On being immersed: the pleasure of being: washing, feeding, holding

Creative cities - an international perspective

Aggressive dogs and public image

More than a magazine: exploring the links between lads’ mags, rape myth acceptance and rape proclivity

Dance and politics in China: interculturalism, hybridity, and the ArtsCross project

Missing rooms and unknown clouds: darkness and illumination in the work of Lundahl & Seitl

Genetic programming for the minimum time swing up and balance control acrobot problem

Establishing user needs for a stability assessment tool to guide wheelchair prescription

History of the special procedures: a ‘learning-by-doing’ approach to human rights implementation

Psychopathic leadership a case study of a corporate psychopath CEO

Researching feedback dialogue: An interactional analysis approach

A price for fashion: a young working class woman’s wardrobe in 1930s London

Good practice in school based alcohol education programmes

Compulsory reduced working time in Belarus: Incidence, operation and consequences

The culture of skilled work in a Norwegian shipyard, 1945-90

IMC antecedents and the consequences of planned brand identity in higher education

Evaluating the impact of corporate logos towards corporate reputation: a case of Persia and Mexico

Inhibitory control and the speech patterns of second language users

Managing five paradoxes of knowledge exchange in networked organizations: new priorities for HRM?

Having burned the straw man of Christian spiritual leadership, what can we learn from Jesus about leading ethically?

Growing against gangs and violence (GAGV): findings from a process and outcome evaluation

The cultural competence of graduating nursing students

Exploring nurses' meaning and experiences of compassion: an international online survey involving 15 countries

Making a difference with ‘smartphone psychology’: can mobile digital technologies help create new insights into self-harming behaviours?

Characteristics and experiences of interns in strength and conditioning

The Mauritian Truth and Justice Commission: legitimacy, political negotiation and the consequences of slavery

How technology shapes assessment design: Findings from a study of university teachers

Ecological validity of Session RPE method for quantifying internal training load in Fencing

Detecting disturbances in supply chains: the case of capacity constraints

Exploring the implications of the influence of organisational culture on work-life balance practices: evidence from Nigerian medical doctors

Is baseline aerobic fitness associated with illness and attrition rate in military training?

The gendered terrain of disaster risk reduction including climate change adaptation

The construction of professional identity in social work: experience, analytical reflection and time

Research methods for social workers

An integrated perspective on foreign ethical divestment

Ensaio.Hamlet: adaptation as rehearsal as essay

Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment

Towards connecting people, locations and real-world events in a cellular network

Potential surprise theory as a theoretical foundation for scenario planning

Prefigurative performance in the age of political deception

The role of research education coordinators in building research cultures in doctoral education

Strategic risk and response time across games

Drawing things together

Information technology and marketing performance within international market-entry alliances: a review and an integrated conceptual framework

Reporting the global financial crisis: a longitudinal tri-nation study of mainstream financial journalism

Postfeminism, men, masculinities and work: a research agenda for gender and organization studies scholars

'A life free from care' - the hermit and the analyst

Adding an implementation phase to the framework for flood policy evolution: insights from South Africa

Assessment of sanitation efficacy against Escherichia coli O157:H7 by rapid measurement of intracellular oxidative stress, membrane damage or glucose active uptake

Cross-border regional innovation system integration: an analytical framework

Freedom of speech versus freedom of religion? The case of Dutch politician Geert Wilders

Work as affective experience: the contribution of Christophe Dejours' 'psychodynamics of work'

How university teachers design assessments: A cross disciplinary study

A contingency analysis of precarious organizational temporariness

Visual interaction with dimensionality reduction: a structured literature analysis

Soft is fast: Simone Forti in the 1960s and after by Meredith Morse [Book review]

Evaluating lay perceptions of maternal mortality to improve risk communication: a case study in Rivers State, Nigeria

Do natural disasters open a window of opportunity for corruption?

Should contentment be a key aim in higher education?

The unintended consequences of the launch of the single supervisory mechanism in Europe

Researching workplace friendships: drawing insights from the sociology of friendship

Strategies to deliver nitric oxide donors to control biofilms of clinical and industrial interest.

Promoting responsible portrayal of suicide: lessons from the UK and the Republic of Ireland

Mother-infant separations in prison. A systematic attachment-focused policy review

Corporate logo: history, definition, and components

The graduation performance of technology business incubators in China's three tier cities: the role of incubator funding, technical support, and entrepreneurial mentoring

In the wake of austerity: social impact bonds and the financialisation of the welfare state in Britain

Outsourcing the State’s responsibilities? Third sector organizations supporting migrant families’ participation in schools in Catalonia and London

Thinking about human rights from within criminology

Hollowing out national agreements in the NHS? The case of "Improving Working Lives" under a "Turnaround" plan

A qualitative study of advanced nurse practitioners’ use of physical assessment skills in the community: shifting skills across professional boundaries

Editorial: the anxiety of caring and the devaluing of nursing

Adolescent attachment style in residential care: the attachment style interview and vulnerable attachment style questionnaire

Intraspecific genetic variation in complex assemblages from mitochondrial metagenomics: comparison with DNA barcodes

Out-of-sample equity premium predictability and sample split-invariant inference

Environment, housing, health and social care

Sohn-Rethel’s critique of epistemology and art

Kleptoparasitism in gulls Laridae at an urban and a coastal foraging environment: an assessment of ecological predictors

Ethnicity and labour in Mauritius: assessing a cinematic account

The prevalence and nature of sexual harassment and assault against women and girls on public transport: an international review

Editorial: Ethnocentrism and racism in nursing: reflections on the Brexit vote

On separating a fixed point from zero by invariants

Graffiti as a limit case for the concept of style: a genealogy of aesthetic impropriety

Informal and uncertain: employment relations through the broken mirror of Russian social sciences

Towards the classification of fireground cues: a qualitative analysis of expert reports

Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants

Beyond you and I: role play and reflection-in-action in communication training

Improving assessment tasks through addressing our unconscious limits to change

An algorithm for the calculation of the light distribution in photovoltaic greenhouses

Microsoft academic: is the Phoenix getting wings?

Building a prototype VANET testbed to explore communication dynamics in highly mobile environments

Regulating wellbeing in the brave new quantified workplace

Transferencia de pacientes de cuidados paliativos desde el hospital hasta atención primaria: un estudio cualitativo = Transferring palliative-care patients from hospital to community care: a qualitative study

A comparative analysis of national media responses to the OECD survey of adult skills: policy making from the global to the local?

E-mentoring as a HRD intervention: an exploratory action research study within an International Professional Mentoring Scheme

Growth, human development, and trade: The Asian experience

Non-orthogonal multiple access schemes with partial relay selection

Can we use Google Scholar to identify highly-cited documents?

A formal methodology to design and deploy dependable wireless sensor networks

Standards-based assessment for an era of increasing transparency

Refugees count

Snobbery against regional accents is hurting university teaching

The accented curriculum: how to move beyond the anglophone-biased and received pronunciation (RP) curriculum design

“The school career of the child as a unity”: John Newsom’s involvement with the BBC, 1934–1971

Of the Labyrinth: becoming worldly with darkness

Research handbook on international courts and tribunals

Why feminist stories matter: Katy Deepwell interviews Clare Hemmings

CD10−/ALDH− cells are the sole cisplatin-resistant component of a novel ovarian cancer stem cell hierarchy

Women, midwives and a medical model of care in Switzerland

A survey of network lifetime maximization techniques in wireless sensor networks

Organizational innovation, technological innovation, and export performance: The effects of innovation radicalness and extensiveness

Medical-grade sterilizable target for fluid-immersed fetoscope optical distortion calibration

Corner-based geometric calibration of multi-focus plenoptic cameras

Refractive structure-from-motion through a flat refractive interface

A continuum robot and control interface for surgical assist in fetoscopic interventions

ESL: an actor-based platform for developing emergent behaviour organisation simulations

Your pre-season fitness guide

Presence of Type I-F CRISPR/Cas systems is associated with antimicrobial susceptibility in Escherichia coli

Il Blended Learning per migliorare l’efficacia della didattica universitaria: il corso di Computer Ethics

Lightening the load

A novel computational framework for exploring biologically-related clean and sustainable energy to meet Africa and Europe's electricity demands

Harnessing the potentials of fuzzy logic and voice-computing in the development of anti-malaria drug informatics software

Trust, trustworthiness, and business success: lab and field findings from entrepreneurs

La alternativa de Bugs Bunny. Matador y Estrella en "Bully for Bugs" (Chuck Jones,1953)

Exploring a new proactive algorithm for resource management and its application to wireless mobile environments

Managing consumers' dynamics within the emerging smart retail settings: introduction to the special issue


An introduction to the International Criminal Court



Goal models for acceptance requirements analysis and gamification design

Gamification solutions for software acceptance: a comparative study of requirements engineering and organizational behavior techniques

This tongue is not my own: Dogtooth, phobia and the paternal metaphor

Die steuerliche Behandlung von Sanierungsgewinnen vor dem Hintergrund des bestehenden Zielkonflikts zwischen Insolvenz- und Steuerrecht

A critical evaluation of the potentiality of tourism and destination development in Failaka Island

Education the bedrock of society

State of the art in computer forensic education-a review of computer forensic programmes in the UK, Europe and US

Artistic research in music: discipline and resistance: artists and researchers at the Orpheus Institute

Work always in progress: analysing maintenance practices in spatial crowd-sourced datasets

Katagami in practice: Japanese stencils in the art school

Performing research: four contributions to HCI

Fellow Creatures360° project

Collection Collective

The value of culture in conflict

From unproblematic to contentious: mosques in Poland

Saving and fearing Muslim women in ‘post-communist’ Poland: troubling Catholic and secular Islamophobia

Towards improving the security of low-interaction honeypots: insights from a comparative analysis

A hybrid three-phased approach in requirement elicitation

Cam-Wallet: fingerprint-based authentication in M-wallets using embedded cameras

JarPi: A low-cost raspberry pi based personal assistant for small-scale fishermen

Fruitify: Nutritionally augmenting fruits through markerless-based augmented reality

Exploring the application and usability of NFC for promoting self-learning on energy consumption of household electronic appliances

Sustaining anti-littering behavior within coastal and marine environments: through the macro-micro level lenses

Prevent: what is pre-criminal space?

Latin America and China: what next for China–Latin American strategic relationship?

How are compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction affected by quality of working life? Findings from a survey of mental health staff in Italy

Treatment of chronic pain for adults 65 and over: analyses of outcomes and changes in psychological flexibility following interdisciplinary acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

Change in "Self-as-Context" ("Perspective-taking") occurs in acceptance and commitment therapy for people with chronic pain and is associated with improved functioning

Preliminary investigation of self-as-context in people with fibromyalgia

Analysing temporal performance profiles of UAV operators using time series clustering

Religion in fantasy: propaganda, blasphemy or nonsense?

Can absolute pitch be learned by adults?

The agency dilemma in the ready-to-drink protein shakes market segment: an investigation with young British consumers

Preventing online extremism [Blog post]

The punk reader: research transmissions from the local and the global

The majmū' al-tarbiyah between text and paratext: exploring the social history of a community's reading culture

Design for subjective wellbeing: towards a design framework for constructing narrative

Keynote at 'Responding to a Landscape', Midlands Art Centre, Birmingham (Symposium)

Mechanically robust and transparent N-Halamine grafted PVA-co-PE films with renewable antimicrobial activity

Biomarkers of oxidative damage in bacteria for the assessment of sanitation efficacy in lettuce wash water

A novel fast fractal image compression method based on distance clustering in high dimensional sphere surface

The crisis of public sector trade unionism: evidence from the Mid Staffordshire hospital crisis

The power of credit in securing professional teacher status for teaching assistants and early years’ practitioners

Dynamics of distancing in Nigerian drama: a functional approach to Metatheatre. By Nadia Anwar. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2016. Pp. xiv + 256. £26.86/€29.90 Pb. [Book review]

'Order out of Chaos' - artists talk and solo exhibition

Einflussfaktoren und Wirkungen der Unternehmenskommunikation auf den Unternehmenserfolg im Anlagen- und Systemgeschäft - theoretische Konzeption und empirische Evaluierung

Empirische Untersuchung von Durchforstungsbeständen im Bergwald und deren ökonomische Bewertung zur Prioritätsmodellierung, als Bestandteil forstlicher Managementstrategien

Supply hand knitted maribou feather boas, collars and shrugs/boleros

Demonstration of hand knitting techniques employed in the current handknit sweater made for BAMFORD

Tax haven

There and back again

Randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a peer-delivered self-management intervention to prevent relapse in crisis resolution team users: study protocol

Feasibility trial of a psychoeducational intervention for parents with personality difficulties: The Helping Families Programme

“Girls Interrupted”: Young women ‘growing up’ in post-Katrina New Orleans: an exploration of the intersections of genders, sexualities and youth

Deaths from resident-to-resident aggression in Australian nursing homes

Push, don't nudge: behavioral spillovers and policy instruments

T'aint by Ashish [T-shirt collaboration]

Job security and long-term investment: an experimental analysis

The 'art' of ageing; supporting older people from marginalised communities

A report of a North Central and East London-wide evaluation of the CEPN multi-professional/collaborative learning groups

Visual methods: problematising process and product

Unfinished Business - a comedy about politics in this life and the next

RAF Museum Project Sweetheart Brooches Project

Dances, elegies and epitaphs: the music of Peter Fribbins

Discussion: integrationism, anti-humanism and the suprasubjective

A contribution of photographs in the book 'In Memoria' by Jessica d'Este

In Situ

Book design: David Holmes – A Brush with the Music of Time

Transitory erasures: subjects of institutional critique

Fourteen photographs in the book 'In Situ' by Jessica d’Este

Printing in a Bind

Contribution of forty photographs in the book 'Rowley's Type'

Zukunftssicherung von Logistikunternehmen unter dem Aspekt der Fahrerbindung

Enabling the effective teaching and learning of advanced robotics in higher education using an active TUI framework

First person shooter game development for Android platform

Developing a personal air vehicle driving experience in virtual reality

Predictive data mining techniques: critical analysis of performance on different datasets

Found and Lost: A Genealogy of Waste? Shimizu, Takahashi, Phaophanit/Oboussier

Grenfell Tower - social media & public narrative

Social work and problem substance use: going in the right direction?

Silent transformations in choreography—Making over time: Rosemary Butcher’s practice of 'Looking Back and Ahead'

Guest editors' introduction: Creative practices/resistant acts

Critical mutation rate has an exponential dependence on population size for eukaryotic-length genomes with crossover

Transforming engagement, happiness and well-being: enthusing people, teams and nations

Online Dispute Resolution pour les litiges B2B: prêt pour le monde des affaires

Cross-border smart contracts: boosting international digital trade through trust and adequate remedies

The STRANDS project: long-term autonomy in everyday environments

Decoding information for grasping from the macaque dorsomedial visual stream

An incremental von mises mixture framework for modelling human activity streaming data

Robust Kronecker-decomposable component analysis for low-rank modeling

Side information in robust principal component analysis: algorithms and applications

Archives of thrill: the V-Armchair experience

Nonnegative decompositions for dynamic visual data analysis

All the way to the top! The energy implications of building tall cities

A practical, hybrid argumentation model to assist with the formulation of defensible assessments in uncertain sense-making environments

Interference Management and System Optimisation for Femtocells Technology in LTE and Future 4G/5G Networks

Mobility management for vehicular user equipment in LTE/mobile femtocell networks

An ethical approach to marketing and valorisation

Seamless key agreement framework for mobile-sink in IoT based cloud-centric secured public safety sensor networks

Wearable device-based gait recognition using angle embedded gait dynamic images and a convolutional neural network

A new approach to analysing human-related accidents by combined use of HFACS and activity theory-based method


Infanticide, neonaticide and gender

Is equitable remuneration equitable? Performers' rights in the UK

Flourishing relationships with consulting clients

For richer or poorer in sickness for wealth: what price consumerism?

General intelligence does not help us understand cognitive evolution

Social, cognitive, behavioural and neighbourhood characteristics associated with sedentary time in men and women living in deprived neighbourhoods

On the beginnings and end of n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal

Informal recycling of electronic wastes in developing countries: challenges and solutions

Detection and quantification of human chorionic gonadotropin levels in human placental choriocarcinoma cell lines

Hamming distance kernelisation via topological quantum computation

Read my QR: Quilla Constance and the conceptualist promise of intelligibility

Explaining multi-threaded task scheduling using tangible user interfaces in higher educational contexts

The effect of plasma volume on changes in biomarkers of muscle damage, inflammation, oxidative stress and leukocyte differentialfollowing a 42.2 km trail run, and the efficacy of recovery interventions

Influence of cold water immersion and cherry juice on recovery following a 42.2km trail run

The effects of immigration and media influence on body image among Pakistani men

The role of government co-investment funds in the supply of entrepreneurial finance: An assessment of the early operation of the UK Angel Co-investment Fund

Obama's welfare legacy: an assessment of US anti-poverty policies

Health challenges in refugee reception: dateline Europe 2016

Gender and poverty: what we know, don’t know, and need to know for Agenda 2030

"A country with land but no habitat": Women, violent accumulation and negative-value in Yvonne Vera’s The Stone Virgins

Social entrepreneurship in the UAE: challenges and recommendations

Tourism development in Kuwait: examining the political-economic challenges in a unique rentier economy

The Human Right to peace

The influence of cold water immersion on markers of recovery following resistance exercise

The state of knowledge about LGBTQI migrants living in Canada in relation to the global LGBTQI rights agenda

Made corrections: a prison-based street art intervention for young offenders

Why fencers should bounce: a new method of movement to engage the stretch-shortening cycle

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Eladi Keram for the treatment of acne vulgaris: a randomised controlled pilot study

Diaspora entrepreneurship and international market entry strategies in the emerging economies: a learning process

Signs of wear: encountering memory in the worn materiality of a museum fashion collection

A restatement of the natural science evidence concerning catchment-based ‘natural’ flood management in the UK

Targeted Teaching: Strategies for Secondary Teaching

Playing in the dark with online games for girls

#MDXPD Product Design 2017

State authenticity

Towards developing a software process improvement strategy through the application of ethical concepts

Conclusion: mass tourism in the future

Talking the line: inclusive strategies for the teaching of drawing

Understanding entrepreneurship in residential neighbourhoods and communities of place

Unravelling the nexus between entrepreneurship, neighbourhoods and communities - introduction

100 Global innovative sustainability projects: evaluation and implications for entrepreneurship education

Can metals be used as tracers for organic contaminants in potentially e-waste-polluted environmental media?

Entrepreneurial neighbourhoods: towards an understanding of the economies of neighbourhoods and communities

Should compulsory admission to hospital be part of suicide prevention strategies?

Improving access to and engagement with mental health services among young people from refugee backgrounds: service user and provider perspectives

Adoption of cloud computing in UAE: a survey of interplay between cloud computing ecosystem and its organizational adoption in UAE

Emerging technologies: an exploration of novel interactive technologies

A new kind of learning: somatics, dance improvisation and transdisciplinarity

OFLoad: An OpenFlow-based dynamic load balancing strategy for datacenter networks

A novel symbolic approach to verifying epistemic properties of programs

'Contract Cheating': an overview of perspectives (academic, student) exploring ways to detect and alleviate contract cheating, considering the roles of registry and technology

Prevalence of somatisation as a determinant of burnout amongst staff working in drug and alcohol services

Critical management studies, queer theory and the prospect of a queer friendship

A climate of fear: stone cold psychopaths at work

The development and application of a liposomal delivery system in biomedical sciences

Modelling and validating three dimensional human normal cervix and cervical cancer tissues in vitro

Art: Process: Change - inside a socially situated practice

Two new genera of Bovidae (Mammalia)

Nuclear war as false memory

On the optimisation of practical wireless indoor and outdoor microcells subject to QOS constraints

The edge condition: re-use of industrial heritage on urban waterfronts: a case of London’s second river

Classification of cancer cell lines using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and statistical analysis

Writing spaces

Adaptive use and reuse: a time-specific process

A suicide research agenda for people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds

Involvement of the specific nucleolar protein SURF6 in regulation of proliferation and ribosome biogenesis in mouse NIH/3T3 fibroblasts

Conceptualizing, listening to and supporting students across diverse gender identities

Public service innovation and multiple institutional logics: the case of hybrid social enterprise providers of health and wellbeing

Al Mahdi has been convicted of a crime he did not commit

Exploring the origin of retail stores in Europe: evidence from Southern Italy from the 6th century BCE to the 3rd century BCE

Spontaneous mutation rate is a plastic trait associated with population density across domains of life

Trade policy review for China: the world's top exporter with "new normal" economic growth

Emergent intentionality in perception-action subsumption hierarchies

Does study duration have opposite effects on recognition and repetition priming?

Design strategy of a compact unglazed Solar Thermal Façade (STF) for building integration based on BIM concept

A review of thermal absorbers and their integration methods for the combined solar photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) modules

Crispr/Cas9 editing reveals novel mechanisms of clustered microRNA regulation and function

Assessment of the effectiveness of investment strategy in solar photovoltaic (PV) energy sector: a case study

Planning and design scenarios for liveable cities

Building energy management systems

Mothers apart: an action research project based on partnership between a local authority and a university in London, England

UEFA-M: Utility-based energy efficient adaptive multimedia mechanism over LTE HetNet small cells

Microstructural abnormalities in white and gray matter in obese adolescents with and without type 2 diabetes

Quaternion-based deep belief networks fine-tuning

Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies with 128.9 million children, adolescents, and adults

Sir Joseph Bazalgette: a man of persistence and vision

Sir John Simon: a role model for public health practice?

Religiousness as tourist performances: a case study of Greek Orthodox pilgrimage

A new living contract: cases in the implementation of the Living Wage by British SME retailers

A web-based clinical decision tool to support treatment decision-making in psychiatry: a pilot focus group study with clinicians, patients and carers

Transdisciplinary higher education: a theoretical basis revealed in practice

Introduction to the symposium: Ivan Vladislavić, writing visual culture, and the globalization of a South African "artworld"

QoS-based routing over software defined networks

CoSMeDis: a distributed social media platform with formally verified confidentiality guarantees

Movement correction in DCE-MRI through windowed and reconstruction dynamic mode decomposition

User experience of panoramic video in CAVE-like and head mounted display viewing conditions

Exploring a new security framework for remote patient monitoring devices

Application of deep learning neural network for classification of TB lung CT images based on patches

Rapid identification of E. coli bacteriophages using mass spectrometry

Recognition of affect in the wild using deep neural networks

Aff-Wild: Valence and Arousal ‘in-the-wild’ Challenge

AgeDB: the first manually collected, in-the-wild age database

Programming a cognitive architecture with simulated neurons, Chris Eliasmith. How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013). 456 pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-026212-9 [Book review]

Considerations for selecting field-based strength and power fitness tests to measure asymmetries

Global convergence analysis of the flower pollination algorithm: a Discrete-Time Markov Chain Approach

Je reve, tu reves, nous revons [I dream, you dream, we dream]

A century (and a bit) of Pierrot Ensembles: perspectives on Barcelona, London and São Paulo

Simple mindreading abilities predict complex theory of mind: developmental delay in autism spectrum disorders

Staying out of range: increasing attacking distance in fencing

Do fencers require a weapon-specific approach to strength and conditioning training?

Robust chance-constrained optimization for power-efficient and secure SWIPT systems

Is EU law effective in preventing forum shopping for the pursuit of actions arising from online infringement of personality rights?

Heavy metals distribution and risk assessment in soil from an informal e-waste recycling site in Lagos State, Nigeria

La Comisión de Crímenes de Guerra de las Naciones Unidas : Propuesta de una corte penal internacional

Social motives vs social influence: an experiment on interdependent time preferences

On the nanocommunications at THz band in graphene-enabled wireless network-on-chip

Double-lock or double-bind? The Investigatory Powers Bill and freedom of expression in the United Kingdom

Green supply chain management: the case of the construction sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

When sorry is not an option: CSR reporting and 'face work' in a stigmatised Industry: a case study of Barrick (ACACIA) gold mine in Tanzania

Temporal expectancies driven by self- and externally generated rhythms

The emergence of circular economy: a new framing around prolonging resource productivity

On the handover security key update and residence management in LTE networks

5G Radio Access Networks: centralized RAN, cloud-RAN and virtualization of small cells

A Latin American perspective on diversity management: what does "inclusion" mean in a Peruvian context?

Phytochemical modulation of apoptosis and autophagy: strategies to overcome chemoresistance in leukaemic stem cells in the bone marrow microenvironment

Mother–infant separations in prison. A systematic attachment-focused review of the academic and grey literature

Stimulus fear relevance and the speed, magnitude, and robustness of vicariously learned fear

Heparan sulfate disaccharide measurement from biological samples using pre-column derivatization, UPLC-MS and single ion monitoring

Biomimetic strategies for fracture repair: engineering the cell microenvironment for directed tissue formation

Antiinflammatory and hepatoprotective medicinal herbs as potential substitutes for bear bile

Detecting colorectal cancer using electrical impedance spectroscopy: an ex vivo feasibility study

Ecological security

Type 2 diabetes, depressive symptoms and trajectories of cognitive decline in a national sample of community-dwellers: a prospective cohort study

Robust and Pareto optimality of insurance contracts

Opportunistic secure transmission for wireless relay networks with modify-and-forward protocol

Performance evaluation of NOMA under Wireless Downlink Cloud Radio Access networks environments

An energy-efficient NOMA for small cells in heterogeneous CRAN under QoS constraints

The impact of Dementia Club UK on support for people living with dementia and their carers in the local community: findings from an external independent evaluation

Gramsci, politics and pedagogy: an interpretative framework

Mitochondrial protein-linked DNA breaks perturb mitochondrial gene transcription and trigger free radical-induced DNA damage

An analysis of delegation styles among newly qualified nurses

Metacognitive consulting: inviting life experience to inform practice

On the energy efficiency of NOMA for wireless backhaul in multi-tier heterogeneous CRAN

Study of the cap structure of (3,3), (4,4) and (5,5)-SWCNTs: application of the sphere-in-contact model

A comparative experimental design and performance analysis of Snort-based Intrusion Detection System in practical computer networks

Decentring patient safety governance: case studies of four English Foundation Trust Hospital Boards

Evaluation of absorbent materials for use as ad hoc dry decontaminants during mass casualty incidents as part of the UK's Initial Operational Response (IOR)

A mixed methods approach to urban ecosystem services: Experienced environmental quality and its role in ecosystem assessment within an inner-city estate

Independent evolution of sexual dimorphism and female-limited mimicry in swallowtail butterflies (Papilio dardanus and Papilio phorcas)

Facial identity and emotional expression as predictors during economic decisions

Deliberation favours social efficiency by making people disregard their relative shares: evidence from US and India

Re-evaluating work-based learning pedagogy

What you see is what you can change: Human-centred machine learning by interactive visualization

A sanctuary of tranquillity in a ruptured world: evaluating long-term counselling at a women’s community health centre

Institutional path-dependencies in Europe’s networked modes of governance

Creating an ambient intelligence network using insight and merged reality technologies

Deep immersion with Kasina: an exploration of meditation and concentration within virtual reality environments

Altruism in tourism: social exchange theory vs altruistic surplus phenomenon in host volunteering

A benefit of context reinstatement to recognition memory in aging: the role of familiarity processes

A fused deep learning architecture for viewpoint classification of echocardiography

Detection of the tau protein in human serum by a sensitive four-electrode electrochemical biosensor

Testing an integrated destination image model across residents and tourists

Dares as ethical operations

Participatory mapping and engagement with urban water communities

Recent advances in arsenic trioxide encapsulated nanoparticles as drug delivery agents to solid cancers

New directional bat algorithm for continuous optimization problems

Bitcoin forensics: a tutorial

Deconstruct and preserve (DaP): a method for the preservation of digital evidence on solid state drives (SSD)

The quiet editor: Ivan Vladislavić and South African cultural production

Classification of CT brain images based on deep learning networks

Life is beautiful: gay representation, moral panics, and South Korean television drama beyond Hallyu

A generalised framework for saliency-based point feature detection

Evolution of Chagas’ disease in Brazil. Epidemiological perspective and challenges for the future: A critical review

Determinants of health-related lifestyles among university students

Which SMEs seek external support? Business characteristics, management behaviour and external influences in a contingency approach

Analysing public service outsourcing: the value of a regulatory perspective

Analysis and compensation for errors in electrical impedance tomography images and ventilation-­related measures due to serial data collection

The characterization of remote warfare under international humanitarian law

Success ratios, new music and sound recording copyright

Classroom disciplinary climate in secondary schools in England: what is the real picture?

Symmetric powers and modular invariants of elementary abelian p-groups

A resilient 2-D waveguide communication fabric for hybrid wired-wireless NoC design

Is visual culture a by-product of the repression of nonverbal communication?

How does reputation win trust? A customer-based mediation analysis

A foot on each side of the picket-line: the contradictory role of labour unions in South American governance

Digital technologies in early childhood art: enabling playful experiences

Agricultural innovation and adaptation to climate change: empirical evidence from diverse agro-ecologies in South Asia

Preschoolers' attribution of affect to music: a comparison between vocal and instrumental performance

Going solo: Findings from a survey of women ageing without a partner and who do not have children

Randomly attracted firefly algorithm with neighborhood search and dynamic parameter adjustment mechanism

Sociocultural and spiritual context of childbearing

A discrete firefly algorithm to solve a rich vehicle routing problem modelling a newspaper distribution system with recycling policy

Augmenting the Intuitive Logics scenario planning method for a more comprehensive analysis of causation

Prescription of rhythmic patterns for legged locomotion

Towards a branding oriented higher education sector: an overview of the four perspectives on university marketing studies

Public sector austerity cuts in the UK and the changing discourse of work-life balance

Learning to fear a second-order stimulus following vicarious learning

Literature review on the use of action research in higher education

The ‘sweet spot’ between submission and subversion: diaspora, education and the cosmopolitan project

Being openly religious: non-Islamiosity, discrimination and devout Shi`ism within the Iranian diaspora in London

Destination image, on-site experience and behavioural intentions: path analytic validation of a marketing model on domestic tourists

Encoding monomorphic and polymorphic types

Minimum cell connection in line segment arrangements

MCMAS: an open-source model checker for the verification of multi-agent systems

Perversion Now

Modeling and verification of insider threats using logical analysis

Postfeminism, neoliberalism and a 'successfully' balanced femininity in celebrity CEO autobiographies

The resource curse without natural resources: expectations of resource booms and their impact

Environmental waters and E. coli as a marker, including pathogenic and resistant strains

Policy perspective on Indian surrogacy: Past, present and future

Household behavior on food security during an economic crisis

'You will like it!' Using open data to predict tourists' responses to a tourist attraction

Evolving pedagogical practice at Middlesex University: the state of our art

A model-based approach to systematic reviews of research literature

Actor monitors for adaptive behaviour

A model based realisation of actor model to conceptualise an aid for complex dynamic decision-making

Well communities

Design and validation of a three-instrument toolkit for the assessment of competence in electrocardiogram rhythm recognition

Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by GSM phones on working memory: a meta-analysis

Cross-border electronic commerce: distance effects and express delivery in European Union markets

We see ICT spillovers everywhere but in the econometric evidence: a reassessment

Employment law: the essentials [14th edition]

Dirty money: on financial delinquency

Organised crime and terrorist networks: literature exploration and open access bibliography

Humans expect generosity

Succession challenges facing family businesses in Saudi Arabia

Outsourcing transitions and the employment relationship implications

Impact of trust on local residents' mega-event perceptions and their support

Do Hospital Boards matter for better, safer, patient care?

Do student nurses feel a lack of comfort in providing support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Questioning adolescents: what factors influence their comfort level?

Assessing the impact of Swales on receiving water quality

Green supply chain management: an empirical investigation on the construction sector

The use of physical artefacts in undergraduate computer science teaching

Intermittent catheterisation after botulinum toxin injections: the time to reassess our practice

Quantum Bootstrap Aggregation

Influence of national culture and balanced organizational culture on the hotel industry's performance

The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: implications for pedagogy in nurse education

Implementing and assessing the value of nursing preceptorship

New perspectives on the internationalisation of micro businesses

Digit ratio (2D:4D) and social integration: an effect of prenatal sex hormones

Laboratory-based and office-based risk scores and charts to predict 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease in 182 countries: a pooled analysis of prospective cohorts and health surveys

The politics of collective repair: examining object-relations in a postwork society

Transnational entrepreneurs and their global market entry modes

Nikolaos Politis and the earliest negotiation to establish an International Criminal Court

The application of Tangible User Interfaces of teaching and learning in Higher Education

The effects of a single whole-body cryotherapy exposure on physiological, performance and perceptual responses of professional academy soccer players following repeated sprint exercise

Regulation of genomic and biobanking research in Africa: a content analysis of ethics guidelines, policies and procedures from 22 African countries

Changing care culture through focusing on a ‘neglected’ equality issue – outcomes from a project aimed at improving care for LGBT people in care homes

Lasting Impressions - Scarborough Museum Trust

6th Red Man International Humour Art Biennial

Unraveling the diverse nature of service quality in a sharing economy: a social exchange theory perspective of Airbnb accommodation

Crimes without criminals

Physical health monitoring in mental health settings: a study exploring mental health nurses’ views of their role

Generation Z consumers' expectations of interactions in smart retailing: a future agenda

The influence of corporate psychopaths on employees, workplaces and society

Digital technology and marketing management capability: achieving growth in SMEs

Algorithmic iteration for computational intelligence

On ‘A Piece for Two (Lovers)’ - an unrehearsed performance piece

The effect of organizational separation on individuals' knowledge sharing in MNCs

Work-based learning for the creative industries: a case study of the development of BA (Hons) web design and social media

On the physical limitations for radio frequency absorption in gold nanoparticle suspensions

Understanding the failure to understand New Product Development failures: mitigating the uncertainty associated with innovating new products by combining scenario planning and forecasting

Exploring the forms of sociality mediated by innovative technologies in retail settings

Investigating market orientation and positioning in star-rated hotels in Ghana

Testing possibilities: on negotiating writing practices in a 'postdigital' age (tools and methods)

The IWW in Turin: ‘Militant history’, workers’ struggle and the crisis of Fordism in 1970s Italy

The forgotten emotion: an interpretative phenomenological analysis into the lived experience of anger in young men

Joy and laughter in the therapy room: a grounded theory study

Being large: An interpretive phenomenological enquiry into the lived world of problematic weight

The intersubjective arena of the psychotherapy for psychosis: a phenomenological account of therapists’ experiences

Union membership and charitable giving in the United States

Pragmatics in legal interpretation

Happiness in higher education

Education reform in New York City (2002-2013)

Exploring the phenomenology of clinical and non-clinical depression: a Q-methodological study

A Robot Operating System (ROS) based humanoid robot control

Conflict, commerce and contact: Gestalt theory and conflict resolution

Human resource management for the Cypriot National Guard: a critical analysis

A framework for distributed interaction in intelligent environments

Supporting context-aware engineering based on stream reasoning

Registered Replication Report: Rand, Greene & Nowak (2012)

Leading gender and sexuality in social work

Karikaturum - Surgut Fine Art Museum, Surgut Russia

Tate in Focus: From the Freud Museum 1991–6 by Susan Hiller

Abuelas - Museo de Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda Buenos Aires Argentina

Entropy measure of credit risk in highly correlated markets

A review of the practice of work-based learning (WBL) at higher education level in the UK

Mobile femtocell utilisation in LTE vehicular environment: vehicular penetration loss elimination and performance enhancement

Competition intensity and fatigue in elite fencing

Scratch nights and hash-tag chats: creative tools to enhance choreography in the higher dance education curriculum

Exploring the dimensions of place branding: an application of the ICON model to the branding of Toronto

Dallo stato multinazionale allo spazio transnazionale. Migrazioni, mobilità del lavoro e rapporti di classe nello spazio post-sovietico

To immerse or not? Experimenting with two virtual retail environments

Promoting Mental Health: the economic case

Economic value of ecosystem services, minerals and oil in a melting Arctic: a preliminary assessment

Investigating the adequacy of support for bilingual learners in further education

Towards a framework for identifying attitudes and intentions to music acquisition from legal and illegal channels

Rohit Parikh on logic, language and society

Speaking being: language, body, and the construction of a world in Heidegger and Lacan

An audit of the organisation Mothertongue multi-ethnic counselling service

Drug policy-making in Sri Lanka 1984-2008: people, politics and power

Residents' attitudes and the adoption of pro-tourism behaviours: the case of developing island countries

Cartoon Contest Satyrykon

Snort-based intrusion detection system for practical computer networks: implementation and comparative study

Cultivating the brand-customer relationship in Facebook fan pages: a study of fast- fashion industry

Law in popular belief: myth and reality

'The bottom line is that the problem is you': aesthetic labour, postfeminism and subjectivity in Russian self-help literature

Hoarding Disorder: new horizons

Is Context-aware Reasoning = Case-based Reasoning?

Gamete donors’ reasons for, and expectations and experiences of, registration with a voluntary donor linking register

How do women's self-report symptoms impact on identification of perinatal mental health problems

Serving the empire: P&O, design, identity and representation (1837-1969)

Designing precise and flexible graphical modelling languages for software development

Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of red clover extract and red grape seed extract on human adult malignant brain tumours in vitro

EU promotion of the use of alternative dispute resolution in “consumer disputes”

Lines in the Landscape Residency 2017 - Sidney Nolan Trust

Eliciting real-life social networks: a guided tour

A study of the inhibition of biofilm formation on multiple surfaces by a biosurfactant containing four discrete lipopeptides

Integration of nonmarket and market activities in cross-border mergers and acquisitions

The siren call of probability: dangers associated with using probability for consideration of the future

Being human/being queer: a Lacanian perspective on queer praxis

Lost England [16th International Triennial of Small Graphics forms Poland - Lodz 2017]

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

The psychological well-being and maternal-fetal bonding of surrogates

Russian-speaking diaspora in Turkey: the geopolitics of migration in the Black Sea region

What do they know of law who only cop shows know?

The use of meditation to inculcate resilience in students of clinical legal education

Fake it until you make it: prefigurative practices and the extrospection of precarity

Comprehending Isabelle/HOL's consistency

Becoming a pilgrim: the lived experience of men who become therapists following a former career

How do clients experience a preordained ending in medium-term psychotherapy? A phenomenological enquiry

Acculturation and food consumption of South Asian diaspora in the UK: moderating influence of Religious identity and the neighbourhood

A City Out of Old Songs: the influence of ballads, hymns and children’s songs on an Irish writer and broadcaster

A qualitative evaluation of the 3C model as an approach for blended (e)Learning institutional change

Co-creating workforce capability solutions for Australian businesses and organisations: a sustainable university response

A case study (from a not-for-profit perspective) of a pathway to achieving higher levels of engagement and commitment between government and the community

Unbreakable bones: Christian mission and the resilience of Temi culture

Incarnational Reality as an approach to missional theological education and training

Comparative characterisations of Jesus and the disciples in the Gospel of Mark, with special reference to ancient oral narration

Defending divine unity in the Muslim milieu: the Trinitarian and Christological formulations of Abū al-Faraj ‘Abd Allāh Ibn al-Ṭayyib and Iliyyā of Nisibis

Cultivating well-being in law students: meditation as a tool for enhancing resilience

Preferences of smart shopping channels and their impact on perceived wellbeing and social inclusion

An assessment of donor funded development programmes of the Anglican Church of Tanzania in the Dodoma region from 1986 - 2010

It could not have been otherwise: an articulation and defense of divine source compatibilism

Non-orthogonal multiple access schemes for next-generation 5G networks: a survey

Practitioner research for librarians: a DProf case study

Politics of the female body, reproductive rights and its health consequences amongst South Asian women: psychological impact of commercial surrogacy amongSouth Asian women

Sketch Open 2017

'Slums' and the Sanitary Inspectors: the interwar period 1918-1939

Pioneers in public health: lessons from history

History or not: addressing omissions in the retelling of art's stories (roundtable discussion)

Maximizing total job value on a single machine with job selection

Interrogating sustainable productivism: lessons from the ‘Almerían miracle’

RE Originals Prints 2017

Geopolitical developments and existing fora for de-escalating conflict

World Politics: International Relations and Globalisation in the 21st Century

Antecedents to strong identification with fan communities of human brands

Disability discrimination: recasting the parameters of proprietary rights?

1st International Cartoon and Caricature Exhibition

Lipoxin A4 selectively programs the profile of M2 tumor-associated macrophages which favour control of tumor progression

16th International Conference on Electrical Bio-impedance and 17th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) [Editorial]

Emerging applications of nanotechnology for diagnosis and therapy of disease: a review

Staying alive: anima and objet a

The Hum: Audio App and related Films

The Hum

Enhanced vermiremediation of hydrocarbon contamination using biosurfactant

Symbolic verification of event–condition–action rules in intelligent environments

Chain reaction: how inspiration for us became inspiration for others

The impact of Self-Generated Images in online pornography

Impacts of congregation-based HIV/AIDS programmes In Lusaka, Zambia: how abstinence and marital fidelity efforts function in overall strategies addressing HIV/AIDS

Strategies enhancing the public health role of community pharmacists in the UK

Designing an English-Romanian glossary of English Criminal Law for interpreters and legal professionals using electronic corpora

Towards an existential phenomenological family therapy model of working with issues of alcohol abuse: a grounded theory study

Host country employees' ethnic identity confirmation: evidence from interactions with ethnically similar expatriates

Remote warfare and the characterisation of armed conflict under international humanitarian law

Pre-emptive mourning against the bomb: exploded domesticities in art informed by feminism and anti-nuclear activism

The acute effects of heavy sled towing on subsequent sprint acceleration performance

Modelling of colour appearance of textured colours and smartphones using CIECAM02

Exploring how males who encounter phenomena they identify as ‘Conversion Disorder’/’Functional Neurological Disorder’ experience agency in their lives

Working memory and food-related decision making

'A band of Evangelists, native and "foreign"': the story of Japanese initiatives in indigenizing the Japan Evangelistic Band 1903-1940

The value of art: an investigation of the ‘value for money’ audit for the performing arts

Individualization and marketization of responsibility for gender equality: the case of female managers in China

Another story: what public opinion data tell us about refugee and humanitarian policy

Electronic waste – an emerging global environmental and health challenge in the 21st century

Enhanced antimicrobial activity based on a synergistic combination of sublethal levels of stresses induced by UV-A light and organic acids

Union renewal in historical perspective

Responding to university policies and initiatives: The role of reflexivity in the mid-career academic

A whole-system approach to high-performance green buildings [Book review]

The enduring yod: an examination of Torah observance in the prophetic ministry and teaching of Jesus

Examining the influence of corporate website favourability on corporate image, corporate reputation, consumer company identification and loyalty: a study of consumers’ perception in the context of the financial setting in the United Kingdom and Russia

48th Yokosuka Peace Exhibition of Art

Picturing the child: from photographic images to painting

‘Thinking under fire’: managing therapeutic boundaries in inner-city secondary schools

Diaspora tourism and well-being: a eudaimonic view

RISC-KIT synthesis report

Term admissions to neonatal units in England: a role for transitional care? A retrospective cohort study

Essays on delegation and social norms

Executive performance: a framework for executive coaching in Uganda

To be or not to be? – An empirical study on dual-class share structure of US listed Chinese companies

Aiming for a seamless service for the baby with jaundice

Determinants of FDI in the GCC countries: an empirical analysis


Homenaje al Papa Francisco-Papa Tango Museo De Humor Grafico Dioge

Silver Studio textiles

'Inexpensive but not cheap': the methodological challenges of wallpaper in working class interiors

'I am a magazine'

Software defined networking for wireless sensor networks: a survey

Trends in obesity and diabetes across Africa from 1980 to 2014: an analysis of pooled population-based studies

Trust and distrust in contradictory information transmission

Heuristics for ethical development and use of MOOCs

Examining the interaction between fourth estate and Twitter: an exploratory case study

Festival dell'Economa 2017

Science and technology networks: a helping hand to boost implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030?

Insight/inside learning: a participatory app for analysing the effectiveness of school environments

Improved multi-user interaction in a smart environment through a preference-based conflict resolution virtual assistant

Overthrowing the dictator: a game-theoretic approach to revolutions and media

Existential time-limited therapy: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of existential counselling psychologists and psychotherapists providing therapy in time-limited contexts

Corporate Reputation [Special Issue of International Studies of Management & Organization]

Guest editors' introduction: the state of the art on corporate reputation: a special section

An inquiry into the nature of therapeutic space in palliative care groups, working with nature and imagination

Intrusion Detection System for detecting internal threats in 6LoWPAN

Managing software uninstall with negative trust

Visual comparative case analytics

Antonio Gramsci: a pedagogy to change the world

What is it like to survive near-death? An interpretative phenomenological study of the experience of surviving sudden cardiac arrest

A mediator in Matthew: an analysis of the Son of Man’s function in the first Gospel

Capital punishment in South Asia (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh): a legal analysis

Using the split squat to potentiate bilateral and unilateral jump performance

Security and privacy requirements engineering for human centric IoT systems using eFRIEND and Isabelle

Formal modeling and analysis with humans in infrastructures for IoT health care systems

Crispr/Cas9 gene editing reveals novel tertiary constraints in clustered mirna processing

Insider threats for auctions: formalization, mechanized proof, and code generation

Cooperative object transport with a swarm of e-puck robots: robustness and scalability of evolved collective strategies

Neuron-based control mechanisms for a robotic arm and hand

Formal reasoning on infinite data values: an ongoing quest

ProEva: runtime proactive performance evaluation based on continuous-time markov chains

Analyzing APIs documentation and code to detect directive defects

The packing chromatic number of the infinite square lattice is between 13 and 15

The weighted scales of economic justice

Exposición fetal a la testosterona, D2:D4 y altruismo estratégico

Developing a comprehensive information security framework for mHealth: a detailed analysis

Admission control and buffer management of wireless communication systems with mobile stations and integrated voice and data services

Elucidating the intra-species proteotypes of pseudomonas aeruginosa from cystic fibrosis

Subtyping of Staphylococcus spp. Based upon MALDI-TOF MS data analysis

Determination of antimicrobial resistance using tandem mass spectrometry

Dynamic probabilistic linear discriminant analysis for video classification

Microbial DNA analysis by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Soundness and completeness proofs by coinductive methods

Friends with benefits: implementing corecursion in foundational proof assistants

A proof-theoretic trust and reputation model for VANET

Understanding collaboration in Global Software Engineering (GSE) teams with the use of sensors: introducing a multi-sensor setting for observing social and human aspects in project management

Gender inequality and disabled inclusivity in accounting higher education and profession during financial crisis

The impact of international financial reporting standards adoption on earnings management: evidence from EU countries

Exploring a security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments


Exploring disorganized attachment style among Malay mothers in Malaysia: a study using the Attachment Style Interview

The emergence of social media and its impact on SME performance

Writing a business plan: a practical guide

Importance of the fund management company in the performance of socially responsible mutual funds

Elaborating the frames of data-frame theory

A formalized general theory of syntax with bindings

Foundational nonuniform (co)datatypes for higher-order logic

Taking a case to the European Court of Human Rights [4th ed.]

Energy-efficient vertical handover parameters, classification and solutions over wireless heterogeneous networks: a comprehensive survey

On the length of the longest head run

Editorial: Shining a light into an unexplored area of nursing: infertility and in vitro fertilisation

Why universities should seek happiness and contentment

The pedagogy of compassion at the heart of higher education

Exploring the efficacy of adaptive safety for social sustainability in construction supply chain management

Psychological Contracts in Coaching

The effect of applying pressure to the LIV3 and LI4 on the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: a randomized clinical trial

22nd International Cartoon Exhibition

Microsoft Academic is one year old: the Phoenix is ready to leave the nest

Foreword to Darkness Over Germany

Governing body nurses' experiences of clinical commissioning groups: an observational study of two clinical commissioning groups in England

An analysis on controlling humanoid robot arm using Robot Operating System (ROS)

An integrated security Protocol communication scheme for Internet of Things using the Locator/ID Separation Protocol Network

An empirical and theoretical investigation of kleptoparasitic foraging behaviour in mixed-species aggregations of gulls (Laridae)

Hitler’s musical 'Tabula Rasa' - Restitution - Restoration

Age discrimination in financial services. A comparative study between Italy, UK and Austria

Tackling the slums: Inspectors of Nuisance and the Sanitary Inspectors: part 1, 1848-1914 [Blog post]

Understanding trans-border career trajectories: Post-Soviet women professionals in London

The attributes of long-serving counselling volunteers in the Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong

The integration of mobile learning app-based quiz-games in higher education teaching of anatomical sciences

The emergence of altruism as a social norm

Internal determinants of return on equity: case of the UAE commercial banks

Developing inclusive care home environments for older LGBT people: a pilot scheme in England

The giants of the international judiciary: towards a humanization of the law of nations

Is it any wonder? On commissioning an ‘uncommissioned’ atmosphere: a reply to Hillary and Sumartojo

Lonely in a crowd: invited commentary on Webber and Frendt-Newlin (2017). A review of social participation interventions for people with mental health problems

Tackling the slums: Addison and the Sanitary Inspectors: part 2, 1914-1939 [Blog post]

Introduction: collaborative production in the creative industries

The cultural economy of auteurship in independent publishing: the symbolic success of the photobook Ponte City

Collaborative production in the creative industries

Effects of physical activity on debilitating behaviours in 13- to 20-year-old males with severe autism spectrum disorder

Landscapes (British Wastelands Paintings & Lot Landscape Drawing)

Handwork rendered expeditious: the Rottmann-Silver stencil venture of the 1890s

A multi-method investigation into physical activity in middle-age through a lifecourse perspective

Dark play in digital playscapes

Language in international business: a review and agenda for future research

Understanding bankruptcy: global issues, perspectives and challenges

Evaluating interactive visualization of multidimensional data projection with feature transformation

Node overlap removal by growing a tree

Film work exhibited in 'On aime l’art…!!', Collection Lambert, Avignon

"We can remember it for you": location, memory, and commodification in social networking sites

Understanding and using cross-professional supervision

Political violence and crime

Networks of Greed

Social media adoption in higher education: a case study involving IT/IS students

Social networks users: fear of missing out in preservice teachers

Towards a psychoanalytic theory of financial corruption

Exploring the link between consumers’ engagement and e-word of mouth in social media brand communities: a path analysis

Metal water-sediment interactions and impacts on an urban ecosystem

The performance of banks in the MENA region during the global financial crisis

The experience of losing a sibling in adult life: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

A psychotherapeutic perspective of the lived experience of leaders during a period of transition

Environmental risk assessment for an informal e-waste recycling site in Lagos State, Nigeria

The potential implications of reclaimed wastewater reuse for irrigation on the agricultural environment: the knowns and unknowns of the fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes – a review

Acknowledging but transcending gender at work: applying the model of lifetime disadvantage and vulnerability theory to women’s poverty in retirement

Breaking through: developing minority leaders

Refraction interference elimination employing smart arrays at VHF

A randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating quality of life in women with primary dysmenorrhea using a simple acupressure protocol

Social failures of EU enlargement: a case of workers voting with their feet' [Book review]

The gig economy and the future of work

Avoidance of the real and anxiety about the unreal: attachment style and video-gaming

Freedom of expression, blasphemy and religious hatred: a view from the United Kingdom

Islamic headscarves and the CJEU: Achbita and Bougnaoui

Freedom of expression and religious hate speech in Europe

Service quality, satisfaction, and customer loyalty in Airbnb accommodation in Thailand

Surrogate motherhood families

Catch 22? Disclosing assisted conception treatment at work

The ambiguous ambivalence of feminist textiles

The influence of internal corporate governance mechanisms on capital structure decisions of Chinese listed firms

Women and sexual violence, paths to healing: resistance, rebellion, resilience and recovery

Factors that help or hinder personal recovery in people with a schizophrenia diagnosis: a different sort of 'therapeutic' relationship

The formation of a prosperity theology that takes full account of an ‘ideal’ considered hermeneutical strategy in the light of the strengths and weaknesses of the hermeneutics of Word-faith and non-Word-faith prosperity teaching

Cities, the social economy and inclusive growth

Nature-inspired computing and optimization: theory and applications

Putting you in the picture: what do the arts have to offer in social work supervision?

Developing inclusive care home environments for older LGBT people: a pilot scheme in England

National Original Print Exhibition

Homenaje a Condorito

Unpacking how digital endorsement of sports celebrities affects fan behavior

Exploring antecedents and consequences of service co-creation within subscription based music platforms: an integrated approach

Arab women employment in the United Arab Emirates: exploring opportunities, motivations and challenges

Optimisation of relay placement in wireless butterfly networks

Meaning-making and urban heritage tourism

Sickness, "sin" and discrimination: Examining a challenge for UK mental health nursing practice with lesbian, gay and bisexual people

Augmenting bug localization with part-of-speech and invocation

A question of ageing

Poetics of Place

Japanese, French and British Printmaking Show

Carrying capacity and tourist interaction: a case study of four European museums

Dialectic thinking of social media and city tourism marketing

Interacting with academic institutions

A review of the basic elements, organizational and theoretical foundations of work-based learning (WBL) in the higher education

27th Edition Humour at ...Gura Humorului

The professional is personal: an evaluative inquiry into the experience of setting up and managing a university counselling service

From the intransitive to the transitive: emerging the Australian tax profession as a profession in its own right

From data to knowledge: Tableau dashboards as boundary objects in the knowledge ecology of a university

The meaning and experience of receiving HIV post-test psychological counselling by African childbearing migrant women from a culturally appropriate counselling model in comparison to classical western models: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

The problem of pain: a heuristic and structural existential analysis of unexplained physical pain

See no evil, print no evil: the criminalization of free speech in DMZ

Buying British

Estimation of thorax shape for forward modelling in lungs EIT


Torso shape detection to improve lung monitoring

Rapid generation of subject-specific thorax forward models

Nanoparticle electrical impedance tomography

Absorption and optimal plasmonic resonances for small ellipsoidal particles in lossy media

Challenging the status quo in health and safety through sensible risk management research

A role for academia in improving health, safety and well-being in the workplace

What happens before we say 'Hello? An exploration of psychotherapists’ experiences of the emerging implicit during the assessment process

Enhancing Horizon Scanning by utilizing pre-developed scenarios: analysis of current practice and specification of a process improvement to aid the identification of important 'weak signals'

Two accounts of censure

Social Censure and Critical Criminology: After Sumner

Thinking critically about rapport and collusion in feminist research: relationships, contexts and ethical practice

A proof calculus for attack trees in Isabelle

Risk communication as a strategy to combat maternal mortality in Nigeria: a case study in Rivers State

Using robot operating system (ROS) and single board computer to control bioloid robot motion

Understanding the effect of smart retail brand - consumer communications via mobile instant messaging (MIM) - an empirical study in the Chinese context

Concluding thoughts: observation looking forward


From observation, via reflection, to practice: psychoanalytic baby and young child observation and the helping professions

Defining spirituality for the purposes of interdisciplinary research

Preparing a dissertation: legal research methods and methodology

Time management for postgraduate research and the use of meditation to enhance resilience

A comparative analysis of US and UK constitutions

The impact of Brexit on the constitution of the UK

Public international law: general principles

Time management and the enhancement of personal and professional efficacy

Globalisation and the decline of the labour share: a microeconomic perspective

An analysis of identity-based and security-oriented Russian foreign policy in relation to Syria

Research on work and family – some issues and challenges

Promoting Safeguarding - self-determination, involvement and engagement in adult safeguarding

The value and significance of corporate community relations: an Italian SME perspective

Information technology directors' efforts on innovation, integrated marketing communications and brand equity

Corporate e-communication: its relationship with the corporate logo in the construction of digital interaction platforms

Rethinking Bernstein communication wheel: a re-visitation of a communication tool

Why leadership style matters: a closer look at transformational leadership and internal marketing

Celebrating pioneering and contemporary feminist approaches to studying gender in early childhood

Does the innovation-orientation lead to retail industry growth? Empirical evidence from patent analysis

A cross-continental study on children's drawings of football players: implications for understanding key issues and controversies in human figure drawings

Obesity and cardiovascular risk factors: results of a unique approach to NHS health checks

Transgender students in post-compulsory education: a systematic review

The end of the road for human rights in private landowners' disputes?

Deleuze and psychoanalysis

(De-)personalization of mediated political communication: comparative analysis of Yugoslavia, Croatia and the UK from 1945 to 2015

The first time for everything: political advertising in a new member state

Enhancing the online decision-making process by using augmented reality: a two country comparison of youth markets

A new revolutionary practice: operaisti and the 'refusal of work' in 1970's Italy

Querying histories of organisation simulations

Making a Difference with Psychology

Socio-economic inequalities in health among older adults in two rural sub-districts in India and Bangladesh: a comparative cross-sectional study

The ethics of violence in the Kung Fu comedy

Jackie Chan vs. Walter Benjamin: postcolonial “Utopias of the Body” in Kung Fu comedy

Marvel’s Daredevil: Ninjas, Blind Swordsmen and the Oriental Obscene

Employability for professional practice through research: the Partnership for Innovative Practitioner Engagement in Research (PIPER)

Illicit financial flows and sustainable development: reflections on economic liberalisation, globalisation and the rule of law at national and international levels

The writing’s on the wall: #QC against decipherability

PMC Mini Print 2017

Cave Animal

What were you thinking of? Jung as a symptomatologist

The challenges of employee resourcing: the perceptions of managers in Nigeria

Thinkers in Residence: An EBook for Thinking

Surviving Work in the UK

Exploring the value of defence jobs in the UK

Detecting dynamical changes in vital signs using switching Kalman filter

Exercise to preserve β-cell function in recent-onset Type 1 diabetes mellitus (EXTOD) - a randomized controlled pilot trial

RCA Secret 2017

Gaming to understand: how games might help carers support loved ones in palliative care

The unexpected path: how animation might be used to help carers interpret restricted expressions in their patients

Soothing pain through animation: the opportunities for the animator’s art to treat pain through the medium of Virtual Reality simulations

Salon Digenes Taboroda Argentina 2017

Making the VR leap: Exploring opportunities for animators to enter and explore their art and creativity within the world of Virtual Reality

Histories of violence: outrage, identification and analytic work

Antibiofilm effect of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol-co-Ethylene) Halamine film against Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli O157:H7

Double standards and the quest for justice

Integrated approach to correcting the high-bar back squat from "excessive forward leaning"

Fair trade learning

Perceptions of physiotherapists of their role in reducing pain and increasing, function, strength and flexibility in patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Confluence: Public Art and the Thames / A Conversation with Six Artists

The Unlimited Edition Live!

Places in Flux and the Place for Art

Active energy: Three Mills - project launch

The Things that Make You Sick

Spirituality and law: reflections on the universality of humanitarian concern

Guest editors' introduction: smart interaction with consumers: from co-creation to smart partnership

Book review: The Law on Terrorism: The UK, France and Italy Compared

Living Stones

Identity and difference - re-thinking UK South Asian entrepreneurship

Toward on-demand deep brain stimulation using online Parkinson’s disease prediction driven by dynamic detection

Value co-creation through multiple shopping channels: the interconnections with social exclusion and wellbeing

The Tibetan diaspora and the politics of belonging in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, USA)

Towards environmental sustainability in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria: a theological framework for broader involvement of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

A retrospective study: How do clinical psychologists in southern Israel perceive their relationships with their supervisors as trainees in the psychodynamic paradigm?

Diversity and inclusion for LGBT workers: current issues and new horizons for research

Queer business: queering organisation sexualities

Queering lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender identities in human resource development and management education contexts

The prosecution of war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Life coaching law students: A holistic approach to motivation and engagement


The experience of taking anti-psychotic medication for schizophrenia: a thematic analysis of online video chat interviews

An investigation as to how a computerised multimedia intervention could be of use for practitioners supporting learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Within - and between - session reliability of the spider drill test to assess Change of Direction Speed in youth tennis athletes

Biabduction (and related problems) in array separation logic

Financial crime: institutional and anti-institutional violence

How analysts think: sense-making strategies in the analysis of temporal evolution and criminal network structures and activities

Risk map as a library management information dashboard: a case study in adapting a configural display

BBC Radio 4 Archive on Four: The Mind in the Media

Renegotiating the contract: Comment on The WPA-Lancet Psychiatry Commission on the Future of Psychiatry

The Masters - 'One Off'- Bankside London

Being opened: a hermeneutic phenomenological enquiry into the existential psychotherapist’s lived experience of wonder

Breath detection using short-time Fourier transform analysis in electrical impedance tomography

Parameter studies on optimal absorption and electrophoretic resonances in lossy media

Editorial [introduction: Sustainable Place Marketing]

Discrimination and the law (2nd ed.)

Metal water-sediment interactions and impacts on an urban ecosystem

Doing social network ethics: a critical, interdisciplinary approach

Adaptation or conflict? Responses to climate change in water management in Bangladesh

Transformational classroom leadership and workplace engagement: exploring the relationship

The clearing of being: a phenomenological study of openness in psychotherapy

A new approach to SuDS adoption in the UK

An impact assessment for urban stormwater use

The fate of bezafibrate, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin and clarithromycin in the wastewater treatment process

Parliaments as compliance partners in the European Convention on Human Rights system

Greek cultural adaption and validation of the Kujala anterior knee pain scale in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome

The use of Bioptron light (polarized, polychromatic, non-coherent) therapy for the treatment of acute ankle sprains

Corporate social and environmental disclosure: evidence from Saudi Arabia

The role of courts in adjudicating human rights violations by transnational corporations

The impact of international human rights on women’s rights in the United Arab Emirates: progress towards gender equality

A Polanyian tack: political implications

Workforce development: is there a paradigm shift?

A comparison of eligibility trace and momentum on SARSA in continuous state- and action-space

Innovation in consumer-computer-interaction in smart retail settings

A cross-cultural perspective on mothers’ attitudes on sharing information with the teachers on which child has been conceived by egg donation

The radicalization of democracy: conflict, social movements and terrorism

Tourists, mobilities and paradigms

Introduction: mass tourism in a small world

Mass tourism in a small world

Green supply chain management: an investigation on the construction sector

International Satirical Picture Competition, Karpik, Niemodlin, Poland

Assessing the legitimacy of flood risk governance arrangements in Europe: insights from intra-country evaluations

Factors influencing the initiation of smokeless tobacco consumption among low socioeconomic community in Bangladesh: a qualitative investigation

A new conceptual framework for the evaluation of L&D programmes

What happened to the border? The role of mobile information technology devices on employees' work-life balance

An empirical note on perceptions of partial apologies

Development of an information sheet providing rapport advice for interpreters in police interviews

On getting inside the judge’s mind

Masters of Caricature, Plovdiv

11th International Zagreb Car Cartoon Exhibit 2017

United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals: necessary or avoidable? An analysis of the different options for the residual functions of the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals

Enforcement of foreign arbitral awards: a London perspective

Cultural democracy

For Walls with Tongues

Sponsorship of case study competitions and impact on brand equity-an exploratory study in the UAE higher education sector

Visualization of analytic provenance for sensemaking

Resilience: part of the problem or part of the solution?

Myths and misinformation: what are the myths and misinformation about choosing to study arts subjects and how can we dispel them?

SMASHfestUK Earth and Sky Tour 2017

SMASHfestUK 2017 - Supervolcano!

Keeping Sketchbooks 2017

Suspicious perinatal death and the law: criminalising mothers who do not conform

Love & revolution in higher education

No fear of depths: a study of unsettling seas, pirates, children and risk in visual arts and literature

Enhancing the resilience of children and young people in a risky world

"The values of savagery": pathologies of child and pet play in avant-garde visual culture

Digital technology: coming of age?


Corporate governance and performance of Saudi banks: 2010-2015

Organizations should know their people: a behavioral economics approach

A discursive analysis of women’s femininities within the context of Tunisian tourism

Journalism: finding its space in a new university. An exploration of how journalism education has developed within the University of the West of Scotland

Degrees by Independent Learning: a case study of practice at Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, New Zealand

A survey of the benefits and issues arising from the deployment of physical artefacts in computer science teaching

Territorial capital and firm performance: evidence from Italian regions

Early Years Training and Qualifications in England: Issues for policy and practice

Early Years Teacher and Early Years Educator: a scoping study of the impact, experiences and associated issues of recent early years qualifications and training in England

Targets and evidence in teacher education: solely for assessment and accountability or do they serve a genuine educational purpose?

Experimenting to find more generative approaches to/within/for early childhood education

Doing mapping becoming in early childhood research

Revisiting professionalism and reconfiguring quality in early childhood education

"Quick, come! There is something really Chinese-y going on in the baby room right now": towards generative research practices in early childhood

Affective methodologies in early childhood research: adventures in ethical recklessness?

Opening Pandora's box: postmodernist perspectives of childhood

Age of Acquisition (AoA) effect in monolingual Russian and bilingual Russian (L1) - English (L2) speakers in a free recall task

Early career research workshop: the secret life of journal articles: selecting, writing, reviewing, revising

Third-wave missionary leaders in contemporary Yakland: an analysis of six malfeasance and leadership formation cases using a maturity-support approach

The neural cognitive architecture

Contemporary research and issues on cognitive processes involved in visual word recognition: the case of Turkish orthography

Ultra-high resolution X-ray structures of two forms of human recombinant insulin at 100 K

Investigation of Lakanal House Fire

Urge to Paint

Borderless skies! Sovereign dominance, regionalism: lessons from Europe

The rise of the drones: Framework and governance – why risk it!


Partisan Welfare - group phantasy as social infrastructure

29th Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'arte (29th Festival of Humour in Art)

5th International Open Printmaking Show

The skies the limit! Collaborating to open the skies with China – challenges and opportunities

"Mobility and movement are ‘our’ fundamental rights” . . . Safety & security – risk, choice & conflict!

Chinese banking reform: from the pre-WTO to financial crisis and beyond

Governing body nurses' experiences of clinical commissioning groups: an observational study of two clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in England

Defining enforced disappearance as a crime against humanity

Lexico-semantic processing in adult monolingual Russian and bilingual Russian (L1) - English (L2) Speakers

Building a sense of belonging: exploring the design relationship between people and places

An exploration of nurses' experiences of caring for people from different cultures in Ireland

Human agency and capability: a bottom-up perspective from North Central Nigeria

Bone mineral density in vocational and professional ballet dancers

Crossing the line: establishing counselling training in hard to reach and marginalised communities


Design and psychometric evaluation of the Quality of Life in patients with Anal Fistula Questionnaire

Perceptions about the sexuality of women with fibromyalgia syndrome: a phenomenological study

The class politics of prejudice: Brexit and the land of no-hope and glory

Pelvic floor dysfunction and polycystic ovary syndrome

Facilitating and inhibiting factors related to treatment adherence in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a qualitative study

A randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating quality of life when using a simple acupressure protocol in women with primary dysmenorrhea

‘The skies the limit!’: Open Skies – with limitations!

Expatriate adjustment

The Child, the Emperor, and the Fabulous Clothes: Constructing a theory of how interpersonal difficulty in gifted adults arises, is perpetuated, and can be overcome

XIX international Open Cartoon contest - Money 2017 Zielona Gora, Poland

Engaging through disaster: reaching new audiences with SMASHfestUK

Modelling the joint impact of R&D and ICT on productivity: a frontier analysis approach

The determinants of foreign currency hedging: does foreign currency debt induce a bias?

Foreign currency derivatives versus foreign currency debt and the hedging premium

Expert-intuitive and deliberative processes: struggles in (the wording of) creative decision-making in ‘dance’

Unpaid Britain: wage default in the British labour market

Running in circles, with “music” in mind

Transformative learning through university and prison partnership: an evaluation of the Middlesex University and HMP Wandsworth Prison module

Article 4 - L'interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains et dégradants

Young Innovator – SMASHfestUK Survival Village and Young Explainer Programme

Dreams in Medieval Islam

Identity, attachment and resilience: Exploring three generations of a Polish family

Lost and found: the Sarguẕasht-i Sayyid-nā. Facts and fiction of Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ’s travel to Egypt vis-à-vis the political and intellectual life of 5th/11th century Fāṭimid Cairo

The Best Humor Artist award 2017 Beijing China

Small picture show Bankside Gallery London

Bird communities in the buffer lands of Epping Forest

Digital childhood addressing childhood development milestones in the digital environment

Paddling the digital wave

A three-dimensional semantic of childhood and children’s rights

Children as storytellers. Using photographs to facilitate narratives in the classroom, promoting respect of cultural differences and intercultural dialogue

Policy Briefing: Developing inclusive care homes for older people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT)

Fellow Creature 360°

Assessing police privatisation in the United Arab Emirates

Analysis of financial strategies of 3PL companies in the GCC

Extractive industries as sites of supernormal profits and supernormal patriarchy?

Another look at E. P. Thompson and British Communism, 1937-1955

A systematic review and meta‑analysis of psychological predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies

Evaluación del riesgo de inundación a múltiples componentes en la costa del Maresme

To safeguard microgreens from contamination form Salmonella species

Fitness analysis of tetracycline resistant and sensitive Shigella flexneri in lethal and sub-lethal concentrations of tetracycline in Thames river water microcosms

High relative humidity pre-harvest reduces post-harvest proliferation of Salmonella in tomatoes

Use and perspectives of nitric oxide donors in agriculture

Fitness of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment: a laboratory activity

Involvement of etfA gene during CaCO3 precipitation in Bacillus subtilis biofilm

The Workfare State: Public Assistance Politics from the New Deal to the New Democrats, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, £65.00, pp. 336, hbk [Book review]

Greece’s competitiveness: A survey and concluding remarks

Output and unemployment: Estimating Okun’s Law for Greece


Democratization as validation of applied theatre and vice versa

Does competition enhance the learning process?

The Future of Therapy

Sublime dissension: A working-class Anti-Pygmalion aesthetics of the female grotesque

5th International Open Printmaking Show, Art at Wharepuke, New Zealand 2017-2018

A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies

The call of the open seas

The responsibility of the EU

Determining, scoring and presenting successful performance in professional rugby league

Organised and Terrorist Networks: Empirical Research Report

Political impression management through direct and mediated communication: The 2014/2015 Croatian presidential elections

Mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and hostility and help-seeking in the UK: a scoping review

Green criminology: shining a critical lens on environmental harm

Unpicking the Canon: Making (it), unmaking, and making do in textiles informed by feminism

Do textiles think?

Upper Egypt: a Shi’i ‘powerhouse’ in the Fatimid period?

Foraging habits, population changes, and gull-human interactions in an urban population of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) and Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus)

A story of rights: from word and conceptualisation to law and cultural narrative

Behavioural markers: bridging the gap between art of analysis and science of analytics in criminal intelligence

Population Ageing and Housing: evidence based, integrated services

Team performance indicators that predict match outcome and points difference in professional rugby league

The 6th Sejong International Cartoon Contest, Sejong, South Korea

34th Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Contest 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

The Digital Liberties cross-party campaign

Cinderella River: The evolving narrative of the River Lee

A survey on the evolution of the notion of context-awareness

Numeracy skills and the numerate environment: affordances and demands

Exploring technological solutions to research methods assessment: methodological storyboarding towards an MBA Dissertation

A formalized general theory of syntax with bindings

Foundational (co)datatypes and (co)recursion for higher-order logic

A sustainable ecosystem? Sourcing innovative IT talent in Bulgaria

Egregious human rights violations in Chechnya: appraising the pursuit of justice

Psychological well-being, maternal-foetal bonding and experiences of Indian surrogates

Stanislavsky in Nigeria: convergences and counterpoints in actor training and practice

Maintaining 'respect for spirituality' in a secular work environment: a biographical account of the career-life journey of a black female practitioner of declared faith

n.paradoxa's MOOC (Mass Open Online Course) on feminism and contemporary art. 10 lessons

The effective mentor, mentee and mentoring relationship

Works selected for the 48th Yokosuka Peace Exhibition of Art 2017

The SAGE handbook of mentoring

The mentoring cycle

Critical issues in mentoring research

The frictions of slow tourism mobilities: conceptualising campervan travel

Exploring gendered inclusion in contemporary organisations - ESRC

Reaching, engaging and bonding with voters on social media: the case of 2014/2015 Croatian presidential elections

Nationalistic authorship and resistance: performative politics in post-war Northeastern Sri Lanka

War, denial and nation-building in Sri Lanka: after the end

The impact of social capital and cultural knowledge on setting-up and operating a transnational business in Australia

The road to ruin(s): how to utilise historical and cultural resources for the benefit of the community

Experiences and perceptions of the Artistic Doctorate: A survey report. Artistic Doctorates in Europe (Erasmus Plus)

Leadership development to support quality improvement

A survey of intelligence analysts’ perceptions of analytic tools

Leadership matters?: Finding voice, meaning and connection in the 21st century

Melanie Reynolds, Infant Mortality and Working-Class Child Care, 1850-1899, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 [Book Review]

Zubin Mistry, Abortion in the Early Middle Ages c.500-900, Woodbridge: York Medieval Press, 2015 [Book Review]


Alkan, the 'orchestral' piano and Concerto for Piano Solo (Homage to Alkan)

Technology and the right to be present at trial

Some must go free: how head of state immunity at the International Criminal Court can lead to greater overall accountability

Right or duty? Is presence at trial a right or a duty in international criminal law?

Virtually there: technology and the right to be present at trial in international criminal law

La crisis de los derechos humanos: necesidad de un cambio de estrategia [Confidence crisis in human rights: the need of rethinking strategies]

Who, then, in [European] law, is my neighbour? Limiting the argument from external effects

The integration of Egyptian small farmers into agro-food global value chains: The role of MNEs in Egyptian agribusiness, the case of Heinz

Warum Lacan? Psychoanalyse und queer theory

Analysis of argyrin B binding at constitutive and immunoproteasome active sites using molecular modelling and kinetic assays

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in adults: ethical and legal perspectives: an overview on FASD for professionals , edited by Monty Nelson and Marguerite Trussler [Book review]

European Issues 451: systemic threats to the rule of law in Poland: between action and procrastination

Thinking justice outside the docket: a critical assessment of the reform of the EU's court system

Illiberalism within: rule of law backsliding in the EU

360 Cinematic literacy: a case study

Issues faced by vision-impaired users of interactive TV search facilities

Respect for human rights as a general objective of the EU's external action

Predicting fraud in mobile money transfer using case-based reasoning

Initializing probabilistic linear discriminant analysis

Robust low-rank tensor modelling using Tucker and CP decomposition

Behavior prediction in-the-wild

Temporal archetypal analysis for action segmentation

Audio-visual object localization and separation using low-rank and sparsity

The conflict escalation resolution (CONFER) database

Robust statistical frontalization of human and animal faces

Design for subjective wellbeing: towards a design framework for constructing narrative

Multilevel approximate robust principal component analysis

Robust joint and individual variance explained

Learning the multilinear structure of visual data

3D face morphable models "In-The-Wild"

How can we design tactile interactive software for argument construction in criminal intelligence analysis?

How analysts think: how do criminal intelligence analysts recognise and manage significant information?

Towards an instrument for measuring sensemaking and an assessment of its theoretical features

How analysts think: navigating uncertainty – aspirations, considerations and strategies

Using machine learning to infer reasoning provenance from user interaction log data: based on the data/frame theory of sensemaking

Project-based cooperative learning to enhance competence while teaching engineering modules

Apple cider vinegar (ACV®) displays antimicrobial activity directly against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albican proteins and in vitro monocytes exposed to microbes by inhibiting inflammatory cytokine secretion

Criminalising the right to hunt: European law perspectives on anti-hunting legislation

EPPIC - Exchanging Prevention practices on Polydrug use among youth in Criminal justice systems: WP4 National Report: England and Wales June 2017 Executive Summary

EPPIC - Exchanging Prevention Practices on Polydrug use among youth in Criminal Justice Systems: WP4 National Report: England and Wales June 2017

Research: Becoming a manager increases men’s job satisfaction, but not women’s

Clashing rights? Freedom of religion or belief and equality for LGBT people

Religious clothing and symbols in employment. A legal analysis of the situation in the EU member states

To promote, or not to promote Fundamental British values? Teachers' standards, diversity and teacher education


Text 2 Mind Map

Cybercrime and its victims

Place marketing for social inclusion

El Dano No Se Olvida: Impactos socioambientales en territorios de pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía norperuana afectados por las operaciones de la empresa Pluspetrol

Camionato Italiano 41 della Bugia, international cartoon contest

CERD, the State, mining corporations and indigenous people’ rights: the experience of the Subanon in the Philippines

Impact of Brexit on European economy

Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 gaming disorder proposal

Common carotid artery diameter, blood flow velocity and wave intensity responses at rest and during exercise in young healthy humans: a reproducibility study

Hyperoxia results in increased aerobic metabolism following acute brain injury

Access to credit as a tool for overcoming SME failures: a case of Sub Saharan Africa

Supply chain management challenges faced by landlocked countries - a case of Malawi

Biomimetic surface functionalization of clinically relevant metals used as orthopaedic and dental implants

Risk and safety in outdoor play

Public-private partnerships to improve primary healthcare surgeries: clarifying assumptions about the role of private provider activities

Cohort differences in exercise adherence among primary care patients referred for mental health versus physical health conditions

The parameterized complexity of positional games

The continuing utility of international human rights mechanisms? [Blog post]

Digital dangers and cyber-victimisation: a study of European adolescent online risky behaviour for sexual exploitation

Antitrust law and inequality - time for a paradigm change

Subject-object dialectics and social change

Postfeminism, queer and work

Queer Theory meets HRD Research and Practice

Transmitting Sunni learning in Fatimid Egypt: the female voices

Understanding policy change in flood risk management

The theory of perfective drift

Das merke des lesens: Blochs randbemerkungen zu Hegels phänomenologie des geistes

Remedy for corporate human rights abuses in transitional justice contexts

Mathematics for civil engineers: an introduction

Enter the Xiaozi: youth in the Hong Kong Kung Fu comedy film

Training and…borders

'We’re just gonna scribble it': The affective and social work of destruction in children’s art-making with different semiotic resources

Interview for The GLC Story

Interview and video in London Community Video Archive

Legislation that is and is not: the deeply problematic Repeal Bill [Blog post]

In terms of Brexit

The need for closer OSH and HR collaboration

An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

Forest of Plasticity

Moire in Sound

Special relationships: debates about black art in America impacted a later generation of black British artists

Jet Black Futures I

Your Story! Geschichten von Flucht und Migration (Stories of Flight and Migration)

Artistic strategies from the 1980s and beyond: Keith Piper

Reflecting on tactics of staging and translating in Minh-ha’s Surname Viet, Given Name Nam (1989), and the artist's own work

Black Artists and Modernism / women in collections

Desire Lines /Tarot & Chess/, BüroSarigedik - Bilsart, Istanbul

Toward an aesthetic of weightlessness: Qinggong and Wire-fu

RoCH Fans & Legends (e-book)

Liminal Crossing (2009) [video and sound installation in the exhibition: On Anam? Where are we going?]

Pentecost and Sinai: assessing Acts 2 through a Lukan literary pattern

Close Distance

Sighted: an overview

Feminist posters: 'Stuff This' Thinks Jane

Common Birds

Editorial: Recent advances of content understanding in image and multimedia

Social and solidarity economy: The world’s economy with a social face

Potential use and perspectives of nitric oxide donors in agriculture

Memoirs of solidarity

Digital technology as a tool for social regeneration: Web 2.0’s intended and unintended outcomes within a society

Software systems for data-centric smart city applications

Investigating the uses of corporate reputation and its effects on brand segmentation, brand differentiation and brand positioning: evidence from the Taiwanese pharmaceutical industry

Surprised or not surprised? The investors' reaction to the comprehensive assessment preceding the launch of the banking union

The Theatrum Mundi and Everyman/Everywoman: traditionalist dramaturgical devices in the contemporary stage Poetics of the author, James Martin Charlton

Paper Landscape #2

Light & Paint

Ayckbourn's Artificial People

Gagging for it: irony, innuendo and the politics of subversion in women’s comic performances on the London music hall stage

Treatise on musical objects: an essay across disciplines by Pierre Schaeffer; translated by Christine North and John Dack

Image 1: Dora Damage I Image 2: Woman in White III

Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study

Axiom; performance machine

A glimmer of accountability

The contemporary musician and the production of knowledge: practice, research, and responsibility

The mediating role of the piano in Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Kontakte für elektronische Klänge, Klavier und Schlagzeug

Piano Trio: for violin, cello and piano


Prado Florido (after Guerrero) [Score / CD]

Folto giardino: hybrid cross-pollination of score, performance, installation and technology

"Anything for the Right Picture" a SLASHSTROKE workshop Commissioned by Barbican as part of THE VULGAR - FASHIONED REDEFINED Exhibition

Workshop commissioned by Barbican for Basquait - "Boom For Real" as part of the "Too Young For What?" programme.

Artefacts: a multi-voiced collection of paraphernalia, documentation and reflection on the space and words for dancers work-week

Towards a British concept musical: the shows of Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse

Words and dance

"Even the ghost was more than one person": authorship and authorisation in I'm Not There


Bayadère The Ninth Life

Material men redux

Sonata for solo violin

Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics. Edited by Sirkku Aaltonen and Areeg Ibrahim . Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2016. Pp. 288 17 illus. £110 Hb [Book Review]

Preview presentation of Censored Realities, a book project by Alice Maude-Roxby and Stefanie Seibold

[Installations in Diaspora Pavilion, Palazzo Pisani Santa Marina]

Through the gate / an(g)archivery [paper]

Open pedagogy and student wellbeing: academic confidence building with Wikipedia assignments

Umbilical—the story of Oedipus, the story of Jocasta…

Don Favareau - congenor

The outsourcing of memory

Platform - conversations: Carte Blanche students 2017 - EN

Camilla Brown: In the public domain - a curators perspective

How blockchain is transforming the creative industries: copyright and rights management in the second era of the internet

Wrecked LP by PIG (photography and design by Stephen Lovell-Davis)

[Photographic prints in the Myth & Lore exhibition]

Remember, thou art clay

“VRification”: applying virtual reality to digital games

An experiment design: investigating VR locomotion & virtual object interaction mechanics

The impact of victim-perpetrator relationship, reputation, and initial point of resistance on officers’ responsibility and authenticity ratings towards hypothetical rape cases

Local multiplayer immersion affected by 3D stereoscopy

World pop drummer

The werewolf is a fearsome beast, or: how to draw a line under the human


To be or Bartleby - psychoanalysis and the crisis of immunity

Chris Shepherd Retrospective

Yours Faithfully Edna Welthorpe (Mrs) Online Teaching Resouce

Yours Faithfully Edna Welthorpe (Mrs)

Yours Faithfully Edna Welthorpe (Mrs) [the event]

Korea Town (installation) + The Korean Wave (performance)

At the Bar

How the personal remains political in photography today

Experiences from industry: Health and Safety effects and challenges on older people

Fire safety in construction management

Enhancing health and safety in the workplace

The criminality of the Catalan independence referendum

Brexit and human rights: an opportunity?

Discovering Europe

Human right or mere procedure? The presumption of innocence at the International Criminal Court'

A puzzling presumption: determining the presumption of innocence's place in the law

Criminal procedure vs human rights: a cyclical understanding

Joe Orton/Edna Welthorpe Interview on Martin Ballard show on BBC Leicester

Cultural heritage as economic value and social opportunity: SPINNA Circle

The economic field and the end of mass incarceration

Trump, torture and the United States’ obligations under international law [Blog post]

Trump’s travel bans and extreme vetting: how they violate basic human rights [Blog post]

The extent, variability and attitudes towards volunteering among nursing students: What are the implications for pedagogy in nurse education?

The extent, variability and attitudes towards volunteering among nursing students: Implications for pedagogy in nurse education

Recognising prior learning: a window onto what is wrong with higher education

The Comprehensive University: an alternative to social stratification by academic selection

Design History Society: Imagining the international: repositioning peripheral narratives in global design histories [Panel Session Chairs]

Timespace and international migration

Introduction: from time to timespace and forward to time again in migration studies

The Khan Mutiny

We were the sinners too

UK’s lost seat at the International Court of Justice: a reflection on the authority of the Security Council [Blog post]

El sistema universal de protección de derechos humanos

The rich, the rich, we gotta get rid of the rich

‘It’s not ideal’: Reconsidering ‘anger’ and ‘apathy’ in the Brexit vote among an invisible working class

Exploring the need for a suitable privacy framework for mHealth when managing chronic diseases

Reform of the UN human rights petitions system: an assessment of the UN human rights communications procedures and proposals for a single integrated system

William Lakin revisits the trashy Mediterranean resorts of his teens

Visualising the rise of populism with post-truth pictures: blurred lines

An investigation of optical methods for the mapping of microgradients of hydrogen-ion concentration within dental biofilms

Fifty years of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: a living instrument

Cyberspace, surveillance, law and privacy

'The right to privacy and the future of mass surveillance'

The role international human rights law in the protection of online privacy in the age of surveillance

Caring robots are here to help

Paving the way for culturally competent robots: a position paper

Does the truth come naturally? Time pressure increases honesty in one-shot deception games

Gender differences in moral judgment and the evaluation of gender-specified moral agents

Deliberation favours social efficiency by making people disregard their relative shares: evidence from USA and India

A social exchange perspective to understanding team creativity

The use of deceased controls in epidemiologic research: a systematic review

Improving the physical health needs of mental health service users

Physical health care needs in severe mental illness - 'screening and monitoring'

Physical health care needs in severe mental illness - 'screening and monitoring'

Monitoring physical health needs in severe mental illness "MH nurses' to do list"

Determinants of user adoption of egovernment services: the case of Greek local government

Life after suicide: psychotherapists and practitioners speak about their experiences of working with suicidal clients and the impact it has on them when their client dies

Set of portraits and book cover artwork for "Philosophy of the Surreal" by Gaston Bachelard

Doxorubicin combined with Alpha Mangostin as pro-apoptotic agents and as potential kinase inhibitors of acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Potential interactions of Alpha Mangostin with Doxorubicin as potential Kinase inhibitors on myeloid leukaemic cell line

Images resulting from a drawing and painting trip to Mauritius

Cat and mouse live show (animation and Rock n Roll and saxophone!!)

Stuttgart animation festival

Petrushka and L’enfant et les Sortileges

Chair and presenter at Musiceum: Museums as spaces for early childhood music-making

Experimenting to find more generative approaches to/within/for early childhood education

Mauritius drawing exhibition

Documenting through drawing during a field trip to Maurituis working with the Science and Technology Department in conjunction with Lee Durrell

Golem exhibition

Get-to-know: Scott Ramsay Kyle [Interview for LOVE on-line]

Interview: In the studio with Scott Ramsay Kyle

Scott Ramsay Kyle [Interview for Gay Times]

Art direction for 'Gods'

The doors and men of paradise

Just go and do It: A Blockchain technology "Live Project" for nascent music entrepreneurs

The networked record industry: how blockchain technology could transform the record industry

Last days of a white world

Digital unreason: Jordan Wolfson’s ‘Evil Jew’

Organised crime and illicit trade in Europe [Conference Report]

The UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: New challenges for EU equality law and governance

Diversity that we can hear: accent variation in the HE curriculum

(Old) age identities in everyday conversations of Greek Cypriot women

Exploring a security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments

Art > Process > Change 1977 – 2017

The antinomies of Fordism

Inside out, outside in [Review article]

The transmission-translation-transformation of Doris Humphrey's 'Two ecstatic themes' (1931)

Between the window and the screen: hiding in the light: Leon Golub's transparencies [Essay in retrospective exhibition catalogue]

Desperately seeking Cy: Mary Jacobus' reading Cy Twombly: poetry in paint, 2016 [Book review]

I do (not) challenge: Nancy Spero's war series

Balance sheet risk management in an ever more challenging context

Introduction: Creative practices/resistant acts

My heart, my heart: live poetry jukebox

Under erasure: Jenny Holzer's war paintings

Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure in developed and developing countries: a literature review

Women’s experiences of child custody in the context of intimate partner violence and abuse

The aesthetics of immersion in Punchdrunk's The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable

Estimating the value of service exports by destination from different parts of Great Britain: 2015

Structural brain correlates of interpersonal violence: systematic review and voxel-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies

A conceptual model for e-government adoption in Egypt

Spare part demand forecasting for consumer goods using installed base information

The virtual interactive relationship between BIM project teams: effective communication to aid collaboration in the design process

Predictive practices for heritage assets between virtual and physical

Feasibility of classification systems for usage of BIM on heritage assets

Estimates of energy intake and expenditure in elite female touch players during an international tournament.

Online sexual grooming: children as victims of online abuse

Your wisdom, our youth: postgraduate studies in punk

Punk pedagogies: music, culture and learning

Academia as subversion: the birth of the Punk Scholars Network

The first twenty cases under GATT article XX: tuna or shrimp dear?

Alcohol, power and public health: a comparative study of alcohol policy

A mixed-methods study exploring the characteristics and needs of long-stay patients in high and medium secure settings in England: implications for service organisation

Work-based learning: a learning strategy in support of the Australian Qualifications Framework

Corporate identity and social media: existence and extension of the organization

Parametric tracking across multiple cameras

Does e-learning alongside a social media platform enhance or hinder learning in clinical physiology - NET2017 Conference

Cartoons for seventh Cartoonale 'De Geus' 2017 in Belgium, on the theme of man and water

Reflections on public safety - a UK experience

And all around was darkness

Workbased research in action: nursing

Evaluating a nursing Erasmus exchange experience: reflections on the use and value of the Nominal Group Technique for evaluation

Gender-identity and sexuality in current sub-genres of British fantasy literature: do we have a problem?

IDee Jazz Festival: Aubrey Logan "Impossible"

Ask, seek, knock by Samuel Eagles' band Spirit [Album]

MOCDroid: multi-objective evolutionary classifier for Android malware detection

Extending the SACOC algorithm through the Nystrom method for dense manifold data analysis

EFG London Jazz Festival: Illegal Crowns + Sam Leak

Jazzy Sunday: Aubrey Logan (Postmodern Jukebox)

Nefertiti Jazz Club: Aubrey Logan

Registering ideology in the creation of social entrepreneurs: intermediary organizations, 'ideal subject' and the promise of enjoyment

Trump and Latin America: continuity and change

Latin America and the European Left

The law of Sukuk: Shari’a compliant securities

Performance analysis of listed companies in the UAE-using DEA Malmquist index approach

Creative Cardiff: utilising cultural mapping for community engagement

Expanded national database collection and data coverage in the FINDbase worldwide database for clinically relevant genomic variation allele frequencies

Active energy - Three Mills water wheel

Transdisciplinarity as a global anthropology of learning

Gig Reviews: Bearded Theory Spring Gathering, Convoy Cabaret Stage, Catton Park, Derbyshire, 25–28 May 2017

Book Reviews: Beyond No Future: Cultures Of German Punk, Mirko M. Hall, Seth Howes and Cyrus M. Shahan (eds) (2016) London: Bloomsbury, 170 pp., ISBN: 9781501314087, h/bk, £74.00 [Book Review]

Questioning compassion: exploring prejudices and presumptions over the concept of care [Book Review]

We've been here before

Market structure and competition in the banking industry: a review of literature

Investment in education under disappointment aversion

NHS workforce race equality standard. 2016 Data analysis report for NHS Trusts

Music for Masterplanning: the complete soundtracks

Collection Collective. Template for a Future Model of Representation (Exhibition at tranzit.sk, Bratislava, Slovakia) & Collection Collective. In the Future All Our Homes Will Be Museums (Public seminar at Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia) [Curator]

Casa Cerro: site, house, home


The state of the art in integrating Machine Learning into Visual Analytics

Incidental effects of automated retweeting: an exploratory network perspective on bot activity during Sri Lanka’s presidential election in 2015

Examining the link between social media uses and gratifications, and political tolerance and dogmatism

Mass participation during emergency response: event-centric crowd-sourcing in humanitarian mapping

Unearthing the Banker's Bones: notes on tricksters and robots

Hum films

The role of nurses in alcohol and drug treatment services: a resource for commissioners, providers and clinicians

Building an Intelligent Transport Information Platform for Smart Cities

A smart sensor grid to enhance irrigation techniques in Jordan using a novel event-based routing protocol

Katagami in the art school: practitioners’ panel one - symposium talk

'Running Wild in the Disco': an interview with Gerard Evans

Police and thieves: the complex relationship between Punk and Rastas in the UK Punk scene of the 1970s


Presenting punk pedagogies in practice

The role of target-setting in professional education

Comparative selection strategies for development of platinum-drug resistant ovarian cancer cell lines

Trafficking in human beings in the Middle East

Education in the UAE: the relevance of international human rights law and social welfare for a sustainable economy

A non-classical logical approach to social software

When eHealth meets the internet of things: pervasive security and privacy challenges

Critical patient eHealth monitoring system using wearable sensors

Trie compression for GPU accelerated multi-pattern matching

Temporal patterns: Smart-type reasoning and applications

Allen’s interval algebra and smart-type environments

Integrating cost management with BIM

Analogy between importance of BIM competence and maturity

Assessing the green supply chain management for the United Arab Emirates construction industry

Effects of camera position on perception of self in 360 degree video and virtual environments