Audience improvisation in the immersive experiences: the sensuous world of the body in the work of Lundahl & Seitl
(Re)Claiming cultural identity: the NFB’s Eskimo Legends and Inuit Animation from Cape Dorset
Feminists researching gendered childhoods: generative entanglements
Ten Days in Tarbena: an evolutionary approach to moving through silence and sound to speech
Smart meter and in-home display for energy savings in residential buildings: a pilot investigation in Shanghai, China
The Oxford handbook of improvisation in dance
Our Land: creative approaches to the redevelopment of London’s Docklands
New methods for stress assessment and monitoring at the workplace
The impact of global economic crisis and austerity on quality of working life and work-life balance: a capabilities perspective
Blood perfusion changes during sacral nerve root stimulation versus surface gluteus electrical stimulation on in seated spinal cord injury
Delivering information and brief advice on alcohol (IBA) in social work and social care settings: an exploratory study
Lower extremity stiffness: considerations for testing, performance enhancement and injury risk
Regulating factory safety in the Bangladeshi garment industry
Queering queer theory in management and organization studies: notes toward queering heterosexuality
Competition and risk-taking in investment banking
Investigating invisible writing practices in the engineering curriculum using practice architectures
Hybrids: on the crime-terror nexus
Beyond space and time: the itinerant life of books in the Fāṭimid market place
The impact of multinational and domestic enterprises on regional productivity: the evidence from the UK
Identifying an educational response to the prevent policy: student perspectives on learning about terrorism, extremism and radicalisation
Annotated natural deduction for adaptive reasoning
The validity and reliability of the my jump 2 app for measuring the reactive strength index and drop jump performance
Israel and the Palestinians: the challenge to Levinasian ethics
The evolving duty to consult and obtain free prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples for extractive projects in the United States and Canada
Spirituality and fashion
Advertising paid and unpaid job roles in sport: an updated position statement from the UK Strength and Conditioning Association
Positioning discourse on homophobia in schools: what have lesbian and gay families got to say?
What makes for effective feedback: Staff and student perspectives
An integrated core competence evaluation framework for portfolio management in the oil industry
Conceptualizing and managing corporate logo: a qualitative study
Common agenda or Europe's agenda? International protection, human rights and migration from the Horn of Africa
The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’
Questioning and organization studies
Work and volunteering: longitudinal relationships between work-related experiences and volunteering behaviour
Influence of brand signature, brand awareness, brand attitude, brand reputation on hotel industry's brand performance
The realities of managing uncertainties surrounding pluvial urban flood risk: an ex post analysis in three European cities
Reshaping traditional marketing mix to include social media participation: evidence from Italian firms
How do older people discuss their own sexuality? A systematic review of qualitative research studies
The International Labour Organisation and film
Knowledge sharing by entrepreneurs in a virtual community of practice (VCoP)
'Female heroes': celebrity executives as postfeminist role models
Towards evaluation criteria in participatory flood risk management
Childless voices: stories of longing, loss, resistance and choice
(In)dangered domesticity: tactics to subvert an anxious and unsafe interior typology
Towards seamful living
The appropriate response of Spanish Gitanos: short-run orientation beyond current socio-economic status
Micropolitical dynamics of interlingual translation processes in an MNC subsidiary
Marketing management capability: the construct, and its dimensions: an examination of managers' and entrepreneurs' perceptions in a retail setting
Enhancing university brand image and reputation through customer
value co-creation behaviour
Use of scenario planning as a theory-driven evaluation tool
The use of standards for identifying, codifying and transmitting expert ergonomic knowledge
n.paradoxa’s MOOC (Mass Open Online Course): a case study in feminist online pedagogies
Mediating effect of intrinsic motivation on the relationship between Islamic work ethic, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in banking sector
Resist: be modern (again)
Pierre Schaeffer and the (recorded) sound source
Improving procedural fairness in housing possession cases
The new digital interiorscape and the edited Airbnb interior
Kaikhosru Sorabji's letters to Philip Heseltine (Peter Warlock)
Far apart yet close: social media on acculturation among international students in the UK
Pacts, paratext and polyphony: writing the authorised biography of Robert Wyatt
Sense-making strategies in explorative intelligence analysis of network evolutions
A critical examination of the application of blockchain technology for intellectual property management
The Influence of ‘high’ vs. ‘low’ rape myth acceptance on police officers’ judgements of victim and perpetrator responsibility, and rape authenticity
Investigating the demographic and attitudinal predictors of rape myth acceptance in U.K. Police officers: developing an evidence-base for training and professional development
Psychometric evaluation and cultural adaptation of the Spanish version of the “Scale for End-of Life Caregiving Appraisal”
Towards an innovation link between dynamic capabilities and sustainability strategy: options for emerging market companies
International migration, labour mobility and HRM
Organisational culture and effectiveness: a multi-perspective analysis on Indian knowledge-intensive firm
Relationship between corporate identity, place architecture, and identification: an exploratory case study
Absence of excess body fatness
One-repetition-maximum measures or maximum bar-power output: which Is more related to sport performance?
Experimental animation: from analogue to digital
A hermeneutic of polyvalence: deciphering narrative in Lewis Klahr's The Pettifogger (2011)
Craft as critique in experimental animation
Normative influences: how socio-cultural and industrial norms influence the adoption of sustainability practices. A grounded theory of Cretan, small tourism firms
The price of fear: estimating the financial cost of bullying and harassment to the NHS in England
Electrophysiological evidence for changes in attentional orienting and selection in functional somatic symptoms
Preventing and responding to depression, self-harm, and suicide in older people living in long term care settings: a systematic review
Infinite Indigeneity
Big data, small law: how gaps in regulation are affecting political campaigning methods and the need for fundamental reform
Making sense of consumers' tweets: Sentiment outcomes for fast fashion retailers through big data analytics
Re-evaluating recreational easements- new norms for the twenty-first century?
The creative disruption of degree apprenticeships in the UK
Youth transitions: mobility and the travel intentions of 12-20 year olds, Reading, UK
Threats to student evaluative judgement and their management
Indigenous peoples' rights: Is HRIA an enabler for free, prior and informed consent?
Indigenous peoples’ experiences of resistance, participation and autonomy: consultation and free, prior and informed consent in Peru
Knowledge representation for culturally competent personal robots: requirements, design principles, implementation, and assessment
A framework for comparative institutional research on HRM
Advocacy for women migrant workers in Malaysia through an Intersectionality lens
Next-generation wireless networks meet advanced machine learning applications
The three goods of higher education; as education, in its educative and in its institutional practices
Understanding internationalisation approaches and mechanisms of diaspora entrepreneurs in emerging economies as a learning process
The influence of institutional environment on venture capital development in emerging economies: the example of Nigeria
The implementation of performance analysis and feedback within Olympic sport: the performance analyst’s perspective
Stochastic analysis of a heterogeneous micro-finite element model of a mouse tibia
Using formative assessment to influence self- and co-regulated learning: the role of evaluative judgement
Why academics should have a duty of truth telling in an epoch of post-truth?
Orthographical, phonological, and morphological challenges in language processing: the case of bilingual Turkish-English speakers
Transforming local natural resource conflicts to cooperation in a changing climate: Bangladesh and Nepal lessons
Do different forms of government ownership matter for bank capital behavior? Evidence from China
Peirce in contemporary semiotics
Distributional concerns in managers’ compensation schemes for
heterogeneous workers: experimental evidence
Oppose the Motion
Josephine Berry: Art and (Bare) Life – A Biopolitical Inquiry [Book review]
A world for us: on the prefiguration of reconciliation in Barnett Newman’s painting
Crossing borders with Jonas Mekas
Muriel Pyrah: sources and myths from a West Riding of Yorkshire school, 1967–1972
Interpreters in mediation
Human resource management in Chinese multinationals: three Nigerian case studies
Coping with shame: an exploration of shame and resilience among shame-prone trainees in the psychological therapies
The integration of Nigerian nurses into UK healthcare post registration with the NMC: the lived experience of Nigerian nurses and implications for the healthcare workforce presentation
Equipping cognitive behavioural therapists for a complex professional world: in search of a framework for training and supervision
The Professional Doctorate of Pharmacy in a developing country: the Sudan Initiative
Trust me, I’m a doctor: proposal for a professional doctorate pledge.
Psychiatric comorbidity in neurological disorders: towards a multidisciplinary approach to illness management in the United Arab Emirates
Touchscreen typing pattern analysis for remote detection of the depressive tendency
Hopeful hybridities: transformative interspecies relationships in dystopian and post-apocalyptic visual narratives
Setting realistic student expectations in clearing
Nachhaltige Geburtshilfe in der Schweiz - Wo stehen wir?
Organisational climate, person–organisation fit and turn over intention: a generational perspective within a South African Higher Education Institution
The primary STEM ideas book: engaging classroom activities combining mathematics, science and D&T
Analysis and optimization of unmanned aerial vehicle swarms in logistics: An intelligent delivery platform
Heritage for tourism or tourism for heritage?
Automatic image annotation for small and ad hoc intelligent applications using Raspberry Pi
Accuracy performance degradation in image classification models due to concept drift
Transformation to advanced mechatronics systems within new industrial revolution: a navel framework in Automation of Everything (AoE)
Whitelisting in RFDMA networks
The lived experience of Nigerian nurses on integrating into British nursing: implications for the health care workforce
An existential-phenomenological investigation into the experience of people living long-term with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Ex-post performance implications of divergence of managers’ perceptions of ‘distance’ from ‘reality’ in international business
The contingent effect of product relatedness on B2B firms pricing strategy. Evidence from India
Application of machine learning to the learning analytics of the Moodle platform to create heterogeneous groups in on-line courses
Tool per la classificazione dei sentimenti degli studenti Implicati in moduli didattici universitari in modalità e-learning
Effectiveness of digital technology interventions to reduce loneliness in adults: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
On the margins of where?
Between the local and the global: representations of the mainstream and the marginal
A virtual reality embodiment technique to enhance helping behavior of police toward a victim of police racial aggression
The cultures of the now and technologies of immediacy
Experience of BME nurse academics in UK higher education institutions (HEIs): ‘Outsiders Within’
Let’s get emotional: the use of films in teaching tourism
First Nigerian Bioinformatics Conference (FNBC): towards a dynamic bioinformatics community
An honest day's pay: cooperation among entrepreneurs vs. students, and linkages to real-world business success
Implementation of a TCM-based computational health informatics diagnostic tool for Sub-Saharan African students
Adapting a retro comic aesthetic with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
The physiological demands of elite epée fencers during competition
The potential and the missed opportunity of mandatory equal pay auditing
Facilitating tourists' decision making through open data analyses: a novel recommender system
Book review: Sport and physical activity across the lifespan edited by Rylee A. Dionigi and Michael Gard, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 362 pp., GBP £79.00 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-137-48561-8, GBP £62.99 (eBook), ISBN: 978-1-137-48562-5
Design thinking and acceptance requirements for designing gamified software
Goal-oriented requirements engineering: an extended systematic mapping study
DEFeND architecture: a privacy by design platform for GDPR compliance
Learning for Life: Writing for Employability
Transferorientiertes Modularisierungskonzept am Beispiel des Massiven Modularisierten Wohnbaus
Pensionsverpflichtungen im Rahmen von M&A Transaktionen: Eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung und empirische Analyse zu den Implikationen von Pensionsverpflichtungen für die Unternehmensbewertung aus der Sicht von Strategischen Investoren
Academic confidence and dyslexia at university
Futures literacy theatre lab with unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors: practical and ethical considerations
Threat modeling and security issues for the Internet of Things
Smart library seat, occupant and occupancy information system, using pressure and RFID sensors
Challenges ahead in cyber physical systems: a coding survey
Augmented Reality intelligent lighting smart spaces
TangiNet: a tangible user interface system for teaching the properties of network cables
Investigating personal carbon emissions of employees of higher education institutions: Insights from Mauritius
My grade, my right: linking academic entitlement to academic performance
Innovative teaching practice in Business School, Middlesex University Dubai
Macroeconomic and bank specific determinants of non-performing loans in UAE conventional bank
Understanding Japanese consumer behaviour and cultural relevance of gift giving
Second Corinthians: St. Paul’s political displacement from Corinth and his rhetoric of return
Contemporary dance festivals in the former Yugoslav space, 2007-2017: the imperceptible politics of curatorial praxis
Connecting theory and practice through experiential learning: a co-curricular case study from the ‘Journalism Conversation Series’
The ART of performance: engaging young people with assisted reproductive technologies*
The identification of the domestic waste collection system associated with the least operative musculoskeletal disorders using human resource absence data
Waging war with the material world: in the pursuit of the transcendental with Argentinian Krishnacore
From New York punk to Hare Krishna monk: Bhakti-Rasa and the devotional Aesthetic of Krishnacore
Dance Well evaluation report 2016-2019
Using advanced handover and localization techniques for maintaining quality-of-service of mobile users in heterogeneous cloud-based environment
Subversive speech acts? An evaluation of an imperial-critical reading of Ephesians
Afterword: semiotics and languaging
Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren der wertschöpfungsorientierten Strategie im industriellen Service 4.0
Post-activation potentiation: is there an optimal training volume and intensity to induce improvements in vertical jump ability in highly-trained subjects?
Implementation of tunneled versus not tunneled peripherally inserted central catheters
A comparison of 2 venous puncture sites for peripheral implanted ports
Challenges to implement European quality assurance standards (ESG) in Azerbaijan universities
Evaluating the use of augmented reality in learning portfolios for different team roles
Erforschung eines unternehmerischen Erfolgsfaktorenmodells in den Visegrád-Staaten - Eine Analyse am Beispiel des mittelständischen Maschinenanlagenbaus aus dem Bundesland Niederösterreich
Ressourcen und Risiken im Umgang mit der Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit: Eine Untersuchung des Effekts von Konflikttypen, dem Führungsstil und dem chronischen Regulationsfokus auf den Zusammenhang zwischen der Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit und erfolgsrelevanten Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen von Mitarbeitenden in der schweizerischen MEM-Industrie
Experience of parents who have suffered a perinatal death in two Spanish hospitals: a qualitative study
Mapping as a tool for imagining change landscapes in transition
Das Problem der Motivations- und Leistungssteigerung in multinationalen Industrieunternehmen
Affective reasoning: adaptation of a dilapidated workshop
The long-term effects of childhood financial hardship mediated by physical abuse, shame, and stigma on depression in women
Queer aesthetics of empathy and gothicness in contemporary sculpture
Abstract machines: overlaying virtual worlds on physical rides
Two Emperors and a Queen: Holocaust and the river Danube
Affective reasoning: converting The Workshop, on Church Street, Niton, Isle of Wight
Discrimination-aware data analysis for criminal intelligence
The impact of social network applications on societies of the MENA region (Egypt as a case study)
Applying PCT to hand hygiene
Adherence to cultural norms and economic incentives: evidence from fertility timing decisions
Jewish Jesus, Gentile church - Jewish meal? The origins and development of the Lord's Supper through a Jewish prism
Unmaking citizens: passport removals, pre-emptive policing and the reimagining of colonial governmentalities
Searching for feminist geographies: mappings outside the discipline in Poland
Characterising citizenship: race, criminalisation and the extension of internal borders
Erfolgsfaktor Bildung 4.0
Exploring intelligent service migration in vehicular networks
Collective decision making in dynamic environments
Store buildings as tourist attractions: mining retail meaning of store building pictures through a machine learning approach
Art and soul: Rudolf Steiner, interdisciplinary art and education
PhEMaterialism: Response-able Research & Activism
PhEMaterialist encounters with glitter: the materialisation of ethics, politics and care in arts-based research
A feminist new materialist experiment: Exploring what else gets produced through encounters with children's news media
Rapid evidence review: drinking problems and interventions in black and minority ethnic communities
Ermittlung von Erfolgsfaktoren für einen nachhaltigen Vertrieb von Industriekesseln
Going digital for diabetes management: the time is now
A family of globally optimal branch-and-bound algorithms for 2D–3D correspondence-free registration
Wirksamkeit von Managemententscheidungen bei Veränderung des Unternehmensumfelds bei mittelständischen Auftragsfertigern im Maschinenbau
Interpersonales Vertrauen im deutschen Versicherungsvertrieb - eine empirische Analyse der Kundenerwartungen zum Verhalten der Versicherungsvertreter in der Face-to-Face-Interaktion
Business Process Mining in der Schweizerischen Nationalbank: Erarbeitung eines theoretisch hergeleiteten und empirisch validierten Bezugsrahmens zur Daten- und Ereignisprotokollqualität
The unfinished agenda: the great Munāz̤ara of 1854 and ‘Imād-ud-dīn’s contribution to the Muslim-Christian debates in nineteenth-century India
Unleashing the power of reflection, action and collaboration in health care improvement
Assisted conception: fertility preservation, surrogate motherhood, gamete / embryo donation, and in vitro fertilization
Improving effectiveness of honeypots: predicting targeted destination port numbers during attacks using J48 algorithm
Analyzing the prospects and acceptance of mobile-based marine debris tracking
IPv4 and IPv6 protocols: a comparative performance study
Revisiting diversity and difference in early childhood through children's news media
A true positives theorem for a static race detector
Mobile-based Carbon footprint calculation: insights from a usability study
Cloud resource prediction model based on triple exponential smoothing method and temporal convolutional network
An authentication scheme to defend against UDP DrDoS attacks in 5G networks
Incremental association rule mining based on matrix compression for edge computing
Children’s understanding of the wider world through news items: can exposure to the news enrich learning through the role of critical thinking and curiosity at key stage 2?
Leadership in the NHS
Partial versus general compulsory solidarity: an experimental analysis
Proceedings of the training conference history of mathematics in mathematics education
Descriptive geometry in England: lost in translation
Austerity, social work ethics and relationship-based social work with children & families
Investigating patterns of emotion and expressions using smart learning spaces
Standard comparison of local mental health care systems in eight European countries
Measuring stigma in chronic pain: preliminary investigation of instrument psychometrics, correlates, and magnitude of change in a prospective cohort attending interdisciplinary treatment
‘Never drop without your significant other, cause that way lies ruin’: the boundary work of couples who use MDMA together
Initial observations on the effect of repeated surfactant dose on lung volume and ventilation in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome [Brief Report]
PMU31 early cost-effectiveness analysis of continuous monitoring of lung-aeration with electrical impedance tomography in preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome
Early recognition of Pneumothorax in neonatal RDS with electrical impedance tomography
"I know what a Muslim really is": how political context predisposes the perceived need for an objective Muslim identity
Quality audits with Blockchain for healthcare in the UK
Sketching the contours of state authenticity
The knowledge and practice of personal trainers working with people with long term health conditions
Book design: Jan Staël von Holstein – An Original Copy
The power of moral words: loaded language generates framing effects in the extreme dictator game
The arms race: adversarial search defeats entropy used to detect malware
Affective reasoning: hidden interiors
Alice in Canning Town: an exclusively East-End reimagining of a fantasy classic
The importance of play and what we need to do
An approach to human-machine teaming in legal investigations using anchored narrative visualisation and machine learning
Identification and denitrification characteristics of a salt-tolerant denitrifying bacterium Pannonibacter phragmitetus F1
Learning to drag: the effects of social interactions in touch gestures learnability for older adults
Absolute pitch: myths, misconceptions, and learnability
Practice-based teaching in MA Art and Social Practice and BA Fine Art Social Practice
Tourism and gendered hosts and guests
De l’art comme forme d’activisme, entretien avec Peter Dunn et Loraine Leeson par Juliette Desorgues
Fish in a barrel: police targeting of Brisbane’s ephemeral gay spaces in the pre-decriminalization era
The long-term effects of childhood neglect or abuse. Implications for child and family services in the UK
Thine is the kingdom: reconceptualising the Latin Kings street gang through the prism of revolutionary vanguardism
Post‐activation potentiation: is there an optimal training volume and intensity to Induce improvements in vertical jump ability in highly‐trained subjects?
Effects of inter-limb asymmetries on acceleration and change of direction speed: a between-sport comparison of professional soccer and cricket athletes
Refurbishment of UK school buildings: challenges of improving energy performance using BIM
Mobile telephone-delivered contingency management interventions promoting behaviour change in individuals with substance use disorders: a meta-analysis
Celebrity endorsement and the attitude towards luxury brands for a sustainable consumption
Rank-order competition in the voluntary provision of impure public goods
Trusting versus monitoring: an experiment of endogenous institutional choices
An optimal power allocation for D2D communications over multi-user cellular uplink channels
On the performance of NOMA in SWIPT systems with power-splitting relaying
Common threads in the making of Fāṭimid and Norman textiles in the hands of women
Russell Buchan, Cyber Espionage and International Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2019, 195 pp. ISBN 9781782257349. [Book review]
A question of sentience: Brexit, animal welfare and animal protection law
The uses and abuses of constitutional pluralism: undermining the rule of law in the name of constitutional identity in Hungary and Poland
Towards a prosopography of the American communist elite: the foundation years, 1919–1923
Comparative institutional law and economics: reclaiming economics for socio-legal research
Photobook/Vol.3 fisheye installations
The "values journey" of nursing and midwifery students selected using multiple mini interviews; year two findings
Online child sexual abuse
Der Flächennutzungsplan als kommunales Steuerungsinstrument. Eine Analyse der Wirkungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen.
Der direkte Einfluss internationaler Regulierung auf die Strategie österreichischer Versicherungsunternehmen seit der Finanzkrise im Jahr 2008
Bindings as bounded natural functors
Phylogeny of the Hawkmoth tribe Ambulycini: mitogenomes from museum specimens resolve major relationships
Influence of salt stress on propagation, growth and nutrient uptake of typical aquatic plant species
Oncometabolite induced primary cilia loss in pheochromocytoma
Isolated glucocorticoid deficiency: genetic causes and animal models
ACTH signalling and adrenal development: lessons from mouse models
A framework to assess integration in flood risk management: implications for governance, policy, and practice
The effect of carbohydrate dose and timing on timed effort and time to exhaustion within a simulated cycle race in male professional cyclists
A retrospective investigation on age and gender differences of injuries in DanceSport
Films and critical pedagogy in management education: A tourism studies context
A 122 fps, 1 MHz bandwidth multi-frequency wearable EIT belt featuring novel active electrode architecture for neonatal thorax vital sign monitoring
Coaching and mentoring for work-life balance
Training of a weightlifter: a scientific approach
Intra- and inter-day reliability of typical and alternative weightlifting variables during heavy cleans
Alternative jump variables as surrogate measures of weightlifting performance in national weightlifters
Improving the adaptation process for a new smart home user
Towards real-time detection of squamous pre-cancers from oesophageal endoscopic videos
Yemen: civil war or transnational crime?
Cleaning up the Dirty Squad: using the Obscene Publications Act as a weapon of social control
Making sense of actor behaviour: an algebraic filmstrip pattern and its implementation
A framework linking ecosystem services and human well‐being: Saltmarsh as a case study
Reports of the death of the libel writ have been greatly exaggerated: reviewing the UK Defamation Act 2013
Prescribing issues experienced by people living with phenylketonuria in the UK
Exploring foster carers' experiences with children who have complex attachment problems
Qualitative evaluation of a preventive intervention for the offspring of parents with a history of depression
‘Ray & Liz' screened at the Jeonju Film Festival (with director Q&A) and selected as one of the films graphic designers were invited to create a poster for as part of 100 films 100 posters event
Gendered mobilities and vulnerabilities: refugee journeys to and in Europe
Two masterclasses at Mata - diro Centro De Creacion Contemporanea, Madrid and Aesthetica Short Film Festival, York
New photographic work included in the international touring exhibition 'Photographers... Artists and the Snap Cardigan'
Practice ethics: modelling posthuman entanglements and care in artistic doctorates
Alice in Canning Town
Development of a finite element musculoskeletal model with the ability to predict contractions of three-dimensional muscles
TangiBoard: a toolkit to reduce the implementation burden of Tangible User Interfaces in education
The blossom method: development of a somatic psychotherapy model, its use in clinical and everyday settings: a heuristic, reflexive inquiry
Exposing knowledge: providing a real-time view of the domain under study for students
#MDXPD Product Design 2019
Of ostriches, frogs, birds and lizards: a dynamic framework of cultural identity negotiation strategies in an era of global mobility
The Offender Personality Disorder pathway for women in England and Wales: a hopeful new development?
A more promising architecture? Commissioners’ perspectives on the reconfiguration of personality disorder services under the Offender Personality Disorder (OPD) pathway
Exploiting resource contention in highly mobile environments and its application to vehicular ad-hoc networks
Parents' lived experiences in the UK
Author correction: Group size effects and critical mass in public goods games
Narratives of exclusion, narratives of belonging. Irish social work at the intersection between adults' and children's voices
Use of ICT tools (Tablet PC) to promote innovative teaching & learning and to develop students' 21st century skills at O' level: An action research case study in Mauritius
User preferences in intelligent environments
Evaluating the acceptability of a co-produced and co-delivered mental health public engagement festival: Mental Health Matters, Jakarta, Indonesia
Poisson approximation
Environmental health and the private rental sector: tackling housing conditions that impact health
Back to the future: environmental security in nineteenth century global politics
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of contingency management for cannabis use in early psychosis: the CIRCLE randomised clinical trial
An energy planning oriented method for analyzing spatial-temporal characteristics of electric loads for heating/cooling in district buildings with a case study of one university campus
Data Analytics
Sanierungscontrolling unter Berücksichtigung der Fortbestehensprognose für österreichische kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in Krisenfällen
VUCA and the future of the global mobile telco industry
Regulation of human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit expression in ovarian cancer
The Hidden Interior, IE:Studio, Issue #4 [Curation & Introduction]
Attack trees in Isabelle extended with probabilities for Quantum Cryptography
Sonic Hedgehog is a determinant of γδ T-Cell differentiation in the Thymus
Acknowledging lifelong learning principles within work-based studies: a continuing legacy for the degree apprenticeship
The space between worlds: Liminality, multidimensional Virtual Reality and Deep Immersion
A switching multi-level method for the long tail recommendation problem
Understanding paternalistic leadership: a guide for managers considering foreign assignments
Antibiotic resistance genes in treated wastewater and in the receiving water bodies: a pan-European survey of urban settings
Collaborative educational environments incorporating mixed reality technologies: a systematic mapping study
Mapping the public debate on ethical concerns: algorithms inmainstream media
The validity and reliability of a novel app for the measurement of change of direction performance
Toward a pedagogy for professional noticing: learning through observation
'Who Cares?' Gender, care and secondary schooling: 'Accidental findings' from a seclusion unit
Pause behaviour within reformulations and the proficiency level of second language learners of English
Lean Leadership – ein zukunftsorientiertes pflegerisches Führungsmodell? - Ein Aktionsforschungsprojekt in einer psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik
The developmental needs of coaches and coachees: a meta-synthesis of IJMCE Volumes 1-7
Longitudinal associations between depression and diabetes complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A qualitative exploration of therapists’ countertransference reactions to clients’ aggression
Diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer's patients using classical and deep learning techniques
HOw patients view extended half‐life products: impressions from real‐world experience (The HOPE study)
Using SEEC credit level descriptors to support the accreditation of professional learning in the NHS: a case study
Hazard perception training and assessment of young drivers in Mauritius: investigating the acceptance of the MauHazard tool
Examining the relationship between loyalty and place attachment in an urban park setting
Drug education in schools: the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs programme
The impact of arts based pedagogies: social work education for ethical practice
Ethical and practical issues to consider in the governance of genomic and human research data and data sharing in South Africa: a meeting report
Trickster at play: an inquiry into transgression in a colonised world
The 'values journey' of nursing and midwifery students selected using multiple mini interviews: evaluations from a longitudinal study
The characterisation of armed conflict and targeted killing of suspected terrorists under international humanitarian law: reflections on the future of Jus in Bello
Care home staff and family carers perspectives on passive suicide ideation and behaviour of older people in care homes
Rhythmic temporal structure at encoding enhances recognition memory
The Role of Young Professionals in Driving the Integration of Early Warning Systems
Design skills for environmental risk communication. Design in and design of an interdisciplinary workshop
What future for settlements and undertakings in international human rights resolution? [Blog post]
Enriching organisations: a personal exploration into putting human flourishing at the heart of my work
Born to speak and sing: musical predictors of language development in pre-schoolers
Protein misfolding thermodynamics
Enhancing security of MME handover via fractional programming and Firefly algorithm
Long-term and recent trends in hypertension awareness, treatment and control in twelve high-income countries: an analysis of 123 nationally representative surveys
Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults [Letter]
Gansu Studio: 'Plug-in' school unit for rural China
Overeducation and hourly wages in the UK labour market; 2006 to 2017
Balancing securitisation and education in schools: teachers' agency in implementing the Prevent duty
The impact of the prevent duty on schools: a review of the evidence
AIML and sequence-to-sequence models to build artificial intelligence chatbots: insights from a comparative analysis
Host country institutions and firm-level R&D influences: An analysis of European Union FDI in China
Case-based reasoning for context-aware solutions supporting personalised asthma management
A Human-in-The-Loop context-aware system allowing the application of case-based reasoning for asthma management
Discourses/2. Ireland: Listening to children's voices in Irish social work through cultural and organisational filters
Practices/6, United States of America: Hybrid-transitions as a space for children’s agency. A case-study from a pre-kindergarten in Boston
Effects of maturation on lower limb neuromuscular asymmetries in elite youth tennis players
Towards a general framework for evaluating intelligent environments methodologies
Optimisation of folate-mediated liposomal encapsulated arsenic trioxide for treating HPV-positive cervical cancer cells in vitro
On the resource allocation for D2D underlaying uplink cellular networks
Thematic problem solving: A case study on an approach to teaching problem solving in undergraduate mathematics
Banging the other side of the saucepan: changing political activism and performance of citizenship among Argentina’s middle class, 2001-2013
Wounded-healer healing: a first-person narrative inquiry into wounds as places of learning
Characteristics of severe life events, attachment style, and depression – Using a new online approach
Crisis resolution teams for people experiencing mental health crises: the CORE mixed-methods research programme including two RCTs
AROMA: An adapt-or-reroute strategy for multimedia applications over SDN-based wireless environments
Group size effects and critical mass in public goods games
Determining unstable game states to aid the identification of perturbations in football
The potential use of microneedles as an alternative method for skin cancer treatment
The mobilization and demobilization of middle-class revolt: Comparative insights from Argentina
A survey of user-centred approaches for smart home transfer learning and new user home automation adaptation
Removal of chlorpyrifos and its hydrolytic metabolite 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol in constructed wetland mesocosms under soda saline-alkaline conditions: Effectiveness and influencing factors
An auto-scaling framework for analyzing big data in the cloud environment
The "analysis of competing hypotheses" in intelligence analysis
The impact of visitors' experience intensity on in-situ destination image formation
A QoS-based flow assignment for traffic engineering in software-defined networks
The moderating role of corporate reputation and employee-company identification on the work-related outcomes of job insecurity resulting from workforce localization policies
Concealment of birth: time to repeal a 200-year-old "convenient stop-gap"?
Economic and social perspectives of corporate insolvency law in Uganda: The recent collapse of Crane Bank (Uganda) and the response to the 2007-2008 global economic crisis
Compressive sensing in electrical impedance tomography for breathing monitoring
Levels of awareness and concentrations of heavy metals in the blood of electronic waste scavengers in Nigeria
Which types of knowledge-intensive business services firms collaborate with universities for innovation?
The screen and the sand-timer: The integration the interactive whiteboard into an early years free-flow learning environment
The use of mindfulness in primary care
Using unilateral strength, power and reactive strength tests to detect the magnitude and direction of asymmetry: A test-retest design
The ecology of cooperation: considerations for litter research
Solution structure of Mannobioses unravelled by means of Raman optical activity
Challenges to providing culturally sensitive drug interventions for black and Asian minority ethnic (BAME) groups within UK youth justice systems
Is perception of destination image stable or does it fluctuate? A measurement of three points in time
Isolation and characterization of lignin-degrading bacterium Bacillus aryabhattai from pulp and paper mill wastewater and evaluation of its lignin-degrading potential
Multi-path routing for mission critical applications in software-defined networks
Drop jump asymmetry is associated with reduced sprint and change-of-direction speed performance in adult female soccer players
Molecular dynamics simulation on the effect of transition metal binding to the N-terminal fragment of amyloid-β
Not all international assignments are created equal: HQ-subsidiary knowledge transfer patterns across types of assignments and types of knowledge
Evaluating the factors of corporate website favorability: a case of UK and Russia
Postdevelopmental Approaches to Childhood Art
Storying diffractive pedagogy: reconfiguring groupwork in early childhood teacher education
Sidekicks and Allies
Let me tell you this - Book jacket
Financing social enterprises and the demand for social investment
Promoting adoption of management practices from the outside: insights from a randomized field experiment
Factors deterring and prompting the decision to attempt suicide on the railway networks: findings from 353 online surveys and 34 semi-structured interviews
Towards a tort of political negligence: Political deceit, political misrepresentation and the Brexit conundrum
Repressors exhibit lower cortisol reactivity to group psychosocial stress
The Menpo benchmark for multi-pose 2D and 3D facial landmark localisation and tracking
The effects of peer judgements on teamwork and self-assessment ability in collaborative group work
Exploring cultures of feedback practice: the adoption of learning-focused feedback practices in the UK and Australia
Does the use of summative peer assessment in collaborative group work inhibit good judgement?
Cues adopted by consumers in examining corporate website favorability: an empirical study of financial institutions in the UK and Russia
Comparing approaches for model-checking strategies under imperfect information and fairness constraints
Hosting as social practice: gendered insights into contemporary tourism mobilities
Contextualizando el Informe Cassese: La dictadura que cambió el sistema de derechos humanos de Naciones Unidas y su legado en el monitoreo de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales
Whole body cryotherapy, cold water immersion, or a placebo following resistance exercise: a case of mind over matter?
Legal sanction, international organisations and the Bangladesh Accord
Design, history and time: New temporalities in a digital age
The relationship between innovation culture and innovation outcomes: exploring the effects of sustainability orientation and firm size
Multicomponent frailty assessment tools for older people with psychiatric disorders: a systematic review
Payments for ecosystem services and the rural economy
Privilege, power, and the perversion of privacy protection
Meta-regulation meets deliberation: situating the governor within NHS foundation trust hospitals
Temporal expectancies and rhythmic cueing in touch: the influence of spatial attention
A contribution of twenty photographs in the book ‘Recordatio’ by Jessica d’Este
The stain upon the silence
Teleology or transcendence? Perspectives on Ligeti’s collusion with automatism
From writing spaces to a writing home: encouraging belonging through spatial design
Musical composition and mystical spirituality
An investigation of mobile social networking application users' responses to in-app advertisements
Web-based measure of life events using Computerized Life Events and Assessment Record (CLEAR): preliminary cross-sectional study of reliability, validity, and association with depression
The mens rea of human trafficking: the case of migrant domestic workers
The use of MOOCs in social enterprise education: an evaluation of a North-South collaborative FutureLearn program
Using art to illuminate social workers' stress
Effects of vicarious disgust learning on the development of fear, disgust, and attentional biases in children
Conceptualism - intersectional readings, international framings: situating 'Black Artists & Modernism' in Europe
Crossing borders and other dividers in Western Europe and the British Isles
Read my QR: Quilla Constance and the conceptualist promise of intelligibility
Research on effectiveness of technology transfer in technology alliances: Evidence from Turkish SMEs
Cheating, incentives, and money manipulation
Acute and chronic effects of foam rolling vs eccentric exercise on ROM and force output of the plantar flexors
A comprehensive classification of deep learning libraries
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of discontinued use of the e-cigarette
Challenges and changes in gendered poverty: the feminization, de-feminization, and re-feminization of poverty in Latin America
Protection des personnes LGBT+ en Europe : le cadre juridique national et de l’EU
A patron of men: Sitt al-Mulk and the military at the Fatimid court
Vulnerable adults in the privately rented sector in England: a snapshot of current practice issues
Experiences and psychological distress of fertility treatment and employment
A union default: a policy to raise union membership, promote the freedom to associate, protect the freedom not to associate and progress union representation
Problem-solving criminal justice: developments in England and Wales
Interactive effects of information exchange, relationship capital and environmental uncertainty on international joint venture (IJV) performance: an emerging markets perspective
Does organizational formalization facilitate voice and helping organizational citizenship behaviors? It depends on (national) uncertainty norms
Meditation in legal education: The value added toward the well-being of law students
From cultural governance to cultural tourism: Towards an interpretation approach
A systematic review and meta-analysis of lifestyle and body mass index predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies
Getting close to clothes: using material objects to rethink the creative geographies of post-war London fashion
Heavy barbell hip thrusts do not effect sprint performance: an 8-week randomized–controlled study
International and domestic tourists' "a priori" and "in situ" image differences and the impact of direct destination experience on destination image: the case of Linz, Austria
Comparison of bio-inspired algorithms applied to the coordination of mobile robots considering the energy consumption
Postactivation potentiation and change of direction speed in elite academy rugby players
Factors associated with variation in hospital use at the end of life in England
Sustainability and gender equality: exploring the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
Tackling bullying and harassment in the NHS: the critical roles played by managers
Exopolymeric substances (EPS) from Salmonella enterica: polymers, proteins and their interactions with plants and abiotic surfaces
Images for 8th International Artist Book Triennial Vilnius 2018 in Vercelli ,Italy
Employee perception of impact of knowledge management processes on public sector performance
Preface to the 10th anniversary issue of the Journal on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
Belarus: Researching labor management in the environment of silence
Communication, observability and cooperation: a field experiment on collective water management in India
Experiences of mothers of extremely preterm infants after hospital discharge
Prints for migration series at Wharepuke editions-show at the MAHA part of the Wharepuke art centre, New Zealand
The right to truth: when does it begin?
Research approaches in professional doctorates: notes on an epistemology of practice
Exploring how followers respond to micro-influencer endorsement
Instagram advertising: The catalyst for impulse purchase?
Twiplomacy in the age of Donald Trump: Is the diplomatic code changing?
Finance pathways for young innovative small‐ and medium‐size enterprises: a demand‐side examination of finance gaps and policy implications for the post‐global financial crisis finance escalator
Blockchain and other innovations in entrepreneurial finance: implications for future policy
Emerging trends in government venture capital policies in smaller peripheral economies: lessons from Finland, New Zealand, and Estonia
The role of government venture capital funds: recent lessons from the U.K. experience
Financing new creative enterprise through Blockchain technology: opportunities and policy implications
Small beer? Peer-to-peer lending in the craft beer sector
Impact of online community engagement on community loyalty and social well-being
'You can’t separate it from anything': glitter’s doings as materialized figurations of childhood (and) art
Knee angle affects posterior chain muscle activation during an isometric test used in soccer players
Becoming a 'mutated modest witness' in early childhood research
(In)conclusion(s): what gets produced through layering feminist thought?
Materialized reconfigurations of gender in early childhood: playing seriously with Lego
Re-turns and dis/continuities of feminist thought in childhood research: indebtedness and entanglements
Introduction: Throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Traces and generative connections between feminist post-structuralism and feminist new materialism in childhood studies
Becoming a "mutated modest witness" in early childhood research
Materialising professionalism in the nursery: exploring the intimate connection between critique and creation
Expert view: gender from an early age
The Ethical Professor: A Practical Guide to Research, Teaching and Professional Life, by Lorraine Eden, Kathy Lund Dean, and Paul M. Vaaler. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018. 234 pages, paperback [Book review]
Guaranteeing user rates with reinforcement learning in 5G Radio access networks
Machine learning in Radio resource scheduling
Improving SIEM for critical SCADA water infrastructures using machine learning
Cartoons for Museo De Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda
Comparison of proprioception between Kinesiology and adhesive ankle taping: a randomised experimental study
The European Court of Human Rights’ remedial practice and its impact on the execution of judgments
Editorial: research methods and management
Twitter and creative writing: generating an 'authentic' online voice
Understanding new religion-compliant product adoption (NRCPA) in Islamic markets
Vulnerabilities and limitations of MQTT protocol used between IoT devices
Finding the right management approach in independent hotels
An artwork contribution to Journeys - a travelling selected exhibition by the Printmakers Council
The motivations of external whistleblowers and their impact on the intention to blow the whistle again
Cinderella, the beauty myth and a feminist conundrum
Phytotoxicity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity evaluation of organic and inorganic pollutants rich tannery wastewater from a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in Unnao district, India using Vigna radiata and Allium cepa
Bolshevism, stalinism and the comintern: a historical controversy revisited
The scales of justice: balancing the goals of international criminal trials
Introduction of key problems in long-distance learning and training
Dietary intake and lifestyle behavior in different phenotypes of polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case-control study
Phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated sites: Eco-environmental concerns, field studies, sustainability issues, and future prospects
Education and social development current pedagogical trends
Members Only - The private life of the gay and bi-sexual, male sauna
Contemporary practices in social work supervision: time for new paradigms?
Children’s self-determination in the context of early childhood education and services - discourses, policies and practices
Decolonising the curriculum
Flood insurance in Scotland: a cause for serious concern
Artist book [award]
Front-line practitioners versus received theories of crime and terrorism
The sanitary inspectors and ‘the slums’ 1914-1921: what they saw, what they thought and how they influenced the post war housing design and standards
Ritual slaughter and religious freedom
Young children drawing together on the iPad versus paper: How collaborative creativity is shaped by different semiotic resources
Validity and reliability of a light-based electronic target for testing response time in fencers
Extended book review: Transnational trade unionism: dream and reality
The competitive and multi-faceted nature of neural coding in motor imagery: Comment on "Muscleless motor synergies and actions without movements: From motor neuroscience to cognitive robotics" by V. Mohan et al.
The die is cast: Brexit's influence on student career intentions
Rights and remedies at risk: Implications of the Brexit process on the future of rights in the UK
Three fast lessons and three slow lessons for UK democracy in 2019 [Blog post]
A holistic method for improving software product and process quality
The impact of bank insolvency on consumer protection and the drive towards the 2030 sustainable development agenda in developing economies: A Ugandan perspective
Autocracies and the implementation of human rights treaties - the case of Cameroon and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
Factors predicting jury convictions in stranger rape cases
Localization of computer-mediated communication and corporate impression on online communities
The allergy questionnaire for athletes provides value in ruling‐out exercise‐induced bronchoconstriction [Letter to the Editor]
A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones
A phenomenological inquiry into heterosexual men’s experience of gender identity in couples therapy as client
Journeys exhibition - The Oxmarket gallery
Comment on the consensus report on the management of hyperglycaemia in Type 2 diabetes by the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes
The trouble with captions: the censorship of Elizabeth McCausland’s texts that were originally intended to accompany Berenice Abbott’s photographs within their Changing New York, 1939, Dutton publication [presentation]
Elliptical slot based polarization insensitive compact and flexible chipless RFID tag
A survey of intelligence analysts’ strategies for solving analytic tasks
The perceived trustworthiness of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on attitude towards dietary supplements, purchase intention and behaviour for dietary supplements amongst female adolescents in Saudi Arabia
Review of Maggie May (Finborough Theatre)
From house to home across the life-course
The art of social work
Understanding paternalistic leadership: How to work with Chinese leaders
Exploring dual gender typicality among young adults in the United States
A cautionary note or two, amid the pleasures and pains of participation in performance-making as Research (revised 2019) [keynote]
Exploring the inalienable rights of children: a case study of FGM to highlight gaps in safeguarding children in the United States
The European Convention on Human Rights, transitional justice and the protection of property rights in Albania
Overcoming chemoresistance in osteosarcoma: the role of autophagy in cell death or survival following chemotherapy
Animating observed emotional behaviour: a practice-based investigation comparing three approaches to self-figurative animation
The effect of corporate governance characteristics on performance and capital structure: an empirical study of Saudi listed companies
Constructing validated clinical tools to enable the development of a new evidence base for personalised nutrition practice in obesity management
Individual Parental Coaching (IPC) - an optional way to improve communication between parents and adolescents in conventionally structured families in Israel
Building bridges: Introducing concepts from neuroscience and attachment theory to person-centred practitioners
Selective delivery of arsenic trioxide to HPV positive cervical cancer cells with targeted liposomes
Policy contexts and student identity/ies: a post ’92 university case study
Unquestioned testimony: How the diminution of live testimony threatens the accused’s right to be present during international criminal trials
Enhancing user fairness in OFDMA radio access networks through machine learning
Implementation and performance evaluation of a MIMO-VLC system for data transmissions
What do we know about transgender parenting?: Findings from a systematic review
Methodologies for Practice Research; Approaches for professional doctorates
Digital 3d print in Printmakers Council event at Scarborough Art Gallery
Peripherally inserted central catheter ports: a vascular access specialist's systematic approach
Investigation of the feasibility of using focal vibratory stimulation with robotic aided therapy for spasticity rehabilitation in spinal cord injury
Influence of trust on sharing of knowledge in a cross-cultural working environment
An interpretative phenomenological enquiry into individuals’ experience following Roux-en-Y gastric by-pass surgery
The use of armed drones by the United States against Al-Qaeda and its ‘associates’: a study of law and policy arising from a ‘State of exception’
Breaking down the silos: tales from a jazz musician and management educator
Restorative justice and confucianism in Hong Kong
Disproportionality in NHS disciplinary proceedings
Reconsidering research and supervision as creative embodied practice: reflections from the field, Artistic Doctorates in Europe: third-cycle provision in
Dance and Performance
An ISM approach to modeling: antecedents of e-cheating in higher education
An exploration into the implementation of the balanced scorecard: a multiple case study approach from Saudi Arabia
Pneumatic interpretation in the renewal tradition: the first 50 years
The Black Majority Church: exploring the impact of faith and a faith community on mental health and well-being
The impact of cryotherapy versus placebo interventions on recovery following strenuous exercise, and adaptations to resistance training
Facilitating leadership development with horses: underpinnings of practice
International financial reporting standards (IFRS): exploring financial evidence from Australia, Germany, Greece, the UK and the US
An investigation into what role anti-Americanism plays in attracting Middle Eastern Arab Sunni men to Islamist extremism, in the contemporary era
Investigating the deployment of electronic customer relationship management readiness and maturity models in the Iranian banking industry
Prevalence and impact of Malaria infection on pregnancy and prenatal outcomes in the Blue Nile state of Sudan
Private parties and the revised standing criteria under article 263 TFEU: dawn of effective judicial protection or a false one?
Essays on the financial constraints and related firm behaviour: the case of Pakistan
Exploiting user contention to optimize proactive resource allocation in future networks
How do people make sense of their recovery from academic burnout during their undergraduate studies? An interpretative phenomenological inquiry into the experience of young adults
Event-related alpha desynchronization in touch - comparing attention and perception
A hermeneutical analysis of John Owen's use of Song of Songs 1:2-7 and 2:8-9
A contextual approach to trauma experience: lessons from life events research
BEING ME: Project report on best practices in learning and education to support LGBT ageing care and wellbeing
John Peters Humphrey (1905–1995): The man behind the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Deep affect prediction in-the-wild: Aff-wild database and challenge, deep architectures, and beyond
Honoring Don Whitley, pioneer of innovative scientific instruments for Anaerobic Microbiology (1929-2019)
On the performance, availability and energy consumption modelling of clustered IoT systems
Labour market enforcement in the 21st century: should whistleblowers have a greater role?
Dense 3D face decoding over 2500FPS: Joint texture and shape convolutional mesh decoders
GANFIT: Generative adversarial network fitting for high fidelity 3D face reconstruction
The characterisation of armed conflict and targeted killing under international humanitarian law: reflections on the future of Jus in Bello
Living with infertility: an exploratory study of men’s experience
A hope to believe in: a transition programme to support mature students' access to Higher Education
Young men with physical disabilities struggle for digital sex(uality)
The role of unions in addressing behavioural market failures
Context in Mobile learning: the point of view of the learners
Two new kids on the block: How do Crossref and Dimensions compare with Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Scopus and the Web of Science?
Context-aware systems testing and validation
Using formal methods to guide the development of an asthma management system
The SEArch smart environments architecture
Evaluation of crowdsourcing Wi-Fi radio map creation in a real scenario for AAL applications
An interface for managing users' preferences in AmI
Staff experiences of working in a Sexual Assault Referral Centre: the impacts and emotional tolls of working with traumatised people
Private rented sector and the challenges facing health: an overview
Abandoned History (relief & photo litho print) and Battersea
(relief, digital & photo litho print) in RE originals prints 2019
Resilience, stress and burnout in student midwives
Terms of address in peer interactions of older women
Repairs and old-age categorisations: interactional and categorisation analysis
The Diogenes Effect in retail buyer information processing
Innovation starts at the storefront: modelling consumer behaviour towards storefront windows enriched with innovative technologies
Competitive intelligence practice in liquor retailing: evidence from a longitudinal case analysis
Participation and collaboration in contemporary art practices
Docklands Community Poster Project
From photo-murals to water wheels: a role for art in strategies of change
Management of time: the enhancement of personal and professional efficacy
The Mutating Mummy: from ancient artefact to modern attraction
The motivations of psychotherapists: an in‐depth survey
Reliability of judging in DanceSport
Contributions to the "Gold Pencil Indonesia" - PAPB International Cartoon Festival 2019
Showcase: The Mummy turns 20
BEING ME: Promoting best practices in LGBT ageing care through inclusive professional and vocational education
Can waist circumference provide a new “third” dimension to BMI when predicting percentage body fat in children? Insights using allometric modelling
Using a situation awareness approach to identify differences in the performance profiles of the world’s top two squash players and their opponents
Perspectives of paid carers on supporting older people in care homes with depression, self-harm and suicidal behaviours
Works presented at "24th International Cartoon Exhibition"
A power-splitting relaying protocol for wireless energy harvesting and information processing in NOMA systems
The population structure of wild Scottish brown trout (Samo trutta L.1758) of Loch Maree, Wester Ross: spatial genetic distribution after population decline
Vietnamese women marriage migrants in South Korea: A study of their sense of well-being in the process of their settlement
An analysis of the educational-political setting of Wolfhart Pannenberg's "Theology & the Philosophy of Science" in consideration of contemporary challenges to German university theology
Tracing the journey: two School-based counsellors ‘coming out’ of the counselling room. An ethnographic enquiry within a UK inner-city secondary school
Protection of personal information Act No. 4 of 2013: Implications for biobanks
Stretching the string: embedding pedagogical strategies in extended techniques compositions for strings
Investigation of demographic factors in construction employees' safety perceptions
The role of emotional intelligence in the development of adolescents’ social and emotional skills, abilities and academic performance after the transition to secondary school
Cultivating a “Reflective Approach” to the practice of law: The use of meditation in legal education
An Internet of Things based bed-egress alerting paradigm using wearable sensors in elderly care environment
Draft magazine 05
The Mummy on screen: orientalism and monstrosity in horror cinema
Diasporas, agency and enterprise in settlement and homeland contexts: politicised entrepreneurship in the Kurdish diaspora
Argyrin B a non-competitive inhibitor of the human immunoproteasome exhibiting preference for β1i
The emergence of social innovation within the social economy: the case of social enterprises in England
Learning in harmony
Media and nationalism beyond borders
Improving health literacy about Tuberculosis among drug users. A pilot randomized controlled trial
An efficient deep learning model for intrusion classification and prediction in 5G and IoT networks
Developing traffic prediction and congestion algorithms for a C-ITS network
City image, city brand personality and Generation Z residents’ life satisfaction under economic crisis: Predictors of city-related social media engagement
Comparison of constraint-handling techniques for metaheuristic optimization
Masculinity and shell shock in the poetry of Siegfried Sassoon: soldier of trauma and poet of abjection
The intelligence of sheep
Selected cartoons on the theme of languages and the world
Canadian commercial banks and corporate governance: 2006-2018
Bio-inspired computation: where we stand and what's next
Under Her Skin: on woman without body and body without Woman
Femininity and psychoanalysis: Cinema, culture, theory
The effect of the return of serve on the server pair’s movement parameters and rally outcome in padel using cluster analysis
Index tracking with utility enhanced weighting
Professional horizons
Splashing tradition: the use of tradition and church history in recent German baptismal theologies as seen in the views of Th. Schneider, W. Pannenberg, and A. Heinze
Exploring Iranian political refugees’ experiences in Britain - phoenix rises from the ashes - an existential-phenomenological study
Focusing on the voices of adults diagnosed with 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’
Evaluation of the capability of the simulated dual energy X-ray absorptiometry-based two-dimensional finite element models for predicting vertebral failure loads
Time, authenticity and photographic storytelling in the Museum of Innocence
Think non-ethnic but act ethnic: An issue of breakout
Infertile couples' perceived needs after unsuccessful fertility treatment: A qualitative study
Negotiating requests for reimbursement for community engagement: challenges in developing an educational video for genomic biobanking research in South Africa
The GDPR and the research exemption: considerations on the necessary safeguards for research biobanks
Working with school-refusing young people in Tower Hamlets, London
Global strategy and management
On the accuracy of poisson approximation
A qualitative study of the experiences of Iranian infertile couples after unsuccessful assisted reproductive technologies
Work based projects: creating meaningful learning experiences for workplace impact
Education and work based learning - Managing a process of change: The arguments of Jennifer Todd, Thomas and Loxley
An exploration of therapists' experiences of working with terminal cancer patients
Examining the influence of religiosity and consumer perceived value on brand sensuality, brand experience, consumer hedonism and repurchase intention: a study of consumers’ perception in the context of fashion retailing – the case of Turkey
An empirical study of the purpose of the Irish Protected Disclosures Act 2014
Awakening the transformative; an autoethnographic exploration of implementing learning and development in the Irish mental health world
Integrating restorative justice into the ICC’s legal framework: possibility and necessity
A phenomenological exploration into psychotherapists' experiences of their breath awareness in psychotherapy
A study of sexual violence in the digital age: Working with technology-facilitated sexual violence against women within sexual violence support services
Film practice as interdisciplinary research: a case study
Investigation of individual perceptions towards BIM Implementation-a Chongqing case study
Criminal data analysis based on low rank sparse representation
The lived experience of posttraumatic growth in gay men after an HIV diagnosis: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
The philatelic imagination of pan-African independence under platform capitalism
A phenomenological study of female therapists’ experience of the intersubjective dimension within the therapeutic encounter
Innovations designed to improve the student experience for mathematics students in higher education
Autonomy and caring: towards a Marxist understanding of nursing work
Marco Longobardo, The Use of Armed Force in Occupied Territory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 342 pp. ISBN: 9781108473415 (hardback) [Book review]
Molecular assessment of parasite infection within socioeconomically important UK salmonid populations
Motherhood in the therapy room. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of mother-therapists who work with mothers who grieve for their child
“The Best or the Rest”: An exploration of UK Rugby Union coaches’ team selection decisions
A meter band rate mechanism to improve the native QoS capability of OpenFlow and OpenDaylight
An investigatory inquiry into the online nutritional therapy experience and the potential for enrichment using action research
Exploring the role of Humor and Music in radio advertisement: a quasi-experimental study on domestic tourist attitudes and behavioral intentions in the UAE
Exploring the educational experience of culturally and linguistically diverse students in Higher Education. Preliminary findings from a small scale project
The development of a knowledge hub to support and provide culturally competent and compassionate psychological support for refugees in Europe
Enhanced bacterial inactivation in apple juice by synergistic interactions between phenolic acids and mild food processing technologies
Patch-based deep learning approaches for artefact detection of endoscopic images
Art as a tool for social change: The Docklands Community Poster Project and its legacy
State of the art in European addictions nursing: perspectives from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands
Influencing child care social work: the curiosity of an experienced practitioner
The Labour and Human Rights issues in Sri Lankan global supplier companies of UK multinationals: The influencing factors
The viceregal homiletic: an appropriation of G.K. Beale's Christian viceregency for theological consideration of Christian preaching
"Keeping Control": a user‐led exploratory study of mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and abuse in the context of adult safeguarding in England
Being Fair. Supporting a just and learning culture for staff and patients following incidents in the NHS
Investigating the feasibility of creating a suite of dedicated attitude-themed support materials for coaches based on the tripartite component model
Expanding the zone: multimedia animation, performance and curation in Peter Burr’s Special Effect (2013-14)
A general theory of syntax with bindings
Political aspects of violence: a criminological analysis
Italian organized crime
Public Health involvement in alcohol licensing decisions: policy, partnerships and professional ideology
A study of the effectiveness of Edmodo on Preservice classroom teachers' views of web-assisted collaborative learning environments, sense of community of classroom, and perceived learning
Wright-ing the somatic: narrating the bodily
The role of the outsider as an agent for change
‘…wind in my hair, I feel a part of everywhere…’: creating dance for young audiences narrates emplacement
The impact of emotional intelligence on leadership and management
Tin Tin Tango, Argentina
Logistics management
Justice in the absence of the accused: can the rights of victims be fully vindicated without the participation of the accused?
How to bring forth good social learning in teacher education through technology
To what extent is there a silence in regards to the issue of abortion within the contemporary evangelical church in the UK?
Series entitled 'Just Happy' - four relief prints for Bankside Gallery Summer Exhibition
Finding sands in the eyes: vulnerabilities discovery in IoT with EUFuzzer on human machine interface
Using the attachment style interview to explore non-suicidal self-injury in men: the representational pathway from childhood trauma to non-suicidal self-injury
Attachment style and alexithymia as predictors of non-suicidal self-injury in young adults: a pilot study
Safeguarding the future of genomic research in South Africa: Broad consent and the protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013
Problematising social mobility in relation to Higher Education policy
Improved tabu search and simulated annealing methods for nonlinear data assimilation
Financial literacy and voluntary savings for retirement: novel causal evidence
Improved movie recommendations based on a hybrid feature combination method
Cartoons under the themes year of the pig, flowers and free subject [One of two British artists selected]
TAEO-A thermal aware & energy optimized routing protocol for wireless body area networks
Resigned indifference: an explanation of gaps in care for culturally and linguistically diverse patients'
Planning for an uncertain future: The challenges of a locally based collaborative approach to coastal development decisions
Cognitive reflection test: whom, how, when
Size-dependent bond dissociation enthalpies in single-walled carbon nanotubes
The role of superdiverse home country cities in helping migrants negotiate life in superdiverse host country cities
Formulation technologies for oral vaccines
Selected relief monoprints with mixed media elements
Meditation in legal education: the value added toward the well-being of law students
Purification and method optimisation for identification of carbohydrate moieties on human chorionic gonadotropin glycoforms using MALDI IT–TOF MS
Selective findings from two international surveys on culturally competent compassion
Human rights enforcement at the borders: International Criminal Court jurisdiction over the Rohingya situation
Vietnamese commercial banks and corporate governance
The incorporation of meditation into legal education
Four preconditions for solving MC4 machine consciousness
Sticks and carrots for reducing property-level risks from floods: an EU-US comparative perspective
From culturally competent humans to culturally competent robots. A brief introduction to cultural competence in health and social care.
Transcultural robotic nursing: should we be including it in the nursing curriculum?
Virtuous leadership - Culturally competent and compassionate leadership
Let’s talk about sex: female therapists’ experience of working with male clients who are sexually attracted to them
Everyday practices and Shariʿah interpretations: the dynamics of Shariʿah interpretations in the life of Muslims in Belgium
A ‘cut too deep’; creating a context for change in the family and community of practice for the management of self-harm
Changes in worker perceptions of health and safety during the BG Tanzania drilling campaign (2011-2016)
Sensation in psychotherapy through the lens of sensory integration theory
Writing 'Practice' /Practising/ 'Writing' (in the doctoral research context)
Alfredo Jaar: Towards a culture of resistance [Curator]
If you go down to the woods today...Alfredo Jaar's sites of resistance
The incorporation of meditation into legal education: a personal reflection
More anxious than depressed: prevalence and correlates in a 15-nation study of anxiety disorders in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus
A deep learning approach for length of stay prediction in clinical settings from medical records
A high capacity tunable retransmission type frequency coded chipless radio frequency identification system
Intrusion detection and classification with autoencoded deep neural network
The evolution of lying in well-mixed populations
Insights and disclosures: a study of the philosophical theology of Bernard Lonergan and Ian Ramsey
Offering smarter learning support through the use of biometrics
Lifetime trauma, adversity and emotional disorder in older age women
On the performance of regenerative relaying for SWIPT in NOMA Systems
Transformative learning through university and prison partnerships: reflections from 'Learning Together' pedagogical practice
From posture to acture: developing awareness in movement and performer training in UK Higher Education using the Feldenkrais Method ®
Visions of political violence
Stories from adults stolen as babies during Argentina's last dictatorship (1976-1983): a narrative inquiry into identity restitution
Four pieces for toy piano as a form of practice-as-research: serendipity, poetry and play
Nature-based flood risk management on private land: disciplinary perspectives on a multidisciplinary challenge
Emerging voices: examining the applicability of the passive personality principle when conducting a trial in absentia [Blog post]
Effects of ketamine treatment on suicidal ideation: a qualitative study of patients’ accounts following treatment for depression in a UK ketamine clinic
Behavioral finance and implications for regulation: China’s stock market
Academic practice partnerships
Good times for free
Increasing altruistic and cooperative behaviour with simple moral nudges
Tableau-based translation from first-order logic to modal logic
New television: the aesthetics and politics of a genre [Book review]
From hazard to consequences: evaluation of direct and indirect impacts of flooding along the Emilia-Romagna coastline, Italy
Review of 'On The Surface' by The Challenge
Two emperors and a queen
Context and HRM: theory, evidence, and proposals
Characterisation of rare earth elements in waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) and their bioleaching potential
Evidence concentrate: Law Revision and Study Guide [6th Edition]
Risk assessment of dietary exposure to Aflatoxin contamination in spices
Comparative finite element modelling of aneurysm formation and physiologic inflation in the descending aorta
The rebirth of Austrian cinema through the 70s avant-garde
Wikidata in Higher Education: opening minds with open data
The impact on development of technology and knowledge transfer in Chinese MNEs in sub-Saharan Africa: the Ghanaian case
Refugees, resettlement experiences and mental health: a systematic review of case studies
Organized crime and terrorist networks
Fact-finding: European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
Emergency care for women irregular migrants who arrive in Spain by small boat: a qualitative study
Digital future: the new underclass
The multimodal writer: creative writing across genres and media
Pedagogical principles and methods underpinning education of health and social care practitioners on experiences and needs of older LGBT+ people: Findings from a systematic review
Children’s participation in early childhood: realistic, rhetorical, problematic?
The 1940s universal Mummy cycle: a decade of decay or regeneration?
Technology, market regulations, and labour share dynamics
Phylogenomics resolves major relationships and reveals significant diversification rate shifts in the evolution of silk moths and relatives
Mental health and offending: care, coercion and control
Long non-coding RNA structure and function: Is there a link? [Corrigendum]
Youth justice in the digital age: a case study of practitioners' perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of social technology in their Techno-Habitat in the United Kingdom
Effects of energy availability and dietary macronutrients on bone mineral density in male and female vocational ballet dancers
The role of fractional exhaled nitric oxide in the assessment of athletes reporting exertional dyspnoea
Turning up the heat: can post-exercise hot water immersion be used to manipulate acute physiological responses & chronic adaptation following resistance training?
The influence of Islamic values on retail brand equity and store loyalty: a Saudi Arabian perspective
Art criticism and Africa, AICA conference at the Courtauld Institute, London, 1996
Entanglement by The Observer Effect
A moderate caffeine dose increases strength performance in resistance-trained females
National report: Croatia
Recommendations for action: enhancing artistic doctoral education in dance and performance
Silvia Ziranek – interview: ‘I enjoy appearance, colour, shape and form – and I love dressing up’
Researching (in/as) motion: a resource collection
When function meets emotion, change can happen: societal value propositions and disruptive potential in fintechs
The evolution of entrepreneurial finance – 10 years after the global financial crisis [Editorial]
Atomic scheduling of appliance energy consumption in residential smart grids
Conclusion: Nature-Based Solutions in Flood Risk Management
Nature-based solutions in flood risk management
Joycean aesthetics and mythic imagination in the music of Frank Corcoran
Focus on recent advances in electrical impedance tomography
Transforming visitors’ emotional engagement: a case of national trust
Cultural political economy and sustainable heritage tourism
Early photography included in the group exhibition 'Children of Saturn', Musée d'art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne, Château de Rochechouart, Vienna
Relief prints in The Masters: relief 2019, Bankside Gallery, London
Breath and darkness: realism and representation in astronomical illustration and cinematographic special effects
Total score of athleticism: holistic athlete profiling to enhance decision-making
Head of state immunity and rights of the accused
What about my rights?: #MeToo and the presumption of innocence
#MeToo and the presumption of innocence: the rights of victims and the accused
The role of acquittals at the International Criminal Court
Achieving sustainability in global sourcing: towards a conceptual framework
Conditions that enable effective feedback
Predictor factors of perceived health in family caregivers of people diagnosed with mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease
The rise of character education in Britain: heroes, dragons and the myths of character
'[...] both a beyond and the conditions of mapping that beyond'
The Defamation Act 2013: a free speech retrospective
Global political economy and HRM within global turbulence
Resisting antimicrobial resistance: lessons from fungus farming ants
Affecting solidarities: bringing feeling into feminism, empathy in employment and compassion in academic communities of crises
The attacking process in football: a taxonomy for classifying how teams create goal scoring opportunities using a case study of Crystal Palace FC
A comparison of reinforcement learning algorithms in fairness-oriented OFDMA schedulers
Technology, intangible assets and the decline of the labor share
The data and deviance: disintegrative shaming and exclusion in Queensland schools
Big fish, small pond: NGO–corporate partnerships and corruption of the environmental certification process in Tasmanian aquaculture
Law and the wearing of religious symbols in Europe
Rethinking the nexus of TV series/movies and destination image: changing perceptions through sensorial cues and authentic identity of a city
Towards the development of community commitment based on musical events in the Dominican Republic
Whispering experience: configuring the symmetrical and asymmetrical paths to travelers' satisfaction and passion
A land for all season: the effect of travelers' orientation on awareness, satisfaction, place image, and travelers' loyalty
Examining the destination website: a case of Visit Tatarstan
'Naive Kid' or 'Viruoso of Deceit'?: Tabloid media parochialism and the trials of Amanda Knox
(Un)touched (floor) installations
A narrative analysis of new mothers' experiences of not-understanding
Mindfulness mirror
Healthy cities and sustainable innovation
Effect of post activation potentiation on weightlifting performance
Algorithmic transparency of conversational agents
Social action and the arts - in statutory, further and higher education, 1992 – 2019
Artist book selected at 8th Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018
Advancing clinical pharmacy practice
Voice and resistance: coalminers' struggles to represent their health and safety interests in Australia and New Zealand 1871–1925
Developing recruitment and retention processes for nursing programmes in higher education
Attitudes towards mental illness in Turkish and Greek speaking Cypriot communities living in Cyprus
Elite sport, identity and mental health: a narrative inquiry
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me: working with affect, emotion, and creation of transformative energies as a feminist curatorial practice
A mission reading of the Fourth Gospel
Segmentation, unity, and a church divided: a critical history of churches in Nagaland, 1947-2017
Investigation and development of a tangible technology framework for highly complex and abstract concepts
A study of waiters' occupational identity and its effect on staff turnover within the context of Michelin-starred restaurants in London
The call for harmonisation of cross-border insolvency laws to enable cross-border filing and litigation in the East African community
Love is the bridge between you and everything: relationships of identity, experience, and benevolence to travelers’ loyalty and willingness to purchase
Action, reflection and learning in team coaching
Employee rights in corporate insolvency: a UK and US perspective
Framework for restoration of heritage using building information modelling
Organisational information requirements for successful BIM implementation
Examining the quality and management of non-geometric building information modelling data at project hand-over
Member of the International Jury, Marseille International Film Festival, 9 - 16th June 2019, Marseille
Early photographic work included in the group exhibition 'Inside - Out. Constructions of the Self', Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg
Integration of the practice of mindfulness within action learning as an added component within a post graduate leadership programme: an account of practice
Promoting cultural awareness: a means of managing cultural diversity
Assessing child abuse: "We need to talk!"
U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Nowak's CCPR commentary
Towards a system for tracking drug delivery using frequency excited gold nanoparticles
A thin-slice of institutionalised police brutality: a tradition of excessive force in the Chicago Police Department
A method to assess bioavailability of antibiotics in anthropogenic polluted ecosystems by using a bacterial fitness test
Optimisation of server selection for maximising utility in Erlang-loss systems
Fingermarks as a new proteomic specimen: state of the art and perspective of in situ proteomics
Shining a light on housing services for older people
A comparative suitability study between classification systems for BIM in heritage
The Law of War and Changing Character of Armed Conflict: Reflections on the Universality of Humanitarian Concern in light the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions of 1949
A generative adversarial strategy for modeling relation paths in knowledge base representation learning
A history based logic for dynamic preference updates
Embodiments of evil and reflections of social change in second-world fantasy
Dr Carnesky’s incredible bleeding woman
Leadership insights from performing arts in and of exile, a live in the in-between
Time management and student wellbeing
A formally verified abstract account of Gödel's incompleteness theorems
Global trends of chronic non-communicable diseases risk factors
Measuring state-owned health care organisations board performance, accounting for national culture: the case of Greece
Financial evolution and income inequality: channels and evidence
A phenomenological exploration into the personal experience and impact of therapist self-disclosure on the therapist
Experience of World Vision India fieldworkers – role and discretion at the interface of organisation and communities
Psychological work with survivors of sex trafficking: a narrative inquiry of the impact on practitioners
Zhang Yijing (1871-1931) and the search for a Chinese Christian identity
Architecture design for disaster resilient management network using D2D technology
Inventory’s paper assembly: fierce sociology, sovereignty and self-organisation in London’s small press publishing scene 1995 to 2005
An autoethnography of an education consultant in Greece
Progressive (dis)ability: the experience of living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
‘Being-in-the-world’ as a mother - hermeneutic-phenomenological exploration of lived experiences of eight new mothers’ transition to motherhood - within the theoretical frame of ‘four dimensions of existence’
Upholding the rule of law in the EU: what role for the FRA?
Responding to the risk of reducing resources: development of a framework for future change programmes in English environmental health services
How to build and consolidate a partly free pseudo democracy by constitutional means in three steps: the 'Hungarian model'
Design and psychometric evaluation of the 'Clinical Communication Self-Efficacy Toolkit'
LensCulture discoveries installation
Lumen: Cosmos installation
To the moon and back installation
Cosmic sublime exhibition installation
Self portrait (exhibited in Ruth Borchard Collection - Prize Exhibition 2019)
Of swallows and ravens
The motivations of external whistleblowers and their impact on the intention to blow the whistle again
The punk reader: research transmissions from the local and the global
Free prior informed consent protocols as instruments of autonomy: laying foundations for rights based engagement
Employment law: the essentials
Kitty Marion: actor and activist edited by Viv Gardner and Diane Atkinson, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, 282 pp., ISBN 978-1-5261-3804-0 [Book review]
An alternative to the Irish Backstop: an all-Ireland “Common No-Custom Area” as a frontier traffic area under art. 24 of GATT [Blog post]
360° Mulsemedia: a way to improve subjective QoE in 360° videos
Reference curves for a fitness battery developed for children ages 5-12 years in England
Alkan's Esquisses - past, present and future
The epidemiological burden of obesity in childhood: a worldwide epidemic requiring urgent action
Translucent players: explaining cooperative behavior in social dilemmas
The crime of aggression and the ICC deterrent effect over states not parties: the case of the United States of America
The only certainty is uncertainty - risk to rights in the Brexit process
Multimodality, visual methods and lived experience
Interdisciplinary pressure cooker: environmental risk communication skills for the next generation
Preferential trade and investment agreements and engagement between the trade and investment law regimes
I, Daniel Blake (2016): vulnerability, care and citizenship in austerity politics
Exploring trauma and attachment style over the lifespan using secondary data: a single case study of two sisters
Recording Gina Pane
Confederacy for now: European (dis)integration as virtuous circle or vicious cycle?
The liberal order: holed below the waterline or a ship that we can rebuild at sea?
Swieto Karpia 2019 Poland
The legal profession's responsibility for Brexit
'It just opened my eyes a bit more': student engagement with Instagram to develop understanding of complex concepts
How analysts think: a preliminary study of human needs and demands for AI-based conversational agents
‘Ideal victim or hysterical party?’ Victim presentation in the family courts
Cyber terrorism: definitional problems [News article]
Philosophy as rhetoric
I interpret you: Davidson and Buber
Validity and reliability of the rear foot elevated split squat 5 repetition maximum to determine unilateral leg strength symmetry
Relationship between inter-limb asymmetries and speed and change of direction speed in youth handball players
Acute effect of repeated sprints on inter-limb asymmetries during unilateral jumping
Enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation: what this means for the new HRM professional and the new workplace
Models of communication: theoretical and philosophical approaches
Being as communication: an exploratory model
Transgression: introduction to the special issue on Ernst Bloch
Pavlovian Wolves: the sound world of Wadleigh's 'Wolfen' (1981)
(de)figured in Dubai installations
Thermal duets installation
The collaborative practices of Gina Pane and Francoise Masson
Active energy: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - communities countering climate change - project installation
Assessing attachment style in traumatized adolescents in residential care: A case approach
Partner violence in women - associations with childhood maltreatment, attachment style and major depression
Impacts of maltreatment in adolescence
Impacts of childhood maltreatment in adulthood
Commentary: delivering direct patient care in the haemodialysis unit: a focused ethnographic study of care delivery
Micro-distortion detection of lidar scanning signals based on geometric analysis
Keith Piper: Body politics. Work from 1982 - 2007
Resist: be modern (again)
Individualised learning approach (the three ‘p’s) for a small to medium enterprise through work based learning
Speaking power to (post) truth
Gendered dynamics of transnational social protection
Environmental and health inequalities in England (2000-2015)
Human Rights in Irish foreign policy: reflections on the development of relations with Israel
How do students adapt in response to academic failure?
How can education shape the future happiness and well-being of students?
Time aboard the Ghan: Alice Springs to Adelaide, March 2016
Editorial: Coastal risk: shores and deltas in peril
Docklands community poster project: Peter Dunn & Dr. Loraine Leeson [Interview]
Practice based learning example: Brief Cases at Middlesex
Article 4 – Interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants
Job demands, resources and work-related well-being in UK firefighters
Graham Priest on dialetheism and paraconsistency
Review of The Wind of Heaven (Finborough Theatre) [Review]
A novel approach to task abstraction to make better sense of provenance data
Patterns of life visualisations for intelligence analysis: exploring animation with POLAR
A provenance task abstraction framework
Basel III regulatory framework for financial institutions [Blog post]
Tradition, authenticity and expertise in and through Cypriot Easter flaounes
Works selected for the 50th Yokosuka Peace Exhibition of Art 2019
Cartoons for 24th international cartoon exhibition in Zagreb, on the theme of male/female relations
Cartoons for 8th Cartoonale 'De Geus' 2019 in Belgium, on the theme man and inventions
Risk Assessment - breaking new ground
Avoiding a dystopian future for children's play
Vulnerability and identity negotiation in childbirth: a narrative approach
Do somatosensory oscillations relate to tactile attention? Extracting the phase of transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) during stimulus presentation.
Assessing social media adoption and maturity in small and medium enterprises: case of Saudi Arabia
Augustine's incarnational hermeneutics and postmodernity
Understanding reflective practice: encouraging better student engagement. First person action inquiry
An exploration of six lesbian and gay people’s experiences of organised religion (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism), and their implications for psychotherapy: an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)
Counselling psychologists and psychotherapists in the NHS: learning from their work with clients experiencing persistent embodied (somatic) distress
Motherhood and the absence of maternal support: an exploration amongst Asian women
'Textile and memory' at the Dick Institute Scotland
Using psychodynamic theories in management training: understanding the experiences of managers attending a training event which includes psychodynamic theories
Nursing skills in safety and protection
Nursing skills in nutrition, hydration and elimination
Nursing skills in professional and practice contexts
Perspectives: nursing education - from vision to action in changing world
Paul the bigot? Reading the Cretan quotation of Titus 1:12 in light of relevance theory
How do mental health practitioners experience and understand resilience: The risk of death in mental healthcare
Past-light: photo-filmic history as (en)lightened cinematic fetish
Healthier lifestyles app
EFG London Jazz Festival: Sam Leak Trio "The Craft of Sound"
Cambridge International Jazz Festival: Elliot Galvin Trio + Sam Leak Trio
Birmingham International Piano Festival: Sam Leak Trio
Derrick May and the Orchestra
Time pressure and honesty in a deception game
Affective visuomotor interaction: a functional model for socially competent robot grasping
Priming intuition disfavors instrumental harm but not impartial beneficence
Embrace: the human element [CD]
Considering techne in popular music education: value systems in popular music curricula
Crowdfunding revisited: a neo-institutional field-perspective
Woven Skies - The Eddy White Sextet [Album]
Facilitating positive spillover effects: new insights from a mixed-methods approach exploring factors enabling people to live more sustainable lifestyles
Recovering from mental illness and suicidal behaviour in a culturally diverse context: the use of digital storytelling in cross-cultural medical humanities and mental health
Mimicking anti-viruses with machine learning and entropy profiles
Cotton Club, Modena: Davide Raisi quartet featuring Sam Leak
dAppER: decentralised application for examination reviews
BMAR - blockchain for medication administration records
Disrupting disproportionality proceedings: the recommendations
The battle for Chile
Presentation of CAPUR's scientific activities
Review of Mario Morroni, 'What is the truth about the Great Recession and increasing inequality? Dialogues on disputed issues and conflicting theories', Cham: Springer, 2018 [Book review]
The legal reality of the recognition and enforcement of cross-border blockchain-based arbitral awards: beyond futuristic idealism [Blog post]
A comparison of 3 different unilateral strength training strategies to enhance jumping performance and decrease interlimb asymmetries in soccer players
Portugal Economy
Corporate governance and HRM
A phenomenological exploration of the lived experience of being ‘bi-rooted’ / ‘poly-rooted’, the reciprocal relations between those roots and their impact upon the sense of self
A new year's present from a mathematician
The sustainability behaviour of small firms in tourism: the role of self-efficacy and contextual constraints
Facial landmark detection via attention-adaptive deep network
Marxism and the peculiarities of Indo-American socialism
Keeping our mouths shut: the fear and racialized self-censorship of British healthcare professionals in PREVENT training
Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe
The love affair with descriptive geometry: its history in Serbia
The aspiration generation. The aspirations and implementation strategies of young Londoners at risk of educational underachievement
Assessing parenting in potentially abusive parents: a qualitative evaluation of practitioner responses to the parenting role interview
Caregiving and care seeking as predictors of depression in girls: a pilot study of parenting in mother-daughter dyads
Engagement in international entrepreneurship: interactive effects of resource-based factors and institutional environments
Building the OD professional of the future: creating a blueprint for new models of organisational development practice in the NHS
Psychological and ethical issues in third party assisted conception and surrogate motherhood
Narrative enquiry
The CISG in action: law and practice in China
An analysis of some of the major roles of emotion in the soteriology of John and Charles Wesley and its implications in relationship to contemporary research on emotions
Adventures in academic storytelling: using the tools of creative writing to produce peer-reviewed academic research
Anti-fraud measures and inherent criminogenesis in business organisations
Developing documentary practices for sensitive contexts: video ethnography in the UK Hospice sector
An investigation into the pedagogical practices of a University WBL course in Hong Kong
Psychoanalysis and male homosexuality
Community engagement as a new and contested ritual: an ethnographic study of five pentecostal congregations in El Salvador
Case study: changing perceptions of the value of driver safety
Enhanced vermiremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated land using biosurfactant: an integrated approach
Exploring the factors impacting knowledge transfer (in E.R.P training)
The crime-commission process of sexual offences on London trains (SOLT): offending in plain sight, not just at night
The effect of corporate bonds spread variability on non-financial firms’ financing structure: further evidence from emerging markets
The hermeneutics of social identity in Luke-Acts
Essays on human capital
I just can't let them go: Dartitis is an extremely debilitating disorder [Blog post]
Investigating network services abstraction in 5G enabled device-to-device (D2D) communications
The Z transform: active learning approaches for generation Z
what is the word (triptych with interludes)
Apollo e Marsyas
five disjecta (after Beckett)
Human figure drawings by children: a measure of sporting ability? [Blog post]
Book Reviews: Soap the Stamps, Jump the Tube: A Story of Punk, Motorbikes, Witchcraft, Sandwiches, Squats and Sewing, Gail Thibert (2018) London: Unbound, 272 pp., ISBN 978-1-91261-818-7, p/bk, £10.99 [Book Review]
Book Reviews: The Poetry of Punk: The Meaning Behind Punk Rock and Hardcore Lyrics, Gerfried Ambrosch (2018) London: Routledge, 196 pp., ISBN: 978-1-13850-231-4, p/bk, £29.99 [Book Review]
Book Reviews: The Sanctity of Rhyme: The Metaphysics of Crying 4 Kafka in Prose and Verse, Erika Blair (2018) California: Asylum 4 Renegade Press, 119 pp., ISBN: 978-0-69209-682-6, p/bk, £9 [Book Review]
Afflictions: Steps towards a Visual Psychological Anthropology by Robert Lemelson and Annie Tucker [Book review]
Investigation on reverse logistics of end of life cars in the UK
Employment law: the essentials
Exploring pathways through and beyond alcohol treatment among Polish women and men in a London Borough
"It might get messy, or not be right"; scribble as postdevelopmental art
Love and revolution in the post-truth university
Unmasking irresponsible leadership: curriculum development in 21st century management education
'Rio+25', the global compact in Brazil and opportunities presented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Transcultural robotic nursing and the 4th industrial revolution
The power of research: exploring active older people participating in Creative Dance – challenging perceptions
Conception by egg donation: maternal-fetal bonding [Blog post]
Deciding on behalf of others does not mitigate selfishness: an experiment
Reducing disproportionality in fitness to practise concerns reported to the GMC
Disproportionality in NHS disciplinary proceedings: the recommendations
The righteousness of works in the theology of John Calvin
Tracing the integration trajectories of diverse Spanish citizens in the UK
Industrial networks and intelligent systems - 5th EAI International Conference, INISCOM 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, August 19, 2019, Proceedings
The effect of skill level on darts throwers’ use of different mental skills
Nada Prlja: the left, language and writing
Combining secure system design with risk assessment for IoT healthcare systems
From ‘preventing accidents’ to ‘creating safety’: a maverick approach to the challenges of workplace safety
Adults’ numeracy practices in fluid and unstable contexts—An agenda for education, policy and research?
British History Timeline Mural
Digital embroidery: Dean Castle
Drawings: Dean Castle Textile studio
Textile and Memory
Textile and Memory
An investigation of UK SME access to finance, growth and productivity, 2015-2017 - ERC Research Paper 79
Engaging research ethics committees to develop an ethics and governance framework for best practices in genomic research and biobanking in Africa: the H3Africa model [Commentary]
Ernst Bloch: Revue internationale de philosophie, 2019/3 (n° 289), ISSN 0048-8143
ArtsCross Beijing 2019 Beyond the Clouds
six residua (after Beckett)
what is the word
Provenance and logging for sense making
Provenance analysis for sensemaking. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 39 (6) . pp. 27-29. ISSN 0272-1716
An interactive human centered data science approach towards crime pattern analysis
Consumers’ perceptions on complexity and prospects of ethical luxury: qualitative insights from Taiwan
The Bolivian coup: what the mainstream media don't tell you
Resist: be modern (again)
Wild Goose Chase, Waldringfield
Wild Goose Chase, Kyson Point
The relation between student behaviours in group presentations and their teamwork modalities using Belbin and MBTI analysis
The role of data analytics in managing higher education quality
An overview of digital forensics education
The relation between individual student behaviours in video presentation and their modalities using VARK and PAEI results
Automatic detection for students behaviors in a group presentation
Social network sites (SNS) users behavioral typology in Egypt
Social networking sites (SNS) and digital communication across nations
On the optimal plasmonic resonances in gold nanospheres embedded in dispersive media
The vulnerability and resiliency of childhood
Assisted reproductive technologies in the eyes of Ladinos and Mayans [Blog post]
Values of the university in a Time of uncertainty
Human rights and terrorism: issues and overview
When Rape Was Legal—The Untold History of Sexual Violence During Slavery by Rachel A. Feinstein. 2018. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group: New York, NY. 108 pp. $29.57 paper. ISBN: 9781138629684 [Book Review]
A consistent approach for probabilistic residential flood loss modeling in Europe
A perfect storm: how shifting climate and demographics are contributing to the demise of pond hockey in Canada
Gagging Order: Poetry by Trevor Paviour
Introduction: the punk narrative turned upside down: research transmissions from the local to the global
Peaceful contestation
Maritime management: micro and small businesses
Risk of cardiovascular disease in people taking psychotropic medication: a literature review
Optimisation of a selection strategy for drug resistance osteosarcoma cell lines
BRCA1 promoter methylation and clinical outcomes in epithelial ovarian cancer a pooled analysis of individual patient data
Ethnography and emotions: new directions for critical reflexivity within contemporary qualitative health care research
Effective approaches to health promotion in nursing practice
Can Untold Stories be told with the demise of local journalism
Biomedical Science Exchanges at Middlesex University London
Professionalising sales and forging futures: integrated degree apprenticeship case study
Film/TV Industries - Academia discussion Forum: Non-Creative Roles in the Screen Industries
Development of the LAWS Forum for Local Authorities (10 year journey!)
The business case for human sustainability
An investigation into the prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDS) within trades’ in high rise property development and the effects of age
Cyber-security internals of a Skoda Octavia vRS: a hands on approach
How digital technology can transform the built environment sector: progress to date, challenges and opportunities
What do we know about the T in the LGBT? An integrative review and evidence synthesis of transgender students experiences across queer, and LGBT-spectrum research in post-compulsory education: Research Report
Strategies for innovation in digital twins
Concerto for cello and chamber orchestra
Performance evaluation of LoRaWAN for Green Internet of Things
We are on the hill: Research Project: Episode 5: Henry Philip Creese and the Titanic
We are on the hill: Research Project: Episode 1: Sir John Gay Newton Alleyne
Engaging young people: perspectives from 'solution focused' workshops and interviews with young people