Vertical and horizontal asymmetries are related to slower sprinting and jump performance in elite youth female soccer players

Creativity and the ontology of not-yet being

From CSR to CSI: analysing consumers' hostile responses to branding initiatives in social media-scape

Conceptualizing corporate identity in a dynamic environment

Queering understandings of how matter comes to matter in the baby room

Gender and paternalistic leadership in a Chinese cultural context, a critical review, and future research trajectories

Historical developments in paternalistic leadership in China

An integrative literature review of psychosocial factors in the transition to parenthood following non-donor-assisted reproduction compared with spontaneously conceiving couples

'A window to knowledge is a window to the world': socio-aesthetics, ethics and pedagogic migrant youth journeys in crisis-shaped educational settings in Greece

Women production workers' introduction into a Norwegian Shipyard 1965–1989

Can maternal education sustain or enhance the benefits of early life interventions? Evidence from the Young Lives longitudinal study

Greta Magnusson Grossman: modern design from Sweden to California

The usefulness of feedback

A critical perspective on gender and paternalistic leadership in China

‘Dignity and respect’: An example of service user leadership and co‐production in mental health research

Performing standards: A critical perspective on the contemporary use of standards in assessment

How does culture impinge upon managers' demeanor of earnings management? Evidence from cross-country analysis

Pedagogies of inclusion: a critical exploration of small-group teaching practice in higher education

Assessment for distinctiveness: Recognising diversity of accomplishments

'Message from thee temple': magick, occultism, mysticism, and psychic TV

Exploring the spiritual in popular music: Beatified beats

Punk identities, punk utopias: global punk and media

Trans-global punk scenes: the punk reader volume 2

The Russian construction sector: informality, labor mobility and socialist legacies

The United States of America and the crime of aggression

Transition to parenthood after successful non-donor in vitro fertilisation: The effects of infertility and in vitro fertilisation on previously infertile couples' experiences of early parenthood

An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change

MNE R&D internationalization in developing Asia

On the utility of dreaming: a general model for how learning in artificial agents can benefit from data hallucination

One night, New York [Novel]

Total factor productivity (TFP) and fiscal consolidation: How harmful is austerity?

Academic publishing in disaster risk reduction: past, present, and future

What can higher education learn from feedback seeking behaviour in organisations? Implications for feedback literacy

An innovative machine learning-based scheduling solution for improving live UHD video streaming quality in highly dynamic network environments

Intellectual evolution of social innovation: a bibliometric analysis and avenues for future research trends

Traveling artists’ roles: an asynchronous email interview

Interlimb asymmetries: are thresholds a usable concept?

The development and impact of professional doctorates

The trouble with squads: accounting for corruption in Australia’s specialist policing units

'I like money, I like many things'. The relationship between drugs and crime from the perspective of young people in contact with criminal justice systems

Live music vs. recorded music

'I am a one in ten': success ratios in the recording industry

At the sign of the swingin’ symbol: the manipulation of the UK Singles Chart

Impacts of a professional practice doctorate: a collaborative enquiry

Multicultural identity: developing comprehensive understanding of multicultural identity, its aspects and influence on business adaptability and sustainable brands

Right to an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law under Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Does a loaded warm-up influence jump asymmetry and badminton-specific change of direction performance?

"Some of us need to be taken care of": young adults' perspectives on support and help in drug reducing interventions in coercive contexts in Denmark and the UK

Humans discriminate individual zebra finches by their song

Alternative universities: speculative design for innovation in higher education [Book review]

Integrating mindfulness into leadership development

Does lobbying of firms complement executive networks in determining executive compensation?

Corporate social responsibility reporting in China: political, social and corporate influences

Directions in intellectual property law research: a linguistic contribution

How corporate social responsibility contributes to strengthening brand loyalty, hotel positioning and intention to revisit?

Doing it when others do: a strategic model of procrastination

Heritage destination love

The Pallof press

A narrative review of limb dominance: task specificity and the importance of fitness testing

Inter-limb strength asymmetry in adolescent distance runners: test-retest reliability and relationships with performance and running economy

Maximum strength, relative strength, and strength deficit: relationships with performance and differences between elite sprinters and professional rugby union players

Contextualizing the Cassese Report: the dictatorship that changed the United Nations human rights system and its legacy in monitoring economic, social and cultural rights

Mothers' voices: hearing and assessing the contributions of 'birth mothers' to the development of social work interventions and family support

Complete information pivotal-voter model with asymmetric group size and asymmetric benefits

Digital transformation and tourist experience co-design: big social data for planning cultural tourism

Muddy waters: critiquing the historical criminology method in the investigation of the Smiley Face murders theory

From fragmentation to collaboration in tourism promotion: an analysis of the adoption of IMC in the Amalfi coast

Does online privacy exist in the GDRP era? The Google voice assistant case

How so many toxic employees ascend to leadership

Working together: factors affecting the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction in Iranian HR departments

Mixed methods research: why and how to use it

Take a new turn: relationships between corporate identity management and corporate reputation in a hospitality context

An assessment of customer experience concept: looking back to move forward

Behavioural intentions in the UK fashion industry: the impact of perceived fashion innovativeness on fashion brand image with the moderating role of social media marketing and lovemark

Managing marketing competencies: a framework for understanding antecedents of marketing capability and its relation to company’s core competencies

Corporate identity: definition and components

Understanding celebrity trust and its effects on other credibility and image constructs: a qualitative approach

Effects of successive judo matches on interlimb asymmetry and bilateral deficit

The gloom of COVID-19 shock in hospitality industry: a study of consumer risk perception and adaptive belief in dark cloud of pandemic

The quality of assessment tasks as a determinant of learning

Designing large quantum key distribution networks via medoid-based algorithms

The influence of human factors on 360° mulsemedia QoE

Reading children's literature

Masterminding change by combining secure system design with security risk assessment

The double-edged sword of ethnic similarity for expatriates

Finite element musculoskeletal modelling framework for coupling of biomechanics and biotribology

Development and validation of a finite-element musculoskeletal model incorporating a deformable contact model of the hip joint during gait

Above and beyond? How businesses can drive sustainable development by promoting lasting pro-environmental behaviour change: an examination of the IKEA Live Lagom project

Development of a qualitative approach to assessing risks associated with the use of treated wastewater in agricultural irrigation

Seasonal variation of physical performance and inter-limb asymmetry in professional cricket athletes

The social license to operate in the onshore wind energy industry: a comparative case study of Scotland and South Africa

Does trust play a role when it comes to donations? A comparison of Italian and US higher education institutions

Capital heterogeneity and the decline of the labour share

Innovation in wastewater near-source tracking for rapid identification of COVID-19 in schools [Comment]

Strength, rate of force development, power and reactive strength in adult male athletic populations post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - a systematic review and meta-analysis

Formal verification of secondary authentication protocol for 5G secondary authentication

Buffering academic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic related social isolation: grit and growth mindset as protective factors against the impact of loneliness

Business continuity-inspired resilient supply chain network design

Change-of-direction deficit vs. deceleration deficit: a comparison of limb dominance and inter-limb asymmetry between forwards and backs in elite male rugby union players

A three-dimensional finite-element model of gluteus medius muscle incorporating inverse-dynamics-based optimization for simulation of non-uniform muscle contraction

Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study

Trends in prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment over 30 years: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study


Social influence and position effects

The presumption of innocence in International Human Rights and Criminal Law

Contemporary practices of strength and conditioning coaches in professional cricket

Indian nurses in the United Kingdom: a two-phase study of the expatriate-host country national relationship

Subclinical psychopathy, interpersonal workplace exchanges and moral emotions through the lens of affective events theory (AET)

Employees occupational identity

Label-free quantitative proteomics and substrate-based mass spectrometry imaging of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in ex vivo human skin and a human living skin equivalent model

Innovation in flood risk management: an 'Avenues of Innovation' analysis

Boris Groys: Logic of the Collection [Book review]

Letter from Mallorca

Rereading abstract expressionism, Clement Greenberg and the Cold War

Laughing and crying and dancing: the limits of human behavior in Swing Time (1936)

Political art criticism and the need for theory

Greenberg's Marxism: Clement Greenberg's unfinished essay draft on Andre Breton's "Political Position of Surrealism" (1935)

RF wireless power transfer for EIT neonate lung function monitoring

A DC model for organic electrochemical transistors and analysis of their performance as voltage amplifiers

For better or worse: a phenomenological study of the meaning of marriage amongst Nigerian women in monogamous marriages

Genome sequence of the biocontrol agent Coniothyrium minitans Conio (IMI 134523)

Somatic murmurs: a narrative inquiry into how women with low libido in long-term relationships experience sensate focus

Spaces of Hope

Kalakar Qasbah - Online Journal

Seonaid Robertson (1912–2008): the transformation of 'chaotic experience' through arts education

FPA clust: evaluation of the flower pollination algorithm for data clustering

Synthesis of N-Glucosyl Ethyl and Butyl Phosphoramidates

Best practices for the global commodity market within the functional disciplines of trading and risk management

Electrical impedance tomography for biomedical applications: circuits and systems review

An analysis of families of African origin, who feel at risk of accusations of abuse, whether investigated or not, and stakeholders’ perspectives

Exploring the impact of sexual addiction and compulsive sexual behaviour on couples’ relationships

Tri-partite reviews: a signature pedagogy for police education

Weapons trade, human rights and international law

Unveiling a blind spot... a moment of truth. Psychotherapists’ lived experience of psychological blind spots and moments of self-awareness: findings from a hermeneutic phenomenological enquiry

‘You have to re-orientate to this new terrain’: emotional wellbeing in parents of children with a learning and/or developmental disability

Impact of automation: evaluation of the implementation of diagnostic automation into the bacteriology laboratory as part of pathology modernisation

Lèse-majesté: the implications of the example of Turkey in a European context

Guts, brains, complexity and creativity: immersive living and learning through the critical lens of first-person inquiry

Perspectives of Jordanian service users and their families on Recovery-Orientation at acute inpatient mental health units: a mixed-methods study

From detective to risk manager: leadership in raising the bar of risk management towards greater resilience of the financial ecosystem

From pastoral care to professional counselling: the development of higher education counselling training underpinned by a Christian worldview and in dialogue with Christian faith/religion/spirituality

Movement strategies in elite amateur boxing

From being different to making a difference: developing the role of clinical health psychological services in the public health arena

#Blacktherapistsmatter: an autoethnographic study looking at black student experiences on psychological therapies training

Investigation of closure techniques for the Rusal Aughinish Bauxite Residue Disposal Area (B.R.D.A.) and the impact on the surrounding environment post-closure

Hurriers: Poor on the Roll

Reimagining the fashion retail industry through the implications of COVID-19 in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries

Dance Fitness Indicator© (DFI)

Analytic provenance for sensemaking behavioural markers in visual analytics


The Art of Healing

Drawing the unknowable - Lovecraft’s cosmic horror in Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone

Ways of learning and learning styles

Voice of a student midwife

Cultural postpartum practices in Asia: implications for UK midwives

Multi- class classification of breast cancer abnormalities using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Developing powerful athletes part 2: practical applications

Unilateral isometric squat: test reliability, interlimb asymmetries, and relationships with limb dominance

A systematic literature review of rural homestays and sustainability in tourism

Information security behavior and information security policy compliance: a systematic literature review for identifying the transformation process from noncompliance to compliance

Extracting key factors of cyber hygiene behaviour among software engineers: a systematic literature review

Cyberbullying behaviour: a study of undergraduate university students

Factors that influence high school female students' intentions to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in Malaysia

Machine learning for wireless link quality estimation: A survey

Twin-component near-pareto routing optimization for AANETs in the North-Atlantic Region relying on real flight statistics

Minimum-delay routing for integrated aeronautical ad hoc networks relying on real flight data in the North-Atlantic Region

A framework to enhance organisational performance in large-scale, diverse infrastructure major projects

The launch of the campaign for greener arbitrations MENA sub-committee: moving towards more sustainable practices in the region

A narrative inquiry into the couple experience of living with trauma and distress after leaving the UK military

‘It gives me hope for myself’ An interpretative phenomenological analysis of six clients’ experiences of identity- oriented psychotrauma therapy (IoPT): a psychotherapy method specifically designed to work with processes of developmental trauma

Towards the haptic encounter: investigating and theorising a strategy for writing a web-series screenplay, prioritising the sensory

Seeing beyond the visible: a choreography of breath and touch

An existential exploration of the experience of coming out in the Orthodox Jewish community

Probabilistic method for time-varying reliability analysis of structure via variational bayesian neural network

Drivers of green cooperation between Chinese manufacturers and their customers: An empirical analysis

Midwifery knowledge - a place for research

'Qualitative' versus 'quantitative' - what is the difference?.

How to read a research paper

P19 Structure-from-motion analysis may generate an accurate automated bowel preparation score

Industrie 4.0 – Einflüsse und Auswirkungen auf den Produktentwicklungsprozess, die Organisation und Führung in der deutschen Metall- und Elektroindustrie

Empirische Untersuchung zu der Beeinflussung durch die Triangologie Mensch, Technik, Organisation für erfolgreiche Investitionsprojekte am Beispiel der Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen SBB

Einführung der Rotationspflicht von Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften bei Unternehmen des öffentlichen Interesses aufgrund der EU-Verordnung Nr. 537/2014 in Kombination mit Prüfstunden der Wirtschaftsprüfer als Nachweis ausreichender Bankerfahrung zur Verbesserung der Qualitätssicherung (Stärkung der Unabhängigkeit und Verbesserung der Prüfqualität) in kleinen Kapitalmärkten – gezeigt am Beispiel der Bankenprüfer in Liechtenstein

Staatliche Exportkreditgarantien im Spannungsfeld zwischen internationalen Wertschöpfungsketten und nationalem Förderauftrag. Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung des bestehenden Modells für die deutsche Export Credit Agency

Theoretische Konzeption und empirische Relation eines Referenzmodells der digitalen Kooperation und vertikalen Integration von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen alpintouristischer Destinationen

An investigation into the effectiveness of teaching and support that deaf children receive in dance classes in Primary schools

Die Auswirkungen von Stress auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter –stressbezogene Arbeitsanalyse für Klinikärzte

Einflussfaktoren auf Schweizer Finanzorganisationen – Empirische Entwicklung eines Einflussfaktorenmodells

Comparative analysis of clustering algorithms and moodle plugin for creation of student heterogeneous groups in online university courses

Pandemic, panic and pop culture: Nigel Kneale and the cinema of contagion [Panel]

Evaluation of the effectiveness of digital technology interventions to reduce loneliness in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis

Gender parity in scientific authorship in a National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre: a bibliometric analysis

A large National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre facilitates impactful cross-disciplinary and collaborative translational research publications and research collaboration networks: a bibliometric evaluation study

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy and associated adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes

Changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards cytomegalovirus in pregnancy through film-based antenatal education: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a digital educational intervention

Decision-making system for higher education university selection: comparison of priorities pre- and post-COVID-19

The impact of accessibility of mobile devices on the intention to post online reviews

Pharmacology case studies: stable angina

Pharmacology case studies for nurse prescribers

Exploring dynamics of gambling among the young people of Hong Kong

Hero, survivor or stuck: a narrative analysis of student constructions of persistence after failure

Testing the effectiveness of a blended vulnerable witness training for forensic interviewers

Book Review: David McGowan, Animated Personalities: Cartoon Characters and Stardom in American Theatrical Shorts (University of Texas Press, 2019)

Music training improves depressed mood symptoms in elderly people: a randomized controlled trial

The effective music teacher: a model for predicting music teacher's self-efficacy

Editorial: smart buildings

Serbian mathematics education periodicals for the New Millennium

Deep analysis of EIT dataset to classify apnea and non-apnea cases in neonatal patients

Confis: a tool for privacy and security analysis and conflict resolution for supporting GDPR compliance through privacy-by-design

Knowledge and policy about LGBTQI migrants: a scoping review of the Canadian and global context


Legal opinion on war crimes related to the United States occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom since 17 January 1893

45 ̊ Learning: a guide to organising teaching online in the Covid pandemic, including peer observation revision

Towards Dark Fecundity - Reimagining Black futures through visual arts practice, science fiction and Greek mythology

The twilight of capital punishment

Der Prozess gegen den Kaiser

El Juicio del Kaíser

Do Filminds Dream of Celluloid Sheep? Lacan, Filmosophy and Blade Runner 2049

Neurologists' current practice and perspectives on communicating the diagnosis of a motor neurodegenerative condition: a UK survey

Exploring socioeconomic inequities in access to palliative and end-of-life care in the UK: a narrative synthesis

Article 13

Article 12

Onward migration: An introduction

Evaluation of an online screen-based simulation initiative in the adult child midwifery department

An exploration of mental health issues in independent education: Undergraduates’ memories of their secondary schools

The use of clinical audit cycle for improvement in Abu Dhabi health service company “SEHA”

Bankfranchising als Organisationsform für die genossenschaftliche FinanzGruppe in Deutschland

Erfolgsfaktoren des Supply-Chain-Risikomanagements in der Krise – Eine empirische Analyse kleiner und mittlerer B2C-Unternehmen in Deutschland am Beispiel der Coronapandemie

Paradigma der Digitalen und Multioptionalen Bildung: Ein sozio-ökonomisches Konstrukt der Belastungs-Beanspruchungs-Interiorisation des familien- und berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildungsstudiums in der Schweiz

Co-Creation in unternehmerischen Entscheidungsprozessen in den Bereichen Marke, Marketing und Innovation im Privatkundengeschäft von Kreditinstituten

Beziehungsmodell der wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktoren von Unternehmensgründungen mit einem digitalen Geschäftsmodell

Analyse der Effizienz und Effektivität von Blended-Learning-Lernverfahren in der beruflichen Weiterbildung in Deutschland aus der Sicht der Lernenden

Zukunftsorientierte Geschäftsmodelle für die klassische Bäckerei in Österreich – Theoretische Konzeption und empirische Analyse von Szenarien und Geschäftsmodelloptionen

Gestaltung von Interaktionsplattformen als Marketinginstrument zur lebenslangen Kund/innenbindung in der Aus- und Weiterbildung

Situativ erfolgreiches Verhandeln in Geschäftsbeziehungen. Transaktionsanalytische Konzeption und empirische Evaluierung

Changes in consumer purchasing behavior due to COVID-19 pandemic

Johannine Wisdom Christology in Chinese contexts

Music creators' earnings in the digital era

As jazzy and way out as you please

Criminal Compliance in mittelständischen Unternehmen als Instrument zur Eindämmung des Korruptionsphänomens

Die Betrachtung der Earned Value Methodik im agilen Projektumfeld hinsichtlich des Projekterfolgs

Umsetzungsstarke Teams bei der Flugsicherung in der Schweiz am Beispiel Skyguide AG – Teams im Fokus Volition

Aggressionsmanagement im Universitären Notfallzentrum Inselspital Bern

Rehearing and rapprochement, or moustaches on the Mona Lisa?

Evaluating the impacts of an urban catchment on water and sediment quality of a receiving river

Creating the container for reflective practice in virtual small group supervision

The Second World War: remaking the British working class?

Ethik, Ökonomie und faire Preise – Eine explorative Analyse der Wirkungszusammenhänge im Schweizer Baugewerbe

Examining the influence of user-generated content on the fashion consumer online experience

MO-MFCGA: Multiobjective multifactorial cellular genetic algorithm for evolutionary multitasking

The integrity of digital technologies in the evolving characteristics of real-time enterprise architecture

Grenglish: New understandings of the linguistic varieties of the British Greek Cypriot diaspora

Spiritual formation in Russian theological institutions of St. Petersburg

Up on cloud canine: things look paw-sitive with a dog around. The benefit of canine assisted intervention on the mental health of higher education students

The third eye of musical performance

Making an Exhibition of Ourselves: a participative inquiry that seeks to create change through generating artful representations and curating new ideas using ‘Bridging, Making and Curating’

Effect of berberine on in vitro metabolism of sulfonylureas: a herb-drug interactions study

An analysis of unconscious generational transmission in psychoanalytic theory and practice from a Lacanian perspective

Problematizing partnership: the experience, perceptions, and insights of Ugandan church leaders in church partnership with Christians overseas, in juxtaposition with the Western literature

Bewitched, amputated or dead: an existential study of leadership stuckness

Looking back and looking forward: the Silver Studio Collection as heritage asset and educational resource, 1968-2018

A search for meaning during financial crisis: An interpretative phenomenological study of highly educated and unemployed Greek young professionals

From the First to the Second Italian Republic in Catania (Sicily): politics, economy and society between cosmetic changes and deep continuities

Sampling India: examining cultural appropriation, intercultural exchange, and the Othering of Indian music in hip-hop and reggaeton

You are not alone: an existential-phenomenological exploration of how inner dialogue is experienced by rape survivors

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of Chinese international students seeking mental health support at UK universities

Region-wise spillover effects from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India

The embodied experience of women who suffered from heart attacks: an existential view

Development of standardised Key Performance Indicators within the dry bulk terminals industry

Facilitating children’s narratives in the classroom. From self-determination to authorship of knowledge. An exploration of pedagogical innovation to promote children’s agency in London primary schools

Activating Agon in performance

How do psychotherapists experience the psychotherapeutic mitwelt? A comparative study between existential and psychoanalytic practitioners

Unfolding Imagos: an inquiry into the aesthetics of Action-Phenomenology

Improving particular components of the audio signal chain: optimising listening in the control room

A phenomenological investigation into the lived experience of courage for clients in psychological therapy

Memorability of data physicalisation with relatable shapes

Improving radiographers’ and patients’ communication in the cardiac catheter laboratory (radiographer’s perspectives)

A critique of practice in contemporary learning and development

A Participatory Action Research (PAR) into how the language and vocabulary of diabetes facilitates peoples’ experience of living with diabetes: the Language in Diabetes Study (LIDAS)

“What is my story?”: older people re-framing their lives through digital storytelling. An ethnographic approach

Communicating values: essays on trust and legitimacy as dynamic drivers of decision-making in crowdfunding

Towards new material discovery from CdTe solar cell literature with machine learning

Using intersectionality to understand psychological therapists’ stories of professional development

Trinitarian pneumatological personhood and the theology of John Zizioulas

A heuristic exploration into the lived experience of trying to “have it all” at 30: How do professional women experience desiring to mother and career planning against the backdrop of the finitude of their fertility?

The effect of aging and rhythmic temporal structure during encoding on recognition memory: an EEG Study

Explaining the complexities of Hong Kong’s financial securities legislation to enhance trust among small investors through individual case reports as stories

The contribution of customary international law to the development of international crimes: the role of international courts and tribunals

Advanced phytoremediation using soil solarization enhanced with biosurfactant as a novel approach for sustainable remediation of contaminated land in the Niger Delta, Nigeria

Towards a theology of relationship: Emil Brunner’s Truth as Encounter in light of relationship science

Voices as equal as others: a narrative inquiry into the doctoral journey of psychologists and psychotherapists from authoritarian background

Lebenssituation von erwerbstätigen, pflegenden Angehörigen mit gleichzeitiger Erziehungsverantwortung: Phänomenologische Studie in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung betriebswirtschaftlicher Aspekte

Einfluss der Kultur auf die Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Arbeitsproduktivität in ausländischen Produktionsstätten – eine empirische Analyse mit Expertenbefragung

Interrelationship between insider trading and managerial attributes

The ocean in a drop: a narrative of reintegration for an era of disintegration

Examining the social responsibility image of countries: dimensions, limits and consequences

A Kleinian analysis of Lamentations

The warm glow of motherhood; exploring the moods of new mothers through imagery

Design and testing of a Jewish model for secular leadership as a driver for organizational development and operational excellence in manufacturing

Isolation and characterisation of canine osteosarcoma cells to investigate mechanisms of chemoresistance

Exploring the impact on practice when service users are involved in staff training on the prevention and management of violence and aggression in local NHS mental health inpatient wards

English as a lingua franca: developing a tool to improve international business communication

A phenomenological study of the experience of competitive cyclists following a critical incident: impact upon performance

The exclusion of transnational crimes from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: a travaux préparatoires study

Compliance with judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: analysing South Caucasus states on a spectrum of democratization

Writing visionary drama: an anarcho-Christian approach to the contemporary British play through four theatre texts by James Martin Charlton: The World & his Wife, Coming Up, ecstasy + GRACE, Coward

Reckoning with white-flight and faith: an ethno-theological case study of racial history and evangelical memory in postwar Los Angeles

Into the intangible: an exploration of gravity dream motifs among psychotherapists

Relationships and power: an exploration of the systemic factors that impact upon the lives of adults with intellectual disabilities in residential services

Exploring psychotherapists’ views on the inclusion of, and clinical engagement with, political material within the therapy session

Therapists’ experiences of ‘internet exposure’ in the therapeutic relationship: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

‘Paradigmatic workers’: sociologies of gender, class and ethnicity in the labour experiences of Albanian and ethnic Greek Albanian women cleaners at two Greek public hospitals

The international criminal court and the responsibility to protect

An exploration into what works in effectively engaging young adult offenders in probation supervision: practitioners and probationers perspectives

An innovative practice assessment in nursing: exploring the contested relationship between assessment and learning in practice

Perceived identity change in the male partners of trans people, as a result of being in a trans relationship: a study utilising interpretative phenomenological analysis

Behaviour in Common-Pool Resource games: investigating decision-making towards conservation and environmental issues

The experiences of therapists-in-training and newly qualified therapists who engage in therapy with therapists-in-training as clients

Storied transitions: post-trauma growth and narrative imaginationin leadership development

Analysis of methylation status of CGB genes in common nontrophoblastic cancer

Winnicott, Bowlby and Rogers: the development of the self in relation to others

The role of online social capital in luxury brand consumption in Saudi Arabia

The business environment and its impacts on firm profitability- a country crises analysis

Augmented-reality computer-vision assisted disaggregated energy monitoring and IoT control (ACADEMIC) smart home platform

Modelling oil dispersion and impacts on the Mauritian ecosystem

Centre for African Smart Public Value Governance (C4SP)

Calls for projects — MRIC: Two projects ready to be launched to fight against Covid-19

Teaching continues regardless of context

Cultural intermediaries and place branding: a framework for understanding their impact and influence

Green supply chain management in the pharmaceutical sector: an investigation in the UK context

Safety ownership

Describing a research process

Afghan Solidarity Coalition - submission to Defence Committee: Withdrawal from Afghanistan

We tried to get eligible Afghans out of Kabul. British officials did little to help [News article]

Failing and forgetting Afghanistan

Women, culture, knowledge and solutions

The value of traditional knowledge to women in fragile locations

Transforming conflict and displacement through Arts and Humanities

A transmission power optimisation algorithm for wireless sensor networks

Win–win for everyone? Reflecting on nature-based solutions for flood risk management from an environmental justice perspective

Block mode delivery in an andragogic environment: challenges and strategies

Re-envisioning dance technique pedagogy

Road safety and the role of the employer: a case study of a western multinational in Oman

A study of the Corporate Coaching Culture Cultivation approach in meeting change management needs for organisations in China

Becoming more human: a phenomenological exploration of embodied emotional awareness in psychotherapy

Enhancing practice in safety management: a 35-year personal and professional journey

Building a culture of research for students in higher education

Design Thinking in education

Monitoring student engagement in distance learning: an action research to examine and measure the behavioural engagement of students

The ethos of Action Learning within a Virtual Reflective Practice Forum

A survey on student engagement in the online mode of study – students’ perspective

Education during COVID-19

Building a resilient education system for continued and sustainable student engagement #AccountingMondays

Examining the resilience of UAE to decline in oil prices - the case of the insurance sector

Industry-academia outreach: a study of student perception

Universities and entrepreneurship: meeting the educational and social challenges

‘What we came through to get here’: the educational experiences of Somali women graduates in London

An analysis of the concept of “peacemaking through blood” in Colossians 1.20b: the Graeco-Roman and Jewish background

Consumer scepticism towards corporate social responsibility: the case of Generation Z in the UK

An existential phenomenological exploration of the lived experience of freedom in former political prisoners of the Romanian Communist Gulag

Continuous user authentication featuring behavioural biometrics

Physical layer security: secrecy performance analysis and design of cooperative communication systems

Developing contemporary models for understanding and treating sex addiction in the digital age

Production design in 3D computer animation: multipurpose and polymorphic stages for efficient production frameworks

Therapists’ experiences of shame: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Community nurses' support for patients with fibromyalgia who use cannabis to manage pain

Clozapine in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia (TRS): improving access and utilisation

Ethical business modeling: developing a business model for the REIT industry towards an ethical structure

Rewriting the grammar of secondary schools: lessons in paradigm change from multi-age organisation

Determinants of tourism in African countries: the market value of the economy, financial factors and country risk

Circular Economy strategies of social enterprises in Lagos: a case study approach

A curriculum journey at Middlesex: integrating the core content framework into the history ITE curriculum

Subject mentoring post-Covid: how to support Early Career Teachers

Sound work: composition as critical technical practice

States' accountability for internationally wrongful acts arising in the context of 'below the threshold' cyber operations

The role of international law in the protection of online privacy in the context of state sponsored mass cyber surveillance

Judicial attitudes to the problem of state sponsored mass cyber surveillance - a comparative analysis of the recent jurisprudence of the UN HRC, the ECtHR and the CJEU

Much ado about mass surveillance - the ECtHR grand chamber 'opens the gates of an electronic "Big Brother" in Europe' in Big Brother watch v UK [Blog post]

Environmental Security: an introduction [2nd edition]

Developing academic skills for nursing associates

Biowarfare conspiracy, faith in government, and compliance with safety guidelines during COVID-19: an international study

Sport rehabilitation in a young offenders institution: the "get onside" Rugby intervention, from practice to perception

Women walking together: an exploration of space, place and female empowerment

Physical examination and diagnostic skills for nurses

Forty-nine years of sensory research literature: a review on its development, foundation and future research directions

Reporting on suicidal behaviour and COVID-19—need for caution

Pharmacology case studies: mental health illness

Assuring quality health care traineeships for medical and professionals allied to medicine through embedding and exploiting tools across Higher Education (HEALINT4ALL) Briefing paper. - IO1: Identification of needs through mapping best case examples and participatory (Protocol development)

Putting the black into Britain

The critical voice; A heuristic enquiry into the experience of hearing a critical inner voice to deepen our understanding of its meaning and purpose

The Court of Justice of the European Union for hedgehogs

Creating a sustainable future

An Early Childhood Education for Sustainability resource that embeds the Sustainable Development Goals and STEM into pedagogical practice

What does non-chronological storytelling tell us about the nature of cinema?

The return of drugs courts: some important considerations

The effect of resistance training on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women

Was Physical Education as bad as people remember it?

Are personal trainers' values and philosophy of practitionership hampering clients' success?

Cooperative and coordinated Mobile Femtocells technology in high-speed vehicular environments: mobility and interference management

A credit risk model with small sample data based on G-XGBoost

Automatic annotation of confidential data in Java code

Robust continuous user authentication system using long short term memory network for healthcare

A comparison of manual handling risks in different domestic waste collection systems using three separate evaluation methods

An exploration of student nurses’ experiences and development in non-judgementality, through the analysis of the learning of sexuality in preparatory adult nurse education

Paul's opponents and views of women in 1 Corinthians

Definitions of different forms of Work and Learning in Higher Education

Eine Evaluierung des außergerichtlichen Schuldenregulierungsversuchs nach § 305 InsO unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frage der Anwendbarkeit mediativer Elemente im Bereich der vorgerichtlichen Schuldenregulierung von Verbrauchern

Selected papers from the International Whistleblowing Research Network conference at Maynooth University

Poisson approximation. Addendum

Religion and the public sphere: the spatial theory of Michel de Certeau and religious space

The end of an autocratic era? Bulgaria’s new regular government

Cold water immersion offers no functional or perceptual benefit compared to a sham intervention during a resistance training program

Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin D interventions could ameliorate COVID-19 related cellular bioenergetic dysfunction and cytokine storms

Review: Statements of Intent 1982–1987, 4 CD box set and Statements of Intent 1988–1994, 5 CD box set, by Conflict

Editorial: Postcolonial-postsocialist decolonial investigations: a programmatic overture. Artha Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (2) . v-xii. ISSN 0975-329X

Robot swarm democracy: the importance of informed individuals against zealots

Exploring barriers and opportunities to black nurses’ professional development

Mind the gap: examining the gap in international passenger expectations and perceptions of service quality in low-cost carriers

Yellow light for disciplining inconvenient judges? The ECtHR’s ambivalent judgment in Todorova v Bulgaria

School refusal and isolation: the perspectives of five adolescent school refusers in London, UK

Perceptions, experiences and opportunities for occupational safety and health professionals arising out of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The modern synthesis: Evolution and the organization of information

Enhancing student support via the application of a voice user interface system

An automated personal carbon footprint calculator for estimating carbon emissions from transportation use

COVID-CBR: a deep learning architecture featuring case-based reasoning for classification of COVID-19 from chest x-ray images

Evaluation of GAN architectures for visualisation of HPV viruses from microscopic images

A comparative analysis of the mechanisms of ammonia synthesis on various catalysts using density functional theory

Provision and supervision of food and protein substitute in school for children with PKU: parent experiences

Global Punk

Beyond agriculture: Alternative geographies of rural land investment and place effects across the United Kingdom

From punk rock to Prabhupāda: locating the musical, philosophical and spiritual journey of contemporary Krishnacore

Special Issue: Critical Stages: Unstable grounds: reconfigurations of performance and politics, Issue 23, ISSN 2409-7411

Prevalence of strength training for student and professional dancers

Justificatory narratives: the collapse of Greensill Capital

Towards a brain controller interface for generating simple Berlin School style music with interactive genetic algorithms

Does buyers’ financial slack promote or inhibit suppliers’ circular economy performance?

Designing a marker set for vertical tangible user interfaces

A multidimensional review and extension of the SPI Manifesto using STEEPLED analysis: an expert validation

The fulfilment of ethical duties required in overcoming obstacles to eLearning in a pandemic

Scholasticism with a transdisciplinary attitude

Evaluating the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the ‘strengthening families, strengthening communities’ group-based parenting programme: study protocol and initial insights

The moderating and mediating role of local government in the community engagement strategy of a renewable energy company in South Africa

Levels of agreement for the direction of inter-limb asymmetry during four simple change-of-direction tests in young male handball players: a pilot study

From enabling environments to environments that enable: notes for theoretical innovation at the intersection between environments, learning and children’s agency

Intergenerational solidarity, agency, trust in primary school children's narratives during the Covid-19 pandemic In London

Facilitation of classroom interaction using photographs: the SHARMED project

The cohesion of schools as intercultural communities in the management of COVID-19 pandemic. Reflections, narratives, fears and hopes from the voices of teachers and children in England and Italy

An assessment of the hopping strategy and inter-limb asymmetry during the triple hop test: a test–retest pilot study

Application of multi-criteria decision analysis for investment strategies in the Indian equity market

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the learning and wellbeing of secondary school students: a survey in Southern Europe

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education: experiences and feelings reported by primary school pupils from Greece and Turkey

Politicizing Muslim mental health: toward a decolonial framework

Addressing extremism through the classroom. A research report from the Centre for Teachers & Teaching Research

Flower pollination algorithm parameters tuning

A bioleaching approach for the recovery of rare earth elements (REE) from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs)

#MDXPD Product Design 2021

Snap parliamentary elections in July: civil society v Bulgaria’s autocracy

Impact of common cardio-metabolic risk factors on fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease in Latin America and the Caribbean: an individual-level pooled analysis of 31 cohort studies

Framing and raiding: Bulgaria’s Kafkaesque Prosecutor’s Office

Short but sweet: Bulgaria's short-lived 45th National Assembly as a first step towards reforms

Snap elections in Bulgaria: who is ready for political suicide?

Bulgaria’s media jungle: the good, the bad and the ugly

Optimizing energy efficiency for supporting near-cloud access region of UAV based NOMA networks in IoT systems

Context-aware support for cardiac health monitoring using federated machine learning

Aftershocks and (un)belongings: reflecting on 'Home Strike'

Witch, Witches, WITCH

Deep-NC: a secure image transmission using deep learning and network coding

Review of the advances in solar-assisted air source heat pumps for the domestic sector

α-Mangostin and Doxorubicin Combination Synergistically Inhibited Cell Growth, Induced Cell Apoptosis with Increased Bak Protein and Decreased FLT3-ITD Phosphorylation in AML MOLM-13 Cell Line

Betulinic Acid–Doxorubicin-Drug combination induced apoptotic death via ROS stimulation in a relapsed AML MOLM-13 cell model

Can online civic education induce democratic citizenship? Experimental evidence from a new democracy

Anchors matter: eliciting maternal expectations on educational outcomes

To pay or not to pay: measuring risk preferences in lab and field

Practitioner perspectives on service users experiences of targeted violence and hostility in mental health and adult safeguarding

The 'core' leaders of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1923–1928: their past, present and future

Degradation mechanism and toxicity reduction of methyl orange dye by a newly isolated bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa MZ520730

Characterization of deep sub-wavelength nanowells by imaging the photon state scattering spectra

Power struggles and playing politics: an application of Bourdieu's cultural intermediation theory to place marketing

Antibiotic-resistant genes and bacteria as evolving contaminants of emerging concerns (e-CEC): is it time to include evolution in risk assessment?

Moral conduct in intelligence practice: lessons from the British experience in Northern Ireland, 1968-1998

An investigation of Black Minority Ethnic service users’ perception of their needs within a North London mental health NHS trust

The lived experience of Diabulimia. Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes using insulin for weight control

Exploiting the efficacy of Tyro3 and folate receptors to enhance the delivery of gold nanoparticles into colorectal cancer cells in vitro

Validity and reliability of a phone App and stopwatch for the measurement of 505 change of direction performance: a test-retest study design

Biopsychosocial implications of living with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study using interpretative phenomenological analysis

Mapping inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding in low- and middle-income countries, 2000–2018

The book of demons

Expatriate cultural identity negotiation strategies: a dynamic framework *

By mutual agreement: how can ethnically similar expatriates engage host country employees *

Advanced cybersecurity technologies

The effect of waiters’ occupational identity on employee turnover within the context of Michelin-starred restaurants

Investigating the influence of airport architecture to image, experience, and satisfaction

Of amnesty, pendulums, and peremptory norms

Mechanistic aspects of ammonia synthesis on Ta3N5 surfaces in the presence of intrinsic nitrogen vacancies

The contribution to climate change research of the Professional Doctorate and PhD: more of the same but of a different flavour?

Trust and trustworthiness after negative random shocks

Developing a culturally competent and compassionate LGBT+ curriculum in health and social care education

Nanoparticle-infused-biodegradable-microneedles as drug-delivery systems: Preparation and characterisation

Nanomedicines and microneedles: A guide to their analysis and application

Developing traffic predictions from source to destination using probabilistic modelling

Improving denitrification efficiency in constructed wetlands integrated with immobilized bacteria under high saline conditions

A bio-inspired spatial defence strategy for collective decision making in self-organized swarms

Formal verification of authentication and service authorization protocols in 5G-enabled device-to-device communications using ProVerif

The e-commerce supply chain and environmental sustainability: an empirical investigation on the online retail sector

Skill mismatch among UK graduates

Power grid-oriented cascading failure vulnerability identifying method based on wireless sensors

Security in network services delivery for 5G enabled D2D communications: challenges and solutions

DCSS protocol for data caching and sharing security in a 5G network

Cell Assembly-based Task Analysis (CAbTA)

Negotiated exchanges in the online hospitality market: Hoteliers and hotel managers' perceptions of Booking.com

Identity/alterity re-de-constructed in repetition and difference

Introduction to the Proceedings of WoRIE’21

Rapid migration from traditional or hybrid to fully virtual education in the age of the coronavirus pandemic: challenges, experiences and views of college and university students

Inevitable magic – reason, magic and manipulation

Paradigms lost and gained: stakeholder experiences of crisis distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

Screen key genes associated with distraction-induced osteogenesis of stem cells using bioinformatics methods

The interior, the experiencer, kokoro – Towards the essence of place

Measurement invariance testing of the patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) across people with and without diabetes mellitus from the NHANES, EHMS and UK Biobank datasets

Task bundling in worker-centric mobile crowdsensing

Academic literacies and staff pedagogic development

On learning from experience: existential perspectives on teaching and writing about Psychotherapy

Debarment and collusion in procurement auctions

'Do the resilient things.' Residents' perspectives on responsibilities for flood risk adaptation in England

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of women migrant workers in the ASEAN region: a systematic narrative review and synthesis

Examining antecedents and consequences of perceived-service-quality in the hotel industry: a comparison between London and New York

Making waves: collaboration in the time of SARS-CoV-2 - rapid development of an international co-operation and wastewater surveillance database to support public health decision-making

“I’d like to work here because the pond looks nice”: The do’s and don'ts of applying to be a subject librarian

At the limits of "capability": The sexual and reproductive health of women migrant workers in Malaysia

Correction to: Spiritual support during COVID-19 in England: a scoping study of online sources

A smart campus template

A generative adversarial network for single and multi-hop distributional knowledge base completion

Into the unknown: impact of Coronavirus on UK hotel stock performance

A comparison of match demands using ball-in-play versus whole match data in professional soccer players of the English Championship

A distinct right to freedom of thought in South America: The Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Neurotechnology and the application of Bioethics principles

Headscarves and the CJEU: protecting fundamental rights or pandering to prejudice

Applying index of circulating anticoagulant to mixing tests with lupus anticoagulant screen and confirm reagents can distinguish with high specificity between lupus anticoagulants and direct factor Xa inhibitors

Time for the gloves to come off?: The response by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to rule of law backsliding

Nursing on the edge: nursing identity in liminal spaces

Livestreaming music in the UK: quantitative analysis

The muddle of institutional racism in mental health [Commentary]

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in networking: A comprehensive survey & evaluation

Collaboration and co-creation at a distance: using technology to enhance student engagement online

Between home and school: mobilising ‘hard to reach’ parents to engage with their children’s education

Family history and searching for hidden trauma—a personal commentary

Measuring intelligence in natural and artificial systems

Optimising the activities and the products of academic and student collaborative networks to achieve equality, diversity and inclusion goals in higher education

Exploring factors having an impact on attitudes and motivations towards volunteering in the undergraduate nursing student population − A comparative study of the UK and Ghana

Composing Malaysian popular music for the Orchestra in the early 21st century

Looking for Mary Webb: Part one - Creating a lost diary; Part two - A single violet: the lost diaries of Mary Webb

Introduction to a comparative study of the right to freedom of thought

Understanding trauma in children and young people in the school setting

The child attachment style interview (Child-ASI) and depression: preliminary findings

Diaspora tourists' emotional experience

An assessment of gully pot sediment scour behaviour under current and potential future rainfall conditions

Ethnicity and the experience of whistleblowing in the NHS 2014

The importance of being a compassionate leader: the views of nursing and midwifery managers from around the world

Electrokinetic biocementation of an organic soil

Adaptive radiation and speciation in Rhipicephalus ticks: a medley of novel hosts, nested predator-prey food webs, off-host periods and dispersal along temperature variation gradients

Blood diamonds and ethical consumerism: an empirical investigation

Expansive learning: online nurse education that is co-produced, creative and critical

A historical and theological investigation of the Healing Movement in Korea: with special reference to Ik-du Kim, Seong-bong Lee, and Yong-gi Cho

American Murids: Muslim proponents of nonviolence open alternative conversations about Islam, jihad and immigration

Who can tell a working-class story? Examining the representational limits of class in I, Daniel Blake (2016) and beyond

Talking tolerance: being deliberative about fundamental British values

MasterChef: a Master class in fight, flight, or flambé?

Poisson approximation in terms of the Gini-Kantorovich distance

Digital and technological literacy

Reflective writing

The future of non-financial businesses reporting: learning from the Covid-19 pandemic

'Being there' in COVID-19 times: new spiritual support practices, their meaning and consequences to our cultural and existential values

Spiritual support during COVID-19 in England: a scoping study of online sources

Health, the outdoors and safety

Learning to deliver LGBT+ aged care: exploring and documenting best practices in professional and vocational education through the World Café method

Suicidal behavior in individuals accused or convicted of child sex abuse or indecent image offenses: systematic review of prevalence and risk factors

A reply to the discussion of “How does culture impinge upon managers’ demeanor of earnings management? Evidence from cross-country analysis” [Letter]

Assessing inter-limb asymmetries in soccer players: magnitude, direction and association with performance

Measuring 'self': preliminary validation of a short form of the self experiences questionnaire in people with chronic pain

A reconsideration of directors’ liability for wrongful trading in the UK and the EU in the COVID19 era

Emerging trends in the photodynamic inactivation (PDI) applied to the food decontamination

Adoption of cloud computing in UAE: a survey of interplay between cloud computing ecosystem and its organizational adoption in UAE

Getting ahead of the arms race: hothousing the coevolution of VirusTotal with a Packer

Enhancing consumers' self-reported loyalty intentions in Islamic Banks: the relationship between service quality and the mediating role of customer satisfaction

Long-term dynamic compression enhancement TGF-β3-induced chondrogenesis in bovine stem cells: a gene expression analysis

Removal of chlorpyrifos and its hydrolytic metabolite in microcosm-scale constructed wetlands under soda saline-alkaline condition: mass balance and intensification strategies

Diversifying focused testing for unit testing

Exploring linguistic hybridity and lexical creativity in the UK’s Greek Cypriot diaspora: the Grenglish project

Damage control after Georgia v Russia (II) – holding states responsible for human rights violations during armed conflict [Blog post]

Countering violent extremism in education: a human rights analysis

Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight

Examining post COVID-19 tourist concerns using sentiment analysis and topic modeling

The psychological functioning in the COVID-19 pandemic and its association with psychological flexibility and broader functioning in people with chronic pain

Translocation of heavy metals in medicinally important herbal plants growing on complex organometallic sludge of sugarcane molasses-based distillery waste

Welfare, work, and the conditions of social solidarity: British campaigns to defend healthcare and social security

Time for nursing to eradicate hair discrimination

Environment friendly degradation and detoxification of Congo red dye and textile industry wastewater by a newly isolated Bacillus cohnni (RKS9)

Accidental consumption of aspartame in phenylketonuria: patient experiences

Preliminary investigation of the associations between psychological flexibility, symptoms, and daily functioning in people with chronic abdominal pain

Spillovers and productivity: revisiting the puzzle with EU firm-level data

Thoracic shape changes in newborns due to their position

A lightweight secure image super resolution using network coding

Children's sleepiness facilitates the effect of vicarious learning on the development of fear

The right to freedom of thought in the European Convention on Human Rights

A pedagogy of emergent self-cultivation; why students should have a “sameness” and why they should not

New technology and tourism industry innovation: evidence from audio-visual patented technologies

Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: a critical and theoretical overview

Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy

Qualitatively driven mixed-methods approaches to counselling and psychotherapy research

Supply chain regulation in Scottish social care: Facilitators and barriers

Multi-view convolutional recurrent neural networks for lung cancer nodule identification

Foreword to Bank Asset Liability Management Best Practice

Degradation mechanism of tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) as an emerging contaminant in advanced oxidation processes: a DFT modelling approach

A dialogue between distributed language and reading disciplines

Close reading and distance: between invariance and a rhetoric of embodiment

Patterns and motivations for method choices in suicidal thoughts and behaviour: qualitative content analysis of a large online survey

Equal and unequal profit sharing in highly interdependent work groups: A laboratory experiment

A systematic review of interventions used to enhance implementation of and compliance with the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist in adult surgery

First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway

Using argumentation to solve conflicting situations in users' preferences in ambient assisted living

Antibacterial apple cider vinegar eradicates methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and resistant Escherichia coli

Model selection based algorithm in neonatal Chest EIT

Response of the microbial community to salt stress and its stratified effect in constructed wetlands

A digital twin framework for predictive maintenance in industry 4.0

Telling people to "rely on their reasoning" increases intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID-19 transmission

Chinese new year 2021 metal ox cartoons

Richard Holbrooke: The not so quiet American [Book Review]

COVID-19 detection and disease progression visualization: Deep learning on chest X-rays for classification and coarse localization

Unpacking a collection: Phil Cleaver’s Book-Object-Art

A comparative analysis of the relationship between flood experience and private flood mitigation behaviour in the regions of England

Mobile telephone delivered contingency management for encouraging adherence to supervised methadone consumption: feasibility study for an RCT of clinical and cost-effectiveness (TIES)

A readiness assessment framework for Blockchain adoption: a healthcare case study

Ecotoxicological and health concerns of persistent coloring pollutants of textile industry wastewater and treatment approaches for environmental safety

Communities and narratives in neglected spaces: voices from SMASHfestUK

Dissociation and interference in composers’ stories about music: the renewal of musical discourse

Treatment of microcystin (MC-LR) and nutrients in eutrophic water by constructed wetlands: Performance and microbial community

Strength, power and speed characteristics in Elite Academy Soccer

The customary international law of human rights

Individual and organizational factors affecting the implementation of Green IT: a case study of an Indian business school

Comparing the scale of modelled and recorded current flood risk: results from England

Asymmetry thresholds for common screening tests and their effects on jump performance in professional soccer players

Minding the gap. Improving the Black Asian and minority ethnic student awarding gap in pre-registration adult nursing programmes by decolonizing the curriculum

Removal of sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline in constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells influenced by influent and operational conditions

Elixir ensemble

Myth and the art strike of the international parallel union of telecommunications

Inequality and existential threat: a reply to ‘Fairness, generosity and conditionality in the welfare system: the case of UK disability benefits’ by Elliot Johnson and Daniel Nettle

Do firm characteristics affect environmental sustainability? A literature review-based assessment

Exploring Czechs' and Greeks' mental associations of London: A tourist destination or a place to live in?

Perceptions of strength training in dance

Treatment for comorbid depressive disorder or subthreshold depression in diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis

How heterogeneity of recipients influences the income equalising impact of migrant’s remittances

Ideology and culture

Exposure to and experience of self-harm and self-harm related content: an exploratory network analysis

Calculating carbon emissions from personal travelling: insights from a top-down analysis of key calculators

Review and implementation of resilient public safety networks: 5G, IoT and emerging technologies

Dog‐assisted interventions in care homes: a qualitative exploration of the nature, meaning and impact of interactions for older people

Music by numbers: the uses and abuses of statistics in the music industries

Digital twin for 5G and beyond

Self-service technology in supermarkets - Do frontline staff still matter?

Memory improvement in aging as a function of exposure to mood-matching music

Melodic expectations in 5- to 6-year-old children

Ketamine treatment for individuals with treatment-resistant depression: a longitudinal qualitative interview study of patient experiences

Heuristic edge server placement in Industrial Internet of Things and cellular networks

Public involvement in the governance of population-level biomedical research: unresolved questions and future directions

Negative curation and contested claims over the public visual landscape: street art and graffiti during the Australian campaign for marriage equality

Weightlifting: an applied method of technical analysis

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

Exploring the multidimensional assessment of interoceptive awareness in youth aged 7–17 years

Irish Road Bowling

Relationships between jumping asymmetry and performance in skateboarders

Physical profiling of international cricket players: an investigation between bowlers and batters

Physical behaviors and fundamental movement skills in British and Iranian children: an isotemporal substitution analysis

Legal pluralism, Sharia law and the right to fair trial: a case for incompatibility within the Council of Europe

The mediating role of comorbid conditions in the association between type 2 diabetes and cognition: a cross-sectional observational study using the UK Biobank cohort

Reputation: configuring the symmetrical and asymmetrical paths to architecture in a retail setting

Residual pollutants in treated pulp paper mill wastewater and their phytotoxicity and cytotoxicity in Allium cepa

Institutional environments and entrepreneurial start-ups: an international study

Anthropometric profiles and physical characteristics in competitive female English premiership rugby union players

Constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells for COD and nitrogen removal affected by plant and circuit operation mode

A five-year prospective evaluation of a new community psychosis service in North London: introducing the Recovery and Enablement Track (RET)

Contemporary practices of strength and conditioning coaches in professional soccer

A not-so proximate account of cleansing behavior

Ecological psychology, radical enactivism and behavior: an evolutionary perspective

Financing Cleantech SME innovation: Setting an agenda

Segregation, fertility, and son preference: the case of the Roma in Serbia

Advocacy coalitions and flood insurance: power and policies in the Australian Natural Disaster Insurance Review

Perceived health, caregiver overload and perceived social support in family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s: gender differences

Robust probabilistic-constrained optimization for IRS-aided MISO communication systems

Examining the link between country-specific pull factors and international student mobility in the United Arab Emirates

Deep learning-based detection of structural damage using time-series data

The idealization of 'compassion' in trainee nurses' talk: a psychosocial focus group study

Love as an act of resistance: Ethical subversion in early childhood professional practice in England

Financial constraints and the export decision of Pakistani firms

Finance for a future of sustainable prosperity

The asymmetric effects of industry specific volatility in momentum returns

The engagement of young people in drug interventions in coercive contexts: findings from a cross-national European study

Agentic misfit: an empirical demonstration of non-matching human agency amid complexity

The creative industries and degree apprenticeships: the benefits and challenges of adoption for small and micro businesses

The rule of law

Development and preliminary validation of a tool measuring concordance and belief about performing pressure-relieving activities for pressure ulcer prevention in spinal cord injury

Shared practice, learning, and goals between police and young people: a qualitative analysis of the National Volunteer Police Cadets

Individual-level rewards and appraisal: the influence of context

Successful and unsuccessful radical transformation of multinational mobile telephony companies: the role of institutional context

The rise of majorities and emerging existential threats to India and China

When to say ‘no’ to coaching assignments: a decision-making framework

The gold disc: one million pop fans can’t be wrong

Chronicle of a referendum foretold: what next for the Malvinas/Falklands?

Train the engine or the brakes? Influence of momentum on the change of direction deficit

Words or numbers? Communicating probability in intelligence analysis

Using technology to encourage a healthier lifestyle in people with Down's syndrome

ShadowFPE: new encrypted web application solution based on shadow DOM

The cult of corruption: reframing organizational frameworks of police corruption from a cultic perspective

Compliance in the UK in the age of subsidiarity

Subversive citizens: using free movement law to bypass the UK’s rules on marriage migration

Hanging out on Snapchat: disrupting passive covert netnography in tourism research

A hope to trust. Educational leadership to support mature students' inclusion in higher education: an experience from Surrey, England

Iranian infertile couples' strategies to manage social interactions after unsuccessful treatments with assisted reproductive technologies

Experiences of involuntary childlessness and treatment in the UK: what has changed in 20 years?

Urban environmental quality and wellbeing in the context of incomplete urbanization in Brazil: integrating directly experienced ecosystem services into planning

People of immigrant and refugee background sharing experiences of mental health recovery: reflections and recommendations on using digital storytelling

Practice as research: a cybersemiotic overview of knowing

A genetic deep learning model for electrophysiological soft robotics

Guaranteeing user rates with reinforcement learning in 5G radio access networks

Music, discourse and intuitive technology

The bidirectional complementarity between market orientation and launch proficiency affecting new product performance

Implementing strength training strategies for injury prevention in soccer: scientific rationale and methodological recommendations

The justice system is failing victims and survivors of sexual violence

(Pseudo)intellectualism and democratic (il)liberalism: on Aurelien Mondon and Aaron Winter's "Reactionary democracy"

Evaluating the biomechanical interaction between the medical compression stocking and human calf using a highly anatomical fidelity three-dimensional finite element model

Assessing group-based changes in high-performance sport. Part 1: null hypothesis significance testing and the utility of p values

The effect of militancy on local and informal enterprises in developing countries: evidence from Niger Delta

Innovative methods of ground improvement for railway embankment Peat Fens foundation soil

On the cooperative relaying strategies for multi-core wireless Network-on-Chip

Analysis of content strategies of selected brand tweets and its influence on information diffusion

Factors affecting organizational effectiveness in independent hotels – The case of Iran

The influence of infertility on sexual and marital satisfaction in Iranian women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a case-control study

Exclusive Identity Politics and the marginalization of dissenting voices in the branding of Hallyu drama

Video-based biomechanical analysis of an unexpected Achilles tendon rupture in an Olympic sprinter

Accused of an "abominable crime": punishing homosexual blackmail threats in London, 1723–1823

“Stickier” learning through gameplay: an effective approach to climate change education

An expectation-experience analysis of service quality of business travelers in low-cost airlines

Mathematical foundations of moral preferences

Does observability amplify sensitivity to moral frames? Evaluating a reputation-based account of moral preferences

Spring Mini Picture Show print contributions

Relationships between physical capacities and biomechanical variables during movement tasks in athletic populations following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

An efficient pest classification in smart agriculture using transfer learning

Unilateral vs. bilateral hamstring strength assessments: comparing reliability and inter-limb asymmetries in female soccer players

Types of interference and their resolution in monolingual word production

Clinical validation of an automated fluorogenic factor XIII activity assay based on isopeptidase activity

A global review on short peptides: frontiers and perspectives

High Tide

Sing for me, Mama! Infants' discrimination of novel vowels in song

An analysis of social interaction between novice older adults when learning gesture-based skills through simple digital games

Editorial DEPP: drug experienced young people in contact with the criminal justice system. Understanding the challenges and working towards solutions

Effects of training on sand or hard surfaces on sprint and jump performance of team-sport players: a systematic review with meta-analysis

The crimes of the powerful: between force and consensus

Evaluating equality in prescribing Novel Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs) in England: the protocol of a Bayesian small area analysis

Shifting priorities: are attitudes changing at the International Criminal Court about trials in absentia?

Strength and conditioning practices and perspectives of volleyball coaches and players

Rumble Dramaturgies

Islam on campus: contested identities and the cultures of higher education in Britain [Book review]

A new front in the history wars? Responding to Rubenhold’s feminist revision of the Ripper

Season-long changes in the body composition profiles of competitive female Rugby Union players assessed via dual energy x-ray absorptiometry

Arithmetic computation with probability words and numbers

Antifungals, arthropods and antifungal resistance prevention: lessons from ecological interactions

Applying the Isabelle insider framework to airplane security

Decolonizing Public Law

The psychiatric decision unit as an emerging model in mental health crisis care: A national survey in England

Editorial: Academic advising and tutoring for student success in higher education: international approaches

Digital futures of small businesses and entrepreneurial opportunity

Assessing group-based changes in high-performance sport. Part 2: effect sizes and embracing uncertainty through confidence intervals

Freedom in the margins: Experiences from Brazil

Just wrong? Or just WEIRD? Investigating the prevalence of moral dumbfounding in non-Western samples

Adaptive action learning: a refusal to define

CoCon: A conference management system with formally verified document confidentiality

Guest editorial [Special Issue: Do multinational enterprise contribute to, or reduce global inequality?]

Optimal training sequences to develop lower body force, velocity, power, and jump height: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Effect of COVID-19 quarantine on the sleep quality and the depressive symptom levels of university students in Jordan during the spring of 2020

Evolutionary history of Carnivora (Mammalia, Laurasiatheria) inferred from mitochondrial genomes

Visible light disinfection

Writing educational resources for publication: how and why?

From Black Wednesday to Brexit: Macroeconomic shocks and correlations of equity returns in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom

Review of The Picture of Dorian Gray (Theatr Clwyd, online)

Associations between inter-limb asymmetries in jump and change of direction speed tests and physical performance in adolescent female soccer players

Talking about rights without talking about rights: on the absence of knowledge in classroom discussions

ArtsCross Beijing 2019: Beyond the Clouds

Dance Umbrella at 40 and beyond

Evaluating a continuing professional development course on cognitive functions for Music Therapists working in care homes

A machine learning resource allocation solution to improve video quality in remote education

A celebration of housing literature (Podcast)

Geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in female breast cancer incidence and mortality in Iran: A Bayesian spatial analysis of registry data

On inter-state litigation and armed conflict cases in Strasbourg

Author correction: Magnitude, demographics and dynamics of the effect of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on all-cause mortality in 21 industrialized countries

Why do managers of small and medium-sized businesses seek voluntary Living Wage accreditation? – an exploration of choice rationales

Abortion provision in Northern Ireland: the views of health professionals working in obstetrics and gynaecology units

Will nurse leaders help to eradicate 'hair racism' from Nursing and Health Services?

Exploring waiters' occupational identity and turnover intention: a qualitative study focusing on Michelin-starred restaurants in London

Whom should be saved? A proposed ethical framework for allocating scarce medical resources to COVID-19 patients using fuzzy logic

PSSPNN: PatchShuffle Stochastic Pooling Neural Network for an explainable diagnosis of COVID-19 with multiple-way data augmentation

Some justice out of repression and reprisals: on the plight of Human Rights defenders in Azerbaijan [Blog post]

The right to life - operational policing and the investigation of fatal incidents

The relationship between alexithymia and self-harm: the mediating role of mindfulness

Children's rights education in diverse classrooms: pedagogy, principles and practice

Designing work-based learning approaches for Gen Y, Gen Z and beyond

Unintended consequences of drug policies experienced by young drug users in contact with the criminal justice systems

Gendered nationalism in India and Poland: postcolonial and postsocialist conditions in times of populism

Time management: self-mastery for law students

UK pedagogical experiment to innovate HE digital teaching - being and becoming online: the design of a holistic training programme to innovate online teaching experience

Tweets to escape: intercultural differences in consumer expectations and risk behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown in three European countries

Assessing stakeholder network engagement

Remote hearings in the social security tribunal: should we be worried?

Distillery wastewater detoxification and management through phytoremediation employing Ricinus communis L.

Review Symposium: Claudia Rozas Gómez, Paul Gibbs and Petra Mikulan on Peter Roberts and Herner Saeverot’s Education and the limits of reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov, with a response from the authors, Roberts, P., & Saeverot, H. (2018). Education and the limits of reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov. Routledge.

The aesthetic labour of protest, now and then: The Women’s Peace Camp at Greenham Common (1981-2000)

Consumer engagement with social media platforms: a study of the influence of attitudinal components on cutting edge technology adaptation behaviour

Autistic employees as whistleblowers: are employers ignoring potentially valuable assets?

Special issue on workplace violence prevention using security robots. Work, 68 (3) . pp. 821-823. ISSN 1875-9270

Evaluation of measured dissolved and bio-met predicted bioavailable Cu, Ni and Zn concentrations in runoff from three urban catchments

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the Danube river in Serbia associated with the discharge of untreated wastewaters

Performance analysis of power-splitting relaying protocol in SWIPT based cooperative NOMA systems

Livestreaming Music in the UK: Report for Musicians

Poland’s rule of law breakdown: a five-year assessment of EU’s (in)action

The physical characteristics underpinning performance of wheelchair fencing athletes: a Delphi study of Paralympic coaches

Independent sexual violence advisers (ISVAs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: a study of impacts, effects, coping mechanisms and effective support systems for people working as ISVAs and ISVA Managers

Nowcasting gentrification using Airbnb data

Why understanding behaviour matters for flood risk management? Journal of Flood Risk Management, 14 (2) , e12724. ISSN 1753-318X

International vs. National female tennis players: a comparison of upper and lower extremity functional asymmetries

Variations in the physical performance of Olympic boxers over a four-day national qualifying tournament

China's ‘Sponge Cities’: the role of constructed wetlands in alleviating urban pluvial flooding

Unpacking organisational culture for innovation in Australian mining industry

The complementary role of the WTO in the enhancement of the base erosion and profit shifting project

Memorable experience, tourist-destination identification and destination love

Photographic work exhibited in 'Island Life: Photographs from the Martin Parr Foundation', Bristol City Art Museum, Bristol

Integrating phytoremediation into treatment of pulp and paper industry wastewater: Field observations of native plants for the detoxification of metals and their potential as part of a multidisciplinary strategy

Software testing or the bugs’ nightmare

Fuzzy decision trees embedded with evolutionary fuzzy clustering for locating users using wireless signal strength in an indoor environment

The governance of personal data for COVID-19 response: perspective from the access to COVID-19 tools accelerator

Is voting for a cartel a sign of cooperativeness?

Industrial networks and intelligent systems - 7th EAI International Conference, INISCOM 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, April 22-23, 2021, Proceedings

The role of culture in health workers' approach to LGBTQ+ patients

The international focus—a neglected curriculum in global undergraduate nursing

Global partnerships in nursing - a qualitative study in lessons for success

Multiple multi-tier sustainable supply chain management: a social systems theory perspective

Data on diabetes-specific distress are needed to improve the quality of diabetes care [Correspondence]

Onward migration: an introduction

Digital pedagogy in a world of digital poverty: the Middlesex iPad project

iPads for teaching and learning mathematics: collaborative group-work in an engineering-appropriate setting.

Secure and energy-efficient smart building architecture with emerging technology IoT

Handbook of Smart Cities

Smart cities: state of the art and future challenges

Financial determinants of FDI: firm-level evidence from the economy of India

The effect of uncertainty in whole building simulation models for purposes of generating control strategies

Challenging times for insurance, banking and financial supervision in Saudi Arabia

Cameras usage in online teaching: reflections on the experience of the 2020-2021 academic year

Different ways of thinking about documentary practices for sensitive contexts

Hygiene norms across 56 nations are predicted by self-control values and disease threat

Inter-limb jump asymmetries and their association with sport-specific performance in young male and female swimmers

The Life-cycle of artificial contexts

Understanding feedback in online learning - A critical review and metaphor analysis

Three ways to bolster flawed AML/CFT in the EU

Establishing virtual communities of practice during Covid-19 for rapid prototyping of ventilators for Mauritius

Biodegradation of organo-metallic pollutants in distillery wastewater employing bioaugmentation process

Embedding virtual and augmented reality as an innovative pedagogy within the Nursing Associate Programme

Using a pragmatically adapted, low-cost contingency management intervention to promote heroin abstinence in individuals undergoing treatment for heroin use disorder in UK drug services (PRAISE): a cluster randomised trial

Group versus one‐to‐one multi‐component lifestyle interventions for weight management: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Business model innovation to enhance the efficiency of freight logistics in the maritime supply chain through blockchain-based industry platforms

Percentage-based change of direction deficit: a new approach to standardize time- and velocity-derived calculations

International multicenter, multiplatform study to validate Taipan snake venom time as a lupus anticoagulant screening test with ecarin time as the confirmatory test: communication from the ISTH SSC subcommittee on Lupus Anticoagulant/Antiphospholipid antibodies

A nurse academic's lived experience with COVID-19: a reflective narrative

An experimental FTIR-ATR and computational study of H-bonding in ethanol/water mixtures

Culturally competent and compassionate LGBTQ+ inclusive healthcare

Linking brand attitude to word-of-mouth and revisit intentions in the restaurant sector

The role of practice in doctoral degrees. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 26:3, 257-273, ISSN 1359-6748

Imagining Otherwise

Continuing professional development for the early years workforce in England since 2015: a synthesis of survey data highlighting commonalities, discrepancies and gaps

PRIVATT - a closer look at people’s data privacy attitudes in times of COVID-19

Public attitudes towards privacy in COVID-19 times in the Republic of Ireland: a pilot study

Privacy in a time of Covid-19: how concerned are you?

Privacy in times of COVID-19: a pilot study in the Republic of Ireland

Irish attitudes toward COVID tracker app & privacy: sentiment analysis on Twitter and survey data

‘Critical Pathways’ – Training and investigating the art of choreography-making with Rosemary Butcher

Study on the structure-activity relationship of an antimicrobial peptide, Brevinin-2GUb, from the skin secretion of Hylarana guentheri

Return of research results (RoRR) to the healthy CHRIS cohort: designing a policy with the participants

Balancing scientific interests and the rights of participants in designing a recall by genotype study

Can academics be trusted to be truth-tellers more than the rest of society?

‘She’s nice company and a good friend’: thinking with Haraway to reconceptualise children’s playful interactions with Alexa in the family home

The soundscape of neonatal intensive care: a mixed-methods study of the parents' experience

Place branding and the neoliberal class settlement

The ethos of action learning within a virtual Reflective Practice Forum: an account of practice drawing connections between action learning, community of practice and supervision frameworks

Comparison of three eccentric overload training strategies on power output and interlimb asymmetry in youth soccer players

An innovative reinforcement learning-based framework for quality of service provisioning over multimedia-based SDN environments

Book review: Cases in critical cross-cultural management: an intersectional approach to culture

Towards the development of sustainable ground improvement techniques—biocementation study of an organic soil

Assessing the magnitude and direction of asymmetry in unilateral jump and change of direction speed tasks in youth female team-sport athletes

German headscarf cases at the ECJ: a glimmer of hope? [Blog post]

Seasonal variation of inter-limb jumping asymmetries in youth team-sport athletes

Mute, masked and murderous: the 1940s Mummy as proto-slasher

Critical criminology today: counter-hegemonic essays

Media-induced secondary trauma during covid-19

Materials included in "Life Support: Forms of Care in Art and Activism"

No room at the top? A system dynamics view of the recursive consequences of women’s underrepresentation in international assignments

A qualitative exploration of health-related quality of life and health behaviours in children with sickle cell disease and healthy siblings

Improving the energy efficiency of buildings based on fluid dynamics models: a critical review

Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) as a potential source for the recovery of rare earth elements through bioleaching

Swarm and stochastic computing for global optimization

Reinvigorating corporate rescue in developing economies – a Ugandan perspective

Time-based resource allocation for downlink in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks

Complexity as an empirical tendency: promoting non-measurement as a means to enhanced understanding

Learning from difference and similarity: identities and relational reflexive learning

Assessing the resettlement reforms under transforming rehabilitation

The hippopotamus and the giraffe: Bolshevism, Stalinism, and American and British Communism in the 1920s

The leadership of British Communism, 1923–1928: pages from a prosopographical project

Artificial intelligence in endoscopy: the challenges and future directions

Over Time Over Time at 'Hydracity: Towards a Watery Commons'

Psychopharmacology: A mental health professional's guide to commonly used medications

Comprehensive framework for human health risk assessment of nanopesticides

Intra- and inter-limb strength asymmetry in soccer: a comparison of professional and under-18 players

Impact of gameplay vs. reading on mental models of social-ecological systems: a fuzzy cognitive mapping approach

Best practice in license allocation in the oil and gas industry: a review of five countries

Headscarf-wearing employees and the CJEU: what employers can and cannot do

Developing conversational agents for use in criminal investigations

Gender equalities: what lies ahead. Work, Employment and Society, 35 (4) . pp. 615-620. ISSN 0950-0170

Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in echocardiography: a systematic review

Living wage implementation in adult social care: challenges, solutions and benefits

Malware: the never-ending arm race

Concepts for the revitalisation of critical criminology

A carbonation and chloride induced corrosion model for hot-dip galvanised reinforcement bar material in concrete

Organizational justice in the hotel industry: revisiting GLOBE from a national culture perspective

Writing Prize 2021: Reading Material

Accents, group identity, and trust behaviors: evidence from Singapore

The garden of dystopian pleasures

Performance and the Right

Work exhibited in 'Soft Prison', Museum of the Home, London

Estimation of ransomware payments in Bitcoin ecosystem

Respect for the rule of law in the case law of the European Court of Justice: a casebook overview of key judgments since the Portuguese Judges Case

Effects of strength training on jump performance and bilateral deficit in Premier League academy soccer players

Strength and conditioning in schools: a strategy to optimise health, fitness and physical activity in youths

Reactive strength index and its associations with measures of physical and sports performance: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Data and context

Upper limb muscle strength and knee frontal plane projection angle asymmetries in female water-polo players

The UK needs an open data portal dedicated to coastal flood and erosion hazard risk and resilience

From the 'seamless sentence' to 'through the gate': understanding the common threads of resettlement policy failures

Unravelling the eco-specificity and pathophysiological properties of Cutibacterium species in the light of recent taxonomic changes

The impact of the home musical environment on infants' language development

Construction industry 4.0 and sustainability: an enabling framework

Podcast: New Books in Popular Culture: The Global Punk Series

Meanings and methods of pedagogical innovation

La facilitazione: commenti dei facilitatori

Dalla ricerca alla formazione

SHARMED training: design and practice

The limited role of the European Union in the management and governance of the COVID-19 pandemic

Gender, migration and policymaking in light of the 60th anniversary of international migration

Greta Magnusson Grossman: Living in a modern way

REDO: a reinforcement learning-based dynamic routing algorithm selection method for SDN

The liminality of loneliness: negotiating feminist ethics and intersectional affectivity

Humans discriminate individual large-billed crows and individual cats by their respective vocalizations

Towards reducing communication gaps in multicultural and global requirements elicitation

Towards a multidimensional self-assessment for software process improvement: a pilot tool

Ethical issues invoked by Industry 4.0

Video online: Shaping curricula through pedagogical innovation: facilitation of young children’s narratives in the classroom

Finding self-determination. Conversation analysis as a methodology for interpreting adults-children interactions

Hospital adult care settings

Practice-based learning for nursing associates

I'm not Penny Rimbaud! Who the hell is Penny Rimbaud?

Modelling equality in the midst of religious diversity: lessons from beyond Europe? Religions, 12 (11) , e923. ISSN 2077-1444

Acute care settings

One step forward, two tweets back: exploring cultural backlash and hockey masculinity on Twitter

A comparison of vertical and horizontal reactive strength index variants and association with change of direction performance

Predicting organizational citizenship behavior in a multicultural environment: the role of cultural intelligence and cultural distance

“Lucky Boy!”; Public perceptions of child sexual offending committed by women

No relationship between lean mass and functional asymmetry in high-level female tennis players

Change the Game Research: A study focused on youth sport access, engagement, and equity factors in the wake of the pandemic

Extracellular polymeric substances facilitate the adsorption and migration of Cu 2+ and Cd 2+ in saturated porous media

Transformational leadership and employee innovation: examining the congruence of leader and follower perceptions

Adult Kittiwake expelling chick from nesting ledge

A comparative analysis of inspector responses to complaints about psychosocial and physical hazards

More talent, more leeway: do violence against women arrests really hurt NFL player careers?

The between-week reliability of neuromuscular, endocrine, and mood markers in soccer players and the repeatability of the movement demands during small-sided games

The seductive allure of technical language and its effect on covid-19 vaccine beliefs and intentions

Masculinity, cancel culture and woke capitalism: exploring social media response to Brendan Leipsic’s leaked conversation

Hybrid-transitions as a space for children’s agency. A case-study from a pre-kindergarten in Boston

Too old for technology? Use of wearable healthcare devices by older adults and their willingness to share health data with providers

Automated identification of insight seeking behaviours, strategies and rules: a preliminary study

Exploring a new security framework for future healthcare systems

Effects of three different combined training interventions on jump, change of direction, power performance, and inter-limb asymmetry in male youth soccer players

China and the internationalisation of the sociology of contemporary work and employment

Military necessity under international humanitarian law: reflections on the historical origins of the concept

Perceived barriers to physical activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients during COVID-19 pandemic in the UAE

The Hurrier [Art Installation]

"Hard to say, hard to understand, hard to live": possible associations between neurologic language impairments and suicide risk

Hurriers: Poor on the Roll [Exhibition]

Art, class and womxn's bodies: a conversation [Podcast]

Educational activities for students and citizens supporting the One-Health approach on antimicrobial resistance

Brazilian riot grrrls: History, reflections and feminist empowerment in girls rock camps

Supporting flood and coastal erosion risk management through partnerships: key lessons

Reclaiming heritage narratives: reweaving the story of a royal wedding dress

The last 10 years: histories and futures of the PSN and Punk scholarship

Dependability engineering in Isabelle

Exploring rationality of self awareness in social networking for logical modeling of unintentional insiders

Through the female gaze: women and work in Italy since the 1950s

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Vision of a Common Humanity

Musicology, mediation, metatonality: Rethinking the music of Rebecca Clarke and Erwin Schulhoff

Clustering: finding patterns in the darkness

Evolution of honesty in higher-order social networks

Strengths and limitations of conventional approaches to risk assessment and management of EMF exposure from 5G and B5G networks

Trajectories of drug involvement among young people in contact with criminal justice systems in six European countries

MoDA Podcast Season 3, Episode 6, Embodying home

MoDA Podcast Season 3, Episode 5, Home alone

MoDA Podcast Season 3, Episode 4, Home unmaking

MoDA Podcast Season 3, Episode 3, Home mobilities

MoDA Podcast Season 3, Episode 2, The empire at home

MoDA Podcast Season 3, Episode 1, Queering home

Professional development

Explanation by automated reasoning using the Isabelle Infrastructure framework

Adaptability of automated information systems by the development sector in developing countries: a case study

Equality, diversity and inclusion for work and learning in higher education

Science and politics of base station electromagnetic field risks

Heterogeneous effects of unconventional monetary policy on the bond yields across the Euro Area

Introduction: Trans-Global Punk Scenes: further reflections


Introduction: this is the modern world


'The Recital', West Sussex 1991

The Krishnacore Chronicles podcast series

The Krishnacore Chronicles #2: Murari Caitanya Das interview with Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #1: Sundarananda Das interview with Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #16 Fabio Raffaeli interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #15 Jambavan Das interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #14 JR Glass interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #13 Interview with Bhakti Svarupa Damodar Swami

The Krishnacore Chronicles #12 Valmiki Das interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #11 Manohara Das interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #10 Agni Purana Das interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #9 John Jayanta Das Watson interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #8 Madhu Brata Das interviewed by Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #7 Balarama Das interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #6 Roland Roller interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #5 Sevaparayana Krishna Das interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #4: Mohan Das being interviewed by Madhu Brata Das and Mike Dines

The Krishnacore Chronicles #3: Dayal Nitai (Don Foose) interviewed by Madhu Brata Das & Mike Dines

Multi-cell interference management in In-band D2D communication under LTE-A network

In pursuit of worldly justice in early childhood education: bringing critique and creation into productive partnership for the public good

A matter of life and death: how the Covid-19 pandemic threw the spotlight on digital financial exclusion in the UK

Menopausal women and physical activity: Oral Presentation B11.3

UN sustainable development goals: a rubric to evaluate sincerity for implementing long-term sustainability pledges

The cohesion of schools as communities in the management of COVID-19 pandemic: reflections, narratives, fears and hopes from the voices of children in England and Italy

What is a right to education?

An evaluation of the impact on student teaching and learning experience of simultaneous delivery of a healthcare CPD module using a hybrid online model

Working with time in qualitative research: case studies, theory and practice

The realist trend of the Court of Justice of the European Union

SCENE: A novel model for engaging underserved and under-represented audiences in informal science learning activities

Making the living wage work in SMEs: evidence from accredited employers in the UK hospitality sector

Nursing skills in cardiorespiratory assessment and monitoring

Nursing skills in control and coordination

Nursing skills in supporting mobility

Playing politics with the plight of refugees. How the EU went into Erdogan’s political receivership

Social entrepreneurship and sustainability: Canada

Business startup and entrepreneurship: Canada

Business startup and entrepreneurship: Canada workbook

Endoscopic variceal ligation against or in combination with vasoactive drugs for acute treatment of bleeding oesophageal varices: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The humanities as a vehicle for teaching controversial issues

Success Stories in ITE [Blog post]

State sponsored cyber surveillance: the right to privacy of communications and international law

Black box east: what is the price for defending “Fortress Europe”? [Blog post]

Making local public interest journalism viable again: an opportunity for human computer interaction?

Theorising in everyday nursing practice: a critical analysis

Covid-19 Guidelines for student productions at FE/HE levels

Moving meditations: embodying Bartenieff Fundamentals through sensorial awareness of breath, bones, and gravity

Scarred for life volume two: TV in the 1980's [Review]

Accidently insecure

Introduction to special edition: access and inclusion in work and learning

CODA: visual studies now

Editorial [Special Issue - Visual Studies, 36 (3) Visual Studies Roundtable]

A Ship Called Jesus Redux

Outside Narration

Talent management and developing leadership talent

The world comes to Fiji: who communicates what, and to whom?

Contested narratives in the domain of world heritage

Pro-poor tourism: a critique

Tourism in Pacific Islands

Looking ahead

Cocoa, conservation and tourism: Grande Riviere, Trinidad

Tourism and development: from development theory to globalization

Tradition, modernity and tourism in Swaziland

Essaying tourism: reflections on three decades of international tourism

Lao tourism and poverty alleviation: community-based tourism and the private sector [co-authored with Stephen schipani]

Mass tourism in a small world (co-authored with Richard Sharpley)

Paying attention to time in communication research

Intra-active signatures in Capoeira: more-than-human pathways towards activism

Flood and coastal erosion risk management research and development framework: working with communities

Flood and coastal erosion risk management research and development framework: working with communities: literature review

Cross-sectoral coordination and integration: journey planner 3

A journey towards accountable and legitimate partnerships, Journey planner on internal partnership dynamics

A journey towards accountable and legitimate partnerships, Journey planner for legitimate partnerships

Self-assessment framework: measuring the effectiveness of partnership governance arrangements

Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales

Strategic use of instruments of land policy for mobilising private land for flood risk management

DNSSEC as a service-A prototype implementation

The effect of uncertainty in whole building simulation models for purposes of generating control strategies

The Hurrier - a response in live performance

Investigating suitability of classification systems for BIM in heritage

Predictive digital twin opportunities in heritage management

Closing the chasm between virtual and physical delivery for innovative learning spaces using learning analytics

Embedding classification in construction projects

Implications of organisational and asset information requirements on project digitisation

The role of culture in health workers' approach to LGBTQ+ patients. Diversity in Research Podcast

Annex 1 IKC and Stakeholder Topic Guide Summary

Social Enterprise: Market Trends 2019

‘Apart, we are together. Together, we are apart’: Rancière’s community of translators in theory and theatre

Rancière’s theatrocracy within and beyond the theatre

Creative Spark seminar on women in entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities

Exploring linguistic hybridity and lexical creativity in the UK’s Greek Cypriot diaspora in the Grenglish Project

Shopping centres revisited: exploring new attributes of attractiveness

Between marginalisation and agency. Primary school teachers’ narratives in London and the position of children with migrant backgrounds

IHWC: intelligent hidden web crawler for harvesting data in urban domains

Review of Under Milk Wood (National Theatre)

Hermetic Study

Copyright, royalties and industrial decline

Sexuality amongst heterosexual women with morbid obesity in a bariatric surgery programme: A qualitative study

The Astonished Heart: A study in failure