International perspectives on child victimisation

The politics of sectarianism and its reflection in questions of international law & state formation in The Middle East

Part I The UNDRIP’s relationship to existing international law, Ch.1 Who are ‘Indigenous Peoples’? An examination of concepts concerning group membership in the UNDRIP

Linguistic analysis in trade mark law: current approaches and new challenges

Exploring the negotiation thesis application among ski resort tourists: a segmentation approach

Humphrey, Doris (1895-1958)

A multilevel analysis of the use of individual pay-for-performance systems

Modelling credit spreads with time volatility, skewness, and kurtosis

Ethnicity, popular democratic movements and labour in Malaysia

Disability quotas: past or future policy?

Off-shoring, specialization and R&D

Employment regulation and productivity: is there a case for deregulation?

Hibat Allah Muhammad

An investigation of the corporate identity construct in China: managerial evidence from the high technology industry

The Classical Music Industry

Talking about classical music: radio as public musicology

Prefigurative performance in American and African AIDS activism

Situation comedy, character and psychoanalysis: on the couch with Lucy, Basil and Kimmie

Do not say a word! Conceptualizing employee silence in a long-term crisis context

Higher education marketing – does inducing anxiety facilitate critical thinking or more consumerism?

Dancing to another tune: classical music in nightclubs and other non-traditional venues

Reframing assessment research: Through a practice perspective

Different functions of rape myth use in court: findings from a trial observation study

Closure, observation and coupling: on narrative and autopoiesis

The "Wretched of Europe": Greece and the cultural politics of inequality

Theorizing black (African) transnational masculinities

Listen carefully: transgender voices in the workplace

Improvisation as Paradigm for Phenomenologies

Meaning and power in the language of law

Worthwhile work? Childcare, feminist ethics and cooperative research practices

Non-parametric lower bounds and information functions

Refocusing portfolio assessment: Curating for feedback and portrayal

Barriers and policy recommendations for developing green buildings from local government perspective: a case study of Ningbo China

The influence of magazines on men: normalizing and challenging young men’s prejudice with “lads’ mags”

Social support for female sexual dysfunction in fibromyalgia

'There is no such thing as a boring place': architecture and the built environment as a televisual experience

Do envy and compassion pave the way to unhappiness? Social preferences and life satisfaction in a Spanish city

Tourists' destination loyalty through emotional solidarity with residents: an integrative moderated mediation model

Contingent self-definition and amorphous regions: a dynamic approach to place brand architecture

Maternity management in SMEs: a transdisciplinary review and research agenda

Changing times: migrants’ social network analysis and the challenges of longitudinal research

Selfish-gene theory and levels of selection

From a/topia to topia: towards a gendered right to the city for migrant volunteers in London

The design of doctorate curricula for practising professionals

Environmental insecurity

Navigating the demands of academic work to shape an academic job

New forms of government school provision – an international comparison

Something to celebrate (or not): the differing impact of promotion to manager on the job satisfaction of women and men

Regional coastal food risk assessment for a tidally dominant, natural coastal setting: North Norfolk, southern North Sea

The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success

Essential micro-foundations for contemporary business operations: top management tangible competencies, relationship-based business networks and environmental sustainability

Experimental and self-reported measures of risk taking and digit ratio (2D:4D): evidence from a large, systematic study

Holistic hamstring health: not just the Nordic hamstring exercise

Physiological demands of sabre competitions in elite fencers

Human centric security and privacy for the IoT using formal techniques

Entrepreneurship, incongruence and affect: drawing insights from a Swedish anti-racist organisation

Implementing summative assessment with a formative flavour: a case study in a large class

Resistance to group clinical supervision: A semistructured interview study of non-participating mental health nursing staff members

Digital methods for ethnography: analytical concepts for ethnographers exploring social media environments

Research ethics in an unethical world: the politics and morality of engaged research

Knowledge spillovers and output per worker: an industry-level analysis for OECD countries

Searching for ‘relations’ using a DNA linking register by adults conceived following sperm donation

Effects of inter-limb asymmetries on physical and sports performance: a systematic review

Deep automation and the world of work

The role of technological business incubators in supporting business innovation in China: a case of regional adaptability?

Bridging the legitimacy gap—translating theory into practical signposts for legitimate flood risk governance

Using participatory multi-criteria assessments for assessing disaster risk reduction measures

A framework to include the (inter)dependencies of Disaster Risk Reduction measures in coastal risk assessment

Selecting coastal hotspots to storm impacts at the regional scale: a Coastal Risk Assessment Framework

The benefits of being understood: the role of ethnic identity confirmation in knowledge acquisition by expatriates

Constructing solidarities at work: relationality and the methods of emancipatory education

A modelling technique for enterprise agility

A multi-component flood risk assessment in the Maresme coast (NW Mediterranean)

Teacher Responses to Anxiety in Children Questionnaire (TRAC): psychometric properties and relationship with teaching staff characteristics

The viscosity of duration: Painterly surface and the phenomenology of time in the London paintings of Frank Auerbach

Developing inclusive residential care for older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) people: an evaluation of the Care Home Challenge action research project

Age and changing masculinities in gay-straight male workplace friendships

An overview of 5G technologies

Cooperative banks: What do we know about competition and risk preferences?

Leader-employee congruence of expected contributions in the employee-organization relationship

PROMISING THE DREAM: Changing destination image of London through the effect of website place

Putting you in the picture: using visual imagery in social work supervision

Secure wireless powered and cooperative jamming D2D communications

The shifting cinematic portrayal of managers in the United States post-2008

Critical Pedagogy in Nursing: Transformational Approaches to Nurse Education in a Globalized World

Power and policy in floodplain management, drawing on research in Alberta, Canada

'Send us more arms!' Bringing British women into war production through films in World War Two

Academic artisans in the research university

A comparison of positive vicarious learning and verbal information for reducing vicariously learned fear

The marketingization of higher education

To be or not to be professional: the case for higher education teaching as an occupation

The risk of ill-informed reform: the future for English flood risk management

Sensing endogenous seasonality in the case of a coffee supply chain

Towards a pedagogy for critical security studies: politics of migration in the classroom

Identifying routes to remedy for violations of economic, social and cultural rights

Environmental management best practices: towards social innovation

Introduction to RISC-KIT: Resilience-increasing strategies for coasts

Storm-induced risk assessment: evaluation of two tools at the regional and hotspot scale

Assessing urban system vulnerabilities to flooding to improve resilience and adaptation in spatial planning

Trust in the university

Capturing value from innovation in knowledge-intensive business service firms: the role of competitive strategy

Prosocial response to client-instigated victimisation: the roles of forgiveness and workgroup conflict

On the parameterized complexity of red-blue points separation

A Stackelberg-game approach for disaster-recovery communications utilizing cooperative D2D

What do citizens need to know? An analysis of knowledge in citizenship curricula in the UK and Ireland

Flood vulnerability, risk and social disadvantage: current and future patterns in the UK

Recovery following a marathon: a comparison of cold water immersion, whole body cryotherapy and a placebo control

An impact assessment for urban stormwater use

Factors affecting formation of large calcite crystals (≥1mm) in Bacillus subtilis 168 biofilm

Good neighbours matter: economic geography and the diffusion of human rights

Investigating the effects of smart technology on customer dynamics and customer experience

Gender differences in cheating: loss vs gain framing

Panic bank runs

The reliability and validity of multiple mini interviews (MMIs) in values based recruitment to nursing, midwifery and paramedic practice programmes: findings from an evaluation study

Border is better than distance? Contagious corruption in one belt one road economies

Fundamental care and knowledge interests: implications for nursing science

Promoting dignified end-of-life care in the emergency department: a qualitative study

The use of force in the Nicaraguan Cases

Person-environment fit and expatriate job satisfaction

Development of materials to support parents whose babies cry excessively: findings and health service implications

Free Lunch with the Stench Wench: towards a synaesthetics of poverty and shame in Catherine Hoffmann’s performance

Examining public service motivation in the voluntary sector: implications for public management

Bonding in neonatal intensive care units: experiences of extremely preterm infants’ mothers

Training methods and considerations for practitioners to reduce interlimb asymmetries

Validation of a crane scale for the assessment of portable isometric mid-thigh pulls

Pragmatic considerations and social benefits: an analysis of engagement with a fly-tipping reduction project

The position of childhood in society at the intersection of discourses on rights, power and intergenerational relationship. Thirty years after the United Nation Convention on the Right

Researching organizational coaching using a pilot study

TFP estimation at firm level: The fiscal aspect of productivity convergence in the UK

Student-centered pedagogy and real-world research: using documents as sources of data in teaching social science skills and methods

The role of corporate identity management in the higher education sector: an exploratory case study

Dominant or subordinate? The relational dynamics in a protest cycle for undocumented migrant rights

Newly independent nations and large engineering projects: the case of the Volta River Project

Intermediate institutions and technology transfer in developing countries: the case of the construction industry in Ghana

Learning, action and solutions in action learning: investigation of facilitation practice using the concept of living theories

Secrets and disclosure in donor conception

Compensatory approaches and engagement techniques to gain flood storage in England and Wales

Student-generated pre-exam questions is an effective tool for participatory learning: a case study from Ecology of Waterborne Pathogens course

The position of reporting guidelines in qualitative nursing research

Transparency in the reporting of nursing research

Differential effects of age of acquisition and frequency on memory: evidence from free recall of pictures and words in Turkish

The democratic counter-occupation of The Freedom Theatre in the Palestinian Territories

The freedom theatre: performing cultural resistance in Palestine

The reliability and validity of multiple mini interviews (MMIs) in values based recruitment to nursing, midwifery and paramedic practice: Findings from an evaluation study

Developing evaluative judgement: Enabling students to make decisions about the quality of work

Assessment could demonstrate learning gains, but what is required for it to do so?

Cultural intermediaries in place branding: Who are they and how do they construct legitimacy for their work and for themselves?

Revisiting search and review for work-based projects

Insertion as an alternative to workfare: active labour-market schemes in the Parisian suburbs

Spool for love

By the throat

Sue Tompkins + Tony Conrad, Film at Tate Britain

Inventory: The Counsel of Spent [Book review]

Grace Wales Bonner: A Time for New Dreams, Serpentine Galleries / London

Art investigation: Forensic Architecture

ATP-binding cassette transporter VcaM from Vibrio cholerae is dependent on the outer membrane factor family for its function

Towards an inclusive and gendered right to the city

Secondary education in BBC Broadcast 1944–1965: drawing out networks of conversation and visions of reform

Mis-education and the deaf child: Lindsay Anderson and the documentary film Thursday’s Children (1954)

Establishing a counselling and psychotherapy training and educational college – a holistic approach

The best-of-n problem with dynamic site qualities: achieving adaptability with stubborn individuals

Raising Sparks

Dwarfs as an Ancient Maya metaphor for the stars

‘Hello, my name is…’: breaking down barriers

Do MNEs from developed and emerging economies differ in their location choice of FDI? A 36-year review

Use and non-use values as motivational construct dimensions for farm animal welfare: impacts on the economic outcome for the farm

International diversification and firm performance in the post-acquisition period: a resource dependence perspective

Automated pick-up of suturing needles for robotic surgical assistance

Monocular 3D reconstruction of the colon using CNNs trained on synthetic data

Adjoint transformation algorithm for hand-eye calibration with applications in robotic assisted surgery

The effect of augmented eccentric loading on 1,000-meter rowing ergometer time trial performance in junior elite rowers

Lower limb asymmetry of club level Muay Thai athletes


Hip injury prevention strategies: from the weight room to the pitch

Examining sense of responsibility in an experience of robot avatar embodiment

Automated psychological therapy using immersive virtual reality for treatment of fear of heights: A single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial

A comparative computational genomics of Ebola Virus Disease strains: in-silico insight for Ebola control

A model for memo tracking and delivery

Trust and communication in a property rights dilemma

Output decisions and price matching: theory and experiment

Malavefes: A computational voice-enabled malaria fuzzy informatics software for correct dosage prescription of anti-malarial drugs

High fantasy meets low culture in How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

From shelf to screen: toys as a site of intertextuality


Toy Story: how Pixar reinvented the animated feature

Assessing a cognitive music training for older participants: a randomised controlled trial

A human-machine interface using electrical impedance tomography for hand prosthesis control

Exploring the experiences of trainee mental health workers: Moving from theory to practice

Mass spectrometry imaging of 3D tissue models

The reality of fantasy: VFX as fantasmatic supplement in game of thrones (2011-)

Knowledge sharing in academia: a case study using a SECI model approach

Exploring interventions that could reduce the phenomenon of birth mothers who have birth children serially removed

Evaluating the potential of simulation assisted energy management systems: a case for electrical heating optimisation

Creation and detection of hardware trojans using non-invasive off-the-shelf technologies

Employment law expert system

Augmented-reality computer-vision assisted disaggregated energy monitoring and IoT control platform

Air quality monitoring in Mauritius

Special issue on: Technology in the classroom: innovations in teaching and learning

The impact of fall in oil prices in the UAE, analysis of the insurance sector

Evidence on the nature and extent of fall in oil prices on the financial performance of listed companies: a ratio analysis case study of the insurance sector in the UAE

Globalisation and health security: a case study of distant individual risk perceptions of the 2014 Ebola outbreak

Tourist perceptions of Dubai and Expo2020

Let’s Sit at the Table for women’s empowerment

Soft power and place branding in the United Arab Emirates: examples of the tourism and film industries

Undergraduate students' attitudes towards research: lessons from an international branch campus in the UAE

Tumour profiling tests to guide adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in early breast cancer: Diagnostics guidance [DG34]

The psychological well-being and prenatal bonding of gestational surrogates

Drafting errors and decision making theory in the NBA draft

Evaluating the effectiveness of surveys versus observations in determining the handwashing behaviours and compliance of the general population when using public restrooms

Enabling investment for the transition to a low carbon economy: government policy to finance early stage green innovation

Of Swallows and Ravens

'Light steps’ and ILA project: the making of ‘Found'

Remigration intentions and migrants' behavior

Building subsidiary local responsiveness: (When) does the directionality of intrafirm knowledge transfers matter?



Cloud robotics platforms: review and comparative analysis

Cloud robotic architectures: directions for future research from a comparative analysis

Enhancing awareness on green consumption of electronic devices: The application of Augmented Reality

Culturomics: a new kid on the block of OMICS to enable personalized medicine

Interventions to prevent and reduce young people’s substance use and criminal justice involvement trajectories

The sui generis impact of the Russian Revolution in Latin America

Is the sharing economy about sharing at all? A linguistic analysis of Airbnb reviews

Regulation to redistribute well-being: political incentives in poor countries

The welfare effects of political money in regulation

Book design: Adrian Bradshaw – The Door Opened: 1980s China

A Yabloesque paradox in epistemic game theory

Picking on the family: disrupting android malware triage by forcing misclassification

Conversations heard in passing [Longlisted play script]

An international survey of practitioner's views on personas: benefits, resource demands and pitfalls

Puzzling law [Blog post]

Target group segmentation and cluster analysis of German equestrians

Who am I? The self-portrait as a performance (a conversation with a panel of artists )

MRAP deficiency impairs adrenal progenitor cell differentiation and gland zonation

Discussion of “Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration Using Neural Networks and Cuckoo Search Algorithm” by Shahaboddin Shamshirband, Mohsen Amirmojahedi, Milan Gocić, Shatirah Akib, Dalibor Petković, Jamshid Piri, and Slavisa Trajkovic

A high frame rate wearable EIT system using active electrode ASICs for lung respiration and heart rate monitoring

Possibility of the impossible: exploring third order change towards responsible banking


Watching the watchers: Taskforce Argos and the evidentiary issues involved with infiltrating Dark Web child exploitation networks

Does heterogeneity spoil the basket? The role of productivity and feedback information on public good provision

Behavioral spillovers in local public good provision: An experimental study

International business as disciplinary tautology: An ontological perspective

Gender, migration and social reproduction

Family migration as a class matter

The communicative wheel: Symptom, signal, and model in multimodal communication

Rationalising racial inequality: ideology, hegemony and post-racialism among the Black and South Asian middle-classes

Theorising group work as an assessment tool in Higher Education at foundation level in Mauritius

Fog, phenolic acids and UV-A light irradiation: a new antimicrobial treatment for decontamination of fresh produce

Narratives of refusal, narratives of engagement, narratives of organisation. School activism as citizenship-in-practice for young refugees and migrants in Italy

Children as storytellers. Migrant narratives in primary schools

Fast walking with rhythmic sway of torso in a 2D passive ankle walker

Community policing in Nigeria: an ethnography of police experiences, actions, and practices

Erfolgsfaktoren zur Implementierung eines erfolgsabhängigen Vergütungssystems für Innendienstmitarbeiterinnen und Innendienstmitarbeiter von Lebensversicherungsunternehmen

See Red Women's Workshop Posters in group exhibition "Still I rise"

Photographic work included in 'Who Decides?' exhibition and series of public events, National Museum Cardiff, Cardiff

Formalization and analysis of a resource allocation security protocol for secure service migration


GMP „Quo vadis?“ Entwicklung eines spezifischen Bewertungstools „GMP-DAKS-Σ“ für die qualitative und quantitative Analyse von GMP-Systemen in onkologisch herstellenden Apotheken

Interorganisatorische Entwicklungspartnerschaften zwischen Automobilherstellern und Lieferanten: Kausalbeziehungen des Pie Sharing, Pie Expansion und Opportunismus - Eine empirische Analyse zu den Auswirkungen partnerschaftlicher Ertragsaufteilung

Auswirkungen der Energiewende auf die Energiehandels-, Produkt- und Dienstleistungsstrategie österreichischer Energieversorgungsunternehmen

Inclusion of early video work in group show 'HOOKED: When Want Becomes Need', King's College London, London

'Ray & Liz' - feature film for cinema, broadcast, DVD and online formats

Learning from within - an artistic inquiry into developing reflexive practice

Mental health in later life: Who is giving up?

Machine knitted samples and cat suit for character in pantomime Dick Whittington

The poster session as fusing theory and practice in art and design education: exhibiting an occluded genre

Benchmarking of copper(II) LFMM parameters for studying amyloid-β peptides

Metal binding to amyloid-β1–42: a ligand field molecular dynamics study

Artwork for 24 panels [Anthology comic]

Historic Hendon - RAF Museum knowledge transfer collaboration

Creating an agenda for developing students' evaluative judgement

Conceptualising evaluative judgement for sustainable assessment in higher education

Introduction: what is evaluative judgement?


Vinyl, Vinyl everywhere: The analog record in the digital world

Moby, Minstrelsy and Melville

Comic artwork - First air mail (RAF project)

We shall fight until we win

Circularity thinking: systems thinking for circular product and business model (re)design: identifying waste flows and redirecting them for value creation and capture

Sticky stories from the classroom: from reflection to diffraction in early childhood teacher education

Move, make, imagine: bringing imaginal, embodied and relational consciousness to change work

Change of direction deficit in national team rugby union players: is there an influence of playing position?

Paradigmenwechsel im Global Sourcing von Getriebekomponenten

Hypocrites or heroes? Thinking about the role of the teacher in human rights education

Psychological Support for Personality (PSP) versus treatment as usual: study protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial of a low intensity intervention for people with personality disorder

Aggression following traumatic brain injury: effectiveness of Risperidone (AFTER): study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial

Experiences of parenting and clinical intervention for mothers affected by personality disorder: a pilot qualitative study combining parent and clinician perspectives

Positive reinforcement targeting abstinence in substance misuse (PRAISe): Study protocol for a Cluster RCT & process evaluation of contingency management

Characteristics and pathways of long-stay patients in high and medium secure settings in England; a secondary publication from a large mixed-methods study

Falling Down: Problematic substance use in older generations

The Dao of communication [Editorial]

Governing through trust: community-based link workers and parental engagement in education

Ensuring assessment builds capacity for future clinical practice: sustainable assessment in action

The potential and paradox of informal learning

Method optimisation for identification of carbohydrate moieties on human chorionic gonadotropin glycoforms using MALDI-TOF-MS

Elite coaches’ use and engagement with performance analysis within Olympic and Paralympic sport

CABots and other neural agents

Tactics of refusal: idioms of protest and political subjectivities in Italy's "1968 years"

Gender differences in lying in sender-receiver games: a meta-analysis

Hierarchical invasion of cooperation in complex networks

Do the right thing: experimental evidence that preferences for moral behavior, rather than equity or efficiency per se, drive human prosociality

The fate of employment protection provisions under TUPE regulations post-Brexit

The interpretative approach to bankruptcy law: remedying the theoretical limitations in the traditionalist and the proceduralist perspectives on corporate insolvency

Predicting attitudes towards seeking medical care among Nigerian immigrants in the UK

Effetti della partecipazione a gruppi musicali per genitori e infanti su sviluppo comunicativo e genitorialità: confronto fra gruppi di flauto e di canto

Art direction for Hung Up

We care for everyone, who cares for us? A reflection into helping ourselves

International assignments

International human resource management, 5th edition

The trial of the Kaiser

Sex disaggregation alone will not energize equality

Boosting intelligence analysts’ judgment accuracy: what works, what fails?

Free prior and informed consent, development and mining on Bougainville: Choice and the pursuit of self-determined development

Data governance in the health industry: investigating data quality dimensions within a big data context

'Narrations of the nation in mobility life stories: gendered scripts, emotional spheres and transnational performativity in the Greek diaspora'

Mindfulness Mirror

A scalable method to quantify the relationship between urban form and socio-economic indexes

Analyzing and predicting the spatial penetration of Airbnb in U.S. cities

RacerD: compositional static race detection

Reproductive experience of women living with phenylketonuria

Illustration, Renzo Piano, Solar Magazine

No prison: old and new challenges

Exploratory study on the Innovation activities of Saudi Hotel SMEs

Living with Phenylketonuria: lessons from the PKU community

Monitoring and evaluating business mentoring: towards a research and evaluation toolkit to measure impact

Optimization Techniques and Applications with Examples

China’s port system development and its internationalisation – with special reference to belt and road initiative

Effects of a competitive soccer match on jump performance and interlimb asymmetries in elite academy soccer players

Personality differences amongst drag racers and archers: implications for sport injury rehabilitation

Applications of metagenomics in microbial bioremediation of pollutants: from genomics to environmental cleanup

A physical layer network coding based modify-and-forward with opportunistic secure cooperative transmission protocol

Optimum power loads for elite boxers: case study with the Brazilian national olympic team

Border identities

Epistemology of the weekend: youth dance theatre

Animation Industry 'Listening Tour' Report

Exploring a new transport protocol for vehicular networks

Environmental pleiotropy and demographic history direct adaptation under antibiotic selection

Photograph on page 41 of the book 'Berthold Wolpe, The Total Man' by Phil Cleaver

Mute records: artists, business, history

Right Now - Exhibition/Publication -Exploration of Visual Representations of Women of Colour, Conference Presentation

Observership, 'knowing' and semiosis

Narratives in Black British Dance: Embodied Practices

Photograph on page 46-47 of the book 'Berthold Wolpe, The Total Man' by Phil Cleaver

In-the-between-ness: decolonising and re-inhabiting our dancing

where it all started: a brand menagerie

Berthold Wolpe: The Total Man

Black Rice Trio, improvising live at Iklecktik

Police discretion in rape cases

Exploring the potential of civic engagement to strengthen mental health systems in Indonesia (IGNITE): a study protocol

Research on trust model in container-based cloud service

RAF Museum knowledge transfer collaboration

Constructing a BIM climate–based framework: regional case study in China

Precise time-matching in chimpanzee allogrooming does not occur after a short delay

Oxidative and monoxygenase enzymatic response in Eisenia hortensis and Lumbricus terrestiris exposed to 3-, 4- and 5-ring hydrocarbons amended with biosurfactant

Competition of As and other Group 15 elements for surface binding sites of an extremophilic Acidomyces acidophilus isolated from a historical tin mining site

New money in rural areas: Land Investment in Europe and its place impacts

A resources model for distributed sensemaking

Invisible women: what can we learn about ageing from the voices of women ageing solo?

Promoting inclusive care for older people from sexual and gender minorities in care homes in Malta

Quantum error-correcting output codes

Opposing effects of final population density and stress on Escherichia coli mutation rate

Optimized breath detection algorithm in electrical impedance tomography

Analysing TB severity levels with an enhanced deep residual learning– depth-resnet

Representational fluidity in embodied (artificial) cognition

Transgender parenting across the life-course: findings from a systematic review

Global convergence analysis of the bat algorithm using a markovian framework and dynamical system theory

Introduction of recent advanced hybrid information processing

Disaster management using D2D communication with power transfer and clustering techniques

An efficient constructive e-alignment for onsite-online learning

UVA-induced carbon-centered radicals in lightly pigmented cells detected using ESR spectroscopy

A cross-national study of evolutionary origins of gender shopping styles: she gatherer, he hunter?

Does working memory training improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes mellitus? Results of a double blind randomised controlled trial

["Cartoon artefacts" in MIKS - 4th International Cartoon Exhibition 2018]

Foreword to Darkness Over Germany Audiobook

Is our curriculum too white? Don't BAME me....

Experiential learning: is critical reflection a bridge from practice to theory?

Sensorial computing

Water power: creativity and the unlocking of community knowledge

Google Glass as a learning tool: sharing evaluation results for the role of optical head mounted displays in education

Investigating the role of biometrics in education – the use of sensor data in collaborative learning

Dictatorship and State crime

Into the magenta haze: notes of making art in the arc of opportunity

Engineering intelligent environments: preliminary findings of a systematic review

#MDXPD Product Design 2018

Asset liability management and credit risk

An investigation into the energy performance of school buildings refurbished through Salix funding

Accurate Sybil attack detection based on fine-grained physical channel information

DivORAM: Towards a practical oblivious RAM with variable block size

M-SSE: an effective searchable symmetric encryption with enhanced security for mobile devices

A distributed anomaly detection system for in-vehicle network using HTM

Gender and identities and the public sector: what can we learn from the research findings?

Ageism in the third age

Working with marginalised communities: social Work and problematic substance use in the LGBT Community

Ageing solo in Ireland: an exploratory study of women’s perspectives on relationship status and future care needs

Suffering from withdrawal - controversy in the UK European Union (Withdrawal) Bill

Rosemary Butcher: after Kaprow – a visual journey

A re-examination of the acquittal biasing effect of offence seriousness

'Outside the original remit': Co-production in UK mental health research, lessons from the field

Take control

Taxane monotherapy regimens for the treatment of recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer [Protocol - Intervention]

Effective delivery of arsenic trioxide to HPV-positive cervical cancer cells using optimised liposomes: a size and charge study

Cultural democracy [Blog post]

Meta-analytic findings reveal lower means but higher variances in visuospatial ability in dyslexia

Maternity protection in formal and informal economy workplaces: The case of Ghana

Preconception care for infertile couples: nurses' and midwives' roles in promoting better maternal and birth outcomes

Erfolgsfaktoren in der Early Stage - Equity Finanzierung. Eine empirische Analyse von technologieorientierten Unternehmensgründungen

MIRTO: an open-source robotic platform for education

Metaheuristic optimization of reinforced concrete footings

Women and the criminal justice system: failing victims and offenders?

Rhythms of moving in and between digital media: a study on video diaries of young people with physical disabilities

EU anti-discrimination law: has the CJEU stopped moving forward?

The mental health challenges faced by LGBTQI migrants in Europe post migration in relation to the global LGBTQI rights agenda

Prevention of crimes against humanity

Influence of temporal lobe epilepsy and temporal lobe resection on olfaction

Basic electrical impedance tomography

Perspectives on engineering more usable context-aware systems

Attachment, attraction and communication in real and virtual worlds: a study of massively multiplayer online gamers

An active tangible user interface framework for teaching and learning artificial intelligence

Book review: Justice, Mercy, and Caprice: Clemency and the Death Penalty in Ireland

Adaptation of the measurement of acculturation strategies for people of African decent (MASPAD) in measuring acculturation in British Nigerians

An exploration of the sub-register of chemical engineering research papers published in English

Policy-based QoS management framework for software-defined networks

LearnQoS: a learning approach for optimizing QoS over multimedia-based SDNs

On the impact of visible light communication for audio and video transmissions

‘Out’ and about at work: institutionalised heteronormativity on relationships and employment

Adoptionsbarrieren bei der Umsetzung von Open Innovation Strategien in Kleinen- und Mittleren Unternehmen in Österreich – Erfahrungen, Ursachen, Verbesserungspotential

Kinesiology and traditional Chinese medicine: friends of foes?

Risky play and growing up: how to understand the over-protection of the next generation

Music@Home: a novel instrument to assess the home musical environment in the early years

Synergiepotenziale bei Fusionen regionaler Genossenschaftsbanken. Qualitative Untersuchung am Beispiel des österreichischen Volksbankensektors

Investigation of factors influencing the immunogenicity of hCG as a potential cancer vaccine

Depression and state anxiety scores during assisted reproductive treatment are associated with outcome: a meta-analysis

A multifunctional facade with solar thermal technology: Investigation of a compact unglazed solar thermal facade for building integration

Governance implications of the UN Higher Education Sustainability Initiative

An improved block matching algorithm for motion estimation in video sequences and application in robotics

Free prior and informed consent, development and mining on Bougainville: Choice and the pursuit of self-determined development

The complexities of religious tourism motivations: sacred places, vows and visions

Understanding global security [4th edition]

Needs and concerns of older LGBT adults: some messages from research

Getting addicted to digital: presentation to Widener University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia, US

The moderating role of lifestyle-congruence on the motives of using peer to peer rental: a study of Airbnb

A successive optimization approach to pilot design for multi-cell massive MIMO systems

The effects of exposure to images of others’ suffering and vulnerability on altruistic, trust-based, and reciprocated economic decision-making

Comment on Young-Hyman et al. Psychosocial care for people with diabetes: A position statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2016;39:2126–2140

Prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders in people with Type 2 diabetes: results from the international prevalence and treatment of diabetes and depression (INTERPRET-DD) study, a collaborative study carried out in 14 countries

From mobile workers to fellow citizens and back again? The future status of EU citizens in the UK

Human and machine consciousness

Disentangling the modes of variation in unlabelled data

Recovering joint and individual components in facial data

Dynamic behavior analysis via structured rank minimization

The effect of stimulus duration on over-selectivity: evidence for the role of within-compound associations

Towards an instrument for measuring sensemaking and an assessment of its theoretical features

Enhancing curricular with state-of-practice research: interaction design and user experience

Guide them through: an automatic crowd control framework using multi-objective genetic programming

Proteomic identification and characterization of hepatic glyoxalase 1 dysregulation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Behaviours preceding suicides at railway and underground locations: a multimethodological qualitative approach

Residents' place image: a cluster analysis and its links to place attachment and support for tourism

Investigating the longitudinal effect of ovariectomy on bone properties using a novel spatiotemporal approach

QPTAS and subexponential algorithm for maximum clique on disk graphs

Game theory-based resource allocation for secure WPCN multiantenna multicasting systems

Cross-cultural generalizability of suicide first aid actions: an analysis of agreement across expert consensus studies from a range of countries and cultures

Force-time characteristics of the countermovement jump: analyzing the curve in Excel

Interlimb asymmetries: understanding how to calculate differences from bilateral and unilateral tests

Psychological mindedness, personality and creative cognition

Towards an evidence-based approach to communicating uncertainty in intelligence analysis

Kenneth R. Hammond’s contributions to the study of human judgment and decision making

Antimicrobial activity of apple cider vinegar against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans; downregulating cytokine and microbial protein expression

A game-theoretical model of kleptoparasitic behavior in an urban gull (Laridae) population

'Social enterprise spin-outs': an institutional analysis of their emergence and potential

Social determinants of place attachment at a World Heritage Site

Residents' place image: a meaningful psychographic variable for tourism segmentation?

Black rabbits on Lundy: Tudor treasures or post-war phonies?

What's on the menu: Drosera rotundifolia diet determination using DNA data

Where is the love? Promoting the inclusion of sexuality; sexual and gender identities and intimacies in care settings for older people

Examining the influence of corporate website favorability on corporate image and corporate reputation: findings from fsQCA

Harvests of shame: enduring unfree labour in twentieth century United States, 1933-1964

Landscape and the Science Fiction Imaginary

Single women living alone in later life: evidence from understanding society data

CoSMed: a confidentiality-verified social media platform

Liposome‑delivered baicalein induction of myeloid leukemia K562 cell death via reactive oxygen species generation

TNF alpha inhibitors in Alzheimer's disease: A systematic review

Prediction of multidrug-resistant TB from CT pulmonary images based on deep learning techniques

Stories of intimacy and sexuality in later life: solo women speak

On the table of marks of a direct product of finite groups

Impact of identity politics on education in Pakistan: a comparison between Balochistan and Punjab

Perceptional components of brand equity: configuring the symmetrical and asymmetrical paths to brand loyalty and brand purchase intention

In pursuit of quality: early childhood qualifications and training policy

The 'values journey' of nursing and midwifery students selected using multiple mini interviews; Year One findings

Managing expatriates in China: a language and identity perspective

Crime pattern recognition based on high-performance computing

Effect of anthropogenic pollution on the fitness of tetracycline sensitive Shigella flexneri in Thames river water

Residents' place image: place to live versus tourist destination

Testing literacy educational software to develop design guidelines for children with Autism

Speaking the same language: developing a language-aware feedback culture

Cultural political economy and urban heritage tourism

Psychometrics properties of the Iranian version of fertility quality of life tool: a cross- sectional study

Competitive or cooperative relationships in clusters: a comparative study of two internationalising agro-processing clusters in Ghana

Evidence for the outcomes and impact of clinical pharmacy: context of UK hospital pharmacy practice

Reduced recognition and priming in older relative to young adults for incidental and intentional information

Factors influencing the use of e-commerce by small enterprises in Nigeria

More than window dressing: visual merchandising and austerity in London’s West End, 1945–50

Semantic priming in Russian monolingual and Russian (L1) – English (L2) bilingual speakers in a single word naming task: semantic priming in Russian

The role of context on age of acquisition effect: strategic control in word naming in Turkish

Transdisciplinary qualities in practice doctorates

Segmentation of brain lesions from CT images based on deep learning techniques

Transmissions in dance: contemporary staging practices

Analysis of procainamide-derivatised heparan sulphate disaccharides in biological samples using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography mass spectrometry

Thinking fast, thinking badly

Influence of perceived city brand image on emotional attachment to the city

Effects of judicial instructions and juror characteristics on interpretations of beyond reasonable doubt

Project-based pedagogy in interdisciplinary building design adopting BIM

Using a situation awareness approach to determine decision-making behaviour in squash

Business model innovation: how international retailers rebuild their core business logic in a new host country

Forgiveness in PTSD after man-made traumatic events: a systematic review

Characteristics of destination image: visitors and non-visitors' images of London

Sustainable value and trade-offs: exploring situational logics and power relations in a UK brewery's malt supply network business model

Using argumentation to manage users' preferences

Predictors of treatment outcome in depression in later life: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Re-stating the post-political: depoliticization, social inequalities, and city-region growth

The effect of milk on recovery from repeat-sprint cycling in female team-sport athletes

The impact of dividend announcements on share price and trading volume: empirical evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries

Swarm robotics in wireless distributed protocol design for coordinating robots involved in cooperative tasks

The effect of sport tourists' travel style, destination and event choices, and motivation on their involvement in small-scale sports events

Clutch size in Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) on Lundy

HRM and the case of transgender workers: a complex landscape of limited HRM “know how” with some pockets of good practice

How meta-heuristic algorithms contribute to deep learning in the hype of big data analytics

Street art as process and performance: the subversive ‘streetness’ of video-documentation

Banksy’s subversive gift: a socio-moral test case for the safeguarding of street art

Handling dropout probability estimation in convolution neural networks using meta-heuristics

Putting knowledge to work in clinical practice: understanding experiences of preceptorship as outcomes of interconnected domains of learning

E³DOAS: balancing QoE and energy-saving for multi-device adaptation in future mobile wireless video delivery

Exercise technique: the push press

The phylogeny of Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the performance of mitochondrial genomes in phylogenetic inference compared to nuclear rRNA genes

Policy uncertainty, derivatives use, and firm-level FDI

Whistleblowing and the law of defamation: does the law strike a fair balance between the rights of whistleblowers, the media and alleged wrongdoers?

Place attachment, perception of place and residents' support for tourism development

A survey on managing users' preferences in ambient intelligence

The role of visual media in religious tourists' destination image, choice, and on-site experience: the case of Tinos, Greece

Difficulties quitting for smokers with and without a respiratory disease and use of a tailored intervention for smoking cessation – a qualitative study

Cognitive pragmatics: relevance-theoretic methodology

Experience as art: fine art social practice at Middlesex University

The user-centred intelligent environments development process as a guide to co-create smart technology for people with special needs

Does the assumption of exponential arrival distributions in wireless sensor networks hold?

The undebated issue of justice: silent discourses in Dutch flood risk management

The impact of the arts in social work education: a systematic review

Social work students as community partners in a family intervention programme

Reductions in children’s vicariously learnt avoidance and heart rate responses using positive modeling

Research and the practitioner: getting a perspective on evidence as a coaching psychologist

The dialectics of appropriation

Behind the scenes at the Silver Studio: Rex Silver and the hidden mechanisms of interwar textile design

Social entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and social value creation

Investment efficiency of the new energy industry in China

Environmental Health and Housing: Issues in Public Health (2nd Ed.)

Interventions into the slums: government inspectors and consequences for tenants 1848-1914

Seamless multimedia delivery within a heterogeneous wireless networks environment: are we there yet?

Introducing meditation in the context of legal education: reflections on the value added to the study of law and legal practice

The benefits of giving: learning in the fourth age and the role of volunteer learning mentors

Bridging communities through co-learning and participation in parenting programmes: a case from the families and schools together project

Neuromuscular, biochemical, endocrine, and mood responses to small-sided games' training in professional soccer

The role of international criminal law in the development of the law of armed conflict: Reflections on the future of international humanitarian law

Indian surrogates: their psychological well-being and experiences in cross cultural perspectives on surrogacy and gamete donations

Intimacy in young women's friendships: symbols and rituals

Researching YouTube

Evolutionary leap in large-scale flood risk assessment needed

Managing urban flood resilience as a multi-level governance challenge: An analysis of required multi-level coordination mechanisms

Have labour practices and human rights disclosures enhanced corporate accountability? The case of the GRI framework

Inheritance of oscillation in chemical reaction networks

The inheritance of nondegenerate multistationarity in chemical reaction networks

Game on! Enhancing engagement, interaction and reflection in library workshops

Interaction patterns for smart spaces: a confident interaction design solution for pervasive sensitive IoT services

Combatting homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools through family engagement

Determinants of non-performing loans: Evidence from UAE conventional banks

International prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes perpetrated during the First World War

A framework for business model with strategic innovation in ICT firms: the importance of information

Title length

Economic and institutional determinants of FDI

India in transition: why ban commercial surrogacy? [News article]

Safety and conservativity of definitions in HOL and Isabelle/HOL

The role of physical metaphors for decision-making in integrated corporate communication

Antecedents and consequences of corporate communication management (CCM): an agenda for future research

Scientists of sound: portraits of a UK reggae sound system

Two European Cornus L. feeding leafmining moths, Antispila petryi Martini, 1899, sp. rev. and A. treitschkiella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1843) (Lepidoptera, Heliozelidae): an unjustified synonymy and overlooked range expansion

Perceptions of employability among London's low-paid: 'self-determination' or ethnicity?

Empathy, mental state recognition, and violent behaviour: the influence of situated context

Exploring compassion in U.S. nurses: results from an international research study

Feminist collaborative projects in the UK in the 1970s'

All-women art spaces in Europe in the long 1970s

Employee engagement in managing environmental performance: a case study of the Planet Champion initiative, McDonald's UK and Sweden

European refugee crisis: psychological trauma of refugees and care givers

Horror: The missing genre in regional cinema

Examining the nature and effects of feedback dialogue

Bob Crow and the politics of Trade Unionism

Bit mask-oriented genetic algorithm for grammatical inference and premature convergence

Making machine intelligence less scary for criminal analysts: reflections on designing a visual comparative case analysis tool

Serious mental illness and smoking cessation

Financial aggregation of risks for MSMEs in developing economies: a conceptual framework of financial aggregation and microinsurance effects

Research handbook on small business social responsibility: global perspectives

The idea of punishment in international human rights discourse: A conceptual and historical critique

Active older people participating in creative dance - challenging perceptions

In the business of doing good: Effective return on donation (ROD) mechanisms in philanthropy and impact investing

Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSAs): Their use and development for young people with learning disabilities who exhibit sexually harmful behaviour in England

A funny thing happened on the way to the checkpoint: teaching stand-up comedy in Palestine

Biochemical and computational studies towards selective inhibition of the immunoproteasome

Artist selected for 8th International Artist book Triennial 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania

Site specific performance and the mechanics of becoming social

Guest Editors' introduction: philosophical contributions to leadership ethics

Six types of silence

Women and the criminal justice system - moving beyond the silo

Understanding violent women

Criminalising neonaticide: reflections on law and practice in England and Wales

Understandings of integration amongst highly educated Indian women migrants living in the UK

Risk perception of oil operations of residents of oil-producing communities in Nigeria

Installation work in 'Hope is Strong' exhibition

Guest editorial: What's wrong with resilience

Strength and conditioning considerations for hurling: an amateur Gaelic Games sport

Intellectual stimulation and team creative climate in a professional service firm

Rights in conflict: the clash between abolishing the death penalty and delivering justice to the victims

Locally finite derivations and modular coinvariants

The United Nations approach to temporary special measures

Self-deception at the intersection of Friedrich Nietzsche and the Apostle Paul

Towards a unified conceptual model for surveillance theories

Refining relative authority: the judicial branch in the new separation of powers

Criminal actions and social situations: understanding the role of structure and agency

Unfolding the Intra-organisational Perception Gap in Decision Making

Video installation as a creative means of representing temporality in visual data

Karissa Haugeberg, Women against Abortion: Inside the Largest Moral Reform Movement of the Twentieth Century, Urbana, Chicago and Springfield, University of Illinois Press, 2017 [Book review]

The ball in play demands of international rugby union

Simulation of a trust and reputation based mitigation protocol for a black hole style attack on VANETs

The Moral Case for Abortion , written by Ann Furedi [Book review]

The logic of identity and copy for computational artefacts

Towards improved organisational decision-making - a method and tool-chain

A spiking half-cognitive model for classification

Evaluating the theory of bone mechanoregulation in the physiological loading scenario

Characterization, conservation and loss of dignity at the end-of- life in the emergency department. A qualitative protocol

Analysis and description of disease-specific quality of life in patients with anal fistula

ProactiveCrowd: modeling proactive steering behaviours for agent-based crowd simulation

Orthogonal terrain guarding is NP-complete

Differential spatial modulation for high-rate transmission systems

Environmental health practitioners and the private rented sector: ‘house’ or ‘home’ in regulation and public health?

Compassion in Practice – evaluating the awareness, involvement and perceived impact of a national nursing and midwifery strategy amongst health care professionals in NHS Trusts in England

A security framework for node-to-node communications based on the LISP architecture

The impact of witnessing other people’s trauma: the resilience and coping strategies of members of the faculty of forensic and legal medicine

The Development and assessment of reliability and validity of a questionnaire to measure concordance to ‘pressure relief’ regimen for pressure injury prevention in seated spinal cord injury

Concordance to ‘pressure relief’ regimen for pressure injury prevention in seated spinal cord injury -- A new measurement tool

Strict construction and the Rome statute

From gravity to grace: finding a redemptive voice among displaced Christians in Europe

Creaming and parking in marketized employment services: an Anglo-German comparison

An improved model for GUI design of mHealth context-aware applications

Social justice in the context of adaptation to climate change – reflecting on different policy approaches to distribute and allocate flood risk management

Health literacy in school

Do governing body and CSU nurses on clinical commissioning groups really lead a nursing agenda? Findings from a 2015 Survey of the Commissioning Nurse Leaders’ Network Membership

Milk: an effective recovery drink for female athletes

‘Black women’ therapists' impressions of the social differences of ‘race’ and gender in the therapeutic process: a post-structuralist phenomenology narrative exploration

The experience of co-morbidity: an interpretative phenomenological analysis: living with chronic pain and traumatic stress

Intertextual chaos? Investigating Paul’s use of Hosea in Romans 9:25-26 in light of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics

Artist's book entry in Leipzig Book Fair.Germany

Justice on the line? A comparison of telephone and face-to-face advice in social welfare legal aid

Los crimenes de la economia: un análisis criminológico del pensamiento económico

Social, family and trauma risk factors for common disorders in Israeli youth

Could neurolecturing address the limitations of live and recorded lectures?

EPPIC: 2nd National report executive summary (England) Descriptions of innovative approaches including professionals’ and young peoples’ perceptions and narratives

EPPIC: 2nd National report (England) Descriptions of innovative approaches including professionals’ and young peoples’ perceptions and narratives

Migration scholarship in post-Soviet Russia: between Western approaches and Eurasian geographies

Trust in food supplies: assuring quality, sustainability, price and availability

Telling digital stories as feminist research and practice: a 2-day workshop with migrant women in London

Book review: Like Mother, Like Daughter? by Jill Armstrong


Year of the Dog - Argentina and China 2018

Public policy and financial stability: The impact of PCA and TARP on U.S. bank non-performing loans

The Balkan investigation

Engaging Phronesis: religious education with primary initial teacher education students

Singing foreign songs in the Lord’s House: an examination of the worship music sung in Songhai/Zarma protestant churches of the West African Sahel with special reference to Niger

Employment Law (8th edition)

Space, power and sexuality: transgressive and transformative possibilities at the interstices of spatial boundaries

Gagging for it: irony, innuendo and the politics of subversion in women’s comic performance on the post-1880 London music-hall stage and its resonance in contemporary practice

Exploring domestic violence in the black minority ethnic (BME) pentecostal community in the South of England.

Between (2011): Intimacy and spectacle in tension ans dialogue

Apophasis and psychoanalysis

Editors' Introduction

Security: the new normal?

Working with LGBT families: some messages from research for your practice. Invited audio lecture published by Widener University, Philadelphia, USA.

Managing support workers

Managing new social workers in their Assessed First Year in Employment (ASYE)

Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: a pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants

'The Trojan Horse': Communist entrism in the British Labour party, 1933-43

Mental health and wellbeing in parents of excessively crying infants: prospective evaluation of a support package

A new approach to retailing for successful competition in the new smart scenario

Principle 20. Jurisdiction of international and internationalized criminal tribunals

A model of applied physiotherapy in patellofemoral pain

To what extent luxury retailing can be smart?

Ethical challenges in developing an educational video to empower potential participants during consent processes in future HIV cure research in South Africa

Impact of an educational video as a consent tool on knowledge about cure research among patients and caregivers at HIV clinics in South Africa

Towards a fairer trading system for micro and small businesses post-Brexit? Comparative aspects with other common law systems

Recasting West Tankers in the deep water: how Gazprom and recast Brussels I reconcile Brussels I with international arbitration

Environmental supply chain management in the construction sector: theoretical underpinnings

Immoral geographies and Soho's sex shops: exploring spaces of sexual diversity in London

Rules of engagement: perspectives on stakeholder engagement for genomic biobanking research in South Africa

The European Court of Human Rights: achievements and prospects

Investigating relationship types for creating brand value for resellers

Contemporary practices in social work supervision: time for new paradigms?

Sex differences in the association of psychological status with measures of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adults with type 2 diabetes

Place branding gathering momentum

Internationalisation and its determinants: a hierarchical approach

Incorporating meditation into legal education: a case study

The meanings of work-life balance: a cultural perspective

Organizational culture in the context of national culture

HOME STRIKE, an exhibition guest-curated by Alexandra Kokoli and Basia Sliwinska, with CANAN, Paula Chambers, Malgorzata Markiewicz and Su Richardson, l'etrangere, 8 March-21 April 2018.

Cooperation and optimism in a social dilemma

Seeing sense: the complexity of key words that tell us what law is

360° mulsemedia experience over next generation wireless networks - a reinforcement learning approach

Photographic work exhibited in 'Walls Have Ears: 400 Years of Change', Aston Hall, Birmingham

Early photographic work included in group exhibition 'In My Shoes: Art & the Self since the 1990s', touring exhibition

Growth in emerging economies: Is there a role for education?

Same, same but different? Women’s experiences with gender inequality in Brazil


Discourse Analysis

[Cartoon entries in 5th Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition, Beijing, China]

A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: let us err on the side of caution

A system of research dissemination for clinical and counselling psychology

Non-invasive assessment of the common carotid artery hemodynamics with Increasing exercise workrate using wave intensity analysis

Heteroglossia and ‘hagiography’: authorship, authorisation and the collective/ individual couplet in different every time and associated public works

Relationships between musical and linguistic skills in early development: the role of informal musical experience in the home

‘wall sandwich’ - The architectural gesture in art practice from destruction to non-construction

The role of personal mitigating factors in criminal sentencing judgments: an empirical investigation

The right to be present at trial in international criminal law

The media and austerity: comparative perspectives

Introduction: the media as messenger

Sexuality, sexual and gender identities and intimacy research in social work and social care: a lifecourse epistemology

Be as upright as possible when squatting: reply

Turning the co-production corner: methodological reflections from an action research project to promote LGBT inclusion in care homes for older people

Conflict within psychosis treatment in the English NHS: investigating the experiences of patients and psychiatrists

The therapist in crisis: experiencing the therapeutic process after personal loss

Beaming into the news: a system for and case study of tele-immersive journalism

Risk and the perception of risk in interactions with nature

Post-traumatic stress disorders, depression, and anxiety in unaccompanied refugee minors exposed to war-related trauma: a systematic review

The Influence of professional doctorates on practice and the workplace

Crisis decision-making: the overlap between intuitive and analytical strategies

New Horizons in Brazilian Contemporary Music: Grupo Novo Horizonte de São Paulo, 1988-99

On classical music competitions

Nothing like...falling...

Responding to the risk of reducing resources: development of a framework for future change programmes in environmental health services

Disengaged students: insights from the RESL.eu international survey

The nature, causes and consequences of financial analysts’ forecasts in the UK

Designing RNA secondary structures is hard

Understanding the concept of trust within the context of celebrity endorsement and examining its effects on advertising credibility, brand credibility, corporate credibility, and corporate image: a study from the perspectives of consumers in United Kingdom

Generalized feedback vertex set problems on bounded-treewidth graphs: chordality is the key to single-exponential parameterised algorithms

Analytic provenance for criminal intelligence analysis

Images of “the other”: “the turks” in Greek Cypriot children’s drawings

Complexity of token swapping and its variants

The UK can be a leader post-Brexit — on human rights

Copenhagen: keeping on keeping on. A reply to Mikael Rask Madsen and Jonas Christoffersen on the draft Copenhagen declaration [Blog post]

A wolf in sheep’s clothing: why the draft copenhagen declaration must be rewritten

Child abuse and protection: contemporary issues in research, policy and practice

Unifinshed Business reading at Comedy Festival Los Angeles USA

Challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community and its impact on mental health

Performing history: Wind Tossed (1936), natural movement and the hyper-historian

Analytic provenance as constructs of behavioural markers for externalizing thinking processes in criminal intelligence analysis

Stephen Mumberson - Mindscapes, Wharepuke art centre, New Zealand 2018

Trinity and ontology: towards a theology of being as space in Colin Gunton

Chemistry and the environment

The development of student feedback literacy: Enabling uptake of feedback

Self-adaptive decision-making mechanisms to balance the execution of multiple tasks for a multi-robots team

How do entrepreneurs learn and engage in an online community-of-practice? A case study approach

Periodic tenancies subject to a fetter on the tenant- doctrinal dilemmas?

Christian theology emerging from the Akan single-tiered unitive perspective on reality

The negative effect of external whistleblowing: A study of some key factors

Examining the influences of service quality and corporate image on students' loyalty of boarding schools in the UK: A study of Chinese students

Disentangling the psychological effects of luxury fashion brands on social capital and WOM

A transcending a single reality

Teaching gender in the postfeminist management classroom

Political violence: a typology

Affirmative action in the UK and South Africa

"Empathy for the entire spectrum of selves and other": George Tabori's Humanism

4DFAB: a large scale 4D facial expression database for biometric applications

Personalisation of context-aware solutions supporting asthma management

Towards a transdisciplinary model for social change: feminist art research, practice and activism

Reviews: Applied visual anthropology: reflections from the RAI film festival 2017

Towards formative interpretation: a theological hermeneutical proposal

Prints in "RE Originals 2018, Bankside gallery"

Memento Mori, 8th international artist's book triennial Vilnius 2018 Urbino, Italy

Hibat Allah Muhammad

Investigating relationship types for creating brand value for resellers

Conflict management approaches in Palestinian Baptist intra-church conflict in Israel between 1990 and 2016, in dialogue with Miroslav Volf’s theology of reconciliation: an analysis and critical evaluation

Nuremberg and aggressive war

Managed retreat: a rare and paradoxical success, but yielding a dismal prognosis

An examination of debt financing of growth oriented SMEs in Nigeria

An examination of employment precarity and insecurity in the UK

Post-release reforms for short prison sentences: Re-legitimising and widening the net of punishment

A parametric model for the changes in the complex valued conductivity of a lung during tidal breathing

Clinical performance of a novel textile interface for neonatal chest electrical impedance tomography

Determining the worldwide prevalence of obesity - Authors' reply

The intractable refugee gap in the Nordics: can human rights make a difference?

Exploration of experiences of counsellors and psychotherapists providing psychotherapy in second language

Controlling irregular migration: international human rights standards and the Hungarian legal framework

The benefits of applying cultural intelligence concepts to customer satisfaction and team performance

Investigating the level of glaucoma awareness and perception of its risk factors in Anambra State, Nigeria

Ernst Bloch's geist der utopie after a century: a Janus-Faced reading on the Trail of Hope

Standing at the centre of the story: emerging problems and opportunities for animators migrating from the traditional storytelling frame to the 360 narrative view


Arts-based pedagogies in Social Work education: does it measure up?

Ageism in the third age

Ageism and sexuality

An exploration of the England, Wales and Northern Ireland based mandatory public food hygiene safety scoring

Time, justice, and human rights: statutory limitation on the right to truth?

Beliefs about others' intentions determine whether cooperation is the faster choice

Impact of austerity and delivery of public health compliance on English environmental health regulators

Credit risk and ALM

Lands of Lost Content: British Landscapes in Tate Archive

Tourism in the Lao people's Democratic Republic

Introduction to volume 2

General introduction

Tourism in East and Southeast Asia: Volume IV: tourism environments

Tourism in East and Southeast Asia: Vol. III: the global and local: tourism, culture and identity

Tourism in East and Southeast Asia: Volume II: stakeholders in the political economy of tourism

Tourism in East and Southeast Asia: Volume I: the background: concepts, region and history

Suicide first aid guidelines for assisting persons from immigrant or refugee background: a Delphi study

Legal educator as translator: a critical reflection

The regulation of stem cell research in Ireland: from the Commission on Assisted Human Reproduction to the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill 2017

Uncertainty of visualizations for SenseMaking in criminal intelligence analysis

Fiction, war and criminology

Using intuitive awakening for business students to enhance strategic thinking skills

Characterisation of "flushable" and "non-flushable" commercial wet wipes using microRaman, FTIR spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy: to flush or not to flush

The role of musical composition in promoting church unity

The Church of Antioch and the Eucharistic traditions (ca. 35–130 CE)

The person of Christ in the Seventh–day Adventism: doctrine–building and E. J. Wagonner’s potential in developing christological dialogue with eastern Christianity

New Money in Rural Areas: assessing the impacts of investment in rural land assets

Spirituality and wellbeing in the context of a study on suicide prevention in North India

Virtually being Einstein results in an improvement in cognitive task performance and a decrease in age bias

Fake news and critical thinking in information evaluation

Burton Gallery, Bideford, England

The Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania

Church as the ‘Hermeneutic of the Gospel’: a study of the themes of ‘message’, ‘response’, and ‘community’ in Luke-Acts

Answer the question

'Ray's a Laugh' artist's photobook publication exhibited in 'ARTISTS BOOKS EDITIONS: Publications by Yvon Lambert and Hans Werner Holzwarth', Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin

Digital storytelling for interprofessional collaborative practice to develop quality and service improvements

Classical music, copyright and collecting societies

Multimodal participation frameworks during young children’s collaborative drawing on paper and on the iPad

Requests and counters in Russian traffic police officer-citizen encounters: face and identity implications

Emergency Peri-Operative Elderly Pathway

A closed-form formula for pricing bonds between coupon payments

Methods and tools supporting urban resilience planning: experiences from Cork, Ireland










PMVA training for mental health nursing students

Facing the void: recollections of embodying fear in the space of childhood homes

Community based care for older people with alcohol-related harm: findings from a consultation workshop with practitioners in social work and social care: Report to Alcohol Research UK

Moorad Choudhry's Anthology [Book review]

Transpeople, work and careers: a queer theory perspective

Automated equivalence checking of concurrent quantum systems

Can the performance effect be ignored in the attendance policy discussion?

Tutoring executives online: what drives perceived quality?

Co-creation as a strategy for change

Modelling the joint impact of R&D and ICT on productivity: a frontier analysis approach

Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms - 2 July 2018, Middlesex University

Reliability and measurement of inter-limb asymmetries in four unilateral jump tests in elite youth female soccer players

Situated art practice and strategies for change in London’s East End

Interview for "The NHS: A People's History"

Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on alexithymia: a systematic review

The operation was successful but the patient died

"Puzzle" - etching [artefact in Tokyo International mini-print Triennial 2018, Tokyo, Japan]

Analysis and verification of ECA rules in intelligent environments

From psychiatric patient to citizen revisited [Book review]

DSM 69: Dolly Sen’s manual of psychiatric disorder [Book review]

Reforming best interests: the road towards supported decision-making

The Cytotoxic Effects of Betulin-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles as Stable Formulations in Normal and Melanoma Cells

Performing Eurasia in the textiles and clothing businesses along the Silk Road

Development of an EMG-controlled mobile robot

Assessment and comparison of the solar radiation distribution inside the main commercial photovoltaic greenhouse types in Europe

Advances in human-computer interactions: methods, algorithms, and applications

Haunted Literature - an invited reading and interview

Channel state information-based detection of Sybil attacks in wireless networks

Becoming a scholarly practitioner: as a teacher in higher education 'how do I improve my practice'?

The prevalence, antibiotic resistance and mecA characterization of coagulase negative staphylococci recovered from non-healthcare settings in London, UK

Keeping control: exploring mental health service user perspectives on targeted violence and hostility in the context of adult safeguarding

The state of knowledge about LGBTQI migrants living in Canada

Renting in Hellebore

The Lords have just raised the bar on the defence of rights and the rule of law in the Brexit process [Blog post]

The good, the bad, and the ugly arguments for ditching the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights [Blog post]

Energy use and height in office buildings

Foreword [The furthest point in space is also inside our body]

(In)dangered domesticty: tactics for a safer home

Silvertown and North Woolwich - past and present

Collecting sensor-generated data for assessing teamwork and individual contributions in computing student teams

Destruction and the philosophy of desire

Domestic fronts: towards a feminist survival(ism)

Between force and consensus

Gender differences in altruism on Mechanical Turk: expectations and actual behaviour

Social networks and citizen election forecasting: the more friends the better

Fair value in the professional valuation: concept and models

An exploration of the sub-register of chemical engineering research papers published in English


Carnival of the drunken master: the politics of the Kung Fu comedic body

Netflix ninjas and the legacy of the Kung Fu craze: asiaphilia and asiaphobia in Marvel’s Daredevil

Table Structure 1 and Table Structure 2, 3D prints [in National Original Print Exhibition 2018]

Found and Lost / Waste and Dust? Shimizu, Takahashi, Phaophanit/Oboussier

Global approaches to environmental exposure - assessment of e-wastes

Between the voice between the words between the work between us

Foreword to Darkness Over Germany

The performance document: assimilations of gesture and genre

Places: one after another

Torso shape detection to improve lung monitoring

Quantitative investigation of terbinafine hydrochloride absorption into a living skin equivalent model by MALDI-MSI

The quantified workplace: a study in self tracking, agility and change management

The practice of unknowing

An Artist’s Story [object and video work in a group exhibition "Speech Acts"]

Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2018 [Selectors]

Multi-agent based simulations of block-free distributed ledgers

How has the global financial crisis affected syndicated loan terms in emerging markets? Evidence from China


Using body mapping as part of the risk assessment process - a case study

Moving hate speech to the civil courts

Homo Performans

Humour at....gura Humorului-The 28th edition -festivalul international de grafica satiric si literature umoristica -Italy

Subsidiary roles as determinants of subsidiary technology sourcing: empirical evidence from China

Script Consultant [for End of the Pier By Danny Robins]

Dust Breeding (2018), Installation view, Galleria d’Arte Moderna Milano (GAM)

Downward Straits (2004) [installation in The First Round, Banu - Hakan Çarmıklı Collection exhibition Galata Greek Primary School, Istanbul]

News coverage of suicidal behaviour in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland

Technology and feedback design

Wrist movement detector for ROS based control of the robotic hand

Extraordinary normalcy: home, relationships and identities in narratives of unpaid care

Cartoon in 23rd international cartoon exhibition Zagreb, Croatia 2018

The contribution of mitochondrial metagenomics to large-scale data mining and phylogenetic analysis of Coleoptera

Human and machine consciousness - a systematic approach

BREAST-Q measurement of the patient perspective in oncoplastic breast surgery: a systematic review

'Sunday School' in 'Temporalities, curated by Steven Ball, Lethaby Gallery, UAL/CSM, London

(Un)touched - floor piece at the National Museum of Belgrade as part of IFTR 2018

(De)figured Installation performance research

I will take you with me (2013) presented at Slowing and Stilling symposium, Birmingham Conservatoire, as part of Birmingham International Festival 2018

'Exposure' working title sharing of practical research in March 2018

Human and value sensitive aspects of mobile app design: a Foucauldian perspective

Artworks in Off the wall: RWS & RE Summer Exhibition 2018, Bankside Gallery, London

23rd Mercosur International Cartoon contest - Tango - Diogenes Taborda 2018 Argentina

Conference report: Bruce Lee’s cultural legacies

How Jeff Koons sold out – and why his jumbo tulips don’t belong in Paris

Urate crystals induce macrophage PAF‑AH secretion which is differentially regulated by TGFβ1 and hydrocortisone

Human understanding: The key triad

Use of intermittent self-catheterisation for voiding dysfunction

International humanitarian law and the changing nature of armed conflict: thoughts on the future development of the law

Divine Cargo

Shopping as a “networked experience”: an emerging framework in the retail industry

Evidence: law Q&A revision and study guide [2nd edition]

The importance of throughcare and resettlement for working with violent and sexual offenders

Ethical global partnerships: leadership from the Global South

Connotations of ancestral home: an exploration of place attachment by multiple generations of Chinese diaspora

Culturally competent compassion: a guide for healthcare students and practitioners

Social movement theory and trade union organising

Focus on advances in electrical impedance tomography

Beyond image: imagined experiences of a destination

Long non-coding RNA structure and function: Is there a link?

Crispr/Cas9 gene editing reveals novel tertiary constraints in clustered miRNA processing

The spillover effect of enforcement actions on bank risk-taking

Stock market reaction to policy interventions

Analysis & design of data farming algorithm for cardiac patient data

A new clustering method using an augmentation to the self organizing maps

‘At what cost? the impact of UK long-term care funding policies on social work practice with older people’: a literature review

Censored Realities / Changing New York

Community engagement and community identification in social community: Collective efficacy as mediator

Being fit and feeling pleased: the mediational role of physical self-efficacy in UAE women residents

Psychopharmacology: A mental health professional’s guide to commonly used medications

Re-examining corporate liability at the International Criminal Court through the lens of the article 15 communication against Chiquita Brands International

The values of English universities: questioning the role of value statements and mapping their current focus

Multi-locus phylogeny of the tribe Tragelaphini (Mammalia, Bovidae) and species delimitation in bushbuck: Evidence for chromosomal speciation mediated by interspecific hybridization

Social and ethical issues that should inform the development of legal principles concerning matters of intellectual property rights in the development and use of virtual learning environments

Cartoon in Osten - 50th World Gallery of Cartons, Skopje Macedonia.

Economic, regulatory and institutional determinants of FDI, an empirical analysis

Results of cross-faculty 'capstone' assessments involving nursing and performing arts students

Views of nurses and other health and social care workers on the use of assistive humanoid and animal-like robots in health and social care: a scoping review

Tweed [Book review]

Feminist contributions to artworks in Slide-Tape

Two simple NeuroCognitive associative memory models

Implementing Rules with Aritificial Neurons

Firm size, bank size, and financial development

Shall we riot too? The geographical neighbor impact on political instability

3D prints - Wharepuke Editions, New Zealand

Exploring the impact of contemplative methods in HE learning and teaching

Adobe Spark

Evelyne Lutton, Nathalie Perrot, Alberto Tonda: Evolutionary algorithms for food science and technology, Wiley, 2016, 182 pp, ISBN: 978-1-119-13683-5 [Book review]

The state of knowledge about LGBTQI migrants living in the Global North

Printed forms

A novel technology of solarization and phytoremediation enhanced with biosurfactant for sustainable treatment of PAH-contaminated soil

Open data today and tomorrow: the present challenges and possibilities of open data

Developing effective teams in global multidiscipline engineering and manufacturing organisations

Imperative ethical behaviours in making systems development and deployment compliant with health & safety and well-being

Assessing the usefulness of acute physiological responses following resistance exercise: sensitivity, magnitude of change and time course of measures

Fish consciousness [commentary on Woodruff on Fish Feel]

A brain-inspired cognitive system that mimics the dynamics of human thought

Good times for free

Feminist art manifestos/feminist politics

Improvisation: violin, tabla, guitar

Routledge handbook to Luigi Nono and musical thought

Folto Giardino II

After Sound: Toward a Critical Music - G. Douglas Barrett. London: Bloomsbury, 2016 [Book review]

Theatre: A Recipe for Sloe Gin (Clock Tower) [Review]

TV: BBC's King Lear [Review]

The Boring Conference 2018

Music, blockchains and data: overview and analysis of the music blockchain and data landscape

Music and AI: overview and analysis of the music AI landscape

Insight 4.5: Music sync – the evolving deals: Overview and analysis of the music sync landscape

Distributed creativity: how blockchain technology will transform the creative economy

Revitalising audience research: innovations in European audience research [Book review]

Book Review: Sarah Baker, Andy Bennett and Jodie Taylor (eds). 2013. Redefining Mainstream Popular Music

An Art of Change - photomontage 1977-2017

[Installations at Diaspora Pavilion, Wolverhampton Art Gallery]

Innocence and Experience: The life and music of James Wilson, Mark Fitzgerald [Book Review]

Sheela-na-gigs and an ‘Aesthetics of Damage’

[Experimental and perfomative provocations]

Financial journalists, the financial crisis and the 'crisis' in journalism

The UK news media and austerity: trends since the global financial crisis

Transient Hole (Variations) VII

The influence of culture on attitudes towards humanoid and animal‐like robots: an integrative review

Suicide and suicides attempts in Italian prison epidemiological findings from the “Triveneto” area, 2010-2016

Diversity in the discipline working group: chair’s report 2015-17

Larissa van den Herik and Carsten Stahn (eds), The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law Elies van Sliedregt and Sergey Vasiliev (eds), Pluralism in International Criminal Law

'Hospice Stories' – Developing documentary practices for sensitive contexts – Video Ethnography in the UK Hospice Sector

A topic model analysis approach to understand Twitter public discourse: Grenfell Tower Fire case study

Time unwrapped: out of time

Mao [in Portrait of Britain Exhibition]

Mao [selected Portrait]

Of Swallows & Ravens [featured in Voies-Off Festival Awards, Arles]

Through the gate / an(g)archivery [published video/text]


Found & Light Steps - performances for young audiences

[Photographic Prints in BYOP: Exhibition Recontres D'Arles]


Part of work shown at Riga Photo month

KnowingUnknowing and the Corporeal


Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Contributions to the SDGs through Social and Eco entrepreneurship: new mindsets for sustainable solutions

Photographic work included in 'Black Mirror: Art as Social Satire' group show, Saatchi Gallery, London

MicroRNA profiles are associated with lymphocyte count after a major traumatic injury: a potential role for immunometabolism?

The naming

Hugh Davies' Shozyg I

DaP∀ : Deconstruct and Preserve for all: a procedure for the preservation of digital evidence on solid state drives and traditional storage media

Robots and AI at work: the prospects for singularity

Andras Koltay The Troubled Relationship Between Religions and the State Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion [Book review]

Expatriation in Chinese MNEs in Africa: an agenda for research

Inspiration examined: towards a methodology

SMERF: Social Media, Ethics and Risk Framework

A funny thing happened on the way to the checkpoint: teaching stand-up comedy in occupied Palestine

Using principal component analysis to develop performance indicators in professional rugby league

'Evening mystery' and 'Marcilhac Head' [a digital and lithographic print in The Masters 2018, Bankside Gallery, London]

Formal modeling and analysis of data protection for GDPR compliance of IoT healthcare systems

Implicit memory and cognitive aging

Unknowing in practice

Sexuality throughout all the stages of pregnancy: experiences of expectant mothers

Berthold Wolpe - The Total Man

Effectiveness of low level laser therapy (LLLT) in the treatment of lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET): an umbrella review


The many faces of gender inequality at work

The case study method: exploring the link between teaching and research

[Commentary by a member of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, and of the Centre for Psychoanalysis, Middlesex University, the Guild of Psychotherapists and the College of Psychoanalysts – UK (Section of the article: Budden, M. and Horne, A. (2018), Clinical Commentary 39. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 34: 179-193)]

RC-ASEF: An open-source tool-supported requirements elicitation framework for context-aware systems development

Seven films about place

Algorithmic opacity: making algorithmic processes transparent through abstraction hierarchy

Queered methodologies for equality, diversity and inclusion researchers

Network design, modelling and performance evaluation

Yours Faithfully Edna Welthorpe (Mrs)

Bar Shorts

Individual methods: finding your voice


The ghost in the second act. The structural relationship between film and TV sitcoms

At the Bar

Investor confidence and mutual fund performance in emerging markets: insights from India and Pakistan

Context aware virtual assistant with case-based conflict resolution in multi-user smart home environment

What do we know about the T in the LGBT+? A scoping review of trans students across queer- and trans-spectrum research in post-compulsory education

Student freedom and responsibility; academic citizenship and societal engagement: politics, professionalism and practice

Four pieces for toy piano

Keeping control: mental health service users experiences of targeted violence and hostility

Exploring the meaning of young people's attitudes towards the police. A qualitative study of Irish youth

Upskilling for technology enhanced collaborative working

Individual human rights versus collective victims' rights in the criminal setting

A puzzling presumption: determining the presumption of innocence's place in the law

Reflections on the identity and contribution of doctoral graduates. A work in progress

In defence of political correctness

The evolution of the presumption of innocence in international criminal law

Pretrial detention and the presumption of innocence

Sensational crimes, the presumption of innocence, and public statements of guilt

National parliaments as guarantors of human rights in Europe: handbook for parliamentarians

People making deontological judgments in the Trapdoor dilemma are perceived to be more prosocial in economic games than they actually are

Do negative random shocks affect trust and trustworthiness?

Evaluating the likelihood of an ICC prosecution for crimes committed by Chiquita Banana Employees in Colombia

Corporate culpability: investigating and prosecuting Chiquita Brands International’s employees for human rights violations committed in Colombia

Prosecuting individuals for the crimes of the group: whether the International Criminal Court should expand criminal liability to corporations and organisations

Justice in the absence of the accused: can the rights of victims be fully vindicated without the participation of the accused?

Investigating and prosecuting Chiquita Brands International’s employees for human rights violations committed in Colombia

Present when absent: how technology has changed the right to be present at trial at international criminal courts and tribunals

A novel approach for athlete profiling: the unilateral dynamic strength index

Interlimb asymmetries: the need for an individual approach to data analysis

Strategic human resources and corporate governance in banking

The right to be present at trial in international criminal law

Fantastical empathy: encountering abstraction in Bret Battey’s Sinus Aestum (2009)

Approaching animation and animation studies

Profiling elite male squash performance using a situation awareness approach enabled by automated tracking technology

The invisible interior: an investigative approach

Game on: enhancing engagement, interaction and reflection in library workshops

The artist as historyteller within museum and heritage sites

Sustaining success: high performing government schools in London

Defining extreme sport: conceptions and misconceptions

In the spotlight: the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court

[Three A2 illustrations exhibited in The Sex Show, Margate]

Live Drawing, Owa Yurika AW 2018 Press Launch

Collection collective: collection of contemporary art

Collection Collective. Tools for self-representation. Documentary display with website launch and public seminar at tranzit.ro (Romania)

The UK Health and Social Care Act (2012) and new public management – more of the wrong medicine?

VR and the dramatic theatre: are they fellow creatures?

Trait emotional intelligence: a strategy for managing nurses’ affective wellbeing at work

Data provenance with retention of reference relations

Fragmentation or stabilisation? Recent case law on the crime of genocide in light of the 2007 judgement of the International Court of Justice

Applying HR analytics to talent management

Giving up? Exploring the perspectives of paid carers on supporting older people living in care homes with depression, self-harm and suicide ideation


Live drawing for Gap Fall 2018 collection launch

No evidence of inequality aversion in the investment game

Sexuality and ageism

Youth mobilities, crisis, and agency in Greece: second generation lives in liminal spaces and austere times

Introduction: mapping gendered violence-contemplating conflict and crisis in contemporary societal struggles

Post-socialist narratives of being, belonging and becoming: Eastern European women migrants and transformative politics in an era of European crises

The significance of things: objects, emotions and cultural production in migrant women's return visits home

A software development framework for context-aware systems

Influence of congruency between ideal self and brand image on Sustainable Happiness

Idi Amin's Uganda Retold

Older gay men and active ageing: unpacking narratives

Have your cake and eat it too: the impossible stance on the Syrian strike

Illustration, Serena Williams, Nike London

The unexpected benefits of reflection: a case study in university-business collaboration

Discovering the most important data quality dimensions in health big data using latent semantic analysis

The emergent right to human rights education in GCC states

Introduction to 'Growing Bougainville’s Future'

Cartoon entry in Olense Kartoenale 2018, Belgium

Disrupted childhood: the cost of persuasive design

Bridging the gap between science and practice in sport and exercise nutrition


Criminal children: researching juvenile offenders 1820-1920

History, life- course criminology and digital methods: new directions for conceptualising juvenile justice in Europe

Transported beyond the seas: criminal juveniles

Juvenile convicts and their colonial familial lives

Complete information pivotal-voter model with asymmetric group size

Polling in a proportional representation system

How to make career advancement in Economics more inclusive

Negative trust for conflict resolution in software management

The role of transcultural nursing in the future of socially assistive humanoid robots: our experiences from the CARESSES* PROJECT

Encoding guidelines for a culturally competent robot for elderly care

‘Cruel and unusual punishment’: an inter-jurisdictional study of the criminalisation of young people with complex support needs

Do corporate taxes harm economic performance? Explaining distortions in R&D- and export-intensive UK firms

Trade unions and the whistleblowing process in the UK: an opportunity for strategic expansion?

Paving the way for 5G through the convergence of wireless systems

Patterns in reduction or cessation of drinking in Australia (2001-2013) and motivation for change

Mini Picture Show-Bankside Gallery, London

Grand challenges in social physics: in pursuit of moral behavior

Doing good vs. avoiding bad in prosocial choice: a refined test and extension of the morality preference hypothesis

Germany's brake on European capital-market development

House or home: dilemmas for front line practitioners regulating the private rented housing sector

Environmental health and housing training: what is changing?

Pioneers in public health: what can we learn from history about evidence based practice?

Is corporate social responsibility always a function of good management?

Cartoon entries in Sicaco 2018 Daejeon ,Seoul ,Korea

The hidden interior: an investigative approach

The rights of employees on corporate insolvency: a UK and US perspective

Embedding ethics in the design of culturally competent socially assistive robots

'Booted' 2018* in 'queer timɘs school prints'

Psychogenesis series

Stakeholder perceptions on resident-to-resident aggression: implications for prevention

School block grants as a model of financial decentralization in Iraq

Photographic work exhibited in 'New Acquisitions 2017-2018', National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens

Suicide among nursing home residents in Australia: a national population-based retrospective analysis of medico-legal death investigation information

Health and care related risk factors for suicide among nursing home residents: a data linkage study

The multidimensional assessment of interoceptive awareness, version 2 (MAIA-2)

The Punchdrunk encyclopaedia

An examination of the influence of religious beliefs and brand love on brand loyalty, word-of-mouth and purchase intention in the Islamic market: A study of consumers’ perceptions in the context of the retailing sector in Saudi Arabia

Efficacy of endoscopic variceal ligation alone or in combination with vasoactive drugs for acute treatment of bleeding oesophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Physical health assessment and strategies to improve physical health needs in SMI

Secret 2018 RCA London

Muslim family law: British-Bangladeshi Muslim women and divorce in the UK

Integration: A new design model for apparel and retail environments

The concept of limited liability and the plight of creditors within corporate governance and company law: a UK perspective

The gendered classroom: masculinity and femininity in Pakistani universities

From a leader-centred to a party-centred system? The curious case of media (de-)personalisation in Yugoslavia and Croatia, 1945–2015

Defining A life

2018 Global Nutrition Report: Shining a light to spur action on nutrition

Antecedents and outcomes of smartphone usage among Indian Millennial travellers

An exploration of the experience of birth mothers who relinquished a child for adoption between 1960 and 1990 and who subsequently initiated contact with the relinquished child: the clinical implications for practitioners

The presumption of innocence

The transpositional art-object (Mezzone): countering restrictive modalities in art production

Settling in a global city: transnational practices and cosmopolitan openness in sociality patterns

The power of affective touch within social robotics

The pedagogy of action learning facilitation – a critique of the role of the facilitator in an organisational leadership programme

Critical examination of community participation in development projects

“We’re both in the trenches together”: a pluralistic exploration of attachment behaviour dynamics in a heterosexual couple relationship across the transition to second-time parenthood

Challenges on the domestication of oil and gas insurance in Nigeria

Identity, knowledge and ownership: contemporary theatre dance artists in the UK’s creative economy

A ‘threat’ is a ‘Threat’: Incentive effects of firing threats with varying degrees of performance information

Advancing international human resource management scholarship on paternalistic leadership and gender: the contribution of postcolonial feminism


The role of knowledge and institutional challenges to the adoption of sustainable urban drainage in Saudi Arabia: implications for sustainable environmental development

Liberating the repressed form of self in post-traditional Ru-influenced Chinese: a theoretical study of the responses of Tu Weiming and Jürgen Moltmann

Mediating Histories: an exploration of audiences and exhibitions in London’s Institute of Contemporary Arts (1949-1986)

“Down Your Drink” (DYD): a digital intervention to reduce harmful drinking

Selective influences of maximum dynamic strength and bar-power output on team sports performance: a comprehensive study of four different disciplines

EMR at 15: Reflecting back on a journal's journey

Attack trees in Isabelle

Comparative study of Pauline church growth strategies, including the contribution of the book of Acts, with CAPRO strategies in Nigeria

A narrative exploration of the lived experience of being born, raised in, and leaving a cultic group: the case of the Exclusive Brethren

Mother as curator: performance, family and ethics

Dharma and the enjoined subject: Jaimini’s Mīmāṃsāsūtras and the study of ritual

The shaping Shaikh: an ethnographic inquiry into the role of the Shaikh in the adaptation of Naqshbandi Sufism in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Strengthening e-crime legislation in the UAE: learning lessons from the UK and the EU

On the periphery of hate crime: disability at the intersections of marginalisation, vulnerability and difference

The experience of female patients seeking elective rhinoplasty surgery: a narrative inquiry

The state and company management in Belarus

What do we mean by “Wellbeing”?

Independent review of building regulations and fire safety: next steps

Exploring Psalm 80 as a source for Matthew 25:31—46

Conscionable consumption: a feminist grounded theory of porn consumer ethics

A career as a social entrepreneur: exploring social enterprise through institutional and critical theories

A qualitative case study exploring the role of occupational health physiotherapy from the perspectives of different stakeholders

The client’s explicit expression of anger towards their therapist: a grounded theory study of female trainee therapists

Conscience in recovery from drug addiction: a theoretical and empirical study of spiritual conscientious transformation for the formulation of conscience therapy

AOMDV-E: energy aware event-based routing protocol for environmental monitoring

The Count of Monte Cristo

How to nail your grad show

Agoric computation: trust and cyber-physical systems

Between a rock and a hard place: an insight into the psychological therapist’s experience of having safeguarding concerns for their clients' children

Working with bereaved people: a psychotherapy training action research study: working towards an epistemology of grief as the therapeutic approach with a bereaved population.

Toward a theological response to prostitution: listening to the voices of women affected by prostitution and of selected church leaders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Writing the sheela-na-gig: semiotic complexity, ekphrasis, and poetic persona in the poetry collection Strange Country

How do existential counselling psychologists and psychotherapists feel they construct a sense of being attuned to their clients? A grounded theory study.

A systems-based approach to integrating security risk management into the management practice & culture of a global multi-national organisation

Applied performance analysis in canoe slalom

Mother-infant separation in prison: problematising attachment theory in policy and practice

Evangelicalism and capitalism: a reparative account and diagnosis of pathogeneses in the relationship

United Kingdom National Health Services: a case study of workforce transformation in an integrated care organisation using actor-network theory

Christian faith and practice amongst migrants in Athens, Greece

The disclosure of outsourcing activities: a case of Saudi Arabian listed companies

An exploration of mature undergraduate students' experiences of depression: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

The human right to resist in international and constitutional law

Some major Christian beliefs and Muslim objections and responses to the person and work of Jesus Christ

Patron-client relationship in cross-cultural church planting: a case study of Cambodia Bible College, 1998 - 2015

Unawareness of paralysis following stroke: an existential-phenomenological inquiry into the paradox of anosognosia

Scioperi al ritmo dei tamburi: Black Power nel “1968” americano

Pop Jackson's Bollock

British trade unions and industrial politics: The high tide of trade unionism, 1964-1979

Works created in response to the Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, as part of the "SoCo Collect" exhibition

Relation between the Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric and the Kullback-Leibler divergence

Can HR and H&S work together to bring about sustainable rehabilitation?

α-Mangostin, singly and in combination with Doxorubicin, as pro-apoptotic agents and protein kinase inhibitors In the AML cell line, Molm13

Freedom of movement: what Brexit means for dance [Blog post]

Urban Business Models: Exploring business models in the urban environment which focus on sustainability, circularity and inclusivity, leading to hybrid forms of collective value creation

Urban Business Models - Exploring business models in the urban environment with a focus on sustainability, circularity and inclusivity, leading to hybrid forms of collective value creation.

"It’s about actually having a proactive regulatory framework versus a reactive one" - stakeholder perspectives on the governance of embryonic stem cell research in Ireland

Platform of quality evaluation system for multimedia video communication based NS2

Turning conflicts into cooperation? The role of adaptive learning and deliberation in managing natural resources conflicts in Nepal

Boundaries & bridges in-between political management and post-approaches to Early Childhood

Putting feminist new materialism to work through affective methodologies in early childhood research

Multiple becomings with Alice(s): nomadic movements in the anthropocene

Becoming a ‘modest witness’ in early childhood research

A feminist new materialist experiment in reconfiguring diversity and difference through children’s media

Queering how matter comes to matter in the baby room

The pleasure and violence of theories in ECEC: in search of more liveable worlds

Alice’s adventures: reconfiguring solidarity in early childhood education and care through data events

Mundane habits, ordinary affects, and methodological creations

Feminists researching gendered childhoods

Paul Barritt (UK) presents his work May 27

Golem - aired on BBC4

Introduction: Mute Records

Je suis la « chaudasse près de chez toi »

Pourquoi le porno hétéro ne m’excite plus

Obsession IV [Zine]

Betulinic acid-doxorubicin drug combination synergistically supresses cell viability and enhances apoptotic death in acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines by increasing Bax/Bcl-2 ratio

The combination of curcumin and doxorubicin shows a selective cytotoxic effect on acute myeloid leukaemia cell line

He who seeks beauty will find it


Scott Ramsay Kyle [Interview and artworks for A Part magazine]

12th international Zagreb car cartoon exhibit

Work discussion in English nurseries: reflecting on their contribution so far and issues in developing their aims and processes; and the assessment of their impact in a climate of austerity and intense audit

Governance strategies for improving flood resilience in the face of climate change

Ligand field molecular dynamics simulation of Pt(II)-phenanthroline binding to N-terminal fragment of amyloid-β peptide

Race, class and borders

Collection collective: rethinking function, ownership and possession

Study on risks and opportunities of digitalisation for financial inclusion. The perspective of vulnerable users in Estonia, Italy and UK with a focus on groups covered by the European Accessibility Act

Presentation at Sotheby's institute resulting from Decorative Arts Society funded research trip to Hungary

The entrepreneurial university as an engine for sustainable development

Period. [Art direction and editorial consultancy]

Meditation and holistic wellness in the Legal profession

Can quantification of Serum Glycans predict Pre-Eclampsia?

Effect of glycosaminoglycans on growth factor-stimulated trophoblast invasion

Problem solving methods in undergraduate mathematics

The influence of repeated cold water immersion on adaptations to strength and power training

IKEA: global sourcing and the sustainable leather initiative

The implications of global sourcing on the triple bottom line: A conceptual analysis

Sustainable global sourcing: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis

In terms of Brexit

International humanitarian law and the changing nature of armed conflict: Reflections on the future development of the law

Towards 5G: A reinforcement learning-based scheduling solution for data traffic management

Censored realities/changing New York [presentation]

Online counselling in schools as an additional option to face-to-face provision: exploration of pupils' experiences and comparison of effectiveness of working in different mediums

And I half turn to go: invocatio and negation of the Public

Governance, marketplaces and social capital: the role of Batkhela bazaar in the evolving governance of the Malakand region of Pakistan

Assembling the field: literary journalism about marginalised subjects by Indian writers

Identification of undesirable behaviour in CCTV footage using Deep Learning

Empty admiration: Robert Lewis Dabney’s expository homiletic

Actor based behavioural simulation as an aid for organisational decision making

The coherent pattern of leadership reflected in the unique attributes of the shepherd / flock motif within the Miletus Speech (Acts 20:17–38), 1 Peter 5:1–11, and John 21:15–19

Cynosure: A theoretical grounding for pictorial language that grasps attention

The Labour Party and post-neoliberalism

The normality and expectedness of ill health in later life: Painful tellings

Student persistence in open and distance learning: success factors and challenges

Alf 1 (2005-9) and Alf 13 (2005-9) [paintings]

Educational text messaging for pressure ulcer prevention in people living with spinal cord injury who are newly discharged from hospital: A pilot study protocol

Islamization and Christian solidarity in Malaysia: 1979-2017

From corruption to glory: the son's redemptive assumption of fallen humanity in dogmatic dialogue with T. F. Torrance

Implication of homocysteine, resistin and vitamin D in development of type 2 diabetes

Resilience - Policy buzzword or key concept? - How relevant is resilience as a tool for promoting positive outcomes for ‘at-risk’ young people

The effect of swing leg retraction on biped walking stability is influenced by the walking speed and step-length

Report on SHARMED activities

In and out digital worlds. Hybrid-transitions as a space for children’s agency: case-studies from early years settings in Boston and London

SAKE: Student-led, skills-based workshops to support inclusivity within the creative curriculum

Leon Golub: Raw nerve [Consultant / Curator]

The prediction of childhood overweight based on parental lifestyle and genetic parameters

Transient Hole (Variations) X (ten)

Quality in qualitative research

Narrative analysis

Hybrid transitions as spaces for children’s agency

SHARMED training and dissemination of best practices

Influence of tart cherry juice on airway biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress following a 42.2km trail run

Growth as constraint

Stretching the golden thread: the impact of Brexit on the presumption of innocence

Work : Title of paintings 'Work' created in response to the Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, as part of the "SoCo Collect" exhibition

Constructing and interrogating actor histories

Women's experiences of child custody in the context of intimate partner violence and abuse

Selector for the Spectrum Art Award 2018. Spectrum, London.

Football hooliganism, the death drive and Millwall fandom as symbolic masochism

A State of force: the repressive policing of contention in Queensland under Frederic Urquhart

School resource officers, 'zero tolerance' and the enforcement of compliance in the American education system

Situationism and the recuperation of an ideology in the era of Trump, fake news and post-truth politics

Patterns of Northern Ireland trade by destination, product and business characteristics: 2012 to 2016

Unconstrained face recognition

Investigating effects of psychophysical metrics on fidelity in 3D space visualisation

A comparative suitability study between thesauri, classification, taxonomy and ontology for usage within heritage BIM assets

Towards an onto-classification system for heritage BIM assets

Ontological classification for heritage computer aided design

Classification system for Egyptian heritage buildings

Selector for the Rome Fellowship in Contemporary Art at The British School at Rome, 2018. British School at Rome, London

Credit risk for financial institutions: what you should know [Blog post]

Managing multi-user smart environments through BLE based system

Improving warehouse labour efficiency by intentional forecast bias

Utilising legacy data for project risk identification, analysis and management

Examining quality of non-geometric data veracity at project hand-over for BIM data management

A comparative suitability study between classification systems for BIM in heritage

Revisiting direct neuralisation of first-order logic

Pathophysiology of melanocortin receptors and their accessory proteins

The rule of law and the European Union

Why autocrats love constitutional identity and constitutional pluralism: Lessons from Hungary and Poland

A. Court of Justice. Judicial independence under threat: the Court of Justice to the rescue

Of swallows and ravens

Learning to resist: punk pedagogy and the proliferation of protest

Dynamic priority based reliable real-time communications for infrastructure-less networks

Heritage protection for street art? The case of Banksy’s Spybooth

Your voice: the impact of slow activism

Policing virtual spaces: public and private online challenges in a legal perspective

Active energy: pedagogy as practice

Alterity (2011) video installation

Barriers for highly qualified A8 immigrants in the UK labour market

Factories run by robots

Punks with guns: anarcho-punk, capitalist realism and the rise of the proto-right

JazzTrane: Johannes Ludwig Group feat. Sam Leak - Honoring the Legends

A game theoretical semantics for a logic of formal inconsistency

Permission [Album]

Adrift [Album]

Circolo Milleluci: Davide Raisi Quartet featuring Sam Leak

Sofi Jeannin conducts the BBC Singers (broadcast on BBC Radio 3)

Love Supreme Jazz Festival: Samuel Eagles' band Spirit

TF18 - London Biennial of International Performance Art

Suicide first aid guidelines for people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds

Coaching for professional development using literature to support success. 1st Edition

Venezuela: the imminence of Yankee military aggression

Hazard identification and risk assessment in the leisure sector - the UK experience

Šabac: a cinematic archaeology

Review of “What the Tortoise Said to Achilles”: Lewis Carroll's Paradox of Inference, special issue of: The Carrollian: The Lewis Carroll Journal, edited by Amirouche Moktefi and Francine F Abeles

Impact of firm specific and macroeconomic factors on financial performance of the UAE insurance sector

Learning new mathematics from old

An FPGA-based divider circuit using simulated annealing algorithm

An affective (re)balancing act? The liminal possibilities for heterosexual partners on MDMA

The art and architecture of mathematics education: a study in metaphors

Mapping of specialist primary health care services in England for people who are homeless. Summary of findings and considerations for health service commissioners and providers

Mapping of specialist primary health care services in England for people who are homeless (full report)

Inventory of specialist primary health care services in England for people who are homeless

What explains the varying degree of export? Internal or external factors

Transdisciplinarity: towards an epistemology of what matters

Virtual child pornography – policing fantasy? A critical evaluation of the justifications for the criminalisation of virtual child pornography (VCP)

ZKPVM: a zero-knowledge authentication protocol for VMs' live migration in mobile cloud computing

Book Reviews: Punk Rock is My Religion: Straight Edge Punk and Religious Identity, Francis Stewart (2017) London: Routledge, 175 pp., ISBN: 9781472489661, h/bk, £105.00 [Book Review]

Book Reviews: The Year’s Work in the Punk Bookshelf Or, Lusty Scripts, Brian James Schill (2017) Indiana: Indiana University Press, p/bk, 382 pp., ISBN: 9780253029300, p/bk, £20.00 [Book Review]

Safeguarding, surveillance and control: school policy and practice responses to the Prevent Duty and the "War on Terror" in the UK

Exploring a new framework to build mobile QoS-aware applications and services for future internet

Exploring real time traffic signalling using probabilistic approach in intelligent transport system

Soft commitment: a study on demand and compliance

Pay for performance with motivated employees

Designing interiors through making

Exploring real time traffic signalling using probabilistic approach in intelligent transport system

Inequality in recruitment outcomes for Black and Minority Ethnic staff within the Care Quality Commission - a report for the CQC on their causes and steps to be considered to remedy them

Smoke and mirrors? Time to meet the challenge of equality in the fire and rescue service

Strategic human resources and governance in banking

Before the Czarny protest: feminist activism in Poland

‘Refugees not welcome here’: state, church and civil society responses to the refugee crisis in Poland

After or against secularism: Muslims in Europe

Music for Masterplanning soundtrack compilation

Regeneration songs: sounds of investment and loss from East London

Music for Masterplanning

Digital&Dead at South London Gallery [Curator]

Berthold Wolpe: The Total Man

Sensory craft for acquired brain injury

Top 5 animation containers

Co-curating dialogue: on a bridge with Zhuangzi

Exploring analytical models for proactive resource management in highly mobile environments

Results of a FTSE top 100 website survey on whistleblowing arrangements

Showtime from the frontline

Showtime from the frontline

Checkpoints, charity workers & K Pop: women’s comedy in occupied Palestine

Perspectivas de reforma y revolución en américa latina

Transient hole (variations) VII (seven) & X (ten)

The Existence and Efficacy of Affirmative Action Measures in UK, South Africa, India, China, Latin America & Brazil

Sir John Lubbock's Pet Wasp

Social network sites and methodological practices

Connected vehicle testbed: development & deployment of C-ITS in the UK

A closer look at projects [Case study], pp. 1-4.

Collecting knowledge: figshare in the museum

Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for improved land use and land cover mapping of monsoon regions

Supporting and enabling scholarship: developing and sharing expertise in online learning and teaching

If you were me and I were you!

Renunciation through wisdom: Bhakti-Rasa, Yukta-Vairagya and the delineation of Krishnacore

Everyone’s Wally: Stonehenge, New Age travellers, and the continuing struggle for Albion

Contemporary music consumption: how the music industry has changed the way we listen to music


Stakeholder’s perceptions on the impact of the Olympic legacy on young people in east London

Erasmus+ SHARMED Train the trainer guidelines & material. ‘Facilitative and Dialogic Pedagogy Training in European Schools’

Kurdistan-Iraq between hope and uncertainty

PO-495 PI3K pathway upregulation mediates acquired resistance to platinum agents and polyadenoribose polymerase inhibitors (PARPi) in BRCA1-methylated ovarian cancer (OC)

Overcoming chemoresistance in osteosarcoma: the role of autophagy in cell death or survival following chemotherapy

ROR1- A biomarker for chemoresistance in ovarian cancer

Overcoming chemoresistance in osteosarcoma: the role of autophagy in cell death or survival following chemotherapy

ROR1-A novel biomarker for chemoresistance in ovarian cancer

Optimisation of a selection strategy for drug resistance osteosarcoma cell lines

Mechanisms of apoptosis and autophagy in chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells

Biomedical Science Exchanges

Biomedical Science Exchanges

Film/TV Industry-Academia Roundtable Discussion

Trait-emotional intelligence: a strategy for managing nurses’ affective wellbeing at work

Education in the UAE: the relevance of international human rights law and social welfare for a sustainable economy

State sponsored cyber surveillance and the recent responses form the European Court of Human Rights

A taxonomy of malicious traffic for intrusion detection systems

A taxonomy of malicious traffic for intrusion detection systems

A taxonomy and survey of intrusion detection system design techniques, network threats and datasets

Unlocking your potential: expectations within the industry

Getting the best out of BIM – an interview with Dr. Noha Saleeb

From mad to bad, sad towards glad. Being LGBT+ in the modern society