motivation: key to a healthy lifestyle in people with diabetes? Current and emerging knowledge and applications
Protection of Personal Information Act 2013 and data protection for health research in South Africa
Strength, jumping, and change of direction speed asymmetries are not associated with athletic performance in elite academy soccer players
Traditional healers' and biomedical practitioners' perceptions of collaborative mental healthcare in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
How 25 years of psychosocial research has contributed to a better understanding of the links between depression and diabetes
Telephone delivered incentives for encouraging adherence to supervised methadone consumption (TIES): Study protocol for a feasibility study for an RCT of clinical and cost effectiveness
Leaders or organisations? A comparison study of factors affecting organisational citizenship behaviour in independent hotels
Towards a thoracic conductive phantom for EIT
Early stage investing in green SMEs: the case of the UK
SRL pathogenicity island contributes to the metabolism of D-aspartate via an aspartate racemase in Shigella flexneri YSH6000
Explaining conative destination image through cognitive and affective destination image and emotional solidarity with residents
Demarcation and definition: explicating the meaning and scope of ‘decolonisation’ in the social and political sciences
The short guide to sociology
A smart environments architecture (Search)
Critiquing the "National Standards for School-based Initial Teacher Training Mentors" in England: what lessons can be learned from inter-professional comparison?
Islamophobia in the National Health Service: an ethnography of institutional racism in PREVENT's counter‐radicalisation policy
Comparative proteomic profiling of methicillin-susceptible and resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Enablers and barriers to the implementation of socially assistive humanoid robots in health and social care: a systematic review
Geezer power: the Active Energy project
Exploring the potential use of patient and public involvement to strengthen Indonesian mental health care for people with psychosis: a qualitative exploration of the views of service users and carers
Use of a big data analysis technique for extracting HRA data from event investigation reports based on the Safety-II concept
"Visual Affluence" in social photography: applicability of image segmentation as a visually oriented approach to study Instagram hashtags
Jumping-based asymmetries are negatively associated with jump, change of direction, and repeated sprint performance, but not linear speed, in adolescent handball athletes
Researching the affects that on online pornography has on U.K. adolescents aged 11 to 16
Punctuated epistemology in international marketing strategy: a Whiteheadian remedy
Factors predicting conviction in child stranger rape
Telling the other what one knows? Strategic lying in a modified acquiring-a-company experiment with two-sided private information
Monitoring, cajoling and promoting dialogue: what role for supranational human rights bodies in the implementation of individual decisions?
Avian communities of Lundy 2008-2016
Cognition and violent behavior in psychotic disorders: a nationwide case-control study
Using destination image and place attachment to explore support for tourism development: the case of tourism versus non-tourism employees in EILAT
Effect of Berberine on in vitro metabolism of Sulfonylureas: a herb-drug interactions study
Levinas's contribution to the Law of Hospitality
Back to the factory: the continuing salience of industrial workplace history
Examining the effects of celebrity trust on advertising credibility, brand credibility and corporate credibility
The crime of 'terror' under International Humanitarian Law
Effect of onset threshold on kinetic and kinematic variables of a weightlifting derivative containing a first and second pull
A practical guide to analyzing the force-time curve of isometric tasks in Excel
A holistic framework of corporate website favourability
'No action required': a historical pattern of inaction and discretion towards child sexual abuse in Queensland policing
Advantage of low quality in short life cycle products
Teaching about terrorism, extremism and radicalisation: some implications for controversial issues pedagogy
Dancing the digital age: a survey of the new technologies in the choreographic process
Greenhouse gas emissions and wastewater treatment performance by three plant species in subsurface flow constructed wetland mesocosms
Peirce’s diagrammatic reasoning and the cinema: image, diagram, and narrative in The Shape of Water
Ethical food packaging and designed encounters with distant and exotic others
Feminist art activisms and artivisms
In, out and through digital worlds. Hybrid-transitions as a space for children's agency
Residents' destination image: a perspective article
Caught in the second act: the relationship between film and the TV sitcom
Part IV: Geography matters; spatiality and auto/biography: Front matter
Reconceptualising academic development as community development: lessons from working with Syrian academics in exile
The political institutionalization of the social economy in Ecuador: indigeneity and institutional logics
It's gender Jim, but not as we know it ... A critical review of constructions of gendered knowledge of the Global South
Am I missing something? Experiences of using social media by blind and partially sighted users
Analysis of tuberculosis severity levels from CT pulmonary images based on enhanced residual deep learning architecture
Context-aware solutions for asthma condition management: a survey
The effect of initial inequality on meritocracy: a voting experiment on tax redistribution
'He just gave up': an exploratory study into the perspectives of paid carers on supporting older people living in care homes with depression, self-harm, and suicide ideation and behaviours
Revisiting subject knowledge in citizenship education: understanding power and agency
Stylist as auteur: hierarchy, reputation and creative control
Women ageing solo in Ireland: an exploratory study of women’s perspectives on relationship status and future care needs
Creative Tensions: Making (it), unmaking, and making do in textiles informed by feminism
Solo il Labour può evitare una nuova era Thatcher
A philosophy of textile: between practice and theory
International commercial surrogacy as a new head of tortious damage: XX V Whittington Hospital NHS Trust [2018] EWCA Civ 2832
Exploring elite soccer teams’ performances during different match-status periods of close matches’ comebacks
Stretching the golden thread: the impact of Brexit on the presumption of innocence
Cartoons for Museo De Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda - Chinese new year 2020 - year of the metal rat
What makes a social robot good at interacting with humans?
Hamstring strain injuries: incidence, mechanisms, risk factors and training recommendations
THE OTHERS: the role of individual personality, cultural acculturation, and perceived value on towards firm’s social media and acculturation orientation
Developing student competence through peer assessment: the role of feedback, self-regulation and evaluative judgement
Unpaid Britain: challenges of enforcement and wage recovery
A survey of modern exogenous fault detection and diagnosis methods for swarm robotics
Multidimensional characterization of global food supply from 1961 to 2013
Stravinsky’s ear for instruments
Integrative therapists’ clinical experiences of personal blind spots: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Exploring self-compassion: an action research study with women who have been sexually abused as children #wearenotalone
Conflation and refutation: Book review of T. Uller and K. N. Laland. eds. 2019. Evolutionary causation: biological and philosophical Reflections. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 352: pp. ISBN: 978‐0‐262‐03992‐5. $60.00/£50.00
Clinical learning environments
Suicide ideation among nursing home residents in the US: conceptual issues and the international context
Contribution to Printmakers Council archive exhibition
Mapping the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination as a living instrument
A forgotten episode in the history of Hollywood cinema, television and seriality: the case of the Mirisch Company
"It seemed like a good idea at the time": Hollywood, homology and hired guns – the making of The Magnificent Seven
Photographic work exhibited in '20 For 2020', The New Art Gallery, Walsall
Photographic landscape work exhibited in 'Spotlight: Works from the Modern and Contemporary Art Collection', Norwich Castle, Norwich
The governance of genomic biobank research in Africa: reframing the regulatory tilt
Liking but devaluing animals: emotional and deliberative paths to speciesism
Non-financial firms hedging risks in East Asia: the link between financial derivatives use, firm value and exposures to country risks
Photographic work exhibited in 'Dream Baby Dream', Haus Mödrath Räume für Kunst, Kerpen
IoT and cloud forensic investigation guidelines
Blockchain of custody, BoC
Teaching on the edge of time: developing a slow pedagogy through feminist science fiction
Shaping flood risk governance through science-policy interfaces: Insights from England, France and The Netherlands
The effect of training order on neuromuscular, endocrine and mood response to small-sided games and resistance training sessions over a 24-h period
Blood diamonds: an analysis of the state of affairs and the effectiveness of the Kimberley Process
Academic literacy and student diversity: evaluating a curriculum-integrated inclusive practice intervention in the United Kingdom
Occupational factors associated with health-related quality of life in nursing professionals: a multi-centre study
The impact of brand value on brand competitiveness
A digital twin framework for Industry 4.0 enabling next-gen manufacturing
The role of the central bank in financial distress management and resolution in developing economies
Improving society's management of risks - a statement of principles
Language support for multi agent reinforcement learning
Gender effects on consumers' attitudes toward comedic violence in advertisements
Brevinin-2GHk from Sylvirana guentheri and the design of truncated analogs exhibiting the enhancement of antimicrobial activity
Women on corporate boards of public listed companies - a UK and EU gender diversity conundrum
Photographic work exhibited in 'Masculinities: Liberation through Photography', Barbican Gallery, London touring to Les Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles and Gropius-Bau, Berlin
Brand repositioning of Egypt’s Muslim brotherhood: do you see what I see, views from the female electorate?
Where did the floating charge come from? [Blog post]
Disengaging and rehabilitating high-value detainees: a small scale qualitative study
Art criticism and the state of feminist art criticism
Lying on networks: the role of structure and topology in promoting honesty
Contributions to Sicaco 2019 cartoon contest - hot & cold - South Korea
Preferences for water treatment provision in rural India: comparing communal, pay-per-use, and labour-for-water schemes
Risky play in a risk averse world
Does the public need criminology?
Practicalities in doctorate research of using grounded theory methodology in understanding nurses’ behaviours when caring for culturally diverse patients
Abolishing the factory tax - how to boost investment and level up Britain
R&D smoothing: evidence and some theory
Lucha de clases, democracia e intervencionismo de Estados Unidos en Venezuela
Annual and non-monsoon rainfall prediction modelling using SVR-MLP: an empirical study from Odisha
A sparse Bayesian learning method for structural equation model-based gene regulatory network inference
Influence of initialization on the performance of metaheuristic optimizers
Hybridization of cognitive computing for food services
Teaching to resistance and refusal: feminist pedagogical engagements in the UK Higher Education classroom
Older LGBT+ health inequalities in the UK: setting a research agenda
Coaching in the sales profession: what part can coaching with literature play in dealing with a contemporary "Bartleby"?
Tracey Emin: art into life
Adaptive dynamic disturbance strategy for differential evolution algorithm
Structured psychological support for people with personality disorder: feasibility randomised controlled trial of a low-intensity intervention
Corrigendum: Strength, jumping, and change of direction speed asymmetries are not associated with athletic performance in elite academy soccer players
Co-creating brand image and reputation through stakeholder's social network
Examining the effects of advertising credibility on brand credibility, corporate credibility and corporate image: a qualitative approach
Corporate branding and value creation for initiating and managing relationships in B2B markets
Commuter students: Middlesex University case study
Enlightened management: lessons from the convergence of law and spirituality
Photographic work exhibited in 'Tell me the story of all these things', Firstsite, Colchester
The new educational pastorate: link workers, pastoral power and the pedagogicalisation of parenting
Women leaders in Latin America: The impact of gender equality on performance
Preventing wildlife crime: contemporary issues in enforcement and policy perspectives
Giving and receiving a diagnosis of a progressive neurological condition: A scoping review of doctors’ and patients’ perspectives
An assessment of brand experience knowledge literature: using bibliometric data to identify future research direction
Framing and reframing drug ‘problems’ in prison spaces and populations
Drinking in pregnancy: shifting towards the 'precautionary' principle
Translation and transferability of approaches and intervention programmes: cross country report WP7
Joining the dots: a framework for assessing integration in flood risk management with applications to England and Serbia
Underlying motivating factors for movie-induced tourism among Emiratis and Indian expatriates in the United Arab Emirates
A new service management framework for vehicular networks
Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response
Power splitting versus time switching based cooperative relaying protocols for SWIPT in NOMA systems
Active energy - visual narrative
The impact of kinesiology tape application on the volume of interstitial space over the gastrocnemius within healthy mixed-gender participants using ultrasonography
Corporate brand strategy: drivers and outcomes of hotel industry’s brand orientation
Pan: conversational agent for criminal investigations
Comparison of bilateral vs. unilateral-biased strength and power training interventions on measures of physical performance in elite youth soccer players
Inter-limb asymmetry during rehabilitation understanding formulas and monitoring the "magnitude" and "direction"
Determining the reliability and usability of change of direction speed tests in adolescent female soccer players: a systematic review
The consequence of waiters' professional identity on passion for work and its effects on employee turnover: a qualitative approach
Tracing healthcare organisation integration in the UK using actor-network theory
Fucking criminology! Challenging mainstream criminology in the classroom
Culture and sentencing at the ICC
Assessing the adoption of e-government using TAM model: case of Egypt
Bilateral vs. unilateral countermovement jumps: comparing the magnitude and direction of asymmetry in elite academy soccer players
XOR multiplexing technique for nanocomputers
Regional disparities and industrial structure: territorial capital and productivity in Italian firms
Introduction to the special issue of the 3rd international colloquium on design, branding and marketing
Evaluation of the energy utilization index in sheep milk cooling systems
Preferences for efficiency, rather than preferences for morality, drive cooperation in the one-shot Stag-Hunt game
Foreign versus local firms: implications for environmental sustainability
Achieving substantive equality: mainstreaming duties to complement affirmative action measures
Effectiveness of affirmative action measures in the United Kingdom and South Africa
Affirmative action and the law: efficacy of national and international approaches
Modelling and validating three-dimensional human breast and cancerous human breast tissues in vitro
Reliability analysis of an air traffic network: from network structure to transport function
Time, tea breaks and the frontier of control in UK workplaces
Amanda Ciafone. Counter-Cola: A Multinational History of the Global Corporation. [Book review]
Renyi’s entropy based multilevel thresholding using a novel meta-heuristics algorithm
Post Covid-19 and business analytics
The Inuit: sustaining themselves, the Arctic and the World
Getting back to connectedness: an exploration of a team reflective practice group in a personality disorder service
How does identity influence creative photography
Physical biology of biomembranes and biomolecules (PHYBIOM)
Intercellular production of Hydrogen peroxide in Solanum lycopersicum: an immune response to Salmonella infection
Psychological research and Covid-19: are a few notes necessary? [Blog post]
Talent development as an alternative to orthodox career thinking: the Scandinavian case
Factors influencing bilateral deficit and inter-limb asymmetry of maximal and explosive strength: motor task, outcome measure and muscle group
SCT and translanguaging-to-learn: proposed conceptual integration
Children are turning to drawing during the lockdown – what can we learn from them? [Blog post]
Spousal support and relationship happiness in adults with type 2 diabetes and their spouses
How matter comes to matter in the baby room: thinkingfeelingdoing experiments in early childhood education for more liveable worlds
Interview with Jayne Osgood
Health-related quality of life and health behaviours in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease
Transformational change in the NHS: using action research to improve the way change leadership skills are developed
Attention allocation during the observation of biological motion: an EEG study
Does online retail coupons and memberships create favourable psychological disposition?
Firm size implications for environmental sustainability of supply chains: evidence from the UAE
Formal verification and analysis of primary authentication based on 5G-AKA protocol
Network service federated identity (NS-FId) protocol for service authorization in 5G network
TimeSets: temporal sensemaking in intelligence analysis
Putting the "I" in Interaction: interactive interfaces personalized to the individual
There's a beautiful game in social isolation [Blog post]
The case for federated identity management in 5G communications
The value premium puzzle, behavior versus risk: new evidence from China
Dealing with ‘fake judges’ under EU Law: Poland as a case study in light of the Court of Justice’s ruling of 26 March 2020 in Simpson and HG
Hommage à Ligeti
Three states of wax
Working for the clampdown: the clash, the dawn of Neoliberalism and the political promise of Punk by Colin Coulter (ed). [Book Review]
Eleven reflections on Beckett, music and silence [CD Booklet essay]
what is the word [CD]
Learning context-aware outfit recommendation
What is the impact of psychiatric decision units on mental health crisis care pathways? Protocol for an interrupted time series analysis with a synthetic control study
Doxorubicin combined with phytochemicals as pro-apoptotic agents and protein kinase inhibitors for the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia
Using technology to enhance learning, progression and achievement in higher education
Exploring the managerial effectiveness of strategic performance management in a United Arab Emirates organisational context
Developing a conceptual learning enhancement framework for study abroad programmes: the role of action research in the participation of students
Lex Maritima in a changing world: development and prospect of rules governing carriage of goods by sea
Employment law - ninth edition
Achieving multi-user capabilities through an indoor positioning system based on BLE beacons
Context-aware approach for cardiac rehabilitation monitoring
Managing preference profiles in multi-user intelligent environments
Security aspects of communications in VANETs
Towards autonomous driving: a machine learning-based pedestrian detection system using 16-layer LiDAR
Exploring the provision of reliable network storage in highly mobile environments
Assessing the reliability and validity of agility testing in team sports: a systematic review
The benefits of strength training on musculoskeletal system health: practical applications for interdisciplinary care
Correctly slicing extended finite state machines
Self-selecting into being a dictator: distributional consequences
A method for monetising the mental health costs of flooding
Spreading the use of economic methods in coastal risk management: a simple but insightful “calculator”
Mapping and assessment of developments for one of the sectoral professions under directive 2005/36/EC Nurse responsible for general care: final study
The effective feedback challenge: how to begin developing self-regulated learners
The comprehensive environmental management model in post-Covid19 era
Competing during a pandemic? Retailers’ ups and downs during the COVID-19 outbreak
Associations between adult attachment and vision-related quality of life in visually impaired individuals
Delay and reliability analysis of p-persistent carrier sense multiple access for multi-event industrial wireless sensor networks
Valuing diversity in universities: institutional value statements and the reality of student intakes
Is local journalism failing? Local voices in the aftermath of the Grenfell and Lakanal fire disasters
Incorporating BIM in the final semester undergraduate project of construction management — a case study in Fuzhou University
What explains the degree of internationalization of early-stage entrepreneurial firms? A multilevel study on the joint effects of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, opportunity-motivated entrepreneurship, and home-country institutions
Embracing boundary spanning roles in flood risk management [PhD research briefing note 2]
A journey to achieving integration in flood risk management [PhD research briefing note 1]
Stashing behaviour in a Herring Gull
The dynamics of domestic human rights implementation: lessons from qualitative research in Europe
“Who goes there?” Reflections on signs and personhood in Christopher Hutton’s Integrationism and the Self
Professional artefacts: evaluating creative outcomes for work-based inquiry
Design and psychometric analysis of the COVID-19 prevention, recognition and home-management self-efficacy scale
Innovation and external knowledge sources in knowledge intensive business services (KIBS): evidence from de-industrialized UK regions
Rotational flywheel training in youth female team sport athletes: could inter-repetition movement variability be beneficial?
Inclusion in the World Health Organization model list of essential medicines of non-vitamin K anticoagulants for treatment of non-valvular atrial fibrillation: a step towards reducing the burden of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
Exploring dialogic approaches in teaching and learning: a study in a rural Kenyan community
An assessment of customer retention with self-service technology: a comparative study between internet banking and mobile banking in Saudi Arabia
The German Music@Home: validation of a questionnaire measuring at home musical exposure and interaction of young children
MoDA Podcast Season 1, Episode 2, Home displacements
MoDA Podcast Season 1, Episode 1, Home memories
Restructuring seafarers’ welfare under the Maritime Labour Convention: an empirical case study of Greece
Exploring the removal of online child sexual abuse material in the United Kingdom: processes and practice
2020 Global nutrition report: action on equity to end malnutrition
Identifying and assessing the implementation of human rights decisions
The impact of irritable bowel syndrome on health-related quality of life in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Preparing for a challenging winter 2020/21
Making sense of the impact agenda in UK higher education: a case study of preventing violent extremism policy in schools
Blockchain based integrated security measure for reliable service delegation in 6G communication environment
The influence of age of acquisition on recall and recognition in Alzheimer’s patients and healthy ageing controls in Turkish
Minimising trauma in staff at a sexual assault referral centre: what and who is needed?
COVID-19 as a global challenge: towards an inclusive and sustainable future
The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate! [Commentary]
What are the factors to consider in assisted reproductive technology? [Blog post]
Place/Nation branding and marketing: rethinking synergies and relations [Editorial]
Corporate branding, identity, image and reputation: current and future trends, developments and challenges [Editorial]
Summer at Bankside Gallery exhibition contributions
RE Original Prints 2020 exhibition contributions
A bibliometric investigation of service failure literature and a research agenda
[Introductory note to] Joined Cases A. K. v. Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa (C-585/18) and CP (C-624/18), DO (C-625/18) v. Sąd Najwyższy (C.J.E.U.)
What makes Airbnb likeable? Exploring the nexus between service attractiveness, country image, perceived authenticity and experience from a social exchange theory perspective within an emerging economy context
The sociocultural dimension of the Software Process Improvement manifesto: pilot validation by experts
A multi-level study of entrepreneurial characteristics, IPR, and the degree of internationalization
COVID-19 decontamination multi-purpose chamber using 405nm visible light
‘In the same boat, helping each other’: a grounded theory of growth and emancipation in peer-led hearing voices groups
The Art of Healing
Feminist interpretations of witches and the witch craze in contemporary art by women
The road to Prest v Petrodel: an analysis of the UK judicial approach to The Corporate Veil - part 1
Chinese manufacturing suppliers’ upgrading in global value chains
Identification of a Type IV-A CRISPR-Cas system located exclusively on IncHI1B/IncFIB plasmids in Enterobacteriaceae
Bayesian Data-Driven approach enhances synthetic flood loss models
From serendipity to sustainable Green IoT: technical, industrial and political perspective
Higher vertical jumping asymmetries and lower physical performance are indicators of increased injury incidence in youth team-sport athletes
Being in the hidden third: Insights into transdisciplinary ontology
Do same-level review ratings have the same level of review helpfulness? The role of information diagnosticity in online reviews
A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants
The evolution of trust and trustworthiness
Contemporary thinking on transdisciplinary knowledge: what those who know, know
Conception by egg donation: perceptions, maternal bonding and health practices
Road lighting and future factors
Journeying together towards goodness: participant understanding of practices and narratives in a University of the Nations Discipleship Training School
Rethinking Indigenous Christianity in Northwest Canada: perspectives from the Nuu-chah-nulth
Understanding violence against women irregular migrants who arrive in Spain in small boats
Photographic work exhibited in 'Home: Live > In Room', Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
The resonance of Sushant Singh: A sociological and psychological exploration
Learning in partnership
An autoethnography of respectful tourism: the double-bind of a female traveller in Morocco
Continuous user authentication featuring keystroke dynamics based on robust recurrent confidence model and ensemble learning approach
Retaining and reframing: notes on processes of remembering in Rosemary Butcher's choreography-making
Environmental and health hazards of textile industry wastewater pollutants and its treatment approaches
The comedy and legacy of music-hall women 1880-1920: brazen impudence and boisterous vulgarity
Nursing associate apprenticeship - a descriptive case study narrative of impact, innovation and quality improvement
Use of digital badges in Higher Education
Globalisation and social policy
Dog‐assisted interventions and outcomes for older adults in residential long‐term care facilities: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
Maritime transport, the WTO, and regional trade agreements: too many cooks?
Lagunas (intencionadas) del derecho internacional en la delimitación de obligaciones del Estado
To have and to hold: marital rape perception in Russian women
Factors associated with perception of marital rape in India
Serendipity, Poetry and Play in Toy Piano composition and Four Pieces for Toy Piano
Universalism or fragmentation: United Nations treaty-bodies and affirmative actions in Latin-America, the United Kingdom, South Africa, China and India
Communicating impacts in flood warning and forecasting [project summary SC150013/S]
Communicating impacts in flood warnings and forecasting
Project sigma: the temporality of activism
Relationship between the morphological, mechanical and permeability properties of porous bone scaffolds and the underlying microstructure
War time women
Examining the linkage between class attendance at university and academic performance in an international branch campus setting
Broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and improved stability of a D-Amino acid enantiomer of DMPC-10A, the designed derivative of dermaseptin truncates
Lessons from COVID-19 and a resilience model for higher education
The road to Prest v Petrodel: an analysis of the UK judicial approach to the corporate veil - part 2: post Prest
The Internet-of-Things: a surveillance wonderland
New and novel business paradigms in and from China and India
Covid-19: the last call for telepsychiatry
How international SME's vicarious learning may improve their performance? The role of absorptive capacity, strength of ties with local SMEs, and their prior success experiences
Social capital, communication channels and opinion formation
Jihadist and far-right extremism: subjectivity, embodiment and imaginaries of violence
COVID-19 funded projects: presenting the MRIC/IEEE funded project for the development of a multi-purpose light disinfection chamber
Where energy flows, passion grows: testing a moderated mediation model of work passion through a cross-cultural lens
The psychologisation of counter-extremism: unpacking PREVENT
‘Becoming Hannibal’: Identification and transformation in queer horror television
Overwhelmed and powerless: staff perspectives on mother - infant separations in English prisons
Unequal internationalisation and the emergence of a new epistemic community: gender and migration
Migrants at work: perspectives, perceptions and new connections [Editorial]
Informal learning, practitioner inquiry and occupational education: an epistemological perspective
Psychometric properties of the self‐assessment practice scale for professional training contexts: evidence from confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis
Overexposure-aware influence maximization
NOACs added to WHO’s essential medicines list: recommendations for future policy actions
Impact of directors’ networks on corporate social responsibility: a cross country study
Differences in mobile and nonmobile reviews: the role of perceived costs in review-posting
Differentiating criminal networks in the illegal wildlife trade: organized, corporate and disorganized crime
Negotiations of Socialist Modernity: the Czech glass figurine (from the late 1940s-1960s)
Strength, jumping and change of direction speed asymmetries in soccer, basketball and tennis players
The early British Communist leaders, 1920–1923: a prosopographical exploration
Transforming rehabilitation: a failed experiment in throughcare and offender reintegration
Digital Nomadism: The nexus of remote working and travel mobility
Community, work and family in diverse contexts and changing times
Could mergers become more sustainable? A study of the stock exchange mergers of NASDAQ and OMX
Quantifying gender norm resistance
Flood risk management under uncertainty in transboundary basins: a delicate balancing act
Exploring digital corporate social responsibility communications on Twitter
El futuro de la evaluación en la educación superior
Retos en la reforma de la evaluación en educación superior: una mirada desde la lejanía
Optimising coverage efficiency in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks
The mediation of financial crises: watchdogs, lapdogs or canaries in the coal mine?
Aggregation 2, Wharepuke Art Centre, KeriKeri, New Zealand
That feels like home: connecting sites of lockdown to design collections
How influential is ballot design in elections?
Emerging applications in mass spectrometry imaging; enablers and roadblocks
Cartoon contribution to SICACO 2020
Regulation’s influence on EU banking efficiency: an evaluation post crisis
Women, the economy and the news: undeserved and underrepresented?
The complexity of obesity
Cross-fertilising scenario planning and business history by process-tracing historical developments: aiding counterfactual reasoning and uncovering history to come
Patters of use and key predictors for the use of wearable health care devices by US adults: insights from a national survey
Bond at the Olympics: On Her Majesty's (Public) Service [Blog post]
A ladder of words: mid-twentieth century Welsh plays in English
Print contributions to exhibition: New work by the re: printmakers during lockdown
Learning analytics stakeholders' expectations in higher education institutions: A literature review
Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries: pooled analysis of 2,086 population-based studies with 65 million participants
A pilot study to determine whether repeated post-exercise cryotherapy exposure augments physiological and perceptual responses to cold
Sailing to Byzantium
Risk factors affecting maternal health outcomes in Rivers State of Nigeria: towards the PRISMA model
A welcome to the “Creativity in Work-Applied Management” special issue, Journal of Work-Applied Management. ISSN 2205-2062
Active Energy: Communities countering Climate Change
Recovery of rare earth elements from electronic waste through bioleaching
Colonial Crime, Environmental Destruction and Indigenous Peoples: A Roadmap to Accountability and Protection
Masculinities and animal harm
OrgML - a domain specific language for organisational decision-making
Réveiller l’archive d’une guerre coloniale: photographies et écrits de Gaston Chérau correspondant de guerre en Libye (1911-1912) edited by Pierre Schill, Grâne, Créaphis, 2018, 480 pp., €35 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-2-35428-141-0 [Book review]
Sound art and music: philosophy, composition, performance
Culturally competent and compassionate LGBT+ curriculum in health and social care education and practice
Cooperation through image scoring: a replication
Examining the moderating role of brand loyalty among consumers of technology products
Does the stakeholder engagement result in new drinks? Evidence from family owned SMEs
The dynamics of the Rome Conference
Leadership strategies for global supply chain management: the case of UAE’s construction sector
The influence of ethical practice on sustainable supplier selection in the furniture industry
Applications of green supply chain management in the U.K. restaurant industry
A transitional plan for digital and technology change
Academic tutors/advisors and students working in partnership: negotiating and co-creating in “The Third Space”
Qualitative research approaches: application in a UK public administration context
Exposing students to new terminologies while collecting browsing search data (best technical paper)
L1 norm based pedestrian detection using video analytics technique
"Space Plague": an investigation into immersive theatre and narrative transportation effects in informal pandemic science education
HR at the top table
Student perspectives on Teaching and the Prevent policy
Do same-level review ratings have the same level of review helpfulness? The role of information diagnosticity in online reviews
Engaging with Europe after Brexit: Time to reset the UK’s relationship with the Council of Europe
The deliberative classroom and the development of secondary students’ conceptual understanding of Democracy
Conclusion: reflections on the first five years of the Prevent duty in early years, primary, secondary and further education
The Prevent Duty in education: impact, enactment and implications
The International Court of Justice
Life events and emotional disorder revisited: research and clinical applications
Fellow Creature 360 annotated
On the T-test
A gender analysis of intercultural sensitivity among flight attendants
International Law and the abolition of the death penalty
Human dignity principle in the United Kingdom
Urgency at the European Court of Human Rights: new directions and future prospects for the interim measures mechanism?
Learning categories with spiking nets and spike timing dependent plasticity
Oral delivery of biologics via the intestine
Binding interactions of Peptide Aptamers
Spiritual care for patients with Covid-19: are we ready this time around?
Freedom of religion or belief and the wearing of religious symbols
Supply chain network design models for a circular economy: a review and a case study assessment
Creative articulations process: a rhizomatic practice (video exposition)
MoDA Podcast Season 1, Episode 4, Home planet
Social interactions or business transactions? What customer reviews disclose about Airbnb marketplace
Whitechapel, dark city: performative recuperation of urban identity in Gilded Age Chicago’s Whitechapel Club
Legal safeguarding for work-based learners in creative educational models
Venezuela: fighting Coronavirus and US aggression
Impacts of service user involvement in mental health nurse training on management of aggression: a qualitative description research
Needed: a systems approach to improve flood risk mitigation through private precautionary measures
Living wage and business ethics
Doing qualitatively-driven mixed methods and pluralistic qualitative research
Modern challenges: the socio-political issues of introducing professional and practice in doctoral education in the emerging economy of Georgia
Conservatives deploy Brexit to score electoral victory in the UK
Return the gold to Venezuela
What we know offers clues to what we must guess: a drawing of the Three Rivers Estuary
Deben Estuary
Providing a foundation for interpretable autonomous agents through elicitation and modeling of criminal investigation pathways
Does Transverse Friction Massage add benefit to loading exercises for achilles tendinopathy? A pilot and feasibility study
Co-Design with Wyn Griffiths
Ant colony optimization for object-oriented unit test generation
Mini prints selected for 40th International Mini Print event in Cadaqués, Spain 2020
How Blockchain technology can monetize new music ventures: an examination of new business models
Domestic fronts: arrangements for feminist living, or survival is not a metaphor
Planning practitioner projects
Intent classification for a management conversational assistant
Implementing practitioner research projects
The Socialist Labour Party and the leadership of early British Communism
Improving educational and training programmes through learning analytics and visualisation of educational data
‘Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk’, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK, 29 February–18 March and 27 August–25 October 2020
Maria Janion
MoDA Podcast Season 2, Episode 3, Home sounds
MoDA Podcast Season 2, Episode 2, Home senses
MoDA Podcast Season 2, Episode 1, Home spaces
Exploring social work: an anthropological perspective
Principled resistance to ECtHR Judgments – A New Paradigm?, edited by Marten Breuer [Book review]
MoDA Podcast Season 2, Episode 7, Staging home
MoDA Podcast Season 2, Episode 6, Home & Housing
MoDA Podcast Season 2, Episode 5, Home work / House work
MoDA Podcast Season 2, Episode 4, Home cities: epidemics and health
Video recording lectures: blending the quarantini
Challenges of outward facing mobility opportunities for Nursing students: pre and peri Covid-19
Using technology to engage Generation Z Mathematics students
Valuing the multilingual repertoires of students from African migrant communities at a London university
Nursing in a global pandemic: the challenges of Covid19 in the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife 2020
COVID-19 and assisted reproductive technologies: a doctoral research reflection during lockdown [Blog post]
The impact of COVID on service user populations with alcohol and drug issues the UK perspective – oral presentation to the International Nurses Society on Addictions. USA
Self Leadership
The importance of cancer patients' functional recollections to explore the acceptability of an isometric‐resistance exercise intervention: a qualitative study
Interim report on hand hygiene practices in Northern Ireland during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
Why aren't we washing our hands? [News article], June 2020 issue, ISSN: 0969-9856
Wash your hands well to prevent the transmission of COVID-19
T. J. Bacon reflects on CHTHONIC
On theorizing and methodological fetishism
Punk sans frontières: mapping the trajectory of Global Punk
I Want Out
Book review: The struggle for freedom from fear: contesting violence against women at the frontiers of globalization
Phytoremediation using native plants
Violenza Politica: Visioni e Immaginari
Punk Scholars Network website
Development of OpenFlow Native Capabilities to optimize QoS
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of the experiential perspectives of volunteer befrienders, pertaining to causes of suicidality and prevention
Tracheostomy care: the role of the nurse, before, during and after insertion
Guest Editorial [Special issue: Transforming the Perception of Apprenticeships in England: Careers in the Public Sector] , Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 10 No. 5, pp. 693-700.
Dimensions on nursing teaching and learning: supporting nursing students in learning nursing
Pedagogy for nursing: challenging traditional theories
Using Lego® Serious Play® in higher education with law students: encouraging playfulness and creativity within library workshops
Monitoring cardiovascular disease risk in
individuals with severe mental illness in an inpatient mental health setting: a secondary data analysis.
Monitoring cardiovascular disease risk in individuals with severe mental illness in an inpatient mental health setting: a secondary data analysis
5. Country case studies: 5.10. United Kingdom
International security studies: theory and practice (2nd edition)
Why a vaccine for Covid-19 is only part of the solution: broader prevention measures are the key [Blog post]
Challenges to the right of fair trial by the application of Sharia law within the Council of Europe
Trafficking in human beings in the tourism industry: trends and approaches
A taxonomy of network threats and the effect of current datasets on intrusion detection systems
Corporate psychopaths - included in your risk assessment processes?
Differential roles of push and pull factors on escape for travel: Personal and social identity perspectives
Examining the link: exposure to animal abuse and subsequent human violence
Detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks using conditional entropy in software-defined networking
BIM between myth and practice for heritage in UK
Improving productivity by the automation of checking of 3D parametric modelling
Classification for restoration of heritage using building information modelling
Organisational & asset information requirements for BIM between theory and practice
A ‘3P’ soft power model: an agile approach to diplomatic strategy
"New managerialism" in higher education: the case of United Arab Emirates
Knowledge management processes and performance: the impact of ownership of public sector organizations
Soliloquies for trumpet and string orchestra
Consciousness technology in Black Mirror. Do cookies feel pain?
Danilo Dolci: Environmental education and empowerment
The Break-Up