The framework of a generic DProf programme - a reflection on its design, the relational dimension for candidates and advisers and the potential for knowledge co-creation

Investors' preference towards risk: evidence from the Taiwan stock and stock index futures markets

Employment in Chinese MNEs: appraising the Dragon's gift to sub-Saharan Africa

Handbook of diet and nutrition in the menstrual cycle, periconception and fertility

Feedback models for learning, teaching and performance

The politics of the death penalty in countries in transition

State of the arts: using literary works to explore and learnabout theories and models of leadership

To name a thief: constructing the deviant pirate

Mothering the other: psychoanalytic understandings of becoming a mother to a second child

Islamic attributes of destination: construct development, measurement validation, and their impact on tourist satisfaction

'Is This Islamic Enough?’ Intra-diasporic secularism and religious experience in the Shi`a Iranian diaspora in London

Keeping it together: Talawa theatre company, britishness, aesthetics of scale and mainstreaming the black-British experience

Spatial-relational mapping in socio-institutional perspectives of innovation

Disciplinary processes and the management of poor performance among UK nurses: bad apple or systemic failure? A scoping study

Corporate psychopaths, conflict, employee affective well-being and counterproductive work behaviour

"But no one told me it’s okay to not drink": a qualitative study of young people who drink little or no alcohol

'Margin call': using film to explore behavioural aspects of the financial crisis

Happiness and education: recognising a fundamental attunement

When will I be a teacher?

Soft methods, hard targets: regional alcohol managers as a policy network

Tutors' opinions of suitability of online learning programmes in continuing professional development for midwives

Research methods for business and social science

The phenomenology of professional practice: a currere

Concern level assessment: building domain knowledge into a visual system to support network-security situation awareness

Factors associated with intergenerational social support across the world


Conceptual design for sensemaking

The magic flute: animations

Trusted information supply chain framework in clinical studies

New corporate elites and the erosion of the Keynesian social compact

Production lot sizing and scheduling with non-triangular sequence-dependent setup times

Translating the complexities of flood risk science using KEEPER - a knowledge exchange exploratory tool for professionals in emergency response

Flower pollination algorithm: a novel approach for multiobjective optimization

Applications and analysis of bio-inspired eagle strategy for engineering optimization

Value stability and change during self-chosen life transitions: self-selection versus socialization effects

The competitive advantage of nations: an application to academia

Patterns of resistance in managing assessment change

Research paradigms of practice, work and learning

Between country variations in self-rated-health and associations with the quality of life of older people: evidence from the Global Ageing Survey

Optimising data placement and traffic routing for energy saving in backbone networks

The impact of language barriers on trust formation in multinational teams

Tourism, development and ‘destination Dubai’: cultural dilemmas and future challenges

Deciphering 'Islamic hospitality': developments, challenges and opportunities

The potential for technology and knowledge transfers between foreign and local firms: a study of the construction industry in Ghana

‘We don’t deal with courts’: cooperation and alternative institutions shaping exporting relationships of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ghana

Audio packet loss concealment using spectral motion

On being unique: gender subversion in two graphic novels for young adults

Leadership with a heart: an inquiry into leading with intimacy

Felicity Sparrow: forming Circles

Selbstbestimmte Mütter brauchen informierte Hebammen

Student midwives perceptions of bullying: a Swiss view

Skills-Einheit 3: Eine Frau unter der Geburt begleiten

Skills-Einheit 2: Vaginal untersuchen

Making strategy work: The role of the middle manager

The relationship between marketing intelligence and strategic marketing

Relevance of travel agencies in the digital age

Uncovering client retention antecedents in service organizations

Cross-layer network lifetime optimisation considering transmit and signal processing power in wireless sensor networks

Job satisfaction and knowledge sharing among computer and information science faculty members: a case of Malaysian universities

Framework to increase knowledge sharing behavior among software engineers

Food culture distance as a predictor of foreign market selection: the case of Swedish food exporters

Psychic distance, innovation, and firm performance

How congruent are managers' perceptions of cultural distance with objective reality?

Multimodal and multimedia image analysis and collaborative networking for digestive endoscopy

Guest editorial to the Theme Section on enterprise modelling

A component abstraction for localized, composable, machine manipulable enterprise specification

Automated completeness check in KAOS

The effect of human brand attachment on brand supportive behavior and brand authenticity for the endorsed brands

Organization vision - Experimentation on its effective communication

Towards a model for user technology readiness in ICT4D initiatives

Sustainability of environmental programs: A green IT perspective

BengaSaVex: a computational genetic sequence extraction tool on DNA repeats of multiple gene sequences

Paving the way towards a successful and fulfilling career in computational biology

Soft skills: An important asset acquired from organizing regional student group activities

Computational biology and bioinformatics in Nigeria

Use of digital stories as a tool for experiential learning

International courts and tribunals

An atheist's guide to feminine jouissance: On Black Swan and the other satisfaction

The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme in Ireland: A process evaluation and observational assessment of teacher-pupil outcomes

Effective group work management using Web 2.0 technologies

Special issue on strategic business issues in the competitive global marketplace

Developing a conceptual model illustrating how HRM practices support each other in order to improve service quality

Coping with uncertainty: perspectives on sustainability of smallholder agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Itchy Monkey Press

Active Energy (2014-2020)

Book-Object-Art (2014 - 2020)

Presence and resonance (four compositions 2014-2019)

The Newham Plays: contextualising localist, site-responsive, new writing and its roots in a community’s history, culture and people (2014-2019)

Harmonising Research Reporting in the UK - Experiences and Outputs from UKRISS

OpenAIRE guidelines for CRIS managers: supporting interoperability of open research information through established standards

Diversity showreel, Annual Learning and Teaching Conference

Improving cultural responsiveness in mental health services: development of a consensus around the role of cultural portfolio holders

These sad places, why must you enter them?

A genetic graph-based approach for partitional clustering

A global learning experience: narratives of European immersive clinical nursing exchanges

Richard Billingham - Ray's a Laugh

Handknitted prototype snood

Exploring differential justice: youth penal expansion and reduction in England and Wales: Theoretical, conceptual and empirical considerations

Hearing new voices: re-viewing youth justice policy through practitioners’ relationships with young people

Aspirations for automobility: family geographies and the production of young people's aspirations for cars

Geographers out of place: institutions, (inter)disciplinarity and identity

[Lecture on artist's own photographic professional practice]

Revolution Farm - The Film

Contextualizing flow in games

Beauty and the Beast: capital forces and cultural production

Numeric characteristics of generalized M-set with its asymptote

Local semantic indexing for resource discovery on overlay network using mobile agents

Measures of exposure to the Well London Phase-1 intervention and their association with health well-being and social outcomes

Well London Phase-1: results among adults of a cluster-randomised trial of a community engagement approach to improving health behaviours and mental well-being in deprived inner-city neighbourhoods

Peuples Autochtones et Industries Extractives: Mettre en oeuvre le consentement, libre, préalable, informé

Robust canonical correlation analysis: audio-visual fusion for learning continuous interest

Utilizing building information modeling for facilities management

UK builiding information modelling (BIM) road map for FM: where are the potholes?

Reproducibility of pulse wave analysis and pulse wave velocity in healthy subjects

Collaborative wind power forecast

Cardiovascular risk analysis by means of pulse morphology and clustering methodologies

Macrophage derived platelet activating factor implicated in the resolution phase of gouty inflammation

Science in the wild

Why does relative deprivation affect mental health? The role of justice, trust and social rank in psychological wellbeing and paranoid ideation

The gradual extinction of transferred avoidance stimulus functions

Guantanamo Bay: the hunger strikes - based on the personal statements of five detainees at Guantánamo prison camp

How can we use digital media in social work courses?

Roma, viandanza dell’esilio. Rafael Alberti tradotto da Vittorio Bodini

A hierarchical system for a distributed representation of the peripersonal space of a humanoid robot

Use of contingency management incentives to improve completion of hepatitis B vaccination in people undergoing treatment for heroin dependence: a cluster randomised trial

Activity and views of service users involved in mental health research: UK survey

Influences on recruitment to randomised controlled trials in mental health settings in England: a national cross-sectional survey of researchers working for the Mental Health Research Network

Monitoring and management of metabolic abnormalities: mixed-method evaluation of a successful intervention

The effect of organisational resources and eligibility issues on transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services

Why drawing, now?

Mental health treatment requirement

A novel improved accelerated particle swarm optimization algorithm for global numerical optimization

Peer workers in mental health services: literature overview

Cross-layer optimisation for topology design of wireless multicast networks via network coding

Performance analysis of cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive wireless radio networks over Nakagami-m fading channels

A saliency-based framework for 2D-3D registration

Supervised selective kernel fusion for membrane protein prediction

Challenges in designing an online healthcare platform for personalised patient analytics

Patient level analytics using self-organising maps: a case study on type-1 diabetes self-care survey responses

Non-enumerative cross validation for the determination of structural parameters in feature-selective SVMs

Linear regression via elastic net: non-enumerative leave-one-out verification of feature selection

Automatic annotation of tennis games: an integration of audio, vision, and learning

A kernel-based framework for medical big-data analytics

Oil supply between OPEC and non-OPEC based on game theory

Cross-layer optimisation for topology design of wireless multicast networks via network coding

Approaches to embedding ethics in finance and finance degree programmes

Advances of swarm intelligent systems in gene expression data classification

Bat algorithm is better than intermittent search strategy

A model-based framework for classifying and diagnosing usability problems

Development of a frequency-separated knob with variable change rates by rotation speed

The role of plasma membrane STIM1 and Ca2+entry in platelet aggregation. STIM1 binds to novel proteins in human platelets

Humanized culture of periosteal progenitors in allogeneic serum enhances osteogenic differentiation and in vivo bone formation

Perioperative blood transfusion is associated with a gene transcription profile characteristic of immunosuppression: a prospective cohort study

Determinants of Olympic fencing performance and implications for strength and conditioning training

Lentiviral vector transduction of spermatozoa as a tool for the study of early development

Knowledge transfer and continuous professional development - complexities & challenges

Professional training in the early years sector: managing the complexities of policy and practice

Exploring professionals' perceptions of effective provision for two year old children in England

The informational mind and the information integration theory of consciousness

The measurement of consciousness: a framework for the scientific study of consciousness


Prehistoric stone tools, chess expertise, and cognitive evolution: an experiment about recognising features in flint debitage

E-mentoring for HR professionals in India [case study]

Lower bounds to the accuracy of inference on heavy tails

Can we prove that there are computational correlates of consciousness in the brain?

Eu(rope): (re)assembling, (re)casting and (re)aligning lines of de- and re-territorialisation of early childhood

TimeSets: timeline visualization for sensemaking

Gendered migrations, social reproduction and the household in Europe

Expectations, outcomes and attitude change of study abroad students

Exploring the role of Facebook in re-shaping backpacker’s social interactions

Fair trade learning: ethical standards for community-engaged international volunteer tourism

Developments and key issues in tourism mobilities

Making it real: from PPF to TLAP

Guide to co-production in mental health and social care

Social care for marginalised communities: balancing self-organisation, micro-provision and mainstream support. Policy Paper 18 - February 2014

The effectiveness of personal budgets for people with mental health problems: a systematic review

Case 3: North Middlesex University Hospital Trust and MiddlesexUniversity: a blended learning language skills programme

The politics of health services research: health professionals as hired hands in a commissioned research project in England

On demand multicast routing in wireless sensor networks

Deployment challenges and developments in wireless sensor networks clustering

Convexity, magnification, and translation: the effect of managerial option-based compensation on corporate cash holdings

Feminist art manifestos: an anthology

The fiery truth of matter

Punchdrunk enrichment preliminary report. November 2014.

To be means to communicate

Enhancing survival by not enhancing survival: Sebeok’s semiotics and the ultimate paradox of modelling: 9th Sebeok Fellow Address

Re-viewing Vantage Point

Metaphysics of wickedness

Fortess hypochondria: health and safety

Identities, selection, and contributions in a public-goods game

Law and the midwife: collaborative working

Mother, researcher, feminist, woman: reflections on maternal status as researcher identity

Downlink beamforming design for cognitive cellular systems

Downlink beamforming in underlay cognitive cellular networks

Fundamental performance trade-offs in coexisting wireless networks

Verification of concurrent quantum protocols by equivalence checking

CAF-FrFT: a center-affine-filter with fractional Fourier transform to reduce the cross-terms of Wigner distribution

Model based enterprise simulation and analysis: a pragmatic approach reducing the burden on experts

Modelling, simulation, and analysis for enterprise architecture

Dynamic reconfiguration of component-based systems: a feature reification approach

Young people and smart phones: an empirical study on information security

LOC algorithm: location-aware opportunistic forwarding by using node's approximate location

Performance evaluation of LTE network via using fixed/mobile femtocells

Children's play space and safety management: rethinking the role of play equipment standards

The mechanisms of arsenic bioremediation from water by the green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris

Resilient organizations turning challenges into opportunities: HR occupies a central place in preparing companies for change

Questions of agency and the artisan within Uzbekistan

eFRIEND: an ethical framework for intelligent environment development

From local to global: American peonage during the New Deal, 1935-1952

Stem cell engineered bone with calcium-phosphate coated porous titanium scaffold or silicon hydroxyapatite granules for revision total joint arthroplasty

Is the association between depressive symptoms and glucose metabolism bidirectional? Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

Brain-computer interfacing for assistive robotics: electroencephalograms, recurrent quantum neural networks and user-centric graphical user interfaces

A legged central pattern generation model for autonomous gait transition

Adaptive controller design for mobile robots

Engendering development and disasters

Torso inclination enables faster walking in a planar biped robot with passive ankles

Finite element analysis and design optimization of a pneumatically actuating silicone module for robotic surgery applications

Resource allocation for HARQ-IR systems with QoS constraints and limited feedback

The consequences of doing nothing: the effects of seawater flooding on coastal zones

Using data to improve higher education: research, policy and practice

Privacy, analytics and marketing higher education

Biographies and space

Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin

Stormwater modeling and sustainable management in highly urbanised areas

Sustainable urban drainage system modelling for managing urban surface water flood risk

Groundswell on the Thames: 30 years of cultural activism with London’s riverside communities

Psychological perspectives on military decisions to deployprecision strike capabilities

Tourism and the economic crisis in Kavala, Greece

Wives are the route to social life: an analysis of family life and networking amongst highly skilled migrants in London

Interviewing high value detainees: securing cooperation and disclosures

A decision procedure for satisfiability in separation logic with inductive predicates

Workfare in 21st century Britain: the erosion of rights to social assistance

Visual analysis of streaming data with SAVI and SenseMAP

Shifting views of assessment: from teacher’s business to sustaining learning

Innovation and family ownership: empirical evidence from India

Using Pacioli’s pedagogy and medieval text in today’s introductory accounting course

Nature-inspired optimization algorithms

Non-dominated sorting cuckoo search for multiobjective optimization

Computational optimization, modelling and simulation: past, present and future

Discrete cuckoo search algorithm for job shop scheduling problem

Nature-inspired framework for hyperspectral band selection

A discrete firefly algorithm for the multi-objective hybrid flowshop scheduling problems

Binary bat algorithm

Bat algorithm based on simulated annealing and Gaussian perturbations

Discrete cuckoo search algorithm for the travelling salesman problem

Cuckoo search: recent advances and applications

Chaotic bat algorithm

Mathematical modelling and parameter optimization of pulsating heat pipes

An empirical study of test effort estimation based on bat algorithm

Bio-inspired computation: success and challenges of IJBIC

A wrapper approach for feature selection based on Bat Algorithm and Optimum-Path Forest

Improved cuckoo search algorithm for hybrid flow shop scheduling problems to minimize makespan

A bio-inspired algorithm for identification of critical components in the transportation networks

The evolutionary genetics of highly divergent alleles of the mimicry locus in Papilio dardanus

Employability in the first degree: the role of work placements on students’ perceptions of graduate employability

Identifying differences in the experience of (in)authenticity: a latent class analysis approach

Hamstring strain prevention in elite soccer players

Intelligent environments simulations, towards a smart campus

Wearable sensors for patient-specific boundary shape estimation to improve the forward model for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) of neonatal lung function

High-power CMOS current driver with accurate transconductance for electrical impedance tomography

The MyD88+ phenotype is an adverse prognostic factor in epithelial ovarian cancer

OvMark: a user-friendly system for the identification of prognostic biomarkers in publically available ovarian cancer gene expression datasets

Disruptive innovations: the rise of the e-cigarette

Where antibiotic resistance mutations meet quorum-sensing

On variational definition of quantum entropy

Effect of vicarious fear learning on children's heart rate responses and attentional bias for novel animals

The effect of disgust and fear modeling on children’s disgust and fear for animals

The role of evidence and the expert in contemporary processes of governance: the case of opioid substitution treatment policy in England

Model checking degrees of belief in a system of agents

Post and pre-compensatory Hebbian Learning for categorisation

Improving the model checking of strategies under partial observability and fairness constraints

Instant channel allocation technique to improve system throughput in joint LTE cellular network

Domain-specific reasoning for method engineering based on Toulmin's argumentation theory

Slrtool: a tool to support collaborative systematic literature reviews

Next generation enterprise modelling: the role of organizational theory and multi-agent systems

Outsourcing service provision through step-wise transformation

Ballistic exercise as a pre-activation stimulus: a review of the literature and practical applications

A needs analysis and field-based testing battery for basketball

Are problem-solving courts the way forward for justice?

Soil mobility of surface applied polyaromatic hydrocarbons in response to simulated rainfall

On the psychology and libertarian socialism of Erich Fromm: towards an empirical psychological retrofit

The management of an ageing workforce: organisational policies in Germany and Britain

Social networks and research output

International assignments

International human resource management, 4th edition

Halifax Community Bank: a learning society within a UK organisation

Unleashed: the phenomenon of status dogs and weapon dogs

Social representations and community attitudes towards spring breakers

PARP inhibitors as P-glyoprotein substrates

Collateral sensitivity to cisplatin in KB-8-5-11 drug-resistant cancer cells

In vitro development of chemotherapy and targeted therapy drug-resistant cancer cell lines: a practical guide with case studies

What the humanities are for - A semiotic perspective

The role of schizotypy in predicting performance on figural and verbal imagery-based measures of creativity

An efficient hybrid double-threshold based energy detection for cooperative spectrum sensing

The survivor's manifesto

Relay selection for efficient HARQ-IR protocols in relay-assisted multisource multicast networks

Merged reality systems: bringing together automation and tracking through immersive geospatial connected environments

Comparison of Achilles tendon loading between male and female recreational runners

Exploring efficient seamless handover in VANET systems using network dwell time

Fitness profiles of elite Portuguese rugby union players

Is this Islamic enough? ; intra-diasporic secularism and religious experience in the Shi`i Iranian diaspora in London

LOC algorithm: location-aware opportunistic forwarding by using node's approximate location

The gold disc: one million pop fans can't be wrong?

Audio books: the literary origins of grooves, labels and sleeves

An efficient cooperative spectrum sensing under bandwidth constraint with user selection

Acute effects of a loaded warm-up protocol on change of direction speed in professional badminton players

English literature and work-based learning: a pedagogical case study

Asymmetry of risk and value of information

eDOAS: energy-aware device-oriented adaptive multimedia scheme for Wi-Fi offload

Researching trust in tourism: methodological issues and associated concerns

An analysis of the relationship between conditional entropy and failed error propagation in software testing

Is that all there is? Self compassion and the imperfect life

Living with Sickle Cell or Beta Thalassaemia Trait: implications for identity and social life: summary of research findings for health and social care professionals

Inclusive leadership in social work and social care

Evaluating the impact of embodied conversational agents (ECAs) attentional behaviors on user retention of cultural content in a simulated mobile environment

An impact assessment approach for car park runoff

Workers' self-management, recovered companies and the sociology of work

Regional disparities and productivity in China: evidence from manufacturing micro data

Framework for assessing uncertainty in fluvial flood risk mapping

INVISQUE as a tool for intelligence analysis: the construction of explanatory narratives

"Legal at the time"?: Companies, governments and reparations for Mauritian slavery

Rewarding employees in economies under crisis and transition: the application of the total reward model in south-eastern European SMEs and its impact on organisational performance

Drawing on the right side of the brain: A voxel-based morphometry analysis of observational drawing

Cain’s house revisited and revived: extending theory and methodology for quantifying drawing accuracy

What would Stradivari have to have done to receive a DProf by Public Works?

EEG-based mobile robot control through an adaptive brain–robot interface

Climate change and public health situations in the coastal areas of Bangladesh

Mutation rate plasticity in rifampicin resistance depends on Escherichia coli cell–cell interactions

Coevolution in management fashion: an agent-based model of consultant-driven innovation

Feature-wise representation for both still and motion 3D medical images

Environmental security: an introduction

International legal responses to uprisings in the Middle East

Market escape through exchange: home swap as a form of non-commercial hospitality

There is more to a GTA than meets the eye

When all they thought was solid melted into air: Resisting pauperization in Argentina during the 2002 crisis

Costs, knowledge and market structure: understanding the puzzle of international competitiveness with Greek export data

Can children with autism read emotions from the eyes? The eyes test revisited

The niche construction perspective: a critical appraisal

Enhanced determination of As-phytochelatin complexes in Chlorella vulgaris using focused sonication for extraction of water-soluble species

Blueprints: tort law

Interventions for reducing benzodiazepine use in older people: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

What are the best interests of the child in international surrogacy?

A firefly-inspired method for protein structure prediction in lattice models

Perceptions on the role of evidence: an English alcohol policy case study

Social enterprises as hybrid organizations: a review and research agenda

Towards a gendered evaluation of (highly) skilled immigration policies in Europe

The removal of arsenate from water using iron-modified diatomite (D-Fe): isotherm and column experiments

Critical realism, agency and sickle cell: case studies of young people with sickle cell disorder at school

Media theory and web-based groups as social systems

French connections: the networking strategies of French highly skilled migrants in London

Spectrum, trajectory and the role of the state in workers' self-management

Reconstruction of Kashmir and the role of Islam

A standardized set of 260 pictures for Turkish: norms of name and image agreement, age of acquisition, visual complexity, and conceptual familiarity

Social impact measurement and non-profit organisations: compliance, resistance, and promotion

Introducing a novel authentication protocol for secure services in heterogeneous environments using Casper/FDR

Beyond green niches? Growth strategies of environmentally-motivated social enterprises

The trading and use of agrochemicals

Network coding-based channel quality indicator reporting for two-way multi-relay networks

Nkisi nkondi: an image of transference and projective identification in the analytic process

Short film series 1975-2014

Interprofessional learning at work: what spatial theory can tell us about workplace learning in an acute care ward

The internet, social media and the workplace

Transformation: change for improvement in healthcare

Ageing in post-industrial society: trends and trajectories

Insights for Singapore’s re-employment legislation: evidence from the Global Ageing Survey (GLAS)

Persian couples’ experiences of depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in the pre- and perinatal period

A longitudinal study of Google Scholar coverage between 2012 and 2013

Judicial ethics at the international criminal tribunals

A linguistic multi-criteria decision making approach based on logical reasoning

Deliberation, capability and action research: knowledge and becoming

Conscious sensation, conscious perception and sensorimotor theories of consciousness

Professional artefacts: embodying ideas in work-based learning

Domestic workers: vulnerable workers in precarious work

Questions and answers employment law 2014 and 2015

Troubling the notion of satisfied students

Codes and coding: Sebeok’s zoosemiotics and the dismantling of the fixed-code fallacy

A study of different representation conventions during investigatory sensemaking

Accessibility of microRNA binding sites in meta-stable RNA secondary structures in the presence of SNPs

The 3rd Gold Panda international cartoon and illustration competition

Work-life balance, recovery strategies, and well-being in fire service personnel

Critical educational gerontology: what has it got to offer social work with older people?

Book review: breast feeding and contemporary issues in practice and policy

African drama and the construction of an indigenous cultural identity: an examination of four major Nigerian plays

The dynamics of food, alcohol and cigarette consumption in Russia during transition

Hablas vielleicht un peu la mia language? A comprehensive overview of the role of language differences in headquarters-subsidiary communication

Towards the model driven organization

Employment law

The right to life

Algorithmic check of standards for information quality dimensions

Evaluating social media frameworks for small and large organisation

Exploration of the potential role of professional doctorates in practitioner accreditation within professional associations

Energy-efficient multicast routing by using genetic local search

General credit: a recognition of lifewide learning

Differences in aggression and nest behavior between herring gulls (Larus argentatus) and lesser black-backer gulls (Larus fuscus) on Lundy

Future of perceived price fairness research in hospitality

A framework for high-throughput gene signatures with microarray-based brain cancer gene expression profiling data

Distributed space-time-frequency block code for cognitive wireless relay networks

The effect of consumer`s powerlessness on power-symbol product consumption focusing on the moderating effect of materialism

Strong attachment toward human brand and its implication for life-satisfaction and self-efficacy

Dark sides of engaging in fan community of human brand

Creative articulations process: a rhizomatic practice

The effect of green exercise on blood pressure, heart rate and mood state in primary school children

Neural correlates of endogenous attention, exogenous attention and inhibition of return in touch

Doing the business: variegation, opportunity and intercultural experience among intra-EU highly-skilled migrants

Can exposure to prenatal sex hormones (2D:4D) predict cognitive reflection?

Positioning poetry: a maverick framework for the curious and bold

Researching comparative institutional contexts

Is there convergence towards individual voice in Europe?

Education of women in Islam: a critical Islamic interpretation of the Quran

Hearing voices simulation: Process and outcomes of training

Development and application of a survey quality assessment model

Anti/pro/critical porn studies

Porn Studies: an introduction

Risk factors and psychological outcomes of bullying victimization: a community-based study

Does political congruence help us understand trade union renewal?

The snowy white peaks of the NHS: a survey of discrimination in governance and leadership and the potential impact on patient care in London and England

Three cartoons: 1) Cartoon inventions throughout history - the horseless carriage 2) Cartoon inventions throughout history - the first pork sausage 3) Cartoon inventions throughout history - photography

Stigma as a public health tool: implications for health promotion and citizen involvement

Rapid conventional PCR and real-time-qPCR detection of low numbers of Salmonella enterica from ground beef without enrichment

The mechanisms of arsenic detoxification by the green microalgae chlorella vulgaris

Closing the US-EU productivity gap: Knowledge assets, absorptive capacity, and institutional reforms

International law and self-determination: peoples, indigenous peoples, and minorities

Transformations in the Middle East: the importance of the minority question

Report of a survey on whistleblowing procedures in UK universities

Domain anomaly detection in machine perception: a system architecture and taxonomy

A systematic review of neuromuscular electrical stimulation for pressure ulcer care in spinal cord injuries

A systematic review of electrical stimulation for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment in people with spinal cord injuries

The challenge of dignity in mental health

Hazardous chemicals convention

Royd Climenhaga (ed.), The Pina Bausch Sourcebook: The Making of Tanztheater, Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2013 [Review]

20th Ankara Cartoon Festival 2014 - One person show

Cartoons exhibited at 16th PortoCartoon World Festival 2014

More than just a method: doctoral students' perspectives on the place of qualitatively driven mixed methods

Icrus Pluck; Bankers Shirts

SLA based MT-routing for future internet

An efficient traffic engineering based on multi-topology routing for future internet

Towards radical political unionism?

The formation and interplay of social capital in crowdfunded social ventures

Creative processes in Western art music performance practice with reference to the journey of a professional cellist

Pragmatics and inference

Stylistics and relevance theory

hIa: an individual annual h-index to accommodate disciplinary and career length differences

Financing social ventures and the demand for social investment

Pious pastors: Calvin's theology of sanctification and how it shaped the teaching and practices of the Genevan Academy, 1559-1564

A mixed methods approach to exploring mental health nurses diabetes education and skills needs

An assessment of cultural competence of community public health nursing in Liffeyside Health Service Area, Dublin

The teaching methods in aesthetics in relation to the labour market needs in Cyprus

‘Dance’ of Chineseness: negotiating identities in London

Extending the boundaries of cytology: a personal and professional journey

Financial change and European society

What works in mentalization-based treatment: systematic case studies in personality disorder and addiction

Constructions of flood vulnerability across an etic-emic spectrum

An approach to increasing awareness of IAQ

An incremental approach to continuing professional development for registered nurses

Online offending behaviour and child victimisation: new findings and policy

Contentment in the Book of Ecclesiastes: interplay of the themes of death, the role of God, and contentment in Qoheleth’s teaching

Parerga. Frames of Art/Institutional Critique (within Dissent and Certainty)

Fat removal with hydrolyzed corn starch for real-time qPCR detection of Salmonella enterica in ground beef in 4.5 hours without enrichment

Comparison between resource reservation protocol and next steps in signalling in mobile IP networks

The critical autobiography and the professional doctorate

Thinking about keywords and searching Summon as in-class group activity

What’s the name of the game? How Summon saves time for fun games

Towards a greater understanding of resilience within the professional practice of a coach

Integrated systems healing: a unified assessment and psycho-educational approach in psychological trauma treatment

Liturgical inculturation in Anglican worship in light of the spirituality of the indigenous people of Sabah, Malaysia

Mapping mission as translation with reference to Michael Polanyi’s heuristic philosophy

Integral mission in contemporary perspective: exploring an appropriate model of mission for Pentecostal churches with special reference to Honduras

Afghanistan's political elite and the 'landbridge' concept

Harmonising and formalising research administration profiles CASRAI / CERIF

From open data to data-intensive science through CERIF

The use of the pen: a philosophical improvisation

It's a lonely journey: a rapid evidence assessment on intrafamilial child sexual abuse

Critical theory and Johannine mission a test case: the Johannine community as divine communicative action

Teachers on fire: existential phenomenological analysis of teachers' burnout in Israel

The role of vitamin In type 2 diabetes

Impact of inulin on bile acids induced colon cancer: antioxidant and anti-proliferative effect of inulin on HCT 116 cell lines

Secure live virtual machines migration: issues and solutions

Reception and contingency in recent art from Chile

Rethinking anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive theories for social work practice

The practice educator as museum guide, art therapist or exhibition curator: a cross-disciplinary analysis of arts-based learning

Convergence of broadband, broadcast, and cellular network technologies

Enhanced power-friendly access network selection strategy for multimedia delivery over heterogeneous wireless networks


Silent voices, untold stories: perceptions of female students towards their own experiences and higher educational opportunities in Peshawar, Khyber Pukhtunkhwah (KP) (Pakistan)

From land to lands, from Eden to the renewed earth: a Christ-centred biblical theology of the promised land

Evaluating the service provision for ethnic minorities in Islington in the treatment of substance misuse

Sustainability of Pacific Online Limited (PCO) as a provider of the multiple vertical web sites (MVWS) in China

An action research inquiry into what goes on in coaching supervision to the end of enhancing the coaching profession

A practitioner inquiry project to develop an emerging framework for conversational consulting through personal and collaborative inquiry and practice

Toward linking dyslexia types and symptoms to the available assistive technologies

'Combinations' Seacourt Print Workshop

Multi-service traffic modelling for wireless communication systems

Employable knowledge: benchmarking education about standardization in the UK

Design and development of an automatic tool changer for an articulated robot arm

Implementing gait pattern control and transition for legged locomotion

Analysis of quality-of-service aware orthogonal frequency division multiple access system considering energy efficiency

Apophasis and psychoanalysis

Affect-matching music improves cognitive performance in adults and young children for both positive and negative emotions

Working with Gekidan Kaitaisha: Addressing the complexity of the self of the performer as other

A user-centric software development process

It's complicated: age, gender, and lifetime discrimination against working women - the United States and the U.K. as examples

The role of credit ratings in determining capital structure: an empirical analysis of UK non-financial firms


An entrepreneurial strategy for curating in public spaces

Endocrine and neurophysiological examination of sleep disorders in Williams syndrome

Going the extra mile: what does it mean for the male and female university teachers of Pakistan?

Foreign direct investment in Taiwan: post-1980s

Understanding Middle Eastern consumers through innovative research tools

Requirements for context-aware systems

Requirements engineering for intelligent environments

Breaking down the Berlin Wall: viewpoints on the meanings and impacts of joint commissioning

Writing textile, making text: cloth and stitch as agency for disorderly text

Corporate impression formation in online communities: a qualitative study

Itinerant travellers: drifting, revisiting, and amnesia

The implementation and impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 in the UK

Small world characteristics of FLOSS distributions

On the correctness of a branch displacement algorithm

The beginning of the end? The International Court of Justice's decision on Japanese Antarctic whaling

"A good night out" (voices of 'binge' drinkers): a phenomenological investigation of binge drinking women in Yorkshire

Developing academics for the future: new thinking on teaching observations

Enhancing the learning of student nurses in a community "sign off" placement: implications for students, health services and higher education

Lau Kar-leung with Walter Benjamin: storytelling, authenticity, film performance and martial arts pedagogy

The historical trajectory of a peripheral national business system

Ways of seeing : using filmaking to engage students with communities

The benefits of giving: a study of learning in the fourth age and the role of volunteer learning mentors

Bridging social work professional education and community work through co-learning and participation in parenting programmes: initial findings from the Families and Schools Together community partners project (FAST)

Positioning discourse on homophobia in schools: what have lesbian and gay families got to say?

The use of images as an arts based intervention to promote therapeutic approaches to social work supervision

Going solo: exploring the intimate and broader relationships of older single women without children and the implications for their support needs in later life

Pragmatic literary stylistics

Nkisi Nkondi: the trace of transference in the analytic relationship

Teaching psychoanalysis in the university

The contemplative dimension of psychoanalysis

A family resemblance? The regulation of marriage migration in Europe

The vulnerable in natural, environmental and technological disasters

Religious pro-sociality? Experimental evidence from a sample of 766 Spaniards

Fair and unfair punishers coexist in the Ultimatum Game

Enterprise and entrepreneurship education: implications for innovation in delivery

Work based learning

Resilience to reoffending: mechanisms supporting young men to overcome adversity

Exploring the lifeworlds of community activists: an investigation of incompleteness and contradiction

"More than a game": the impact of sport-based youth mentoring schemes on developing resilience toward violent extremism

The sublime ordinary

Introduction: pragmatic literary stylistics

Before and after Chekhov: inference, interpretation and evaluation

Don't call me urban!

Comparison of SSVEP BCI and eye tracking for controlling a humanoid robot in a social environment

TPSLVM: a dimensionality reduction algorithm based on thin plate splines

Management communication, unionization, FDI and company performance in a developing country

Pedagogical beliefs in work based learning: an analysis and implications of teachers’ belief orientations

External representation of provenance in intelligence analysis

A framework of distributed sensemaking in investigations

Electrical stimulation for pressure ulcer treatment in people with spinal cord injuries: a meta analysis and systematic review

Delivering alcohol IBA: broadening the base from health to non-health contexts: review of the literature and scoping

What determine firms’ capital structure in China?

Multilevel Chinese takeaway process and label-based processes for rule induction in the context of automated sports video annotation

Islamic veil bans: the gender equality justification and empirical evidence

A review of institutional efforts aimed at enhancing assessment and feedback: elements that matter

Flood resilience community pathfinder evaluation: rapid evidence assessment

Geography of affections: tales of identity, diaspora and travel in the work of Monica de Miranda

Succession planning for small and medium-sized family advertising agencies in Cyprus

Development and analysis of a new end-to-end QoS mechanism for mobile networks

Efficient generation of transgenic mice by lentivirus-mediated modification of spermatozoa

Bringing police airwaves inside buildings: the Hong Kong Police Force’s pioneering finance-own-operate-share (FOOS) public-private partnership project

Gendered constructions of the nation: race, sex and class in ‘white mothers’ accounts of belonging

How do integrative psychotherapists integrate? A qualitative exploration of tales from the trenches

Effective mental health service user involvement: establishing a consensus on indicators of effective involvement in mental health services

Body weight and labour market outcomes in post-Soviet Russia

"Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink”: the constant conundrum of older peoples care

The evolution of UK flood insurance: incremental change over six decades

Residential electricity pricing in China

The antecedents of direct management communication to employees in Mauritius

Folk Song Stories as Structural Paradigms

Contributing to the origins and development of Gestalt psychotherapy in Lithuania 1993 to 2013

The effect of packaging on the sales of fresh milk in Cyprus

Maternity protection in SMEs: an international review

Institutions, labour management practices and firm performance in Europe

From Beit Abhe to Angamali: connections, functions and roles of the Church of the East’s monasteries in ninth century Christian-Muslim relations

Endings and beginnings: a thematic analysis of client and psychotherapist experience of an imposed change of psychotherapist

How clients choose their psychotherapist: influences on selecting and staying with a therapist

Marketisation, commodification and the implications for teachers' autonomy in England

J-Calc: a typed lambda calculus for intuitionistic justification logic

eSMART: energy-efficient scalable multimedia broadcast for heterogeneous users

S.A.S. v France: living together or increased social division?

Protecting freedom to manifest one’s religion or belief: Strasbourg or Luxembourg?

The tension between prevention of terrorism and protection of human rights

Domestic workers in the UK - any enforceable human rights

Developing a robust tool: Advancing the multiple mini interview in pre-registration student midwife selection in a UK setting

Can pictures have explicatures?

The global addiction academy project: a global phenomenon - requiring a global solution - from a global community

Labour mobility in construction: migrant workers’ strategies between integration and turnover

Migrant labour between Russia and Italy: from strategic options to “geography of needs”

English: diverse but unified. Putting texts at the heart of the discipline

What happens to psychological depth in brief-term therapy with trainee therapists? Clients' experiences of therapy and the therapeutic relationship using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)

The architectural patronage of the Fāṭimid queen-mother Durzān (d. 385/995): an interdisciplinary analysis of literary sources, material evidence and historical context

From cradle to grave: fabrics in the lives of women in Medieval Cairo

Looking for women in Medieval Cairo: imagined histories and historical realities

Formative, andragogic, inerteractive reflection (fair) assessment tool: a development project addressing transferrable learning recognition from open lifewide co-operative engagements

Partnership funding in flood risk management: new localism debate and policy in England

The many uncertainties in flood loss assessments

Review of international flood insurance and recovery mechanisms: Implications for New Zealand and the resilience of older people - research summary

Review of international flood insurance and recovery mechanisms: Implications for New Zealand and the resilience of older people

Animation, in theory

Soundscape and haptic cues in an interactive painting: a study with autistic children

A racket-based robot to teach first-year computer science

A secure framework for communications in heterogeneous networks

Cyber safety for adolescent girls: bullying, harassment, sexting, pornography, and solicitation

The effects of using identity deception and suggesting secrecy on the outcomes of adult-adult and adult-child or -adolescent online sexual interactions

Caring after Francis: moral failure in nursing reconsidered

Lace part of 'From David Bomberg to Paula Rego: The London Group in Southampton'

Range of motion, neuromechanical, and architectural adaptations to plantar flexor stretch training in humans

Visual heteronym and animation as process in Frank Geßner’s Alias Yederbeck

The role of resilience and value for effective co-design of information systems

Social processes, creative engagements, and notions of participation and community

Recent developments in the equality and diversity agenda in the UK: the 'big society' under austerity

Introduction: equality and diversity in 14 countries – analysis and summary

Mega events: a regional phenomenon and research network

12th International Cartoon Contest 'Karpik 2014', Niemodlin, Poland

The semiotic work of the hands in scientific inquiry

Real-time detection of denial-of-service attacks in IEEE 802.11p vehicular networks

Employment relations

Heritage tourism

Testimony of a revolutionary

Marxism and the trade unions: the bureaucracy versus the rank and file debate revisited

Argentina since the 2001 crisis: recovering the past, reclaiming the future

Asa Briggs and the emergence of labour history in post-war Britain [book section]

Introduction revisiting the Argentine crisis a decade on: changes and continuities

The influence of different force and pressure measuring transducers on lower extremity kinematics measured during walking

A comparison of center of pressure variables recorded during running in barefoot, minimalist footwear, and traditional running shoes in the female population

Making sense of the experience of anxiety, worry, and spontaneous images. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of interviews with young adults who were using a student counselling service.

HRM: a driving force for service quality in five-star hotels in Cyprus

Towards the integration of clinical hypnosis into an integrative relational developmental therapeutic approach: Learning from my clients

Performance evaluation of MADM-based methods for network selection in a multimedia wireless environment

Practice guide: social work with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered older people

Cleaning up greenwash: the case for enforcing corporate environmental responsibility

Adapting and applying central Javanese gamelan music theory in electroacoustic composition and performance

A relational model of therapists’ experience of affect regulation in psychological therapy with female sex addiction

A CIAR study in a male dominated ICT Company in Malta which looks at work-life issues through the masculine lens: a case of: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?

Detection of unsolicited web browsing with clustering and statistical analysis

Making sense of information systems failures

Researching coaching

‘Tír na Scáile’ (Shadowlands): an exploration into the intercultural dimension of the therapeutic relationship

New types of PhD: the professional doctorate

‘I will make you widows laugh’: a narrative-analytic perspective on conversational joke telling and tellers in a group of older Greek Cypriot women

Commentary: What could a sociology of the subject look like? Subject, subjectivity, subjectivation by Paola Rebughini

The capabilities approach and worker wellbeing

Book review: The psychology of the bathroom by Nick Haslam

Following Francis: reversing performance in the NHS from targets to teams

We live in a narcissistic society where random acts of intimacy with real people are pointless and romance is dead

The effectiveness of persuasive health communication techniques

Methodological approaches to research in China

Teaching as an artistic practice

Computational inhibition studies of the human proteasome by argyrin-based analogues with subunit specificity

Design of argyrin analogues as proteasome inhibitors with subunit specicificity

Simulating the effect of geometry on the structural properties of microneedles

Structural properties of sugar microneedles: a finite element analysis

The ongoing privatization of healthcare and the changing nature of employment relations mean that good psychological therapy is now only available to those who can afford it

Confusion over how to measure mental health is taking a toll on workplace wellbeing, but new networks of expertise may help

We should avoid construing the proliferation of precarious work as a global catastrophe

Abu Hamza: guilty: the fight against radical Islam

The sources, impact and management of car park runoff pollution: a review

Everything in common? The theology and practice of the sharing of possessions in community in the New Testament with particular reference to Jesus and his Disciples, the earliest Christians, and Paul

The ‘fifth stage’ of drug control: international law, dynamic interpretation and human rights

When publications lead to products: the open science conundrum in new product development

The effect of digital signage on shoppers' behavior: the role of the evoked experience

The United States of America and the crime of aggression

Reflexivity and the construction of competing discourses of masculinity in a female-dominated profession

The street casino : survival in the violent street gang

Essays on rising income inequality and quality of life in contemporary China

A novel method of sensing and classifying terrain for autonomous unmanned ground vehicles

The effects of derivatives on firm financial risk: an analysis of UK non-financial firms

Ritual water, ritual spirit: an analysis of the timing, mechanism, and manifestation of spirit-reception in Luke-Acts

Corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD): a case study of Pakistan

Focus group methodology in a life course approach – individual accounts within a peer cohort group

Do women panic more than men? an experimental study of financial decisions

Formation of seasonal groups and application of seasonal indices

Islam does not change: young people narrating negotiations of religion and identity

Talking ties: reflecting on network visualisation and qualitative interviewing

Context-awareness to increase inclusion of people with DS in society

Quantitative verification of implantable cardiac pacemakers over hybrid heart models

Cervical screening and the aftermath of childhood sexual abuse: are clinical staff trained to recognise and manage the effect this has on their patients?

Utopian youth justice?

Night optimised care technology for users needing assisted lifestyles

Reflections on ambient intelligence systems handling of user preferences and needs

Social Darwinism


A declarative approach to heterogeneous multi-mode modelling languages

A foundation for multi-level modelling

Language-independent model transformation verification

Cats and the law: evolving protection for cats and owners

Strength and conditioning for swimming: a practical approach

Total score of athleticism: a strategy for assessing an athlete’s athleticism

Strength and conditioning for soccer players

Lower extremity stiffness: effects on performance and injury and implications for training

Strength and conditioning for cricket fast bowlers

Home (a replacing)

Closer to the body: reflections on skript and extracts from collected writings

Neden Psikanaliz?

Oltre la clandestinità: lo sfruttamento umanitario del lavoro nelle campagne del mezzogiorno

The Art of Making Do in Naples, by Jason Pine, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2012, x 361 pp., US$25.00 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-8166-7601-9 [Book Review]

L’eterno abietto: le classi popolari napoletane nelle rappresentazioni del Partito Comunista Italiano

Dentro la città. Forum con Luciano Brancaccio, Nick Dines, Jason Pine e Marcello Ravveduto

A conference management system with verified document confidentiality

Unified classical logic completeness: a coinductive pearl

Problem parental care and teenage deliberate self-harm in young community adults

The Attachment Style Interview (ASI)

RISC-KIT: Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts - toolKIT

Verification of quantum protocols using Coq

Reviews for the American Mathematical Society (AMS): Paul Howells, Mark d’Inverno. Specifying termination in CSP. Theoretical Computer Science, 503:31–61, 2013.

Combining generated data models with formal invalidation for insider threat analysis

Verification of DNSsec delegation signatures

Invalidating policies using structural information

Modeling human behaviour with higher order logic: insider threats

Second-generation “return” to Greece: new dynamics of transnationalism and integration

Links to the diasporic homeland: second-generation and ancestral ‘return’ mobilities

Learning from people with long-term conditions: new insights for governance in primary health care

Making security type systems less ad hoc

Truly modular (co)datatypes for Isabelle/HOL

Cardinals in Isabelle/HOL

On the ontology of the computing process and the epistemology of the computed

Facing computing as technique: towards a history and philosophy of computing

Programming the MIRTO robot with neurons

Modeling human behaviour with higher order logic: insider threats

A typed natural deduction calculus to reason about secure trust

Decidable model-checking for a resource logic with production of resources

A taxonomy of errors for information systems

Alcohol use and crime

Gay male academics in UK business and management schools: negotiating heteronormativities in everyday work life

Questioning impact: interconnection between extra-organizational resources and agency of equality and diversity officers

Learning to perceive: informing pedagogic practice through the empirical study of drawing

Sense of entitlement to workplace support for infertility treatment

Work-life balance and medically assisted reproduction (MAR): MAR uses experiences of workplace support

Feminist problematic(s) in contemporary art

‘Other’ and ‘Not-All’, rethinking the place of the woman artist in ‘Contemporary Art’

Freedom through work: the psychosocial, affect and work

Making headway: regulatory compliance in the shipping industry

The shift in regulatory focus from employment to work relationships: critiquing reforms to Australian and UK occupational safety and health laws

The French documentary in context: genealogy, aesthetics, ethics

Public services outsourcing in an era of austerity: the case of British social care

Survey on the uniformity of seaborne cargo conventions: need to limit the scope of uniformity

Cryptic speciation and chromosomal repatterning in the South African climbing mice Dendromus (Rodentia, Nesomyidae)

The death penalty in international law and politics

Business and human rights: selected issues [2014]

Corporate crimes and the ICC Statute

Reparations for slavery: the international law perspective

The significance of Soering to the international law on capital punishment

Business and Human Rights Treaty: the sceptic view

Corporate accountability for human rights violations in countries in transition

Establishing liability for financial complicity in international crimes

Does it pay to be ethical? Evidence from the FTSE4Good

Early school leaving in the European Union: data availability and reporting

Networking BME organisations: an evaluation of the work of the Black and Minority Ethnic Advice Network (BAN)

Thematic analysis of the electronic submissions to ‘Freedom to speak-up’. The Independent Review into creating an open and honest reporting culture in the NHS

Characterising the phenotypic diversity of Papilio dardanus wing patterns using an extensive museum collection

Trait and state authenticity across cultures

Gay men in the performing arts: performing sexualities within 'gay-friendly' work contexts

The impact of ambidexterity on enterprise performance: evidence from 15 countries and 14 sectors

Is your workplace gay-friendly? Current issues and controversies

Understanding sexual orientation at work

Queer business: towards queering the business school

Sexual orientation at work: contemporary issues and perspectives

Computational intelligence and metaheuristic algorithms with applications

Device for wheelchair stability assessment

The design and evaluation of a novel system for predicting wheelchair and occupant stability

Feature selection in life science classification: metaheuristic swarm search

Diversity and mechanisms in swarm intelligence

Tongue motor training support system

Swarm intelligence based algorithms: a critical analysis

Simulation model of a lever-propelled wheelchair

An approach to measure wheelchair stability. concept and benefits

A novel system for wheelchair stability assessment : design and initial results

Enhancement of the communication efficiency of interactive robots for autism therapy by using touch and colour feedback

The effects of increasing and decreasing exercise induced arousal on coincidence anticipation performance and anxiety during perceived competitive and practice situations: a test of catastrophe theory

A 6 week intervention to increase fundamental movement skills mastery level and physical activity

Utopian action and participatory disputes

The effect of acute caffeine ingestion on coincidence anticipation timing in younger and older adults

The effect of caffeine ingestion on coincidence anticipation timing, perceived exertion, and leg pain during submaximal cycling

Fundamental movement skills and weight status in British primary school children

Mechanical factors affecting the estimation of tibialis anterior force using an EMG-driven modelling approach

Cross-validation of pedometer-determined cut-points for healthy weight in British children from white and South Asian backgrounds

Readiness to change drinking behaviour among heavy-drinking university students in England

Novel mechanisms of range of motion improvement in response to plantar flexor stretch training in men

Understanding fruit and vegetable eating behaviour in British primary school children : an application of the theory of planned behaviour

Prediction of habitual physical activity level and weight status from fundamental movement skill level

Comparisons in ambulatory physical activity in children from the United Kingdom and Belgium

Effects of increasing and decreasing physiological arousal on anticipation timing performance during competition and practice

The best medicine? Psychotherapists’ experience of the impact of humour on the process of psychotherapy

Information integration of drug discovery and clinical studies to support complex queries using an information supply chain framework

Masculinity and sexuality at work: incorporating gay and bisexual men’s perspectives

Un/doing chrononormativity: negotiating ageing, gender and sexuality in organizational life

A cross-sectional postal survey of musculoskeletal physiotherapists’ current practice of cervical pain assessment in relation to vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency, attitudes toward guidelines, and manual therapy practice

Bulk de novo mitogenome assembly from pooled total DNA elucidates the phylogeny of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea)

Towards a mitogenomic phylogeny of Lepidoptera

Comparative genomics of the mimicry switch in Papilio dardanus

Biotransenergetica: a transpersonal psychotherapy. A description of BTE practices from a therapist and client perspective

Understanding the values of Christian organisations: a case study of across (1972-2005) using the organisational culture theory of Edgar Schein

Psychology - sports injuries

Psychology - performance enhancement

In a walled garden: an artist book

Working with and supporting early career academics. A provocation

The coordination role in research education: emerging understandings and dilemmas for leadership

A Bacillus subtilis cell fraction (BCF) inducing calcium carbonate precipitation: biotechnological perspectives for monumental stone reinforcement

Impact of tomato varieties and maturity state on susceptibility of tomatoes to salmonella

The role of crop production practices and weather conditions in microbiological safety of tomatoes and peppers

Salmonella and tomatoes

Ethylene signalling affects susceptibility of tomatoes to Salmonella

Effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on the susceptibility of tomatoes to post-harvest proliferation of Salmonella enterica

Systematic analysis of the ability of Nitric Oxide donors to dislodge biofilms formed by Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157:H7

Creative Articulations Process (CAP)

Scalability considerations for multivariate graph visualization

SchemaLine: timeline visualization for sensemaking

XVth International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance and the XIVth Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography (Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany, 22–25 April 2013)

Firm growth and the illusion of randomness

Preparing for the future: development of an ‘antifragile’ methodology that complements scenario planning by omitting causation

Experience belongs to man

Improving assessment: understanding educational decision-making in practice

Building local leadership for research education

Reliability, factorial validity, and interrelationships of five commonly used change of direction speed tests

Keeping up with the law: investigating lawyers’ monitoring behaviour

Women with gestational diabetes and co-morbid depression: an exploratory study

International Marcé Society for perinatal mental health

Society for reproductive and infant psychology annual conference

Attitudes of student midwives caring for women with perinatal mental health problems

Writing your journal article in 12 weeks: a guide to academic publishing success

Response to ‘Who should be an author on your academic paper?

What is current practice in offering debriefing services to post partum women and what are the perceptions of women in accessing these services: a critical review of the literature

Clinical supervision in the provision of intensive home visiting by health visitors

VALCRI: addressing European needs for information exploitation of large complex data in criminal intelligence analysis

Strengthening the security of cognitive packet networks

Inequalities in access to healthcare in Enfield, London

Operationalising the concept of social capital: new perspectives and new measures

Certified Complexity (CerCo)

Lawyer and nonlawyer susceptibility to framing effects in out-of-court civil litigation settlement

Bridging the digital divide: towards shortening the road from illiteracy to information literacy

Foundations for decision problems in separation logic with general inductive predicates

Cyclic abduction of inductively defined safety and termination preconditions

Integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan

Computer forensics: challenges to evidential integrity

Gender and the city: intergenerational spatial practices and women’s collective action

‘Londres accueil’: mediations of identity and place amongst the French highly skilled in London

Normative and descriptive models of military decisions to deploy precision strike capabilities

Technology, market regulations and labour share dynamics [Conference item]

African entrepreneurs, financial literacy, debt and bankruptcy

3rd place winner at Cartoon Africa International Biennial

Residents' support for tourism development: the role of residents' place image and perceived tourism impacts

Beyond nostalgia? Class identity, memory and the Soviet past in Russia and the ‘near abroad’

The emergence of social media and its impact on SME performance

Making sense of course data: towards the standardisation of curriculum design and course related information

Integrating web 2.0 technologies in higher education learning

A scientific approach to countering the terrorist threat

Curriculum design for e-education: make effective use of course data

An investigation in social network use for e-education: the case of Facebook

Improving student employability by utilising semantic analysis of course data

Investigating virtual teams: patterns of communication and collaboration in software engineering learning teams

Design of ubiquitous 3D virtual spaces: matching with behavioural patterns

Delivery of e-learning through social learning networks

Piloting global software development in software engineering student teams

Skills and education planning tools for curriculum design

Construire la modernité urbaine: la concession britannique à Tianjin 1860-2014

Water quality and treatment

Designing legacy and the legacy of design: London 2012 and the Regeneration Games

Refugees and citizenship in the UK

Exposure 1. An event and symposium at the Photographers’ Gallery Exposure 1. 26/11/14

Happiness not salaries: the decline of universities and the emergence of higher education

Citizen innovation: DIY design and the Thames water turbine

Reflections on an art and politics of social engagement

Re-thinking (e)valuation

Art as a force for change

Experiments in ‘real world’ education

Some lessons learned on the art and politics of social engagement 1978 – 2013

Urban Praxis Athens 2012. An analysis and exploration of locative-media projects made in Athens, based on Lefebvre’s lived experience analysis and rhythmology method.

Ambivalent architectures

Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin

The soundtrack to history

Bric a brac and Britishness: Trafalgar Square

Active Energy - where art and engineering meet

Secret de la défense nationale [access to and publication of state secrets in French and European Law]

Article 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial

When it all goes bad: criminal remedies

Not a straight line by a spiral: charting continuity and change in textiles informed by feminism

Universities in the flux of time: an exploration of time and temporality in university life

Thinking about higher education

6th Fadjr international festival of visual art Tehran Iran

Innovation in coastal risk management: an exploratory analysis of risk governance issues at eight THESEUS study sites

Online regulation of the walking speed of a planar limit cycle walker via model predictive control

Requirement analysis for citizen observatories (including stakeholder sensor adoption and usage). D6.21

Gender and environmental change in the developing world

Double disaster: disaster risk through a gender lens

‘From Structural Adjustment to Social Adjustment: A Gendered Analysis of Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Mexico and Nicaragua’, Global Social Policy, 2008, 8, 2, 188–207.

43rd Osten World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje Macedonia

A review of literature on citizen science: contribution to WP6

Encouraging stakeholder participation (D6.22)

The robustness of flood insurance regimes given changing risk resulting from climate change

What do the 2013/14 floods tell us about overall flood risk in England and Wales?

Promoting resilient economies by exploring insurance potential for facing coastal flooding and erosion: evidence from Italy, Spain, France and United Kingdom

Unconstrained face recognition

Productive misapprehensions – Artscross as a trans-cultural collaborative zone of contestation of performance practice

Ten pathways to death and disaster: learning from fatal incidents in mines and other high hazard workplaces

ICA exhibitions 1948-1961: from a Picasso picture to a headscarf: paintings into textiles

Cataloguing the ICA’s history: an ephemeral past

Decoloniality and development

Pannonpower - Veolia Group 2014-Pec, Edison Hungary

Strategic flood management: ten ‘golden rules’ to guide a sound approach

Is South Asian agriculture adapting to climate change? Evidence from the Indo-Gangetic plains

Abstract – teaching critical and creative thinking skills in primary education - teacher trainer and trainee perspectives

Teaching critical and creative thinking skills in primary education - teacher trainer and trainee perspectives

Institute of Contemporary Arts 1946-1968

'Wave' Rituals and Relics, The Crypt Gallery, St Mary in the Castle

'A Nunhead Garden' part of the exhibition 'On London' 100th anniversary of the London Group’s first exhibition

Media stylistics

Creaturely life: biopolitical intensity in selected children's fables

When good HR gets bad results: exploring the challenge of HR implementation in the case of workplace bullying

Teaching for transformation, diversity and equality, in the teacher education system in England

Ethnography of an early years teacher – working with young multilingual children and their families in a nursery class in London

Symposium: towards democratically appropriate practices in early childhood education: researching child initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia, England and the US

Theory of child-initiated education: the future and possibilities of child-initiated education

Developing child initiated pedagogies towards democracy and participatory practices in formal early years settings – the case of England

Developing child-initiated pedagogies in England

Silencing bilingualism: a day in a life of a bilingual practitioner

Policy and ideologies in schooling and early years education in England: implications for and impacts on leadership, management and equality

Mapping the other

Pragmatics of emotions in interlinguistic healthcare settings

Trust building as a strategy to avoid unintended consequences of education. The case study of international summer camps designed to promote peace and intercultural dialogue among adolescents

Children’s rights towards rights

Children’s right, participation & self determination ‘space’

Focus on: antidepressant prescribing trends in the prescribing of antidepressants in primary care

Children’s drawings of world cup football players: a cross-continental study

Institute of Contemporary Arts: an archival experiment

Dropout reasons in Iranian youth roller skaters

New Work / The Test Pieces

Historicizing the media effects debate

Spatial health systems: the state of the art

A new method for assessing squash tactics using 15 court areas for ball locations

Professional practice in construction management

Recognising prior learning in higher education – innovative approaches to work based learning

A whole life change. Supporting non-traditional students to access foundation degree in early years. The case study of a transition programme in a further education institution in Surrey (England)

Live and public: one practitioner’s experience and assessment of Twitter as a tool for archiving creative process

The EU as a rule of law exporter: the consistency and effectiveness challenges

Theorizing Twitter chat

Questions of censorship and textual authenticity: A Serbian Film

The BBFC and the regulation of BDSM

Censorship cultures: the search for authenticity - the case of A Serbian Film

Temporal planning for business process optimisation

Constraint satisfaction with counting quantifiers 2

QCSP on semicomplete digraphs

Instant channel allocation technique to improve system throughput in joint LTE network

System capacity improvement by on request channel allocation in LTE cellular network

On the complexity of computing maximum entropy for Markovian models

On the total variation distance of labelled Markov chains

Perturbation analysis in verification of discrete-time Markov chains

Downlink femto-macro ICI cancellation by on request channel allocation in LTE network

System capacity Improvement by on request channel allocation in LTE cellular network

Ferenczi’s ethics for our time: the possibility of being alongside

The 'leadership-stakeholder involvement capacity' nexus in stakeholder management

Risk assessment at an informal e-waste recycling site in Lagos state, Nigeria

/seconds. at Sharjah Art Foundation

Investigating arsenic resistance in fungi from tin-mining soil and the possible interaction between arsenic and tin/antimony

Do social networks prevent or promote bank runs?

Midwives fear of litigation: justified or not?

Community-teater, aktivism & AIDS

The interdisciplinary, diachronic and prefigurative translations of Blodlopp

Interdisciplinary strate in applied performance and activism

A secure authentication protocol for IP-based wireless sensor communications using the location/ID split protocol (LISP)


The emotional landscape of progression and achievement: a consideration of softer data

Ways of seeing: utilising filmmaking to engage students in strengths based learning about our communities

Reflection as more than rumination: an opportunity for reframing and resistance

Beyond feedback forms and action plans: student societies as mechanisms for co-production and student - led deep learning

Student choice in the curriculum: an investigation into existing practices in theatre and drama

Spatial competition and agglomeration in the visitor attraction sector

Drivers and motives for membership at the Southbank Centre, a mixed arts venue in London, UK

Game over

The beseeching tone: The 'Musifex' of Barry Gray and their implications for composers

Blind(fold)ed by light in Lundahl & Seitl’s Symphony in a Missing Room: thinking out loud in the dark

A study into the experience of dramatherapists working with children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions

Hybrid metaheuristic algorithms: past, present, and future

Dios los cría...

Joycean aesthetics, ethnic memory and mythopoetic imagination in the music of Frank Corcoran

Different voices: Irish music and music in Ireland

The utopian function of film music

Authentic Passivity

The contemplative dimension of psychoanalysis

Teaching psychoanalysis in the university

Nkisi Nkondi: the trace of transference in the analytic relationship

Application of Newton's method to action selection in continuous state- and action-space reinforcement learning

Destination images of non-visitors

Absence & presence

Marx, Karl Heinrich


Exploiting stochastic dominance to generate abnormal stock returns

Developments in the mass teenage market for fashion in Britain, 1947-57

Consuming mass fashion: the impact of the purchasing power of young working class women on ready-to-wear manufacture and retail

The influence of popular culture on working-class women's wardrobes in inter-war Britain

Gray matters (the electroacoustic film music of Barry Gray)

The performer emerges in the work of Sian Bonnell

Gayle Chong Kwan 'Arripare', 2013

On the beat

The effect of external knowledge sources and their geography on innovation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) SMEs; some Implications for de-industrialized regions in the UK

Transnational organizing: a case study of contract workers in the Colombian mining industry

Performance analysis of cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive wireless radio networks over Nakagami-m fading channels

Wolkenschauen 23 Kunstler betrachten den Himmel

Chapter: The power of the Ooze

Revolution Farm

On the Beat

International handbook of diversity management at work. Country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment

Brain Sneezing 2015 PRERAG International Cartoon Humour Competiton

Contestation and reconstruction: natural capital and post-conflict development in borderland regions

Applying research evidence in social work practice: seeing beyond paradigms

Appraising the quality of evidence

Pay, conditions and care quality in residential, nursing and domiciliary services

Treatment and management of chronic cough by TCM – a case study

Treatment and management of lumbago with Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang and Yan Hu Zhi Tong Wan – a case study

Implementation of Directive 2004/38 in the United Kingdom

Birth registration and children's rights: a complex story

A culture of blame – Sunday school teachers, youth workers and the decline of young people in churches

Location security and environmental-induced displacement: a case study of the Riverine Islands in Bangladesh

Conducting “dirty research” with extreme groups: understanding academia as a dirty work site

Creative surrender: a Milnerian view of works by Y. Z. Kami

The role of sleepiness, sleep disorders, and the work environment on heavy-vehicle crashes in 2 Australian states

Anxiety and surplus in nursing practice: lessons from Lacan and Bataille

Slavery and jouissance: analysing complaints of suffering in UK and Australian nurses’ talk about their work

Providing ubiquitous communication using handover techniques in VANET systems

Perfect periodic scheduling for three basic cycles

Nitric oxide donors as molecules capable of effectively disperse biofilms formed by Salmonella, Listeria, pathogenic E. coli and Pectobacterium carotovorum

Dispersal of biofilms of industrial significance by Nitric Oxide (NO) donors

Energy aware performance evaluation of WSNs

Tourism visioning: implementing a primary stakeholder approach

Spatial demands of concurrent tasks can compromise spatial learning of a virtual environment: implications for active input control

Nutritional knowledge of UK coaches

Algorithms for balanced graph bi-partitioning

Towards a data-driven approach to scenario generation for serious games

The impacts of cyclones Sidr and Aila on the health of the coastal people of Bangladesh

Cultural competence

Cultural competence workshop

My starting point: transcultural nursing. My destination: culturally competent and compassionate care for all

The VICTcORY model. Culturally competent compassion: the Middlesex University way

Culturally competent compassion: a challenge for the 21st century nursing

Reviewing theories of gender and migration: perspectives from Europe and North America

Proceedings of the IEEE VIS workshop on provenance for sensemaking 2014

Proceedings of the international workshop on visualizations and user interfaces for knowledge engineering and linked data analytics

POLAR - an interactive patterns of life visualisation tool for intelligence analysis

(Re)-assembling transformations of class and gender: respectable becomings within/through early childhood education

Playing with gender: making space for post-human childhood(s)

Policy, professionalism, pay, power: early years workers be(com)ing actively resistant?

Reconfiguring quality and professionalism in early childhood education

Deconstructing professionalism / reconfiguring quality in early childhood

Reconfiguring gender: playing with feminist material possibilities in early childhood

Reconfiguring 'quality' in early childhood education

Time to reconfigure quality in early childhood?

Playing with gender: making space for diverse (post-human) childhood(s) in the early years

Re-assembling 'quality': mapping professional bodies and becomings in early childhood education

'Theory as method: putting posthumanist and material feminist concepts to work in early childhood research', researching the assemblage of methodology/ies at work

Revisiting quality in early childhood education

Light Steps promo

Untitled: women's work

Encouraging a focus on compassionate care within general practice/family medicine

Compassionate journeys and end-of-life care

Providing compassionate healthcare: challenges in policy and practice

Introducing the Journal of Compassionate Health Care

Diabetes self-management arrangements in Europe: a realist review to facilitate a project implemented in six countries

Exploring the association of sense of coherence, and spiritual and religious beliefs in a rural population group on the island of Crete, Greece

Irrational prescribing of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines in general practice: testing the feasibility of an educational intervention among physicians in five European countries

Association between religiosity/spirituality and reductions in a depression scale: results from the SPILI III study on rural Crete

Online social influence and the evaluation of creative practice: a critique of Klout

Nitric oxide donors as molecules capable of effectively disperse biofilms formed by Salmonella, Listeria, pathogenic E. coli and Pectobacterium carotovorum

Feasibility of using nitric oxide donors to disperse biofilms of industrial significance to strengthen the efficacy of current industrial disinfectants

A carnitine metabolism key gene is involved in salmonella persistence within tomatoes

Nitric oxide (NO) signaling in salmonella: genes Involved in biofilm dispersion

Nitric oxide (NO) signaling in salmonella: genes involved in biofilm dispersion

Contribution of the salmonella capsular transcriptional regulators rcsA and rcsB to the persistence within tomatoes

Contribution of the salmonella capsular transcriptional regulators rcsA and rcsB to the persistence within tomatoes

Genes involved with nitric oxide biofilm dispersal

Genes involved with nitric oxide biofilm dispersal

Feasibility of using nitric oxide donors on stainless steel

The reduction of the spread of antibiotic resistance through the management of composting applications and processes

Understanding the spread of antibiotic resistance in soil

Fitness of tetracycline resistant Escherichia coli O:157 H7 exposed sub-lethal doses of tetracycline in soil

Fitness of tetracycline-resistant Escherichia coli O:157 H7 exposed sub-lethal doses of tetracycline in soil

Dialogue or duel? A critical reflection on the gendered politics of engaging and impacting

Playing with gender: making space for post-human childhood(s)

Entrepreneurial practice, desire and affect: the case of Gringo

Curriculum design within a semantic information system

Thematic analysis of the electronic submissions to “Freedom to speak up” the independent review into creating an open and honest reporting culture in the NHS. Freedom to speak up.

Adult numeracy and the totally pedagogised society: PIAAC and other international surveys in the context of global educational policy on lifelong learning

Mathematical images in advertising: constructing difference and shaping identity, in global consumer culture

Literary festival as pedagogy

FAST video series

The Unisys security index

Forward! Italy

New PIAAC results: care is needed in reading reports of international surveys

Between theory and practice: early years education and the implementation of the rights to self determination of the child

Between theory and practice. Early years education and the implementation of the right to self-determination of the child, twenty-five years after the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Children's rights 'participation and self determination'

Transition programmes bridging learning opportunities between academic levels for traditional and non-traditional learners - towards academic progression

Exploring contemporary uses of baby and young child observation



Website design quality and usage behavior: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

The impacts of cyclones Sidr and Aila on the health of the coastal people of Bangladesh

Variations on a theme: matrilinear relationships in Sybille Bedford’s novels

Recovery through public works: a psychodynamic perspective on change and complexity at personal, organisational & social levels

2nd cartoon Africa international Biennial (CAIB) Festival - part 2 -My fears for Africa - certificated 2014

A coincidence of cultures: cultural dialogue: problems and prospects

Lundy, Louis, Barge and Troy

Adaptation – Cinefication

Résurrection des mannequins (2014)

Broom (2014)

Bone mineral density, rib pain and other features of the female athlete triad in elite lightweight rowers

Ageing at home? Meeting housing, health and social needs

The living environment and wellbeing: Wicked problems, wicked solutions?

Blue space and wellbeing

10 things you should know about housing and health

Does SAQ training improve the speed and flexibility of young soccer players? A randomized controlled trial

Temporal reasoning for intuitive specification of context-awareness

Literature survey on pregnancy and maternity discrimination for the Northern Ireland Equality Commission

Linking corporate logo, corporate image, and reputation: an examination of consumer perceptions in the financial setting

Flexible context aware interface for ambient assisted living

London 2012: missed out on Olympics contracts? A case study of ethnic minority organisations in East London

Strong attachment to heroes: How does it occur and affect people’s self-efficacy and ultimately quality of life?

If a thing’s worth doing, it’s worth doing on public television – Joe Orton’s plays on television

Five areas to advance branding theory and practice

The ‘Red Cross’ Concentration Camp in Niš, Serbia

Spiritual heresy: writing a biography of a ghost

Work-family attitudes and behaviours among newly immigrant Pakistani expatriates: the role of organizational family-friendly policies

Fairness perceptions of work-life balance initiatives: effects on counterproductive work behaviour

Achieving a model for improving medical devices management policy

Fortunes of feminism: from state managed capitalism to neoliberal crisis [Book review]

'Creaturely life': biopolitical intensity in selected children's fables

Mud mess and magic: building student teachers’ confidence for art & the outdoors in early years

Role of national parliaments

Identifying human rights stories: a scoping study

Zero-separating invariants for finite groups

Separating invariants for arbitrary linear actions of the additive group

Creating positive employee change evaluation: the role of different levels of organizational support and change participation

Understanding urban cultural tourism through a new conceptual model and its application in China

Solving computationally expensive engineering problems: methods and applications

Synthesizing cross-ambiguity functions using the improved bat algorithm

"The grey and the coloured truth": memory and post-memory in George Tabori's Holocaust plays

Increasing compliance with international humanitarian law in non-international armed conflict

War crimes, international criminal law and contemporary armed conflict: reflections on compliance

Analysis of firefly algorithms and automatic parameter tuning

Executive summary of the RESPONSE project (responding effectively to services users (patients and cares) and practitioners' (nurses and midwives) perspectives on care concerns: developing sustainable responses through educational action research

An investigation into newly qualified nurse' ability to recontextualise knowledge to allow them to delegate and supervise care(AaRK)

Power, pedagogy and participation: ethics and pragmatics in research with young people

Dances and Laments: Chamber Music by Peter Fribbins

Modernism(s) reborn? British chamber music in analysis

The influence of ethnic group composition on focus group discussions

British citizenship and the ‘other’: an analysis of the earned citizenship discourse

Large-scale global optimization via swarm intelligence

Competitions: Classical and Popular

Hierarchical organization

Multi agency public protection arrangements

The Pierrot Ensemble in Brazil: the music of Harry Crowl and Silvio Ferraz

The Use of the Pen: A Philosophical Improvisation

Prime Landing and the Globe of Dislocation: Longitude Punk'd

Institutional change and regional development in China: the case of commodity trading markets

Functional-level transformation in multi-domestic MNCs: transforming local purchasing into globally integrated purchasing integrated purchasing

Intraday periodicity in algorithmic trading

Johan Siebers on Bloch, hope and Utopia

The determinants and implications of firm performance: evidence of China’s manufacturing sector, 1999-2007

Innovation support and SMEs in China

The impact of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer's loyalty in Jordan Islamic Bank

International product innovation marketing strategy in China: an analysis of EU subsidiary’s firm capabilities and host institutions

EU firms’ FDI decisions in China: dynamic approaches testing eclectic paradigm

Technology innovation truly international? Evidence of comparative study on index of patent internationalization, 1981-2008

From animals to animats 13: 13th international conference on simulation of adaptive behavior, SAB 2014, Castellón, Spain, July 22-25, 2014, Proceedings

New factors in child protection and well-being: the impacts of migration on practice, making connections between research and practice

Exploring the potential of psycho-social research: what happens when we look beneath the surface?

Managing everyday lived experience: observational research with children looked after by the State

(Un)touched phase 1

Intimacy and rotoscoping

Intimate scrutiny. Using rotoscoping to unravel the auteur-animator beneath the theory

Forschung im inneren des klangs

The slow burn: questioning the discourse surrounding popular music success, and exploring opportunities for entrepreneurship in the long tail

Different every time: the authorised biography of Robert Wyatt

The laboratory of sonic possibilities

The British media and the 'first crisis of globalization'

The container

Reciprocity as a way forward for diversity management and CSR research

MoDA katagami stencils general background notes

Governance of sustainable event-led regeneration: the case of London 2012 Olympics

Mega-events as a catalyst for place-marketing: exploring İzmir EXPO 2015 candidacy and Istanbul ECoC 2010

Refusing the veil

IDEA store

Harnessing the social: state, crisis and (big) society

Meron's story

The Banana Massacre [animation excerpt from ‘Banana land: blood, bullets and poison’]


Highlighting the emerging issues of ethical buying in a growing global market

Technological support for testing

Interpreting test format

Principles of testing

Residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in Cape Verde Islands

Measuring residents’ attitude towards sustainable tourism: the validity of sustainable tourism attitude scale (SUS-TAS) in Cape Verde islands

'Animation' and 'Expanded Animation'

When does brokerage matter? Citation impact of research teams in an emerging academic field

Dropout reasons in Iranian youth roller skaters

Risk assessment: whose responsibility? Whose risk? Is the law effective?

What can be learned from the 'Families and Schools Together' (FAST) Programme

A case study of the FAST programme as a strategy to ease transition into primary school

Creating a collaborative culture - an HR Director's journey

Experimental validation of a new biphasic model of the contact mechanics of the porcine hip

Biphasic investigation of contact mechanics in natural human hips during activities

Influence of clearance on the time-dependent performance of the hip following hemiarthroplasty: a finite element study with biphasic acetabular cartilage properties

Hip contact forces in asymptomatic total hip replacement patients differ from normal healthy individuals: implications for preclinical testing

Contact mechanics of modular metal-on-polyethylene total hip replacement under adverse edge loading conditions

Evolutionary coordination system for fixed-wing communications unmanned aerial vehicles

Evolutionary swarm robotics: genetic diversity, task-allocation and task-switching

On the evolution of homogeneous two-robot teams: clonal versus aclonal approaches

Dynamic traffic management for interactive cloud services: localising traffic based on network throughput and user mobility

Exploring a new security framework for cloud storage using capabilities

Professional librarianship: always preparing for the future

Governance, conduct costs and equity performance in financial services

Leadership for sustainability: leading for equality and the future in teaching

In for the long haul – models of sustained graduate support and education

Li-Fang System ● Urban Neighbourhood ● Green City


Another Country IV, Another Country XIII, Another Country XIV, Another Country IX installed as part of Turning Points (Fordulopontok) curated by Zsolt Petranyi and Vito Vojnits Purcsar

We are history

Clinical tests for differentiating between patients with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome

Educating tourism students in the South Pacific: changing cultures, changing economies

Shopping and the senses: retail, browsing and consumption in 18th-century England

Mass Tourism in a small world: new challenges and boundaries

Tourism and development: what has development theory done for us?

Sex tourism

The evolution of aviation: in times of war and peace: blood tears and salvation

Safety and security: the influence of 9/11 to the EU framework for air carriers and aircraft operators

An investigation of continued intention to use fast-fashion brands' Facebook fan pages in Japan

Why Taiwanese continue using fast-fashion brands' Facebook pages?

First timers and frequent flyers: the reality of short term prison sentences for women

Managing performance abroad: a new model for understanding expatriate adjustment

Vent’anni d’immigrazione nel Regno Unito: i flussi, le politiche e il dibattito

Open innovation practices in SMEs: a study of the creative industries sector in England

Networking innovation in the European car industry: does the open innovation model fit?

Migration and freedom: mobility, citizenship and exclusion

Transforming Talent

A comparative review of approaches to prevent premature convergence in GA

Low-crossing spanning trees: an alternative proof and experiments

Endogenous transformation in European public administration: soft-law, transnationally-networked governance as a self-reinforcing trend

Experimenting constitutionalism in the EU: co-ordinating legal difference through mutual recognition, mutual law and mutual learning

Investigating the impact of live migration on the network infrastructure in enterprise environments

Assessment of the pulse wave variability for a new non-invasive device

Generalised scalable robust principal component analysis

RAPS: Robust and efficient automatic construction of person-specific deformable models

Music genre classification via joint sparse low-rank representation of audio features

Elastic net subspace clustering applied to pop/rock music structure analysis

International Handbook on Whistleblowing Research

Strategic issues in whistleblowing research

The key to protection: civil and employment law remedies

Whistleblowing, its importance and the state of the research

Under the Vaulted Sky

Indigenous peoples, title to territory, rights and resources: the transformative role of free prior and informed consent

The implications of Methylphenidate use by healthy medical students and doctors in South Africa

Indigenous peoples and the extractive sector: towards a rights respecting engagement

BMP signals: Mediated by stroma or thymocytes?

Ireland v. UK: revisiting the treatment of the 'Hooded Men'

Ukraine, Russia and Crimea in the European Court of Human Rights

Eliciting experts’ knowledge in emergency response organizations

Hierarchies as law

EU migration law: the opportunities and challenges ahead

The social construction of market relationships in the British temporary work industry

Vital excess

The power of the Ooze

Over Time: art project 2014

Gleaning the Immaterial, or how to get wet in the CGI Urban Landscape


Alexandra Palace: war on the home front

Developing and assessing transferable skills in higher education: a field trial and a way forward

Martyn, Sean and Jacob, 2013

[Talk based on photographic project work]

What they didn’t teach you in design school

Those blue remembered sounds

In Flagrante

Campaign for fashion activism - Slashstroke interactive gallery take over & publication

Fast Fashion 2D mix Fix - a Slashstroke project

Malevich - a suprematist board game

Cultures of work

Transcendence Interrupted: Composing 'Scenes from Crow'

Between Skins: The Body in Psychoanalysis - Contemporary Developments by Nicola Diamond. Published by Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, 2013; 288 pp; £60 hardback [Book Review]

Holly Johnson - In and out of love

[Letter to an unknown soldier]

Styling and stigma: shifting attitudes to the role of the fashion stylist

Triptych (After Paris Bordon’s Venetian Women at their Toilet), 2014

Caste in Britain: socio-legal review

Leaks, legislation and freedom of speech: how can the law effectively promote public interest whistleblowing

Novel insights into the expression of CGB1 & 2 genes by epithelial cancer cell lines secreting ectopic free hCGβ

Illustrations for the story "The tale of the trawler man" in: Tales from the Deep: volume 1, story by Fred Campbell illustrated by Drawn Chorus Collective

Not for glory! Not for gain! Commemorative glass figurines at the Czechoslovak Spartakiad 1955

History in the Making: Experiment Invalidovna, Prague 1961

2 prototype garments for new season range for BAMFORD

Restaurant and bar design

Time’s markings/marking time/s: Rosemary Butcher’s secrets of the open sea (Revised 2019)

Entities and identities in research information systems

The construction of culinary expert through recipe tellings among older Greek Cypriot women

ART:FILM case studies: Elodie Pong & Richard Billingham

Scoping the role of the nurse consultant

Been on the job too long: past and present visions of a folk crime

The European Commission's proposal for a financial transactions tax: a critical assessment

The permanent evolution of democracy: Trotsky’s role in 21st century democratic activism

Six o'clock closing and the growth of prostitution in Sydney, 1916-27

"500 tokens to go private": camgirls, cybersex and feminist entrepreneurship

Comparative experiments on resource discovery in P2P networks

The politics of religious and the ethnic identity among Kurdish Alevis at homeland and in diaspora

EU migration law: the opportunities and challenges ahead

Design of a robotic sensorimotor system for phantom limb pain rehabilitation


Tales from the Punkside

Steinway 2 pianos festival: Sam Leak and Dan Tepfer; John Taylor and Richard Fairhurst

7 deadly sins by Louise Gibbs & The deadly 7 [CD]

Exploring embodied and located experience: memory work as a method for drug research

The lived body: REDUX


A comparative analysis of IDB approaches supporting SMEs: assessing results in the Brazilian manufacturing sector

The hidden catalyst for industrial convergence between the MMOG industry and the online broadcasting industry in South Korea

Mathematics education in the Balkan societies up to the WWI

The epistemology of mathematics in the digital age

Developments in FINDbase worldwide database for clinically relevant genomic variation allele frequencies

Soft or hard law: effective implementation of uniform sea transport rules through the World Trade Organization framework

History of mathematics in education and history of mathematics education – mathematical education cultures. Special issue: Teaching innovations, Vol. 27 No. 3

Engaging audiences on ongoing social debates through interactive and immersive exhibits

Three essays on research and development, growth and cycles

Book Review: Punk Goes Science: The Academic Punk Bibliography, Vasileios Yfantis Charleston: CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 122 pp., ISBN: 9781505752342, p/bk, £9 [Book Review]

Hidden Histories: Soldiers from the Empire

Discrimination against black and minority ethnic staff within the NHS is widespread, deep-rooted, systemic and largely unchanging [Blog post]

The application of the CERIF data format to Snowball metrics

Combining VIVO and Google Scholar data as sources for CERIF linked data: a case in the agricultural domain

Research information management: the CERIF approach

Is corporate social responsibility always a function of good management?: an ethical relativism perspective


Under the vaulted sky and Liquid gold is in the air


Printed Forms - Invalid Geometry

The Blue Shroud project and the development of an innovative free-improvisation approach on classical guitar

La nueva America Latina: logros, potencialidades, complejidades y desafíos

The darkening light

The Punk Scholars Network in Association with Cultural Exchanges presents: Penny Rimbaud

Women as part of the theatre audience in 19th century Romania


One too many: alcohol consumption and the health risks

System dynamics-based modelling and analysis of greening the construction industry supply chain

E-Government users’ privacy and security concerns and availability of laws in Dubai

A structural analysis of green supply chain management enablers in the UAE construction sector

Not Here, Right Now/Right Here, Not Now: Unfolding the context in Alana Jelinek’s ‘This is Not Art’